''3 THE 'AKHEVTLLE CITIZEN, MOX I A V. WhlL 26, 1900. GHANED FROM FALLOW FIELDS OF. FUN IN THE OLD NORTH STATE PERSONAL BACK T TIIF. I HI NTHY. i.t r, to ur, r.. 1 want to t . to Wlrtt th forr f-.r. -.t Where nrinifl'ota ar.. f fragrant, And shimmying shadow Vherr rnons ar ir.oiyt In woodltrid. Where the roulien ttniv n-row b, way, Where P. bruin ,f the it. :!? crimson, And awwt 1 the , nt of th My. I want to to. b-o '.; :h- .r i To th bridle i.n. .iidi of Wbr t alv;iK m ' .l.io.' i noontim'-. And "uT" at si ','( )' k. I'm tired of raring and chi.sii.ir AH over lb ir--j of Iho i.nn. Pursuing Oi dollar aiM.-li. , Aji nlmhl and i)iil k a i io-An, I'm wary of gaudy lb;itr.s, Of summer ri-Bor! mid th Ilk, And, I t'IJ you. I wwrctly hank. Alar tram th city lo hlk. And Journey 'way back lo Iho farm house, Whets there nrver an . open-work Where It always la "dinner" ni noontime. And "supper" at all o'clock. I'm weary of "lunch" and "lun eheon". Whether eoatly, low prleed, or true. And tha thought of m "l o'clock dinner" I own k repellent to m. ,t want to sop bread la tba gravy, 1 want to cat pla with knife, And maka tha um of saucer. That I learned vary early In life. Bt George! f am sick of tha alt. And t want to get back to tha stock, wuan it always la "dinner" at . noontime, . And gupper" at alt o'clock. Waller Hamilton Chandler, l-ooki llko ;n this 'y tmitftt lo tori-nt ln ' not Krijm Mm A'U Hank, who h a b.-n ).onriir for some I.m'- in Horn-, lis.. arol A:l.;n'ii. Mn r turned to .&h- hilbil In Kindness. v. U' in 1 bad occalon to if lb !. w ilk In front of ti ,n "i ', ( t . h;i . i bi-cri nt ! U-i- . . '. n,irt ttt K i , i .i f on lh'- ' oi;rt 'AO '-f, 'A fi , tl VJAMi If! , !,rtn M,ifn I" n r th- thrri '. .. lot K ' Hwrnir fcno r( I .-n,. r do not A 1 r lo- rn! r, al,out ft f frv.UiiC hi nam at riia "iiiity, ilroii"i . ill- Mm K 1'. a;t WfcfhiriKton af'irr )i-n'ltr.g aonii? In th 'Ity. rorn-'J to l.rr, Ml Marirar. t M ..r'U who ha th kiiii. r In Ah-vlllc I. ft yoa t r.lay for t. Iwul. Mo. Mr and Mm. Trlpj), of ("hlram, who hav nt m-v(ral month at lh' Haifr, CarW hot. l ft il.nlny f.r W aJthiriKlon Mr. I. It. Walker ieial ait'-nt of th. I,if InHMr-'iri' ronipar.y of Vir Klnia. In Ahevl for wveral daya COLLEGE NOTES H1NOHAM SCHiv April i.Th Ulnr uri'ler in leaderah j, H. :arnphH, q( , mad arat projT nln'lo n ml-ri ga ve a j.!'aing r.-- -bane, nhlrh wax n. Th- program conalx'' flard' n ', Mltz, Wa;i My I'lann for Sun Mar'h; Ilr'xik T Kl'z. Overture "firm I l'M-y. March; .- n r. : ...1-1 ''nr'-i I'! . r-.se ' rtroO r -' entlv f f- r- .at-!. Sj.r.'nt Mad !i S-i.ia. !i V. '. V. ') -i . I: , WTIKJf BLBCTIOX Ifl DRAWING XKAR, Th City alactloti la aooa to taka placn, And tha Bolon who'd arve thla "fair laadi" Whom -fylenda bar purauaded : tatar tha race"), Haa, that wlll-oot-come-off kind amlle on hla face. Ik hi tndr a happy right hand. to of four, fata aoama faminar," tho' It looked Junt tha aame ' When ha paaaed you unnotlcad laat ' JW, And yon Mill are a atrangor to for tuna and fame, . Tat Ji kaowa your anceatry alao . : your nrat narna, Now election, H drawing near, If you ar "ambarraaaed" he' ready to aid, ' With advloe and If gloomy to cheer; lie fee la for th maaaaa, for he la "aolf- made," .. And "auallyarna It your U- . ar paid when aleotion la drawing near, f , "Why ahould the aplrl of mortal b proud 1' " ; Do yon aikT than vlatt th ttiare, : And aland on th corner, or mix with with th crowd On th eve of aleotion, aa they are al , lowad To block Up the traffic-way thnr. M. M. Bullivan. i want Young Wife. In rder to aeelat a lone bachnlor Who late In Ufa haa aeen fit to mnnd hla waya an advertlerment from The Slklna Tlmea la reproduced Im-Iow. It may bring a ray of hope to eomo Ion heart that la algheng for a mate, and It may. bring a mate which la etui mora Irnportant: "A , jnl4dleagd Rintlimnn with kind dlapoaltlon would like to rorrea pond with' ladlna btwrt th aao of it and, 14 with a view to matrimony. lrttyglrl preferred, thotiKh If oth er quallflcatloni are -oil rlicht aood looka are not ahenlutrty Indlnponnabl Being of an affectionate dlapoftlllnn I feel aura I can make the arlrl who ap-j cepta thla offer happy. No ri'feri'in need be made aa to flnanrlnl etnndliiK aa I fell almolutcly uhl to provldn for all tbejr wanta. Any yonnt lady winn ing to avail hern" If of thla x.-elleni opportunity lo arrurn a iinod hnaliand mill pleaae addrraa th uinlrrlBii,', nt Elk Int. N. C 'I'lioinnn MiihIIii Mr. I) H Het.m, of I'nlon, B. V . I In th. liy for a nhort elay. Among tho who hav returnid from the Hp&rtanhurir fewtlval are. Mr. I' A Moore. Miaa l.ulu Moor-. Ml Kthel Itay, Mint Annl Wil liam, Mim Mary Htlkeeathr, Mm A M HIIh, Mra M K. fhllea. Mi. and Mra. It. B. Johneton, Mr K M. Mwl.r, M. inter i"arl Meaf and Mr K. I. Hay MUie Franc William I ai.ndln" the wek end with frlenda In Hendr h ha i ir ni i.i 'he r. .i. r k lo". a Moore, f m 'l.nt in tout ' .on '.ntalrilrifr a trillion anil one tiuir of u oiie liiftitnttia upon th ii'i all' In fi-,iil "f ihe i i.nrt hoiiH'. hrraklnK t o l, .ltle ot II. After )ropp;nir if. he ,i. I It up, and eat dov.n litem Do Km of tlie lawn Th uhilo', a, m I'liiiiliifr out of tit n, anil M wan m.ri than th araae mid wfarol, otin. ipii nth' It killed It ntori dead, (in man wim prnnt at lh (line tli aa wan dropped, eald th whinkey rroi lied rnihty good, but h did not nee how a rnan'a Mtomuch eould ntand II. If It would kill the ffraatil onvllle that way " --Htateavlll Maacot Mr. and Mra. Raker-Edwardj have llenilcrwmilll KM Show. returned lo Arden after apcridlnic th' The rr'mh rtroad tinnier a I rial I week Ui town twenty-nine at of twin hav Iwen bvrn In Hendron county during the Mr. Charle Vaughan and aon have faet twlve month, and on another I returned from a vlll of aeveral wek pagea ntaiee that on Monday lent llilln Orpenaboro. Ha I four row gave birth lo tw4n calvea. In addition to thla a child ha )ut Mr J E. Hay, general acent far been horn there with five nnm and I the Houthern railway returned yea a thumb on each hand; one atibarrtberl terday from Waalilngton. find a foiir-l":ed chicken In hl . i Barn, and another haa a hen wblchl Mr, A K. Carr, the dlvlelon freight apolla the attenery by laying all her agent for the Houthern railway e egga from the height of the rooet. (turned yeaterday from Charlotte They have down there aleo, a I where h haa been upending eeveral three-legged dog, bur. thla laat la notldaya. regarded aa a "aur enough" wonder aa hla being ahy one leg la attributed I Mra. K II Wean, and daughter, of to the Houthern railway. And with anl Toledo, () , la In Aahevllle on her way many freak It I only natural that the I from Florida North. Mra. Wean, who community la not eager to hav 'HI I at Margo Terrace ha been a fr wandering aona come home on Homelquent vlaltor to Aahevllle, Comlltg week. It muat be aahamed of freakiahneaa. I Mra. J. R Well haa returned from a two weeka atay In Charleston. 8. C Tin Many tial" Ilablea. It la a rommon saying, that a pr-l Mr. and Mra. Henry Faaaet and ponderanca of girl bablk t an omenlMlaa Rllxaheth Kaaaett, or Wllmlng of peace to tha nation In' which they I ton, h. returned to their home af- ara born. Tha girl baby crop ha Iter vlaltlng relative In the city during been flourlehltig of late In Lincoln I the horae ahow. county and wa may aufuly count on peace that la until thcae bahle t- Mr. W. E. Moffat, of Charlotte. I tain tha marriageable age. Lincoln-1 "Pending a few day In the city on i: ton New. I bualnea. RomcrxMly (Jot Alt. 'Mr. Jake Btamey, tha noted Dlck'a creek horae awapteer, came down the Lovejoy road I oat Baturday with hi old eaddle perched on tha back of aa ax. not however, a ateor, but that aterner kind of bovine which I o eealiy Infuriated at the eight of a red rag. That amlle which ha long made Ita home on Jake' face waa epreadlng all over hla head aa ha looked down at th bulge made In hi flank by the wad of greenback received aa a bonui In the awap," Canton Vindicator. -t Mr. J. H. Potut left yeaterday for Waahlngton. I). C. Mr. Pott ha been connected with the Champion nore company, In Canton, and will accept a poaltlon In the Weat. Mr. J. W. Btanley, of Cincinnati, la In Aahevllle for a brief atay and la a guest at the Berkeley hotel. EIGHT DROWNED IN SB OF TOWBOAT (Continued from first page.) The Kagle wiut a atern wheel boat bnltt along tlio ordinary line of th' mailer river abeaini ta Tho boat I.- uiidouhieilly a total I one. At the point where it went down the liwcr la about otic hundred (uet deep. None of the liodlea nf the who were drowned huve yet been recov ered. Mr. W. E. Landl. of Wnyneavllln. ia in towa for a brief atay. iwr. and Mra. Oeorge Kggleaon. of Iloaton, Mane., are gurarta at the Bat tery I'ark hotel. Mr. Hugh Macey and a email aon have returned from a visit of aevernl weeka to relative In the caetern part of the atatc Mine. Cancan and Mmc Alexander Tanchercaii, of gui'hee. who have upcrit several w.eka at th.. Hattery I'ark hotel, leav.. thin afternoon Tor Atlantic City, and nfter n ilnlt th re will return to Cuuadu. Mr. Oeorge W !,,.. of Atlanta In In town enveral dim- Mr John c. Slcbert lcav temoon for Waahlngton. I hi af . March; ' t in ptn'J I, II. Hi . . !i . e:i d - "f Major .'tingul'l.d ' . i i r. it nt... .-'.ii in f'.r the 'oili'ary ."'.- r n i-.iloplete o "f Major o..n..!.ttit. ).u: I. -IT'OIH ,,f rM lo proHei'ljfC hm utilvernlty r.inrriii Krr n il great fiatln--' I1..0I nii'tio r n. i-ral year ha Jusr hen ourre of grati f the ln- Hi'.x, Serenade: "Y Hurnlng Roof", i J,rh; Th Crini President 'Iray ir. over wo urlng th J. lining Wise llol Braduat of Virgin: : a ' .nirnandant at .i'.n of imi-iu I em tli la ii telon hi mo -m under lb John P. Ilewson. i Major Hcwson, tho..t turning, feel oblin. without further d-i medical course. Mi t'raig. who ha lv n f i. lion aa the ofTu i. grapher at Rlngham nines lier graduati. i. re-engaged which l ncation to all of the fri. o.i stltution. The Illngham tn. her of ienc Col. E. A. Road. In recently deliv ered a lecture on Mote and lieu in are Kault Finder" at Oang drove KhoOl and alao another lecture on the subject of "Ood and .Nature," at rhastnut Ridge academy. It is de irea met me) ' eplendld faculty at Bingham ahftirbe of ,m great benefit to the surrounding country a posel Die, thery, Ijctendlhg , thw hlgn scnoou tna - TtanlviiniKy extension Idea. "':.iS':; on Haturday. the 24th, a match game of tennl will lie played at Uing nam netween Klon college and the Bingham school. The event la I. Miked forward to with much Interest, nev. Duncan Mi Iod, the popular and able paster of the Baptist church or aieoane, naa accepted g. call to Troy. N. C, and will go to his new field of labor the latter part of May He will be followed by the beat wish s ana anection or every body at Bingham school, as hla unselfish la bom at the Institution have resulted In much good. Miss l.enora Walker, who has been absent from Meban for some months haa returned, much to the satisfaction of her many frlet.dn. PONSTIPATlOu nUNYON'S PAVPAVPILLS M ilunyiro' la-. aMw , i ik f.un tie uo- M 1,1,. -.11 .,h... I.ia ttve cr catfnrlH. Th-y (0x the iivcr into t.t.vi-y by I ntk- Dve'Jiuca 1 bey do r.o? scour ; they do B t grip: they do n t w ak ee; l.u! th'V do tart s!l the re teitu of th Irir sal stomach in s way th-t aopn puts this? i-riraon in a healthy condition sua eorrecu tonal i opirncn tomitii atmn m pation is res In my opirncn towitiji aDorufjbie lor mom iim'au. lb . , .... are thirty-two lect oi 1 aiaa.i towel, which in really a wer pip- When thin pipe becomes clogged, th whole ateia becomes KHsuned, cauwog bt.ioa.-n, tn digetitton an-1 impure bajo.1, wlii'h often priAlucen rheuinatiwn sail kidi.iy sd nienU. No R'rtesn who suffer with con tiiatwn or anv liver complaint can ex ;a4t to have a ilear cooipleiRiO, or eajcy good hcaith. Munyon's Pjw Paw Pill ir- a toni to the tonia h. liver snd ner.en Tr ey invajorate insieid of weakeomi;; la y enrv-h the blood instead of impove, ,sh ing it; tliey enahl the stomach to all the nouri hinent from food tha get put into it. Thew pilln contain no calomel, oo iloie, they are soothing, healing and ntima Intinn Thev ik.lionl tti bowelj to set without lihvsir. Price 25 cents. Mr. William I.hlnKt,, Phla, Is a guext at the hotel. i. of Bull. hllailel ry I'ark METHODIST BISHOPS MEET AT WHEELING A Weak Argument. Pter Patter enrn-apondent of Tho Cleveland Is throwing cold Water on prohibition by Inventing ntinke nlot len His idcklv argument follow: "On lant Simdny morning Mr. Jo Short, the rhatnplon hunter In thin community, wa crlng l.lnenliur.v mountain, whin he cum n. n.n tlo largest snap we rv r naw ..utHlde of John liolilnnon'n shown II. killed it and arm It down near tl Iiurcli. when- the congregation repaired toj iae a iook nt wtuit tiiev a.l pr.. Iiouiiced a "ni w one" In'tlo anake line. It wa colored non. "thing III,.- a tinii-constrii tr ;i, niiu .-, f,,, ! 9 Inches In length. Ir nn, m.,,, pi,,, n ar found awnv off i.p h.-i . m hi. ail going to in. ic 1., Slo Ihv where th- po- (By Awtoi'liitcil l'n. tVIIKKI.I.MI, Va.. April 1.1. --World- wide Methodism will he represented In Wheeling thin we,-k when the auiiliai meeting of lilahopM of the denninlnii tlon Will he held Mil. I. .11 lilKhop- from nrloiin iiinrteiM of th kI"I. Will altelld. bennlen I I 1 1 II ' II t M.ln diwt tleiK.vnieli from m veral cities o' the middle went. 'l'lic in.. 'ting wll' open . .In. ndav and continue untl li. xt Moii'lav l!oern.ir lilliawcock i eXI"-ct.-t! I" 'IclUet nil ll.lilteK.M. It till la .-ri amniotic. .1 Hint th.-r.- will proha lily I..- le. t rrltorlal rhutig' . Dlls A .III IIMI YLVItS. (Ity hm lanil I'e'M.) Ml Mli; XN'I i i S. W V.i., April ---' t ! t .uulnia" l.u. iU'liL l- iiiu. II do-1 todav al lor home Ii.t. ag. d 10li. In i, fall M. Mil I i i in- nc nhc .van i-.-n h injnr.-il and nln. that lino h i.- Kind 111, II . ii-' Pne.l She .1Ml...ril ill Mllll- afl.loah Ill y . iikiiiIi. lb r no in ..rv wna nhio.-t p. tl..t til! th- tin" ..f her death. Mr. and Mm. Kerfool have r. turne.l to (.'hlcago nfter vlaltlng their daugh ter, Mrs. . n. Mil-nil, .i.ei. Mine Fnnnl Wheeler end MNa Jen nie Wheeler lire vlalllnir e.,ln,. i.. 'a-xlllglon. N". 1 Mr nnd Mm Marlon ijaenird hav,. ssed a cottage ,,n l-Yench Broad ave nue and hne an their nuenin for rnl days .Mr. Haskell and Mia (ia.- i-ll of Tarlior.,. X i Mr r I). ' Mr. Wanlii 1 1. M L PiimIiic Hodge trip hat returne,! Wanhlngt .in. T. 1! II K t ' 1 1 ii. .Ids w lo. has ral diun I Mean ban I. Ilinie. p. t. ,IH. U'ell In nil I. lis The Luxury of Silk Skirts, So Dear to the Heart of a Woman is atfainalilc in our of uur mind, snund, 1mi wearinrr tjifiWa 'tt i.-oats lor only ..i.(H). Wjion you can get for !k.".(Kt tli;it whii h y.ui would p. poct to pay $(J to .fT for you would ,.all if "a bargain." TLat's what wo . all it too. Colors to match all the popular shades ol' suits. rj Jjnj the now M. V. MOORE Women's Outfitter 11 Pattou Avenue Mr 1 he.,,1,,1. Tagg Mall.. Int. r In Winai latter haa H.. .-n a tli.a w-e. k and we. ka at IIuhIi. . r. M.iiiio wh" hav, ri -M.il. ni hool a and Mnn npent t!ie w lu-re I he -e expected III Hall. (pen,! Meyeral Mr. Alex-tn.l.-r Sin, lair lui.n return-M '"'m a n-'W'ial weeks loislneas trip III the South. TRINITY COleLEOE, April 24 1909. The North Carolina academy of science will hold Its regular annual meeting at Trinity college, beginning Friday afternoon at 2.J0 o'clock, Ap ril 30. The sessions will be held In the Crowelt aelr-nc hall. The officers of the association are, president, Dr. Taft Butler, nf Raleigh, secretary, Professor E. N. dredger, of Greens boro. President KUgo la In Richmond at tending a meeting of the board of edu cation of the Houthern Methodist hurch. of which he Is a member. lie presided at the conference and re sponded to the address of welcome de livered by Oovernor Swanson, of Vir ginia. Profeanor Mima is also attend ing the conference, and Will deliver an address. Professor K. C Brooks, of the de ar! incut of education, la at Severn, N. C, where In haa an engagement in npenk. In the interest of local taxation. II K Spence instructor In lh h -rtmcnt or Rngium, la at Mo, k. N . intending Hie season of the KII7..1 th t'lly dintriet sjjonference. Mr J 1 "nrt. r, class ISO, whft Is in the staff of The Norfolk-Virginian Hot. has been visiting friends on Th afk for wveral days. Mr. Carter hn been very aui'censfut In newnpapei ork wince la ing the college. I. K C Perrow, A. a, A. M., Trin ity, who Is now profHor of KngllBh in the rniverniir of Mississippi, ha been engaged lo give a course in Kng Hull In the mimni. r achool of Harv ard unlveralty thin nummr.' The April number f the North Carolina boon 1 the organ of tli daughters of th- revolution, contains nn Illustrated article on the battle ,.f Klng'a Mountain, by Dr. W. K Hov.l. of th department of .history. The Hesperian and Columbian Lit erary Hot'leiles w .d hold their r. gular annual debute th- first Frldav evening in Mac. The inject for discussion In. "Resolved: I I at the South should receive her pi op-rilonate share ,,f th foreign Immigrants." The Hesperian will he reprcn- nt. d by Messrs. C Klnher and W '1. Matton, and l olunihlan by Messrs. A M pro ami J. W. Ittu ii- as. Mr nnd Mrs. Sim, klcford of Itlcli mnnd are gueKts of Mm. I.. I. Wl. 1 r at lor home .,n Merrlmnn iiii ihh' Mis ("nthcrlne I'artmcll will go to Buals? Hull this w.ck (or a stnv f several weeks. Mm Nell Wilson nnd daughter leave tomorrow for Lynchburg. Vs , where they will spend several weeks visiting relatives. IUiAMKD FOR KKCAPK. WASHINOTON, April IS. Follow ing an Inquiry Into the recent escape of five prlsonera from the naval prla on at Charleatown. Mass., Captain Charles C. Carpenter, commanding there, haa been detached on the ground that he waa not sufficiently strict In prison discipline. The pris oner hava not. been recaptured. ARRESTS MADE IN FAULLINO MURDER (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH. t!:i . April 25Chlltles A. (lord, in Is under arrest . nt Wul- thourvlll.v Oeorgla. charged with the murder of Williatn Nt. Faulling. on March 2f. Faullmg'a body wa dis covered yesterday partly butted In the woods and the man's clothes had heivii rilled, iiordon Is In Jail nnd the coroner's Jury Is lnvestigntlng Mrs B:ilen Paulling, the widow wan placed under hond following the In iiuest. to lie belli as a witness. Her testimony before the coroner's Jnry In dicates that robbery was not the mo tive In the killing of her husband. Onrdon will he given n preliminary hearing Thursday. He refuses to tnlk of the churg against him. Do You Want to Make $100.00? Write Chae. M. Stleff and we will gladly tell you how to do It. Don't delay; write today and watch each change of our advertisement. Chas. Sliell Manufacturer of the ARTISTIC 8TIEFF, SHAW, AND STIEFF SEI,F-PIiAYER PIANOS. Southern Wareroom, 5 WEST TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WTLMOTH, Manager. (Mention thla paper) OUR MENU The best the market affords. Meals 25c. ' WHITE'S CAFE. 14 Church St. EXCHANGE LOT FOR AUTOMOBILE. The W. M. Canada? Realty Company, 307-308 Oates BuiUing, Phone 974. MASSAGE. Mrs. L. J. Pcrctval, formerly In charge or Rest Cure Sanitarium Waahlngton. D. C, has located In Aahevllle. and will give treatments at the home or hotels Nervous or rheu matic conditions treated.- Doctor s di rection stri.lly followed. No. 3 Aston Place. Phone t76. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery ImKirtrrsj Xo. 0 Raltrry Purk Plai-e. Phono 1011 ASIIEVII.I.K. N. C. High Grade Stationery High grade stationery carries an air of satisfaction to the writer that makes letter wrltlnir a pleasure to yourself and correspondent The Carolina Pharmacy Cor. Market and College Streets. Fenner's Grape Juice Is of the beat quality, being made of selected Concord Grapes. As a beverage. It mayeserved aa It comes from the bottle, or my be diluted with Iced water or cracked Ice; as a natural food, it prasenta the grape In liquid form, easily digeeted. Pint I Sets., Quarts. 50 eta. 25 liontford Ave. OWNBEY'S 51 Pretty Display of fym are tfo9 feeing Shorn fit the Son ufarciet The Orient was making beautiful kilb a thousand years ago. Even today silk makers turn to it ior inspiration. Rough silks, exquisite in color, perfect in finish, are its Litest gift to the women of fash ion in America. " They will lie worn more this Spring and Summer than ever before. ' Wf have a very pretty line of these silks this Spring and. would he glad if you would call around and view our superior assortment. All of the new est shades that are beinft worn so extensively "this Spring are to be found in this selection.- I2ough silks are priced at 69c yard 5rtup to $1.35 yardL ' -i j'" Special Values in Ready-to-ltiear Suits Joday and Jomotrov) jfh Stlks CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-praotlc) COMfiWXATKJN WITHOFT IN VESTIGAtlOSI IS POOR JL'DUMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves la the cause of all diseases; by removing thla pressure, normal conditions and health will be restored. Recognised and endorsed by thousand of clt Irene of other state. Incurable disease our specialty. Consultation and examination free DR. C. F. COMPTOSr, Chiropractor, Lange Bldg. N. W. Cor. 8q. Phone- 31. IMPRESSIONS COUNT Ton alwayi look better with clean perfectly laundered llnene. We do ant part HOUNTADf CITY LAUNDRY Cheap Milk la usually cheap In quality aa well aa price. It la dangeroua Our milk la not In that class. It Is absolutely jmre. clean, rich and wholesome. AshevillePureMillrCo. DR. MATTHEWS', DENTAL PARLORS. 25-2C-S7 New McAfee tadg. Cor. College an Cprw gtreeta. Mat Court Honse, , r; '" . '" ' Teeth eitracted -wlthotK! 'piih. All work guaranteed, prices always reas- tjnice. rnone . Residence onable. Phone 7l. Watches My Sneckltv . If Ton need a watch laat will kae tlm we hava them, and at uri rleM that are right Fine watch reDalrlnsf . A , J. E. CARPENTER - 82Pattoa A,vt e ,-... -zTlf La Grecque Corsets J I For eve: a a a ' a a HRRTfiiVrif! Jkk TinT 12 Church Street: I aaaaae. avaaaa ihiuiiiiiuii ii East Walnut St Phone 5M MORE GLOW More wear, More warmth. M. & W. Indian Coal Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone 130. Patton Ave. ra La ll. 7 ratio Aveane (Over Radwnott'a Maiw) Ladies and (ienflemens TAILOR MISS CRUISE PARLORS For Manlcbrlng, Massaging. Chlro Pody and Hair Dresstng. Everything ror the hair can be obtained here, ta those styles that are the moat modish and becoming. Combings and eat hale made to order. lOSS CRTJISB, 15 Haywood Street ' - Citizen Want Ada Bring Results. The Corset Every Woman Ought to Wear The American Lady The Lyra. Vou'Il never have another if you'll. these two eorst-t trouble buy cither of sjilentlitl makes. They're sensibly made cor sets the kind that combine the elements of comfort With those of beauty that lead all others in popularity. It won't do to experiment with eorsets-they me"an loo much to your health and the beaut v nf fnm. -j-. o "tried ami i ' .. Il.v or the I .M a. ' Vo ' " X T7 ot ion-approved "OT (let the , (irsets from 1 (V Coweta from up. 1,(K) ill). Lyra peerless "TVstrnsc-f -A ASIIEVIljjj, N. c.

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