THK ASHKVJLLK CITIZEN, HAITI.' DAY,. MAY 8, M maajaannttwauituuiutmnmuutnt:uii:tnumn:H:jm::uwMi a a SOCIETY : A party of Ashcvllle people drove out to Iloasarftraon. Mlwi Hatf Ohtip min'i Inn, at Hkylmid yesterday lor luaehcoti. Mr. unci Mix. Bmilh. ut Hoaebank collage. Mini Alice and MM Frederlka lirowu anil iw-veral others wprf amoiiK the party. Tho Amateur Mimical (lub held nn Interesting meeting at (hn Manor Thursday afternoon There wire about forty members present and three new choruses were rrhranwil. A lot of entirely new music, ha b'-n or dered for the Hub. Mr Hurried Jor- don directed the rehearsal which win prefaced with an Instructive lecture on breathing and relaxation. J JS Mr. Thompeon Fraier entertained With the third of a aerie of Informal luncheon, yesterday at Crow's Nest cottace, Albemarle park. The embroidery Circle will be enter tained Tuesday afternoon by Ml Ada .Way t her home In Grace. J J Mhm none Chapman's little settle ment at Bkyland which will be known a Rasjsejmnon, la most picturesquely situated and the glamour of a ro Ynancs that might have been taken from one of Oulda's novels, hung over the little villa;. The larg-e tract of (round was purchased many years since, by a foreigner who opened dairy. After five years he wearied of the bucolic life. The little dairy at ftosscraccon tiU stands and is used a a summer house, the walls having Veen knocked down, and the little pool fit one and Is used as a drink ing fountain aurroanded by ferns. A atergola through a vineyard over which the gnarled old vines will Climb. Is shortly to be erected and lead to the lake which has a row of pretty little bath houses on the gras sy bask and a beat. The lake la ten feet risen but In the shallow th san dy bottom may be seen. The little Village surrounding the Inn Is remlnl sent of some of the Swiss vlllRges Wtth Its lake aad vineyard, only the now capped mountains missing and failing to carry out the Illusion. Ther ars five picturesque buildings belonging to Miss Chapman, mads of irregular stones held In place by leavy green beams. The other cot tages, many of which are completed nd occupied ars owned by Mr. Blu der end Mto Julia Adams, Miss Srown. of Charlotte, Miss Fannie Pat ton. Mrs, Watts, of Kentucky. Mrs. Scarborough, of Georgetown, 8. C. and . others. ' The eottagers keep house or feoard at the Inn aa they choose. The entire neighborhood Is Oiled from the beautiful old hemes of Mew Orleans ni ABhuvllU pwsl. and tho ummer oloajr at Roiicfon I. rrivin.l lally. The lutorurban which ha been1 surveyed from Oreenville, will run ear the village and will take the ylaee . of the train, although many people prefer to drive to Httyland. Ml Cbapmaa will give a large tea during the spring which will be an Informal opening of Rosso raggon. Jt Jl t A medal, which has bees offered by av friend, will be awarded to the win ner of the debate between the Athen ian and Cooper literary society of the oltyHIgh school. Th date and con ditions of the debating contest have not, yet been decided. ' Jl Jl i A camping party composed of the graduating tlass of th High school, AT $5.95 AT $7.95 AT $9.95 AT $14.95 AT $19.95 'Mom if 41. . .. i J. . VJJ IV rL I. 11.: M w .11- '1 ' L i i ji , , ' ... r".un "-".I' .o'cumuiaio unavoKlahlv. Mut tlic .inalitv the nncPK! U n- tl. d ;,.., .,i r n. . j.-. ' x ... . i..v- oAuiB Uses can be found for suits of choose earlv. M. Women's Outfitter left ycHt rl;i afternoon for a camp Ins; dp t Hat tlcsimke J.odc and U'iiic'h rjmi.'K I... Among those who coiupj''l th party w.-re: Victor Kronnson. AMyn Pronnson, William MoIiiii-m, Navle Andrews, Cedrlc Itoh imion and lini 'thl U ood . J Mrs. A. W. Calloway entertained with an Informal brldire jnrty yester Uity aft.-Mioon JS The Tuhk.'Oitc cluh iravc a yerv nretlv ilanie laat ovi-nlmr at their quarters on I'a. k xiuurr. Ice ami uunch wr nerved durum the evenlmt The music wan annulled hv ("onio-lls orchestra. The uuivtln wure. Mr and Mm. Heath furrier. Mr and Mia. Eberman. Mr. and Mr Nichols. Dr. and Mr ( '. V Keynolliln. MIm Klhel Tavlor Ml Vlrslnla (Srlfflth Miller. Miss Adelaide l,ouirhran. MJss Altec Urummnml. Mia Khuiior Iimhertifon. Mia IJIIIiin Weaver. MIn Marv Htlko- leathcr. Mia Hebeeea Cushman. Minn Ktnma Uuilifer, Mia Jessie Htlke leather, Miss Hettle H'ttw, Mia Jleau mo rat Hansard, Mi Inmun, Mia Fan nie Wheeler, Mian Ann. Mull, Mlsa las Uatea, Mlse Msy Bernard, Mlu Pearl Ml Mabel I,.e, Mr. John Acee, Mr. Charles Kolaom, Mr. W. O Home, Mr. Tim Crock, Mr, Perry Cobb. Mr. Kalph Carrier, Mr. Haker, Mr. Caanius (iiKlKer, Mr. John Hobson. Mr. MiilHg-an, Mr. Marco, Mr. Hlce, Mr Nichols, Mr. John B. Anderson, Mr Theodore Horlaon. Mr. Hurry Red wood, Mr. Hrown, Mr. Meyer, dipt Jeffrie, Mr. Harold Johnston, Mr Weetall, Mr. Muatln, Mr. Harry Theo- ooia, Mr. Kendall Northup, Mr. Hoy wagner and Mr. F. Brown. Miss Anna Virginia Miller flnlshea the demonstration and lectures for the week this afternoon at the Y. M. A nu on jnnnaay will itiegin a new course of (ectiire which will lat through the week. The menu this af ternoon win oe tor dinner and aa follows: Boup ouhle, planked tek with mushroom amice, celery au gen- tln ami orange pudding. Monday af ternoon Miss Miller' subject will be "Ifow to Furnish a Kitchen," and the dlahes prepared on the gas range are to be lamp chops with potato malls, French pea, clover leaf rolls, cream puffs and chou paste. Jl Jl The Zuleeka club which has been dlsbamlud since Christmas will hv re organised shortly when om of tho former members return from college,. Ths elmb gavo a number of pretty dances and Informal each week last summer and wsa very popular with the members of the younger set. I Jl trlRnd ntfrtalnel Mm. Kugffne 111 "rT",iy " ay arten nut street. Mr. Carland'a gueuta were Mr. William Hudson. Mr. Clarke, Mrs. Mark nrown. Mr. Fher man, Mrs. Heath Carrier. Mr Tan nehlll, Mrs. W. H. Penland, Mra..Dev nlh, Mrs. J. M. (In . liter, jr.. Mrs. Frank Weaver, Mrs. Carl V. Reynolds. Mr. Forbes, Mr Young, Mrs. James Mortimer, Jr., Mis Kllsabeth Bernard. Mis Mona Devenlsh. Miss Reynolds, Miss F.ugcnla Johnston. Mies Hessle Lee. Mis Philips. Miss Karah Horl son. Mias Kiddles and Mlsa Kthol Tuylor. Jl Jl Tho golf tournament will be played thl afternoon at the Country cluh. Mr. Rdward I. Frost and Dr. O. M. Uimtiert will meel In the final for r SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE ON ODD LOTS OF TAILORED SUITS V. fiy somo fabulous bargains. Silk cicln suits in black, Havy and white with black stripe, which sold formerly for 20.00. Also black oton suits that wore $20 to $.'55. There is a lot of summer eton suits, chiffon panania and fancy woi-steds, in solid tan and grev and fancy chocks and mixtures, that were originally $18.50 to .iC5.)0, which will be sacrificed too at $5.95. are some el on and silk jackets, $15 to $20. are wool jacket suits in blue, that sold when new for $1S is a lot of wool jacket suits in blue, black and novel, v stripes, also blue and black silk suits which arc reduced from prices between .f25 and fill. are some high grade mohair, wool and rajah coat suits in brown, blue and black which commanded in the first J 'la c to .$60. j .. I 1 II, I I . . J ..!.-. t .. 4 U . . . . . - t fc.'il. nrr. tViiti,,'.. ,...le, 'PI. unci -.iic ,tn- niiv, .-ic.iyoii s irootis. i ni'v are odds " iiii.- .i.i.ii f;ooii. i us- Hi t' .(luiip in i up ..;. suns arc this kind hv the woman on V. MOORE the rup ofTf-rt- t,y Mr. F. V. V. fir i hani jiii1 Mr ' "lar nr Hu w ' r iti'J rT. Oiarli f. Jordan In tin- ftn;t!sfor Uij (tip ffi rl l.y th- inntry ln. Ta Will le mt,.i and it IriPK'- ' r'jv 1 (XP''tll t' W 1(118 the liniH .! the tcib r nafri- nf . Jl Jl Ml i IT-.' lvn N'vi h. vihoic MijtftK1' in ril :h arufiiin -J at n r pthti bl (lit- htitt- tf hi-r r r;! n-v-v kff a". villt in avi rW'il t Jui ph f'ann' fit) rjf of Vilfl 'ti. Mr. N. Juiif liit at ih' nip4 (n Hp, m e strei-l. The wedding will tke lhi e at h o'clo k In the evening and (he leremoiiy and ile, orations will be unifiially elaborate. There will be a ,.f .oil of (own giles(s preae-.t ln IiiiIIiik relatives of Mine Notc h from New York and Texas. Noilch has Just returned from Ofrens boro. Wilton and (loldshoro where she 1 1 !i h spent several weeks. J Jt The momiher of (he li clas of the High school have planned a pic nic today at f'odar Cliff aid will re turn this evening. Jl Jl The reunion of the Weavervllle eol lege literary soclelles occurred la evening und wus an ausilclm oc t sion. There were many Ashevllle pen pie, former mem hers of the soci ties, present. The lengthy progrnn was opened Willi an Imprompt speech by Mr. 1 B. Weaver whostc htimoroiMi remark were receive warmly. Orations were delivered b Mr. W. P. Queen and declamations by Mr. A. A. Lotsploch and Mr. O. Palmer. The president. Mr. I. Hmnrt. addressed the nuillenre In closing speech of a few well chosen word and sentiments. The rest of Ihn program was composed of reel (atlons, songs and speeches. Jl Jl The Mendelssohn and nice clubs gave an excellent account of them selves last evening at the Ashevllle High school on the occasion of their fifth choral concert and the prolong' applause accorded them during the evening and at the cloe of the pro gram was well deserved and reflect Jut credit on their conductor, Mlsa Mae Kbnberly. Miss Klmbcrly own pies an enviable position In the mil slcal world of this city, whether as a olo pianist, director of choruses or aecompanylst, and ber successful work wKh the clubs last evening receive,: due recognition. The Mendelssohn rlirb composed of girls sang delight fully the "Hlumber Boat." by Jessie Oaynor, and Henry Hadley's ' Hong Kong Romance," their voices young nd fresh, Iblendcd perfectly. T!i fllee club sang "Dinah" and F. ! Ilullurd's "Winter Song" exceedingly well and received a large share of the applause. The soloists of the ev ening were miss Kotiln Konnett am Mr. M. F. Connell. Mis Kenmt sans; several songs but In "Mima" her beau tiful voice seemed to be espwlally suited and the brilliant hlirh not were eaally taken. Miss Kennefs voice is one of great promise. Mr M. F. Connell' d'Ambrosios "Sere nade" with discretion and rtellcnc; and Til Interpretation of Drdla's "Sou vertlr" were unusually fine. Mias MIn nln Wests II accompanied and added to the success of the evening by hei a'hle rendition of the vnrled and dirtl cult music. The Toy Symphony or cheslru was one of the successes of tho evening and the "Toy Symphony by Haydn played on toy Instruments ' greeted with round after round f applause. The "SlulRhrlde" hv tin orchestra was equally auccewfiil and closed one of the heat concerts given ny the two clubs. There whs a go. id alsed audience and the proceeds will be of niaterlsl benefit In nldlnit th rliihu miisiloiinv sil -lined, which wert black, to ,$;55. brown and checks, ' Till i is ctMid; and just look at wortn The price economy lieut Manv Better 11 Patton Ave Eiperfetn-- j'rovpg. Time tell wbichial ."1 rw t reliable. V ir TO years Perry iMvis faiDkiller h b.e driving away Pu and nr ning h'tihli a a r. uiedy fi Slintius, I. urn-, i ru.sw, iL.ti HiJ4tiMu, iieunUgiav Jt'ui- oiils, crauips, bowel eoioplaint. But L. b..r te take ttu oiectmlled temsJy pr- i:.ptl. Laryt hot ties 'ib cebte eg lateXi J ucula. LET US IMPROVE YOUE APPEARANCE A Hell inanlcur. i . .1 le-s.eak: retineotent to thos. ..i . nitui.- kliovx. JUr sen'ice tl- r. i.sonl,le. MISS CRUISE, 2S Hsyno.i st. liiHt j-eivtil a sliipnu iif of WE CKEAM I'KKKZ KFiS. I qt. for .fl.-15; 2 lL $1.75j.3qt. $2.(M); I t. fj.-l.'i. ASHEVILLE CHINA CO., N. Pack Siiare. Battery Park Laundry. We will be ready for biisi ncHs again July 1st, and we trust our friends will bear us in mind and favor us with their patronage when we re open. The fourth series of the champion ship bowling tournmnent was held lust night at Albennirle .,nk Mr. U H. Jones defeated Mr. J. A. linrckel two out of thr. . games Mr. A. H. Malone ,. rented .Mr. K C. Hnwyer three straiuht gumes. Mr. rt. M. Fltgpstri. I. defeated Dr. J. E. Cooke two oul of three games. Tho tournament closes next Tins day night. c PERSONAL Mrs. wi $ pbgcr bag goO to flul Isjbury ti meet Mrs. Thomas) M. Cox, who is oomiag to Ashevllle on a visit to her mother, Mrs. A. C. Davis. Mr. Rufo Fltupatrlck Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. (i. Adam ut their home on Magnolia street, during th absence of Mrs. FlUpatrick, who Is! till In Halem, the guest of frlemls. Mr, r,. H. Alsop has returned to IiIhI home In Pittsburg after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hayes on Moniford avenue. Mr. W. R Meacham and Miss Mn Anderson., retiirhro from' ltalelgli where they have been att-ndlng tin state fedoratkm of Womeki's I'luba. yesterday afternoon. Mr.. W. J Cocke and small sn hav relumed from Raleigh. i Dr iM U rttevena left yesterday for Florida w here he .will spend a wt on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. Whltford (1. Smilh and son. Whltford, Jr., have removed from Wntnuga street to the new cot tage of Mr. F. R. (Irani on Pearson drive. Mr. J. A. Perry i entcrtainl her mother nicl sinter of New York city al her home on vVatauga Ktrcet Mrs. Perry's Kin sls arrived yesterduv ( oi. and Mrs. Cleorgn I. Moreau have relurneil to their home In I troll, Mich., after a visit with their niece, Mr. Hinner of Philadelphia ut her homo on Liberty street. mr. n. ii .nnois orxj.ittie Vallcv. N. c. is viMitiiiir .Mr. Archie Nlch.d of this city lor a few weeks. itcv. it I', ('ampihull, S D. will leave .Monday lor Hlchmond wher he will attend the meeting uf -li trustees of the 1'nlon Somlnarv. D ampticii will roturn In time to ill! the pulpit on the Sunday foil Mrs M. H. Capers leaves today ro w York lifter an eight months st-i at tin- Richelieu. Mr. nnd Mrs. rjeorge I.lfrcmnn o Chicago nrri.. yeaterday f.,r months Wait .it the Richelieu. Mr. Robert !' Kltzslmons of Clilcai;. and Mr. W. .1 tow n are gin V'ltzstmons of Y, ut the Itsticry PlIVi itel. Mr. J H. 1' trip to nil, . Us has returned front Mrs. H.iywood . in tho city. pent ; St. Id.. Mr H. H P. mlns- of Chlcagu in.l Mr. and Mrs. W. (1. jJago of i 'hii-an are aepndiiifr s.'ine time at the ai t ry Park hot. I. Miss Helen Murphy la expert. t.i return from n short trip to New Vor'i tornurruw, Mrs. K. M. S:indor whn has been In Aslnje fur st-verul months tins (nrn.',l lo Ik r lionne In N.ishvill. T.nn. Mr ;ii,l MK liavld (lax ton nlw. Iue hern Ppeinllrtir severnl weeks ill A.-.lwwile have retmned to thefr home In I'llll l.lel.hi;l TRAVIS NEARLY LOST TO COMPETITOR (Hv Asmm ia(eU Prertn. ) CMiPHV cr ". tY.. Mav 7 Wnli, r .1. Tin formier national nnd international luimplon. narrowly .s caped ilefeat this afternoon In th annunl tournimient of the Harden I'ilv Oolf rliib at the ham)." of R. ('. U.K aon of New Verk. The only thin that saved Tnis vas the stynil" whleh he laid his competitor on (he home hole, li was a full atvme. r,.. suiting In a hair, so an extra hoi. was necessnrv (n tho nlnete.nt!, Watson lost l.y tlubWng tils second In to the srent s:,, pti where he ( out only t. lose tha hole oceans- cup k Notions of Svery Kind andJSjp scription Are Sold at the , gon Marche We have on sale almost every kind of notions imagi nable. They are marked very close for quick selling. Lots of people are familiarwith all these notions and their prices. Others know the notions but not the prices and stilt others are not familiar with them all, therefore we will quote a number of prices on these goods. The Bon Marche has long been called the Notion House of Asheville. Come in and see how well we uphold our reputation. Wire Hairpins for if a package. Ioiie Hairpins, 25c a dozen and ;0e a dozen. Darning Silk for fx- a ball. 1 Darning Cotton two for .v. Cotton Tape two for fie Linen Tape 5c a pack age. Pins in cubes, 5c and 10c a cube. Darning Kggs, 5c and 10c each. Assorted I'ins in papers for 5c ii package. liincn Thread for c a spool. Cotton Thread for 5c a spool. Finishing Braid in white and colors. 5c to 25c a bolt. Kid curlers for 0c to IT S ALL YOU COULD WISH FOR. People who enjoy well-cook-food will find a pleasant sur prise, in our 25 cent meals. io tune nere is io live ui WHITE'S CAFE, 14 Church St. Ir. Matthews' Denial I'urlors. 25-28-1'T New McAfee UIiIk. Cor. College) and 1rufe Strwtx, nonr Court lluuw). Teeth extracted without Daln. All work Guaranteed. Price always reas onable. Oflteo Phone 1149. Rcaidono Phone 872. High Grade Stationery High grade stationery carries an air of satisfaction tf. the writer that makes letter writing: a pleasure to yourself and correspondent. The Carolina Pharmacy C-w. Market and College Streets, REMOVAL SALE NOW GOING ON. We offer some exceptional values. IlKU'MONT 1THVTTI RK CO. i. K. Stoncr Clothing Co. nl,i KUnd, Conur S.uth M.iin and i:ale St. CHIROPRACTIC (KI-ro.pra-tlc CO.NDIvJl.XATlOV WITHOUT TN Vl:sTlt;.Tl(V IH POOH JllHiMKXT. Abnormal pretsiire upon nerves is the i' a use or uli diseases: by remov ing Shis pressure, normal romlloonB and health will he restored. Rocog. niztMl and endorsed by thousands of cltinens of other states. Chronic disease our specialty. "onsnltution and examination free. 1)11. '. K t)MPTN, (liiropra.ior. 1-aiiKe Hid it. N.' V. Cor. tdj. Phone U2I. D.R. McKINNON 7 PatiD A venae (Ovsr.Radwood's ttor) Ladies and fienflcmens TAILOR r 2.J.- Cheap Milk Is usually oheap In qnalltr as well as price. It Is dangerous, bur milk Is not In that class. It is absolutely purs. clean, rich and wholesome. Asheville Pure Milk Co. East Walnut St. Phono 584 Co To GLOBE FURNITURE CO. 52 S. Main St. For Furniture on Easy Payments. J. W. Ramsey, Mgr. Phone 885. Whisk Brooms for 25. each. Shoe Strings for 5c a pair. Safety I'ins for 5c and 10c a card. Hooks and Eves for 2c, 5c and 10c a card. Mending Tissue for 5c a package. Hair Rats for 25c cadi. Rubber Lined Tourist Hags for 10c, 25c and 50c each. Rubber Lined Rags for ladies' rubbers for 25c each. Hand fainted Brooches for 5V each. Coral fins for 50c each. Riblnin leaders for 10c a set. Handbags for 50c to .ft;.oo. Arc the only well matured onions to l,c had just now. We have a nice lot recently arrived from the islands. 20 cts. a doz. 80 cts a peck. r SMM Ave. OWNBEY'S Ik-eM .n.. PEERLESS f ASIIEVILJ.K. N. c. x, inen. Amene and Rough Stlk Suits and &ressesx J Lustre Cotton for" 5e a ball. Hair Nets for lOc and 25c each. Belt Hns for 25c; to $1 each. Electric and Magie Hair Curlers for 25c a card. Collar Supporters for 5c and 10c a card. fearl and Ciold Cuft Buttons for 50c a pair. Barrcttes for 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c each. Side Combs, 25c to $1 each. Back Combs for 25c ta UH) each. IVarl Buttons are pric ed at 5c up to $1.50 a doz- La Grecque Corsets f : For every type of figure 1 I GREENE & CO, : - 12 Church Street. Watches My Specialty?" yon need a watch that will kM tlms, we hava tham. ux I7 that arc ri,ht. Fine watch repairing J. E. CARPENTEJl '1 32 Patton Ave y M WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers Xo. C Buttery Park Place. Phono 1044 ASHEYIMJ2. N. C. Onions Unusual Values in Hosiery Misses' 25c Hose, Spe cial 12ic. w .... kmc iinie, more con sideration has been ( n our hosiery pur chases this season l nan ever before. As a result we are show ing values nneuaHed ''"i" xtylc, uality and prices. AH the new ideas for- I'l-nitr in Women's liose now (in display. As a SlK'ci.'ll lini'rrai'n "eat ure we offer a spe- 'M1 l'Uvll;,sc of MiSs ,,s 1'"1' stitch hose, "mill regularly 25c, p ial the pair 12Jc. on his seeond. m