A v 7 y- 7. ,i in : , ft 7 J ' i 'f " r it i MM ' ' i It I I . K. : '. . 1, II " L ..If V, , I vapoi i t l i H 1 I I ' v. JH s' i 17 Mr I I . 3 I i 1 ' I .i i X ' THE MflETOEE Ion. Miif"' nnncnrt tlv,l ffw first Value! lis Pa rrvnl' ant th dMiT fmnf 1 the brll hW I of the v. I measure Atlnsky -v 1 autnorns ASIIEVUXE,N.C.t THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1909. APPLY LEST LINE FA! 00 Ulons Tmu": i ;rmth dii win Be-Le F , , irieiiAtlAit sail LfU oVflil Syv en Week' .for table .houfcler ssfi ALSO who h feal er. from a universal the - cloud ot carpeted sU BE IN ORDER . . ' hi iunv ViVII TTSir than Pro J Revolt , axjttr pa'ch SI A com 1, an of tf d to y the va dev by f e "PuMte1 s'ds rv BIT " consider? , oJ the iri hill, and it s ' - i.1 trte that the measure 1J1 icilllrfoB April 1.- break df'ceabl disposition , ' Evretf "standpatters" to- Blunt,r clenee wiin plannirJordayj to accede 10 ' that H which wnuld pre. on thqcertaln Important ' at wrlys and means com. ' ; overhJ to submit amend. fled which will keep tea Kiilnirike out the coun- i V' made 1 coffee and make iV timo twenty-five cents w jinut eumeDU cted . upon before t Is being made to line. nate will not make which they desire nation to satisfy hat they are look rests In the house, s will permit them .IT! . Bihents. itandpatters" . he discussion ... ' paragraphs on A yrobably wilt with av,re- ose on tiHu raph which list ; FmmItteo to- the, amend- to the bllL imlttee met mltte to V l 1 J 1 1 Nl11 , rn J If VI II a Dal It 4 to 'i . v : . Jssur SB 7 I 1 f7 READYTO eiVE.UP GHAZYSfiAKEASK'S NOTECTIOfi FO From Hldlfl Place In Moun tains Sends Message Beg glng for A Truce IS REPORTED TdB BADLY WOUNDED MexJcaa Indians Put on War Paint and Murder Col lectors of Taxes. , (By Associated Press.) FJJfiBCB, Okla, March Jl. (By courier to Checotah.) Reports that Chltto Harjo (Craiy Snake) is hidln in som secluded culch in the Tlxer mountains about six miles from Pierce, were confirmed today. HI sur render, it was said, might be expected at any time. It was ' learned today that Craiy Snake's inquiry as to protection in case of surrender was Hot official, but was communicated in a roundabout way. Monday night an Indian boy went to the home of Dr. M. K. Ho Ilheny, at Brush Hill, six miles from Pierce. The boy said the old chief had suffered a slight gunshot wound In the calf or his leg last Sunday but was able to move. The lad declared that ths fugitive wished to surrender of Dr. Mellheny would guarantee free treatment, Then the messenger dis appeared, leaving the physician, an. old resident and friend of the Creek leader , to wonder how to reach the latter with an answer. ; The inability of Colonel Hoffman to find where to dellved his assurance of the safety has prevented the surrender of Crazy Snake. Even Crazy . Snake's sister could not, or would not Indicate his whereabouts. i " Today was raw and wet and the severities ot the weather are expected 19 hasten the further scattering or the surrender of the Creeks They are not well clad, and have, provision Ixed a respected Creek, of Checotah, John Thompson, a hardware- dealer, to promise his friend Chlttl Harjo. safety and a fair trial if he would surrender. Detachments off troops and squads of deputies today scoured the country In every direction , for Crazy Snake, despite rain and short rations. , h wanted Pastelte Blacks. Navies, CONFESSES TO HE 1BETWYE0 TIIEO E. II. IIARRIMAN. is Ores! AatttM Is to Co.tr.1 All Ik. Trmak Llae llfMds ! tk ' , " " ' tUM IWra, SEGRETSOFGURfJS . . . . f POLITICAL SAND S Young Man Arrested In Craft I Cases. Pleads That Ho Needed the Money 1 "J 1 iV Ct' SHIFTING UNDER FEET OF L EADEhS PROSECUTION IS 4 fr-- V T . CITED FOR CONTEMPT Breaking Into Office of Rail way Co.: Alleged to have Been Enjoined. SAN ..FRANCISCO. March II. Judge Murasky today granted the ap plication of the attorneys of the 'Unit ed railroads, for a citation directing officials of the district attorney's of fice and police department to appear next Monday .and show cause why they should not be punished for Bon ttmpt of court in refusing to obey an order restraining them from pro ceeding with a search of the corpor ation's offices. ,' The decision consti tute a defeat tor the prosecution in the first Jegal skirmish that has fol lowed last week's raids on offices and safes alleged to contain papers stol en v from the district attorneys office. One Confesses,- j; , .., "I made a terrible mistake when I sold out to the other side; It Is all true this story that I have confessed to getting money from Al. McKlnley for information from Burn's office. I ow ed everything to AL Bex. N. Hamlin,' former stenogra pher of Detective William J. Burns, held in the ctty.ertaoa. oa a charge of grand larceny, mads that statement' to an Examiner representative this af ternoon; It is toa first confession he has made, outside of his admission to Burns, regarding his relations with Al. McKlnley,. the confidential em ploye of Patrick Calhoun. McKlnley one of the men under arrest charg wlth bribery.. - . Al got me my pob with Burns," , ' "-jit', '-ifM?t -1' ai) '.J life Party Lines Vanishing. Re publicans Will Bo Able to whip Members Into Line. k N'oteq in Crd t showing the newest a colors. i-.f.-.'..iS'iLi;,! HOUSE SURRENDERS r-isf GREAT PREROGATIVE HAS U ic to sio.op Senate Will Frame Tariff Bill Senor A And Treats Payne Mea- sura with Contempt s. .1. Jf in tvt in M.m. limn, V' repreMntatlv ? all. the Suedesi and Patent (Ity SlHhlon 8. Clinn.) ..v.. .... v. - .W.W(. - . . BUI.. 1 T. vwvf v ' . - present Indications, party lines In tin I at the Auditor 1 t -- i house of representatives are going tol of hr hpnloni rC be mighty faint and obsoure by the way Into the i 1 timet tho tariff bill (jifits through. I When ths great 1 - f There doesn't seem : to be mnih, a I Ins her SBlendld . rf -a flA V :hinr o .lthnr a rnmil.lisn . in...' ..ai I ... . v. ' - -,...HU. ,11. 1 I 1 a democratic Idea of what tariff .4'4 grand oiwras, si. 1 vision should be. It Is almost a case I out frills or 1 1. 1 or every follow for himself and, thoitrathin "Dlxlii' levil tke the hlndermost. , ', . " s upon the fluwam i The republican members ..flw I ihuslasm of the Y.x I nmym afiu CTUitirillilQ. flsvv. re ported a bill whfbh , tt Is , admitted loesn't meet the views of all the re publican mnmbers of that commJUoe Vor are ths denocrutlo members of the ways and means committee a unit In support of tin official demo cratic . opposition to ths blH which 1 .. .1 L. I u . . 1 l .. . . i . I , . I . YfT 1 E I wii h m ii-nuTi-.iu ui mi iwun inin-i imfjrno passages or4vi V 1X1 W, ' " - m onty is being put to as severe a test advanmgn the remark, i ' ,' is ever leader anoountered, and there flexibility of Mme. rs ' ' i-i.a,""T Is no liesltancv In admitting : that Ounnod's ,. "SurBna," t" i i m jnlted support is no longer rwgardnd "Aalr de Siloml," and U Us a possibility. ; Clark's success In Ksnugnohi'' .mihaaiiii lining up his party in opposltlotv tc vnrsatlllty and the inmmU I B H ilLu I LI. 3 n ryn lmu will nav lo no al ne singer. Ttto 'iiiLLui .. i -. i . . .... . . . ...... . l .... . . . .... . t t"Mw iiiwirau v& m iupiiivv ne. 1 i ..rii.n, .inm. :aivs sn :t iiopaniiran iuripiiii(s t was sung with' ail the v ;i . ; . - i nur u me rnpuoucan organisation) lasoinairon mat nave m v rf 13(3 J V JtuK. V7 i I jj ,i 3 1 1 members of thw majority? party In I and the passionate cli?srrtt , thuslasnt of the bound and ths i rtiiuikg1lv kxtll lowered for the In Calvt Ms been sun ' Wtrieh . was Itiarelv : whkh, after, the, fl rTT did not "mar the hi 1 iiulslts rondltln ; of PRIEST IS BA NKR UPT the confession continues, 4 "and, when Becanw Invclye(!jWith Promoter Kleran and Endowed . Al went over ta the other side it was j ' " - . - . UanAW HBW Uisj ki" 1 1 m tv w sTT Alitjumit jii niiessutL saw i vv;. y. Liable (Continued on pane four.) easy for him to get what he wanted from me. I gave him everything he asked me we met every day or two nd talked things over, and I gave him what he wanted and took the money." Cot Fifty a Week. "It has been going on about three months, and he gave mo about $100 ....... ..i,.,,,., UJIII1V, v. I'tlKlO 1 tvi"-- r th drnmiitlc) t.mp,ri n' Ciln ' .rtw tH,;l,,., !i I. i tin . ?V.,, mured lt" Otmtunin wwo i f .'j..rtsr' (Contlmied on pajro three.) TO MEET ROOSEVELT 1. Edward California d health .subjects. Harriman had revised ,untry a good would not sion and we this wasteful Ions, nor all against rall- "buntry would today whnmlngly. quoted," he contin- harehly against the our former presl prosecuted me and Ich I represent. I en bitterly regarding bo criticism to make. s were an ngni, t- about the railroads it that I desire to con tv I have made Is LoVernment and We y the law. I harbor fward the govern any Individual." jl Of railroads Mr. !,I am for comblna )my demands them fast service requires Jbt have the combi aor competing lines Vestraint, I would iounder the consent .jommerce eommis supervision. goverpmSBt sup I,lon. but not Just 1 m I am on record I, reins h avor ot dkRooseveJt so ear- 'Bton was grossly j. K yet the Alton jtlroad.pny1"-' Natives Told Not to Worry As All Will Be Exter minated Soon TRY TO TEMPT TAFT (By Assnx Uilcil Press.) MOMBASA. Brltlwh East Africa, March 31. The preparations for the reception here of Theodore Itoosevelt are nearing completion. Frederick John Jackson, Lieutenant Governor of the protectorate will receive Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Jackson is a famous sportsman. Packages addressed to Mr. Roose elt are arriving on every steamer ar riving on every steamer from London. They come principally from British Arms In .the export business. A cable. gram has.been sent to Mr. Rooeevelt at Aden Inviting him to be the guest of the citizens on Mombasa at dinner on St. George's Day, April 2S. R. J.' Cunineham, the well known hunter and field naturalist who Is to manage ihe Roosevelt expedition, is complet ing his preparation with much secre cy. He has not been seen in or about Nairobi for a fortnight past. The government is constructing a new road to facilitate the landing ot the Roosevelt party at Kllindinl, the landing place for Mombasa. Since the advent of the rains, lions have been terrifying the natives with in four miles of KillndinL An ele phant that evidently had strayed from a herd made Its way yesterday into the bazaar at Masingl and play ed havoc. The natives at juasingi have been assured that they need have no further fear, as Mr. Roose velt Is on his way to ine pruic:iuiw to hunt. They are awaiting Mr. Roosevelt's arrival contentedly. An American settler in the protec torate is talking seriously of import ing 'possums for breeding purposes. He says he hopes to tempt President Taft to come out to this country. WITCHING ANARCHISTS. NAPLES, March Si. The Naples suthorltle. are taking extraordinary pwautlons to insure the safety of x-President Roosevelt during his short visit to this ritl. I" LONE STAR RED FLAG OE CUBA HOISTED IN PLACE OE STARS AND STRIPES (By Associated JPross.) CLEVELAND, O. March 31 Rev. rttther William McMahon filed a pe tition In voluntary bankruptcy before Judge Tayler In the United States dls trc tt court late today giving his lia bilities, at 1, 694, 141, and awets at 176,200. His Insolvency Is stated to have grown out of the failure of the Fi delity Funding company of New York which was promoted by p. J. Kieran. Rev. Father Mk Miihon Is said to have been a director of the company and endorsed many of Its notes. From Information gathered tfldav in circles familiar with the affairs of tho Fidelity Funding company, and P. J. Kieran, it was learned that the direct liability or Rev. Father McMa hon through the failure of ths Fi delity Funding company as appeared on the fact of the accounts was only about $20,000. It was stated, how over, that until there had been ' a brought in. as one Bevllle, the fatnd Onxmea.1 ' .... I probably will bs.s limiting opportunity preted by Mme. Calve, can tlnuea ;,,', w ousting amenamenis to 'irr oiii "i"-'1"'"ea in ine Bn-i'tiu'A"'" tiv' ot it uuuuuviumr (in in svuupieu, tori - iuuc ajiiiiu, t:i I ngio n'i" ; , priy uimwpiine lias not, yet wen I ir4n4 iUtb ssltits ,,brRklnr 1 4nart. Wlnti buv If 'unlimited opportunity! of scene er afforded; for , amendment, the I greatly missed by tho div own, r,' rayns, tns iratmr or tnei "iigin exprcsNion In I sill, would have hard time' recos-ln cnaractsrhttla gesticulation. nlslng his offspring when ths house! t- has drunk dorp from ti ivi uiivusn wim n umiur ms nvel ! j-uuin ana has it out little during the year, p ther land of her 4onHn iio Aouna, an surtiHt of di ouarxent V and -mn 1 minute rule (or amendment. It undoubtedly Is true that by put ting on tn brakes ths house organ- (t.ontlnurd on page throe.) The American lyomination Ceased With Withdraw- V al of Arm v SIMPLE CEREMONIES KILL MILLION RATS TO STAMP OOTIE PLAGUE Frisco's Ijoiijt Fight Agaihst Oriental Diseo.sc Me(-ts With Success t iCoutlnund on page three.) 0 PRISONERS RAVE FOR LIBERTY AS FIRE EATS CELLS (Coiillnuad .SMa thntie.) Ji ruffled tEr.ro r: LSCOndELF cleaned and V" Vfore the depsr The camp lu murters of ;th h nams VT'J 'flarry w i tonight t ,tl Armando ndiw-lnjchl ' y. "".sisrti Vgru cQtifese 1 EA Also (Jongi'essman and Sec retary of State of Indiana . i Ucfore he Took to Finance v ort Leavenworth Prison Burned to tho Ground ;s Convicts Secure I Protest of '-West ..Viri i . .... j Senators Against 'New England Effectivn UHitw' MEN WEBB DEKI'lillATK CONFERENCE ItEL: ,,V.tf'lrh" olleT- (By Assoclatod Press.) HAVANA, March 31. Tho last em blom of American domination over Cuba disappeared at noon todny when the garrison flag at 'Camp Columbia fluttered down the pole and was re placed a moment later by the lone star, red banner of the Cuban republic. The ceremony attending the transfer of authorities took place in the nes ence of the American garrison of Camp Columbia. y At the direction of Major General Thomas H. Barry, commanding. Lieu tenant Bayard Bneed, of the Twenty- seventh Infantry, advanced to the flag staff and hauled down the colors. The troops presented arms and the Cuban and American bands played tho "Star Spangled Banner." A Cuban lieuten ant raised the Cuban colors and the troops again saluted. The transfer of the camp being thus completed, the Cuban troops lined the roadside and presented arms, while the Americans, numbering about 800. in heavy marching order, swung past, proceeding to the transports Sumner and McClellan. The passage of the troops through the city did not attract the least attention, and not more than a doien visitors at the ar senal witnessed the embarkation. On Board Transports. The transport Sumner, under com- WASHINGTON', March .11. The story of tho long, hnnl fought ciim oalng to rid San Franclxi-n of tin rc oent epidemic of bubonic pliiKiie is 'old in an Interesting report made public by the marine hospital ser- (Ry Associated Press.) BOSTON, March 31. W. n. Owen, otherwise known as W. W. Fowler who according to dlfipal' lies received here last night. Is beliiK lielil by the f' (By Associated Pros.) . f wAWHr-Nlijrijfjx, 'jutorch) Sl-i publican senate leaders turned 1 II catu rs today In an effort. to git i ters smoothed out stno) 'urewrn -ice today. The diseaHe was spread tno noston by a certain breed of flea that In- j authorities, la charged with having 'eeted the rats, which In turn curried j been Implicated In a Mexican plonta the plague broadcast. j tion development company In which a Approximately one million ruts a KrRl mHny New Enslttnu ,(K.khold- "n a oiuiii in mr; t'UOl l 1(1 wipij iiil thousand were examined, and oof this number more than three hundred carried fleas infected with the ills---asc. The campaign was directed t killing of rats, disinfecting prem ises and ships where the plague-in-rected rats had been foun, and pre venting the breeding and anread of the pests. Up to June 80, 190H, there j the South to bring Owen to this city. had been 169 cases of plague and eventy -seven deaths. San Francisco INDIANAPOLIS. March Jl. The era lost their Investments, In connec tion wjth the promotion of this com pany, Its chief promoter, F. E. Donees, is serving a long term In the state prison. Owon has been sought by the Boston authorities for some time. A police Inspector will leave at once for tonight celebrated the close of Its i w camnalsrn ajrn nit rtttlwtnlc n uibia l,t arfving a public dinner to Dr. Rupert Blue, of the United States marine hospital service and his corps of exe cutive officers. Speeches were made by Dr. Blue, Governor allien, Mayor Taylor and other delicitatlng ' San Francisco on Its rWdanne of the plague with such expedition and such (Continued on pago four.) mand of Col. William L. Pitcher, has I small loss. total passenger list numbering 8S7. The McClellan, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Millard F. Waltz, has a total of 231 passengers. which Includes a compamRof en gineers, officers and the cHlljploye of the army. All the animals have been shipped aboard the chartered steamer Progresso, which will ; TroJ ceed for Tampa. Ths troops will remain on board to. night, the transports sailing for New- port News at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Major General Barry win bid his men farewell and then, ac companied by his aide, will go aboard ths Tampa steamer . Mascotto, leaving I cast for Nortfr Carolina: FalvThurs- day. Increasing clnudiaAas and warm- (Continued on page three.) I r Friday, light 'northwest winds. D. Owen, who la reported under arrest at Augusta. Ua.. in connection with a Mexican development company. Is well-known In Indiana. He served a number of terms In congress from Logansport district, and was elected secretary of state in 1884. He was for many years one of the leading clergy men of the Christian church. His arrest caused great surprise here as he was thought to be In Europe where he went about the time F. E. Borges was arrested. (Ity Associated Press.) -LEAVENWORTH. Kan., March 31 The military prison at Fort Leav nworth was destroyed by Ore late onlght. Thw prisoners were removed from the eeir houses under a heavy hreak tomorrow whan the Bacon iuaru or united tstatos troop and olutk.n to compel ths majority n .,.,....u hwuui, nors of th finance committee to none ui uie prisoners esciipeil so mlt thr Senators tO tlM detlli ar as a nasiy mmiiiiio i.r ine situa- tlons on th tariff bill will be urn mkiww nut mis may not ue ne-i sidered. niuiy sown mi oayngin. owing While tho criticisms mads In o ine low water pressor.) the nro de-hat, Monday were directed by F -artment of the fort was alrnst u- tor jElklns It has been known t ine nre was ioukoi uy me so. nnV views wt share by bis mi inu nun wno worn oracrru league Senator Scott' who let It ut or their quarters. known also that he Intended to J n, Ju.,:u wiiuo llwt against ths formation f gming me names out none or rms finance cnmmltte whon th re prisoners were nun. Miicn cxeun-1 tlon eomem un. -NnakMu. rmmi ment attt-nded the removal of the with Senator Etklns today and th n; oi woiiin wenj aes-1 (llcntlons are that ho WIH' not iHiiaie vnamcirK li was ii?oge3 hat they would make an organised break for liberty. The lire broke out in the tAllor (hop and soon It was seen that thr naln building was doomed. A gr.-at outcry at once broke out In tho prison, the convicts fearing they .vould be burned to death. They battered on the doors of their cells is the light of th Are streamed in through the windows. Many tcrramed In terror as the authorities 8AVS ITS MIHTAKK. , AUGUSTA, Ga., March !. Attor neys representing W. W. Fowler, giv ing Hostlngs-on-the-Jtudson, N. Y., as his home, have instituted habeas corpus proceedings, which will come on In the superior court here Satur day. Fowler is held by ths Augusta police as W. 'D. Owen of Boston,' un der Indictment there for an alleged swindle Involving , (88,090. Fowler declares It Is a case of mistaken Ides tl'y.,, Detectives from Bostor sjrive here tomorrow to attempt IdenUilca' Hon. . . . ' . - - . i for tho moment refused to remove them. BooTi, however, several companies f soldiers, including cavalrymen, had got under arms. A strong cor don of troops was thrown about the prison and every precaution taken to prevent escapes. All ths soldiers that could be spared from tho ranks of the firs fighters were detailed as guards and then the delivery of tho prisoners begun. '., 4 ... When the bolts of thw cell houses were shot back ths flames had reached ths mam building. If every thing had not been donw In perfect JriBwii ' lives ttoubtless wvwild iiave I been lost. As It was, Strict mllitnr' dlnelpllne prevailed. Ths prison A t200,00'. tkdpats In ths fight if It t reno, He also arranged a oonferenco tween S-nators Aldrlch and Seo While Mr. Scott mads' no pro not to speak tomorrow tie expre pleasure at the attitude. the mltteo. An effort will be made morrow to send the resolution to finance- wmmUfctJ't,,'..:- ,; i. ' is ' 'ii SCORES ARE CLOSS : STx nivs nvrrp r M WAVMW AIM. ATLANTA, Oa., March mg at z.so this afternoon the five t men teams competing In ths sl bicycle race at the -.Velodrome t: hero entered upon ' ths third grind. . At the close of yeateri racing the four leading teams ueu wun tat miles, r Mpv, Wyv Bardgett being one lap behln ! score. Near ths end of -tonight' Ing Walthour and Collins lap, but owing to the f.'i'- 1 -kgy lost a tire durlnr C the lap did not ronnt o rules. The stand'nar the Clone of V : ' It " i ' i-s .