THE ASIIEVTLLE CTTTZEN, TFESDAY, APHTTi C, 1900. SOCIETY V m i$a$- n 23 W ft The representatives ivlio have 1,. en chosen from th" various itara & .mil rtillathen tliiuft in the city to h.-lp form I h chorus for the convention here Iri the summer art! requested t" m-t Miss Mae Klmbfrley at th( home t Mle Mary Ward on Hint J Btrett tonight from 7.30 to 20. I: , Is desired that Mil be 'ireaeiit in promptly at the hour an possible. J Jl Th Anna. Aston Missionary aoeletv of Central Methodist church will mvt thin a ft i moon at the home or Mm. William J. "ocke. The eesslon thin afternoon will be a buslncas and so clal one- and an interesting prouram li a ln arranged Refreshments , will be ktvmI and aeveral important matters pertaining to tho society will b discussed at length. f, President H. T. Colllna of th Ho. r Mission and the Associated Char ities haa called a special merlins- for tnts afternoon to he lie Id In the Y. M C. A. building at four o'clock. All memWti ara urged to attend. A nnrtv ttt -vAimr folks went lnu evening to (touch Peak where they will picnic and tettirn to the city by moonlight. Ti party waa conveyed to th pea tn : wagon and a verr .(flellirhtful atraar' ride wa enjoyed by w fit PI m'. w m M U -& ; . i 'f X ' ; the 'rotiTig Pe0p1. Bntrle-. f or w howling toirrfcament t tfte T. M. C. A. flloaed Inst vn- IntT and there are quite a number of in memDcn no will am i la the eoernamem, th tournament will begin" with Mock"' plna. n Xt evening at the Parish hous in ftlrtmore Mr. Charte R. Waddell do- I iv red the aarone of a eerie of lee ' ture on electricity, - Mr. Wldcll discussed at length the "Measuring anoi neiiing KWetno Powm" with the i and aid of lantern alMe. The - lecture ara ery lntnreatln and they are glytfc under fh auaplcea of the miimora ucnooi or Forestry, . ji j s,At Iter homa on Watausra atret yeateraay arternonn Mr. Alfred a Barnard entertained th Woman clulki iJarti Oeww Jackvon, a mem her Of the) clllh. reaif a. nuM( Intnv trnr paper on "Tha Japanese War nnn nuana." Jl Jt MV. Ihiff Merrick taat evenl tvr en trta1nd with a dinner at her home on Montfocol avenue. The dlannr waa ivn conrpllmentarr to Mia Marcaret Pennlman and hnr rt Mlaa Marcaret Upacombe and Mia crnei Meyer who reside at Shelby ; vtlla, Ttnn, Amont the aueat ot th venlnr were Mia Ltpaoombe. Ml Pennlman, Mlaa Meyer,. Ml telle 'xiaauinn, r. frmtt, Mr. ward Orer. Mr, Rutherford , Afnale and Mr. iletoher or the Ashevlllo school. . A nartv from teihnmae day to Mountain Meadow Inn where hy, had aupper and returned In the evening by tnoonllajht. Araontr thone l 4 k.. 1 . r . . . in .in iai iy were mimm jjipmomDi, Mlaa Marcaret Peanlman. Ml Blanch .nemnton. oi.'B MacKIDDon, Mlaa l,u rile llaaMnp, Mia May Bernard, Mr (vf ard) ' Cltik, ?Mr. Lurtti. Pratt Mr, lubol Ttcee. Mr. . Reeae, Mr. Oar. lid, Mr. Jt&rmm. Mr. dearhaj-t. t . and Benjamin Bernard. The party f waa cnaperonea py Mr. Booth, Llnutehant W. V. Peiraon. nlnlh iinited Btatea Infantry of the United , rmy, arrlviBd ier yesterday mornlnt from Ban Antonio, Tenaa. to vlU hk father Majoj- W. If. Pearson, T7. 8. army, rettrd, who reside with nw ramuy at 7 Cumberland avenue MaJW- Pearson haa been very alck for the paat three month but 1 now convalescent. J Jl Little Mildred Thlorpe celebrated her tenth birthday with a party at f her home on Arlington street yester ;, day afternoon to which were invited ; a down or her amall friend. The afternoon was spent In warn in at the )nclusl(nri ft wMch fNifri'shmcntR . were served, tncludlna; the Inevitable i cake with It ten candlca Bhe re 1t reived several wry pretty presents. ,t The little ones who were nt the parlv y were Nellie Zimmerman. Mary lnr i lek. Ixitilse riayton. Rmma rinyton. Oertrmle Mitanlre. ficne MiiKiilrr. Maggie Iahi nrlxtcr. Vlritlnln Trlnteri 'arn11rte Hrlrin if, .laitvp Lloyd, Jr. ionalil MfiKUir. . '. D, Thorpe, Jr. and Ada Patterson. The I.inht liiarers of Central Mefhixflst clmreh are to Klve an Ffteter i Kit hunt Motwlay Afternoon at th- Central Mi-thodlst church On 'hnri h ulri'i t Kii h miinlicr if fhe society Ix to (five ten cents which Will go to the foreign mliuiionary who Is Ijefn suptorl by the members tof the socle tv. The hunt will heeln four oYlock nn'l nil thA member aire eipecteii to attend and participate !n the hunt. ' A brlilge tiiiirnarmut was played Saturday afternoon at the Battery I'ark hotel anil was an' snjoyab's feature of the week. Tho n- chestra played during the game add Hfrtit refreshment were erved. Mr. Washington won the first prize, pretty cut glllss fifth with a HVet rim. The second prlw, a allvor dMo. oorrann fram. was wms ! u. Manon. and the third Kv Xfr-m t wi. Wood. hlc4i Wis a stiver tmnhna lah There will be another bridge tourna ment at the Bnttefy Park hotel fhe prises for which are very handsomn, The players Saturday evening were; Aiesoamcs Iockwoid. Forbes. nld wHn. Hrldgea. Keller, Hurttlngtin. Wash In t em, Bearden. Parley ahd Ketswaller; and Messrs. Charles Cllie !, H Burnutte, T. Q. Olnay, Jack r-ninney, b. t. Iiawley. is m On the tilnetetnth of this 'nonlh, Monday, the annual Vlr-lnl'.rii German will be given at Oraenaboro. rnis german la conaldsred th la get given In the state each vesp ahA many Ashevllla ueoole of the. ii.i. clng set will attend The Glance Is thla year uneler the management of atr. T, C. Eldrldae and he htre h. ms ha arranged for the (Momma. aaiwn or ronr hundred couplet iioin inn states or virHni mi Carolina will be well inn.iitiu fhl trllllant occasion and th honor or leading the dance will probably bo conferred on a student rnm aitt.. er tho University of North Carolina or tne university of Virginia. .i it The members hf h Tiihie.n.. cnb will entertain at a smoker one evening this week in thair ei,,w room on Pack square. ji j Mr. Weltlon DeBrenemao win lerUIn at a coaching party at the ningnam-trinity basebnll gam Thursday of this week. Jl jg Those signing for narklmr nae. yesterday to be uccunled n t the hnn. how In April were: Mrs. Mll.eL morgan and J. . Oatea. trip, and many of the lld how sei-nea taken there alo. The guests of the hot.-l who wltnrswd the exhi bition were very appreciative of the enti Mainment Mr. Bradley afforded thern. A rehearsal of the Btltmofe i'holr wlll be held at tight o'clock thin TVentng at the Auditorium. The civ- tata, "The Message of th Croes" whjch created a deep ImpreMrh when given at the AM Botfle church. a4 tiUlHUtr Miuulu-V aftiirnoup, will be reoeatd at the name olace Kiidav Svenlng The public Is invited. PERSOllM. j) Mlsa VvetU Rnlllna who li at tending school at Wlnston-alemvwin return home Thursday to spend Ba. ter with her relative at their rest dence on Chestnut street Mr. ahd Mr. S. D. Moore are In Jonesboro, Tenn . having been called there suddenly on account of th III nes or Mr. joner mother, who is very til. MISS Alice HumM haa returned n Ashevlll aftsr an absence of several month. Mis Hatzard haa been on a visit to relative in Georgetown, B C, and Charleston. Mr. John Greensboro. Fletcher Is here from Thla evening at. hir r.i.u .. Montford avenue. Mr. and Mr. David Rosenmeln will entertain In hnn ..r Benor Aourma and Madam Acuqna better known to the operatic world a Mile, Virginia Colombntl. J J i-tfiiu eirenina ar ner nnma ... rrnch Broad avenue. Miss Minnie Hall entertained a few friend, nt cara. Ji Ji Tho Unlverslts ntrMkn ik . . unapni mil, will give its unnual April german on the JSrd of this month The April dance Is the social event or tne season at the Htnt tiniv.ri arumnl. Beginning April the 82ad, the members of the Beta Theta Phi rrnternlty will enter mm at hnu.. party which will continue for one week. 8evra4 of the Ahevlll younger set have been Invited on are anticipating attending. The Beta nouse party la an annual eioni .t me I'nlversity and Is always well at tenaea. Jl Jt One of the most lnlnretln ...i. t Buttery Park was an exhibition of lantern slides given in the bnli rr,m ny Mr. Jack Bradley one niRht re cuntly., Mr. Bradley a few years ago made a iiiintlnu Irln to t ) . . . r IiIm ciwn erew nn.l v i L ," re "in ne f arctlo stones In whleh pinr neurs, wiilrusca and the like n..,, large, were quite novel and Inter...! mg wr. HrndlCA- a mo mini., n .,,n. lug trip Into centra! Africa some veara HKO In the reirhin u-h..n ' ' villein uoimeveit la going on hn biinimg Mr. Henrv T. Canton, nf TTlnrton Ky., Is her lor a few day on bust. ne Mr. J. "Ror Cofderr. of Hlckorv. M O., who ha been in the city for the oast two weeks on ' business, haa ttt. lurnsa to ni nome. Mr,. Loverfck Bchoolfleld. of tsn viiie, va., is expected In Ashev le. on Visit to friend. Mr. Rchoolfletd pent several months here last sum tner and during his stav he mad many friends. Mis Mabel Mitchell left vesteedav on a visit to relatives m Canton. Ohio where aha will remain several weeks. Mr. B. C. Dawlev. of Charleston W. Va., who for the past three weeks has been at the Battery Park re turn this week for his home. Mr Dawley will remain at the f!tttv Park till later in the spring when she win return to her home. Mr. B. B. flams returns tnriav in being away for several weeks Mr. Q. Btlkeleather will 1ev nn thk 16th of this month for Florida, Where he has accepted a position In the home office of an Insurance com pany. ! wuionei William a. Rexfnrri re turns to Ashevllle todav after anend Ing a week at Clayton, (la., oil busi ness MM Messrs. M. J. and Georare Cth... spent aunday at Hkylanil Mr. Bowel, of Trvon. la In tin. ,.uu ror a few days. Dr. S. W. Battle Ih able tn he .,..1 after an illness of several days. Captain J. J. Johnson, of Cohlfnbia 8. C, was In the city yesterday oir. Business. Mr. Richard Henderson eif Ttivi-.r passed through tho city yesterday en route to Knoxvllle, Tenn. where he will locate. MT. Frederick Anderson nrri. yesterday from Mem-phis, Tenn., on a Short visit to W. Hcott Rad. ker nt hi home in Victoria. Mrs. C. B. McQueen, who for rh paat two weeks has been eonnn.. ... her home with a slight attack of la- grippe is much improved. t Mr. James O, Harris, of Indlnnam, lis, Ind., 1 here for it few weeka on a visit to his mother, ho ha been n AHhrville for the iml ta., .uv. juugo . n icoynoms retnrned ve. terday from Knokvlllo, Tenn., where ho went Saturday on business. mr. waiter Jackson, of Old P..rf Alabama, is here fur a few dttvs. Tlo member. ,f m, her of depuflf-s in, hei iista. actura. and ; i ! wnaji, wiiii.. . sic the 'hanib' r ..u talojir to- form u , ri chestrn.- thOHgh ;i wi gest- ttiwt ''fhnml " be more appro, n iai. . Uxvts th.4dWm W theagrlctlltural ml- re, try -t,y playrtrf it,.- v I r-io h chain -p e tjs. dramt- of noire or regard ma- .iiM.w Kuflieient . r. drialde K luinht s'ttf- I moffle Wotrld ; M. Melirie re-, I.H.kuwr aft r x of the couii- ..l:i . l.,. e I J. . -iltoznsLCiire Tor Eczema Ofl nf VnntftKrem, Tfiymol, Glycerine w, rscrt as m Htmote Was, It ready aeems strsnire that ani tnan IbeoDle an tree venr In snd oot with eccema, hen it is now no longef a secret that oil of winier freen mixed "with thymol, glycerine. c, ikes g wash that I bound to eure, t i f)W.:'"onst1na not be cured In s feu- dv hot ih,.r athWJlutery-'no snfferer from eciem.i wno,e-er used this simple wash nd did BOt find tmniMUaliJ. IK.I derfully toothing, calm, cool sensaii. n ini come When the Itch 1 taken "ay, Instarttly upon applying a few drop of th wash the remeSv takes effect: the Itch Is Sllavpd. Thera I. no need of experiment the patient knows at once. Instead of trying to comoound .he th oil at wintergreen, thymol, glcer ln, etc.. In tha right proportions our selve we ar using a rreserir.tlon which I universally found the most effective. It Is known as the U D. D. PrecrlpUon, or Oil of Wintergreen Compound. I made by the 1. D. D. Co. of Chicago, and our long es porlenoa wHh thla remedy ha given u. great oonfldenc in Its merits, t or, 'w.-uld find a ry ctever aceomjiany. ' ix in ieneral 1'lniuart, who, it l j e. . '1, in a In tl-r (iifinfcst than,, a inin in r of war M. .Cleraancytu is not nartii ularlv devoted to music, but ! there in one notaMe who lmgto?cnl lufort the public gaze lately whom i oue. nuiiM Irnat ausjiei t of Itelng a iKvot.f of the gentle. Jt is M. Ihl- T!Te"r. of ST."fle Tarls. a he Is famil iarly kitown, who perform on the violin with rro mean ability when not performing: on anotrfer strnmerrt. linilon Globe. CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL PLEATED SKIRTS ONE THIRD REDUCTION RIGHT THRU Mr. and Mrs N. A. Remolds, who for the past few davs have h.-en in Tennessee on a abort visit to relatives arn expected to return to the eiiv today. .7.50 Skirts Rediicedto . .8.60 Skirts Reduced to $10430 Skirts Reduced to. $12.50 Skirts Reduced to. $15.00 Skirts Reduced to. $18.00 Skirts Reduced to. $20.00 Skirts Reduced to. fa -1 , $ 5.00 $.5.66 .$ 6.66 .$8.33 $10.00 $12.00 .$13.33 Paiiani.-i. Chi (Ton rniiiiina .-uitl Voile: Bla.-k 5rown, Hhi, .and While Hcr with drown stripes, chiefly Mack, however: Qualitv e.jiial in the hest we have ever sold: Tho only fhintf against theni is t Iiat they are pleaiod. For a Kjioekahout Skirt, a work-a-day r'v ery day utility separate Skirt, these will save you cents on every dollars' worth. In deed, some people still prefer the pleated skirt, and these will lind this sale a rich liioiiev-saviiig opportunity. All sizes: the greatest "varietv: one-third reduction on all. . Mr. Richard Hold, of Oanvlllo. Vn MS expnc ti il rrcre shortly on n visit to relatives. Mr. Holt formerly lived in Ashevllle end he has many friends I here Mho will rem, oilier him. Messrs n. W. Orr arid J ll.nrv Potts H ho have been In the omol f the i lii(iuitn Klbre romiinnv at I'nuthn have rthrned thMr positions Mr. .orr left yeaNiiluy for m homo in Chicago. Mr. Potts will leave with in a ery few days for his home In Shti-rdsrnm. W. Va lr. Orr ami Mr. I'ntta were formerly students nt the Hlltmore Forestry srhool. ui interest -sy, sv. 5TiJFrc Masons And Their Friends Tha firm of Chaa. M. , 8tlffj aad their Southern Manager have donated a f mngnlfloeiit worlO renowned tlcff rianp to th Maaonfcj Bataar toi be held In the ! Charlotta Is.udlti.i1um AprU Ji. in, U, is, it, 1909, Charlotte, C. Th modey derived from U haxaar! will he need In tha erscfldn of a Masonic Templ a: building that will he i a pride) to every mason tn th Cartollnaa. non'l yju' want this ar tistic flano for your lodge, your horn 6r your friend's hornet Visit Charlotte during the Basaar. . Reduced rates on ait Radlraad. ADDUK88 C. H. Wllmothi m. mutt) commnfeie M aswnlc Basaar Chas. M. Sliell Manufacturer of tha srrrmv BsaurptATER piao9 Southern Wareroom: H ID faTtastaa. e Charlotte,' : : : : N. 0. U H. WIIiMOTH, Manager. Mention Thl Faper, mm MABEL BLONDELL, SOl'BRETTK JOE KENNEDY, . F..fCV SKATfNU... DuROSS & CLARK, SIXGIXfJ AXD l.NtiN BIG FIRE SALE Our store was closed Monday o replenish the stock. Open Tuesday at 9 a. m. and sale continues hntft further notice. Some new goods will go on sale at manufacturers coBt. BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY, p!4 fiuuta vt O. K. Mourn (3Uiliig juo. SOl'TH JI.UX BTMEET. D.R.McK!NNON 7 PstloD Avenue ' (Over sdwood' Itort) Ladies and rienOemens TAILOR J&tiel.L9Ssr . E"3 WAvi BUTTER. Ito pur poaad. Th fancy oreamery kind, th kin yon pay 40o and Io per pound foi whan md In Illinois Instead of liar Th azprta company gts th did Asheville Pure Milk Oo4 Wabnt Bb. Phon S24 Meals 25 Cents Hot Benin tot dinuor evnrv uay. ...... ,., r WHITE'S CAFE, HXhufchSt. ...GENUINE ANTIQUE SHEFFIET.Tl and hiiported ne brasses. Gems and lugn class antlqu Jewelry. Scrap gold nu saver ragen in exchange or cash paid ror sama Victor Steras' Antique Shop CniROPRACTiC (Ki-ro-jirac-tic) I nm now located In my new of fices. COtlSlirtini Off nevan m.ul.n. room, nnd extenfl an invitation to the people of Ashevil'le to cull nrnl a. m.- and investlgah tho great fielcm-,. that 1 reresent. The cause of abnormal function lo cated without iiuestlon and removed without drugs or surgery. Dr. C. F. Compton OhifoDractor. I.At;F. hmh;., v. w. h. soimhk MISS CRUISE PARLORS ror Manicuring, Massaging, Chlro Dody and Hair DrMainr. for the hair can be obtained here, in those styles that are thn moat mr.ic,u and becoming. Combings and cot hair made to order. MISS CRUISE, 25 Haywood Street. La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure GREENE & CO , 12 Church Street M. WEBB & COMPANY Mmimvy Importers No. Battery Park Place, phone iM euneTiue, JV. u faster Specials for tdd Juesdatf is iSHwJ The. following special values will ue on fealtr for to day only. These values are exceptional and you should take advantage of them nowRead below :v Beautiful Foulard Silks, easily woftETfroin 75cT:o $1.00 vard will go at the special prV for today oftly, at j 69c per yd , - - Wliite Goods Specials for today? " ' i ' White Auto Cloth, a beautiful linen finished goods, easily worth 15c a yard, special today at 10c a yard 40-fncli White Lawn, very good value at r 9c a yard 45-iiw li White French Lawn, very sheer special today at 15c a yard Silk Hosiery and Curtains at special prides. Silk Hose for women in black, white and colors, special for today at $1.19 a pair ; Fish Net Curtains in ecrue. rrreen and red. easilv worth $1.75 a pair, sjwial For today at $1.35 apair f Odd Curtains .one nair of a kind, nriced from $1K) to $15.00, special at ONE-HALF off the regular Jirice. - ft quality, HI ' s We Don't Claim the Earth Bnt do claim that there are no better seeds and onion set than Iamdretlia' For Bale at THE CAROLINA PHAKMAOT Cor Market Had College Sts. IMPRESSIONS COUNT You alwava look hatter wii nin perfectly laundered linen. We do our pan. MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY MAOTCTJRIXS. Hatrdresslng. Facial Mass treatment a specalty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet articles, switches, puffs and pompadours tnade to order. Prices reasonable, work flrat doo- LADIES.!V. 8KXMTER a HMrTER. No. la Sooth Spruce Street DR. MATTHEWS x -1 Dental Parlors, J 9S, Be, J7 New HcAtee Bnlldlnfc J Oor. College and Sprace, Near Court House. Our work la tha beat. Our . prices- rery reasonable. We fill and extract teeth without -pain always. We guarantee all our" work. OFFICE PHONIC t. & THERE IS NO WAWTWO to be aerred tXrom plaoe that 1 a feature with u just tha aatsi as serving only the very beat tn the eat ing line. If yon haTen't Kun uHnf with us, all we ass! Is caU. RJUW XOliS. LUNCH BOOH ' llBonUiXf&vtBil lllrs. .T. ('. Welch In TtsllAig Mrs. K. home in Itiltmore. M. V. MOORE II pattox An.vm nf Waynesvlll" Onive nt her Mr. Clem Satterthwalte r IVavnr.1. vllle Is in the clly. Mr. ( J. Weaver here -eter- (lnr from Itamblchurst, his hnme nenr Weavcrvlllo. Mlsa ITelr-n Rchnrtle lias returnel fforh Hot tJifrrntrs whi-rc stir 1, 11 spent the past few months. "'I Vtt. rAmfM'rtsnn hn returned from short visit to MTiflda where lie has huslnc interests. a ;aa nflaa Juris hate of 11 enilrannvH'.. jent rtif- wek end ulth her friend. Mis ftertha Tll6n. at her home on ontrat avenue. Sff. ferntiTfi Sumner ret"t-nel y-. terdajr frtwn ' t"hattanoogn. Tenn.. where fce, hfta been for tire past thnc rrelcs on business. . i mi i ilaassssssaassl Every Wcmsa Li i lnlM.i..1 av..u a L l ftkoUt thn wonderful ( LMAflVtLWhirl.ngSpray 1 Um mm v(iui ErrWr. TrfeasJ EASY TO BAKE CAKES tf roar d rnaatalfar li. It ha cannnt miiti r tbt M 4 a T II. awra Olh"T. hot MHiA IUn,n full partlrliirt ao.t itinH'tloiw In mnahlr tn lailm. M KM I.. fire. When y,iu (,:ivo ran tihv:i;. 3 have a Kr)j tire with M. W. Inll.m ra. Carolina CoaI& Ice Company Pa a lie. Pattoa Ar. mmmm r-v -u w-jjtsji 1 res 51 BUTTON "AVE PH0NE356;: ASHEVlIXEika ft il Hie oaic vi toiorea uress Linens will Continue Toda A CURIOUS CUSTOM Has liccome firmlv cstalitisliod tint oiilv- in tlilo ry hut al.road ns well. (. praeinj? the Easter Morning Breakfast lable with cnt.snf fiue Ham or Baron. In or der to prepare for this demand, this shop has a verv elab orate supply 0f. various Hams ami Bacon whose'excel lence is hevond douht. incliiil imr inn "t iiains. J n . .rtier to move my tu. than a ton of these meats! : nicer 1 l ' . s ? - . V.4 We have decided t do this, at it was ilnpossibitj for us to serve ereiyone who wanted to -pmvhnse orf Monday. A .y;ood assortment left to select from ,;j fecial Hale of Table Linens, Towels, Sheets 'an " " " ' ",, wiu ne maae nil t week:' Monaco A,an OWHBStS I ' HlBt H 4 I A, .ill .; ... ' - . . . ,1 . . ' id ..1. . " - iai "a'1"'--- iii, ' ' .' . "ill