Till" A :. i JA'IIJ-i; riTIZK.V, HAITI; I AY. MAY IMf). SOCIAL (& PERSONAL L il HI the ,ck n I.. in' nil te. Hti'l nlldlit rH Ik- I" rn ltsvt u niitiit Mo unfa in, iiii't f foririuliv 1 u. t)H "I jfubllt . Mn Mm t . ularl flu- c sfiil in both !!. die ftnd Peuijniotit !.ik llhcrri llv . ..tn,. 1 class of i i miiI. nti. ' number f i ii l. h ' . l M nr.! .1 . tflvan by prominent nit-roliers of defy The m.wiik.'I in-t n.t.. dinner -dunces arid tt. HMll flip. pettier It' was one of the nioet hi of interest ilnrlnK th.- tlnfoii,- t . vvlu.li It DO doubt will ugMln h.' tlun d'a.i. The wooMtnf cif Mlsa .'!orlla Pow ers and Mr. Herbert Hrarinm. jr.. or. cvrren at the reablenrs of the biui. s mother on Bouth Main street, W..I ncaday rvenlns". May 12th, the cere mony being performed by Mr. H 1'. Htim Tha young- psople have many friend's in the city who will be Inter astetl to learn of their marriage. Mr. Braman la wiiiiim li il with the Itcd Cross Undertaklni- Co. Mr nnd Mm. Braman are at homo at l.'J Hmith Main tret. - Jt Jt Tha flrat steps townnl nulMlng the naW Country Hub will be tnkrn to day, when around will be broken for Uf tannla courts on Do- Kite 0f the n.1 club bouse The revlsi il build ing plana have bn n paxacd upon by th committee and directors, and It la anticipate! that the biilhllnK of the club house will rotnmencn In annul three waeka. Thnre will be a great many member nut lodny, and It In pOMlble that there will a simple ceremony a tha first ground In brok H for the new club. The golf tour ' natuenla for tha dub champlm ship Will be played about June I2lh, mm a ladica' singles, handicap, for wluch a VP. offered by tha board of l I r. -tMp of the club, and a men' singles handicap, the cup given ulso by the directors and club. The mixed dou bles trniile tournamont la played My iOth, th cupa presented by the board of directors. Entries may be made before May 1 nth, with lir. I'anl Rlngrr or Mr. J. A. WRi The Children of the Confederacy meat thk mornlnr 11 o'clock at the Cofifaderate ball. ', -,j batllo of Hhl- li will be the nujil. Unllea who art Interested are InvlttU to attend the (fetliMT, also all confederate vetrntan, Mr a Wllllan O. Bogor entertatneil With a. dinner laat ' evenlnu at 'her home on Flint street In honor of Mlaa Myrtle Hlnea of Mt. Airy. A large bunch of pink earnatlona and maiden -hair fern formed the renter piece of the table, and the plaee cards were alao done In pa4u SThere were twelve CUMU. Mlaa Anna Vlralnhi Miller will do her vwry Interesting rourse of leeturea this afternoon at the Y. M. tis . n the art cf cookery. The aoturas which, have been given eneh afternoon Without rhara have I n Inatrurtlve nd a source of particular Intorast to women. The oVinonsira tiona are made on a gns range which simplifies eooklng and reduces ih inruOKery or K. eonsldernbly. Mlm Miller's subjert today will lm "A Fnm if Sunday Dinner." and the llhe prepared will be lamb chops, cinv leaf rolls, lemon cream pie, chopped fiaate, meringue and meringue a lf Cialla. The new rnngea have leen thoroughly tested and their worth flemonatrated and It Is not stirprls Ing that th Aahevllle Klectrlc ..m peny have received Inrire orders f.n them, a oar load hnvtng been re ceived to meet the large demand. The wedding of Mla Ixuiian (lul Jlwr of New York and Mr. fhreB Sheldon which occurred Wednesdrty will be of Interest to Ashevllle people. Mlaa Dulllver Is the niece nf Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Oulllrer who tmve resided In Ashevllle for a number of ycai-i heir residence, "Oitnrl." being In weolsey. where Mlna Otilllver hs l Ited on sevwral oeranlons. The fol lowing aerount Is taken from The New York llernl.l: "If the preaence of relatives nn.l frj I ' M Tl: ..r m -.i,ii.,i Mr. t I. I ' I ; ir,. fi iliK ii,'.n i.i. limit uds of the bM i .f the J-adl.-a lob, nf A hit h she Ikl. JI .-. I ! II. r .1.. .1 w.ri, . M h f it I S 11 " C II , - . lii.N hi, I . i rh..ri All Hli.l- .Norn .1 Info; ma I I.I. in. Invl h fi.llii'.sed d to Intl Including or -In-Huiid was at on" 1 Mill. . ' III. I I..' i".... I ...- .1 II d'-K-r .1 1 iii.i ' ,l. ' I; 4 'II". I Mr M. riij, fcu-hna -il,' '. I ' li tO Nr i ri. i.i.i.i,hUi. h.-,e 'In inline I'l ' N V , arrli Kulh ftadeker .n.,N u j.m X'tnut i ' i .f H..llln - p. i.t in,- win! ' 1 ' ' mi nt'.rv .1 - i : II Ski l-v iiili. ., 1 I.., I,, r inn , Ti...;. A I. ,11. n offl-i r. Home of those ask .mi.. Mr. and Mm. Thimn Hastings. Mr and Mrs. A. I. Juillard. Mr, ii.-'. re.' lOgteatoii 1'idge, Mr. and Mrs. J'ibii Hhlllllo !okt. Mr. and Mrs r'rari'ia C Munlinntori, Mr. and Mrs. rtnlj.h flangir, Mr rind Mrs. ilenry I nl rll. liJ Dsborn, Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan J. O Rrb ri. Mlm Martha MoCook. Ir. and Mra. Oorham Bacon. Mr. an I Mrn. Thonias Thaeher. Mr. and Mrs J-vtiblon Fox, Miss Oirnella Barm-a, nnd Mrs Henry tlaldwln Hyde. J in Thursday ewnlng May 6 at the borne of Mrs Inn ki lt on Aaheland avenue, Miss Florence1 Martlmlab' daughter of Mr and Mrs William Mnrtlndale wim unlt'-d In marriage I,, Mr. A f. Allison uf this city The ceremony was performed toy the Ttev Mr. llarley. panlor of the h stiiul street Mi ttio.llKl chiiri h. In the pres ence i.r the relntlvra of the ii.ulia. l liar nirlles and n few liu Itcd friends. Th. voting if:, .n- are at home nl No. lis F .et street. Jt Jt Tin' national convention of the col lege Klrla 1'bl Mo sorority will meet In Ashevllle the third week In Juno. Thee will make their -headquarters at the Manor. J J The Y. W. ('. A. Illble class of Old Testament i-hnratlers bnN- cloaetl their course Miss Hlnclalr. the teach er, nnd ftrownlng's "Haul" liv iueit. vhtch was ftillnwi'tl by a social hour The general st'crt-lary. Miss Marsh, will speak al the vesper ser vices tomorrow afterntHin. Jl Jl The tenth A grade of the High school Is etijiiylug a mountain parly, chap, roned by Miss Helen traig. Among the campers nre Miss Inro. thy ling. Mlsa Mildred Fuller, Miss Eleanor Teague. Mlsa Myrtle (luriger. Albright t'hurnbers. Jark Woodward, Waverly Kilpnlrlck, Clavton Hogers. Pecll Oevenlsh and ('harks Hllllard The party went to Hnimnnnoa by rail, from there they walked In the fool of Craggy ami spent I he night In one of the Hit. Tree cabins. They will relnrn todnv. Jl , The flreenvllle boAte show Is to he hold next week. May 1-20th. and will be preceedetl by an automobile show. Tuesday. The Ashevllle exhibi tors last year were so hospitably en tertained that their return la antici pated with the keenest pleasure. The visitors this year will be no loss wel come and will receive the same cour teous 1 1 . h t im.'ii t nccortleil them last year. The big reception fur Instance has been planned for (ho Ashevllle visitors and will be given nt the hand some country club The new Hnte otlaly. wild to be one of the finest In the Kouth, will open Its doors Mori, day for the ilrst time. In lion.tr of tho occasion The Olliily la built on Die old homestead of the ("nxe family Col Coxes mother, formerly living In a splendid old time mansion on the site. There are two cu ts offered from Ashevllle Mrs. Conullt Cue ami Mrs Arthur I'. Manlce who tarried off So many honors at the (ircen vllle show last year, have presented a cup for the single harness class Mr lire., ler chnpniaii has glverf a cup also which will go to the la, lies- saddle horso class Aiming th, Ashevllle I Mr. hlbitors will be, Mr l'lillm h iieerv from who has sent live horses down. Mr Wnne H ItHV who has enter.., I l. Mr Clarence .Meares nl... n,. II,. Lariierhile. c f s- r a- pi.. ! I". I .1. i t.-t i ', ulio; at 1 1 I K 1 1 " II"' I II n ,1 1 ,1 i . , ,l ii III ,1 Ml I.t I ( , iid uas Ida . t . l.v the till, lit. .1 .MtttliK .III,.. t.-tir, ule. wore tbt-ir nn- n ut t.,ga pt Plum eiinduls and llllets as (., II. l:,i.llfe burn, i'lie fane nut l,,tl in song :,liil W1U4 liftlli unitile and ml. t.slirig. Tl..- liu,,: was as r,,l,.vMi Ollids l.lnd-tey, as Cai-sar, I,u, Scott. Hiutua, Josie HarililriK. Will vviiMon. LrrriH I'Hrk.T, the nine ri,- nplrutorK. Kola Mu Huh,.. .Mail'. Antony; Johnnie Johnston, I'oiti;, , Floreni e Frrcdlandrr. a sooth savei ; Holornon Levi. ICllzabelh llorton, Iter, tha I .am bell ami others till out tin caste. Jt Jl Miss Annie Williams gase an In formal tea yesterduy i r t r i . . r. at n ; resilience tn Haywood street, for ,lis Klliilalh and Miss (llatlys McNairy who ore leaving tomorrow for New l oi k I he Misses McNair y have been visiung sirs, (icorg " I'iii k. there were a number of guests preecric. The lawn fete given by tht Confed erato Choir for tlm benellt of the i holr, at the rcHldem e of Miss Itc bei i ii Cushuian tin Monlforil avenue yesterday afternoon and veiling was favored by perfect weather anil the grounds were, filled most of the time with visitors. Japan., lanterns have held their place In popular fawir for many moona antl at, far there has been no prettier .r more effnt tlve mode of intimating il lawn, discovered Under an immense scarlet umbrella, from the edges of which hung num bers of miniature lanterns, lemonade was served. Kvery thing was sold ami a second supply of several refresh ments was sent for In order that tin visitors might b. nerved. The grab hag fortune teller, and all of the booths In fact were liberally patron ized. An Interesting Incident of the fete was the singing of an old Inn, waltz song, by Mr. Young, a eteran of the civil War. Mr. Young stood on the steps of the resilience and after singing waa applauded roundly by the crowds. The fete was a llmimliil success also, .which will repay the members of the choir for their lalstrs In arranging the affair til M I : d.t " .ret .id. r an , the SW.i ' 'a I olllia. timber Mi ,k lotat.-d Ibe syndic. i lirewsler Ch Ir.'in N.-w Y to t;reenH show, and w of June lode anil Mia. t iiil,.tti Cit are I'm k hotel. ; ; I i in Aslillle lit I. F. Kuyk' h i e ret u rn.-tl to A ton and are reskll: slie.-t. Vine Kate N'lclm! Mailt ,,r Finrlda a. r I M- s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y an In Ashevllle. hard Kdltl All Who Would Enjoy ' prfwi Wnlth. with its thninp, mmt ' ' fi r-tan f, fjtjue rl arly. tnat it inv h I'-it i'fi of ti living -Aith .ill t.M- tr i '.i r. jth pr i" r kruiViW- f v h it i- U nt, i) fmur nf r (TfntiorVf-jif ' nj"v i" n' . "f crii' mpl.iii'in ;in-. "f r(To t iny (- ni.1'1 to r i infrit'it to livifip rirm.it J ti-.n tho usr of riH fi iris may I' j'i)f''J wifli tf .I'lvantayr, but nnli'r "r dinary mriflif ioriti in many irwf tmv n a fiinipl, wliirsHM' r'fW'iy m;iy x il 1- ; nlle if flP'-n ;it iIh- proir luiv aini ilic . (California Kit; Syrup Co. In4il tha it ir i alike ini'Ktrtant to pn-w nt tUv -Ut j- '-t , truf hf'iily lu Miijiply tho oi- jt rt't't !a.itiv- to tlv' iririn it i Conii-'ipifitlly. the CompiinyV Synip of, r ip nii'l Klixir of S-nna pvi-H ir n ml ' tnat ifurt jriri. To grt its Un nct.il ' .7 ' t ; buy th' ppniiin'. rn:inufartun'l by California I ij Syrup Co only, and for -jle ' by all h aling lniniata- I lf . - ,.J 1 - i i i jj w I eeseesssssseseeeeeeeeeeea. : AROUND TOWN lessee - MILS. BtH'MiiV lKe. Mrs. Uebecca I.. II..nt.in. wniiw of tip late Charles A. lioyntori. ,li il at the home of lo I .n. Mr. Frank B. Howilon yestenl.ii iooiiiIiik si nine o'clot k. aged 84 yi.ii- .,n, on,, jnonih. I h. funeral services mil , at rtslderi.t. this itll.nioon at two .lo.-k. IYIMj ASH I' MtlHT'. I 'i i. n.ls of Frank Hi ln who has served two of a Mm t. nt In the inn It. in i. m f. have i ngaged atl-o in v II. obis to make ap,ll-at ion I rnor for hla parti. in and has I dark'y ;. ea i- .t ii ,r lart-t ny, It. It. .--I the K'OV the latter set ure. I strong ntive i -leniency. ml'. I s in. nts OI'KH TIN M ( I SSAItY. Mrs .1. . Fenian. I was yestenla; nn.M.I to Ihe MhsiMii Ii ,h,ii,I where sh, will until. ran an ,, , ,,ra 1 1, , ,, i. it rnove a goitre. Dr. It F Campbell return terday from Itichmoiul, Va. yes Mr lav f. (leorge II Wright r Waahlngtou. lift yester. Mr (I. W rhlladelphiii. the Manor. Means left yestertlav f after a slittrt stay al Mrs. McNairy. daughter of Mrs Oeorge Pack, and Ihe Misses McNnrv leave oniorrow for New York, after a visit with Mrs. I'at-k ut her home nn Merrlintin avenue. Jame Mra averiut Mrs. Hhaw rope. W Hhaw of Merrlmmi arrived In Ashevllle yesterday has lit'rii touring In Ku- Mr. A. C llaniiiik. formerly of Ashevllle. who has been very ill al Mprlngtleld. Mi... will arrive today lo visit his brother. Mr. i. I" H innitk ami will i.'Uinili heie tliitini; hi con valt-setit e. Mr. Cecil A school lias bet Clinton, Term of a brother. Moore of the Ahe III n culled (o his home III . by the serious nine iu tHAi'i i, m:i.nN(.. The lira street chapel was packed to th.- doors last' night and the most 'intense Int-resl Is Peine; iriariifc-r.-d In tin- meeting now in progr. vs thei.'. Ht-v. Win. Ulack. I'r.'shvterla n syu otlle.il i:angellNt, is coniliu t Ing t;,. liu i ling., and la pi. .t, liii, 1 1 1 g.-.p. l In its purity and sunpll.-ily. ami win, great fiower. Tbte Hum. already he-n miiiiv conwrsioiift unit II Serious i"' is manifest in the entire com munity. I I US 1 HMTIST SKltVI U-v. lr. c A, Votes I, prf I'tirmsri I nlv. fttf at Ort n l". "HI till the pnrpll nt tl unptisl church at both tl and i-Vi nlng st rv Ice Potent Is Well kllOWn lllTC preiieher having rfently hctund the Y M C. A afternooh sen It -.-s. Vl.l.TeKof ' III-'. M. ,, First in. i n Ins 111. 1 1 . . w I !.- , an able I Meet mn nt the Ashevllle and have some Hlltmore Fin r 1 1 1 a t v 'rca in. few Intimate friends Miss 1 to. is t I J ones. ,l Walker OuHlvcr. dnughter of Mr and Mrs I'hllli Mrs. 111,, i,, i c. (Jullhcr, wan mart I. d '. . Y I;. nobis. In- and Mi to Mr. Charles Hhel, Ion yesterd.'n . in Hrlw and .Mr. Kd,i '; tie ni.i.ir. it, ner par. Ills .No. s h,i no Haiti,, (lint , M ii Klfty-alxth atn (. The ,'reniotiv was Hinei entered ami Mr (luv Harris "ttu ... eiuereii Jack til the huntlliv cluss. Among ih... number of people who win go rroin here to the show are Mr. J.imcs tl. st I kel,v, i her . Mr llrewster Chapman. Mr' I.-,- itcrt.ert Miliar. 1. Mr. an. I K. Ibiin. r and Mis II. 1 1 II Is Uattle Mr. J. S Calvert of Atlanta Is vis Itllig Ins Ill-other, t.eolge K Calvert of this clt v . J I. Alexander returns tonight 1-oulsvllle, Ky. Mr. wclil I Ing on a llshlng trig W J Fitzgerald ami Careen Htver yesteidav family inoi n al., nit, ud Hi, show stray The SILK AND LISLE GLOVES Short New Stock Mr. c Ashev ill.. Mr A the city , II. Ilrnv, uf (Jret-iiHbor, for ij.ev era I iia s is in S. Felts u hu.slti' if Chaflotte It M i lain S aiigh.in the cltv f..r r i:. I f. vt kv M d.l.'. s. Mabt I veil t, Kaiid'lph hris 1 1 i. nds in U Kt'lVSCf lisle erlllt'S. 1 1 1 f 1 1 lcllCflll, M;.'k. grrv, w li it c. , rric. ; K1YSIT silk ul"P' I I p X'l I, minis lcntli, an.! H w u'lr fill. It w ii a i H ii.i v. Mli luit tf n I tan. ."lit fs. Iiiiiii.n f T.ii ts M is I i a n k I .. her husband ..ml 1 li .1 ,1 'e . 1. .1 -. sp, n Hat It t v f I' k hot. N. w i .! k Mi lo-fe In A-th.-v PI. I'.-f ffirnlnt; . l, . Mrs Silt SILK AND LISLE GLOVES Old Stock Long- f i l ) i Silk L l.-h in iii.ii if ri hi w 1 , 1 1 1 'I:, t '. tCl'f '-ill, f K. Mill '111 -,1 .'J.l tan. :,'t- iiiiil lan. I Mun -l.'J'i tt ami f1..M t. 1.IH) Silk l ill p;1ii i in 1 Uf. jriuk. brown, aihl i'i(llli;f( '. hit' ilat-k. na . sK v nanipairnf . !'rniii 1..r0 ami 2. K tu $1.00 Women ' Togs M. V. MOORE 11 Pntton Ave. w II Mm. Ill- P.t It, II. I, is. a t,i I- r . k w ,.,..1, laiighter t the w 1 i I brt v... I ,. - k W OO. t IV , . We VI. f Charl' lt- CULTIVATE your memory by taking home with you a box of NUNNALLY'S regu larly every so often. The goodness of the candies will help you to remember.and the pleas ure of the folks at home In all The World of Pianos You will nt in. ju t III.. SI lelT. There is l.y about t all Its own. r IiikI a I ' I i Ho- aillsln In.llvltliiali Sti. IT pi tie. That I sonorous ,.i volume ami pl.i' t- It ill a all comparis'i aiitifnl siiiKlne; ph. i , Win- should .-i Inn an in I't'tii ,r pi;, I hey can buy the Stieff or Shaw p ret-t from its in.tk price Is : It H i n r. III..NI e, on-. nil, a while II,. crad. b com f a-1 it i.,n. II" U hel III ll.-'l. .11,., l ,-r ' Th. h ,.r il,. Ion, i I lotl't take i ham , s- ,,r buv in,; a In at or i, p.. hum grail. piano. Write Stieff. Chas. ill. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Kileff, Shaw, and Slleff Self-Flayer Pianos. NorTIII HN Vltl IKMIM 5 West Trail- SL Charlotte, N. C. r WII.MOITII, Malinger. (Mention this paper.) geautiful Assortment of Press (foods for Summer )nr ,-ln l fs a iv tilled if f i tlowiiip; with the pri't tn st win. I laluii - 1'ir Siiiiuiifr. o niaftor whert' vniir lain -v ma I . i I mh vf c.ih satist'v you hero V. he I V that v-c tin- i p li 1 up. ai the i rcinlftc. W'f arc iiHt I'astiiliniis confident in diesis Comeook--ui ith l','iii.-t ma t lf IICWI-st I I I'rniiflla 'I t hat- u 111 A iatur "I at .fl.ooyatii. '1'nssah K'tiy.il. a Hii"kf ami i-i'i ani. wnf I I'aln'ic with a satin finish, in ilrn v. (''ir M.-.O a yard. nth in .ill the latfst shades, a material. ft 'mi. fur vl.-" yard. uht hliif and dark lilne is priced tltlsl I ill i SI IK l'..r and wool l.'iO a var HI elotli, 1 on uj i. smoke, black, brown for 50 All Wool Tal'lVta. in Mack, b'ne, ;ind cream, for f 1 .00 a yard ' up. I'.iiiaina in all tin- I ; n I i n Lr -''ades sells t i lit s to l.LT) aid. Sliplnia ('loth, in lihe k and blue, is priced at $1.50 a yard. I'.i'oaih'lft h in thf pastel shades, 52 inches wide, lor 50 a yard. New inen Suits Received Recently Cheap Milk In usually cheap In quality as woll u prjre. It Is dangerous. Our milk la not In (hat ( la.Hs. It la ahaolutely pure, ch-an, rich anij wholesome. Ashevilfe Pure Milk Co. Dr. .Matthews' Dental Parlors. I 2.V2B-27 New Mc Afee Bid;. Cor. College and Cpruce Streets, near Court House. Knst Walnut St. I'hone 5M CHIROPRACTIC i , Teeth extracted without pain. All ; work guaranteed. Prices always reas , oriable. Office Phone 949.' Reaidoncu 1 Phone 912. IN-1 DINE HERE MEALS THAT PLEASE 25 CENTS WHITE'S CAFE, -14 Church St. ( Ivi-rt) ini, -lie 1 ( iiviiniv vi hiv 1 1 mn l:SI'K. TI() Is I'lKlll .11 IIIIMI'.M'. A l-ii'. i iii.i I ir. v.mti -,' ii.t.n n.-rv t'.s is the lain-.c of all-illsens.-s: by remov ing Nils, pressure, ii .iin.il conttltloiiR mi, I li.'iilllj will be r,K,,r..,l. H.'.'ok iii.'.l and t nitoi-M ,1 bv IIious.-iiuIh nf fill. UK of oth. r Sttllfs. '.'iron lc di-.-iiw .. ur up. . i.-ilty. I ', , 1 1 s n 1 1 m I i , n nn. I . v ; 1 1 1 1 1 r i .1 1 i . 1 1 1 free. I'. ( IIMI'IIIV, ( hlroprnctor. S,. DIE I C. 111. IK. I'Iioi N W. Il-'l. l M( I HIM.. I ' illlte svv it. In ir. line , 111 ol huh . lifts .1 to .1- I. r. Pi i , f 1 1st I !,1SF, I.AIIIKS. nssiiiTi a, I ,-t"-I I . I- s. - lull. It .ra ' I N I I IMI . ilnt he jrtidd old summer lime ' is best done with the 1?EST Kl'KL. M. & V. Indian coal meets everv require menf. Phone 1.10. Carolina Coal & Ice Company name 130. I'afton Ave. sii i it wn in , l; !t niitl in I'ar.ie,,,, s(. WALDO-WEBB" will make you glad you PORCH SHADES uiu rcmcmDer. lie sure , j s you don't forget the jlu.w '! rnncf inin.vrfint nort , x - ...wnv wiipuiuiii pail- ; ,Ot nn lllf llt.l I. is soiiif t hinu' entire porch shades. the name A fresh supply always kept by iiwsnit s DKi r; s-mnr.. Ml I'm Kin Avenue "None Like Normally'.' Iv use luit f ma I'on'l takf oiir word t , conic and see. Burton & Holt si I I.IM. ,;KXTS or Sale ol Summer Silks HAIR (JOODS. iin- :ts . : .. . ,,t is ii .ii.' !! 'ii" i! iaW- .i i , mirktt iv s.il.si.i tory ,ur. Ii i . Nt tv Hunks , mi.- ibilh . MISS CRUISE, ."t llnywixxl SI. High Grade Stationery Unci pr.-i't.t vl at i. .net y inrries ani ! nlr of .s.itifi i, im ,. t, wrlt.r titalll mnkt h 1, iter writing :v plen-stire lo i.voni-.velf .in. I correspondent The Carolina Pharmacy ! i Cir. Market an. I Cuticle Streets. H..vv--ifcPssi. 1 .lust of in KlfS. 1.7"): : ill ( ' i-ii iiji ihe Mr a r., 1 , AH-etnul.. ii ith, .fl .si.iv. T .vv , Ash. M ,s, i.r.ln v .1 U Thai kton of H ile it v ..ii t.iisi,,. for a (, w , I'liaii'tr W'ttotlr ri-tiirnt from an extended v l.sll in lliillunore. Mr ami Mrs, John lii.har.ls klioxvHIc la. are In Aaheviilc for a short n Mr and Mrs are Kucst.-i tel. J. 1.. Damon of ti.n. at the Hint, rv pal k Mra. Katherlne finnii l 111 home on Patton avenue. fived a .shipment KlvAM VUV.W, I (t. for $l.l": - m' " it. '2.00; I ut. $'J..". ASHEVLLLE CHINA CO., N. Park (square- i M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Imiartcri No. (I Itallery Park Pla-e.. Plionc 101 1 AKMKVII.ItK, N. I J i i :i La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure GREENE & CO., 12 Church Street. Every Woman about th woiwW frit av L MARVEL Whirling Spray I a sew Vwiui e,ri.r i nv-.xs'.T vat-s-.v, ntUMHI j . , A M -4iJ4i Msfw4, M H V Oil 11. rjibsv. ) PEERLESS? ASIIEMM.u, . i- Ite til. r -.in GRAPE KRLJIX for thi. p'.pMi nice Mtotk. A juicy. MFPII M s.,7K (M, t. It n . I.XKCK s $.-,, yM nV.V. . 25 Hontiord Ave. 0VVNBE Y'S Phone 56 Uf '''III lll-s ( lllf It. I 19c ,u.l. III!' If) ff im ;it 29c ard. ( !IC lot f 1' i a liu-. at 35c ( " ilf r lilies i llialked ,;1 rl, liii si.. . ia! 'IS , I II f Si la V. Odds and ends to Be Cleaned up at Radical reductions. This is an all-important sale to I h " s f who have present use or will lo'lU' future use of hue Summer Silks. ''" nhi('s are ex ''pt ionally. won derfully i;ooi. I here are wide issoi-i m ,. 8 ,,f Ii.i i H ls in it- plain and flors and at i rat i i (. tpsijrns, in 's "I from 3 to ;iril.s in length. MUalifv of the ''i'-s is exrellent, it these irices 'oiildn't get .illy giMxl mater-anyuliei-e else. 'i i in ia i a ii. Vol en t.'W H''Ui ials install in .I ai h t s "f the valne- ades, at atue I. 111! .1 !'i .nn! .iHif - iii' hes wide. '" Iks wide, 50c 1 stock ' and - S-i- lie ,;,keii 'Mii-out pn,-t. s.llt of SiiKs iv I..1' I...1., .. M . 1 . l"" l .'Hid trot the nirk of th.. fl. "l.

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