THE 'ASHEVTLLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY. 'APRIL' 1, 1909. of ttfe Central Methodist church. All Mr. and Mra C. F. Pike and Miu Ash'jvile aad visiting ministers ar Pike of Grand Rapids, Mich., are spending sours time at the Battery Park hotel. cordially Invited to attend this meet ing. - i ? to if to- street hum? j k of in fir a been ar children j th 10 t, ileal clr 15 itam will ,'ftljForrest M. Hpross ,MI? rer.tltal thin nevn Bcnooi ttkj ?Art. irlven by rf, F, Harkor ami s.-ITbe program i o'Hock," and the srdHBly Invited to i'lnf program will a f ; . . . . Mullen fin Beadles.. 1 Kdnr of Lad J kf i. Burnham A$.V.. .. Phillips ;a",Kennstt. '?..' tin' Clements. i.ei .. . . Bchubett ,-ioa . . . . . .Schubert nch Loftaln. , ,V . . Qrelg , rtabM fi'tone, ,'; 4 . .Toiti .4 Anna Hall. .i-r ..'V.' ' iBy Harklns. . I .ink of .Csritra Ueth k in tha Epworth League young poop of tho invited s to Attend. Tho follow: Mr.- Fltegerald, returned from Mexico. ' Ught )n the Dark use of a Opal Brown, vi v,, . . , molW SWOT I i. Mr. J A; joy to th HeariDTOKsntjon. all thfc CB4mctrs In - the well J l Kate .Ntobouui . 4 f 1 If At. -nmmiu. ; t'.l Kltfht Clear, Dtreama In 'la NU VvVlgfuadn. report -K i " "Th Standard Beached In Miss Eugenia Rowe. cturea from Oub. -"Ells Bowman Bohoot," rnnce Barnard. iPUtidith. Esrlo'- Bible Road Laura Ilov."e, I la April fool's day and those ive outgrown tho pranks an una of the day will bo fre- reminded of them, during ay And Evening. To prosorve .dignity it Willi be well to re Xr "that nearly every pocket- , parorl or article conspicuously C la tho middle of tWe pavement a atrlng- ttachod to It, aim a ma of" April foola" at tho othm- t j K you ahuitrtd take the Imjt. ere are othor trlckn that canpnt t eacnpod. candy with casino Intr (e,i herotji that blow up unox itctedly after a few puffs, l.1rk-tae liat Count R-rutwome imti-a, in(fasS: iiwnta and phtinn calls tlutt aurely ntrP one dtirtnir the dny. One of ih tnoat hurmhsia and clevercHt de 'itlon Id the little velvet Jewetor .tiiV box beloiiR-liiR to the man who 1 llol only anxloua to let one have JtUmpm of the Tlnir ho ban Jin! Stdrcfi"iird for the "fiitum mlfwin.' The hnrmlitw .lookliiK little hox al v'mnat oxplotlia In -iir fine with a " tnplao -i)tml to th report r a ivi.sti,) ' rhn th( lid le lllle.l. One of tlx prottlesH April Oereiitlona I" one that ' opcnrri'd aevfrnl vr n& In New York at a dinner. A lume white Iced ' cake Wfta lwmiKht In wnathid In rowa, which the aural t honr wai J 'kd to cut. The cake collapse I Olk tolna; ,Ut. and out flew a whit ' vltreon with rlhlMins nttiieheii to 1: i neck on which were written "April llrwt." Tho cake wan made of t lm t IpapT lci-dl ever n inVul.l. Then lieed to bo etime quaint littlr Imm: ciueta of flowers that phuweriMt vol: Willh' perfume ir were illuminated -When Inspected. Tin- Idea wan prot ably taken from mme of tin' old t Htjijian yir IVeneh kihi u." which were ea.lorfttely coiiHtructf,! with nn tntrlcato nioae made of hex, from which the unfortunate vainly endeav ored1 to escape, tieln showered at IMrr turn li1 .-loverly eone.-al,-,! button! on the walk lel.-alni; Ih' water when stepped on. Tln-re ver. EASTER PARASOLS SOME DAINTY NEW NOVELTIES We arc sliowinc: foV the Easter season n now line dl' dainty parasols made by the celebrated New York house of Allison mid 7unson which 1 will please perfectly those women with somp pretense to ood tastes in their personal adornment. The colors are solid 'spicuously absent. Handles are of new design, tinted, iu harmony, and severely plain. Heo thes parasols by all nieuns. Prices $4 ,12,10. 1 w t. fc .V.-fl K I'OOKE B1n(fB In the gardeim with the eame atliwhTnent. r'allMNtnlnl, Jimt out of Oenoa. ha celehratfd (fardonn with a similar maze and ewlnica. There are many awreenble eurprloea alao In Klvlnu frlemlH mementoes and eon- venlrs if value, illMt'idie i In some manner that will neceaHltate a molt Immeillato discovery. The following Incident which occurred one April fool's day bi-nrs a moral. A girl w!io had been the Idol of a very rich and Indulgent father was promised a pair of diamond ear rings, which were very bu-ffe, expensive andi hldoo", but which were her one desire. The ear lings were purchased, the Jeweler giving also a gold cowering which encased the ear rings and screwel Invisibly together, the effect being simply that of small golden globe On April first the ear rings were pre sented to tho girl who thought them hldoous and In a lit of temper threw them on the floor, llttln dreaming of the diamonds Inside the small raci. The father wne no displeased that, na a punishment. Ire made Ms daugh ter wear them for a year at the end of which he unscrewed the globe and rewalod tire real ear rings. J J The Daughters of the fonfederacy will meet this afternoon nt 2 q'dook Instead of at 4 o'clock, the usual hour of meeting. This' change . hat ben made on aocount of the after noon Services at Central Methodist church. The above notice was print ed In yesterday's Issue owing to the fact thnt It was sent to the officio un dated, which called the members to meeOlng yesterday Instead of today. All members of the - First Haptlst Ilaraca fins afo nfrged to attend tofilght's meeting In their class rborn. Election of officers to serve for the coming term will be tbe sub Joct of discussion. 0 J Ths Woman's guild of Trinity church will meet with Mrs. Clayton at live rxesidenie, 6S- Walnut street, thns afternoon at 8 p. m. Tha children of tho kindergarten department have planned a surprise for Mother DfPlanck and the sisters at this Hillside convent today and as the kiddles) have arranged their en Urajprogram It will be Interesting to know what It Is to lbs. On a former et tlf "BwooonXie-caon flnrt of April concert was tivrn 'to the slarWrs wJilch was very amusing. Tho small -Audience was assembled and After' tha curtains parted, a Httle girl In' cos turns ap peared and announced that sh was "ths sleeping beauty," another fol lower nor saying sroe was) n wast, ip,nn aisappsaraa, ana so jn sucoess- , . - 1 . , known fairy tale passed before the fOotnghts. Btttl tha sisters watted until little Mead appeared around the corner and 'said. "It's all over; why do you wait on April first?" Mme. Km ma Catvw arrived yestcr. day afternoon and went Immediately to the Battery Park hfel. After disposing of her wraps, etc., Mme. aive spent the afternoon viewing thea-mnuntalna from the plana, writ ing letters and directing post cards, and chatting pleasantly to everyone who crossed her path from the 'bell boys up. It is said that the diva's temperamental lapses) from, her usual good humor are. reserved for the Impresarios and managers, and that otherwise she beams benignly on the world' and Its fortunato inhabitants. J J Tho men's singles) tennis tourna ment was continued yesterday after noon at tho llattery Park hotel with some excellent scores and flno play ting. Tho finals will not be played until later when the finals 1n each tournament will lo played during one afternoon. The guests yesterday were wrved tea and punch In the club room by Mrs. Houston and Mrs Benjamin Graham. Tho following are the scores, Mr. Ward Oregg 1-15 heat Mr. Kllsworlh Lyman. 3 6, 7 f, (10. Mr. Allan Morrison 1-80 beat Mr. .1. A AVlnn fl 0. 2. Mr. D. It. Millard boat Mr. HchulU 6- 1 H---4. Mr. 1'. H Winston, minus 1 fi heart Mr. Ward Oregg plus 1-15. 3. 01. Mr. Allan Morrison, 1 30, heat Mr T. ft. Millard 4 -fi. 4 3. The finals will be played later hy Mr. P. II. Winston, minus 13. against Mr. Allan Morrison who has A hundlriiif .of 1-30. jrfhe midxed doubles tournament Marls this af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. O. A. Hnrvey anil Mr. Iiltols Rocs will play iiKiilnst I)r. ami Mrs. Charles S. Jordan, and Mrs It. p. Johnston and Ur. .lore Cooke will play against Mr n ml Mrs. Tench The tennis tournaments have proven very pop'i lar and linve attracted a great num " "i p.-opie inier. stod In the game. The prizes are unusually handsom and are exhibited at the A. M. Field eompanv s store. ; SflCIKTT I no Ashevllle Ministers' ftssorlatlon "ill hold their regular monthly meeting Monday morning at 11 ociock in the hounday school room and fancv frills are con- 11 PATTON JkXK. J J The Swannanoa ItclK-kah lodge, No. 87, I. O. O. F will meet this evening at o'clock In the hall on Church street. All members are asked to be present, especially the de gree team as this will be the last me ting before the district assembly which convenes In Ashevllle April 8. PERSONAL Mr. P.- E. Davis left yesterday for Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. L. Bperry, of Trenton, N. J.. ar guests at the Bat tery Park hotel. Mrs. P. L. Rossback, of Chicago, is spending tha spring season In Ashe vllle. Mrs. X. F. Oalther, of Dal 1 1 more, Miss F. B.iOalther, of Pittsburg, and Mrs. C. W. Ledley, of Brooklyn, ar spending some time at the Battery Park hotel. i Mr. David It. Harris, of Dlllsboro, Is In town for a short stay. Mr. Walter Lee, of Charlotte, Is In town for a fow days on buslne Mr. W. M. Allen, or Raleigh, Is In the city on business for several days. Mr. Hprlgg Brent, of Cincinnati, Is in town for a fow days. Mrs. 8. Austrian, of Chicago, and Mrs. 1). J. Maxwell, of Chicago, are spending several weeks In the city. Mr. W. L. Buchanan, of Harrlsburg, Va., Is In Ashevllle for a brief stay. , Mrs. J. S. Lawrence Is expected to return from Charleston Saturday after a several week absence. Mrs. M. M. Way, who has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Blaght, m Bolton, N. C, has returned to the city. Rev. L. E. Cloud, of Conley, Va., Is visiting Mr. and Mr. Charles Wei borne in Woolsey. Mr. Wa'lcott returned to fihelbv vllle, Ky., yesterday after a stay at Bummorvllle, B. c Mrs. Huntington and Ml Lillian Huntington return to. their home in Elyrla, O., on Thursday, after a stay of several week at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. Thompson Fraier returned from Chicago after a brief absence from tha city. Mr, Frederick Anderson of Mem phis, Tenn., Is expected the latter part of the week and will be the guest of Mr. W. Scott Radeker at his home In victoria. Mr. and Mrs. A T. Dorse tt of Soen cer, N. C, who have spent the winter In Cuba, are spending a fow day In AshevdMo (before going to Transyl vania county for a short visit before returning to Spencer. Mils Annie Arden JVryey who has spent the winter with relatives in Charleston, H. C. has gone to Cal ifornia to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robblns for several month before returning to Asnevni. Miss Margaret Fuller has rotnrned to Meadvllle, Pa., after a visit to Miss May Thayer. Mr. J. C. Curtis of Candlor was In the city yesterday Miss Garnet Pelton of Arden la In town for a short stay. Miss Rhlrley Curtis and little Mlsi Shrrley Curtis Luther have returnel to Candler aftor a stay in the city Mrs. C. It. McQueen has been con fined t her home for a fortnight with a severe case of grippe. Mrs. L. O. Oolightly has returned to the city after a several weeks visit to friends In Atlanta Miss Nell O'Brien passed through the city yesterday on her wny to Atlanta from Wnynesvlllo where she has Uen with Mrs. Perry Whllaker Mrs. Whllaker and Miss O'Brien will shortly return to Ashevllle and will keep house during the summicr. Mr William Allen of llalelgh Is In tho city for a few days, Mr. E. n. Bradley of Chicago !s a gircst at the Battery Pork hotel. Bev. I P. Franklin of Newark, O Is spending some time In the city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Collin Davis of Chi cago are In Ashevllle for a short stay. Mr. Walter Itrown lof Charlotte spent yesterday In the dty. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mayor of Day ton. Ohio, are spending some time In the city, Mrs W. J. Patterson of Ashurv Park Is the guest of her daughter Mrs. George W. Edge on Merrlmon avenue. Mr. Fred L Chase general south rrn age-it for the C. and A. R. K . Is In Ashewille. Mr. M. W. Body of Cynthlnna. Ky.. Is a guest at the Berkeley hotel. Mr. Ferris and party have returned to Cincinnati artor a stay at Kent; worth Inn. Mrs. F. H. Wood and Mrs. Chap man left yesterday afternoon for Cln cinnatl. Mrs. J M. Oudger. Jr.. has re turned from n visit to twr moth-w in HenoVrsonvllle and has oene.l her Siouse n Frenoh llroad are na. H. C. Lawrence of Baltimore Mr. P. H. Halley of Charlotte Is In Ashevllle on -business for several day. Miss Emma Kate Barnette I visit ing Mrs Henry Jordan in Hender- sonvllle. Mr. 8. A. Sen loss of Wilmington, N. C, lessee of the Grand opera house Is In AshevMre for several days. Capl. L. W. Palmer of Richmond who has been the guest of friend on Cumberland avenue for several days left yesterday for Florida. Mra Charles von Wise of Rock port. 111., la In Ashevllle for several week. , Mis Margaret Ware ha returnel to Converse after a short visit to her family In this city. Br. Louis Stahl of Atlanta I a guest at the Berkeley hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dewey and Miss Sharp of Lake Placid. N. Y., are spending some time at the Man or. Mr. and Mr. James Edge of As bury Park, N. J., are visiting Judge Edge on Merrlmon Avenue. Mrs. Charles B. Way of Miss Way of Kalamaaoo, Mich., aro guests at the Battery Park hotel. Dr. C. D. Henry, Miss Tfenry and Mrs. A. II. Tlfft of New York are spending some time In Ashevllle. Mr. A. N. Gilbert of Durham Is In the city for a brief stay on business. TOBACCO FACTORY BURNED. (ly Associated Press.) URir:f!PIEU, Tenn.. March HO. The tobacoc . fpt tory of C. C Belle an.l Hon, filled Wit htobaceo belonging to the Imperial Tobacco company. Ws burned this afternoon. The loss will reach 8 if 0,000. The or'g'n cf the fire Is unknown. Wiring of Apartment nouses. In the erection of many apartment house an Important factor Is fre quently overlooked. This Is providing convenient outlets In the kitchens and laundries for connecting electric Irons and cooking utensils. The additional cost for wiring is very small and should not be considered when the great, convenience of suitable connec tions la considered. The electric Iron I rapidly becoming considered as a necessary part of the list of household utensils, and' electric heating and cooking appliances are largely used. Several receptacles In the side walls, abput three feet from the floor, pro vide a convenient means of connect ing any , piece of apparatus to the house circuit. These receptacles can be of the flush type, so that when not, In use nothing projects beyond the surface of the wall. Just the same the apartment-house with the disappearing bed I not go ing to be popular with the man whose business keep him at the club until h has to go home on an owl car. DYSPEPSIA Jf AND MANY OTHtSJ as NIVUTU V It really doesn't eom sensible for anyone to neglect digestive deranire1 niont until they develop into orleadto diseases that may be incurable. Kodol prevent s dyspepsia and other serious ail ments by jfiving the stomach effective aid in its processes of digestion thus making and keeping t he stomach well, strong and active. And when you have a sound stomac.h,Tou need not worry about dyspepsia, or what It leads to. Kodol will mighty soon bring stomach-comfort. Our Guarantee. tXli you sre not henetlted- the druiririst UI st enoe return your money. IVin't hesltste; any druitdiitt will sell you Kndol on these terms. The dollar bottle contnins lH times ss-muoh ss the AOe buttle- Kodnl is prepared in the laboratories of IS. C. Du Witt & Co.. Clilcat'O. West Asheville Nursery 3. C. OOWAX, Prop. Dealer In all kinds of Frnlt and Ornamental Trees: Grapevines and Shrubs. Breeder of Barred Plymouth Rocks, California and Chinese Prlvit Plants. Address, R. T. D. 8, Ashe vllle, N. C. : when it : : comes : To real COAL QUALITY w put M AW Indian against any New Arrivals oi Fish Smoked Halibut. . Smoked Bloaters .. N. C. Roe Herrine .;, J coal In the world. Over 5 0 per cent beat. ' i ii j Carolina Coal & lee Company j Pkoo lit. Pattoa A vs. a Red Salmon (whole fish) ... 12c pound These goods are of extra quality and will please the most exacting. ts MooUort Arenas riTSriUWirfa Til. r Of Interest foFree Masons and Their Friends The firm of chas. M. Stleff and their Southern Manager hav donated a magnificent world renowned Stleff Piano to the Masonic Bazaar to be held In the Charlotte Auditorium April 12. 18, 14, 15,' I, lo, Charlotte, N. C. The money derived from ths bazaar will be used in the erection of a Masonic Temple, a building that will be a pride to every mason In the Carolina. Don't you want this ar tistic Piano fQEjpur lodge, your home or your friend's home? Visit Charlotte during the Bazaar. Reduced rates on all Railroads. ADDKKKS C. H. Wltmom Cli. Music Committee Masonic II ataar Chas. M. Sticll Manufacturer of ths ARTISTIC STIEFF SHAW AND 8TIEFF SELFTLAYEIt PIANOS Southern Wareroom: . Iff. Trade St. Charlotte, : : ; : N. C. C U. WILMOTH, Manager. Mention This Paper. M. WEBB & COMPANY Milliner? Importer No. Battery Park Place, Phone 14 Ashevllle, N. a Meals 25 Cents Hot Biscuits every mornng for Breakfast. WHITE'S CAFE, U Church St. t5e per poand. Ths fancy creamery kind, ths Una yon pay 40o and 4So par pound foi when mads In Illlnol Instead of her Tha ezprsa company get tha dltsac enea, Asheville Fur Milk 0o4 East Walnut BU, Fbon 6M. MANICURING. Halrdresalng, Facial Massages, Scalp treatment a specalfy. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet articles, switches, puff and pompadouea made to order. Prices reasonable, work first class. LADIES. OKNTLKMISN. SKINNER A HUNTER, No. 13 South Hpruee Street La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure GREENE & CO , 12 Church Street THERE IS NO WAITING to b served at our place that la a feature with us Just the same a serving only the very best In the eat. Ing line. If you haven't been sating with us, all we ask la a call. hBW YORK LUNCH ROOM 11 South M&i cl GENUINE , ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD and Imported new brasses. Rems and high class antique Jewelry. Scrap gold and sliver taken In exchange or cash paid for same. Victor Sterns' Antique Shop Mortn 1-acK square. MISS CRUISE PARLORS For Manicuring, Massaging, Chlror pody and Hair Dressing. Everything for the hair ran be obtained here, IrH those styles that are ths most modish and becoming. Combings and cut hair made to order. MISS CRUISE, 23 Haywood Street. W. O. WOLFE MARBLE AND GRANITE! MONU MENTS. A specialty of Italian Statuary. De signs furnished on application. S. B. Cor. Pack 8q. and Market Bt Ashevllle, N. fl. 25 cts pound 35 cts dozen 25 eta doMTi Mow Js M eit Jime to 5aster (jhves black Kid Gloves in dressed and $2.00 pair. Superb Mowing of MM Z geumg mg a very good line ot p retty -satin and:, bon upwards to $1.25 yard. j We Don't Claim the Earth But do rlahn that Uwre are ae-kcMSet seed S4id onlon sets than Landroths. For Bale at THE CAROLINA PHARMACY . Cor Market and College Bts. IMPRESSIONS COUNT You always look better with clean perfectly laundered linens. W do our part MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to Inform the public that I have moved my offices from the Legal building to temporary offices on Pat ton arenue, over Western Union Tele graph office. After April 1st I win occupy ths entire seven modern office rooms that are now being partitioned off on tha second floor of the Lang building N. W. cor. Pack Square. DR. C. F. COMPTON, Chiropractor. Phone eat. Citixen Want Ad Brinf Stsulti. Si BffTON'AVElfiKBtTTE ASHEVILLE RC, eJust Receive Handsome lot of Colored Dress Goods, some beautiful shades in silk finished II Just the thing for Princess Suits. 45-in, $ An Entire New Line of Parasol JUST OPENED. Lots of new Silks now being unpacked . lin Sat ins, Foulards and a big assortmeii k Silks at 35e and We yari. LtK.k at thesff arc beauties. ? Kid Gloves demand jus "Knster. We a splendid f .Kid GIoTel Short Kit! white, blac $1.00 and m Ionsr 'Ki $3.00 to 3.r( Chamois pair. Centemci in white ai, $1.75 . pair 1 Pur in dajrs wc I n. snopial the vcH V fancy rill ' . the assoi be foiini Silk GrJ ings at Fancy insrs, wnj colored) work,-25i yard. ,1 Elastic several c yard. I " j 23, 26, 17l CorA"F NearCouU rfl oesu jursf. i We fill and 1 always. W Jj v J (dSJ' I 1 - 7PJLi 1 m i v Ix aV r JL Jl. V . n&j pho V ' - - - - is 1nTf city for a short tay. 5V