THE. A SHE VILLI? CITIZEN. TTTFI'aT. MaY K m. SOCIAL L PERSONAL 8 . P " . T.- ,,;!.. : ) - V. ;; .... j -.5- .- - - . V. . -. 1' Ufr.r-- Tf - it r w..-.- i,r j.ftM a'. I If - 1 . ' ' : ft ir 1 a f tl t . . m ! , . i t- r (i rr. , r i - - j r , V, - ' ' w-ry l:-.;, . Ki' f., 1 jf , r , .' ' , -t - ft. ,,! U.ii& fir.! j' '.m- a- n I , ' . ' ! . ' ',.. ' . . !..:. . j. ( t -lav hr Uir !! h;..J rn j ' :. U 1 "U's ..U :-l .': ! :.J. if,, j . ri;. ,. .', .jM.ii. t- J I J,. r.. it !,.( j , . .... ,t,,j ill-- . rni-i w.'i.- h r.-I UtP-'iKfi ( fct .1 ufit r a rii m-It .1 )ri ih- nifitiir itf- that .in hitir, l--ff -t l( rfpriitiihtif aii'I ' ;i r h, 1u tl.v tuifmy hoi.l dity -x( -n r- -.n ar' in tv '-rin i it of fh- lmi li tf f hurnaii rKiri n n. 'Vhf lnj hlil f)r! WiM hhft!y rtrf. ::. trs- round if icalf'ty '' utir-r y- w ill ! gin in a rrim lift it.unh will m- ! tliin atu rri.".rj n .r..r thai iUj. may lif . f t -. t rraji'd f-.r f.r v.-nt i.ri thin wuii Ilrr Thi' fimt pl.'luie mri'l Mil- un Mm-csHf uf an. th .'-.ifWl will it in hou-.l. I uminuaHv tentui and i-v. rv Hi'mb"r of lh cIuhm (h iarri iitlK r. - Thr cr- nlxty nifmlr In lh- flnii pllur- and a larger In -Xi.. t- -d thin af(rnor). Thft n.!KHn. til nf Mlw Hay Hra and Mr. Murrln l.iilnikv wnu d In Nfr Orlcana Hunduv. If thi parent uf th brldo Mr. f.ljtlnafcr ti a aon of Mr. and Mr: 8. IJ.irikr if Ah'lll and In enliind and m apf-cted by a laraa tlrcl .f frl. nd Mr I.lplimky la xpfclf-.l to r-iurn from Ni-w Orlcana today, wlipr. h wnt to b- pri-nf nt at pv-ral nnti-r talnmonU lvn In honor of the .11 Taa-eirK-nt, Jl Jl Mlaa Pauline Dlvlnga .nti-rtdln.-d thr. Oltalanlan aurlty at her n-ildrrire on t'hm-tnut atrn-l gaturday aft-rnoo-: from four until alx oVIock. Jl J Tha Jewlah Ladira Alii aocWty will met tomorrow aftnrnoori at J 3d o'clock at the temple, on Spruce atrmt. Jl Jl Mlaa Katherlnn Chamhera enter talna with a hot party thia afli-rnoon at the featlval concert at tho audi torium. Jl Jt It la that the puplla radial f'f th Aahevllle Be h on I i,f Mualo and In-aniatlc Art, which waa to have. Ix-en lven on Thuraday, will bo pomp., nr. I, that day betas Aacnalon day. Jl Jl . Mra. Seuban Itnbertaon of Victoria wlfl give a coaching party tomorrow The party will ko to Mountain Mead ow Inn for luncheon and return. Mr. Roherlion'a mother. Mr. I'eter O. Thompaon of Cincinnati haa arriv ed and will apend a fortnlht with her daufhtrr. Jl Jl Mlaa Julia Adam entertained n party of ynuiiir i.eoi.lo at ft The (ueata were, Mlaa Virginia Urlrtltli Miller, Mlaa Freda Hrown. Mla Mhp Bernard, Mlaa Betlle Hiiea. Mr. Vonno JU tludgrer. Mr. Harold 8wop... Mr. I) ... j,,. UOP ai r. e. it. Maker and Mr Harry Itedwood Mim muoe ttauoen an.i air -i,h. 1.-..1 , . " aom joined the party Sunday. .... fomwiM-'-nnf of Morovlan "lleBe Mia, Myrtle Ttolllna, of ,h, city, who I one of the araduatea. will read an caaay. Mlaa HilMbeU, Hum - aey. alao of thi city, will play one of the part in "A Mldatimnier MKhfa Lream,- which la . be ph.v. d by ,he graduating cU"-(i . , J J The ladle, of the North Aah. Mil. leu at the paraomifc-e ,.n Thuraday "VlT f'-8, .0!h' Th" ",,h,lr lM cordially Invited and .upper will ! a.rve.1 beginning at .1, VI..Vk The proceeda of the evening will be for .be paraonage. Annoniu ement of the ap,.r .,K m,.rrlaKe of Mlaa Martha Vane, Attic city haa been recelye.l m Aahevllle TAILORED OF PREEMINENT $7.50 to $10.00 $12.50 to $20.00 1. $25.00 to $50.00 TIlC t.'llli'!'lll 111 tills .vool suits- a lnii.-h skill and This matt, i of tailoring i the feature of Tul. Suits They show it ton. in tit and drape and ut . tJllJLaf''' S(I ;is WC11 as Women's. M. V. MOORE Women's Togs 11 Pjitttm Ave. f il,. W-.i . r. .1 - : : 1. 1, .. t.-rr'..n at ".. -1 - i-.. 1 ..t tl,. ,i.vitat;.,, r M , , M ' 1 Mr. H. urdatey an.' n . I,, r.,,- tani'iii b. irtif "b--i,.':itr,)! ;t, ,..r. .,i j t i. TI). bul ,r,s. 1 . t . 1 if irit-r.Nt on a. - ,,.i' .f ffV- -I. . .,, vbi h wjis j.rm . ',',!'- , 1 r. -. 1 in .,f ..ffi.'.-r M r. ''',..r,t, llx.r-k r'rt; iii,.'iijlrn,,ij.)r f- .i-,!. l ;..v,i'!,l Mrs k'.bert ' rr .: . . , J.rwt preMideiti I l-t,:,ri.l. S J.,r,l;.n 2nd . , .. 1'1','l.nt M AL.ri.i l!p.n waa re. ,l,.l,. 11, .ir.'.r..r Mi -a Mabel Hun I Ul. . i.i.i-. M,-. I 1.1 Hamilton u;.m . 1. , t-,i ii ii,.-riiirf r .r (t,- liard of !,r-.!..ri' Mr- ofK- II..w..h1 wax i-l.. I-.I an ,h.,n,,r .ir in. m r of tl tub. A Inn. h- on ,in n. rw-,1 on Ihe broad er.'iiid.'t o i t looking an old fiiabioned KiH.b-ri and half wl.-n,-,l by iuaHM.-N f ihrnbiiiK 1011k ro , with an 1111I11- trrrupled vi.-w of I'Imkii ti m Ihe dls lari, . Tbe Hinall lablea . re Mimi cal! ', ...orat..l wild lrl and mai.l.ri. hair f. rn In Ja.l. . ob.r vaa.-n Tbe aouvinlM were liny Japanem funa. Tbe I.ihi in. . ting of the year waa thoroughly enjovuble, llle brilll. .. of Which Will relieve the led- 111111 of the in. .ntha of Inactivity unli! work 1 oinin. nrcs In the autumn. The Sbakeap. are progruiii for next year (T.-ri 11 broad and Interealliir field for xluily un, I fortunately one which can I"' aided bv a irr.-fit h.llli....t 1 -n I IK I) t ri tf ik hooka on the life i,f the i.o.t. The plava will be read, the different charm -tera b. Ina read by the i llib iii. iril.era. Th.-r.- were Jive new riii-inhcr i led. d Tin- Znl ka club haa armriircl I. It He opening dance at Overlook park In the Caaln.., May sr.lh and will laaue alx. ut fifty Invitation. Thu Kii.ata will ko to the park on a ap clal car from the aoiiar,- An nrchea. tra of twelve pieces will play for the dancer and a buffet luncheon will ! served. The dnnce will h the neat lara-e one kIvcii by the club fur aom. monlha iin.l l la aald that the 5-u. leeku will iclve a aerlea of .Ian. ea ilur. Ing ihe aprln and aiuniner Mlaa Kllu Mcljiin haa r.-l Mr. ftn.i Mrm. Rryiint to rrt. nt thr 1T. T. iKirifiiti-t . .w A prirtv apeiit Sunday nflereoon ... nonnie I'ri'ii inn aa the ucia ,,f Mra T. II !,,e Thoae Included In the party SV. r- Marv KlllrAlAn.t.. -Mlaa Lalluae onlea and Mlaa Jea- e Htlkeleather The men l !' Were Mr. V. O Ho,irr,e, Kendel Norihrtip. flalph Carrier. Ned Horn. ii mid I'.-rrv The imrlv bad unpp.-r nn.l returned afti-rwarda Mia. n.lwln Wllllniiiaoi. in..r..,nn who pent the p. H..i,n,- rr.-m win t Iw.. v.-eka at return th.. lalt.-r ,.r o, w,,h in rr.allaiiur- jt jt The claaa In bird, atudv ..f which j Mlaa la teacher will t at the y. W c , ,, w,.,.k n Wednca.h.v 1 ev. nlriK , -,. k ,, , ,,. i T,..-a,l ...-nlnr. which la the n'-nilnr iln,, The ,.. lal c,,,n,lti.-.. , ,.,,, Kb r, nular m.-eiing thi, m..riilnit ,,, I ,0 ,,. k . .,! a .rl' w r ' lh- ..Itlce r. nrd,rK ,he ,. mer conference whlrh la t.. h. h. Id . hia e, , , he V,.r,al and c late of K.,iw..,th nn The dat.a 1 f" fr'" th- twelfth .',.' t weutv-a. . . r,, jun. T, ., , .' that a lare number of Aahev,.,.. ... no t, w ill avail a of thu ,. ,,,,,,,, lmtv , loin h Willi th. broad aaaoclatlon worl . ..nimltt. .. !..... .elected f ih. ,..,,., f director, , ! ml , ,.f fh, n",,,.'..' TUB SUITS QUALITY '"It'll nil. I Cut!, , 'iiplin I'l.Ull till. MiMr, ,,, ; (.,,(.s illi'.('lvi ,. I,,,) ui.i-ll, (I), i 1 1 f n . 111. -ii, ",,n..n h'.-ji ! - ;: - h; tvn ;uiil tlirct' : i . 1 . 1 and picvt' '"l"M-i Sllllv, ;,,.,. V;u. "il.-ly t I -1(11111. -,1, ;, full ,.,),. I. t.' -tn.-k nf iruiiil values, l-'i'-ii. 'r.ih ;iihI Iiiipurh'tl i'1 1'. .lllll tlllVC li('l'.' li-ii ' i.-iss tailur.'il suits of ii;im ami Viicic.l stvlc dc--iuiis. ' i final tot liat ot' t li,. l,i,s.l ..ireful craftsnianslii Tl.- t-ard t manan f lh I-nJ- , ,- Tr.'f.jiiiiK t - l!J nr-t 11m .ir. M 1.. II .:; .uu --n Hm.i Mflin Jl""" J Jl j Mi li .. !! Mr. -JeorKel ., .'!. ,T. n.'! Ir. A-.'.. . .1!" ' .1 , ..... v.. ! r... .ir.t(.-. t.- t.,'. f ' . a 'I f. r. w ,i b- j , t, , 1 I .f M-i.t.r .' !! ;.r, ..1. '!;.;. . n nr. I i . ' r ' 1 -. ;i, r I.. K.t ri ;it . . r .. . ' ' .. ! M I M ;.. ,r..i, . .1 1 ' ,1 j.- : 1.. r Mi'.f h. r I .-;t.k.-l :it..-r )rf! ..;, I .r I "bar .tl. Ml,-! if marshal .1 irioir il, i. . Inralion ,-f lid. -l. rda i'iiili n.- Iliunpi-.r. of M.arn I la. .f r L. Ill I ii;c arriv,,l aid w,:l t.- th- m ! . ea in 1 1.- , it itar ll,K ,. r Mr. J Stik. -!. all I. fl s cat. r,l , ,i i. . r.K ' r Niw V r k I tr I: ' ' ,ini,b. 1) l.-av a ,.r, - lo altr-ie! lie m.-llliK of tl .-t!ic!ul aas'iiit-iv al .Saam.ah. ia. Illabop UiiiiCi. A Can. II. r who wa tb, km. M of Mr an-! Mm. I rank Aeaver on M-rr,iiio!i a. iu. I. ft V t , r ,li. v . Mr and Mra M W Hrown, Mr. an, I Mm. KuK.-rie Uarland and Mr. Harold John.--, ii have r. turned from a uiu- iiiK trip In Van. y county Mia I Jai ks.,1. un, I liul. .laiiKh tr hav.- if-, in- fo Charlotte 1.. v ifi Mra. Hunt. Mra Jackfloli'a mother I tr W L. Ien.-eii returned venter .lay Iroin hia trip to 'aahiriKt.'li. llr M Florida. I.. Htelih hurt r. tllllied fr,,rr, Mr II Tavliir ll.o'.ra I)r I-' 1 Chllda. Mr Henry Itedwood and Mr II. 11 Hood have returned from their llahiriK trip. Mra. W I. Hc.11 f Tampa, ria , w ill .11 live In Aahevllle abort iy. Mr Ii ij. lieVentah haa inoe.l from Klk Mountain to Aahevllle and now occiipiea the realdence on the corner of Kurmari avenue and Halrd atret-t Mr I. A ijrnn. after an Ulricas of IX daya. la iinaln able t. be .mt .lohn W Ward, formerly of Abbe ville, who now realdea at Annyinon Ireland, waa the rtueat of friends here biat week. .Mra. Arthur K. Heea left yeaterday .'..r New York wher- ahe waa called by llio la-rloua lllrieaa of her Utile arum daughter Mr T I-. n,)niiil haa reiurrud from a bunlneaa trip to Waahlngton Mr. and Mra Henry .Mdi.e ,,( (ireenv llle an. -nt a few .lav a In Aahc- vilb. en route from LoiilavHIe to their home in Greenville Mra Jack IHIIard of Murphv ia . i- pi . ted 1. ..lav and w ill t.e the Ku. i ,, Mra. J. M (ludger. Mr and Mra (i.-org.- W 'an,, rbllt arrived vcaterdav at lllltmore Mr. and .Mra J Smith left y.-ai. rdiiv aflei no. in for a xlnirloii Kv Mlaa C Smith and Mlaa Saig-nt left al.idav- r,,r Chlcimo ufi.-r a long iy In Aahevllle. Mlaa Mable S,.lf returned M.,ii. la' irt.-rnoon fioin Kmgsport. T, mi . all. i iiioiitha ,.f teaching achu.d Mr sia. v Kuwli pemllliK a Ihe Him r of Charlotte In the , itv Ml--a Mi rv Sue Wr.iv t.f Kail View -IV.. s .lav I., all. n,l II,,. ,.,ra. loVV 'II . IIC. IIV III. w I,,.,,. . w III I., le guest of fri. 11. Is 1 11 and Mta. 1 'al 1 V It. v nol,!-. .111,1 Will end 1 0 an. I Mt- i-h;,i!e s; r,.r.t... tor lo llleeliv.lle to, lav to Kiel M,e Id M- all .VV Mi. an. I Mis I'l, lilt,, s 11. niv ' lle. nv ill,. to, al in their ,,, 1 'I,., 11. I a 1 let 1011 , a 1 and will ha v IV 11 mi.sts Mr. and Mia A.J 1. l iss -p. IK V. 'all. .11 llemv si - l ,1a v ill the ,ilv r I' Miss Adah llussev, Mis.a Florence llinkle. Mr Fdvvar.l Stioiig. Mr. I'l.d I'ran Kohl.-r and Ml. A.. Sal valor . or the Metropolitan guartett and Fills .'ina; H'esiival or, h, sua ait guests al Ihe Halt, rv Park hotel. Mr I 111 ,,l X. for a 1, 1 lei slav. Vol k Mr. Fin in A-hc ilh. ra of w.n , ' I r a short stav Mr. .1 i: Kiunboiieh ,.,,,, r 1 ' 1 1 e e 1 1 v 1 1 1 . Mr. W. 11 in Aahevllle 'I'.' "! Chaff., 'I a briel sr. iv Mr. and Mia j F, ltnmbouei, ,n W ' .1,'lin It u m I,., lie h win spend p., ' t lie all l u II el Ul X s I u ,i v a n,! l,,,i Mis II urn boiurh V.. k. at pi sent hi , M rs. i 'ar 1. ton M , a "ul lo. b ,p'!is i.-liirived home Sun iauig spent the winter m ii Hillside atieet Mia. John C. ,..,r -l. l 'ui an 1 am.itl son l b nil.- v , i ,u. :lri l i s , 'h i, ', s 1'lai 1 at H, II. 'bl HOI Matt, iv I' CHURCH'S FOUNDER' C'.r;!:ii,J f. r.'-llnit i:rt-. I'lar.i. r a rn : ' tii;, IX-lllUfliUI.. I v( aUef. 'I ujow-mbiy in.. May juth wif. i'. i' of itich.y in...). Tutor. II. A i,r s, r a( j , : . k iiiai nlgtii lr ,a l,y Itr. "har 'r . uiilyaur-Seii. y '. l.-ir. 1'alvn, lirii" a. Tie afternoona aiK- ) lo nu-etiiig tl;. morning aid , ral A,.rk of ihe a- choaen ' in -niicr lion wit Illation in addit. I i' n hmen and t hav. nr.- aa f oil. . I i' lav .May .'1 I'.. -I ' 'ofomblM. trilo.l.oi, ., the Ir I . , .1 v May 2 1 '; : .n M Hon, Tr. II. in. Th. ologian." s .i-.rdav. May I 1. 1, Johns,.,! Iticlun ', C. .mi, tuition to CI, ' ! ,1 r v M nil v. May L'4 ,, ,., .Ian,, a trr. (llaK - .dl.tnd. vin s Attn ude To v . 1 . ,nl I. ,,r S. r.i-luie ' Monday. May 24 ' i Webb. I.oulavlile. k irine of Infant Sa . ,i I .. -.lay. May : . , It. It I),.C I .'.in A. Alderman r ...r-.t . ., , gin-.a. 'I'alvin'a ' - '.,'.,,,1 i;.' 'national I'rogness We.lneaday, Mav .: at i,,.,,., H,,. Frank T. UlaagoH ( I., ximrioii. Vn I'alvln'K Influence Li n th. ..,!,ii . Ii II11. nee of the W..r 1.1 ' W.-dneailay, Ma !-' A King. Auali Haa tii- original - " I- 1 T. v -11-, ' '.i i . a l.j 111 1 ar lie-I, Modified by Tim- Thursday. May lleujatnlii K. Win J.. "ITeaent Iav it noon, lo 1,1. I'rm, -et.,n. X Mtilude and Sieniti- i 'n I n 11 i sin ; Ita ( ance." Thin ada. May p. in.. 1 i V II Flaa.1. St a 11 in , V 1.. How Ma . ilvaiiism !' H.'h- I'nil, r Modern eminent S. olch lirst ,.( 'the fur nve In this conn I'anada early in tie- 1'rinclidc of . der.-d Moat Kfjs-s 1 Cundltiona." (llaagow, a theologian waa th igll delegates to trv !(, went !' April and after a p. ndiug aome linn there went to N. h Vork fr,,iu win-: - he .nine to Savniinnh. It was ex pected that Dr. Al.rum Kuyper. ..' Holland, was to I..- here lo sp ak ,i. 'Calvin the Theologian." but he wa unable to come and It. llintoii w .s hoaen In his Mad. I'llln T-?ntcrtaliiin.'lia. A ha al coriimltt.-e ia making .-.'l pr.paratloiia for th. meeiinn ,,f .,,. and for the . nt.-rra nnoi,' if tin- visitor-. will i sfo.i: xcuralona to the resorts ai.ouol s.i vunnall lui'l ateamboal trips arcrnl the harbor will be provided, (p., Moore pnator of tto- First l'i. bvterlan (hurch Is the the g rvera . -.mmiltee. The ofllcra of the naaemba , It, -tiring moderator. It.v. U , Moor.-. H. . . Itli'hm .li.l. Va . ! I. rk. It. v W. A. Al.x. nob i . . -, ... ill-. T. un : permanent ! -i !. t: v Thomas H. Law. 1). I L. Spa i lac I .1 : . 1 ' An Inter, sting Incl.i. tit in n n wiih th,. m.-eting of th- .!-- in tor at ihe liral aCrvlee of an lust a tor al th. Ml'at service of alilo-l u gavel made of wood fl'olil St. I'.i.i 'ath.ilra! of OeneVfl. with Alio '1 alvln was asauclatcil. Til. 1: , v ' made from the pari ! .1 ! , 1 loin th. belfrv of the . Iiur. Ii. I rcpreseiita four Ionic coliunu- w 1! i . profile liken, as of Calvin 011 on. s;le and Ih. famous Cillvin seal ih- , I'tided hand and hc.nti .u, tie.fVr '11 alill another side Is a Li . ,, plat, saitri ' lv inscribed 'I lo ; .v . ' ha nd . arv. d. The vv I 1. ! 1, beam after the gavel was , ti ut has been made into thin .!'., !t:i. b. d 1.. pi. ,'. -: ,.r ; : , , I. I i-oii t hose liav . I., . 1, 1 . ..iii. 1 I'lct m es o! 1 ' i v In ami St I'. I, Cat In dl-.l Th. se w ill be o, fhe 'I- I. :afes a.s sum. 11,1., FR1 RIvSHNliSS in can- lies is iust as vital as purity. NUN N ALLY'S arc made puree and delicious, the finest can dies that expensive ma terials and expert skill can make. Then they are well assorted, packed quickly in handsome boxes, and hurried by fast express right to us. Lv cry box, every piece is in perfect condition. A freah supply always kept by It sou s 1)1(1 . sioui !! ralliui Atcinic. "None Like Nunnally's." Si raw l.crrit'S. Iipe Tomatoes, I ndian K'ivor ( )i,jiiiLre l''resli Pineapples. To Enjoy ;bc (all rrobfi lerire of the W 11-Informf J of tl World and the Coioraei, ia', ,:i , f the most 1 noli, n: ptiy-iciii,- ,t wa- - -j ii - lial tlit tf.e ( o-i.poh.T.t ps'.n- -f r-v - .;, of 1 lg and Kiivir ii .vi.ij ,-f, I I.-' know n lo at,.J apt.rovci by tiicsi, ;1 rv f ore, the California 1 ig .yru; Co . .le haljtn a full slat 'id with rn ry ,.., Tla- p. rfer t purify umf .n.m'y .1 j.:o duct, which tii' y 'k ilia.h'1 in a l..afi-.' rt meiiy of an etint a! . harurt.T . ar. a - .r- u by Ur (.Vimpiiiiv s ongiiial iia-li.Lal .1 ufactun- ki.uwii to The Company i...!y TIa fig el Caiifonua an u-. .1 111 th. priaiiic-tiott of r ,,f 1 ifs and J !1 1 x . r ul Senna to promote t!ic pUasaiit ta-te. but tla- mchi mal principles are olfain. 1! from plant a kiionu p. act most U ii'ln rally To get ita la lil hcial t fleets alvvav - .::y tbt genuine matiulactun ,-l I y th t ah- funua fig Syrup Co otJy. ul.d i.,i Ie by all leading drugtuila. COMBINGS AND CUT HAIR Made Up to Order. Kerytliilig l r 11, , 1,1, ,r , ;, difained dele. MISS CRUISE, 25 HayvtiMNl SI. In nil The World of Pianos You will ii. no lust i:;s MIcfT. r Iin.l a I'la-tio- artlsiic Tli.i.. i- an lii.liviiluall- ' -.1 1 II, . Sl'.n pi.,,,. ail its ov ... That bea until! Il'Tolls lone, 'I u ;n e a tnl i i , , a. . il ,n a apb.-i i "inpai is ,n. Wl..- v :, a sliiglmr, loll .lis a, ih.n. lo, . Ml, HOI Ie.; "' ' 111 1,11V th. '-T -r She, ,,; I H un its m.i K , -' I" lUli.lll ,-., sf , , on . in,, ,, !' !. Ho. ,', , , ,s It,.' I tlol'. i , I 1 i, e , I i , ; ! IllllM -sllelT. ,i, p W i ll, Chas. M. Sfieff M i ii '. f a t in . i o( I!,,. Artistic stlclT. Slum, and sil.lf Scll-I'laicr I'ianos. sot i in i; w koom '. Wed I lade SI. Charlotte, N. C. C II MIIM.HTII, Manager. I M- I I, ui II.,-. i a,, , i Ii-s.ii.k. F.i.,.,1 M ,.-.,, !b '".un,.,,, ., , , I'"'' : lour , ,., I . .,, , , i, ,, 1'""- '" ' b nip,,! u, , ,.l ' "' 1' I I'l" ' ' 1. ..!, abb I'l I i SI. '"- (.IMIIMIV. SKINM I: Wll III Ml ( M him! Ill l,uae.,u, lihlo High Grade Slationery i.,f.,i t,,a,:.. Miiiiiin, u tallies f s .ii.sfa. t, .. ,,. u , ,K ''' V' ' Hit a !e.,MU e ius.:r in, I ,.....,..,..,,., The Carolina Pharmacy : La Greoque Corsets J I For every type of figure I I GREENE & CO., : I 12 Church Street. ; Large and Select Slock AH This Week I p . We are Offering Special for Wednesday and Thursday a Beautiful Line of Foulard Figured Siks 75c lo $1.00 a Yard for 65c. lir. Mi.Mhewa' Dental Parlora. New McAfee ltl.lg. Cur. College and Cprii.T Slut-Is, near Court Hoiis4 MuctjCw T. eth extracted w ithout pain. A H guaranteed, l'llces always rca,. liable. . .fTic,. 1-1,,. 34. Jt.-i.e,, 1 a? rii . I hnon 111. llr viic at ifi lin I. usually cheap In quality s w. II ("lea. It 3 dangerous. oUr mjk lt "ot in .hat ,!,,. rt la absolutely pure, .l.-an. rl, h and wholesome. i,i..... .. .. . -..c,,. ru, t ...ih io. KM Walnut St. ,.,,.,., CHIROPRACTIC I Io n,. .,. covDiMvviiox wi'iiioir i A 1 u..n .',.,'v.s ""'"i" "I all,. 1 "'! .i:"!','e,';:r; ; ! I',,'.",' .'. """":""l'i "f "' ' " "-' '"" "I ilM. ' "- ' I ' ,, ,,, .,, I an 'ill "M''",V l.i.'-..U. I..r". '''""le i-l. M. WEBB & COMPANY; Millill.TV I. kl. ......... V 4- i. Kill -S t II I I ' i f T I PEERLESS ( ASIirviI.I.I;, N c Our Sale of Summer Silks Ends Today ' ' '! ' ' lf ,"" '!" ""' !'' ill :,il make " '- V 'I I.,,, V ,,ltl. . tiH' lor at 19c yard One lot at 29c yard 'l'lnla v is t In- last ila v I'm' specials on the I'.iH--iiiali Silk at loir a ai-i .liul Seen Silk at !'!)( a a i ll. A ln-aiitifiil line uf lllo('l:ic lilillrcss hlt ss just received, in w ilile. liuht lillle, ,iiis-, anl la eliilec, also slips I" iiiati-li. A new line ,,f w liile linen Skirts and a new assnrt ineiif of 'elelualed ( , (. r ;( Waist, lino-flic, fr.iiH ' U f a waist. This is the iro,ei' weather I'm- Parasols. You will liinl a heaiiti I'lll seleetioti of all tile sl) les, colors and ijual if les here. RTTWIWCD nvtirtnnr. i """-iiJ UAfUIUlO llought at maiiiilat turer's coat and tinned ,,v,-r t,, our customers accord ingly. See our :.-, ladies' patent "Mold. A beauty 0. E. ST0NEE COMPANY 18 South Main Street. " ' i ; f 4CI B , 2 UU" -M i Business I 'u l"1'1"' ,v'u with jrood H : ' lean coal, which is the rea son we are sellinjr so nnn-h M. & W. INDIAN COAL. ' Try a toll. PhollC Kill, Carolina Coal & ice company . .... " I 1 IIOI14' l.U. 1'uttou Ill -1 -lust received a shipment js! I'.I'S. I .it. for '1.4-"; '2 ut. iJ- - - . ',.... . . ... . ' ASHEVLLLE CHINA C0. X. Pack Kqnartv' Every Woman w uiBi iratiHi auu SUOUia fJv r i MARVEL Whirling Spr.y 1 111. UCW Birlmr. tenL H (-IfAIIMi A yourdi-tiinrtrtf.irlt. vUit-r, but ee xd lump fur Uer, but f id ttnp fur ;uftt.-.i tK.ok t 0 MiMl(ht'-ci tH.ok -alr-l It fftM la.lip. MHK1.VT '- J4lMrwl,tW lUttk. plants at i . 1 1 1 1 i '. r.-,' a h, uis. s car fa. w,v ic lot at 35c yard l ea, la "25 Monlford Ave. 0WNBE Y'S a. in.'' Phone SC i .,. -,..1 1 y-s - -.pp., 4 ' I L

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