THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY. APRIL 14. 1009. SOCIETY urn nofrilnBtl"ii fur t J . - 'n uleu tii" nfti- rlwl laMt .-i. . :.-. nl'h fuif. fl'.t yet riiinu I tuil '.Ui hwiii in ntHlf Will )l''4'4i U'ToM! till- liHt ( low (,n Tl.i.' -.1 iv ihkI.I nil tin Khii'. i ;il fi'rn j'li'il' .-t.tlii'M Tin fin. ..'iriWlril' (r-Ftn 'h. ii . r v 1 . : ) . I if tin' ri') ii' c 1 . i 1 n.rn lim to m - r I -fivi- Miiln. thi- (il-nf-lnwn urrhuls will mill furth'-r w:ll th- mi ml)' r Into one m the I.Ikk t and beat show Aseilllo lian jel n-cn. Among the entrli mode arc "Hi n" and "Rajah," by Mrs, Annie Il stor lloyle; "Primrose" and "Itajnli," I'V Mia Mary P. Howard; "Mao." I'.v Mlas Katherlne Grant; "MUlar-l.'' by Ml Mary Virginia Erwln; "Nellie," by Mia Mary Hamilton; "frlekct," l.y Mlas Alyne Reynolds; "Oold Inst," by Mr. Cnnnally Coxc; "Handsome Pan," by W. Granville Taylor; "lec tor V." by Mra. Oay Own: "T. D ", y Mra. Harry C. Thcohold; "Ade laide," "Roderick," "Raven," Hiawa tha," "Nancy Hank" and "War Bpot," by Philip 8. Henry; "Daisy" and "Lucy," by Morrla Meyers; "Zoo." by V. Meurer Unstick "Frank" and "Ina." by Tench ' Coxe; "Diamond Baulrrel" and "Lady TJ," by J. H. Jordan, of Henderson lite; "Charts Heard" and "Gordon For be a." by Dr. J. A. Burroughs "Tatters," by Tench Franel Coxe. ' Latter received by the secretary from Greenville, Oreer and Spartan barf. S. C tate that entrle from thoM point will b In Wrdneday' tnalla, Tha tournament Hat for an Internal int avent of Wednesday afternoon, In clude amon; the name of the Wlt- toior forester, H, C. Johnaon, O. A Bchulse, R. B. Naah, D. R. ftfcKae. Jr. M Jones, I Pratt. W. H. Buehner, P. Oerhart, H. Black, J. II. Poterson, O tV. Whlttingtan, R. O. Merrltt, B , Clarke, O. W. Burt. C. Dunnlns; and , T. Sullivan. ' The Ashevllle fellow who are down to ride In the tournament are V. B - Doatlrk, It d. Theobold, 'Mr. Hart- of. Porter Webb, Harry Wllaon and Mr. Brennerman. Many of the forester will enter In the H.X pony claaa. ' The trophy selection mad by iron eroue patron of ie ahow form an In terestlnf exhibit of handsome cup In the ahow window of the Arthur M "Field company. The director of the association will place . the vartou cup donation at their meeting to be held on Friday, Mr. Beekman Lorlllard will come from Washington on Thursday to visit her mothurs, Mrs, A. B. Doyle, at Htlloote, Victoria road. Mra. Loril , lard t nthustatlo. lovr of the Aahevllle horse showi her'rldln and driving her have always featured the ' ring With Interest and her return will ' liav slnoers welcome at the functions t nest week. Jl Jl The Tahkeostee club Rave It Easter dance last evening at the club room - on Pack square and there was a good attendance. A buffet supper waa eerved durln the evening also fruit punch. Conncll'a orchestra unplle.1 the mullc. Among those invited war Mr. and Mra. Charles 10. Waddell. (Mr, and Mr. James Nichols, Mr. Jamea Oreen Martin, Mr. and Mr. ' Heath Carrier, Mr, and Mrs. Jamea i Ik Alexander. Ml Margaret Warda- , worth, Mia Virginia Orlfnth Miller ,. Miaa Jeaale and Mlaa Mary 8tlkelrath- er, Mlas Bettle flltoe. Mies 101 ea nor lAmbertaon, Mix Alee Drummond. Mis Rebecca Cuehman, Mlaa Harah janoa, MIm Pauline Paquln, Mlaa A.l- .latde Lough ran, Mlaa Frederlka Brown, Mlaa Margaret Merrlwether. (Mlaa Alice Haazard, Mlaa Beaumont Hasaard, Mlaa France Dufour, Ml Mary Nlchol.. Mlas Lillian Adnme. Miss May B'rnard. Mlas Helen Cefnlii. Misa Mead. Mlaa Georgia Drnnla, Minx Catherine Cartmrll, Mlaa Lillian Wea ver. Miss Lalage Oaten. Mlas Tuxburv of Buffalo. N. T., Mr. John Acee, Mr, 8. O. Bernard. Mr. F. R. Hakcr, Mr. , P. D. Cobb, Mr. Vonno fludger, Mr. John Hobnon, Mr. Jeffnaa. Mr. Mey era, Mr, Mulligan. Mr. Konrtall North rup. Mr. EiiK-m Sawyer. Opt. Tlli-e. Mr. Bert Nlchol. Mr. Paul Buvea. Mr. J. B. Anderaon. Mr rharlea Fol aom, Mr. Roy Wagner. Mr. Tim Cocke. Mr. Albert -Muatln. Mr. Ilnxll Vnlcn tine, Mr. Dubola Rcca. Mr. I Johneton. Mr Theodore Rorlaon. Mr. Harold Rwope. Mr. Ward On-gir. Mr. Davl. Mr. Harry TheoMdd. Mr. H. B. Sedberry and Mr. rnrtmell. i auplcea of the horw huw assoi-ia-tlon. MIhh Kdna ll.imiitnn nit-rtalni d iltit.n of her j'.uriK frlnda yct-r- lay afternoon at h-r hoim-. 14 3 llay o,,il etr.-. i It. fr. hhm. rite wi re Tved. thi' plai- ranN Ix-fnx alnod Kuater kk with ribbon Httachwl The boy an,i airl. drew partner by drawliiK the ribbon. Candy (.iiIIimk and other mmw w. r. f. aluie. at Iraetlv pilzt hi iriK Klveri. I 1 1 njf tour ,it the Albemarle H ..clock. The in I hi aerb a of i to nr iii tournament. ii- n'llil medal the aeaMon' m la keen i- iil-niit 8 or " iy. PERSONAL 1 Mr. and Mr. W K. I'.nvan of Mn (ri-al ate gucul at tliu llallery J'ark hold Mr. Un ihh laiiKberty delphla Is In Ali.ille for atay. Phlla a abort Mr. M. It Pplcr of harlotte yelrday In the city. spent iMr. and Mr. M. K. Ilcrnateln, Mln Eva llernallen and Mr. and Mr. (J. o VV. LU-rrnt.ln of I'hlladelphla ait pending ome time In the city. Mr. and Mr. II. I,. Caldwell o.' Wet Virginia are vlaltors to Aahe vllle. Mr. and Mr. Stlxend of Nen York are api.ndlng everal week at the Battery Park hotif Mr. and Mra. Hrown and little Mlaa Elle Brown of Long Branch. N. J., who have apent the winter at tin Battery Park hotel have leased Mr J. O. Martin' houee, 200 Montford avenu, and will move ahortly Into their home. Mr. ft. F. Rharplesa of New York 1 in Aahevllle for a brief atay Mr. H. C. Armstrong of Plttaburg if in mo tuy un uuaineaa. Mr. A. Maupln of Atlanta la In town for several day. w by a mp of mine, n ehnnnlii- young woman. I eorietl lur t!i- vlo Hti, and fate gave It to m. I ! '! tnis pupil, and by and by I meet her sister, a moat lovely young unman, wllli whom 1 fall In love mrnluhtway and tiuirry. goon I go to my Mter-ln iwt vho wa my pupil, a'nl mj to It I time yon stop f..oiing with violin. You will never l.-aru bow to pl-'iy I take the llU rty i f n big brother, but she do not Ilk.- It f..r long time. At hiht she auccun i. to my ex pTletjce and wladotn, nud kIic ntop plnyln,'. Then I sny grninllb-iurtitly: "i will take the Guar.,.-, -tia. 1712.' t tnku It, mid (hat I how the violin eauie, Into the Ioeaon ..f Vsnye." COLOR WORDS. tiii in .."fi. Tl. . ..oi f , .r ( h "I r (hii-iI i. .ii . t.nw l' I I' a. I Ini; . i J J ?ev. .Inniea ('amine, mlalonary to Araliln held .cr k at the county home Hiiailay afb rrionn and the Kai ter crvlce . .'-i i.illy appreciated by the Inmate who . Idoin have an opportunity of hearing a Interesting n Hpcnkcr a Mr. ('antinc. The hymn wen- ung with a will and evident en joyment. Mr. C R. Waddell ha a'nt yarn which will tie uaed for knitting, and the number of cotton piece contributed by Mr. Pred Cone will be made Into patch work guilt. Magazine and periodical, even If a month or two old. would give n great deal of pleaaure. The Associated Charltle have been tendered the ue of carriage by the livery atablca to convey lck patient to tho hoplto! and for .emergency rae. Jl Jl The Athcrvllle Poultry and Pet Btoek how will hold It reKular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at the city hall at I o'clock. Malor General Albert J. BtobbArt ofi Bt. Taul. Minn., commanding the uniform rank. K. of P., will be the gueat of honor at a smoker and re ception, given thi evening at the Bat. tery Park hotel at .0, to which every Pythian of Aahevllle I cordial ly Invited to attend. An Interesting evening is promised and a large at- fnlixija la s I j nuiniii i will be served durlna the smoker th "u't of MlM F1,rc' Mitchell. the power of onroglug tlio bull, the set al mi wi i .ii . . A , , Mr. and Btfri. Hnry Jone havf rc Mltl RIlKBhtfilh T -on inlnrla Inn m. lh i . . .... ' . . " " -"iiurnen io Atlanta aftor a vl!t to llZZP.XZ:? '" ' city for ... u r me. lwo week. on umnoriann avenu. Mr. Joaeph B. Meare give an informal tea thi afternoon, alio for MIm Redwood, her maid and aevwral girl friend of Mia Redwood. Jl Jl Mr. Burnett Jordan has dlacontln- ued hi teachlna; at the Ashevllle School of Mualc and Dramatic Art. week nhuiniv ana will ret until May 2nd. Mr. r. a'fortn Z.u.r .L"K,""L1t2Wn . W.r.f?Mh'? C'r,m"1 of Ph" w"o had left tho house .luring the Inst '"""i. 'imilll rill ailier. M M Kahrln ! l Red 4em to Be the Favorit With Most of the Great Writer. Upon (nl)iilntl i(r the words used Ly HhnkeN-are referring to color It I revealed that out of every hundred color word thirty may i,. -lawed a riKl. Next follow twenty two white, twenty black, aeretitecn yellow, seven green and only four blue 'l imn Shake- HlK-nre'a favorite color w rd wns red, ond lnvetltntlon will show that tlila la the characteristic . color of nearly nil great writer. For Instance. It Ik the color word most often employed by Tennyson. In all great works of human Interest red predominate, a It Is the color of the very strongest of our passion and Impulses the color of hot blood. There i-i uo color so warm, so full of Joy mid life, o overflowing with vitality. lied Is the color of glowing Iron -of heat ami passion. In nature red has ten the growth of trees, while tit the ame time It gukkens all rottinir and decay, l'laus grown dinler red gins will grow four time a ipiickly a under white light, and grow to four time their usual height. Hid In excess ha an evil effect. I'or example, au excess of red light mnkes one Irritable nud nervous. In excess red produces homicidal manln-the de sire to kill. The effect of red upon ! Miss Daisy Faulkner nf Greensboro v0rl'"s nnlmala la well known, It hav- "W ben Vour Joint are Stiff and muscles sore from cold and rhcuma tm, when you sprain a joi..t, utrain your mde or bruiao yournil, furry Dsv)' r aia killer will take out the soreneja aad hx yoa right in a jiffy. Fur orer 70 rear it tms Invn tlie stindby for cmt rencies in thius aniiaof farailuw. Im't go home without a 60c. or one of the new size UOo. butUua. DAILY bTAf.K LINK TO MAIM HILL AMI DRMOCKAT. BeglnnlriK April 16th a stage will connect with the 1 2.r. car on the Weavervllle Line for Mars Hill three tlmea a week, and Democrat and Barnardr llle three time a week, on alternate day. Mis Anne Hall leave todav for New york city and will lie away for a fort night on a visit to friends and rela live. Mr. J. C. Wllhar has returned from I a inn io iiemiertonv llle. after m.- tiger and the turkeyLondon Scrnps. ONE BUSINESS REFORM. Brought About by Frank 8tatment From Former Employe. If tho manager of a busineas insti tution knew all that his employees know about the detail of the business many things would be different. Tho manager of a large mercantile house recently conceived the idea of writing a personal letter to every emolovoe Oartmell and Mr. Arthur Rankin five years. Inviting a frauk statement The Greenville horse .hn .in I.. .... k "'7 .l M 'o reason for leaving. The former glvan a month hence and will no .treet B,I)lo"9- Ilow ePetlng neither ceu- doubt draw a number of exhibitor ure nor fTor. wer very frank and from Ashevllle. There wa a fair ex- Mis Emma Gud'ger I exoertert to- exnlclt nn(J- n ne. wmle letters numoer or ureen-1 morrow rrnm Nn v,i, ...i ..i . mu uoi iuu 10 conininin re- vllle horses ware shown at Riverside has been visiting hr brother m- ixtful attention. One man told how aim inter at their show Ashevllle waa Franrle Gudger for ten rtv bard he hud worked, to Hinmort 1.1. well represcntod. Mrs. Arthur Man- her return from Panama, whore ahe mother and bow, when no asked for .. v"ij v.oo were I oaa spent me winter. an hennu hu i...i. ...j 0.: m..w. ,7. I h between d,e Z exhibited were loudly acclaimed. Mr. In town fnr a .hort ,u .d to . Z? r T W,th""' hWn r Hi.u u I . ""u auest reiecfed or ncciulwf t n,..i i, " 'iiv bi mo timet uesi at tne Hotel Berkeley promised trophies for thia seasonal : meet, and the cum will he aiilecliwt I Mr. and Mr m,.ii.i.i. .... . thi. ,i. i . "I,.. , . ..iu..i.-w ,,. ..... T,.r, ,,, nsoi'viiiii and sent tol Cincinnati yesterday. assoriHiinn, accnrdlna; to a enm-l mr. inomaa p. Reynolds left for Cincinnati yesterday, Mrs. II Monday afternoon. Miss Katherlne Htelllng of Anderson a n i - o. v., in niremiina- severa ilavn lih mission of tho donor. J Jl Tho April showers seem to have put a very decided stop to out door sports, and golf and tennis have auf- rcrrea considerably tntelv. The hor. anow is occupying most of the atten tion antl II inn of every one at oreaem u n it ..,ii an . . . , . .. . ...... ...... ... many Kuwnn in no mml. nor rami v at the r hom.. .... ..v.. .in. ana court have heenlsvenue. prncucauy iieaerted by the women niinonnceu so rarl ",r- c. iiuriison or Spruce Pill" " ' me country clubl ' m Ashevllle for a niiu ine nailery pnrk tennl tourna-l"" busineas. ment has been postponed on account or Ih4 wialhni. ....1 ... .1 ui t...i . I'luiimny win notl " iieion onner has gone to .... inmuiuin unui arter the horse Cincinnati to visit her nunt Mrs. Mow quest rejected or acceded to ami he grew tired and sought another ponl tion. Another told of the lnimmltlons or the department malinger and of Ms inability to get relief from a nairulnir disposition which waa takinic the heart out of hundreds of other men in Ills department Mnn nnlnt. ..t ,.i., i J. Brown lift for Chicago I otis inlMimiiiairemeui im,i . uglit which had virtually driven nwny good tuen who had been educated to llio business. The miiuager has lieen busy ever since Inslltntlng reforms based upon tho Information he celved. Collier's Weekly. brief slay Vary Convenient. Caretaker (to prosiicctlvo tenantl- Yes, this 'ousc Is most convenlentlv situated. There's a music 'all clone and 'nndy. and there's a pub Just over $150.00 Not Often a Bargain Like This. An upright Piano In nice condition case; rcllnlshed; looks like new. Ebonlzcd case; therefore will go with any atyle furniture. If you want this bargain WHITE TODAV. Chas. M. Slicll Manufacturer of the ARTISTIC 8TIEFF, SHAW, AND 8TIEFF SELF-PLAYER PIANOS. Southern Wareroom, B WEST TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. (Mention thi paper) :;r'r Sure to Attend the inen Jale Joday YcstiTil.n , nut wil hstaixliiig the inelement weathl-': cv. v sold yards ami yards of table damask, crashes, toweling, etc Our lino is still in very good eondi-. tion. The buyer cannot afford to mis ,'f this opjxirf unity to buy liijrli grade linens at such low jii'ices. This is the time to supply yourself with" summer linens. These prices on Bath Towels last through Thurs day. Buy now. A l.)c Hath Towd for 12c each or $1.39 dozen. L':V Bath Towel, spe ial at $2.49 dozen. o.h' Bath To' d. special at $2.98 dozen. We are selling some unusually pretty patterns and designs in Bedspreads. Large size Bedspreads, regular $1.25 grade for, 98c $1."() grade Bedspreads at $1.39. f 2.00 grade Bedspreads for $1.79. Lonsdale Cambric, Remnants, 12c yard. A number of short lengths in Lonsdale Cambrie, running from one to ten yards, will be sold at 12C a yard today. Jhe Prettiest ine of Jpring J'wte to e found Jfere GMETY JAS. DILKES ODD MUSI CAL COMEDIAN The Three Casads. Parisian Vaudeville ar tists in musie and eomedv. Open 3;15 to 5:0a 7:30 to 10:30. IS- or me how will h,. a flttlim cllmnv .... .,,., ,-,,i,in ex hi bit lor.. I ",r- 'rs. llllnm Wallace of The ball room will be ally decorated Hlh Point are visiting tho parents ...... iiniu,in coiors. blue nnd l" " Wallace In West Ashevllle. "..i, nun powers or the show a,1. oiea. wni. roach trumpet, ilvrldlor etc. will ,be iffei-tlv.i.. ........ , ' .... n,,,-,. ,n , very appropriate decoration. A buffe! supper and punch will be served' mere will be n great mnny visitors in ine city and a number of extra In vitations have been sent out to th. visitors, which, added to the usual list "in iest ine capnclty of the ball room 11,11 "l be one of the most re. reaentntive or the more nearly resemble " "" annual Uerman and .i.euioK nan. man any oth year. The i,aii is aiv. iu v"i uvi . uumivu 111-OllS. ; 1 When a king creates an offlceProrH dence at once creates a fool .tolbrirJltJ UOolbert M 4 p- cason and will in point of nt Ui.. r. i ., miss norma Kin has roliimej from a months visit to relatives and rricnns In tlcorula and Houth Caro lina. misses Mlaw accompanied by uicir niece, miss Alma -Hawthorn; -u.r on inurauay for a two months trip 10 southern and eastern points. NOTICE. iallyho seats for the; Horse Show on sale at The Milliard Liverv Comuanv Phone 180. Mr. n nd or the it the B...1 ft. V mu iTiii,. uonil II. 1 'arter nr.. hi ine nailery I-ark hotel for a monm while their residence on M.iri- tora avenue is undergoing repair. ONE PIECE DRESSES FROM THE NEW SPRING HARVEST We Sell Yinbl on tho positive guarantor .lumpers SI I K tlres.srs in nafura tJie-piec clleckci One-piece eilet-t One-piece dresses stripes and fancy ami t runnings These dresses art in natural pongee and $ir.oo pongee, empire .20.00 1 ,:.-.( K). of lllessaline. si. lid enlnrs nguivs. braided lac,, yokes -O.O0 to 10.00 am v e:,iiii,l.. ,,f tl... kj. iv i ' ojmiiik I'asniniis, correct III eyei-y detail AV ever eh else mav he said of 1 1., in 1 1. suretl of that peace of mind which lafcofcud indisputably correct st h neq tlvem. "vi s .ji t- w earer is as accninpanies Drop in to Grand Peopl In London In 1BVO. I came to town on Wednesday and intended to go to tho Ancient Music; ruaoe a liungle about my Ticket; It was too late to get It Th Drawing tloom was tha object yesterday. They that if It does not PVO Sat- naue a nnsiase in my Dress. It was i aj i.. not deep enoneh for n Mo,,rnin i-UUU WO W1U rBTlirn UIB and the glass of my Sedan rhalr wns not mended. Looked at my Iiodglngs: fonnd them Abominable I walked all over the Town till I wns. Ixird. how tired! Looked In upon the Duchess of Gordon while ahe took off her Hoop to iJino with the nedforda." This was Jane, duchess of Oordon rho rode down the High street of Ed Inhnrgh on a pig s back In the dnya of her wild girlhood and raised recruits for the nw highland regiment when other mean had failed by allowing eaeh man to take the shilling from be tween her Hp. TToops were de rlgueur for court drew until the day of George TV, although In private Ufa the ladles' skirt bad been growing more and more scanty since the days of the French revolution. From "John Uook ham Frer and Ills Friends," by Ga- brielle Festlng. M. V. MOORE Womk.vs nrTriTTFii,. 11 PATTON AV'K. Winning Violin. The way M. Taaye, the great violin ist became the owner of a Guarnerlua violin dated 1743 was thus quaintly told by hluilf: .. TtM.Qaarnerlu was boaght In Par entire amount of money paid us for it. We ask all those who are run-down, nerrous, debili tated, aged or weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, hanging-on cougha, bronchitis or incipi ent consumption to try Vlnol with this tuuUritaadiag. Baawell'a Pharmacy, Aahevllle. N. C SI.VGI.B COMB RHODE SMVn RKDS. Won at Ashevllle, "The Land of the- Slty." In December. Stock for sale. Two dollars gels fifteen No. 1 eggs, J. M. THANTTIKM, Ilu-wcll vllle, Tenii. B-r-r-r-r ! Cold? Not if your house is heated with M and W Indian coal. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Pkoa IS. Pattoa Av. La Grecque Corsets For every type of figtira GREENE & C0-, 12 Church Street We Don't Claim the Earth Bat do ctelm that there are no better weed and onion seta than LandreUi', For Bale at THE CAROLINA PHARMACY Oor Market and OoUeg Sta. D.R.McKINNON 7 Patlon ilvenoe (Ovar Redwood' tor) Ladies and frenflemens CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-m-prnc-tlc) COlKMATIO WITHOUT IN VEKTHJATIOX IS PfKJK Jl'IKiMENT. Abnormal iircssure upon nerves Is the cause of all diseases; bv remnvlna this pressure, normal comlii n,i health will o restored. Itecocnized and endorsed by thousands of citizens of other Rtates. Incurable disease our specialty. Consultation ami examination free IHl. F. tO.MI'TOX. fliiP.,n.,.t... Lange BldK-. N. V. Cor. Sq. Phono C2I. DR. MATTHEWS' DENTAL PARLORS. "An ounce of prevention t Worth a pound of cure." Th personal health can not be maintained Jtt it highest degree without good' teeth. And what pleasure la life without good health. Thtit is no nd to are44iA;4- ; operating chair when we axtraot aad -? nil, and make teeth without JwUft and our prices are so reasonable tnd. . Come and let us estimate Ihe' cost pi giving you a perfect set of teeth that will be a comfort the balance of your life. Office 25, 26, 27 McAfee BulltJw Ing. corner College and Spruce, near the Court House. Office Phone 94; Residence Phone 972. ' ' ' Cheap Milk Is usually cheap In quality as well a price. It Is dangerous. Our milk I not In that class. It Is absolutely pure, clean, rich andAvholeeome. , AsheviKe Pure Milk Co. East Walnut St. Phone 3S WKAVEIIVHJ.E LINE ITntll further notice cars will icav 'trace lor Miinnow Station, one mile irnm weavervllle. daily except Sun nays, nt C.30 and 9.10 a. m., 12.45 an bib p. m. Leave Wlllnnow for Crnce at 8.30 a m., 13 noon and b. 30 p. m. MISS CRUISE PARLORS ror Manicuring, Maaaaglng, Chlro Pody and Hair Dreaslng. Everything for the hair can be obtained here. In thoae atylea that are the most modish and becoming. Combings and cut hair mada to order. MISS CRUISE, 5 Haywood Street. MEALS 25 CTS. For Ladies and Gentlemen WHITE'S CAFE 14 Church St. MANIOURIJJtl. Halrdresstng. Facial Massage, Beatp Liniment a pecity. Un-to-date line of hair goods, toilet articles, switches, puffs and pompadouea made to order. Price reasonable, work first elaaa. LADIES. GinVTT.EMKX. SKIV"En tt HCNTER, No. 13 South Spruce Stree Tennessee Meats New Int of Tennessee Hams, Smoked Shoulders and Side Meats, quality and re,nahly prctd. L( t ua tp you aboil, j,, Extra 25 Honied Ave. QWNBEY'S Phone 56 M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Import en No. Battery Park Place, Phoae im AahevIIl, N. O. IMPRESSIONS COUNT Ton alway. lock better with clean perfectly launder.d Unen. We do our pan. MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY NOTICE. Until the arrival of the new cars the Sunday sched ule on the Weaverville Line will be suspended. i Asheville & East Tennessee Railroad Co., n. a. ROWLAND, General Manager. 51 KT.TONAVEmEF.Tf timmi ASHEVILLE N.C. Prclly Sheer White Goods -J"-iii yard. I'crsiaii IN-rsinn -aw ns at Lb-, l0c, 25,; ai irtwns at I.jc, 20c, - find 30c yard.f. t 25c, ;)()cut) to 50ef 42-in. Swiss at 17c van! sa t-1. i t w. 'n - ' -'U(1- I-rench Lawns at -, .Uc. ,!.), HI' to 7.r ,-nwl IU r... tiste f,n, :". i(, 75- van! cruod India Linons at 10,., p to .')5c vard ' : 40-.n. Lawnat 10c. V2, and 15,-vard r L(1( crcrl A ( lit'ckcd Diniiti.'s ;,f irw. i')i.. 1- . waja, - ' , i io We varti. I' js.iLtai ..M..Jy..M..i w.imb

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