TIIH V7EATIIEE voir xx v: no. m. SESSION AFTER Adopts Resolutions Embody Ing Results of Educat ors' Work OCDEN PRESIDENT FOR THE TENTH TIME Meeting Was One of Most Successful In History of Organization. (Ify Associated Press.) ATLANTA, Ga., April With mixed feelings of satisfaction and re gret; the twelfth annual conference for education in the South closed to night ' The satisfaction was at the Immense amount accomplished dur ing (he scholastic year just terml nated. The regret was that the meet Ing so pleaslant and Instructive was so brief. . Jflvery member of the con ference united in a declaration that never had the members experienced as satisfactory a meeting. ' The early sessions of the closing day. were .devoted largely to women and woman's work In the problem that the conference is endeavoring to Interest all good citizens in solving, Women who have devoted their lives to teaching or to the study of these economic problems which every com munlty has to solve, some time or other, gave to the conference mem bers the benefit of their conclusions. The negro problem was considered, too, from the standpoint .of the edu cator and some attention was paid to economic) developments in connec tion with education. Adopt Resolutions. Before the conference adjourned, these resolutions were offered and adopted: "Resolved: That the conference for education In the South recommends for special attention In the work of the Immediate future. "'-Improvement in country super vision M the strategic point In the entire educational -system. "J.The professional " training of feachers to kneet.the Juet demand for more efficient service, and especially the strengthening of the department of education In the higher institu tions for the training of men as teach ers and principals of high schools and as superintendents. tii.qin i.fLnjL'Uuvl.'i'Lnj'ii.irii'i'iri-i'i-- - ' ----- (Ccntlniied on page four.) MECKLENBURG HOTEL ' IS TBTAUY DESTROYED BYHRIVLD5S IS HEAVY Guests Escaped With Their Belongings, But Furnish ings All Lost. BURNED UP. QUICKLY. DANVILLE, Va., April 16 The beautiful Mecklenburg hotel at Chase City, seventy wiles east of this city on the Keysvllle and Durham branch of the Southern railway, was totally destroyed by fire this afternoon. TheJ hotel was an expansivo frame struc ture built ten ears ago by the Meck lenburg Springs corporation at a cost, Inclttfllnir Mrnlehlngs, of 200,000. At the time of the first It was owned by the estate of H- L T. Davis, of Nor folk, and was leased and managed by W. T. Hughes, Who had conducted It for several year. The owners carried only 176.000 insurance on the hotel and equipment. Only about thirty guests were registered at the hostelry at the time of the fire. The structure, situated Oh an eminence Just outside of towns and two hundred guests chambers, all well furnished. The flame were discovered by guests on the lawn who saw smoke Issuing from the slate roof and the alarm traa give immediately, but the fire-fighting facilities were Inadequate to cope with the fire raging fiercely. All of the guests escaped and the most of them saved all their personal be longing iefore the fire reached lower floors of the structure, but much of the furniture 1 'he upper rooms was thrown from windows and destroyed or battered. The employes and guests of the hotel, eupplemented by the fire department of the town of cnase .u. trove la vain to stay the progress of the Are, but the building burned like tinder. The Mecklenburg had been a health and pleasure resort for a decade and many persona from all over the coun try sought it because of the medicinal qualities of the mineral waters. SOOTHERX CONTRACT LET. LYNCHBURG, Va., April IS The ub-contract for the completion of the Sowthera Railway main line "cut off here has been let to the E. G. Nave Brothers: company of Portsmouth. Ohkv, tdllprk, sytllbei parted as tpetdily u possible. . GOriFERENCE EI flr.il 6 OFFICERS THE. MISSIONARIES IN AD ANA MASSACRED B Y A MOSLEM MOB Two Reported tive Christians Killed, And Town Sacked (By Associated Press.) CONSTANTINOPLE April Id. Two American miss tonaries have been killed In tho anil-Armenian outbreak at Adana, Aslastlc Turkey, according to Information received here from that place by telegraph this aftnrnoon. At midnight neither the American ambassador, Mr. Leishman, nor the British embassy had received any fur ther news concerning the massacre or confirmation of the reported murder of American missionaries at Adana. Consular telegrams received here report that half of tho town of Adana has been burned and that the attacks) r . "1 '5 - The Ruins of Kenilworth Inn upon, the Armenians are extending into the vlllayet They say that the British vice-consul at Merslna, Major Daughty-Wylie, who was ordered to Adana when the: first advices of the massacre were received, has been wounded. Communication with the disturbed district Is Interrupted, how ever, and all reporta received from there must be taken with caution. The mm CHEERED SS HE ASSURES PEOPLE THAT CONSTITUTION TS SAFE Constantinople Again Quiet Former Minister Disap pear In Bosporus? STILL FEAH TROUBLE. (By Associated Press.) CONSTANTINOPLE, April 16. A manifesto that was Issued yesterday by a committee of I'lemas, In which the movement of the last few day is declared to bo In no wise direct ed against the constitutional govern ment has created an excellent Impres sion on the public mind. Vice Admiral Adkiomlri Pasha, the new minister or marine,' has resigned owing to the hostility shown him by the navy. The president of the council of state has also surrendered his office, but on account of ill health. Half Tasha lias succee ded him. The minister of police and other officers Identified with th com mittee of union and progress have either resigned or disappeared a'id the Selamlik today was attended by a great crowd. The sultan was loudly cheered. The T'lcma offered a prayer invoking the benediction of Heaven upon the sultan, the Sheri laws and the empire. His majesty afterwards gave an audience to the ministers and reiterated to them tin- solemn assurance lli.it he would uphold th" constitution. The city is returning to more nor mal conditions. Business Is tw ins re sumed except in Stain boil I and pans of the Galata quarter, where many Christian shops are' stiil closed, not withstanding he declarations of the police that the people have nothin to fear; but the Impression prevails that the trouble is not yet ended, and the populace is wry nervous ov r what Is likely to happen at Saioniki and Monastir. It Is currently reported that some 1 BOO Saloniki troops who are march ing to Constantinople will is- receive! the outskirts of the city by a notation of Ulemas snd superior of- .h. it is thought, will eauliy convince them the true meaning of Tuesday events. JSEBEliEEE ASHEVILLE, N. hi Dead. Many JVa- By Turks. porte declares the disturbances are subsiding. Two additional buttalions have been despatched to Adana. The Moslem attacks recommenced yesterday afternoon and continued throughout the night Largo number of Christians are said to have been killed. One report says that sixty Armenians have lost their lives and that many houses have byen looted and burned. Tho first news of this antl-Ohrlstlan outbreak said the scene was Merslna, but this was erroneous. The trouble occurred at Adana which is about thirty-six miles Inland from Merslna. ... .. 1 1 V 1 " v f ' s Taken the Morning After The early reports were' declared to nave been exaggerated and messages received yesterday evening said only ten Armenians had been killed but martial law had been proclaimed at Adnna and that reinforcements of troops were being sent In from Beirut This latest Intelligence refers to dis orders that took place after the sit FACES JURY ON CHARGE OF SLATING RIVAL ON VERY EVE OF MARRIAGE Cleveland Knss Prominent Young Man Alleged to Have Filed iti Window WOMAN LS WITNESS -WHITFVJLLB, N. C April 18 The trial of Cleveland Ituss, a prom inent young white man charged with the murder of Jerry Tligford, who waj assassinated in his home on the nigh', of March 22, the eve of his marriage to Miss Soulrcs. for whose hand the j defendant Is said to have been a rival 1 suitor, was begun in the Superior I court today. This afternoon a Wfim- ! her of witnesses were sworn, Includ- ing Miss Hnulrc. The case will hard-, ly reach the jury before Saturday I night. ! The Jury was empanelled this after- ! noon shortly after 3 o'clock and testl nioney was begun with the Introduc tion of Dr. Thomas Devane, who tes tllled as to the gunshot wounds and gave his opinion ns an export that the shot was tired from without. Miss Hester KuircH, the fiancee of the murdered man, was on the stand but a few minutes, modestly acknow lodKlng that she was to have been married to Hlcford tho night follow- i t Ing the murder. A flfteen-year-oTd bov, a cousin of Miss Hejuir'-s. told of Ihreiils made several months iierore the munier ii Hush, the defendant, who said with an oath that before he would see 1 anybody other than himself marry the girl, be would Itill -the person. A ne gro testified to having seen Ttuss at the store and dwelling of iiigford at ' 4 o'clock the afternoon before the murder at night, and on cross exam ination by the defense it was clearly brought out that the contention will be that It was the tracks the youth ' msde then that the blood hounds trailed when Ftuss was followed to hii , home and arrested and not tracks made the night of the murder. Two other negroes testified, one of them that they saw a man going In the direction of Blgford's home about 7 o'clock the night of the killing wth i a gun on his shoulder, but did not j MmffnlfA him. On cross-examination . the witness admitted knowing the! WASHINGTON. April it. Forecast prisoner and thought he would 'for North Carolina: Fair Saturday, have recognised him under ordinary i warmer in central portion; Bunday circumstances, fair; light east to southwest winds. C, SATURDAY MOKNING. AlMiLI, 17, l!ot. V' ; -' ft.,'' t 6 t " 8 ' i - , - . ' . w " r l - . A New View of s , 1 , '. T " "I ' Fire Had Laid It in Ruins. uation was suppost'B to-Tiave Quieted down. Adnna la a station of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions with a working force of five missionaries anil thirty-live native workers; an outNtntlon of tho Synod of tho Reformed Presbyterian church ("onUiMii on pa ye four.) SHOOTS UP FAMILY OF HIS DIVORCED WIFE TILL GETS BULLET IN NECK Father-in-Law Ends Mur derous Rampage With Well Aimed Shot. TIMED TO TAKE CHILI) (II y AskocIiiU'i! I'reiw..) Mi'AI.IOKTKK. Uklll., April IS.--Mike Zunoii i, ;ni American citlr.en of Italian parenlau" , shot and killed his motber-ln-Ia w, Mix. William Doss and his slHler-tn Ian Hartshorne hit' Miss Willie I Joss, at I 'duy and within a r,.w minutes W;i -hot In the neck an I Hcrlously wound, d liy his father-in-law William Doss. .anona and Ids wlfo separated a year ao, and a short time ago, Mrs Zanoiui was kK. u a divorce and the custody of tie ir ihree-year-old child This afternoon 'unona entered the Doss home ini.l shot down the two women ll tii' ii tarted around the house wilh his hiid. He wim net b a constable, lim .anona fired upon The officer ret. ii iii. I the Ore, but tired in the air on "t of the child. Iiokh nrrlwil it this time ami ex changed sholx -ai'Ii Zanona. Kunnni was shot In tin ie 1 k and was hurried town to pri .'iii mob violence. waits in vi ii skti;( NKW OIM.i; .;, la April 1'.-- Sh;n kl. ti h.it: Blount, rmvi ' "I!ti35" l;r l.ii' hack to A mi'-M'-ntenrcit l'rn will n :i r 'I Inn Amlto City. hh) foot, Avi rv f thi munier f a tonight t;tk 1 wh'To he will !i v to f at h. Trooi-K -'in his arrrival ai uITIZEN , v i . ; t , . V et v A 'V ' " 1 ',( s 1 B' i 1 w 1 1 7 VViii: -. i Beautiful Kenilworth Inn Taken Before the Fire. LABOR LEADERS AND TAFT1N CONFERENCE Men Who Fought Him in Election Ask Him to Make Good Promises Given Labor During the Campaign. (Ity Associated Iitm.) WASHINGTON, April Id. Presl dent Taft discussed tho problems of the working man for two hours to. day with tho members of the exe cutive council of the American Fed eration of labor which is in session in this city. The Itibt r leaders, headed by Sam uel Uompers, president of the federa tion, called ut the white house. In the delegation were a number of leaders who stubbornly opposed Mr. Taft In his presidential campaign But the greeting within tho executive offl-wi whs cordial alike to Mr. fjorn pers and to all who accompanied him. Tho president told his callers on their leaving that he would Investi gate such of the matters presented as seemed to him to require Such action. and that he would be glad to. help, as far as nil opportunities, would permit. In' arriving at a proper solution f the difficulties In which the working peo ple flpd themselves, while . at the snmo time Keeping the Interest of the whole people in view. Tho labor leuders took up with Ihb president an Imposing array of prob lems Including the matter of Injunc tions., tho eight hour law, convict la bor, the recent Indictment of labor leaders In the South for alleged vio lations of the Sherman anti-trust law, the danger of a fjlssolutlon of all la bor organisations under a strict in terpretation of recent decisions by the Supremo court, the. maintenance of International peace and labor prob- b ins on the 1'nnaina canal, the ndher- BOYS MURDER FATHER WHILE HEWAS ASLEEP Had Treated Tin-in iirulall.v and Tliey Planned to lie Hid of Him. (liy AsHoclalcd I'ress.) KMAN'OKK, Va , April 16 --John frali; was shot to dealb In his home it Koarlng I'ork, a MiiaH rn IriliiH town In Wise county I awl evening mid his two sons, I'alrirk and Arthur ('rail, aged U and I 'i can respective ly, were today arrested charged with the parlklde and lodged In the. coun ty Jail at Wise court house. It is Id the father had been brutally treatlriK the boys and while he was ;i!ecp tin y planned to take his life. One of the boyrf pointed a revolver at the father and pulled the trlnger but the cartridge was not exploded. The oilur hoy then look the weapon and idiot the parent through the head, killing him almost Instantly. X)l.l,l .i: IMY imOWMKD. NKW llltl-KANK. April Hi Id-rail .-'ivllghl. aHi-il nineteen. .student ,11 'l ulu rn- unlwr-ily and member of a prominent family of New Orleans, was drowned late tnd.iv in the lake at ity Park W hile rowing with a eoin panlnii Hi'- boat overturned, the hit ler milking unsiii save HivTlght. csnful efforts flT IKW IjO.IP. SAVANNAH, 'la., April jr. Savan nah bakers today decided to reduce the wight of llielr live cent I Haven of bread two ouis-i-s. ber-nuse of condi tions growing out of the high wheat prp-es. They choose to lighten thi loaves In preference to Increasing the apparent price. NKOIIO IHKH IN 1I,IR. nir-HMOXD, Vs., April 1. Berry Heaborn. colored, wis electrocuted to day for criminally assaulting a negro woman In Oreensville county some months ago. once to the right of asylum In this country for political offenders from other lands, and child labor. President Taft told the labor lead ers that he regarded the matter an antl-lnjunclon law as one of the most Important phases of his admin. Istratlon. He added that ha felt he had made his position elear on the subject In his speech of acceptance last July at Clnnlnnatl, and had con firmed that position In his inaugural address. The federation council urged the president to use his efforts for an ex. tension of tho eight hour law so that U will apply to contractors and sub contractors furnishing materials and fittings for government , building and other government works. The law now applies only, to , "government worKs," Mr. Taft promised to give this mat tor especial consideration. , INVITE BRYAN AS REBUKE TO CLARKE. (II V Associated lrc. ) TALLAUA88KM. FlH., April 16. Following tho address of Congress man Frank Clark on the floor of the lower house of the Florida legisla ture In his defense after his speech denouncing William Jennings Hryan in congress the house today unani mously adopted a resolutlen Inviting Mr. Bryan to apeak to (he legisla ture during the present session. The senate concurred and a telegraphic Invitation was sent Hryan. CWUGG0.IS INDICTED FOR FRAUD Kail to Have Hold Colored Oleomargarine Without Paying the Proper Tux. ( II r Associated Press,) TOPKKA, Kan. April 18. The fed eral grand Jury returned Indictments here today against the Cudtthy Pack ing company of Kansas City, Kansas, on 7 r! 7 counts for defrauding the gov ernment out of 180,000 by violating the Internal revenue laws. The charge Is that the company had defrauded tho government of over $80,000 In revenue on oleomar gerlne. The maximum fine on each of the 7.17 counts Is 11,000 The revenue law provides that eacn pound of uncolored oleomargarine must bear a revenue stamp of a riuar ler of a cent, but that each pound to which coloring matter has lieen added to give it the appearance of butter, a ten cent revenue stamp must be pt ta bed. The Indictments charge that the Cuiiahy Packing company, lias sold I he colored product under the quarter of a cent tax. If Is claimed by the government of llelals that the Cudahy company has succeeded in monopolizing the oleo mnrgerlne market by selling the C'i oied product and paying the tux on the basis of uncolored. District Attorney Bone will bring a (till action In Federal court against the company to have the plant and machinery used tho manufacture of ob-omargerlni) r.onrisca'ed. The oleo margerine manufacturing plant Is con nected witn the Cuday packing estab lishment In Kansas flty, Kansas. KLEVE TKCE BIIX& NEW ORLEANS. April 16. Eleven true bills were returned by the grand jury here today against Theodore J. Bpitzfaden. lawyer and notary, on the charge .of forgery and obtaining money under false pretenses by means of bogusaiortgage notes, Associated, Press Leased Wire Reports. price five cents. FORTUNE SMILES . SETTLE Federal Judgeship Plum Re ported About To Fall To AshevlUo Man CALLED AT WHITE HOUSE YESTERDAY Believed That Taft About To Drop Ermine On Deserv-,.r, Ing Shoulders. (BY TAV." - '-:. Washington, D. O., April If. A new turn of tho tablet was reported from the white house tonight whs the faithful scribes on watch announe d that the Hon. Tho. Settle of Ashe' vlllo, the brilliant, but unappreciated son of Nbrth Carolina republicanism, had been at the executive mansion to day and was taken there by no lest a personage than J. O. Oadsklll, who himself was looked upon as having ft fair show for the federal plum When somebody was "tagged" " with ' the Judgeship of Eastern North Carolina, On top of this announcement - came a report to the effect that President Taft was "on the verge" of appoint ing Mr. flettle to the muoh-deslred Judgeship, not In token of the valiant services which Mr. tattle' hu perform1 ed for his party In. North Carolina, ;,! i and slngls-lyindsd, and at all times out of sympathy with tho fam ous North Carolina republican - ma chine, but because he . believed - Mr. Mettle in be mentally qualified fur tho place. i Ai 7 i ton, that Mr. Taft had In no way with drawn hit famous utterance to the fleet that federal Judget should not be politicians and that hla. appoint, ment of Mr. Kettle, if the appointment Is made, would be conclusive proof to that 'effect. :"'. Whatever the outcome of President' Taft't deliberations on the subject may; be, it 1 a moral certainty that Mr. Settle Is Bolng to land something that la worth while; and that tlie man who hat so long been given a frosty deal by those whq climbed to .fortuiV-on hia shoulders, will fully Vome Into his own," while the), Of the Inner ring, sit without the gate and ahlver lis, waiting for any crumbs that might fall from the tablet of tho mighty. HENEY HAS BODY GUARD IN COURT. (By Associated Prees.) ; SAN rilANClSOO, April H. -Ferdinand Nicholas, one of the former suprevtsora who composed the "hood ling board" of Mayor B. B. Bchmldts'a administration, today gave to tho Jury . in , the . Patrick Calhoun bribery ease his account of tho transitions In which he la alleged to havo ac cepted 14.000, said to havo been of-, fered by Mr. Calhoun for. ft permit for over-head trolleys on cable line of the I 'tilted railways. Nicholas' testi mony was not completed when tho trial adjourned to Monday. Assis tant District Attorney Heney wae at tended at the trial by a body guard. TOOK t'NION'8 HONgY. NEW OHliKANB. April . H. 8am-. uel T. Stevenson, convicted of em periling funds of the New Orleans Typographeal Union. Wat today sen tenced to four years In the state pen itentiary. Ft. M. Hudspeth, who wtt president of the union at the same time Htevenson wae secretarry, le now awaiting trial on the chsrgre of mis applying the union's money. WOMEN'S SOCIETIES TO TIKE PARTJN PABAOE Si'voral Organizations Will iKniht in Making Char lotte Vs Oala Day. Success (Kpe. 11 to The Cllisen.) CIIAHLOTTK. April 16. All com mittees of the Twentieth of May cele bration which Is to be held In this Ity next month commemorating the signing of tho Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence, are rapidly completing their programs for the big vent. The several parade commit tees, including the floral, the colonial and others, are making preparation for the most spectacular affair In the history of the city. The Daughters of the American Revolution, the Chil dren of the Confederacy, the Colonial Dames snd other historic organisa tions will participate In the procession. The chairman of the floral parade committee is anxious that all mem bers of these organisations who do not live In Charlotte shall be present on "Taft Day" and take part In tho parade. Definite plans have been made to erect an Immense reviewing stand on the .Mecklenberg county court house grounds -from which President Taft, and his party. Including Mrs. Tan ana Mrs. Btonewall Jackson will review the parade. . ; AGAIN CM HON THQS