TTIE AKITEVTLLE ' CTT1ZKS, THFRSI A V, APRIL22. I'm It SOCIETY Ky. " 4 t Pig - f At Jr. 31 -lay b- r .j i. . .vt M m Irnu .V- . -u at laa Btl,:y pa,-. . Tlwvsi A.--. Baa 3 'A- J raafc HtS-ia..- : :-...- la jmw,3. .. . I W5 '.'ft 311 f- a.vl '.'- r f:. J . V . e V bl - A g '' : iJ J i ! Mr ' . ( r. ! fctfx Mr. TV.s '"-" r' ' "'-! tarr? wttt a toiw'.e at hr r aw, Mr. F.r . 7. .';.,f. ! decora? d of a , and Our -f ).' Mr Mr. f Wr Jlrfttrtir R V fleu ls,'.i.iri Vf'. A f'.. f Mr. SS'l Mrt I'i'iM I'--- V.f MerrVSe. '''! ant f. T. . Mr. u4 Mm. W. W ;r,m M- I It T. Ortaaaa. Mr. 4 Mf '' ? j a Are.. rr. vt !.-. f r. j Mtar. Mr. d J A. J I Ir. aad Mr. Th. r'j"r. vt aad Mrt. IcoWuon. Tr 1 M., TtMMR P. 0-oiro""jr'i Mr" Z i m Vance. Mr. and Mf. J. H. VUr tla. Mr W-rskh. It and Mm. r a anr.k. Mia K"w. th 4 ReaY Mr. iifKt Mm In i ri.,firr. Mm WMtegr, Mr. r4 Mr. M. r MIm Ma J W -J-lt, Mr Mm a P. Rm. It. K W'.ira, BsXti. Mr. C. i. Harrin, M-. IVHen4f tmil. Mr. Trth Cffl. Mr. KcttK Mr. Iu.Wt Hrri if- f; ! ward t rrrt, Mr. 8Utrt u Mr C. rty Krwjtt. J J f-.r j . Mr ' ' .or. Mr. K4 ! 1 I'r ..t In- ' . V f?nM. Mr . X. M -Tin U! r-'i--. ia Krm. " '". w. v. i f"rfc fe.jv :. i-- t Mrx. E. j.r-t 1 teff' a-fV 1 .-:un.aft! to kne a: a. i war ci ri ,.-:rir car nrparr . j wlsa -rr w;t 'r s ei eini w- - iil iLiT ifr p;r. r4 f M ,i fja I set tcuk J PS-lei4ii I; ,';t sci r"3e ror c Ss? o (1w j t foid t lot: fsarrl-fij Hia. ' ' ' I id H'w ff',, t '. Mr. tr.-t i. jr.i f Miss Jonah. : 1 Mr i r. n K. KhM f f ' h i i.i "Thm'm lor 't.y . :r 'I.- 4 Mr. J Ti Wm( AktwrrHIo Orkil-? if h Viii un in Drue f in K,n reliMc (hi irrcntnc ( t p. m.. In iaraoa at f p. m. ih tin nl Mk protrmm pt na$Me aarf r-Ht- ilaa, a4 tM aaora erning tmin a at 'clack lb Uih. aroih a4MkV lath wt tath. mutr nm ta4 Dm with a almttar : pnfTtm. Th rtnlnf'a vrofram la a fatkiwvs i i ( OavnMiff xMri Marr Warty RactfaUaa ... "Th pDftetaatln tWata." . ' i rawW 4rUl. Tteiof H Doll hw." Tha Pajrawr'c Hnr." ItmtUtbMWIIaptKaw.'' Uil WoU h ' Trwaahawk rlll and anc featloBmi Bor'a OoropUlnl,- Oarar ftni. JIoop drill. WjOnma--A ITaaful Hunbarw!." RelUitoi nrh Ktxbt Wind." R4, wblla Md Mm drill. TM. oa--Nao4filrtt'' " . S . 'A Wftddtfic hJch will 6cur Toaa- ar is Colu nubia. . C, an 4 which Ul M f lntrat t Aalunrilla Mopla, la that t Htm laabalJ tnAmrurm tit - CcJambU n4 Rt Hop nnrr Lamp. Ml f DurBiutmi, H. C Mr. Lumpkin to rothr Mrm H P, Olaan of TAalumil ami but aummar held rrvl- at AJ1 Ronl ehurr.h alaa at Tloltr orlnir th abaaaea of Xn. "wo pa anl D. JMoCraadr, , Th marrt-a will taka pUra at Trfnltf ctiarch, Ttt4ar - Aprn f7th, M Columbia, tha eora. nwmp taint parformed by Buhop wwiry or noutn Carolina. nvr. Mr. lAunpkln la tba aoa of OpI. a4 Mr. W. iMmpkln f Columtfda. MIm II aaUraoM to an aiuraetlva aoclnfy ain ot uiwmru atui naa ixy-n fr uanUjr tnUrtaln-d aurln tha wc. Tb Vaiica JJt-rmrr anxiety of W Airhrrllla gava a riKirtln In hojK.r w h vnulaatlnn elaa of th wt AaTiavllla ftradmt achnol Tu-wlny rcnlna In tha Odd rllow' ball. A wan wranend program waa 1vm, the faaturaa of whlrh wara tha ndlr-i Of waltjoma Ut Mr. Iloinrr Rmwn. n awtif by tha graduating; rlaaa and a raettatioK by Mkw Julia Brown, ftu fraahmafita war rvrd and I hero war a nombar of $wula jraent. daa No. 4 Of tha Flrat liaplla' ftandar achool will ba entruin-d thu aranlng from T.IO tr 110 by Mr W. II, Waaull at bar homa on tli corntr of Clayton atrrwt and Cfmirni avanua. Karh momlior of tho rliioa Will plaaaa raapond In pnrann to lti Invitation. Tha tadloa chorua will mrt thl ftarneort at tha y. M. C. A. nt 4 o'ekxrk to fully nrganlxa and wm tlata arranmtmnti. A maning hald Monday afternoon and th "f floara of tlia oririliutlon wrc nom inated and tha dlrartor notlll'ft n n 1 tbla aflarnoon the offlrf r vt ill t " alartad. A full all-ri'Unn. la uiK"tli TK)lnU-i1 Ih la aft rn.n.n. J J Mr F.rwln Blu.lir fntrrtnlna 11,1. afternoon Inforrruilty t hix ri-wili iir. on Monlford uunn. Mr Jiirii'ir'1 h-i t- U r-r irn ahortly t, K rintc N t Vrf h- via a iof ion in;- Ml Anna l.v'n U1 jnr- Mr. i. W. Kik- .,f rv,rrra'i Mr. V. r. N'nr Tork Mr K. J lv.s l.fl -t-r'!a f r I ... - -- Mr. r M Mr. J k Ha T.i &..r6f t r.rfft .v-rvir( ar lRif r-.'nt f.f rh ikt.ei and on l.vrjr r,f ty,w fioil. Tri- r- r folly four hufnlrr-4 pa.rple (.r..n. which br r'impar irK.Ijri4 rrr.t f to- pr-irrnrt-rft aoyia. y lkt ra of Aur !! 'I f,, hail rmni i n Uri .rc.iitr. hold fh?,r .Wr T'.rk on liimn-w. irwinr arji hot In- r.H UM.I until th rf rr.'rama l'.or and -arj on ttx an (rtarlty dare-. Tn 1 ru-at at Ih- Halt- rv park holl. hlo- and hll- - .. r. oiora -rt drd m( rl Th Ah- vill Ilarn-aa '..r.;..ur, loaned ISf)'; orih of laulirm r..irr,, nddl-a tlanfc.M. whlfa and r.(,ira;. which I JxuUvlll-. K av tha dW'raina a tn.r ti,m at moih-r. In a olall hlua rlMxn Mr. A I". Ollh-rt of ftnrharn HhMUnd pony w;ia hftr-hnd maklrif I ip-ndin a f-w lay In tha city. tha af-n rti mor- r-Hil-. A bf fat muptxit waa -rfl and .Kpoar'a or I Mr. and Mm. Thrmaa W. M. Mahin cbaatra aupplled ih- rnuilr. Th boraalof Phllad-tphla ar iru-ala at ihe U how ball ha barn th (r-xU-at hoc- I t-ry park bot-l. c-a of tha a-wn and will taka It plx a with Mi annual and tba opaa-l Mr. Haywood Park-r l-ft y t-rrt i log . garman. I for Waahlntion on a buatn-a trip Among I how pr-a-rtt -re Mia Pradcrlka ilrown, Mla Pranraa Banira, I "on. Tbomaa tll haa r-tumfd Mlaa Maadc. Mia Kiaaoor Paka. Mlaalfrn Waahlnicton. D. C. whrrrr h- ha Adalald tnrhran, Mr. Koa-nlal l on btMlnM. JohnMwn, Mlaa Kl-anor limbcrtaon Mlaa Eleanor Morrlaon. Mlaa Lonlaal c- FMwrly Bronn who a1-d Branch, Mlaa Allr Hronn. Mlaa Km-I" judge at the horae ahow r-turnI ma Oudgar. Ml Hln Ofalu. Mlaal'o Cbarlraton. W. Va.. ElUahoth Kadokvr. Mlaa Ituth Hade-1 today, kar. Mr. Morrison. Mr. Puller. Mr Allc- Haxzard. Mlaa Uaiamon Haaaard I Bor Wrnao Irlllard 1-aw-a Frt- Mta Ataa lrummond. Mlaa Irma Ub,ar Waahlngton. Mlaa Vfrainla Orlffllh Millar. Mlaa Margaret Wadaworth. MM Roboaan.l Mr- F',, "" rurnd to hl Mra. AaguMwa Van Wrrk. Mr.lhom ,n N- C., after apendln Mr. and Mr. Alfred K. Harnard, Dr. "'' W In Aahirvllle. ana Mra Airrad n. nnmani rv W. H. Radeker. Mr. and Mr. M l w- fter of Rla.:k Moon Dana Mr Km, Mra Hall, Mr. and Mr lta,n ' ,n Aahevllla for a abort atay. C SL WMlt. Mr anH U rm r f Waddell Jr.. Mra. fteakrmn lrlllard'l Vn- T p- (1nn '' "'')' 'r Mra. J. K. Phlnnar Mr. and Mr. rt,.h. I oiumoia. n. io aiM-mi me WM ft Wamar. Mr. and Mr. J. L Atok- mn ot hrT hT"th'T- uv- H"P ander, Mr. and Mra Trlpv .,f fhlrago, Lompkln. to Mtas laabilla Hunderaon. Mr. olorne of Ilrooktyn, lr. and Mra Cbartea U Minor, Mra. Itadcllffa. fir. .nd Mm. I V WumiIJ 1 . .1 Mra. Jamea Mortimer jr., Mr. and " " 7 i""""!. Mra. T R Rntln Uk w " I r r i . i. , ... . , , , . r. ri. i. niMNi in vaxneavnie la here for a ahort atay, a,"- i'!ay. bwt mm- 1,4; rrrn .. are tm i ";T INey wa-r 'f.-r: Take the .Jorsih hmineaa. T'.-r .' ;4-n"j of t J l.jJ. tntttj. fcjBi .v ,-,f --n r-n (be j v.,rih Ktar a trip '"- PM.'adeiphla I "i Vtt.Memaje) i - -. In thu raae ',nh in a wow-.- Mr jfer-arjr- hi 'ai fr, tn fa' -f and aald run aSyxird " H c'ltn" to brln; Mr. It. K. Gray of Dlllaboro wa Tbomaa Mettle, Mr. and Mra. Ilakar Kdwarda. Mr. Rtifua Woodcock. Mr. Edward Prokt, Mr. rawt-y, Vr. t, M. Mann, Mr. lUtofale McKee, Mr. Jamea Drummond, Mr. Alan Morrlaon, Mr. C. J. Ilarrla. Mr. Walter H. Andrew. Mr. W. W. Ilurgraa, Mr. J. II. Poll. Mr. Kwhner. Mr. farroll Ironnlnar, Mr. Itobert Wllarm, Mr. Ithett Imfur, Mr ThMfHttrM Ur,rrlM,n L'.l.. I. -. Mr. Tenrh 'ox.,,',Mr. V. W. W, V" ,i,V f"r ,',,"r, ""y Ciraham. lr. H. W.-alray Kattle, Mr Uevi-rly Hrotin, Mr. J,,hn A. Hel nert. Mr. Allnn Morrlaon, Mr. Imvld Ilarrla, Mr lln-wainr 'li,imian, Mr K. J. Humtioturh, Mr. VViirrt (iroee I. M I ......... ..... L . ... I I" .... i.uitilllfH, -fr. IIIH'-R, HI r. V . Hfoll Kitkd-knr, Mr. Nlrholn Hcaill(-. Iir, Arthur PVItrhanl, lr. Jere Corko Mr. It. H. Itenlta, Mr. Uwrorirr Jnnna, Mr fhurl-a Pol,.m. Mr. Im no I a nee. Mr. J. A. Hurckfl. Mr Harry ftedwood, lr. Jnnir-a Hiiwvi-r Mr. . ii. Millard. Mr. v. V Innrlidph, Mr. ihurl.n IV.r,in Mr. J N. fhllea. Mr. Paul Kve. Mr. Ilnbt-rt Ilurrla, Mr. Kiik" ih- Sawyrr Mr. Caaalti Oudg-r. Mr. inm-ui fhii. in, Mr. Hnrnld Johnntui and Ju'lirr U-o. W. Hani. Mr. W. T. Tenlon of Waynesrllto I here for a ahort atay. Mr. M. U Walrh of Klk Park. N. ('.. a In Aahevllle with frl,n,i yelTday. Mr. Kd Morrla of Wayn"ylll- la in Mr A. If. ftpenrrr of Old Fort I In th- , Ity. Mr. V. It. Orr ,f llrevard a If. wn yt-al-r,lay. Mr. It I,. Klaiidluirk f f'anton I here for a f-w day. Mr. fliiy V. Roberta of MarahaJI I In the city on bualneu. Mr. J I. la ap-ndlnic bualnr-a. Hoan f Andfreon. H. ilnya In Aah,-vlll- Mr. A. A. 'Jrlm-a of Islington, N f.. la an Anh-vllle vl.ltor. PERSONAL :,l l, (,r N, II. T rr. II K ml ..i tf, ) r V l,.lk. I If'O-vl nhorlly Mra. f I. Hurt of tl-nderonm HI n In th , 1 1 v 3-wtrrday to att-n! Ih,' horn'' thow. Mr. T. Mine of anton waa tn tov n "t' rdfi v . Mr N. II. H.iMwIn ,.f Pl-trh-r. n h-rf for a hliort ntny. M i k I : III I. 'I )flr-r.av Lingerie and Lace Waists of Delightful Daintiness and Style Llv-iU- Waists rf iiiiiuiiii r;il.lf at t r,i, i v ,,.. HitfllS, ( (llli(,IMill i.f rllll.lnidi i jr M, kv ; laces; wliitc with a li'W of pink. ,M,. triliimili-;s; I'ti, ,. I,, ,M. ;iri; lx-st part i-C the st r k 1 n i u tr at "i tn ln. Ijiii t: aists of It liiit i! good tnstt (lie willed upiirlv t ci v pn l'i ii ii. brown, green, inullx i r punt v .nul impi ,..ssj c ii-"ilic ,iiuty I'm- ; ieam. w liite. Iiia-k tr.. s i i u w illi I or eolor cinhri.Klrrv t rimming. I',,,., ;, p, $20, flic majority Ix in ,.lt ,,, ip, niom are waists ati'l w,,vt,; ;iIV u,l,fr.. jMKlgi- of laeo ami cinlir..i.-i v i .-.,'(., a Pn gcrio or late waist; ,ut it t iki s skill and some conr-option of lln- pri m iph . of i -ilmi l make a gfiod Ktrikinjr lianm.iiy ..I tl,,,., ordniarv units of edging, insertion, medallion-, tn, ks, " laees. etc We ask your jud-mmt ..I ol'lf I-iee ami Lingerie Waists. M. V. MOORE 1TO.1fK.Vf. TOOOERT. II rtTTOX AVK Mn, f.nln p'-nrwon of Ifr-nd'THor. Hi Ii apf-n'llnir a f, w ilaH wlt'l frl, n'li In AahfVlll-. Mr. K. l HTinlni.',iiim f vtrtrher wa in tli. rliy yertlr-ro iv to ntt nl (hi- horr- allow. Mr. H V.. -,.yr of An-lrr-wa. N. P., in h'-r' on luialru ae. Mr T. Ib l. II of lulherf,r,llii V. '. I" ti, linn ;i f,-iv ,l.iva alth fr , ii 1 In ro Mr II. r. fCilon of K, Point v.ia In triAn jo-t,-r,lnv on buln,-H. Mr. r.. orge V. Wntaon of T'nlon Mllla. S C. i li'ir f ,r n few da. Mr A A. Orlme of IvliiRton. N i". w.'l I. ahortl'.- -iTwr n !;:, rivern! dn-a In the rlty ,n luinini-ns, Mr. V. ft. tV,'i!krr oI Kj.V r,in tnln, N. c.. Is hr re for n abort t;v, . Mr. H'll of Montr, at i. , the rlty yratrrday. Mr. J. K Ilol.-fim'w f.f,..-. N. T. La alien, llnir aevernl d;iya with Adhrvllle frbnil. Mr. K. M. Oaar of Marshall is h- rr for a abort lay. Mr J C. Ciirlla nf fnnton k si-r-nrt-Ing vcral day with frlrnd In the elty. ) vol Inek. Her ! faat name's Jnbanm "Von rkKi't mesD to ' '. :n-.' arjji . 'that yun goto' r., r a or:(H tlon Ula thai on ihU b'ur ""It rtitned aires,!? ' ifi be -One " the na-o beard e- vtmnn that'a with t:T '-all ber J-.h-ir. . a,l lie ird,l ry man In tba foVii!-.' "V, hadnt beer, tit d.iy Iefore th r.rtiny woman hl lwlfhed the fn-rt and reread n-. r,r if hadn't held on o myaeif i,.o-:,ty tight abed 'a' ict sway with m- An fur the men. thei bad a deadly f,ir of her. It waa tasnflfol. lalRlJ day we lulled, bat fT nlht rmr aafbi waa (tatiln' In a '02 a tbtek as ftaaitMn'. Mini Merldwrrroft --tliat waa Johanna' other narne-he "ome np on deek half an hour before the mkiwatch eonte on, langhln' and Hi In' ' If thcr waa somrpln fanny In the attngtlon. News had come before we aalled that the Arrtlc bad 1een tnu-k by a remel In a fog on her way from I.lrofpool to New York (tnd ibat nearly ererylxxlj aitoard bad been loaf, f ae rbe wareh ivowlln' at Johanna, and ordered her below. Rhe only giggled. I eowldrj't forre her be on and aba atgaed a long aa she Vffotrd. "That fog oarer lifted for three 1ay: tben ft corn on to Wow great gtina oct of til no'eaat Jtet when I wta moat tnxtotM the ahln's doctor me trj me. god be aald under hi : nreatfl. Vip'n.' kay be. Tm afraid we gok a of potoontD aboard.' 'Great fwnar mj9 I. Whoe polnonedT The WTiman that's tfatenn stong with that ! Mia Medderrroft' 'Don't bother me! ow while we're drlIn' Infer this gale, say I. "How do you know It's potsonr 1 took tba stuff out wfcb a stomach pamp.' soya bo. 'It's araenle.' 'Well, git away from roe while I've cot all I can do to aall the hlp. la she foln' to dlr -She's dead.' saya he Glt sway from here I says, and he went below. "The men found crat a woman had ; died aboard and that abe wa with 1 Mlaa Medderrroft. or Mlaa Jonah, aa thay bad got to ratlin' her. We tipped j fhe eorpae over as noon as possible ! without reretnony-on acconnt of the ! weather, I Rfv nt-and I told one of the men that now It was orerboard we'd have better luck, so s he'd aprend ! It. lie dWI. but It didn't do any good..! Mlaa Jonah come np on deck look In' j kind of wild out of her eyes snd turn In' up her face and puttln' out h-r ; hsnd. 'Why. It's anowln',' she aald. and, on re enough, lookln' on the deck, we saw a few Bne specks. In ten min utes there waa the wo'st snowatorm I ever seen. Yon couldn't make n man In the fo'cnaile believe but Ml.w Jonah had drawed that snowstorm down on na. The temperature went away down. and the wind wan bowlln' nt n gait of fifty to serenty knot an hour. Thi n what do you Hiij,pnwe happened? The fo'mnat itlve wiiy, nnd we HKiing around fritn the tmtirh ot the wn. I thought we'd re 11 over mire, but we didn't. We rot her before th- wind and cut away tho must. Whon th wind went doe n aome'at we put her ed br-;f t:n the T'.yjge. TV do-rue got ti eottVitac. t;-l Sfr of the fawitag ?lt tr. feraandeiJ to go ashore wlrlwat a arec a 3d asar ried her "I'd a flVruzhr rhs wiir'A wis fie Jonah on.'r the iu-lt dhln t leaTe vt wlteo we bolved her orer " HELEN SPHIK OaSHE. CULTIVATE your memory by taking home with you a box of NUNN ALLY'S regu larly every so often. The goodness of the candies will help you to remember,and the pleas-1 ure of the folks at home will make you glad you ' did remember." Be sure 'J . ifii you don t forget the most important part the name oely Silks for Spring and This sea-ii the silk that is most in vogue is ihe wi't satin !h:i-h foulard or striped silk. Our show ing iudt-f-d a Janre one Never have we shown so many pretty n-w patterns as now. If you have not sef-uml yur uew spring dress you should buy now while the line is at its hest. 25-iiM-u foulard in all -eolors at 50c, 75c, 85c, and $1.00 a yard. 27 iri-h Mescaline in the new shades for $1X0 a yard. 'i-ineh Messaline in a great variety of colors, $15 and $1.35 a yard. SeeoSilk. a vt rv pretty light weight silk which T.viil wear well, for 35c a yard for the plain and 40c a yard fr the figured, 27 inr-hes wide. .Sedofcilk, 1!' inehe wide, for 50c. a yard. Hotizh Silk. 27 inehes wide, in all the new col ors, for 69c, and 75c. n yard. Quite a Variety of ams at 10c a ifard on up & fresh supply always kept by H.VOK'S IIKKi SIX It H 21 Pslton Atrnue. 'None Like NannallS.' Do You Want to Make $100.00? Write (."has. M. Stleff and we will gladly tell you how to do It. Don't delay; write today and watch each change of our advertisement. Chas. M. SUett Manufacturer of the ARTISTIO STIKFr', 8 HAW, AND STIKr-F SELF-PLAYER PL4.KOS. Southern Wareroom, 5 WEST TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. ' (Mention this paper) RALPH BINGHAM AT V. M. C. A Jlmi-xdav night (22) 8.15 Admission o-. Tickets now on sale. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. Cheap Milk la usually cheap in quality as well as price. It Is dangerous. Our milk Is not In that class. It Is absolutely pure. dean, rich and wholeeome. Ashe ville Pure Milk Co. East Wain at St. S54 THE A C K XO WLE I )( K D STANDARD Of eoal in this section is M. and W. indi an over '" per cent earhon. Carolina Coal Ice Company PlMme 130. Patton Are. M WEBB & COMPANY MlHtnery Imawrtrra Ko. Battery Park Place, Pboaw 144 ASIIKVIUJ S. C '. . ' , HISS CRUISE PABL0R3 For ManlcorlJig. Massaging. Chtro- pody and Hair Preaatag. Everything for tha hair cam ba obtained hero, hi thoaw styles that are th moat modlah and becoming. Combings and gat hair made to order. ' IflSS CRUISH, Haiwood Straea. . EXCHANGE LOT FOB ADTOMOBILB. The W. 21 CanadaV Bealty Company, r 307-308 Oates BoJlling, Phone 974.,, tMPRESSIONS COUNT Too aiwaya look batter wta dan sarfeetly laBaderad Hnao. Wa to owr U0UNTAH7 CTTY D.RJICMNNON 7 Pattev Avenge Orar Radwood'a asrj Ladies and Genflemens TAILOR DENTAL PARLORS. ',,r. t'ollciM- and 'roe Slrcee. ncur Court IIum'. If You Don't Rettister Be fore Saturday Night You Will be Disfranchised. back In her conrse. i "Jlal na in ns WO cot the nblp;T)R MATTHEWS' ngnteci tne nn-n come art in a Mwiy , and told me they waa coin' to pitch M!na Jonah over I said wc was only .-,. .-7 , McAfee Itlilar two day from the Axores, where we 1 wrt.a grin' to ton, h. and I'd put her off . there. Tbey grntnblcd, but ngreed to '. wait. "The nlffht ticfora we reached the Islands It waa black as ink. I was on deck, Iblaklu' about gcttln' rltt of our, Jonah, hopln' thera'd be no more, polaonln'. foya. snowstorms or bowlln' : gab, when I felt a shock. The hlp slowed up for a moment then went 1 on. I Icam-d over the gunwale and T,. th intruded without o.iin. Ml saw a black mass slTpitn' by. I work ituarunii , -,1. l'rl, , alwn o reas- k unwed tt was a derelict I called up oiuiblo. 'ffl-,. Phone t. Residence all hands anil weut bolcw to look for,l'h"n a hole. I fnmid one, but uot so big but we could get a sail o' er It. nod In this faahion we kept on Into l'synl. 'What was my surprise to dad Miss La Grecaue Corsets ? : For every type of figure ! 12 Church Street. CHIROPRACTIC (KI-ro-pram.-ttc) CONDEMXATIO.V WITHOtT IN VESTIGATION IS POOR JUDGMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves Is the cause of all diseases; by removing thla pressure, normal conditions and health will be restored. Recognised and endorsed by thousanoa of citizens of other states. Incurable disease our specialty. CunauCation and examination fsea DR. f. K. t).MIT, ChlroBractor. Ingo DlUg. N Con. 8a. . l'liooe 21. MASSAGE. Mrs. U J. Percival, formerly In Jonah already pricked and ready to go 'charge of Hest Cure Sanitarium BKbore I was mighty glad of It, M . Washington. V. r, ha located In I'd eiiiee-ted a hard time puttln' her Asherille, nml villi gln treatments nt ofT. The doctor took her ashore, and ', the homo or bo:cls Nervous or rheu she went, smlllu' and warln' herimatk- enditiona treated. 1 tor's ili- batidkerchlef at us. r"""ns "Ir" "' ' '''' " 3 Aston "Th. doctor never come hack. We 1 Plae. Phone 67i. Crystallized Ginger Ivii li's crystallized (linger is a delightful sweet meat and aids digestion. Ill' package I.') cts. ill) package 23 cts. UonU.rd Ave. ' OWENBY'S Phone 56 tiMlAlHEDF M0DERNIWAY5 1.1 iu CI rMTTAllin-I r WTtrw m -a, w ASHEVILLE N.C. New Wash Goods Jusl In w e have just unpacked a verv iirettv lot in Lavender, light Blue, Old Hose, "Pik -iay and Dlack and White at 15,. I8e' yard. of Crepes lirowu, , and 19c. ' .lso one case of T't ctf v t .,,. t..i: patterns at Kre.vd. - 1 New lot of Manchester Calatcas at 16c. vd. Tire kind that doesn't fade when washed- new