THE WEATHEB: CLOUDY. VOL. XXV. NO. 214. PRESBYTERIANS Would Not Hold Funerals on , Sunday nor School Class es on Monday FINANCIAL REPORT MAKES GOOD SHOWING Millions Spent In The For warding of The Various Ac tlvitles pf The Church I By Assorlatcd Press.) DI'.NVKU. Culii., May 21. Sunday Bin usements, the ithnlitlun of divorce mill the urgency of religious educa tion wt'ic the subjects dim-usscd by II)-' Kcneral assembly of the Presby terian church today. Two other subjects that threaten i tauae much parliamentary conlllct. the report of the executive ciimmW pioti ami the report of the commit tee on administrative RseneicH were brought before the assembly by lr, J D. Moffat nnil by Dr. 11. 1. Fuller ton. This afternoon's session was turned over to a celebration of Cal vin's (uadrloentennlal. A report was submitted by the Mtec'al committee on marriage and divorce In part ax follows: "In 1887 the total number of di- orci s granted was 27. D IS; and In 3'Jin;. 72.0C.2. The total number Krnntcd In twenty years was 94'i,R2r. Vrtaln of the states granted divorces us follows: "Pennsylvania In 1SS97, 1.097 di vorces and in 19Jli, 3,027: New York in 1SS7, 1,42. and In 1 !oi; 2.0fi!, and Virginia In 1887, 205 divorces and in 190i", 1,094. "Murely this surprislnfr and alarm ing increase of the numlier of ili orccH granted should call a halt and impress nil who cure for their country and love righteousness with the neces sity of tliBCc.verlntt, If possible, the causes of such a condition, and the possible cure for such a calamity." Sablwtli Observance. Among the report presented to the Presbyterian general assembly toda" : OVrtt-T the Pclal committee on Sabbath observance. The report says that the battle for the maintenance of the American Christian Sabbath the past year has been more aggressive than ever. "Not only," says the rojiort, "have the rrlends of the Sabbath met with fl (Continued on pane four.) I E GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON CONGO EIDEE QUESTION Adopt Resolution AskiiiL' President to Interfere in Case of Missionaries. OLDliR MKN OPPOSK IT DISCUSS SAB BATH AND HEAR REPORTS (lly The Associated Press.) SAVANNAH. On., May 2t. In a ri'Milulion and nn amendment to I. adopted today by the general assembly of the Southern Presbylericn i bur. h. President Taft is to lie asked to use liis Influence with the I!eli;ium gov ' rnment to have postponed the trial of two American missionari. s in th" 'ongo, who are charged with "cal nininous denuneiatioh" of ihe C'lin pany Kassai, n rubber company in which King- Leopold Is a principal stockholder and then to to It that the missionaries are properly represented. The resolution proper appoints Sunday, May 23, a flay of special prayer for the deliverance I'f the iniswionarieB, Rev. Dr. William Mor ison and Rev. Dr. W. H. Sheppar.f. ' from any miscarriage of justice un der the forms of law, and also for the deliverance of the people of fori Ro Independent state from the hand of the oppressor." Oldsters Opposed It. Dr K. M. Oreen or Danville. Va . (tiilrodijeed! Ar Teolutlon and Dr. D. S. Henderson of Aiken. S. G.. the amendment. One of the hading op poncnts to the amendment was Dr. G. W. Grafton of Mississippi, w'w stated that It was contrry to On church policy to appeal to the civil authorities; that the assembly is -(leeiastlcal strictly and that the prop er representations hail alreadv been, made to the government. Rev. Rich ard Ormv Flynn of Atlanta, rrad from the church articb s of govern ment which provides that no nppe il Fhall be made to civil authorities except in the form of an humble pe tition and in extraordinary rases H. nrfrued that the nmendmen' was hum ble and the ca,se extraordinary Th vote was taken and showed the younger men of the assembly line! up riehlnd the amendment. Some of (Continued on pagv five.) THE FIREMEN RESORT TO TIEUPTRAFFIC Trains stalled on Georgia Road. Malls Held up. Per 1 ishable Frleght Delayed STRIKE BREAKERS i ill ABUSED AND BEAlCN Appeal to Postofflce Depart ment And Commerce Com mission For Protection AUOrSTA. ;a.. May 21. Tho fire men's strike (in the (Je-orgia railroad is heeomlntf wry serious. The rail -ron says it 1m much m-oie Berious than It was at this time iaft nihi. White Fireman Sloan was forcihly ejected from the Thickhead train at Thi)misun, forty miles net tonight. The imsenger and mail laid hvt un til 1 a. ni.. lh r' and mistd all a. necthins. A freight loaded with pr ishahle onris Is on the sid. track at l,ltlKnia near Atlanta. Three tire men have hecn pent to It ami all liav failed the oompanv and :he armed guards were arrested for carrying concealed wen (mils. The Virayune due here at fi.4f. a. m., is .-till tied up at f'aimi'k, Three trains are side tracked at Dealing. A in'xeil tra'n, two through freights and two local freights are ih-d up at Fumn Point. lTnited States postal inspi tors havo have reached there to protect the mails. One through fr itrht is tied up at Thompson. At Thmnpson t--lay an angry crowd jerked the armed guard from the engine, hear him and on".-rcd him hack to Augusta APPKAIj TO WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. May HI. A trie prram was received at the postoffioo department today from Thomas IC. Svott. general m.mnsror of the (looi cla railroad at Augusta. Oa.. expros':- ink apprehension over the poss'hility of interference with the movement of the mlls as "the result ft n strike of fireman on that road. Th- telegram w turned over to Atorney Oeriora.1 Wlckershatn who ha Instructed the United Wntes (tistrict attorney for that section to take such steps as may be iwarr-tnte-d by the situation. The jil istofUco IV'P.'irtment lias in structed its oftloi rs to co-operate wit't the I'nited States district attorney to sec- that then- Is no Improper Interfer- f rnutlniir.l nn page four.) TRIBUTES OP RESPECT PAID DEAD FINANCIER Master Mind of Standard Oil Honored in Death Wherever Known. INTKKMKXT TODAY I (ty Tile Associated Press.) NEW YORK. May 21. 'I ne funer al .of the late Henry II Rogers was hcl.c. tinlnv, services being conducted at tko 'hi)reh of the Messiah by the Rev. DrJRobcrt Gollyor, pastor em eritus and a great concourse attend ing. Among those paying tin- last tribute of respect were men high in the e. .mmer, i ll and indus'-lal lorld, while throughout the country where- v. r the Standard Oil company of whN-h Mr. Rollers w.-is the active load, honor was paid his memory. John D. Rockefeller could not at tend the funeral as he is in Hot Springs. V.i.. with Mrs. Rockefeller. However, lo si nt a long 'telegram to Mrs. Rogers expressing lil grief. On the lisi of pall bearers wre William Rockefeller. John D. Areh bold. L L. H-df.od and l inn s A. MolTett. of Hie standard Oil e,,mpany: Samuel L. I'l.-mmoTis (Mark Twain). K. II. Harriman. KIb. rt II. Gary. M 1 ville K. Sbme. James M. lie. k. John D Ryan, ('barbs A. I'eabodv. G.-.u-ge V. , rkms. Dr. G G. Re'. . Raymond Dupuy. General Janes Jorrdan and Col. A. G. Payne. A special delegation from the Nor folk Virginian board of trade who were interest, d with Mr. I'.og, rs in the building of his Virg.nian .in road, atli tided the r uneral. The body of Henry II. liners Il.-s. tonight in his l-'air H iv n umnvr home. Tomorrow th.- funeral servi ces w ill b, h. Id in the b. antiful I'ni tarian church, a gift or M -. Rog. r in memory of his moth. r. HOVOItKH IN NOKIOI.K. NORFOLK. Va . May 21 Al! trains have he n ordered slopped and operations suspended on tie Virgin ian railway during the funeral al Fair Haven. Mass. tomorrow of th, late Henry H. Rogers. Tie Hags of all transportation eompani.s terminating at Norfolk nre living at half mast, in respect to th i memory of Mr. Rogers. TO INTIMIDATION ASHEVILLE CITIZEN". ASIIKVILLK, N. MUST DO IT FIRST Member of Parliament Speak er at Last Session of Ar bitration Conference SOMEBODY SHOULD SPEAK TO WILLIAM Tells Assemblage That if Pres Ident Taft Is to Take Init iative Should Do It (II J Associated Press.) MOIIONK LAKH, N V.. May 21. Yith an imposing array of speakers' the f.fth annual meeting of the Duke Hohoiik coni'erc tu n International arbitration concluded Its deliberations tot iht. The sneakers included the right Hon Janus Brvre, the llritisli n.nili.'.ssador; Alfred Moseley, London; Ki pn-M illative Itichnrd Itarllioldt. of Missouri: Kilwnrd J. Wheeler, I'runk Ohtipin liray, and Dr. Itichard Watson Gilder. Dr. Moseley, a member of the house of i ommona took up the causes which led to the present feelinK between IJiiKiund and Germany, beginning witli the now famous interview of the Ger man emperor. "1 believe," he said, "that the Ger traa emperor means well for hi own country ami the world at large but these utterances caused suspicion and have Klven rise to discussion In tin 'louse of commons -csultihK In the Incp asc in the navy. "New It is proposed by ome that Mr. Tatt take the Initiative In saying bometMiiK to ICmrlnnd and Germany. Hoi I am not at all sure that Mr. Taft would care to umlertuke that task. If he does may I suggest that he turn his Mention to Germany?" lOitultiml In Willino This brought an outburst of laugh ter Klul when quiet wan restored Mr. .'ioMoley went on: "I will tell you why. England hof r reposed to Germany to come to some umle gtahdlng In regard to arma ments but has received no response I'.ngland is willing and she has shown her Willingness to limit or reduce her n.mnment providing other nations. Germany especia lly, would do the sai, .'. And if Mr. Taft would bring about that happy state of things I am M'nnlinued on pae four,) NOVEL METHODS USED TO ENTRAP PROSECUTION,' WITNESS IN GRAFT CASE (I rapliophone Attached. t Telephone to Pet t.rd Wit ness' Conversation. DRAMATIC MOMENT. (lly The Associated Irrs.) SAN FHANOISl'O, May 21 Pat trick Calhoun's trial on a hriherv (barged ended Ihe most Importan' week of its live months -ession to night w ith the adjournment of ( ourt Rudolph Spn ckles. who linailcee 'the prosecution, and Di teetive Job.i Hi IniK allernated as w itnesses toda Late in the afternoon Assistant Di-' , trict .Attorne- lb ney. ignoring two re straining onb-rs Issued by a conn -of similar jurisdiction, announce.! th.r that he would ask Judge Law lor'. : p- rmlsslon to open sealed packages si ied in the search of the oCiiee oi William M. Alibolt, general conns.-! ' for the I'nited railroads, and allcgei' to contain dm um- nts siot.-n from. til. i.flice of William J. liurns, head ol the prOHCeUliotl'a Special dlteitieS Arguments on the Issue were deferred 'until Monday. Helms de. iareil that several effott. had been made to preenl his ap p.-arance as a witness In thi Callmun trial. Since his arrival In this city I h- declared, a nlot had been laid ir. tin- olf'K-. of W. H. Metzon, a prom . inent atiorney, to trap him in a con versation over the tcli ph.-ne. Tin j testimony follmve-d an Inquiry by Mr. ' Rogers who asked the witness if lo 1 knew- that a graphophonc had Im-ci ! attached to the telephone while h. .was speaking from the other end of the 1 i n . A dramatic outburst occurred whep Hi-luis charged that attorney Abbot had once expressed to him a w i-ii that "pome one would shoot Il. nf y" and Stanley Moore had rongrat . ulated him on his performance in foll'Kwing Rurn9. Stanly Moore rose In his j. lace at the conns. ! table and . w nv(.lc- trem bling with anger told Helms he was "lying like a dog" and perjuring himself. ' Helms leaped to his feet and defied the attorney to make good his change. (Shortly after tills episode court ad-Ijourncd. READY TO DISARM BUTOTHER FELLOW C, SATUIUUY MORN1NO, t ii i i 'i ro T Mi ir look if LiKC. K BIC I TIME f WHIPPOORW1LL DEAD, CORONER S JURY EXONERATES WADE WILSON Climax of Shooting on College Street Last Friday Brings Strange and Contradic tory Results. Prisoner Released From Jail After His Victim Dies. Albn Whlppoorwill, the Indian, who was shot last rriuay nrternoon uy ade Wilson, died at the Mission hos pital about five o clock yesterday morning, and Wade Wilson, who was held, charged with the homicide, was released from custody by the coro ner's Jury late In the afternoon, the icrdlct of the Jury helnfr Justifiable homicide. llson w as arrested Immediately fler the shooting, and was held for several days pending a definite turn in the condition of the Indian. HU wound while dangerous, developed no bad symptoms, and it was thought that he would remver. . Thcceupaa Wilson was given a hearing on the charge of assault with a deadly wen- pon. before Judge Cocke nnd was re leased on JRtlO bail. This was last uesday. The same afternoon com lications set in and Whlppo. .twill's onditlon became more Serious. Judge Cocke thereupon had Wilson re-ar- reslcd and he was held without bail the ! ending the developments if case. Coroner's Inquest. Coroner M.uris impanelled a Jurv of inquest, which met at the under taking establishment of Noland Rrowii and company yesterday after noon to view tin remains and hear lie testimony as to the tragedy. An mtopsy proved that the bullet ha I p. nclrMcd the low - r lobe of the right 'ung, Irotn which pneumonia had s. t in, r. -suiting In death. Tu.- first witru.-H called by the coro ner was T. C. llrown, who was in Mix -'outturn's place on College strict at, EYES OF THEIR CHILD Savannah Man Confesses tc IJrntally Slaying His Yoiinj-: Wife. NOJM-' tl.K. Y IVi'Mi-H, :th if"M ins.UM-. t'oluy I 'i. f.n Hi., t rr ii il.- hilil. h- Hlri Hi.- h. ii-l will) ht r hint IT'S li-'ii Hinct, writing h t. Illntr r h r h; hiT i . uMki nil -t W h'-n Ml r ii U 1 1 ilm-.r inst;i rc J i'v I'!, y w.i ;i Tinr- and pi -lv-fhfs faiiM1 h' .i van nit h, ; .i Miss Niir'i.-;t Id i t-nry-S' .-n '. . . ! ;ilv wit h h. i nn !( lial I- i-.-l.l.fl h.nt iv(.rk ir. Nnrfolk d( nt. . Miiy 2 1 . KuK' n t'i ni lih-r, n r- iit I . 'I hlM youiiK wi'- I of tlM'fr lit- 1 1 1 ir t h WMiiii n m er i rts f)if ill 'iiii hiMic nn M:ilti i ! wr to lift- innl li r it lol in !if.' ijkI nf ilrjllrttlhMl Ji'Ml'.ll-V In Wt'JI pull t I)'' i i i.:t opi-n, Killing hi - t.-.1, . ) a rliHhc- tu .1,. I - w if--, w h- w.i.i !, of A UKiiM :i. :i n- ( aiit- h- i- pr- -i- chll.lrf ii T't. i una Mo to i.l. tii i i l l tM-rarm Hi-Hpt.ri- WASHINGTON. May 21 . Forecast for North Carolina Partly cloud Saturday with rain in northeast por tion, warmer; Sunday partly' and warmer; light t moderate variu ble winds. m.VV H:, VM)K Something Doing. ye.. ' the Um of the shooting. Mr. llrown slated that the Indian, who had liee.i drinking, went to Ihe place where Wilson was standing. An argument followed over a dime. Wilson theft told Whlppoorwill to get out of the room. At this Juncture, according to Mr. Drown, the Indian reached Into hi locket and drew out something Which he held In his hand. The wit ness tould not state what this article wus. Wilson then took a pistol and placed It on the counter. This act brought forth a reply front- tha In-i diuu lo the effect that "he ate them things." " Wilson titan Okgnln (mtnrA the Ini.lnn to leave. The Indian thi"H oceanic enraged and made a grab for lie- pistol with his left hand at the ya-uc time swinging at Wilson with bis right hand. The pistol tired, hirt iliowu could not tell whether It was n.i io ciilental discharge or whether Ihe liigger. was pulled by Wilson. The next wITYrcss who testified was Co-iiii- Thompson lored. Thomp- so.i e;if employed lv Wilson nnd at th-- t tin'- was standing near Wilson. His toHllnonv was the same lis that of i ' own except that Thompson Iden tified the tomahawk which the Indian di- w Irotn his p.M k.-t. Another i;.ve Witness. Tin last witness called was J. W. An-!. i-.n. lb- gai the following cvl- (O PC.- ' Semifine in liie evening I went In to Ihe son drink place Tu- Indian was Gore drinking a boltie of ncar b. . r Wilson ami the Indian had wojds over ih- pavuM-nl for tile hot- CAPT. HIS DRUGGED TD AFFEGT INSANITY (iiantitii s of Moi'jtliinc Said lo Have Ili'cn Immiii! on I liiii When Scarrlm!. (lly AsHocliiti-d Tress.) " AHIIXHTiiN, May '-' 1 -I'aplain !'- t- r (' llairi.--. jr.. who was sent 1.. .-tin-.: for th. killing of William I'. .l. Ills. S alleged to IKIVC bill. d'ugi;..' with m-.iptiine t II r-oig in. lit Ioh li . .1. I'.nongh m-irphllie t-. kill a man was I'm. no li'i Hams' clothing, il I" said, w lo ii Ii, wan m alclied after hie ep i, ic . and there ii a rumor that he III !,. J. .i I 1 1 . -Ill Ml il SO i l.le. in A. (' I'.iini.., of I'lu.Mhinir. on--of io- p I ow . ut i. oi' :i li.llislH at tie ,1 ii I'.ipt.iiii Hiiiij. said yestt-r-il.n 'In . . . I'l-.S. I liter Oe-.t ge A I I ; . e. I ..l m C II I' I I d 11 1 1 U Uie t-.'t.U ml I II m- S h' il IT Harvey had In boo that morphine bad b.-. i, i,.( in . '.ii.l.i in I lain' (lot his Wl.ll M 1 " 1 11'" II II" "III III" II ,1 le, n n si ni. oi . M indai The morphine a .. -ipm .1 in r foil and then, were ihiiti-.-ix eiajhw oT it. This ;ih trior.- th..n i i eli I" iioeomplixh (bath. "I tegard tie- finding of tip ni'.r-l-bine ; a - -inlii mat ion of mv "pinion . in v.-. d . ontiii slv that the cap tain's .tic r I. Ii,i oT in court was due to hi' h. ing ilriigg- -I lie had All the s-. 1-pliini.i. of a iicin 'Hid- r tin- it.llu- il i laorplolie. ' n i' guv.- him the "Icrv look in Ho- ...s. whhh would m i I- l.i np n beic -. . he was a luna tl( ." Df.-'trlet Attorl.ev I'rederirk '!. I). Witt, of Cueeris county, who prose ( til d the (.aptain, said last night: "I K.-ild all along tiie captain was dregged. There was no doubt whatso-ei.-r that some one was giving him il.ngs during the trial. I made every effort to spot It." I tie. He told the Indian to go mil Tha Indian went out. 1 went to lo. lower end of Iho counter iunl picked up the evening puper. In fourmlii u ton the Indian came back Into tin place. As he ramo back, he ssys: 'I'm a bad Indian'. I looked up from my paper then, and I saw him lake his hand nut of his right hand coat pocket and.' step upon the rail with his left arm on the counter with ioiiii hind of rock In his hand. Then he aid: 'Hee what I've got here'. I saw something in his, right, hand.. I tint rot know what it was. I went hack to reading the. paper. ' I saw Aathlng more - until t heard Wilson suv : 'Get out of here." The next thing I knew the pistol fired. I look ed up and snw the Indlun step back- w aids. "lie asked for a match. Wilson told I- in to get out. He told him to get out, stay nut nnd not bother him." Identifies Tomahawk. Anderson was then iiuestloned by the Jurors ns to whether he saw the Italian strike. He replied that lie did imt. No further evidence was given by Mr. Anderson. Sergeant Lyd.'i then showed the tomahawk In his possession. This 'vcaiion was ftmntl by Mr. Lyda on (Ik bin k counter of the cash regls ti r Mr Lyda stated that Wilson had I Id i lm at the station that the In dian had been striking al bliii. The Jury were out about -twenty minutes and returned a verdict of Justifiable homicide, Wilson was Ini ii cdiali ly released. TAFT BACK HOME SAYS HE WILL COME AGAIN Was I'leasf.l With I lis Kn tertaiiiiiieiit in tin Tar Heel State. (N,o lal to The I'lllwii.) WASIIINOT" iN, May 'Z I . I'lesldent T.ifl. leiiiinlng from I 'Ji.i I bd Ir, North I ai . hi, a. r. a. b. ,1 W ashington at 10.10 ti. in , tod. iv. 'I'll, pr-sidejit found Mi- Taft much in. I i . .1 in h all li. The president re i.-lti. W l.s I 1 1 1 . S ' 1 1 1 US a tlllHlec of tile f I ;ite i-lon Institute ill llirnliton Va, sod bid accepted an Invitation to .pe;ik Ihi-i-- on Sunday attetnoi.n Il- st iied on tlo- train, liowev. r. -!!. s- Mis. Tail wasnbl.- to tioilc Ho I'lp with him he would p-.Op'Ole h.s isit to th.- Virginia lid 1 1 u l ion. ( ' -1 li - .iil;l of Ihe I uld weather He prej-i I. i, I l.,i,e, afl.T i. a- lung Hie while house that II wool. I liol be wise to 1. 1,.. rti. lo- the trip at this turn and In- eli graphed, cancelling th-- engage mini. The president will iisil H ini. I II pr, diahlV ll.fole he leaves, W-U-tl- in'o f.o the siimni' r. Mr. Taft enjoyed the two davs a I I'. terborg and I'harlotte in n- u i- . -I t. he declares todav The presi dent was urged o visit ti" South (gain and said h.i ivoui.l b- more than gin. I to do so. lAVOKK OIJ U.K I'KSI. H'AS!nNV;TftN. May 21 --7 ;i rom n.itl'i' of ih- rnlt-'ij Ktiitfx civil k't . it ' r t In nwnt rfimrnlHHlin which --ill i upon him today to n I Iwt his .nlt-r'Kt In yam il;in for takliix crc f FiipornriiiHt'l r-in ploy r of th U'lvi-mnii nt, Pn nidHnt T(t, flirlar(I thHt hf' waa In hnarty yminthy with n.-j projoct that could b il'viwj. Associated Press Leased Wire Reporta. PRICK FIVE CENTS. MAYSETTIMEFDR AT SESSION TODAY Senators Bjpcomo Personal And Stir up Squalls In Course of Debate SUBSTANTIAL WORK WAS ACCOMPLISHED Many Schedules Agreed Upon at Yesterday's Session Including Mica (It) The AaMH'Uilcd Press.) WASHINHTON, May 21. Ther were some o nulls loihiy on the 'll- toi in I sen, hut not w It listandlng, tha tariff hill made progress. Indeed, unite a numlier of paragraphs wro passed iiHin, and while In most In stances they were disposed of wlttl the usJdr-rslindlnK thut the"setlats nilglil still return to their consid eration. It is the general opinion that w ry few. If any. changes will "m made in must of them. The polished plate glass provision is ah exception. Th1 yotifco rates were retained In this paragraph but with the under ntandlng that when the bit! In taken up In the senate proper, It now being considered as In the commute of Hit whole, there will prohaibly be oiti alterations. The so-called "progres sives" criticised the house rale as too high, while Benator Oliver, who rep resents the jrltiss producing atata of I'ejuis.vlvnnlii contended that tho rittti was i niltely Inadequate to the proper protection of th plate glass Industry of the t'nlted States, eoieritl MmiT ek'Iiedllle, Th" interests considered (I u ring tho dav riuiRed all the wy from mlc-fi and feldspar to automiobllea, Pegln ning ulili the (iirthenwar sChsdule, a number of committee. reOommsndR lions were aduptod early In th day.' Thesq included n marked Increasw t feldspar, and a decided reduction Ort Kypsum. There was also a reduction' In mica from tha Dln-rley rritr Thi' oame un Interruption by Benator OuWV borsitn who msdo a act ipeectt oul' ' lining the deinocraw posUltm o th , tariff. He declared that (nl demo-' cruls were neither protectionists nor free1 tmdern, but advoeatet of iarv enue for tariff only. ' ' ' Following Mr. Culberson' speech about four hours of the tlrne of the senate were devoted to the paragraph fixing a duty on electric light car bonds, The Dingh y la provided rule of ninety cents per hundred, while the proposed Jrovlsliin which was adopted fixed sixty-five cent per' hundred feet on high grade and thlr-' tv-llve Vents on low grnrte cnrboim. ' ""o'ltlnned on page four.) WITH ATTEMPT TO KILL ACCUSE ITIM'S WIFE hiwlaiv She Promised Five Hundred ho I law and a MinV In AsKi'lHWUIH. U:T Til KM IN IlOtTHK. f.M-rla 10 TIh ftiin ) KM V 1111,1,, N t, M.'ty 2! At lits iMriri'- Ifi Hull II-rut towiiKhtp thin iiiiiilv, 'Cm hi la y n in lit l"l w i ni trli Jiri'l ' lf n oYlnffc ;t rtnifl'-roiiii ha MauM ,m mailt' tiiiun TtnmniH Karriwr : n, lo! and plrt'd Hi- had K iii'l and il.zinK wniti In hM '-mi ' oni imiH i-otiditlon, 1tT Xau - i it - at - ir- t m " i ' 1 i m in t)m roorn, ho . in Ktiu-fi a i ' 1 1 1 1 1 , hut hi-' wai i lp . t.i j rn p I roii i fi- hd nnd I 'l Hnf "i t h i' liloAn and a j;iinfih"t A-.i.i.d in Mi- .ildmiii h- (U-d Trom tli.' )i . - l . v injiMurd hy hiH n inl ui 'in h'iti f-fiiKc nt hl rtitHfr'H S. .' 1- v hnndr-M yardr diPlfint II- wAv .ii.i- m n riiKnlw hlM nwnll-.,r,t- lii.weil, whiU'. 17 y.a-fi Id ni.! u n 1'iirmiT, (colored. I'd i'Tii' .M. It'iih fled, Tjut wen nrr's: Dtf at id. home -r ftn Furnur's fs t 1 i in-ar Stun I "nlnir. In WflHun i .Miitv, ihiw mornliir? nl"int four 1'" k l-v ihe hi rjff of (hiK county. Tin v w re Ifith In the aatfn- ht-d v In 1 1 nrr..Ht' d. Tli- v ronf'-HHcd, Im ili afiiiiT T"ni Fanner' wife. MtatlMff that Hhe iKid pr"mi.d ilictn (le hun- If'd d'-MaiH and a mule and hiiKjcy 1 1 tin won Id kill l-'iu Tii'-rJ and that Mh" turn'-d fhirn in th" hoiiH-. How ell a lo utaivd hot for hint the neurit t Id ha w uho( Kiirmrr throuiRri a window n't hi piKd r'n hottfle, Jo whlrli h Ihd hut that In- (IfiMvIM ntopped him. Mix. 1'arrn r and the two boyn ar. in jail here at ?now Hill now. Only n-eently M r. I-amuT ontf rod lriti poKHi-Hwion of neveral thousand dollirs worth of properly from her falher'H estate. Th physician fttfltr that Karmrr ha a lighting rhanc for Ufa. VOTING Oil TIFF