THE ASTIEVTLLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, APRTL 2, 1900. SOCIETY Th first day's n rvnl i.nm nl parking space for the Horse Sho. Indicates that public Interest in grow ing. In the occasion nf the 201 h and 31st of April, and thiit the. eent will Yt as brllltrinl n usual. Tim fol lowlnir is the lint if subscribers t.. th larking spares yesterday: Mm. ). W. Pack, Mr J. K. Millard. l)r. 3 Westray Puttie. Or. Thomas 1. Cheesborough. lr. Carl V. Reynold.. Mr, C. J. Harris. Mr II. W. l'lnm mef, ttir. Philip H. Henry, Mr. Tliran e Wadley Rrtoul, Mr. 8. P. Itav, nel, Mr. Fergus Strlkoleather. Mr. J A. "Buekel, Dr. James A. Hur roughs, Tho Manor. Mr. c. W. (. Radckcr, Mr. A. B. Doyle, Mri. Francis, Mr. F. W. W. Graham. 1 r R. K. Hwope, Mr. M. Iunn Mi-Kr, Dr. Chorion U Minor. Milord Livery Company. Mr. Arthur J'. Iters, Mr. Trench Cone, Mr. Thomas K-t tl-. Mr. Harold B. Rces. Mr. Charltan Millard, Mr. Huydcn. Park inn reservations may bo made nt tli" secretary's offlco at the Auditorium front 10 a. n until 1 p. m, J The reltal' Riven by the seventh grade of tho orange street 'linl taka place till vnlnir at 8:30, nd will lw of Interest. Tho children are endeavoring to raise fund with which to purchase a library unJ have painted the two hundred or more invitation which have been ar v tlstlceJly decorated with water color ketches, Th d mission I 26 and II nt. The, followlnir lnger will tahw , part In the program: Minn AnnW Hall, Mr J. M. Hum and the.'' seventh grade children, and reading wlU 4e riven by Miss Kxum Clement and Mis Kathleen Warp, Th "public la moat cordially invited to attend the concert which will be given' at the Orange street school building. The Friday Hook Club meet thi afternoon t h residence of Mm J. B. ,lHokron on Charlotte street. Th followlnir program will be given'. OXoll ' call Wordswinrth. Paper, "Painter and the Royal Aadmy" Mr. Foster. Paper, ''Borne of Lon don' Art Treasuries" Mr. Eugene Cerlond. The Saturday M4ilc Club will moot tomorrow afternoon at the Henrietta oft-JfcHith Main street. An unusually Interesting program which M riven below t ttaa been arranged for tho month? meeting! Paper- Live of Fran Schubert and v Robert Schumann. Mr. M. S3. Carter, ' Bone : ' TI al Hark. Hark the Lark! Fran (tetiubert. (b) Hat of. Green, Robert Bchu- man, , . 1 . - Mr. J, V. Mnrrlam, . Uf .of .'Frederick Chopin. r , Mr. M. B. Carter. Vlollh Nocttirna in flat, . (ar ' ranged, for violin -Chopin. M. F. Connell. lAt of (Beethoven. 1 Mrs. M. B. Carter. Sennet du da Land. Mil Dorothy Bchartle. (a) Adagio from "Bonata Paihetl. in," Op. 71. b) Larghetto from Bonata In A ' .'I Op. I, No. I. Mia Elisabeth Ftowna. Mlmiet in B flat. Op. II, No. S. ' Mia KHaabPth Porter. The moating will begin at 3; SO. a d Mr. and Mrs, Henry Tledwood ! tied Invltatton ysirtprday to tho wed-dlng of their daughter, lcy Taylor, to Mr. Samuel Thomas Not. tingham, of Virginia, Which will Uko . plaew Saturday evening, 17th, at nine o'clock, at Trinity church. ' The Daughter of tho Confederacy Jield a huelncs mcpting yeaterday afteraoon at the roHldrnre of MrM. ; J, ? P. Bawycr on Haywood street. After' tranaaotlng the ueual btinlnero. It Wo decldwl to havn a quarterly aodot and historical meeting, the fltut of. which will tnko plac tho . first Thnreday In May, at , tho rpgi dence of Mr (lawyer. Mfs. Kdwm It, Ray, tho historian, and a commit tee were appointed to tukn i liarne of , the quarterly mcrrlnK. ThP meet lnga will undoubtedly pm of great Intern to the member of the chap ter. Jl The Woman's ; n t id mid Wom.iu' AuKlllary. if Trinity elinrch. will hold wile tomorrow from to n, in. until P- m . et HenwelK PPhar tnacv. The Kavter wile will be 'if Interest to women who love Hie duln ty articles of apiwrel. or to adorn the hout There will nlo !. hand oalnlort Kiint'-r for th ei; hunt, whleh will oii taken place In tho rhlldri ii'm world. The -.ale will bo unuioially allrariive and llo- puo ttc Is moet rordlally InMled to at tend. The Woman's Missionary Seel, ly, of IVnlral Methodiwl ehan b. w;ll meet 11 i s nflernnon nt !l o'rlm k. Jl Jt Th" public reriul nt ih- Ash- vill School of Music and iM-a-nat:.- Art yesterday afternoon was on. th moet enjoyable of (he . nt pupils EASTER PARASOLS SOME DAINTY NEW NOVELTIES We arc sliowinir fov the Eiistor season a now line of dainty jmrasols made by the celebrated New York house of Allison and Lanison which will please perfectly those women with pome pretense to piod tastes in their personal adorn ment. The colors are solid and fancy frills are con spicuously absent. Handles are of new design, tinted in harmony. ;uid severely plain. See these parasols bv all means. Prices ijt to $12.50. M. V. MOORE TirE ocnrrirat rerltnlH VentiTday the program w aa given by the plana pupils Of Mr. I". K llarlier and th. v." al pupils of Mr. Burnett Jordan. Mi's Kather- Ine Iteadles played n Norwegian dance by Mullen with good effect. bringing out the characteristic dis cordant climaxes and ut the ame time playing the softer singing? pas sages with feillng and understand ing. Miss Hlancho I. of lain sang Hedge Itoses" ami "Ily the Bea," by Bchnhert 'pleasingly. Miss LoC- tuln's voice Is of pure soprano qual ity, and of sweet tone, which was heard to Utter advantage In "Hedge ltoes." Mrs. Harklns read James Wblteombo Riley's "Hear Btory ' beautifully, and posses tho pleasing faculty f referring hardly at all to tho book. Her expreealon addvd greatly to the agreeable Impression mado by her well modulated voice and excellent cwprossbin. Miss Ma bel gtone was warmly applauded for her tine playing of Oyleg's "IJanse Caprice." and faithfully Interpreted the weird rn"od of tho compoaer. Miss Hlorfe fplays unusually well. Miss Anne Hall's rich messxo soprano voleo was heard to excellent advan tage In Tostls "Mattlnata," which which she sang artistically and with out a trace of nervousness. Miss Hall's voice Is almost too big for a drawing room, and Is heard to better advantage In a larger auditorium, or at Central Methodist church. Miss Knbin Kennwtt sang "Mlr" and "Hlng Me a Hmg of a l4d," hr high, full and sweet oprano vole ringing out so brilliantly that she was aooorded a well deserved en' core and responded with "The Bong of the ca." composed by Mr. F. Harker, who accompanied her. Miss Kennett possesses an especially pi caning and sympwthotlc vole. Miss Kxum Clements read "Mice at Play," -by Ne?ll Forrest -xeedlngly welt, th delicate humor being well brought out by Miss Clemen ta Miss Clement show great versatility In her work and appears to equal ad. vantage In either th lighter, humor ous recitations or tho more serious dramatra work. There was a good audience and the entire -program was well given. Jl J The mixed double tennl tourna ment was commenced at the Hattery Park hotel yesterday afternoon and drew an unusually large crowd The Dlajrlnf was spirited and the first appearance of the ladle In the tournaments added Interest. Tea was served by Mr William Bearden and hunch by Mrs. Washington, dur In the afternoon. The scores were as follow: Pr. and Mr. Chart 8 Jordan, lost by default to Mr. O. A. Harvey and Mr, DuBol Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Tench Coe, phi 1-18, lost to Mrs. R. P. Johnston and Dr. Jero Cocke by default. Mrs. Johnston and Dr. Cocke minus 1-1S. wefeated Mrs. Harvey and Mr. Reea, s-0, S- This afternoon at 4:10 the tournament will be continued. Mrs McNalrly and Mr. Ellsworth liyman will play against Mrs. M. Dunn Mc- Kee and Mr. J. A. Winn. There will probably be one of the best atton dances of the week this afternoon at the grounds on account of the Interest In the tournament, and alsi on account of the very pleasant weather. Tea and punch will be servod as usual In the club room. Jl Jl St. James Episcopal church, of Hendersonvllle, was the scene of a beautiful marriage Wednesday after noon of this week when Miss Knso -hie Burton ItoBards. the eharmlnir and attractive daughter of Mrs. W O. RoBards, became the bride of Mr. William Alexanorr Keith. A musl cal program of rare cxocllcnce was rendered. Promptly at three o olock Lohengrin's wedding march sweetly played by Mrs. (Jraco (Vdton and Miss Annie Smith, the violinists, and Mrs. R. M. lvlns, the organist, an nounced th approach of the wed ding party. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. It. N. Wilcox, rec tor of the church who used the Kpis eopal ritual Including the Ting ser vice. Soft, sweet inunlc was played while the marriage vows were ex changed, and MendclMohn's wedding march was played as the pnrty went out Miss Rosa I'Vw nang with great expi-eMSlon "Mecatise." The ushers. Messrs. Robert Ito Hards. Michael Scbenck, J. K llrown, Jim Wnldrop, of llcinl. r sonvllle and A. J. Hcthen. of Colum Ida. South Carolina. Miss Ilessie Stccdman the nuilil of honor entere 1 alone preceding the bride and h. r brother. lr. .1. 11. Itollnrda, of Ilor rodsburi?. Kentncliy. Mrs, II. 1. Keith, of Atlanta. Georgia, who Is a brother of tho groom act.-d as man. IJcw Mr. 'ilc.x carrying out a h-autiful oh KnKlish cuslotu. pr. ceede.1 the entire party. The bride wore a beautiful lln weri. dress of Viilcncivu nes laec with empire effect and carried e (pilslle orange blossoms nnd a show r hoiainet of rimes, Miss Steed man was gowned In an exquisite pink sill, empire gown. She wore a picture 11 P ATTON AYE. hat and iarri. d u' cluster of pink and uhllc carnations. An Inf . i trial reception to tin bridal party and a fi w n latlves and Intimate frh nds was given at th" home of tin. brldi 's mother. Mrs. W. (i. ItuHar.lM. iinm. dlalely after the ceremony ami a buffet luncheon was served. Mr and Mrs. Keith left Hcndcrsoni Illc .,n the live p. m , train on an extended brblal tour to Jacksonville, Tampa and New Or leans. Mrs Keith formerly fit Ken tucky, has lived In Hendersonvtll only a few years, but has endeared herself to a host of friends. Mr. Keith Is a natlwc of Wilming ton. North Carolina. He moved here some years ago and Is on of the most successful and popular young business men -of this city. The hand some and beautiful array of costly presents attest the esteem In which the estimable young couple are held. Among the out of town guests be sides these already mentioned were: Miss Virginia Htuart Rlcherson, of Louisville, Kentucky, and Miss Hen- rletta. smith, of Chicago. J J Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houston, who are spending some time at the Bat tery Park hotel end are entertain ing a party of friends from the east, gave a coaching party yeaterday af ternoon driving ower the Htltmore estato and the principal point ef Interests In the Hlltmore section, Mr ami Mrs. Houston afterward return ed In time for the tennis tournament late In the afternoon. The guests were: Miss Helen Rlnck, Ml Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Home, Mrs. James L. Alexander, Mr. H. S. Houston and Mr. W. O. Horn. Jl Jl The Jenny Wren Hoclety meets this afternoon at the residence of Little Miss Kathleen Olive, on Hay wood street. Jl 'Jl The opening of spring millinery yesterday at Mear's Daylight Wore was attended by a great number of people and th styles shown were both new and attractive. The popu lar fruit trimming of tho season was again In evidence and was combined with contrasting shades of ribbon or leaves. Flowers were also moth used and many new varieties hither to unseen were artistically arranged In half wreathes, large single flow era, or the small of several of the smaller flowers. Tho children' hats were an Interceding addition and are seldom shown at the openings. These were good In stylo and simply trimmed. The opening was very successful. Jt Jl The Friday dance is given a usual thl evening at the Hattery Park hotel and will be largely attended ThWe are n number of young peo ple at tho hotel for the spring sea. son and with the usual dancing set from Ashevlllo the ball room will be well flllod. R Is again roittrestMl that those who havo received season cards will kindly show them at th door to avoid embnrassment. PERSONAL Mr. H. a Oegg, of Indlanaoall, 1 pending a tew days In the city. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jefferson of Lexington, Ky., are guests at the Hat ter y park hotel. Mr. B. LcRoy Davison of Charlotte I in Ashevlllo for a short stay. Mr. A. W. Kirk of Atlanta !s In the city for a short stay. Mrs. George E. Tlmanus, who has been a guest at Ronnlvlew for month, has gone to IMiiehurst, where she will spend several wo-lcs before. returning to Baltimore. Miss Mary Johnson has returned from a three weeks visit to friends In the eastern part of the state. Mrs. John Holllns 4eft yesterday for Wlnston-Halem to visit relatives for several days. Dr. L. II. Mcllrayer left yesterday for High Point, whero he addressed the members of the Guilford County Medical society at a banquet given by. the society lost evening. Mrs. H. ri. Smith left yesterday for i 'Incinnatl. Miss Ollmore and Miss Reed left yesterday for Cincinnati. I.lttlo Mian llessie Hrewer. who has been dangerously ill fol'owlng an operation for appendicitis and peri tonitis at the Meriwether hospital, is Improving nnd hopes are entertained for her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Grny of mils boro are guests at the Iterkelev hotel Mr. and Mrs. Porterfleld of I'enn- syHanla, who have been occupying a bouse at the corner of Mcrrlmon av. tiue and orange stri ct, have b ased Mr. Roebllng's residence on Cumber laud avenue for two ears. Mrs. Kdlth Ileum left yesterday for Atlanta and will be away lor some tune. 1. W. Senior and Pr. V.. Motr in' i ter of ltaltimoic are guests at the line cry Park hotel. Mr. Charles V. disc of Seattle. Wdh Is spending two wc.ks at the Haiti ry Park hot, I. after wbh h he will go to New Haven to rater Yale iini erslty. Mrs Frank Doyle, of Houghton, Is n truest at the Manor. Her son. w ho Is a student at the Ashev We school Is sp. riding the Kastcr bolidas with Mrs. lioyle. SCTT CASKS RKTritXFD. The two suit cases reported to have been taken from the Mattery Park h"t. I Wednesday were found In Aston paii i esterday morning by a boy. and the i!lce were notified. Most of the articles contained therein were found i r tact, but several pieces of Jewelry and other articles of value were re ported missing. Two negroes nre said to be suspected of the theft. DIAZ SAYS - THAT DOVE OF PEACE STILL FLIES That Is To Hay That Mexico and Uncle Bain Art; Real, Good Chums CITY OF MEXICO, April 1. President Diaz opened the second ses sion of the twenty-fourth congress to night by reading before the assembled deputies and senators his annual message. The legislators met In 'he palace of mines, the chamber of dep uties building having been destroyed by Are a few days ago. The entire cabinet attended the opening session. President Dlax In his message re ferred to the return of prosperity and peaceful relations existing between Mexico and the nations of the world. He declared that the United 8tate had asked Mexico whether or not shu would co-operate In case It became necessary to comix I the Central American republics to live up to tha letter and spirit Of tho recent Wash ington peace pact and that his answer a-i chief executive of the republic had been that such co-operation would be given to the full extent of tho powers of the republic. The outlook for tho present session Is that little more than routine work will be done. PLEADS GUILTY IN EMBEZZLEMENT CASE (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLIiANS. April I. Samuel T. Stevenson, former financial secre tary of Typographical Union No. 17, of New Orleans, pleaded guilty to embeselling the funds of that or ganization In the criminal district court here today. Sentence was de. ferrcd. It Is claimed that Hteven- son's defalcation amounted to about 110,000. Henry B. Hudpeth, who was presi dent of the union at the same time Htevenson was secretary Is under In dlctment for fraudulently obtaining money from the union. Hudspeth was a candidate for president of the International Typographical Union at the last meeting of that organiza tion. WHAT IS 1XKCTIUCITY? What Is cluetrlcttyT ' - ffcn you an swer the question? If not, you need not feel discouraged, for nobody else In th whole world can answir It either. . Do you know what light Is; not what it Is like,, or acts, -r What It ran be used for, but what Hs very nature la Don't let It wony you. Once a high school boy was ask-d to give a definition of light. He scratched his head and stammered, then finally explained that he did know exactly what light wns but had forgotten. Whereupon the professor told him that he .by his lapse of memory had done science an Irre parable Injury, for nobody else In the whole world had ever been able f acquire the Information that he had let slip from him. Many men who call themselves en gineers like to pretend they know all about electricity, but the real engi neer only knows how It nets and what good It Is. and he spends a life time In the study of It In Its mani festations without being able to say in the end what It Is. In many respects light and'elee trlelty seem to be alike. Each seems to be due to verp rapid vibrations In the ether which permeates all known suhstancHM including the ntmowphcre and space beyond the atmosphere. The vibrations or waves of light are Intensely rapid and of very short length, whereas tho wave of dec trlctlty are much longer and cornn pondlngly slower. These vibrations do not produce ivny motion of the wire transmitting the current, but nevertheless It Is reasonably certain that they exist. It Is Interesting to note that lccause of these vibrations It Is supposed that a wire docs no: really carry the current, but mer.-iv serves us a guide, as It were, the cur rent being really carried in space around the wire. The wire Is. bow ever, a necessary part of the ciuip ment. PORTLAND, MAINE. CHILD 111, Wak and Emaciated, Ba- tored to Health by Vlnol "Our Uttl daughter, sli years of ass, after a sever attack of th measles. which developed into pneumonia, was left pitifully thin, weak and emaciat ed. She had no appetite, and bar stom ach was q weak it could not rslai food. She lay In thl condition tor weeks, and nothing th doctor pre scribed did a bit of good, and w wsr beginning to think she would never re cover. 'At thl ttms ws commenced to glv her Vlnol, and ths effect was marvel ous. Th doctor wm amaisd at her progress, and when w told him ws wsr giving her Vlnol, h replied. 'It I a Use remedy, keep It up.' We did o, and she recovered her health and strength months before tha doctor thought (he could." J. W. Flags, Portland. Me. Vlnol cure condition Ilk thl b- caua In a natural manner It Increases th appetite, tones up the digestive organs, make rich, red blood, and strengthen every organ la the body. VINOL I aold In AabevfJle by Sea- weir Pharmacy. HERRING ROES SPECIAL lleavv sales followed this price, ami to suppl)'t!ie 'mutual demand a large sh.inmrnt lias just arrived. Hesrular 12,1 cent cans :m now iw.imr sold at 15c or two for 25c; is matte to consumers only; Montford Arena flWHPTVH Tl r w ti GENERAL RIPLEY UP FOR PERJURY (Ily Associated Press.) FRANKFORT, Ky.. April 1. Upon a warrant sworn out by Coun ty Judge B. H Davis, of Shelby county. General Garnelt Ripley was arrested here today charged with perjury. It Is alleged he swore false ly In his testimony In the sensational 125.000 damage suit filed by Mr. Joaie against Walter Dun can In Shelby county. Duncan killed Newt Haxlett on the roadway and was pardoned by Governor Wlllson on the ground that llazbtt was a night rider and was nbout to at tack Duncan's tobacco barn Ripley was on patrol duty with state militia men that night and swore nt the trial he had heard shots. It was Claimed by. the soldiers with him that he was too far off to have heard the shots. Of Interest To Free Masons And Their Friends The firm of Chos. M. Stlefl and their Southern Manager have donated a magnificent world renowned Htleff Piano to the Masonic Hazaar to he held in the Charlotte Auditorium April 12. 13, 14, IB. 16, 1909, Charlotte. K. C. The money derived from ths bauiar wHI be used In the erection of a Masonic Temple, a building thut will be a prldo to every mason In the Curollras. Don't you want this ar tistic Piano for your lodge, your home or your friend's home? Visit Charlotte during the Rassnnr. Reduced rates on nil IlaJl roads. AimiMCKS C. H. Wllmotti t h. Music Committee MsjhouIc Bmir Chas. E Siiell Manufacturer of the ARTI8TIO BTIEFF SHAW AND BTIEFP SELFPLATKR PIANOS Southern Waxeroom: ft W. Trade St. Charlotte, : : : : N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. Mention Tills Paper. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importer No. Battery Park Place, Phone 4M Ashevllle, N. a Meals 25 Cenls Hot Biscuits every mornng for Breakfast. WHITE'S CAFE, 14 Church St. La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure GREENE & CO , 12 Church Street THERE IS NO WATTING to bs served st our place that I feature with us just ths same a serving only the very best in the eat ing line. If you haven't been sating with us, all we ask Is call. NEW YORK LUNCH ROOM 11 South Mali u GENUINE ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD and imported new brasses. Clems and high rlass antique jewelry. Scrap gold and silver taken In exchange or cash paid for same. Victor Sterns' Antique Shop xortn luck square. MISS CRUISE PARLORS For Manicuring, Massaging. Chiro pody and Hair Dressing. Everything for the hair ran be obtained here. In those styles that are the most modtsh and becoming. Combings and cut hair made to order. MISS CRUISE, 25 Haywood Street. W. O. WOLFE MARBLE AND GRANTTE MONU MENTS. A apeclalty of Italian Ststuary. De signs furnished on application. S. B. Cor. Pack Sq. and Market St Aslicvllle, N. C shop's birr reduction of tho $1.40 per dozen. This prW- grocers will not be supplied a m a UUUV CHI t-jKe-'Vi Jpr'mg Coats for tOomen and Children An up-to-date showing of new Spring' Coats will be found at this store. Tan Covert and Pongee Coats in three-q carter length, $.y0 upwards. Children's Spring Coats from $4.00 up. AastDay in Mhich ls)e Jhow the Jample ot of imported Aace Coats and Waists jits mm I We Don't Claim (he Earth But do claim that there are no better seeds and onion act than Ismdretlis', For Sale at THE CAROLINA PHARMACY Cor Market and College St. IMPRESSIONS COUNT Tou alway look better with clean perfectly laundered linen. We do our part. MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to Inform the public that I bav moved my offices from the Lga building to temporary office on Pat ton avenue, over Western Union Tele graph office, " After April 1st I will occupy the ntlre seven modem office room that are now being partitioned off on th second floor of th Lang building N. W. cor. Pack Square, DR. C. F. COMFTON, Chiropractor. Pbona 091, MANICURING. Halrdresslng, Facial Massages, Scalp treatment a specalty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet articles, switches, puffs and pompadoues made to order. Prices reasonable, work first class. LADIE8. ! GRNTIiEMKV. SKINNER & HUNTER, No. 12 South Spruce Street BUTTER. tfto per poauud. Th fancy creamery kind, th kin yon pay 40c and 4Io per pound foi when mad In Illinois Instead of her The express company get the dlflat enoe. i Asheville Pure Milk Go Bast Walnut St., Phone 63a. WW w r, FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADS. HLmREZIlFMODERNiWAY1 ASHFVILI F. Mr. - - W V BUY YOUR SUIT AM) PARASOL FROM US Have you seen the newest in Parasols? We Lave them now -on displav. Large line of Pop insjust in. Old Rose, Green Brown. Jsavy, White. Pink,.Black, Eerue, Light Blue ' and Copenhagen Blue, at 25 cents yard. (III Come in today and in spect our showing of imported Coats and Waists. They are too beautiful to describe. They will be found on display today, Friday, for the last time. Prices range from $5.C0 to fio.M). . DR. MATTHEWS I ( ( Dental Parlors, ' 25, 2fl, 27 New McAfoe Building, 1 ' Cor, College and Spruce, f Near Court House. Our work 1 the beat. Our price very reasonable.' We fill and extract teeth wtthqat pain alway. w guarantee all our work. OFI1CK PHONE 4t. D.R.McKINNON 7 PatloD Aveiue (Over Redwood' Store) , Ladies and Genflemens TAILOR WHEN IT. v; J COMES ' e To real COAL QUALITY we 2 put M &W Indian against any 2 coal In the world. Over 05 J per cent heat. Carolina Coal & tee Company Phone It. Pat to Ars. 4 ( 1 p. 'jy - - T'F 4 . t -- i ;