THE ASHEVTLT.K ( TTfKX, TUTIM ' AY. MAY R VMK In 8sf u i Far e. : h S AROUND TOWN SOCIETY t a, eeeaeeeaeeeeeeee 1 TV- lift- h'ln- -r .''-.- ef ih At the evera- '-j t !" MT-v r ;n r'.r-- ; .! : .r,.i- . f Br" n.-'-.n - . I Mr. V ' t..r i- - Al' ie! ' r V '. il Jpii' ir ' ro.rr.h-ni .? o-.-Ilorner .VI we .'..i 'i -;ufl(r Mr- m Ktrn-1' IV !i:r.K'-r Mr. Atlyti Bt-ca ftrowrie-n Mr r j --n i.- are! a:! that .VI WSli'.am H.iitw- t 1 Mr :r c. Ir.eot.. There "ill p'ifcli. r ,t Keriii'i! of Mn! anl l-1 mat)-- Art Ir,. nft-rr."'.ri it !'i 'duck, tlrrn It the pipi:a Tt- profram hi. h in t n - r i; violin anil pluno numi-".-. V'-i'-, llahed In jeMer.lav 1n. The Womti' M ,!! marv i t y f i the Urit preebvterlan rhur'ti ni-!! thin afterti'eon with Mm. F. B. M t. h !.' j .; at her home, Jt Montforrt avenue A apeelal prorram on "Merlr..'' ha been rrtKl n1 aeveral prlate aelertMitiJ will l. aiinif ly lit tle MUM Trerk. Mr. T R ft. ri'.l i will hae chare of 'he "Pm. Th Ottaianlan literary (jKl-tr th High arhoot will give a fane cum rdr at th Ill(h achoi.l tomorrow, evealn:. Tb tltla of th piere The Lamentable Tracdjr nf Julty Ckeaer " All women ar cordially Invited to tha women prayer meetlnc whlrh will be held thia afternoon at 4 o'clock t th Henriettfoa South Main treL Tha Amateur Mualral -int r .et vi tardar afternoon In thrlr room in th PrM"o' building and aflt-r numitr 6f tha nw rhoruata wr r haaraed. a fcoalna nuintlnc waa hld By-la iWra adopted and othir lm llar kaaineaa tranaactcd. Tha club will meat r(rnlarlf In the future at their room Wedneadajr afternoon at 4 o'clock. A number of new member were elected yeoterdajr. a Jt Him Ann Virginia Mlllcr'a le tare ar proa;raainf Intereetlnslr a at the T. M. C. A. auditorium each afternoon and will coma to an end HatuMay. Mlaa Miller haa choaen u fear iubrtftt today -What to Eat and Bow to C06k It." and tha dlehea th win ' prrpara on (ho (ae etore are veretabl sottp, cheeee crouton, meat hort k with parsley aanre, and dotjihnula. Tha lecture are free to the public. jr jt Th data (or tha Rolf tournament for the oluh. ehamplonhtp haa not been definitely decided upon owing to tha fact that tha recent elontTbura. which dam sired aeveral dletrtct of the city considerable, alao worked havoc ait th Country club. The roitree wa badly wuhaii, the aecnnd hole heir a completely deetroyed. and the tennis court auffered hardly leaner damajrr Work me a have been employed for tw i day repairing the link and rmi'ii which will b ahortly restored to their former condition J . j lira. Arthur K. flee jtave nn In formal dinner Turaday evening at Kenllworth Iidge. ;r. if it,- .are J ,( : t. H.'! U- , ,rt, I i ..-! I'"'-! . t ir Tti ti th- f . :- flii l .i r ' Tlie- I 'R TO ii ;'putj - tat t n i . trig ! . t -if a fh h Mill " the :t M' ."1J..I tr I - A.l- '. l th. r ., I- ' 1 1 r r t : -, : I 'r , rr.rriorcl ' hi M . I'm i"i ' T ..f t:t. i Miu .'ii.'. (..fir t -! Ih .1 t ,tH : I na.. V.rxlri.i n a'.. I .. II r iatt praj'M !na.l". l it .'M -a,: I u in 'Ir.'t-li, M, r .'.. nr. ifitr"t T.T.t.r t.i r--tn'T future m. Th ti;trg M l!.,rWh- l-'ranc H i i n t n , M.nn Saiii'i June a-i.! M Vf4rjcref r...n v.:!! h'tve th i tal.!- lie , rtnm nnd nki. win I..- erve1 i.v .ral utt rii.-ttve wait rwn who mav Ii dit i tnriiihvl tv kn.iiii of th- Confederate .-..lor. re.l anl whit-. Tie 'Aaltreeeee A:il 1 Ml Mrth Wool.lrlilge. MlM Huth Fuller M:w c,laly HmU I.' Miu FTliatwiti Murphy and Ml Margaret Wiley Mlm Mary Moore Wijldr1dg will tiffer i hftti. e at the grab bar; The lawn fete op, nn tomorrow at 6 o'clock p, m , and lat until 10 oVkirk and will be a vry plrturewju.1 affair. Jt J A wedding of much Interest o friend In Anhevllle will take place !n llenderaonwllle May Jtrd. To hundred have l ,-n lau-d fir Mte marriage of Mm Kather Cohn of Vew York to Mr. A M Iwl ol Henderaonvllle. who I a well known merchant of that city. The wedding will take place at the reklenc of the groom parent. Mr and Mr. E1 ward Ieaf. at nil o'clock Hunday ewnlng. May 13. and will he an event of lntret In social circle of Henderaonvllle, Arrangement will be made to pho tograph the rhododendron hall wtilch will be given at the Itetterv Par M: T. 1 ,.'! I: i' .VI .A le 1 n 1. r - Arri.-v K',- t, ,.f U , .r.f t tie i , 1 1 r ; .' t "T .ri.rnv - If.- e. f... ' ih-rrllv by the jtuph'.more ' f ' . ! 1 fcT - Tor W unen ;it i' .l Mr . II. T ; I r : .. r rjooil. Mr. I f ( I r V He.o.. K. I" Chile, ar, ,,,, ,f fldhlng trip. conn f the Mit. miiii i ' tit-rn t- r.ij a' ' VI r pi Cj - -An r'tiKer. .f - Hrv j r.-.i Kaptin! I'" "''l" IHIRV; 1 . v l ti" enter wa, .i ! Mn K i FIRE M i s .-in re Of I' i MIT'ift'lj .. '.or, hv fir. ' r "r iflrim. it- I i neigh', in ttroe to We Will Give $15.00 In Cash For the Three Bes! Adveriisemenfs Mr T , 'ill 1 Mr .7 "on ia ay. .1 llrat f..r rf itsv. " ari-i .viri. i a uV!or ir.- ent-rtainmg ,v!r I! ,bert ilif. Mr f VI Hi. kiln. .VI k' .r I n Mi Mary Patterson I'hul-r Mn. Berry of Provl,!. n. -. i: I Mr,. F.lll of Philadelphia and t" Kngllah of S'-w Turk I.ft yet,.rdn'. for their hom- rter apendlng aonu time In Aaheville Mr Charle M. Piatt who l running Hueb-e Hall at Hnah.e. In the city yerterday. Wfi Mr. Tledernan who irpfnt th winter at Mountain Meadow Inn and Ah llle ha returned to Nw Vork. fra P. M Needham left yeatenlav arternion for Cincinnati. Ml, a Kuaong who haa been v,it:i Mtea (Catherine Chamber, ha turned to her home In Orcnvlil Tenn. SUIT FOR DAMAGES AGAINST SOUTHERN It.r., t v. a fit- I in Mi Mara:, 1Kb tier ar ' li- riri ii ira inn th ' -f larrtag' for t' 'ami. K Itoaa A ki'le.i in th; Son' f. w rrtontha aa;o. I. K t been field l.irna., to be ,1 aertalned Mr ployed In the 8 her he Kill-' ir Ii h. r- a iii'l'i.niit ha airi- iin- ..f I ' anri"l be on wa.-i em- )ir.l, here Mla Hertha Clement left for hotel e.e.1 mn,K a .., '" yterday on profewional hu: til u yl . . . I ' ' i iimu". i ne rnonmiril' card oron win tie Orourhl in from the mountain the afternoon of the ball the number of arche in th dining room having been prrvloualy covered with green branch;. The pink flow er will he laid on the green back ground of Icevce. forming arch after arch of V.aaeed flower. All of the light will be covered wlfll inair concealed among the flower. During the march to the , upper room colored light will be thrown by calcium light on the gucta. the ball room being darkened for (he effec! The aurceaalon of color will provide a conatant Illumination an.) will pro luce a very beautiful effect. Ir 'he enter of the ball room a mlnlali;n lane win ie arranged, hanked with rhododendron and lltihte.1 frm , Dr Charle U Minor ha gone to Washington. X). c.. to alien! th- meeting of the national aawiciatlon for !he ttidy and prevention of tub,r culoal ami will be away until n-tt week. ! r an.l Ur. T . II 1 1 . . . . 1 pink "! from Brevard ye.terd.iy. Mr Thomn Settle haa zone. t War)lnglon and will he away evernl day. Mr. June Radeker la expected ne,t week to viilt hi family In Victoria HAIR GOODS. Our aaeortment i i ..irefullj nc. b"t-d line that -- r , r , . ., to make a Katlafact"r-. ; nrr i Niw ttilnK arrlvinir dailv. MISS CRUISE, IS' HayniHHl si. J .-it.i, a i,t. S ' r th. .0 f . Mr. J,-. b- -I A 1 irT ,:. 1 ' i ri - nt - M -. I .V ii. I nnb, la I t: .l r. 'A 1 1 li'. .n. I Mr. J F. H-:.. ;- .n di. hni'-o, '. a :il r a, Jii-U' i i. . ;.. , ,i til June I t. 1 'miu. i i;"-n t , every . I,-. Se. ; .or a ll t i Chas. "ti. Slicll Miiriufa- tur'r the ArtlKth- Stieff. Mtatv. and Ml.fl If-I'lajer llaiee. SOl'TIIF.KV 'AltJK)M S WeA Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. V, U. WIIaMOlTH, (Mention this pajx-r.) Pretty Display of Rough Silks are JYow geing Shown at the Qon fflarche i !lc OlV !.! . i;-im .' :'.r . 1 1 . I I . r f . i T ii, !ini-li ;i : !i An I- i i ii- i-ti. Ix-autifiil silk a- thou i t t"il;iv siikmalvi'is turn to it for .lIi l!ks i u i i t - in color, .ii. it- laTi-t tfil't h flit women of Mi !ii..!v litis. S.niitr and Summer pi 'i ri ;.!. I., mil ! 'i 1 1 ul in at ii!'.- a I'd liM of tlicsc .silks this if mi uuiiM call around i t iiu nt All oi' the new m n s t-xtciisivelv this this .selection. TJoutrh DINE HERE MEALS THAT PLEASE 25 CENTS WHITE'S CAPE, 14 Church St. th Hill h- wer, on .1 rneni MIk, .I.ihi,. lli. knian yeaterdiv In the , itv run ir hr "f A r I. n e n' Mla Haltle (ll.-nn of Anl.-n uh been vlaltlnit her brother In V"l neelh il,tn.i.. n... - "" "aa ..iurii,..i I """"""" home i iikii. itnrianua or gr-en and lilnk flo', r. auapend,'.! fruiii an Ii. , -ov.-r the am.-ill lake, caught bv bun. hi' i.r thn fl It, t.-ink,. The bull will be orable event In th,. ial hlatorv iiu. in.' an. i tli.' ..lor, , I p,,t.,'. ill ! -.-nt far and wide to land, w h rh....... , dim,,,! ,,. the in . hid lil.'h It ri-. ml.i..,. c PERSONAL M ' rin i i;t C.lil', hiM- r. t lav, liahing tr:; and Mr fr -m ii fv-ra; Mra. Arthur Rankin entertained Informally with bridge yeaierdav r,f ternnon at her home on orange afreet. A epeclal meeting of the m.'mber ahlp committee I called thla after nooa at 1 o clock at the T V c. A The committee will -nd-awir to oure 00 one-dollar memtwr and a hundred iuatalnlug member, durmir the year and will enroll 2 00 member during the nett ni'-nth. M, l.ut Moor la chairman of the education il ub-eorrunlitee. having a, h-r , .: ant MlM Irwin and MN Broun and the member, of the i , mm i r , .. ,n Ml Florence Barnard M' , , i Mi- Th -n A. f . h. ! ..f Hr TteaHre. ,nft f! II.. vi.,pnAr.i , . I .. i. i , . ... .... . ..... ..... ' . ii.i, o. ' n vtnting tor iniii. r.ieanor carrnl. ha. I. Mm Vi. n-,.i tlm.- it Mr. T J It; l,' ,,n S, i.onvie. ei tm annul" fSljui. .VI i e, rr.'ln n lr. ad avnt)e !..;iv,'a tt, ' ecu wrigntaon. M!. rurefoy, M:,a i.-rii- n r-.r h-r h tii.- m m,i, Nell Ford and Mr, Martin I. St-v- will .pend ,.,. ,i,v !n II n-br-i 'in en. The flbile , la In ( il,l Teatamcr.t ,.n h-r av 1, .me. character, vhi h In., be. n und-r th- uirea-non or .itm MTin.iir , ;...., n , m- i,t h ,., an ie,un .oi,r,.- t ml evening. be t ,l.o-, SPRING TAILORED SUITS REDUCED 1f).."0 to n Siuts K'.'.luce.l to . 1l"., 2o.( K to !l) Sllif Ue.lilc.,1 sloT..-) f,, yjn suits i:,-, in, , ,i !,,. . .-,!:, r-J.(H) to .i,0 Suits Kcl l,,,! 1,, .. X These Mr. H. Vnrle la In t..wn f r Sin, Hi of Phi i short ,t,i . . id. Il til l Mlai lib. Potter Iagg.'tt f N York im a Ku-'.t nf th.' Il-ilt.rx l'i hotel. Mr T Iieland lelphia I, a Hi,.,r Mr c, SA-agg, l e n.i nif c era! Mr and Mr,. I, Orli-mi, are .n A, he ea.on. Williaina r to Aah. CLAIRVOYANT ANDPAI-MISTUY. Are vtm WDlinsr to he Coti vincerl by PROFESSOR LEONARD? Has Returned. Hy peclal rerineat I do hereby .urre and guarantee to make no haree ir I (all in tell voiir name. o ; j ( . . , r I n and what you ill for. I proo....- !. tell you v. hetl -ri husllin 1 r la l-ue or fain. I M ,,,u hn and wh.n you wilt ni.rr , r. (n't. villi t.-ll ...,u every hop,, "i '.,, r ambito-n ' ..ur life. K, - , fill ii'h i n i . liter, of tuiNn , , ,. oilt, ie pa rat. dlvon - ,i.e. ul ,i c II ink ..ii , , i buaineae ..r prte.,. ., vol are .(t,., for. whit t.. I . u. I her.- t-. k.. i . briiK ,11 i . . unite tile ,.-p,u .ted. !'.,t ,ff.-. ti .ns i hu-., I ippy m.irn iK'.'i n i K'1,',1 In, k .I.-..' ,p a accret i .,ii -i know --Hi.. I'...v r of olilr. I. I',,:, f. gnlt, luisiii. v . onfl'lential. - ;,. t-. life,, iOr, f..r th , only Farlor, at Haywood street. vVa.'fc In and i.p atair,. I MMlHIfi. 1 tlalrdresslnir. Fa-Ml Maaaag", SV!p treatment a spe ia'ty. t'p-t"-date line of hair go.i.. tol't art, i-s switch.,, puff and P'.inpad,,ies made to order. I'rb , reasonable. rk tlr,t rlasa. LAIUrS. fiEVTI F.MF.V. i SKI'FK AMI III XTKH, f ami 10 Paragon Hills High Grade Stationery Hlh grade stationary fTrr-n an air of satisfaction to th" writer t int maks letter writing a ;.!ea iir ? n 1 yourself arid correspondent ; The Carolina Pharmacy C r. Wrket and College streets. n up to .f l.;i. ard. special Values in Pea hj-lQ-lOear Juils Jcday and Jomorrovt D.R. McKINNON 7 PattoB Jlfeaoe (Ovsr Rfrd wood's Lttor) Lgdies and GenOemens TAILOR Inst received a shipment of K'K CltKAM FHKKZ KKS. 1 (jt. f..r '2 t. 1.T.": 3 t. !?2.tX); 4 (jt. ?2. -1.1. ASHEVILLE CHINA CO., N. Pack Square. M. WEBB & COiVIPANY Millinery ImiHirtrrs ..i 6 Kattcrr Farh line. Itioiie 1014 A.MIFl ll.l.l:. . V. CVT Y0VR ICE BILL t by vaiNo an AUTOMATIC : The Only Refrigerator t';ir uhi'iv f.,(l (i,i,,cs can nut reach, ainl cniiraniiiiatej the wafer in the conic!', and! that's this oiie lieico- -,,,), Ullili r iru-'irantee. See cur llJ.!;iy nf these I.r Ilt.xes and Rei'riL'ci'atoi's. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS, 15 North Main Street. Cheap Milk la usually cheap In quality as well a j Dr. Matthews' Dental Parlors. j I5-S-27 New Mc.Vre KUlg. ' f01-- t'olh-ge and fproi Street, near I Court lluuite. " '"'acted without pain. All vork guaranteed. Prices alway. rea onalde. Office Phone 49. Reaidenc. S La Grecque Corsets 5 : For every type of figure I I GREENE & CO . prk It Is dangerous. Our milk I I 12 ChllFCh Street. ET817 Woman a uwtraim nptid fcv IVELWhirlinaSpriy Hff Vija PjHmm- IW-Mnatrtmirn t ' 11 nr. mi ni m Am mif J tti-v-' e f'Tt t. If u cui.i"t taer-i tfie M A 8 T E I., a. . I. 1: . rftil hoi k e-sletl. It I f-iil rUraUr ea itiniruoa la nlotl.. bi MHVKI.rt. nr,i,t ,. f..r ill s'. Mr H.irnn li; rt'irn. iitt i t . her mother. Mte How miifl t itiiker-.! :l.' Mr. J i f liullo rf.irdt h.-rc n f '. I."' M. The f.... i!( . oil.ors ..f th ar n.-e it.e.'iah ri n. nfl-m- n 1 tlie-.Supr. Hi" i,rt Ju.lB, -i.-!. I Hon .1 l 1 ! ' 1 . 1 )T r J- S a 1 ri . I . . 1 Im M. ii.o, rn.' Thirl lo ll i: I I 1 Mun.lo W I" It- . n c.k 1 i-'.-r. c A W I.I. :,ii. J.i 11 M .run. CHILD STRUCK BY AN AUTOMOBILE are all new SorniL- Suits nti.l renr.-eit the latest and hc-t in w,.., tailm-ed clutht-s. The reducfictis are made milv me 1 one in war no other account of s.i.e-i I'l.iifht' im a '. m i! il. li.ari:cd for ex- 011 ri as 1 in. Alterations will have tn le u a nr uiepr prict-. t is said lhat renin, mv does not consist in gu inn without thinps, l,ut in lnakinfj ones moiicv go th farthest. Here js a case where your money will farther than eoiiniionl v he'eause the suits are in r.o wise iiifern.r. Itesides these suits will not he materially different in stsle than the fall clothes. The haranis are genuine. h - his. t .f Mr ! utal! v ileMav icr C.-ntral str-er The t r-Hiirilcl a 1 The little ar ir t l.v i.'U .1.1 M. S- liav ;in enti tle. ir the 1- Ihe Outfitter. M. V. MOORE 11 Patton Ave. an -I Mm t rti'k Hft'-rn.'-' rhlM - injurt. -i .ir. ! I'ThMll j nr tnentionrt when nn .into- j t!r;-.!i bv Mr-. Knr. i 1 t!ny,n tVntrl avmif. Mr. Knt awj thr hiM a.H sh liowfd to nuik-- t": turn, hut th rhllil Kr rr friht n. ! mil lar(.'.l ha. k in th.' path of ?K--1 mai-hlm- which hftil hdn turn- r! t "hp (t!rl nnl p.uwoil nrcr hiT h'l . Mr-. OoMhtTir ploktvl up' th4 - hi ' ! , rarrlvl her to her horn Mr- . K-nt, who wa very murh diMr' 1 ' hv th "'rlrt?nt. tleph(n.l for Ir! Whlttinton Stevens and Smith h .' mho rAi he.) her h-inie, urnlnn i h- to do everythfnit In thIr pwer f th Injuro.i ( hlld. 1A NOTICE! SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MUSIC STIM are requested to call at Seawells Pharmacy, secure their season tickets and reserve their seats at once as the sale of them will be discontinued Friday eve ning. Sale of single tickets to the public will open Saturday morning. not In that elisa. It l at'S ilm-ly pure, tl an. rli h an l wholesome. AshcviKcPurcMilkCo. Kat Walnut St. Miotic 55 CHIROPRACTIC l Ki-m-ir;i -11, . IIIMHMTI( Willi. nr 1 AKSTK. Tlo i (M) .11 IM.MI N r. Abn-.i in. .1 j.r s.;;,. ,: . e i .1 uie ..f a 'i , s. ,3 u. IX'K t.r, -lire ,r ni'l he.,!th n.ll I..' r,. I... i"l in I n.l... ... I i -It lien "f 'itli.-r -Ml"... I'lc r ' "liMl t: e. K 3 Cake Baking re.,,.. e. Iii th trcotl old summer tiiriP " ''i-t dmic with the BKNT 11 ' ' M. H W. Indian '"'!i meets everv reuuire i'i( nt. Phone 1:50. Carolina Coal & Ice Company i mt 'I. nt.ii exai!r,..ti n fi fOMITOX. l,in.i,r ..i,.r i-nik-e lll.lp. . , I'linn" fil. I'lHUle 130. ration At. s-. uui'euujaNei aWaHMuaaMiai The Iikividual Flavor X Olnr.v" H.ims pla . th, ni ' e t'.ail mil. h liitTUnltv in - KtitiK that n it . . t h r .,, s. i .ii ni,. , t.i 1,i in .1 '.1 1st . r. ill; ii II km. lent lilt . Small Ones, 18 cts lb. Large Ones, 17 cts lb. 2S Hondord Ave. OWNBEY'S Phone 56 The Citizen for Results WANTED Every lady in Asheville to try our new system of QUICK DELIVERY TWESTBRE OF MODERNiWAYS" 5imi.T0NXVE PH0NE536 ASHEVILLE N.C,

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