fir THE WEATHER: SHOWERS THE ASHEYIELE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 21L ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. JLIRDRS CHARGEU.S. DEMOCRATS READY HUl Charges Filed Against Them In Okla. Land Fraud With Dept. of Justice ATTORNEYS WITH TO VOTE NOW SAYS TRYING TO COERCE SENATOR SIMMONS SPREGKLES TELLS CONNECTION Recalcitrant Element In Re publican Ranks- Delays Tar iff Bill He Declares ROOSEVELT AND " HEARST BACK OF CASE .scandal Assumes Graver Pro portions Than Ever Before as Result of Recent Events (By Associated Press.) TULSA, Okla.. May 18. Charges against District Attorney Gregg and S Iveetcr R. Hush, special assistant to the attorney-general, made today by I he defense in the Muskogee town lot fraud cases, were forwarded to tlie department of justice at Washing lion at the suggestion of Judge Mar shall, who is hearing the trial. Judge Marshall refused to act on the petition of the defense aBking thai SOME SCHEDULES ARE SLIGHTLY REDUCED But Others Are Immediately Increased By The Fin ance Committee (By Associated Tress.) WASHINGTON May 18. (Senate summary: After devoting the greater part of the day's session to debate the senate passed upon a number of important committee amendments to the tariff bill. It also disposed ad versely of an amendment by Mr. Stone restoring the Dlngley rates on ra zors. On that vote most of progres sive republicans reported in the affir mative with the democrats. Mr. Simmons of North Carolina, WITHER FT CASES Employed Heney And Paid Private Office Rent For Him For Months DISCLOSES ONE OF RUEF'S SLICK PLANS IV He Drop It? Under Fire of Insinuations From Defense Lawyers Keeps Cool And Confident the petition of the defense asking thai .,. kl , .sui(mrt f thl. rn ..regg be prevented from trying the t(,mlonM ,nHl(. ,)y Mr Slm, rlatlv, .use ...e peuuu.i a..-Be u.m ..- , tm. prk.e of m,,rtp( razors, said proper inlluences had been brought to ,hHt . ,,,.uratf, W1,rc ready t vntt In nr nn lh eniml lurv. which waariift.l .. . .. It was the recalcitrant clemert of-the missed last Saturday, as the result ... cim,KeH ,.,uc uy .r. ..reBK. " republican party which was delaying curt assigned the following reasons, th), m(,a!)ur. .A soon vo can , ,r hls ': lg,.t their consent to take a vote on Grcggs charges against me dis charged Jury were regarded as vague and indefinite. "The court has paid no attention to the charges In Gregg's motion but had discharged the grand Jury be cause of the right of the government to change a grand jury when it so de sired. "Charges against Gregg should be Hied with the department at Washing ton where he was appointed. The court did not comment upon the peti tion of the, discharged grand Jurors." Jurors Sign Charges. One of the petition presented Is signed by nine members of the grand jury thtU . .was discharged last Satur day by Judge Marshall upon motion of Plstrict Attorney Oregg who assert ed that the Jury had been subjected to improper Influences. This petition refutes this charge and In turn makes allegation against Messrs. Oregg and Rush. It alleges misconduct befor.1 (he Jury, efforts to Intimidate and co erce the Jury to return Indictments against Governor Haskell and the oth er defendants regardless of ami contrary to proof presented, and ! prosecuted; that he stated that he I hen ! 1 1 1 i on h the court to Investi gate the Jurors allegations, to the motion of TXstrh-1 Attorney Oregg, disputing the charges of im proper Influence.. This response al leges that Oregg has used The Tulsa (Continued on page three.) this measure," he said, "you can get ours." He added lhat any attempt to make the people believe that the democrats were filibustering was not justiflod by the facts. Revision downward was shown in j the adoption of several schedules on steel or. iron products, and the "in surgents'" and democrats seemed to he overjoyed at the tendency down ward, and Mr. Bcveridge sat up an.l smiled and then, as- a shock, came a nrw amendment Increasing the rate from ten as formerly recommended by the committee to fifteen cents per pound, and there was a. general lautsti at Xhe expense of the chairman of the committee on finance who was called upon to explain the change of direc tion of the rates he was reporting. Mr. Aklrlch said the articles on which the Increase was proposed were gold threads used for ornament and hs added that-tho rate on tinsel used on Christmas trees was Included In the articles on wh;ch the rale was re duced. The paragraph relating to watches was adopted with an amendment re Mulrlng the name of the country of origin anil the name of the. maker to hi' indelibly placed on the movements The bill was considered "up to the wood schedule and Mr. Aldrlch sug gested that tomorrow the senate should proceed to dispose of the para graphs In the schedules A. R. C. whk-h on the present second reading have been passed over. Illy Associated Press) SAN KKANCIHCO. May IS. llu ifcilph Spnskles, millionaire, whose name has been blazed In the record if every day's proceeding I" the trial for bribery of President Tatrlck Calhoun, til' the I'nlted railroads, begun more than live months ago, was a witness again today. Through a cross examination re plete with slinging inferences and in sinuations he sat undisturbed, dis closing the innermost secrets of Ihe great prosecution, reciting the sub stantial payments he has maile to Its officers and agents and disclaiming uterly the motives Imputed to h:n by 'Attorney Karl Itogers, who con ducted the Inquiry for the defense. Late In the day Mr. Spreckles was excused until tomorrow with the un dorstanding that he would product In court his personal account of t hi many thousand dollars he admitted he had Upended In behalf of the graft prosecution. Paid lleney's Kent. M- Spreckles admitted that he had Paid the rent and expenses of Mr lleney's private law office for long time anil that these items amounted to between $500 and Ififlfl a month It whs likewise admitted that Mr Spn-ckleB hail for a long time pal. I a considerable sum to Charles W Cobb, Mr. Heney k partner, to whom. In pursuance of an agreement made at the outset for the prosecution Mr. Spreckles Is to pay 120.000 nvpre LHd you make the arrangement whereby Mr. Heney was rot to receive any salary for his services from the city?" was asked by th- defense. "No; I knew that such was tho case; but I believe that Mr. Heney personally volunteered his services," said th- witness. Iteuf's I'roiH.sllkiri. "I reVoMed in particular." he said, "onu Interview wllh Tteuf that called to my attention the need for an inves tigation. Iteuf came to my office and suggested thai I gi-t up a syndicate to bid on the municipal bonds about to be issued. He promised that bids would be succeeded by a strike. I was horrified by the suggestion. Keuf istoired tne that the lipi or the syn tlcate would be accepted," said Mr, ! ' i THOU ffl C ISANDSTI STREETS AT QUEEN CITY FESTIVITIES Estlmatod That Fully Two Hundred Thousand People Will be 7 here Thursday OPENING EXERCISES BEGAN YESTERDAY, Today Govornor'i Day Will be Featured by Continuous Round of Ceremonies (Continued nn page three.) E Strike on (leorgiji Wo;id is First Stop in (tencral Plan Savs (Jeiiei'.il Manager. (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA, Ga.. May 1 x. - That an oiganiled movement to eliminate ne kioib as Industrial factors In railroad work In the South Is under way was Ihe statement made today by Thomas K. Scott, general manager of the Georgia railroad. Last night between fifty and seventy-five white firemen "f the Georgia railroad struck because Ihe road refused to dismiss its ne gro firemen. "This strike." said Mr. Sett, "is Ihe first step of a movement which is-' planned to eventuate in the abolition I lh" negro as an Industrial factor. It is the skirmish of the Brotherhood "I Loi omotlve Klrcmcn and Knglne nien In its plan to d rivet, the negro out I employment on railroads altog.-ilu r ' The plan has been smoldering for live years This strike on the Geor gia railroad is Just the first step. 1 have reason to believe that Ihe same l.tnand. will In time, be it soon or late, be made by officials of this tire oien s union umiii every other railroad in the south." I" A Burgess, assistant trrand chief f the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineers. and A. P Kelly, of Chlca go. vice-president of the Brotherhood "f Locomotive Firemen and Engine- men, arrived today and GUI. OEGURES PART OF BILTMORE STATE FOREST For IVriofl of Thirty Years II Hnjoys Protection (Jiv ril State Forest. (Smn IhI u. The ItUrn.) ClUHLnTTK. N '.. May is. t virtue of chapter X!t. inihlff- lawn of i;ft!i, Uoninor Kitcltin dcatrH all landw of fittorge W. Vanderbllt lying uli'Hf th- contour Mmp "f ."0 f.-t ahovi- th- hc;i level in t h counties of Kmih omln-. Trannsj Iwinia, Hav wood hikI Jin kHim a "jlHtn of furt-Ht of North 'i r'tliij'i ." The i m la rn t ion tn & t lia ( after Hi is ii"t i - Iihk Im en pti M i in I h in' ' 'tn.s' ut i iksim" f ricwspaji' ts in h 1 1 of thMS- roiin t i-M. I Iih t 1 he k;i if I hi ih(h nr' tate latrls fi h t'-rm ( thirt t-ars. pro v M'd th'- oh ni'i a? rii'M mt th- pro isi"iiM th- . whh'li gi-s th-- Kcrnor -(' North (arotlria a riht to so lan-a Htat- f'Ot-st E TAPPERS HAD PROFITABLE CRAFT Have Carried on Their Op erations for Five Years in Several Cities. ASHEVILLE AUTO PARTY IN WRECK, iESCAPE WITH BUT FEW INJURIES Mr. J. E. Rumbough'a Machine Tumbles Over an Embankment Near Greenville, S. C, Throwing Occupants Into Ditch; Sprains and Bruises Only Damage Done To Members of The Party. The parly of Anhevllle people who left here to motor down to attend the Greenville horss show met with n serious accident near the small vil lage of Lima, about nineteen miles from Greenville at JS.JO o'clock yes terday afternoon. Il'hlle none of the party was hurt seriously, that any of them escaped maiming or worse Ik little short of mlttwde. As It was, MrsCarl V,, Wejinolds suffered from a sprained inkto, and Dr. Charles 8. Jordan has a, dislocat ed shntllflAP while ,IKa ettiAlfl' eaCAneil with bruises snd hn stvolilc juf ffbmbllnti over a fifteen foot enabankment with a big touring car after them- Ac cording to a telcpho'IMf message re ceived by The Cltixen. from Dr. Hej -nolds last night none of the Injuries are very severe and the party Is now In Greenville and will remain for the entire horse show. The party was composed of Dr. Carl V. Reynolds In 'his own machine end Mr. J. K rtubough driving hla o'clock to find the whole party very touring car in which were lr. and i comfortably cared for In a nearby Mrs. Charles M. Jordan and Mrs. ftey-.larm house. nolds. All went well until the pHrtv They went on to Orenvlllo last night tieared Lima. Tliere at a sharp bend! In conveyances, and at midnight last In the road the steering gear of the j night all were reported to be suffering touring car broke and Ihe huge nn- no great Inconvenience from their chine took a header over a precipitous, thrilling experience. embankment, landing the occupants of the car In a heap at the bottom of a ditch When they had extricated them selves from , their entanglement , with each other, fortunately' they " were thrown clear f tha car they took to llnd Mr. Kunmbough's machine lay at the bottom of the ditch all night and apparently Is but little damaged. It waa Impossible to get It out of the ditch last night, ah tha embankment was so steep that it will have to be lifted out bodily with block and sn inVentory"1ff vthelr TnJlesano7tlfe. Tha "steepness 6ff ' tha em bankment was probably all that saved the party from serious Injuries as the car In going over, fell almost sheer, 'I lurowing inem clear or it. were very much surprised themselves all there. Or. Reynolds vvitn running ahead of the party in the louring car at the time and km w nothing of the nccl-, Those of the party who wern not dent until be reached Gieeuvilln Key- Injured were none the worse for their eial hours later when flic news was experience and on their arrival In brought to blin. lie Immediately j Groem llle entered Into the horse show hurrlell back to the scene of the ' festivities us enthusiastically as If wreck and reached du re about 7. flll nothing had marred their trip. ROBBERS LOOT EXPRESS CAR ON SOUTHERN NEAR AUGUSTA AND CET AWAY Knock Messenger Senseless awl Imprison Mini In Chest; Into City. (JOT LITTU'; MON KY. ron"..H' 'I (Uy As laled Press.) PITTSHI KG. May I 8. Test imonv sei'inlng to Indicate that the allegeu wire tapping operations against the Western I'nlon Telegraph company hml been going on for about five years was adduced imiav at the hear ing of K H Savior, former superin tendent of the company who is al leged to In- connected with the giv ing of Chicago board of trade grain imitations to divers ' persons who should not hav.' reci vedthe reports. Isaac N Hart", former general wire and repealer chief of the Western Un ion arid William 11 Kniith and William fl. Thompson, brokers of this city, were also given a hearing on charge? growing out of the alleged wire tap ping operations nd all were held for court on t-'.ontl ,ii. Hm-ti, ,,i m,t se. lire the iii i cssar.v bond and was i oinmilfeil ii jail 11a rto today testified for Ihe prose -mien and told of sums of money that to- and Joseph Crotzer, line foreman of the company and J. W. Price, man ager of the commercial tirri itiiurl. j rueni received from a brokerage firm I of this i-itv to furnish market quota tions lo the firm. I Crotzer testified thai when oreri me,, si .iuiiiib ,e I 'niniij i local brokers could not get the wires surrounding Alhan) In seareh of a ( front the Chicago board of trade, tap. negro who attacked the sixteen-year-1 n"r '"'re. they secured the quotations iron, iappe'1 wires at Huffalo. Ham mond Ind . and other points. I SCOURING COUNTRY FOR NEGRO RAVISHER (Uy Associated I'rcsx.) ' ALBANY. Ga.. May is -Two bun ! Id daughter of watchman at Ho Ld Wrd kland. nighl Albany foundry and with local brotherhood men regarding machine works, in 4he northeastern the strike of firemen on the Georgia railroad I Second Vii e-Presldent Ball, of the Urotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Englncmen. gave out a statement tonight In which he charges that the places of the white firemen out un strike are being tilled with negro Are. men. The officials of the railroad an nounce that the strike has not affected tlie operation of trains in the slight est degree. li (Ity Associated Tress.) At'GI'KTA. G.i , May 1". T bits boarded pa. -is-tiger train No. I., at Warrenton. s C ten mlb-M mil to night, got tlie drop un express nn s tiger Thomas I.. Ilutta, knocked him senseless with a piece of ruble t hose, pinioned bis arms behind hlh back, took the ki in, threw him Into an empty xpri-sH chest, l-s-ked hlin therein and ransa ked the car at will. The (rain makes up at Brajichvlllc and carries through express and mall from Charli'ud'in and ( Vdu-mbhi to Augusta. E. C Hurrell, agent of Hi. Southern Kxpress company at Auns ta. state's that the records show thai the robbers secured aliout $200 This is the first time on record that lie express has le-i-n of such small amount. Tin- average currency ex press thereon is IL'.ulO to 10,(I0. The robbers rode into Augusta and left the train .it llroad street, in tic center of the litv No one on III" ftrain knew of the incident and tin robbery was ri-d dlhivivcrcd until tic messenger was liberated at the union station, negro porters who were in engage in unloailmg the expn-ss hav Ing located tin imprisoned man bv his vigorous kicking within the I PETERSBURG IN GALA TARIFF STIRS OP FINE ATTIRE FOR THE COMING j LITTLE WRANGLE AMONG nfPflrqmriiiTTiFTTnniv! THE MANOFACTORERS ui i iiluiulii i i ni i i uuni (Shs IhI to, Tlie Clllsen.) CHARI-oTTK. May !. Although the Mecklenburir cslebratlon proper docs not hejln until noon tomorrow, the Queen City la thronged with visitors and every tnoomlni' train, brings additional loads of humanity from all sections of the Boiith. ' It Is expected that fully two fctundrod, thousand strangers will be In Chat -lotie next Thursday, the president's day. The city Is aldose ton if ht with Illuminated arches and He una nits of lncaoclicent lights, the latter being strung over the principal streets of the city. The. municipal buildings Hnd business Uvuuws tare iprofusely decorated with hunting' and electrlcul displays. An exhibition drill by the Charlotte" Are department and neld maneuvers by a troop of the Beventh, United1 States cavalry wero the fea ture of today's1 program, followed by a roncert by tha band of the Eigh teenth trnlted Btatee Infantry tonight, tJovernor'g Day. Tomorrow will e governor's dy and Oovernor Kltchln of North Car olina will he the host for the occasion, In the afternoon Governor Kltchln ami the visiting governors and lieu tenant governors of the Southern states will make addressee at the fair ground and In th ewenng the state's chief executive! will receive ,at til home, of Mr."C W. Tlllett. Ihe visit ing executives and the public general ly . Over three ttlbusand , Invitations hvo heett cent out and the reception Is expected to 1e mi of unprecedented. mariitudo. Thursday lreiiliienl's Day i- S" - 'ity Knll of Visitors Wlio Have Klorke.l 'I'liitlier to See ire, it Ones. tKIHCATK MON T MKNT1 Resolution Favors TaritT Afljiistnient Hut Not Tar iff Ki'diiftioii. KSIDKNT CMOSKN (My Asxfi-liitcil Press.) I'lfitsnumi, v.i.. m.iv i W'tb promise oi t.iir vveiitner. who iraio ids of vault'., comillK Into tlii' inv alid ",. I i. Ic almost vetv bo llT llle MIIVclllIlK horn' A f em o fee .it I 'eiilic Hill mansion 1'ef. I I , l t k Is O -I'll III Picf icivernot Sloarl Govrno, AriihaMSador .Jnssc, In e and lb cry detail I'orl Ma and lawn .OI.l-el. d. tit Tafl Hw 11 ,IM, md Admiral Slgs llie, dislltmulsheii man sonaK' s whom she will have as her muesli lomortow iriK house, and dim .1 are pai k onlv from ila' s K'.ets hot. I. board rnan.i prlvale tesl d Willi vl.-llors not i onl iv;uoiiH lo pi'lers- bul many i-l.ile ,md 'itjes af s lung d 1 11 a IM ''. The rn-nuri Kuril .Mahone I el n a nd Hoot I t.;.-i t tin I'elersliurg Is part of the cHy this evening. The girl was dragged from the road Into a Held and the negro threatened' that If she resisted him he. would gu i to her home in the night and burn up I the whole family while they slept. Sin- succeeded in getting away from him. however. by struggles and si reaming and hurried to tell her lather of what had happened f the negro Is caught tonight a lynching will no doubt follow In short order KEROSENE EXPLODES; BURNS PROVE FATAL (By AsNoclated Press.) HHEEiNSBOUO, .V. C, Msy id While starting a (ire with kerosene oil in a cook stove at the home of H Ft. Tatum today, a live gallon can exploded, and Nellie Graves, a color ed servant, was burned so badly that she died tonight. The kitchen of the Tatum home was destroyed by Are. 5H0WER& WASHLNGTON. May X 8. Forecast for North CMPOlina; PartJy cloudy. locl rain in weat portion Wcdn; day; Thursday local rain Ifht ! moderate northeast and eaat winds. nt tr nn v ' i .( I .r-. fll'I.Mtt "f N..r!h- t- hu )ni,lf'K fvT f-r'-(i-f In Hi' !S'utli tv lr"lfH( "i t;uiw Th" ni'M)- l'im-lir illi'l st;itut.- will 'l 'llf a t "l t if h . ;i t.'.i ,tt i n-rn'tiM I'n jfj-iit jTrift, ' I' i ti'ir Sw;inMMi hii'I ' -rii'r Sf mi rt l'tiriK w' h"'liH-'l fr yif' r IrtrlnlH x; nrlii'H'. Th' i -j -fri"iiit-s ni l oi t MjIion w ill l.r-Ktn t'iu I " )" k I Minor row iii'irnirm h r f wti-.f tv Hfl'-r ri-ctii f'r-Hi'l' ni Taft hm piirty will thri he drlv -ii in lo r-t"rliirK, Hfort'O ;i.(Ki men I ' i r;il himI 'ohf. -rat-veiern, mi III i;i . l;inlH, i Minn or KaiitKHtton, nr(ill r. r HuUr army koI di th, and thr V-rnhurg tin? depart ment. otiiprtJMiM in tii- ! -rt will 1" .Ww Vork. May Ik. TurlrT tnhnl- n I i f lew h I rnoKi involved the null omit hsk'i' Mlinn of ffiHiiifiifltirnr In a i wrjuiKle llil afternoon nfter the pre h ii(a I ion f 1 1 if omrnltte n on tin Iff .and ret Iproi ity ty (h (halllTlHll, H. I! Milf-H, or Murine, VVIh. Im'IimkI'in '.II-.wnI -hjiniK will' h K. H. fin of I A n poliH, flee la rffl t hat "It In iiiok! on for i iiriai'- that th im-hIIon of tar iff tf'i in (on Hhoti Ui lf forrefl on the iiskoi latlofi." lit- Mali that he 'itiject- 1 ! t' a Kerierwl loWerlnK f 'lljtleH HII'I did not I'Hik with favor on the i rea don i.f ii permanent hiIIT oniirih- i hjoft. Hii Ii a body, tj unld, ,' would " n I v t"i ol'nis n at Jonal anxiet y u nd li a w ' fit! aa rleH." The repfirl wan finally ad'tptd with the ret ornriciidatlon that the hmko tu ti'td ki on record hh favorlriK tariff ad ftiHt n.eril hut not nerrjwarlly tariff ! r du'-liofi. Adjournment wii.i then taken unt 1 1 tn or Io k tomorrow niorniriit V. H. fJoeok, fi relary of tin Annrl'an Ant I - hoyrof t hh'k latloti, ne- VI i V a rru IK lief f 1je hni ntt , Hlll'illK -t h r ' oh)e i loria e" f at ur'M of ir K id.eii ;i hor and Raid t hat la w and fiiwoii w'Tf "hihorH two )nnt friendH." The i orillTllttef ftp InterKtate eoill- mert e preHefitffJ m report ern dial Ink 'the folly of rent antl railroad I KKIattoii in many of our Hla!:, Hiid eKptw-tuily thf arbitrary 'twd-. t-nl a utlli" aet." Hpfaklrifr of ttie tariff revision the ommltf deplore national extrava KHfire an the taup for th hundred fiillllori dollar defl jt and the conne pient niTHity of Irwreaited taxation, f. HUKKeHts that the duti; on r-rudt-material! and Ktepi mffcht Hafcly have b;en further reJu cd to the ad van rrmldwnt Tart and hltf party will arrive Thumday tnornlnf hi upetds! car Rlta hed to Nn. 17, whlrh to due to reach Charlotte at ten oVtork. At North Chnrlotto the pronldontlal upee IhI will he mid by a delojcatiun of prominent cltljsetm and rorted to the HHyn h-otel. At nnon n enrort. ccmprlHlnir of the Ktghteeth United Kbiti-H regiment band, a dnligtion of Union and Cortfedoratn soldiers, tha United Htntej trvup and Mrs. Htono wall JaekeoJi will lend the prenld nt to the Ida reviewing Hand on Tryoo Mroet, wherft hn will review the mil itary and Indtiwtrlal paradf. After lunrhein nt the Hcdvvyn, th litfwld.iit will return to the reviewing HtfMid wherf h will deliver an ad- ilrena Following thin feature ft -will he ruf iirtfHl to Middle nhlvrndf y, tho eollegc ffr negroea, where ho will d llver an addn wn Ut thn rolored people. In (he evening tie will hold a public reM'piioii in the parlora of the KeU wyn and at 1 0 n't Pick will tMai .1 a npe lit! train on the return in Wah ingou. The Ktret-tM are alive with peopln tonight and every train Into the rlty Jh i-rttWfled with v4ltom. The pre diction of oirw hundred thou Hand vli Mora bV Thuradny In rnnwrvatl ve. FELL DOWN DEAD IS HE iSEDJUN TB FIRE Two Men Try t.o hitiinidat' AutoiiKiliilist ; One Dies Of Kxeitetncnl. one hundred of Virginia's h-ading and tage t the general manufacturing In wealthiest business men, attired In i,-rel. black derbies, while breeches and John Kierey Jr., of Dayton. Ohio, black legglns. All of them will b a the unanimous choic e of the nom mount'd on th ir horses which have mating committee as a candidate for taken blue riblMins at horse shows president of the association to sue and fairs. ! reed James W. Van Cleave, (Nmi ImI lo The HIm-m I HMKI.IIY. May 17. - (in Haturdsv . .i nliiK Insf lu. and Mrs. T K. Me iimyi'i while onl In their' automohl'i' a vi-rv reuiHrkable experience at liie'lM of two men in a hugg'. U hen liie automobile met the buggy thev iitopp,'d the machine and asked Ilic hugKy lo pass. The men in tin l eggy refused to do (bis. gelling out or the buggy at OUrc. fine mull held Hi. mule while tlio other starli-d lo' gun but fell over on liw ground unconscious Dr. JMcltrsyer exerted i-very effort lo save the man but proved urtHti' leK.'iful hm the man died within nn hour. II Is thought that tblf ( was due to the prejjudice In tlmf against autvmobllea. unriMintlv HISI KIKI1 l; l-M'MH WAiSIIlNGT'iN. May l.- I4te this afternoon the president sent to the senate the nomination of William Williams, of New Vork. to be com missioners of immigration at the port of New York. President Taft also sent to the sen ate today the nomination of Walter K Clark, a Washington newspaper man, as governor of Alaska to suc ceed Governor Hoggatt, resigned.

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