SUNDAY CITIZEN THE WEATHER PAIR !i VOL. XXV. NO. 179. AS1IKVILLK N C, SUNDAY .MORNING. AVUIL IS, VM) PRICE F1VH CENTS. IF II0I11TTLE THEN A DEMOCRAT WILL GET PLUM SCRIBES REVENGE ON PHARISEES IS PATTEN SEVERAL IN FORCE NEAR LI 4- Fcderal Judgeship Race Wax es Warm Wllh Astievllle Lawyer In Load Young Turks Determined to See That Their Constitut ion Is Not Infringed Dinner at Gridiron Club Gives; Leavos Market to Take Care Journalists Chanco to i of Itself And It Promptly Roast High And Mighty. Makes Him Money TH 2M Pages Today TROOPS ASSEMBLE MILLIONS AREAD TURKISH CAPITAL SEVERER T NI DrJ WHEAT CORNER Ij i HHf tin 'Mf r i FRIENDS WORKING AT EVERY POINT Talk of Democrat For the Place is Alarming the Organization. (BY "TAV.") WASHINGTON, April 17. WW President Taft lorn ore the Rooaecvelt ultimatum that tho hew federal Judge for North Carolina must come from the eastern district? If he does, the Hon. Thos. Settle will probably be the man. If not 3cttle, then It will ' bo a democrat. That Is the situation In a nutshell a It appears today. What -will Taft do? Roosevelt said that the appointee Cannot be a west ern man, but that doesn't bind Taft. He ho Rood reason for going outside the district for a republican. Taft wants the country to believe that the machine crowd Is dead, and here is his opportunity, ' Mr. Settle Active-. The Hon. Thos. Settle Is here and active. He Is In close touch with tho president and will sec him age. Ii Mon day. Representative Moorehead, who Is working for Settle, Is well thought of as a candidate himself. He refus ed to discuss tho situation today, say ing that there was little or no change. But ho doesn't seem to be worried about Settle's chances. As stated. It Is almost a safe bet that If Mr. Settle falls to got the plum a democrat will fall heir. This will cause a stampede In the republican machine ranks of North Carolina but Taft doesn't care. He appears to be his own boss and does what he thinks beat a The president has a strong lik ing' for Mr. Settle, and ho will make hlmf a. federal Jiidg)junlcss something now unforeseen comas up. Friends of th oppugn candidates are keeping the 'grass on the white house lawn worn, to a frazzle, nut they are alt 4t9mmt:-ttt' tirtfla safe bet that 4he appolntmont.lof a, new Judge will fee made next week. . Cox Is There. J. El wood Cox. who won political prominence by offering himself an a burnt offering In the Tar Heel guber natorial race, Is working tooth and toe-nail for the Asheville lawyer. So Is J. (5. Gasklns. If trortg backing counts for anything, Hettle has friends to burn, and the yare nut Idle. They Were Alarmed. North Carolina republicans were alarmed today by the announcement that there was a possibility of a democrat being appointed to the fed eral Judgeship, and Representatives Grant and Mnrehcad, and several North Carolina politicians of the same faith, called on President Taft and urged him to give the pie to a re publican. All of which puts grist In the Settlo mill, and the betting is even now on his appointment. A special to The Charlotte Observer yesterday says: "The chances for tho appointment of Thomas Settle are Improving. Ills friends believe that Mr. Taft would cut the Oordlan knot by naming him If the republicans would agree on him. J. G. Gasklns, a prominent re publican of Tarboro, Is here to speak a word for Mr. Settle. Representa tive Morehead will take a Settle party to the white house tomorrow or Mon day. J. Elwood Cox, who la here, will accompany him." COMMITTEE FOR SPRAY Branch of Federation Holds Meeting, Form Loral Or ganization. SPPRAY, N. C. April 17 A meet ing of the North and South Carolina cflnn of the Woman's department of the National Civic Federation was held today and a Spray commi C was formed. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Mebane, chairman cf the section, and the following of ficers were elected: Chairman of the Spray committee. Mrs. W. R. Walker; first vice-chali-tnan. Mr McKlsslck. of Smith sro lltna: - second vice-president. Charles D. Mclver. Greensboro. -N. t third wlee-chalrman. Mrs. I,md.s Patterson. Wimrton-Salcm. V. c.; ' reury. Mrs. Plltcher. Spray; treasur er, Mrs. Fraker. Spray. . , Mrs. Horace Brock, of Philadel phia, national chairman of the wo man's department, gave a helpful talk on general organisation and welfare work, followed by a re-port from Vr. Archibald Alexander, of New Jerse,. of the work accomplished vy me New York and New Jersey section, one of the moat vital accomplishment - ln the establishment of a mn. n room for the men In the Rro-.klyn navy yard.' an account of which a given by Mlse Anne Morgan T OWNJWSTE DEFICE Secure Over Three Thou sand Booty With Which One Eseancs OTHER IS CAPTURED. (Ily AssoHnU-d Prow.) SAN FRANCISCO, April 17. James M. Thompson, vice-president of the Thompson ltrldge company, on entering his office today with a sack containing $3,200, was confronted by two masked men, one of whom shot him through the chest. Indicting a se rious wound. The men escaped with the money, but were captured. During the shunting, William Rose burg received a stray bullet, but was not seriously hurt. Mr. Thompson had Just drawn the money from the hank of California and when he entered the office he discovered his bookkeeper tied to a chair. On turning his head Thomp son waa confronted by tho masked men who promptly fired upon htnl. Then grabbing up the sack, tho men made a dash for a buggy nearby, which one of the robbers with the money entered, while the other made his escape. . t The fleeing man " was pursoed by pollcErnen in an automobile and Anal ly was captured. TEACHKii, A coitnti:kh:iti:i. CINCINNATI. O.. April 17. Plead ing guilty to having molds and dies for making counterfeit money In his posession and confessing that he had made hundred of dollars of BpurioHH coin, William II. Pelt us. a former school teacher of Ollvo Hill, Ivy., was held to the federal grand Jury by United States Commissioner Alder this afternoon. Pcttus says he cunio hero ! from Williamsburg, Va. ' JUDGE SHEPPARQ HOLDS Turpentine Trust Men 1 list Answer Criminally the Sherman Law. SAVANNAH. Ga., April 17 Judge Sheparrt, in the Unit.-d Stat' s curt today sustained Hi" ilemurrtr of the American Naval Stores coin;an, ln,i i he so-called turpentine trust case on one count dud over-' iV.S it on two j o'hirs This will r il: In Hi" ease I lw int tried on its merits Tin' trial will begin on Monday next. Thr. itTeri .ir" fie o:irt. d-ei 1 Jo uphold penal pinvisions ' th' Sh- I man an l-trust law end order the defendants to 'ri ll for an all-V' 1 conspiracy in restraint of trade, liv , ception was taken by tie- defense ti the rnllni? on the ( I'mUlTCT and III" matter will probably find Hi" way to the ('tilted States Supreme court. It is estimated that il wil' take ten davs to try the i-in". An Indictment was r. tune d by the federal grand Jury t "lav charging p.'icv Keteham, form, r! in charge of ilie Hr'Oklyn ards of the Ameilean Naval S'ores yarns ivu:i i;ijui c . i ...e o" his testimony K fori! gra-.i' Jul)' a year a.;o in the i,esl s..ros !).-'. Retell i ii It Is '-'J- l now in Chicago. aTRIS KISS BOY WHO SAVED THEIR LIVES ! (Uy Associated Prow.) NEW YORK. Aprll-17. Fire In the t.-i i.oildinir at Broadway and Itl.eeker stri-et today entrapped 1S girls working on one of the npp r doors. All were rescued, however, the elevator boy in the building runnine the car repeatedly through the smoke and flames and carrying fifty of the , nr women down, while the others down the fire escapes, reaching find the streets unharmed. Hie lire was ouiekly extinguished and did little damage. Broadway was Jammed by a dense crowd that saw the girls whom Tony garlno, the elevator boy had rescued, surround and kiss and hug him for saving them. . x ' . it in f W fl.-kV. si""' ' fit. i V'-' : ' ALIBI IS THE DEFENSE R USS' LIFE HANGS ON Successfully Accounts For All Time On Night Murder Except One Hour Which is Still Unexplained. (Uy Associated Pro.) WI11TKV1M-K, N. C. April 17. After the evidence yesterday after noon that the d fendnnt had been seen at Plgforda store the evening Iio fore lllgford was killed, and of Hmilres that she waa to have been married to Blgford tnu night follow ing bis nssastslnutlon, and thut the prisoner wan a rlvn1 scllor for her hand. Jealousy being assigned as u mot he, the taking of testimony for tlv prosecution In Ibe of Cleve land Hus'! I'lmrged with I In- murder of Jerry ItigTord was resumed In the Sii rlor cmirl here tfiday. The pur port of today's testimony was to show Ituss had nimle Ihrents ogHinst Itlg Tord. wllh cnrrobor.tilve cvhb'iicc as to It' presi'in'e al I lie Hlore t(ie day befor tli" murd It was tfitlifflH II sccrlniii-d after It o'clock t tlie arg-iineiit lo the jury could ilav. oil be completed, before Hmr I nd Judge Adnmx, presiding, or- Won liy Six Lengths in Mile j and Seven Lights Ware on ' Charles Wivcr. ; (lly Awclutid Press.) CAM1IR11XJK. MASS.. April 17. With a powerful and finished stroke the Harvard varsity crew defeated a ' weaker and Ii ss expert crew from ; Columbia, on the Charles river today, ,y six full length, in a race of a mile ami seven eights. After tin lirst few wed the j dashing strokes whnb foil referee' pistol shot, tin. re was never any ouestlon regarding lite out. nine. the aAwiost perfect river conditions, the Columbia boat rolled like a knockabout In a heavy s. a. anil it was with difficulty that Coxswain Kockwootl kept 'ho nose of his boat heading down th ) course. Harvard's veteran crew showed till the dash and force which wore out Yale at New Iyinilou last ear, while the exhibition of Columbia, even to Couch Ukhc.. was disappointing. Tho start came almost exactly at 4 p. m. The crim-vm shell wris tie first to get away, lioth i rt w hit u). the stroke above forty, and for a hun dred yards or more rowed side by side. Then Harvard began to draw uwav and continued easily in the lead the end. lo ST IIIS OKI!'" i) IT. (fty AswK-laU d Prcsw.) NEW YOKK, April 17. AI xhioIc N. Jacob, suld to be one of the pes: known and until recently most Mie ci'ssful cigar salesmen in the country shot and killed himself In a room nt I the Park Avenue hotel late tod.iv.! because ho feared he had "lost his j grii" as a salesman. The failure- of I his last long trip through the South caused him to believe he could no Ja - longer sell cigars successfully, eob was fnrty-rtght years old. 4 .J 1.4.4 -w"' ' of dered n recess of the ( it until Moii- day morning. The afternoon and nlslit sessions of the court were largely taken up with the testimony for tho defense, which sought to prove an nlibl, the aged mother of tho defendant being the last witness tonight. The alibi has been estat)IJ3lM!d wftVh tha, eircptloij of an hour, thutniglit or tne Killing, wnen the prisoner lontined he went to th home. of his brother, MeCjammy Runs, a short distance away, to meet an appointment with him. Not finding his brother at home, he sat on the door steps and wxlt"d for him but he never e.mic. The defense will ar gue that Itivs could not have gone four mlh s, crossed the river, commit ted the deed and returned home wllh tn so short a time. Tho til ale has en deavored to lulng out on cross-exam- ination that the witnesses might nave erred as to the lcu;th of time and hum was away Mom ins nonie longer than an hoar TWIN CFTY WINS FI6HT AGAINST THE RAILROADS Commerce Commission rides Wales on Coal reasonable. De ll ii (Ily .V-ix iatol PrcsH.) WASIIINHV N, April 17. Hun a- rates en bituminous coal shipped to Wio;- 'ii-Salcm, N. t'.. were Interstate Commerce leeislon rendered to Kluipp, In the case Irade, of Wlnston- .Norfolk and U'.-s- corrected by the Comilli.SKioll in a day by Chaii ni . of the board Salem againvt t ra II way com n The coruirii: ;,i ciimslances .m l portat.'on are .! Ioints fr..iit i than at Wire-tm on branch Ii n- s main line, and 1 may make hlirh J ter points. It was alM .ii held that the clr . "n.litions of trans it rent at main line Mjiirg to Norfolk S.ilcni and Iiurhain . I In- South from the that the defendant r i barges to the hit led that under the i it. umAiili" i Winston-Sal h the rat- cnared n i ' n soft coal In . ar i -ible to the exfenl . I 0 pi-r Ion. and I U-. .urliam Is unri rm iri cl that It oil '! e present rates to ?J.:iO per ton. I'.e- loads Is nor that it ex.-. . ,: 1 the i bar.?" I aide to the Jl'.:o per t" Paid points ' paration is d. WAKH1NUT" 'N'. April 17. Fore east fur S'-irth ' urollna: Fair Hun- lday and Monday; to moderate southerly wiri1s ! "313 I : SITUATION GRAVE.-- SPARK MEANS FLAME New Government May Be Forced To Make Concessions. (lly Assocliitcdl Prow.) CONSTANTINOI'I.E, April 1 The committee of Cnlou and Progress has given convincing proof of Its pow er and Influence over the third army corps. Two mllliry trains, each con talnlng 800 infantry arrived this morning at Tohntaljae, about sixty seven miles from the capital and four other trains are expected to reajeh that point within tho next twenty-four hours. Preparations also are being made at Knlonlkl for th ' despatch of a number of uddltlonal (rains for Con slantllinple. After remaining a short time at To hntaljae, the two trains contlnuor to Hpartakuleh, which Is lnshlo the line of formications at llarlemkol, forty mill's from the capital, which were ahinidoiicd during the night by the arlllb ry of tho garrison. The Mnlon Ikl troops evidently are collecting at Hpnrtakuleh, where they should num ber not leas than seven thousand by tomorrow, with reinforcements that are coming from Adrlnnoplo. Within a day or two the committee will have between fifteen thousand and twenty thousand men within striking distance of Constantinople where the mutinous garrison, having practically discarded resistance, If. In deed, any attempt it resistance Is made. It Is believed that the Balonlkl bnttrillotis on their arrival here will lemnnd the fulfilment i f several con ditions, which the sultan and (he now government will find it Impossible to reject. Public Is Alarmed, The ndvatice of the soldier h gieatly Impressed th public,, nnd It is fi'Xj'uctnd that some uulck ehnnken will bo made among tho g-overnment officials. A special mission composed of two Pashas, three Clemim uml three Deputies has been sent to Tohutaljne, (o persuade the troops that the con- stllulion is being maintained and 'o xpluln also the real meaning of thr rising on last Tuesday. It Is rumored that the commission has not been sucecssfi.l III Impressing (Continued on page three.) OPEN SEA OF SCHOONER Fishermen Moanlo! Vessel Left. Kverylliiiitf Hmi)?, in Fount s on K'etnni. LKF1' NOLJOPY ON IJOAT ':NSAC li.A, I' In . April 1 --- .. ws rc.ichi-d here I'.nh'ht Hint lie Hcdooie r James '. oiloi I which was lound ileserte'l in tie ...llf of iM"Kll:i has bei ii set on in end burned by unknown persons. The m booie r bails from .Mobil.-. Aid. The burning of th.- James C. f'llf- ford has a dash of salt su romance. ILurs.lav morning trie Clifford whf tifhte.l sixty miles ..ff this iort witn alls st and Kplnnirii; no rrlly along in.b-r a blazing Ironical son wiin no i.iar.-nt dainag.- to pr. v. nt ner rrorn nllnuing the lorn s mie cruise hide!) nit. Iv. Th" II-Ii in K sehoore r Algoma sight . ibe wanderer and wlon the t'edi no. ii hoaMl. d le r Hi' found a i an ile burriing low In 1'ie A(. par otic ibe ''IIITord's l r. w bad . fl her mi a few hours jir.'viouslv. and ha I II. Tl to --lllltT UllK C.lirlle W l.l.l . . ante of Ho er w is a in'.sl. ry. Tie x h i irn. n found n"t a b'l' ! 'at on Ho- Clifford arid f ft her 1 licy pin ir to p. nsaeolii for a fiipply of food ind then sail, il l.a 'k to Hi" Clifford hoping to saKaije ter Inst.-H.J ol a allinK v m. 1 th. n-dieniion found a .lllar of lire, the James ('.. CllfforJ .elng burned to n,o, water's edge wlici they r a-h' d ii'-r f de. Who or what started this tir-; wlei visited th" vessel in llie nsneriii. n fiim."'-' u.'Siloris which hae n it been an ! red, and the n'o"-ui' n are sure Hmt no 1 1 tc tit was l" lt ly th. ni on th. liffor.l which might have eauK-d Hu blaze. MAINS I.AIII IIV (iHAXT. CHATTANfi'i'SA. Term. April I". In txcavatlng for si wer on Chest nut street, sr-veral InriKths of water main, laid by General Orant In 1B4 Were uncovered A PRESIDENT TAIT GUEST OF HONOR Usual Quips And Thrusts at tho Groat And Near-Great Make Occasion Notable. Illy AsmocIuIciI lrcss.) WASH INUTi IN. April 17 - The broiler of the Oridlroii club, the fam ous orgunl.iillon of newspaper men. was kept busy tonight serving up wit and humor at a special dinner com plimentary (o Hie new administration given In tin1 banquet hall of the New Wlllnrd. Care was taken that men prominently known In Iho public eye got all that was coming to them In the way of thrusts and Jibes that kept the great assemblage In a constant stute of uprrtar. Anil (hen too, there were some skits by an aggregation of sclntllatliig stars that would have put to blush mariy who count tltemsalvoM In the class of professionals. Of course, president Taft was there, ns were Hpeaker Cannon, members pf the cabinet, and (he diplomatic corps, senators and representatives, men high In (he Industrial and financial world, and plenty of others nf dis tinction. In the nbseneo of President Henry Hall, who Is Just recovering from a long Illness, Vice-President Hcott C. Hone of The Washington Her uld, presided over tho evening's do ings. Dinner IV II ltang. Tljo onslaught on the banquet room began wht n tho club's big old fashion ed dinner bell announced that every thing was ready. As soon as tho din ers worn seiiteii the room was thrown Into darkness while a musical wel come was extended to Iho distinguish ed guests. Then the tnamnmth elec tric gridiron flashed Into view, the lights were turned on throughout the room and tho fun oomnfl nced. Almost thn first thing to greet tho guest wss a hand bill distributed ly Homo speedy messenger hoys announcing that there would bo a. great minstrel show by sllstar performers, Including "Vocal ists, comedians and cabinet officers. This undoubtedly was tho hit of tho evening. In true minstrel ramiion,. with all the accompnnlinenU or flus ters and a more or less discordant bund, this troupo of club talent pa- (Continued On pngo four.) DAUGHTERS GETTISG OUT THEIR HATCHETS E Mrs, MeLeatrH, Partiwins Decline Mrs. SlieniuitrH Invitation. TO I'M OKKAT DOINOH (Hy AiH-lmcl Prcs.) WASIIfN'ITON. April 17 -A re ci pin. ii wiih tendered Ibis Hft-rnnoii by Mrs. Kliernuin, if- of the vlce- lircsldenl of tho Trilled States, in honor ,r Mrs. William dimming Story, state regent of New York, th an!! administration candidate for pnotl.lcnt -general of the 1'. A. K. About l.!!00 diiuglitcru attended and the iitTiilr was u brilliant on-. Mrs. Iioniild Mrbmi. iiresldent general of the national society, and Mrs. Matthew T. Kcott. of llllnoiis. Ho administration candidate for ral In opposition to Mr' Hiory, declined Mrs. Hh rinan'n lir.l latioll and were not pn sent. Thl' ! n' an Interesting nldellghl to Ho j,r sent isdllieal light iimong the daughters. The of Ihe f i;ilr. t of Co lumbia tonlKht gave a rc. c,;.,n to a'l t he is.t ing d. . atc. The day was one of aciivlij among the oppoalng political fii' tt ois In tnc rKaiiizatc.ii and an earnest campaign m on for vrites tor the r.isctlve tan .llda.t. . The last session of the present na tional loard of management was con vened today. Mrs M an presiding. Hho made a farewell address. The report of the registrar general. Mrs. Amos fj. Iiraix-r. showed 199 neur numbers u sum total of $1,201) for the current month of April, arm a totiil of over S.M. 000 since. Mrs. Mclan bc-i-ame pr siilent-geni-mJ. It Im esti mated that about 0,000 daughters have arrlvi-l In the city to attend tn convention which will begin Monday next. DECLARES WILSON'S ESTIMATE WRONG Fight Between Bulls And Boars in Pit Will Be Ire. mendous One In End. (Hy Assoclnlitl pre,) CHICAtlO, April 17. After hlsm- orablr speculative wool: tho tloksr'S "good night" was received nt noon today with a deep sigh of rellof from board of trade men, not to mentloa an army of luVmen drawn Into th vortex or the wheat pit by I he public ity given James A. Patten, tho bull leader, and hi following. ' ' Today Mr. Pal tun pumnnally left the market to Its fate, which fats, . from the view of th Patten crowd, Improved considerably, MS prloe ad vanced over a cent In May and July options. Mr. Patten paid hi respects to Hecrotary of Agriculture Wilson, d daring that the latter' Mtlmsts of available supplies Is a Joke, and lec tured reporters, who ho alleges hift been more enlertulnlng than ccurU In their stories. As (o talk of rcmnrln th tariff on :, wheal as a slsp at manlpulators.Mr. Patten wan for It. ' " 1,1 ' "I am In fvr of doing It right now because: wn will hav to do It In side ten years at any rata. It would . not affect the price tit wheat a penny ! for the market of th world ar on 'a narltv rla-ht now." ' TImkj Will Tell, ' 1 Toll Hitch went to 114 under tremendous jiressitr on Thursday,, closed today Within a shndo of th best pric of -thd'WKk at Whether thl pruj Is too high or too low cannot': of '--court ! known until - the time for' delivery , on con-. - 1 ... I. finnMlMW,' WllyAM Aiul Mr. ratten hav remarked hat "Urn will tell," anst "tlins ", In tho present ' Instance means 1'n rnonths and a half from Ihi ttT(nt-Thfititho' fight be- -twee ir opposing Interest will bJ on of tho mnstxcltln In th history of the board of trade, no on doubts. Jn th aggreghto It will waged b tween thosfl; who bollve In ths oou racy of tho government report and . those who pin their faith to th Pat ; ten-' view. ' '' ' ' '' "Tho rotten pool'' has Heaiied VP , between H,00ft,op and $8,000,000 on mf u'ViuX''ijTijn.n.i--ryM-iTii--r i e -i (fuiitlii.icd on page four.) '" "" " MORAL CRUSH GET -: SEVERE JOLT FfiOM THE! Ladh'H Wlio Have Nothing JjImc to do Accuse Oov- -orijmfut Clerks. ' TIIIWK WAH A HOWL. (lly AiioctitWd Press.) WAHIHNOTON. April 17. Nearly nil of Hie twenty-four hundred wo men employed In the bureau of en graving and printing In this city hold n mass meeting today to protest against the published statement that Hm Nation' Civic Federation, through It women members. fiai ap P'.ln'od n ;-immltti. 'to Investigate th.- morullty of the employes of tho executive department In Washing ton, and that the committee had de icimiccd to demand tho dismissal of at l.nst llfty women employed In thl l.iiieiu of ( -ngravlng and printing. A commute.! of the women employes w-ni appointed to take the matter up wlili the m wnpMpor printing thn story. lUic.tor It.ilph. of the bureau. ki.i' perm IssW.ri for the meeting and lal.-r said: "I want to refil l such, statements wl'li all Hi" cHriie-Hiiiwe there Is In inc. I am proud to to- the iliris'tor oft this bureau where of the four thons nnd employes, two thous-ind four hundred lire Indies. There Is not one of th. rn that Is unfit morally to s so.iai, with ladles In any sphere of life ' Mr. Ralph said that he knew of no Investigation by the eivlr federation other than a conference for the gen eral dlsenswlon of bettering tho con dition of women who work in tho bureau. ititi;D rjoivo ri. NKW YOHK. V'iHIX IT Joseph It. rk, president roi East Hid takers' association siile" tonight thai the MS members nf his association had agreed lo Increase ths price of a lof of bread from five' rent to als cents. Flour In New York today was quot ed at 17 10 a barrel, the highest price yet reached... . .4

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