THE WEATHER: FAIE VOL. XXV. NO. 202. RENDERED IN THE TDRPEHTINE CASE Five Officers Of The Ameri can Naval Stores Company Are In Tolls VpKDlCT SAID TO BE A SURPRISE People Now Wonder If The Jury Knew "Where It Was At" (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH, On.'. May 10. "Guil ty" was the verdict brought In lni" tonight by the jury In the case of the so-called "turpentine trust", though peculiarly the names of the two n llcted corporations are omitted and the verdict applies only to -the Ave Individual defendants, E. S. Nasn. president of the American Naval .stores company, Spencer P. Shnttcr. chairman of Its board of directors. George Meade Boardman of New York, Us treasurer and J. F. C. Myer.s vice president of the compariy and 'ari Moller of Jacksonville. Fla., manager of the National Transporta tion and Terminal company. The sixth defendant Charles J. DeLoai h was found not guilty at the direction of the court. Unless deferred at the request of the defense, sentence will be passed tomorrow morning. A motion for a new trial will be made.'-The verdict finds the five Individual defendants guilty on the first and second counts of this indictment. The third count was ordered stricken In the early stages of the trial. The first and second counts charge the defendant with conspiring to monopolize Inter state trade. The Jury does not metion either of the Indicted corporations, the Amer ican Navnl Stores company and tho National Transportation and Termin al company. The: surprise -thi vie rd let caused In the court room and In Savannah was complete. It was generally believed that a i .irdlct would favor the de fense and that If It did not a recom mendation to the mercy of the court LEAD SCHEDULE IS FOR WEARYSENRTORS After Four Hours of Hot Air Mr. Cummius Lost His Amendment. BEVER1DOE WAS IT WASHINGTON, May 10.- Aftnr several hours consideration of the lead schedule Jn the senate today dur ing which ntimarks made by a num ber of senators. Mr. Cummins amend ment reducing the duty on- pig 1' ad from 2 to 1 cents a pound and the differential from cents as rec ommended by the committee on fi nance, to cents per pound was lost by a vote of 35 to 44. There was much interest In the vote as it wa considered a bt of th' strength of the republican insurgents. Of the thirty-five vot-s tst for the amendment, elevn were cast by re publican senators, but Hoy were not sufficient. The committee won with four votes to spare. The republicans voting for the reduction were: Beverldge, Burton, Burk'tt, Clapp, Crawford.. Cummins. IVilllver. Gam ble. La Follette-and Nelson. Senators ttnh . rv.iorodo. and McKnery. Louisiana, democrats, voted against, the amendment. Inferring in the debate preceding in voi in the criticism which he said had been heaped upon certain Benators. Mr. Nelson said he was tired of being lectured about the sched ules f Jh hill and the orthodox of the repubHran party. "l-ct us r-cog-j nize the fact." he said, -that tie tariff bill is just like the rivers an.' bill. You tickle me and I II tickle you. You give us what we want on the Pacific coast for our lead ore and our citrus fruits, and we will tickle the people of New England nix! gt"-' them what they want on their cotton goods." But. he tald, the people who stood between these two el-meets were being ground between the upper and lower mill stones. "We are willing. howeveT." he ex Claimed, "to accept reasonable reduc tions of our products, but how Is It with the rest of vou?'' After the vote on tho Cummins resolution Mr Beverldge moved, to , reduce the differential one-quarter of a cent and P t length in sup port of bis motion. . VERDIBT OF GUILTY THE BG 50.5111 IS PROMISED WHEN GOMMlnEEACTS it Is Intimated That Some thing Is Financially -Rot- en In Denmark; injTiarl MANY MILLIONS WERE THROWN AWAY Inquiry 'May Result In The Saving of $70,000,000 Every Year ( liy Mielilon S. Cllne ) WASHINGTON. May 10. A s.nsa tlon Is promised when the senate committee on appropriations reports the results of its investigation of de partniental expenditures. Ex-Senator llemcnway, of Indiana, who was re tained by the committee to manage the details of the Inquiry, is under stood to have covered some very as tonishing situations. amounting in some instance. to systems of misrep resentation rovcilng l"iK periods of Hears. Millions of dollars have been appropriated by congress, it is assert ed because congress was misled as to the facts. I aiormous !aviiurs. An idea of the magnitude of the thing may be gained from the fait that It is alleged that as a result of the Inquiry it will be possible to curtail appropriations by not less than sev enty 'millions of dollars a year. It is not to be understood, of course, that tile amounts appropriated as the re sult of misrepresentation amount to anything like this sum. It is proba ble that the misrepresentation was de liberate only In a small number of instances, anil the committee may not seek to prove these instances at all. But the fact (hat seventy millions of dollars a year 'can be saved without impairing the efficiency of adminis tration Is ample evidence that some people have been guilty of gross care lessness, to say the least. If such a condition exists tlv blame cannot be made to rest wholly on the executive department. The appro priations committees of the house and senate are supposed to satisfy them selves of the necessity of appropria tions before they recommend seventy millions a year or more than waa necessary. It will he difficult to con vince the public that' these commit tees have been very earnest o thels scrutiny of estimates. (Continued on page four.) SAYS KILLING OF iNIS WRS NO OTHER ACT THAN 0 Tl Was Committed With Pre meditation and Delilicra-' tioii, Says Prosecutor. (JOKS TO .H'K'V TODAY (By Associated Press.) T'l.rsi 1 1 NO. N V., May 10 One hour more of summing up by the prosecution and afterward the court's ,-harg. then tie cas- of Captain Captain Pci.-r C Ha Ins. Jr.. charged with the murder of William K Annls will .'i-s into Hi" bands of the jury. This, ill brief, t.i the scneiiuio mm the trial 'f th- vung army officer is expected to follow. T"dCs session "f 'be court was mark-d be Hie final appeal bv John J' M Inf. re f.r the defense, and part of th- filial pi-a of O. orc- A. Oregg for Ho pros, cntion Win n adjourn ment .is'tnk"n late this afternoon, Justice i;arretson announced in.n c old allow Mr Unite Just an hour no, row in whi. h to complete his n-nuirks .The court then will imni dial. Iv'. Charge the jury ana. as tit charge' w ill consume al-.nt an hour, Captain Mains fate should be in the bands of the jury shortly after nor.n. Mrs Mains, the mother of the de fendant, with h. r huband. 'i-neral I'eter c Mains, and He ir son Major Tohn P Mams, listened t Mr. Moln--.hid plea for the life of the nnsoner Throughout th- mother wept oiij. t- v and O.neral Mains frequently gave wa himself .,s he n.b avor.a to com fort her. The prisoner's mother and father withdrew when Mr Mctntvrc con cluded, and Mrs. Helen Annis. In deep mourning appeared with her mother unit sist.-r They nmaitiM in court hlle Mr. Gpgg was speaking. me center of interest "The former .district attorney nit icrtv denounted the insanity plea of the defense, declaring that it was conAb-ed. and manufactured by the defendant's lawyers as a la-st resort He braWled the shooting as a "cow ardly plurder. committed with de liberation and premeditation." ASHEILLE CITIZEN. ASIIEVILLE,.JS. C, TUESDAY MORNING, J.G. DAVIS AND HIS Tl UNI Charged With Obtaining For tune of Half Million Un der False Pretenses VICTIMS APPEAR TO TELL THE STORY Martin Furnishes The Bond But John Goes Back to Durance Vile (By Associated Ptchs.) WASHINGTON. May 10. John C. Davis, the Washington lawyer, charg ed with obtaining by false pretenses a large amount or money variously estimated up to a half million dol lars, and Martin T. Oavls, his hroth ther. secretary of the Potomac Pend ing and Loan association were today held for the grand Jury under bonds of t2O.000 and $6,000 respectively A larger amount was fixed for the attorney because of the charges of embezzlement and conspiracy to do fraud against htm The charge ol conspiracy was the only one against his brother Martin. A petition for receivership for th Polomae nullding and 1onn associa tion was filed In the Supreme court of the District of Columbia by At torneys for creditors of the concern. Assistant District Attorney Proctor examined a large number of men and women who had entrusted various sums to the men under arrest an 1 who are now anxious to learn what has become of their money. The preliminary hearing was con tinued until May IB. Martin T. Davis was released on bail, but John C. was unable to secure bondsmen and he was sent back to the police station. Acting on tlw petition for a re ceivership Justice Barnard In equity court appointed W. Mosby Vllllams receiver of the building and loan as sociation, fixing bis bond at $10,000. Tho- petitioners were Alice It. Dun can, who said she had Invested $4 -&G, and Carrie J. Prltehard and Mary V. Prltehard, who said they had given Davia $280 ami $1,140, respect ively. They assert that John C. Da vis Was Intimately . connected with th" association of which his brother mas secretary and general manager and that Martin Davis permitted his brother John to carry a large number (Continued On pagw five.) BOYLE AND WIFE BID EACH OTHER TEARFUL ADIEUAT PENITENTIARY Tlie Kidnappers of Little Willie Whitla Pej;iii to Serve Tlieir SenteneeK. Sill: CKMKS P.ITTKKLY I'cnna. May 10. James II. 'Boyle was sentenced today to lif" Imprisonment In the penitentiary for the kidnapping of Hilly" Whitla. Mrs. Boyle received a sentence of twenty-five years with a tine or '.. 000 and the costs of the prosecution. Boy In did not create the Scene ie courl he hail threatened. HhorifT Chess started with Mr. and Mrs. Boyle for the western penitentiary at Pitts burg Ibis afternoon .fames Boyle and his wife Helen Tlovle were lodged In the Western penitentiary tonight. the former undir a sent, nee of life imprison ment, the latter scntom ed to serve a b rm of twenty-five years. The prisoners were taken first o side room to s;.y goo1- bye. ar the rules or the prison would not per mit tht-mAJ see each other again Mrs. le.u- TV"w tor arms around "Jimmy's" nok and kissed him She Hld "we must take It the best w can" The matron corf-d Mr" I'.o.le from the room. She hurst intji t.-ars and asked to be permitted on. again t,o s e h r .husband. The re quest yas granted and sh- gain kiss ed and embraced Boyle When Mrs. Boyle gave her befc.nj ings to the matron sh-- asked permi. slon to keep a small mirror she 'ar ri.-.l. saying "I ! not want to Pav It behind, as that would mak' nv have seven ' a rs of hail luck " Th mirror was returned to h-r and sh- i. ill he allowed to keep It In her cell. Bovle and his wife ate togeth and held ea.h others hands dnrlnz (he entire journey h re from the -cne of their trial. m:n( f. trim, mondav. ACHTIN. Tex. May 10. The ease of H Clay Pi.-rce. chairman of the board of directors of the Waters-Pierce Oil companv. charged with falsq swear ing, was loMav set ror rriai next day. . . BROTRERARE HELD DER HEAVY BUND 'JNe- KIDNAPPER MAKES HIS PROMISED "SQ UEAL 9 '; TELLS STRANGE STOk Y Implicates a "Mr. Forker" Prom Prosecution if (By Asuoolnled Prem.) V I Mir in-1.-1? m tin 10.. Hefore Awl ' . .. ca lukan frm here til the.Denltenw tiary at Plttsnur tonay James oyi irave out a Btatemenl in part as mi lows: "On the morning of , between the hours of Dan Heebie Jr., was f-.ona .leoii mi the sidewalk In front of the Matmer block. East Federal street. Younirslown, ' ovor the ..rn.tmiA form was Mr. Hurry Fork- er, of Sharon, P holding In hK rlirht hand a par. tut m ieiie " mthnroit fmm h i4 WSlK Hear the dead bofrf of Mr. Heehle. "Am ha flrnl nhout in fletiArt from the vlrlnlty he was Intercepted by th ; writer and a tnan who has since pass-; ed to his rewsTd. Mr. I)nn Bhav. a sa-1 loon-keeper of oake treet, Youngs-; town, Ohio. "In M.r. Porker's hurry to leave' i. r,u hi fsiled to find two en-1 -velopes that contained four letters. I The same were picked up ' Mr., Hhay. "The writer and Mr. Bhny examined tho contents of same which proved beyond a doubt the presence of Mr. Forker there at the time. ", "The letters were written by a lady, two from a parly In New York stat. and the others from Clevelahtl. Ohio." Told 1 1 'in Mow . ; Boyle then proceeds to set forth that he demanded and secured money from Porker under threat of disclosing the secrets contained In the letters: lb secured. he set- forth, various sums and finally dmianlired Jr., 000 Fork'-r. he says, professed Inability to sis-uie TRIED TO KILL HIM FOR Miihlcroiis AsHault VViis Matlf I'l-on Cliailt s . fiiis al I 1 It, 5a. (Hv wk lated I'ress.) HI'TI.KIt. May 10 char!'. Smith, of Cohoi ... tin., was lo-la. arrested char. t . if h haviiiK 11c el" the inoriTeroos .,- no It upon Cbarhs 'ii:Kiris. ori S'.r : v niorninir It 1 charK. il that So, was lndi. e. by a member of Wi.- s' family t kill WIHKins In or. I. r "at his life Insur ance, which is 1 considerable sum. might be sc. or.. Wiggins' family hsd srrsimed ) ' 'u'n to Holler on OH- llll'ht Of tie I.Hlie a-.fci.lll' H" Went to ttie'sllt! c Ut et ttl"in. t. ' i i tliev did run :.c .. Instead. It i" said. Smith 1 an. -''I the tram, and burrlid to th. iKxins resid' in where hi a w .1 n -I Wlagips' orrival When WigEins ' demd he wan at tacked bv Srni'ii according to Wis gins' statement T-night WlgKlns' lit' hangs by .1 sien-l thread A- I If5 A J FY fi'!) vM. g. Bg, I WASHINfiTt iS. May 10 Forecast: North Carolina l-'air Tuowlay, cool- er In east portion". Wednesday fair. warmer In. west portions: light to moderae north and north west inrrsrr MAY 11, !!.. Musk Hath Charms etc Why doesn't Teddy try this? v and Declares'!Tha Mr. Whitla Promised Him Immunity He Surrendered Certain Le ttersv Sayjs His Wife Was Made a Dupe. . the money for hi m but nuwrcated the (kidnBPplnK of lJttle Willie Whitla." The statement embrace the follow ing letter, "Halley" h1n the a smi tri ed name Hoyle employed: " 'Friend Bailey; YH know tlie circumstances. . and Kn promlae I made you when you left here. .But If you are really desperately In need of motjey as you profess to be, 1 will outline a little plan which with your co-operation pan be very nuocemfully carried out, vl: the ahdtietlbn -3, B. Whitla" on. I can arratuwi. M have the Wuy liroiiKht to Warrtt, uhlo. due there nt II1H with raeort." (There Is no slKimture to the let ter.) Uesunilriif. Hoyle wis forth the al iened manlier of the kldnnpplnir, say ing a "p!ii1" broualit the Itoy to hlin at. Warren. Ohio, whence he went lo Nibs. Ohio, to Ashtabula and then to Cleveland. He continues: "(in March 2i 1 received a letter, from Mr. Forker statins Hint some one had Informed Mr. Whltlu that they hud recoKul.ed bis boy on March ix in Mies. Ohio, anil that James Hoyle. of Sharon, was with him. also that Mr. Whitla was arrald to divulge the liiforma I Ion for fear the boy nllcht conic to some harm and telllnir me to he careful and he on the alert, and that when I reched the money to immediately surrender those Yotiwrk- tow II letteiH, to) Sed SUIIIO to llllll (Mr. Forker) at tfharoii, and on Til.s ttav, April to return half of the ransom money I" lim. Mr. Forker, and he would turn ovi r the same to EXPLAINS NEW TIFF Rill FOR THE FILIPINOS' Is Slated That I'Y. r Trmlci, 'i(i ihinis Will (!rcall l.csM ii liVvt iiiir. f II v usH'liltel I'ress ) U ASH I .Mi'l 1 '"' Mv I'" Tlw ir in . haiiio-s mad. bv tie house 10 ...11 :i rel meii US III I li'T fhilijiliine tar iff toll an- xj.lalne I m Ho I . .r ' .- .1 1, d lo t he house l ,.:,, lo ' I : 1 i 11 'alive I'll vrie. of V v '1 01 k It sl.ioted that Uie new 1 , r IT f .r tic lekinds lw. oirl s H-''" v , n on a ml of He fr . trad. .., ,, -i .io ..f tie- I'a.ite I 1 1 1 W'hicn .i.,n Hi. jos-itar go-crriiiie-n .1 ;i!e,ot 010 111 ii.on . I . , : ; a r s of r';.'- lo x 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 . on Ma n da to nip .,,, ,, ,.,1. . ..iImi and sh' II- which 1, id. ,1 ,, (.,. mi. ot 1 ; 1:1 '.ix 1 in 1 ,,1. If 1 1 a 1. I in He- new bill. :n II,., n'li us Mr I'awe tales, an it. ;,..-l duly I!- f T- Ign lo I h- policy of L'o' iriii "f Ho t'nil'-d Hint- - , r,.! , 1. 1 ., l.,i. I I. v 1 . .riM it a Hon IIIK.s ON Tl:ll,. I .;stt ! ici. Mi. Id - liloodhounda toirie),i I,,,,!' the (mil "f lh" three ne ei,. ,ris..ri'ru i' he . siaped last flight ... ,e. IV . .0 , ..note lull In the I ,1 ...I. .,. ..r lh n- gr.Mx was wound- !r,'':'s,'l!l'a,"nr'.'h'',t''he'ibSd'ly hurt! 1 ' I 1,1 ' Kiitlieo in 1111: ".i,iiiih. ..' fugitives nr.; believed t he together again after separaiirig during -yester- day. Frank Mndray. whom thev beat into ins. nslhllity, mny re- t .v er. the- iarty who took Willie Whitla to Warren. Hnys Whitla rko Faith. "l!Mn learning- that my name was mentioned In connection with the enae. I made It a point to meet Mr. Whitla personally In, Cleveland at Fifty-third treet nd Ht. Claire avenue, showed him the letter that vaased between Mr.' Forker and myself, also the Touniratown lettort and Mr. AVhltla pmmlsed thst f I would substantiate th- troth f he Tounpitnwn letter he would eo there would he no pros ecution. "I then surrendered throtiKh Mr. Whitla all the letters Hist were In iy iiussesslon and the world knows the result. I wits arrested and con victed and depflved by my own coun sel of tellliiK my story on the stand. I Informed my wife the hoy was broiiKht Jn order to escape beltiK quar an'lned In Hie pest house and we wen. to he handsomely rewarded for takltiK care of him. "This unfortunate woihnn was dup ed from alnrt to finish Inaard to the bdy Btbl I was duped from the mo ment f let the letters Ko Into Mr. Vh1tln'a possession. "As my counsel fifi -rwrnds Inform ed me, I hud notbliitt to show or to prove and that It was a matter of ve racity their word imnlnst mine, f had Klvsn up every scintilla 1 had and now I am settled for. This story Is as true as there is a !od above us." 1UIH. Ave.) ! MOTHER ID DAUGHTER FUMSE I'jii'f Combined to 1'nt llus- V'.' hand and Fat In r Across tin- (iif a Di vide (Hy AssfKdntcd I'reSM.) , l!l'aTI.I.I.'ll.l.l'; Ala., May 10 -I lo Kiand Jnr v l"da . r'.-lui le d III di, in,, nts agalnsl Mts Nora li.zell. Mr- c.t,eil ' and" M W. M jres..j8i hariiriK them wbh tie mar d. r of Jollies K...-II husband "f lh' lorriier last Wednesday night, 'twelve iiiileM I'rooi le re. 'I le- Hue. , , lined Vill ,e trie dill HO' 1 1 1 "Sen 1 e r III of ' o'ltt Mrs V.rvW lodMS . fesSed. gr nig all of lt' d' talis of tin n.'ir del, Ah, ll Slie ,,', l . II I I II 1 I I ". l.y M cs. with Hi" kpowl' dge and ao- -I', I'-so, re e "f h rs"lf and inol-nr V1 r -VS., Ill ii 'lie jailer mad' a. coiifs oli .-Merilay. Motes was an vi rs"' r lor V.wW. ROMAN CONFEDERATE ,HO0R THEIR DEAD The f"itl'll ) WAI.IHIIV'rVY. ' via'-' I" nun .Xlroprio)e iVciiioiil' under th" an. AI.IHIIt' spices of th" rl 1 II kc i li(iit"r of the Imilght. f the ( 'onfeib racy, nod hion," rnonu- a beautiful mnrt rnent in honor of w n coiinry's Con federate dead was uTVell,. d on one of the principal thoroughfares In Halls bury today Atsmt lln- thousand peo ple w;itnejmci the wen" th- veil be ing dropped by Christian field, the well know aulhor-nf this city. The guest of honor and speaker' of th day was Ocm ral Bennett IE. You of loulsvllle, Ky. Mayor A. He Bol den. Salisbury; and Ex-Congreasma John tl. Herftieraon. of this city, also made addresses. .'J : V v:. ,4."'.. .'. . , OF MURDER - ' .1 v N .V rV r -'I Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. PRICK FIVE CENTS. JUDGE CONNOR, T, GETS fl President Taft Sends His Name to The Senate as Pur hell's Successor IS TOUGH BLOW TO REPUBLICANS Henry Groves Connor, of Wil son is Well Qualified For Place Says 'Tav" HYTolV.) WA8IIINOTON, May 10. Titer II weepina and walllni. In the camp of the North Carolina republican ma chine toniRht. Ever and anon a tiowl iTT rne Is mliiKled with muttered curse, and the nitni of Brother 1"aft Is mentioned In anything but termi of love. All of which la occasioned by th nomination of Judge Connor, aa I p ra il let ed in my letter ntat week, to Mo ceed JudKe l'urnell In the Raatam dis trict. JudKc. Connor's name would have been aunt to the tenat Bat urds y tnid not some frantic republlcaha swooped down on the white hoot and made a Inst appeal to th ponderous president. They staved It oft for awhile, but the blow fell this afternoon at 210. it's Judge Conner, an Bast urn North Carolina democrat, to suc ceed Judge Purnell. Yra, 1rl Over- rlilirur nil nreeedeAt. . lintorlnv . tha eliilins of the stnto's republican lead-; era, earl nit nothing for what effect his action might have on iht party, rreBldeiit Taft has made good hi word to Ignore party lines and put forever his seal of disapproval, on fed eral activity In politic. Th, blow comes hardest on those republicans In high places. Including Judge Prltoh ard, who Journeyed to Washington In the Interests of Mr. ge,well. who name was tent to the senate by Presl. dent ItdoseveU, but was held up ther and failed of confirmation. , lYultlnsa FJforta. When tho machine, saw thai ther was , ho chance for Beawei) U threw . Its weight to Bklnoe m other re publican light, mor or lea promi nent in the Tar Heol tte; ' Hot there was "nothing doing" Ml" In Whit house. From ther th. Moggn h(t gone forth that "pdfltlni or political na tivity has nothing to do With qusll flcatlons for the federal bench." Hut the machine did not despair. It was willing to accept anything In th shape of ii republican when It became apparent that thiirn wai danger of A oral vacancy. Home any that even the Hon. Thus. Mettle, on Inveterab foe of the nun blue, but a staunch republi can for nil that, would have been swallowed before democrat, but those at all familiar with the calibre and workings of tha famous North Carolina republican machine declare that the appointment of Mr. Settle would have been i greater blow to It 4buli Hie success of Judge Connor. (Contlutied on page fonr. Nil ICTIDN Win TIKFN - lit I IWI1 I III litll YFSTrtDAY RELATIVE TO MR. THfTSMESSIIEE The Iloune Uualde to Aft Heeau.sf No (Juonirn Could Be MiiKtcred. TO COMK UP TODAY I. (lly AsKK-laled lre.) t. i liii te. 'Toe u u 1 1I IT,, p 1 1, . '..nit of a 0'ioriim tho house today tooic mi actltin im the president rncage recominenillng ntmcdlHl leg islation for the Island of Porto ttlco. KeakcF Cannon sought to have th ne mi-" n fi rr. d to the committee on .. i', ..rol no ans. but an objection by Mr Currett of Tennessee, who want id it s- nt lo the committee on Ins.t ,t aifilr. whh b has not been i ai' pointed openea ,jp the whole sub ) , I of the bousg rules. There being le. im Ii committee, ptpuaker Cannon se d that In suggesting' the reference le- did. he had in mind the ttfvnprtt loridltion of the house, only four committees having tn-en appointed, of which the coinmitteo o.( Insular affairs was not on". A long argtiment ensued over the right of the. speaker to oy. r rble the rules, and ended with s motion by Mr. Garrett that th speaki r ibe "illrer'U'd forthwith to appoint a committee on insular af fairs to consider the message." Th vite disclosed but 165 members proa- far short of a quorum, where- pon Mr. f'syne moved an adjourn ment, remarking as ho did ao, that he hoped a ditorum would be present when the house negt met. Th house then adjourned with the president's mevi at 111 on the speaker's table. ' In :h.i' scnahi the message was re rrrrsii without dlscnsslon. -' DEMOCRA THE NOMINATION

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