SUNDAY5' C THE ITIZEM THE WEATHER: SHOWERS 99 Pages Today VOL. XXV. NO. 208. GEN. EVANS ISSUES MaJ. Gen. McDowell Com manding Tennessee Divis ion Will be Marshall LIST OF SPONSORS. AND MATRONS ANNOUNCED Gen. Garnett of Norfolk Has Been Selected as'orator For The Occasion By Associated Press. ) NEW ORLEANS. May ID. In sev era! orders Issued here tonight at the headquarters of the United Confed erate Veterans, General Clement A. Evans, commander-in-chief, an nounces the names of those who have been appointed to take the principal parts In the reunion which Is to he held at Memphis, Tennessee, June 8, 9 and 10. General Theodore 8. Gar nett has been named as the orator, and Major General John Hugh Mc Dowell will be the chief marshal of the parade. The order touching upon the appointment of General McDow ell, says: . "In accordance with the invariable custom which has existed from the lime of the organization of the United Confederate Veterans, and from which there has been no departure, that of appointing- the major-general com manding the division In which the reunion is held chief marshal of the .... U , ., .. ...,1 , , n.lK ininuti, liic Brn,:ii i,, inJi'i-'Mfs hereby announces the apixdntment of Major-Oeneral John Hugh McDowell, commanding the Tennessee division, chief marshal of the parade at the Memphis reunion, under the name rules and regulations which have ex isted at pur prevfous reunions. Ho will be obeyed and respected accord ingly. "Major General McDowell will. Upon the occasion of the parade, place the senior brigadier-general of his division-. 1il mfflaunil of tha Ten nessee division, and give his entire attention to the Important duty ot crrref Trtsffeh at. ' ine cnwi nuursnwi in ncieuy hi- reeted to prepare at the earliest mo ment an order setting forth ihe hour of the parade, line of march and all the details connected with It; and furnish these headquarters with, 'a. (Continued or age four.) SOCIETY LI ARRESTED FOR ALLEGED FRAUD IN SALE OF MINING STOCKS Charged That Hp Has Oper ated in Various Parts Of the Country. WANTED IN BOSTON WASHINGTON, May 15 Charles Layton Foxwell, a mining slock broker, whose wife Is said to be a rel ative of F. Augustus Hclnzc. of New York was arrested here today nnd Is locked up In a police station tonight charged with being a ruiritive from Justice. Herbert Moselcy, treasurer of the Growler Copper company, Hos ton, Mass., who Is the complainant, allegijs that FoxweM by arious schemes relieved his company of more than $5,000, and Informed the police that the broker had victimized many other concerns In Virginia. Canada. New York and Massachusetts to the extent of $30,000 or more. Foxwell, who is fifty-six years old. dignified, well-groomed and scholar ly In demeanor, came to Washington a little more than a year ago from New York, and with his wife figured prominently In society circles. To what extent he carried on business in this city Is 'not known. He dealt al most solely" n mining stocks. The poller alHtfftt that Fnx.well went to Boston early In 190 and later to New York where to various, mining concerns he declared himself to be a representative of the Soclete C.enerale of Paris, a financial institution of Paris. Certain bonds and storks w-hir-n Foxwell negotiated failed to pay expected dividends and an inves tigation was made by the companies affected which developed that Fox well was not' a representative of the Paris concern. The firms learned that Foxwell wa' living here and their representative reached here today de manding his arrest. KNOWS AT 1K B. BOSTON, May IS. Charles U Fox well, arrested in Washington on com plaint of Boston mining companies. Is well known in mining circles here. He was In this city for several months lTl07 atad 10S. and it is claimed that Be engaged to promote a num ber of mining concerns. Foxwell i ft Virginian by birth. ORDERS FOR U.G.V REUNION IN JUNE STEEL SCHEDULE PUTBACKON BASIS OF HOUSE TARIFF Plnance Committee Recedes From First Amendments Giving Protection ALDRICH FEARS HIS FRIENDS WILL SUFFER Warns Senate It Makes Mis take by Exposing Indus try to Competition (By Axwx'laletl Press.) WASHINGTON, May 15. When eth steel schedule was taken up in the senate today Mr. Aldrlch withdrew (he amendment of the committee en finance increasing the duty of struc tural steel from :t -1 0 lo 4-10 of one cent per pound, and the house pro vision of 3-10 of one cent per pound was adopted. KeTerrlng to an amendment to this paragraph not permitting structural steel to be assembled when Imported, Mr. Aldrlch said: "The rates of duty In this Industry have been cut nearly one half and I desire to place on rec ord the great apprehension that we may he committing a grave injustice to this great Industry.'' Heading from the testimony of Mi. Curnegie before the ways and means committee concerning profits in the steel Industry, Mr. Tillman declared that Mr. Carnegie had made a vast amount of money by favoritism In leg islation. "1 will not say by dishonesty." said Mr. Tillman, "because he has mis taken advantage of the laws we pas. Hut he has mode more money than the entire bunch of us here jiut to gether, and there are some very rich men In the enate. He has given away more money than all the democrats of this body possess ten times as much, I expect." Saying Mr. Carnegie had taken his great wealth from pockets of the peo ple, Mr. Tillman added: "I used nails and wire fencing aru other prod ucts of his corporation anil when I buy those things he "ukes money out of my pocket and puts it in his." ProMvt New Process. When the paragraph on steel bars plates and sheetR, and pressed steel was reached Mx. Culberson desired Information regarding several addi tional values of steel which were pro- (Continued on pnire three.) DEDICATE CENTRAL M.E. Splendid Musical Program Prepared for Occasion and Perorations Lavish. DEBT PROVIDED EOU This morning "ill mark an Impor tant epoch in the history of Metho dism In Asheville with the dedication of the Central Methodist Kpiscopal church at 11 o'clock. I no prepara tions which have been going on for several months were completed last night and the decorations put in pol lion vesteday. Hishop Warr.-n A. Candler, who Is to deliver the dedica tion sermon arrived night rrom the South. Hishop Candler i.s on- of the leading bishops "I the Methodist Kpiscopal church. South. Snd is wide ly known as an orator Hishop Can dler will also preach at the evening service. Ills sermon at this service i.L,. i.i, the work of the Metho dist church along missionary and edu cational lines I'or this significant occasion to ward which local Methodist have been looking for some time much "prepara- i... . , , 1 . . At ; TTleetlTlir (ion OHM" urni i . , . of the board of trusties held Friday nieht the remaining Indebtedness was subscribed so that the ohurch debt I i.i 1.., follV nrovided for toil.'iv ' There were a greiit many floral gifts ..,.evii,.riljr for the I n t e r i ordecora - tions and the altar iiml pulpit ate banked with doners and paims. Splendid Musical I'nitrmm. . r.m a musical point or vK-w this morning's program Is an exceptional one. The organ prelude is Hlrd'i Theme in A." There are two an ,h.m. -Send out Thy Light." by Gounod, and "A New Heaven anil A New Karth." by Gaul The latter an them will be sung by Mr. Bumettc Jordan, who is the soloists for thi ser lee The most impressne part of th" ser vice occurs after the sermon where the sent, nee of ded n ation Is pro nounced by the bishop. The cere mony go. s back for its origin to. the early church history and much of ttv earlier form has been retained The trustees who are responsible for th (Continued on page four.) ASHEVILLE, N. El Fl Baptists Raise Hundred Thous and Dollars For Theolog ical School STUDENTS CONTRIBUTE $10,000 OF THE AMOUNT After Day Devoted to Rellg ous Services Remaining Business Will Be Closed (Hy Associated Press ) LOUISVILLE. Ky , May 15. Their tdVhTrstaarn raised to u high pitch by a notable movement to the support of the Southern Haptlst Theological seni inary, over one thousand delegates to the Southern Baptists convention late this afternoon took a lengthy Journey to Cave Hill cemetery, only to have a heavy rain Interfere with the unveil ing of a miument. to the late Itev I)r T. T. Eaton. Before they left the Moor -of the convention hall, over 1115,000 was voluntarily subscribed toward the endowment fund of the seminary. Here a farmer rose to pledge the fifty dollars from the sale of a cow or a horse; there a pros perous city dweller contributed ten or twenty times that amount. 1t was shortly before the morning session ended when President Mulllns. of Theological seminary, and Dr. Wil liam Hatcl r, of Virginia, began tak ing subscriptions toward the JfiOO. 000 fund of the seminary', which is being raised in the celebration of the jubilee year. Mr. Madeira Offer. Dr. Hatcher'announced that W. J Slayden, of Aahevlllet N. C, would give $6,000 If nineteen others would give a like amount and no less than thirtti others did so. Other $5,000 contributions Included George II West, Newport News, Va.. The students at the seminary who attended the session In a body lopped off the scene with a Utile surprise of, their own, when they announced thnt" they had gotten together $10,000 for the endowment fund. The early part of the afternoon session was given over to miscellan eous SJ-ports from workers In the home mission and laymen mission field. Tonight's session also was In the Interest of home missions and despite the bad weather there was a (Continued on page four.) BAYOU SARA MAY DE LIKE A PLACE BEST AVOIDED BUT ITS MAYOR'S GAME Tells Officers of Battleship He Will Try to Enter tain Them. MAY WEAR ANYTHING (By Associated Pre.) 11 ATA N HOl.'GK. La.. May IT.. Homcwhat chagrined at the accounts of elaborate banquets and balls given the officers and men of the battleship Mississippi at New Orleans. liaton Rouge and other points, the chairman of the reception committee at the lit tle village of Hayou Sara, where the Mississippi Is scheduled to stop Tuesday, today wired Captain Fre mont as follows: This Is a hell of a place to receive anybody, but we will do the best wc can " Tin- telegram gave great amuse ment to Captain Fremont and the other officers of the battleship, which will resume the journey up the river to Natchez next Monday, with Itayou .Sara as the only Intermediate stop "I'll wager that the mam who sent that telegram is a bully good fellow." said Captain Fremont, "and the pleas ure, of meeting him will .prove more than sufficient compensation for dropping am hor at Bayou Sara." That Bayou Sara intends to be hu pliable was shown by an exchangoof telegrams het-w-cn a newspaper rep resentative .n the battleship and some of the reception officials. Klther as a Joke, or through Ignorance of the conditions along the river, the cor. respondent wired: "Will 'it be necassnry for civilians on the battleship to wear hiiih silk hats and frock coats during the day reception at Bayou Sara''" And straightway came back the answer: "Not necessary to at all. Come ahead." wear anything V. M. I. lKC01t.TKK GIl.WKS. LEXINGTON. Va.. May 15. The forty-fifth anlvtrsary of the halth of New Market was observed at the Virginia Military Institute today by decorating tine craves ,of thr Ave cadets bjrled here. The entire batal lon of cadets marched to the cemetery. MR.SLAYOEN GIVES FIVE THOUSAND TO ENDOWMENT FUND C, SUNDAY MORNINli, 6? ; WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE WAS oiCANIZED HERE -j League Will Include Canton, Waynesville, Henderson ville and Asheville and Is Backed by Strong and Enthusiastic Fans From AH Four Cities. ' Asheville Is to have real profes sional baseball. ThVi was the decision of representatives fcf the four cities which are to comprise the Western North Carolina League, who mot at the Berkeley hotel last night. 'The acaaon promises to ! rival tne famous baseball season of four years gr when this city made a reputation J a baseball town. There will be a infi nite schedule, lasting for three months beginning Jnne H and there wHI b two games here evegy week and possi bly more. Several of the players have alreudy been signed and a board of directors of representative buslnesh men of the four trnnu comprising the league Viae pee elected. Four Toerns Inctmted. Last night six men met at the Berkeley for the organization of the Western North Caroline, League, comprising Asheville, Hendersonvllle Canton and Waynesville. 3'he meet ing lasted for more than two hours and It was business from the election of temporary chairman, Mr. I). J Kerr, of Canton, until the adjourn ment after midnight. The other rep resentatives present were: R. I. Mc Dowell, of Canton; Carl Jentr.. of Can ton; A. A. P. fSallamorn, of Hender vllle; C. 8. Hmathets. of Waynesville. and H. A. Lynch of this city. The representatives of each of the four towns hail come with full power to JONES MURDER CASE TD BE HEARD IN AUTUMN Wealthy Planter Who Was Given Idf' Sentence for Wife Murder Gets Delav. UNION. S (V. M;t U W. T. J'rw who last yar wsm nU'i.rMj to lift ImpriHonmmt In th- Htate penitentiary for tho muHer of M wlff lant July will probably ii"t liuve hla h n ftiiK at the spring t court, asklnK f'r tic I pa ted. N-xt Mondm h'rini of ran s circuit, and live thin htiain . )'it Ciuse hH not ( of the .Supreme new trial, as an- attorneys for th believed, that the ! peal Will he j,osfJ term next Novenii" .rosecutlon. It. Is'ilc- (t.iil-iK of th arlng of the ap r.ed until th.- fall '. This will Hlv( ilthy planter, so. I interests, all (he . rfalra In the !.( Jon.-s. who is a has extensive- summer to get his possible shape. Jones, who him ' - In Jail ber since last July. r-.ives many callers. and transacts a lare volume of busi ness Klnce his trial he has regained Ills customary health, which almost failed him lust after the conclusion of the hearing of hi" ease by th. Cur-; cuit court. i 7Z SH0WER& WASHINGTON'. May 15. Forecast for North Carolina: K"air In the mt. thunderstorms In west portion Sun day: Monday partly cloddy; Ha-ht to moderate south to south-west winds. MAY 1 im They Look Good to William. Season Begins June 15. make all arrangements and lo begin work at oncg. Forfr-llH Are Pdel. After the election of a temporary chalrntan a discussion was taken up, In regard to forfeiture, to be depoF Ited by each team to prevent with drawal from the league and as a sign of good faith. The sum was placed sufficiently high to show thnt the leugue was to he a real league and the games were to be played as the schedule directs until the last game on September 15. Mr. John II Carter was made the trustee of this fund which Is to be dcposltel 4iy June 1st. One half of tho stipulated BtnWllfft In to be paid In by each team before May 2Ind. This money Is to remaJH'l Intact until the end of the season I of each team In the league Is a mern when It will be divided pro rata. If j her ex-offlilo of the board. In addl a team falls out of the league the j (Ion to them- four rtien. four represen- money Is to go to the other teama but, not until the end of the season. The next matter was In regard to a j guarantee nnd transportation. Kach town agreed to furnish local trans portation and to establish a fixed RUar- II lltee. Rules a. id Regulations. The question of a protested game brought up considerable discussion but It was finally agreed that the team protesting should put up $10 before each protest would be (lied. If the protest Inn team loses the ' protest money goes to the league hut If the E THE RETAIL MERCHANTS Wants D.i. a to Prove. Im porters ancl Manufactur- rc tin- Kxtorliomsts. ers i (Hy Associated frees.) j WASHINGTON. Mai- IT.. .Mr (lor., j pr . Ipitut. d a liv. lv ,, hut.- In the senate iod:i l,v ask mi immediate con I si-l.-r.-itioii of .i resolution instructing !(he lommitt.-e on linn to lo obtain by I Investigation Ihe Import of ,v(i I Hons articles or R. and ordinary i- date set for the ; . onoini il ion and also the wholoaa'r appeal from ' h Ih , ., r,.ii ,,Me. .,f such articles when I""'"'" ";:11M., !,, ,,e ,.,utry. The object of ause the print.- 1 ' n tiled will i tie th- ("-solution I- lo determine whetli. r unlry are prac- i ii ink; .. xhoi lion S. naior Oorc' declared the relall ; .balers had be. n h" Id up before the l.o'intrv ., . pra.tielng extortion and he WHi.t.d to have the t. deter ' nilti" w hell- r (hat true ' If tile retail men ai- rohb-is" I." said. II. ey should Is- held up to the wrath and ex.- ration of their r I r v no n . " Mr i;.,r. said he had Inv est Ignten and found 'hat (he pit. -hers referred to h. S-nator S-oti as selling at whol. ;.-iie at ninety e.-nts a il'iwn re tailed at ll't-. n and some times tn cents .a. h instead of twenty-five cnt as stated. Cud. r motion of Mr. Aldrlch the i oust. If ration of tie resolution was postp. n' d nnd' r ihe rules of the scr-at- until Monda, STItH KKN IN I l.SH lUMtM. HUSTON. May i:, Arthur Kdwarl JuMiT. of Miami. Cla . a member of th'- frcuhman r lass of the Massachu setts Institute of Technology. died suddenly today from a hemorrhage of the stomach. The young man was stricken while attending a class and died a few minutes later In Joining room. an ai- LAST NIGHT protesting team wins, the money is refunded. The reason of this fee la to prevent useless protest. In all matters of technical decisions th" board of directors are to ask for ex pert testimony and oonslder the same before rendering any decision. Officers Klectiil. The election of Ihe president of the league and the members of the hour of directors was the next step In the proceeding. The representatives of the different Iowa felt that this was a very Important matter and considered at great length all the (tuallnoatlnna necessary for the Important voVfd which la lo have full legislative pow nr. The board of dlreor will be composed of nine men. The manager Uitlve business men well known In Western North Carolina were elected. The presldsnl Is the ninth man" on the board There was aonly one nomination for the position of president and he wan elected without a slngla dissenting voice. Mr. Kerr, of Canton, nomi nated Mr (.'has K Bryant, of Ashe ville snd without nny discussion he was declared elected. Mr. Bryant ta a well known business , man as well ss a baseball enthusiast. He Is the f Continued on page four.) PRES. TIFT BECOMES Mustered in as Associate Member of Post lv Gen Karris worth Porter. WASHINGTON. May 15 - -I resident Tuft In (lie presence of a .llatlngulshed gathering of Civil war vet-rans was mustered lo today us a memlsT of th. ass,, flute soc-! of r'lirnaworlh post Kraud army of the Ifepuhlic of Mt. Vernon. N. V. The ceremonl-s were i'iiIiiIiii tell bv Geneflil Horace porter, of New York, In the east room of tin while house fr-Birlnit Itoosev.-H was made a m-nib. r of (he assoclat .,.,ci,ty soon after he became presi dent In addition to m. lols-r- of I- a r nsw orl !i post lli'-n w.-r, pr.s-nt today representatives of .lohn A Iix post and of I, low! Asplnwull post of New York city as well as prominent members of th. G A. It. Ill Washing-. ('in A f ;-(ir.H Rf('i wlim h- ytiirn) .irm rank rxgj.n f ihi. Uu !' 1 li H mo rricnl wan h h rl J t )irn: n t nun la ( rt'if'li-tli-4 of such l' Hlrt (J f h'iJp l'i k" i up MrKihlitfon. Manv "t lWU" H'l hflVI- IH'.M-Iat' IT- Hllf-nt Tail i rum' a TRAVIS GIVES TAFT LESSON IN GOLF WA3HI.VCTON. May 15. -With President Tuft and VI . . Pr-sld nt Hherman forming the nt. r of a distinguished gallery, Walter J. Trav is of Gard n city, former amateur golf champion of the I'nlt.d Ktate. today defeated Allan Ijird of Chevy chase. In the nnah for the (list prli of the spring open golf tournsment of the Chevy Ch,i club. At the end of the thlrty-idi holes. Travis was 1 up. After hi vb-"jry to tho finals Travis again went over the links in an effort to beat his record on the course. President Taft and Vice President Sherman accompanied him and were shown aoraa "Ann" point of the fame.- , X" r H n m h a 1 1 1 k h lh- fti iii'niM with ;i ir lamr'-r nwtt-)n wirnii. mot (, r PKICK FIVE CENTS. L T FACTIONS TO USE FIGHT. President Taft Revokes Ap pointment Made In Which He Had Been Fooled DECLINES TO BE POLITICAL CATSPAW In Strong Letter Makes Plain His Position Toward State Machines if NOT PERM! HIM INTHEIR (Ity Asm Minted prr.) WASHINGTON. May It frealdant Taft has written a letter to Governor , HtuUbs, of Kansas, In which hn do- dares with emphasis that hrf wilt not permit himself to b used by any pi- - : lltlcal faction for tho promotion ot political fortunes, and at the sam lima revoking Ihe aptiolntment of . , Hubert Htone, of Topeka. a, personal . friend of Governor Btubhs. to, be a special assistant to the Ultllcd Htate oltorney-denefnl. - , ': The situation thw out ot th ' Hrlstow-lAinic senatorial flitht of lant '' year, it la said. President Taft, a per. sons I friend of Senator Lome, kept out ".. of thnt Unlit because h did not want lo he placed In position of havlnif . Interfered In any factional fight In any stale. Governor Btubba was allied with Mr. Hilslow. Htuhlta I-NKded Him. " governor Htublw was In WashlhH- s ton several weeks t and asked tha presldont to appoint a Kanaaa man , to n good position In the department fc of Justice. The president consented. supposing, It la aald, that who aw ' ':. was named would hava tha backlnf of the cunnr. sslonal delegation from tha I state. After his return horn (lover- f nnr Htublia Is to be a candidal for 'f the dilled Slates senate against Bena. tor Curtis. Mr. Htons waa ppolntad J as special assistant aUornsy-generaJ. ,'w ; i Whan Senator Curtli and Kepreaentjy ' tlve Anthony, of th Topeka. dlatrtof, ' heard of the appointment hey,lH- r ""til msdlatnlv went to tha whlta hnuaa and 3' paed'tht altttfttloU'1 lfor'raldent 4w Taft. .-.Tha. ItatUv it onca-wrot two sfsft letters, one to OoVsraof Itlibba and ; y one to Attorney-Oeneral Wlokersham trtVtiC dlreetlnit tint lattar to hold up tha JLw."' appointment of Mr. Htona and saylnf ; Governor Htubba "h thoughtlessly ' placed us In a position that la enllrs- ' ly Indefensible." Ulter to Ntubba. III his letter to Governor Btubba hW preshtenl said: ,, . "To my great surprlaa I am .shown " now an article In which Mr. Htona'a ' appointment Is heralded as a humilia tion to the members of tha delegation and as a Joke on them; hot only that, but also ns an Instrument for th de feat of one of tho congressmen. Mr, Anthony. I think you must yourself see, governor, thnt I op,ld not for a moment put myself In an attltudts of opposition to the delegation .especially , to particular frlebds of mine Ilka Mr. Anthony snd Senator Curtis." The president goes on to. say that If the delesstlon shall approve tha ap pointment of Mr. Stona hit nomination will be sent to the senate. Ha wind up by mylnjjr: ' "I cannot allow myself or tho de partment under me to bo made tho ' m-ans of th" promotion of politics! fortunes of on- faction or the other ' In a state as Important as Kansas." DRINK-MAO SON SLAYS HIS PLEADING MOTHER Atrrwnnl Knds Ills Own Wn lrlud Life With Same I'lood SI a i nod Weapon. KOi"i;ji iikm), ind . May 15 '7iare lta.p. who had considers!.!-, local fame an it ossehall pltchT. to- nlvht leill-d hi mo titer and then i nin m it t . .1 su Iclde. Its.p ncinrdlnir lo the police, had h. i-ii dilukliiK and when his mother pl-adcd lth him to give up Honor, h. Km '.Led a hammer and after be.-it- r on the head atabbed Lot. her knife which he he d from s table. When M f-ll. ftapp gashed his throut with th- mime kn'fe. The poll, r- found the dead woman n Hi- fto.r. her head beaten lo'o a p jo ind Llood flowing from s. v---rl knife wounds Near h-r Is" . with a wound In his neck and blood gushing fror.i two wounds In his bream, but still conscious. After he was taken to the hospital ward at th- county Jnll, hn ntsted thst he had intended to kill the entire family. NAVY CREW ROWED AWAY FROM POTOMAC ANNAPOLIS. Md., May !. Naya "Varsity and second erewtl both de- ( ? reaieo inti eigni tu ins roionisc siwi y: :,;:ei4 ; clob of Washington thl afternoon on , ; tne oevenn river..: inp raxe waa tnw.i (tjj 1 m HIIIV Bf.M imu m-iyr vvvina T L. Is the time waa: Navy 'Varsity, t mln- i utes 44 -t seconds; Ksy aecont! crew minute, $1 seconds. 4 ' HIIH . i

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