THE MSHETILBE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER 'SHOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 193. ASUEVILLE N., C., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1, PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEATH LIST OF THE STORM OF YESTERDAY SWELLING WITH Ovei One Hundred Persons Known to Have Perished In Various Towns NEWS IS MEAGER OWING TO TROUBLE WITH THE WIRES No Communication With The West And Only Intermittent Dispatches Could Be Sent Through Last Night From East. The storm whk-h on Thursday swept through Ihe middle Males from (lie LsUtes to tlie Gulf, yesterday moved eastward and broke over Aslie dle about mW-momlng. The fury of tlie hurricane had spent Hxelf against the mountains apparently for when It reached here there was nothing but m drenching rain left, but there was plenty of tliat. KlxrwlH-rc the reports received over Tlie Assoclntctl I'i-cmm wires lust iilicht though meager because of wire trouble. Indicated tliat the storm was a wide spread and disastrous In every direction except the South. There were report of disaster from Knoxvllle, Tenn., but It was not possible to reach that city last nlsht either by telephone or telegraph. To the East the U'tagraph wires were in commission only at Intervals while The service of The Associated Trail Western connection was cut off ex rated that the storm was wide-ess was badly crippled, and It was only through the most desperate efforts to llnd a lino oicii Hint enough pews could be got through to linll the columns of The Clllxcu Oils morn ing. LOTJISVIIXE, Ky., April 80. Tcsatchcs gathered through the South by the Associated Press tonight Indicate tluit one hundred and fourteen persons met sudden death in the great wind that spread havoc throughout the region south of the Ohio. The number of Injured Is probably three fold that of the killed. It Is substantiated that sixty persons were killed in Tennessee, distributed among the following towns: Tennessess: Young's Crossing, live; Faycttcvllle, nfteen; WoblcRvlllc, one; Hardeman county, one; Medina, four; ClarksviUe. mc: Oentrevllle. one; Franklin, one; Hlllsboro, four; Somcrvllle, three; Uiconla, two; I tails, two; Quito, eight j Giles county, twelve. br Th Associated Press tonight Indict was Horn Lake, wliere eighteen mt iltNitli & Arkansas reports a total of twelve dead and ninety Injured. Alabama has four dead near Hartsell. t' . MISMMTr Im seven killed at Somervllle and eleven at Golden. U')8l.-"-i4urf.t'-OantlmM p- tavfn.y IDICTINTS AGAINST MANY ALLEGED TIGERS REPOHTED BY THE JURY List of Twenty-Two True Bills Returned on Last t Day of Jury's Sitting. 'APRIL TERM ADJOURNS "Called and failed to appear. Let Scl Fa Issue." This was the order of the Superior court In a ntimbero f cases yester day In which the defendants are miss ing. Let the Judgment of the scl fa be made, absolute, was the order In many other cases, and this meant that the hnniii rivn for the appearance of de fendants were forfeited. And it was because the court had so many of these orders to give that there was nothing for it to d.; yester day, and therefore, after receiving a batch of indictments from the grand jury that body was discharged with the thanks of the court and the April criminal term came to an end. The labors of tho grand Jury were not made evident until after adjourn ment Inasmuch as practically all the Indictment found against alleged re tallers were withheld until the last day. New Indictments. In addition to those cases which have been tried during the term, the following were Indicted for retailing: i i. T.ur,eter W. A. Finland and the British American club; Joe Mer- rill E A Reteecker and Carl Byerly, Hlx 8outh-y and Fred Wantel. Jas. Bwlnney and John O-Dnnnell, Ped Zoder, John Ward, Dudley Ward and Charley Miller, John Ward and Den- nis Ward John Herman, Clarence . f T,ihn I. like sji.1 Tihn Ijuiie. and r. V. Allman in .HrfHInn in these Wiley S. ItlacK and George Alexander were indicted for perjury. in it. nr.ui hmirs nf leniency the rt .tr.i, out a. form. r sentence against J. W. Moore and reduced his term to four months. It also changed Its order of Thursday requiring a bond of five hundred dollars In the appea . j of the case of Will Swink, the case or win .'brought from the Philippine: retailing, and permitted the appeal , ( n(I d RivlnK , hlsjiiife. of to be taken without bond. COJCVICTE6 OP Ml RDEIt. 1. trlct attorney. 1 hill, on long siapie oouon ano uwier (By Associated Press.) j ..'itlona!." replied the witness, j Southern products. . LYNCH BUBO, Va., April 30 -S. t -, pra, Ha)ng was closely questioned "How would you cherish a nelgh nest Wade, who shot and. killed Isaac neerator regarding the varl-1 jor," anker Mr. Fletcher, "who would tUgringftotham. his. sister's awi eel-( r actlon, of his son after the cap- sodbag all fthe Industries ht the heart here January 12. when Higgtng-! ,,, from the Philippines and: country in order that hie constituents fc..u- T-otnmlnr rrom bPM the Kirl. was today found guilty f second degree murder and sen tenced to eighteen years la pruton. INCOMING In Tennessee Alone.' Other States Send In Similar Reports of Disaster. THORNTON RAINS TELLS OE INCIDENTS PRIOR TO THE SLAYING OF ANNIS Dramatic Scene Ensues When Attorney Recalls Former Tragedy. MEETING ACCIDENTAL Hy Associated Press.) FLUSH IN5, N. V., April 30. Inci dents of the ilay, August 15, 1!09 leading up to th" shooting of William .;, Annis at ihe Hayslde Yacht club by Captain Peter c. Mains, jr., I -. H. A . were graphically reviewed on the wit ness stand bv Thornton Jenkins Hains. the defendants' brother, at the trial before Justice Carrctson, In the Su preme court here. District Attorney Pewitt had not reached the day of the tragedy in hi cross-examination of Thornton Hams at the close of the day's proceedings. There was a dramatic scene In court when Ihe district attorney, at the very beginning of his cross-examination advanced toward the witness and said: On June 1, 11101. did you shoot and kill one Kdward Hannlgan? The lawyers for the defense wer on .i, feet Instantly. Mr. Melntyre con- . ......i ihe district attorney ask ed the question without any right. i,.,v..i..i? full well that Thornton Hains was exonerated of th charge of killing llannigan it portress moii- (Ja rretson ordered roe. va. jusu tnf. nrstlon stricken from the rfrnr j The witness particularly .mpnasiwrt t a.s by acd.l.nt that tn captaln met Annis at the yacht clui,. Thl. rroPB-examlnatl"n of (.enerai Ivtor r Main. Ihi father of ( aptain l'eter C. Hains. Jr was resiim'-'l ny District Attorn-y iwwiti wnen rourt convened. The distrl. t attorney nicked UP the thread or me wnm story where he droppec Dr,,i ked him about th it yesterday alleged con- , fession of the captain's wire in m-r t.,.i,nH At that time, wuness m irrational. Ihe runtain apiieari-o ieneral Hains stated mat nis son n.i rationally about the children . . i and about some things wnn n ne ni.. es and In When he went back to Washing- 'ton did you consider the captain ra- .. . .. . i i , i. ,! i . tional or irrational. unneu .tic m the shooting. Some bad im pressed the parent as Irrational, while others appeared rational enough. REPORTS NINE BURNED TO DEATH IN TENEMENT FIRE, OCCUPIED BT ITALIANS Blaze Followed Refusal of Blackhand Demand for One Thousand Dollars. SIX WERE CHILDREN (By Associated Ircss.) NEW YORK, April 30. Nine per sons, six of thorn children worn burn ed to death, and thirteen others were Injured, some fatally. In an Incendiary tire escapes or Jumped from the wln Sprlng street, occupied by twenty Italian families, early today. The blaxe followed a demand by members of a so-called blackhand society for the payment of $1,000 blackmail. It spread through the building with starlllnB rapidity as the hallways were soaked with kerosene oil by the blackmailers. Tenants fought their way down the Are escpaes or Jumped from the win dows while babies were thrown from wndows Into tho arms of policemen on the sidewalk. Ofthe Injured, Ave of whom two are children, are not expected to recover. Several tenants were Injured by falling from the escapes and the po lice had to club the men to keep them back and save the womea and chil dren. , , t The loss was about 11,4, SENATE SUBSTITUTE EOR FEATURE REPORTED Gives President Power to Apply Kates to Any Coun try bv Proclamation. STILL TALK LUMBER (lly Awtoclatod Press.) WASIIINCTON. April 20. An ex tended speech hy K'-nator McCumber, favoring free lumber, occupied sever al hours In the senate- today. His re marks provoked an extended contro versy among ndwocatea of a tariff on lumiier. Mr. McCumber said while he was a thorough protectionist, he would not agree to a tariff on prod ucts such as coal, iron ore, lumber and oil that are being exhausted and cannot be replaced. Senator MK'umber contended that the Southern democrats are making stronger appeals for protection than the republicans of the old school, and Senator Tillman Interrupted him to say: We are getting so badly mixed here that it is hard to tell the hogs from the goats and I am afraid that before we g-t through there won't be trough enough for all the hogs to get their scraps." Senator Aldrlch reported from 'th" committee on finance additional amendments to the tariff bill and th" senate adopted a motion fby him that until further notice the senate shall iner t at 1 1 o'clock dally. The senate finance committee sub stitute for the Payne tariff' bill max imum and minimum prowdon, re ported to the senate by Senator Al drlch. chairman of the eomml'" puts In effect after March II. 110, the maximum provision for an ad dltkmaJ 25 per cent ad valorem on all of the rates of the senate bill an 1 then gives to the president the pos er to apply minimum rates to anv crmntry or section of country by prne. iBma(ion. It provides for a duty of five cents on coffee and ten cents an tea Import ed from the countries In which maxi mum rates are applied. The section also gives the president power to em piny a tarirr commission, ror rno pur pose of gathering information, only. Favoring a tariff fr revenue only. Senator Fletcher of Florida today .poke In favor sf retaining the tax on : . , 1. .. .uA ninsl.,u , lumoer, now i"e-n 17 me might ret protection for manufact urers, and yet pay free prices for all hla luppUeer v " ! tt LOOKS 6000 X jiujI milfA ill f. j if1 ) HUSBAND KILLS NEPHEW V 1 HAD DISHONORED HIS HOME f Tragedy Occurred in Courtroom Where the Guilty Couple Were Under Arrest. Wife Is Alleged to Have Confessed Her Relations With the Boy Whom ? Her Husband Had Befriended. (By AsemcislC'd Trim.) DKTnoiT. Aprti -Dr. A. K. Boyajlun an Armenian, May ahoiand" fatally autmtm hk acpnw, ar loon Gastanlan,' irhllo th l4Ur W being arralgaed bl Poe Wttrt With his aunt, th physl4an'9 yiito, on a statutory charge. i ,., , . Dr. Boyajla flred four ahota at his nephow, thre ot whleir Touna ,xneir mark. He then turned tn revolver on his wife nd flred th two re- malnlna bullet at hdr. A-Jiewspaper artkrt aav thiwiwa-WH paWta W" H dwlaroa that ahs FLORIDA WOULD LIMIT SUFFRICETO WHITES Senate Passes Joint Rosolu tion for Constitutional Amendment. (By Associated Press.) TAL1.A11ASSKIC, Kla., April .10. lly a vote of 20 to 10 the senate to day adopted the Heard Joint resolu tion which submits to the voters of Florida a constitutional amendment providing that the voters of the state shall be "white, mule persons of the age of twenty-one years and up wards." This resolution, which in similar to one which passed the senate two years ago, but was killed In the house, now gueK to the house, for con sideration. Senator Heard, of Pensaeola, author of tho resolution read a letter from Senator Money, of Mississippi, com mending the uttempt to regulate the negro vote. NEW TRIAL GRANTED DUKE'S EX-WIFE (Rj Associated Pros.) CHICAGO, April 0. Mrs. Alice Webb, former wife of Hrodle I.. Duke, the tobacco manufacturer, to day was granted a new trial. The ac tion was based largely on the plea of her attorney thai at the time She was convicted on a charge of passing a worthless check, she was too 111 prop erly to plead her eauso. TAFT WILL HELP PARTY IN VIRGINIA WASHINGTON. April 30.--l'res-dent Taft today Informed Represen tative sienip. of Vlrglna when the latter called at the White house that the administration would gkidly ren der any assistance t could to the re publicans or Virginia in the forth coming campaign, and he added that ho would auk one of his cabinet tu 1 cers to attend and epeok at the Vir ginia state republican convention to bo held Juiy 2S WASHINGTON. April JO -Forecast for North Carolina.: Showers and cooler Saturday with brisk west to northwest winds, Sunday fair. &H0WER& The Convention City. ;: Ing her into a vacant Jury ronl. , Mrs. Eoyajlan, whn to twenty-lght and her twenty-thrae yar old nephew were arresUd lat night " Boyajlan told m rmarkab! itory of him dia eowry of the alleged relations bo iwwn hi wife and nepheir whom he had brought from hi hom4 at lawn, Uaat. asd ' w educating In local medk-at n1le. Hie suspicions were first arotatrd by hearing hi wife mur- mur hi nrphwc nam .In hr lnp, The Oootor aumanoneq a wwyor anu CUSTOMS APPEAL COURT PBOyillEDjy SENATE Provides Nice Soft Berths For Many Faithful G. O. I Lawyers. (Hy Asmx lnled Prrss.) WASIIIMIT'iN, April .11 The es tabllMhiiient of a I nlted Hlntes court of customs nppeals and the appoint ment of an additional asslHtant attorney-general for the prosecution and trial of all caws of appeal from de cisions of the board of general ap praisers are provided for In the amendments to the customs adminis trative act reported by the senate finance committee today. The salaries of the nine general appraisers ha .e been Increased from $7,000 to $9,000. The court of customs appeals will consist of a presiding Judge and four associate judKCS Nine cnits are prolded for. places deslgriHl'-d being Judicial clr iimong the ;.'ew Orleans and lialvcslon. Ihe Judges will receive a salary of $10,000 a year and the clerk will re ceive $4,000 a year. Tin court wilt have the services of the I'lilied Slates marshals In toe va rious districts in whbh the session windows into Ihe linns of pollcem. 11 KEPT EVIDENCE READY AT HIS HAND SAN I'ltANCISCO. !.. April :S0 Progress mail'' this week has en couraged a belief that lb" end of Pat rick Calhoun's trial may be reachle il soon- lime during May James I-' Kelly, probabh the ol b si number of the disgraced S( Inn II . board of sup' r- isors ,was cro-s-cxamnicd by Kar.1 ItoK' rs, today Mr lingers drew front K'lly an admission that since lh lime of his loiifesslon before the grand Jury In llioi; he has carried with him a verbatim copy of bis statement. In as be admitted, that he might recall the material points of his con reunion when any of Ihe bribery graft trials made It necessary fur him to testify. NATIOVWi APTO KHOW. ATLANTA. April 30 The national automobile show at which the 1910 models will be placed 00 exhibition rr the first time In the l.'nltcd States will be held In Atlanta at the audito rium armory, November 27 to Decern bcr 4. Inclusive. These, dates w.r decided upon here today at a con ference between 8. A. Miles of New fJork. general manager of the na tional association of automobile man ufacturers. Alfred Reeves, general manager of the American Motor Car Manufacturers' association. WHO made a full confession. He then swore out warrant for the couples arrest. When the case was called to' day and Justice Jeffries ordered Baa tanlaa to rise, Boyajlan whipped out the revolver and flred. One bullet en- tared the young man'a back, Another penetrated hk wrist and third his hand.' Ha fell to thi hoor as th doc tor turnod the revolver toward hi wife. The wlldcmt ' excrement pre vailed In the court room a bytadn? r and offtter Jumped for th mad dpned husband who Wa 4 : tUTatd Oastsnlsn dlM tonHtht. -;- CHARLOTTE 0RESS1NC UP Immense Reviewing Stand Erected for President Tuft to Speak From. (Kc-lal to The Otlson CHAHItTTE. N. C. April 30 It has been arranged definitely that president William II. Taft will de liver his address on the twentieth of May. at which time this city will cele brate the 1.14th anniversary of tha signing of tb Mecklenburg declara tion or Independence, from the re viewing stand which Is now being erected In rront of Mecklenburg coun ty court bouse and surrounding the monument commemorating the sign ing of Ibis Immortal document. This stand will perhaps be the largest ever erected In the state and the Indica tions tire that It will be crowded to its inmost capacity, Judging from the . 1 r, , 1 for tickets from Charlotte as well as other towns of North and South Carolina. fleneral admission the stand will be. $1.00 and to re served seats $2.00. the latter giving the occupants an opportunity to be near the president during tho parade ami while he Is makln his address i,r,l,.. f,,r seals mav be sent to Mr. I no. It l!os, treasurer or tlie review lug stand committee, or 10 inn larv of Ihe Crcater Charlotte club. The committees In charge of the ce. bratlon are making every effort to ,.riai'.re for lieeomOllll t iollS for the .n-riini"' for accommodations for the visitors who will be hen- on this his toric occasion. With the excellent ho le! facilities r the city In addition In the several hundred boarding houses there is no fear on the part of theceti central committee that Charlotte will l.e amply prepared to care for all who 1 nil committee but that Charlotte wll gun decorating for the event, thi prospects being that several days be fore the celebration the streets will be a blaze of glory for the reception of Ihe troop wh will reach here sev eral days before, th arrival of Presi dent Taft. AMKIUCAN JIIITV. NEW YORK. April 30 A verdict of guilty of criminal libel was found today against the War company, pub lishers of The New York American on an Indictment charging the publl cation of an article libeling John D Kockcfcller, Jr. A flno of $500 was assessed. rjKK I LI MBKIl VIMST. NORFOLK. Va., April 30. Fire at 1 a. m , this morning broke out in the lumber plant of the Roper-Jack son-Whits Lumber company. Tha big plant Is probably doomed.. Tha eom pany Is said to have between 171,00 and $100,000 InresUd la th plant. 5 USED BYTRUST TO II witnesses Testify to Fraud ulont Adulteration By Turpentine Men COURT REPRIMANDS COMPANY SECRETARY Was Nodding Head And Mak ing Demonstrations To wards witness on Stand ' By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH, Oa., April lO.Thd trial of the officers of th American Naval mores company In th United mates court for alleged Violation of the Hherman anti-trust act proceeded rapidly today. , N. . Graves of Philadelphia who la In the varnish business, gave tes timony as to th business method of tha Philadelphia branch of th American Naval tor : company, which was In faot. tat h wn quoted a price on which supplies could hu bought, tut when tha company found he could not get rrxtln any where islae, the Quoted prlo Wa materially raised. II was narainsd at length hy the attorney for tha defense regarding th ethic of th business, Evidence Intended to hoW that rosin which was shipped by th American Naval Atom company to soap and varnish manufacturer had been up-graded and that an ap paratus designed to heat naval atorea in the Jacksonville, Kla., yard had been experimented with, its object be ing to Increase th volume of spirit by expansion wa offered by th pros ecution, ' C. A. Holt, an electrtolan of Jacksonville, wa asked about th apparatus and stated that h con structed such an apparatus for Calr strttcted audi an apparatus for: Carl experimented With In a firty-fiv gal lon ttuncntlno tank. ' Further than this, however, th government wak Urtahts to v ' C, A. Uereomb, laundry a-oap manor facturer of Milwaukee, declared he "didn't get th grades 4 rain he or-' derd and paid fr" from . th dor' fehdant company, ' He brought am ple of the rosin he received to gar vannah tn b analysed by govern ment experts. During the session Judge Hheppsrd, who I presiding, orr dered Charles J. De Loach, ona of the dnfemlanta and aecretary of th American Naval Htor company to , move his sent, stating that ha had notice htm shaking his head. OP, nod ding It vigorously at time while Mr Moyt was on ' the stsnd, Mr. t I.oach staled that he must have dons so unconsciouslyand th court at th close of the discussion of tho incident, stated that he did not intend to Mr. Dcliach was conscious of what he wat d .ing. , . COMPLETESITS WOBK fun Been Investigating Cas vh of Alleged Bondage in Various Southern States. (lly Associated Pre.) PKNHACOIvA, Kla., April 30. Congressional peonage Commission, composed of Representative Henett or New York and Burnett of Alabama which bus been conducting an Inves tigation Into the several cases of al leged peonage which have coma be fore the United Htate court her dur ing the past several year concluded their Investigation tonight and left for Alabama points, where their work will be continued. Court officials, attorney and Other freely rurnlshed such Information a ' the commission desired regarding thl 'location. MOB LYNCHES THREE NEGRO MURDERERS (My Anstx-iated Press.) MAIiHMAIU Texas. April 30. A mob entered the county Jail her early today, secured three negroes, Creole Moss, t'ln Hill and Mat Chase and lynched all of them. The ne groes were charged with snooting an I killing Deputy Hherlff Mark Huffman and wounding Constable Alex CarglU, a few days ago while the officer wer raiding a crap game. COUPLE DROWN IN SUDDEN SQUALL (By AsMNdated Pre.) ATLANTA. On., April 30. William and Pesrl Wlthrow. two youqg peo ple, brother and sister, were drowned her this afternoon a a result of th boat capalxing In which they wwf rowing on Lakewood, a email lake near th elty. The boat wa om distance from the landing and when miniature squall struck th boat n over-turned and the occupant wer drowned befor aid could reach them. DEVICES MARKET IS nOSI

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