'nn: sunda Y cttizent, M a y 23, iooo. r -a MlltHHIIIIIHHI MttH SOCIAL AND PERSONAL In all The World of Pianos Pretty Belt Pins Special at 2c A t' place on sale a su- )'!) (Kilertion of Belt fins, sell in; for 25c, . jx-cial for 19c (eacli. Special in iOhite Persian awn :vi in-li Wliitt- JVi i.i n I .;is ii, w hi t Ii v;inl, n-fai 10c a yard. M J iin. I t audit..' urni m . v...,i' I ' that cil'. '.ill aljm I-.- chortii. 'i'h.' ii- .-: t ! . i- . I lit i' f ! -.i.m a l.i t a . fll' tit I1. II I U Xi V. I .111 I !! Ill IMIIIItttlllllllMIMHH1, llllr i-1' --5S Wi,irii I it I II! I .V k in ' ri I r on i . . Im it a t i ' 'H J. ;i ' :i ! ' ' t 'i i III -I ta . h in. M ! -r i.i-li- i ;,l . ; t .. trench Croud r u'i. I. '."1 i:- . 1 1 r curium, v. hb h will :k ' i i- row -ft.fi; fit !f- I Ii ' i' 11 ft.lllll Main r-'r -. !. ,1 Mi., follow ,m; v - i 1 i.-.in i- ..pi. h.v l.e.-n ur- d fur th pi-.i' in Ml Aunt- il.nl. .m-: Mia. It. ' ' f;ft.vtnt .'.tin wilt rive ..'..I r- iii Hons; Mli Kl..il .lli I'. .in i 1. 1 . nil-1 Mis 1 tl.L llntliltl.rn. kontrall., Mr Charles N I. hi. Ik. huiiim. I ii M 1 rViom ll. lnllnM: Mr, l-.li.il Sonne i liu.jil.t ; tin Ashivi;!' in il' ii'iii'-t nnil the Cap pa brtliis 'iii..i ni.il suitor. Tin- NH-mtii'i h ' Hi. 1'iiir'i Bruad council and Ih.-Jr friend ae 1 ladhe and vMtlluf tncu.l,. r. ..I n.. Itoyal Arcanum are .nllii 1 1 v Invit. .1 J . Thn ihoir of Trinity rhiinh v I' Rtvn a m in r i r1 at the ltall'i-, I'atl: hold Thursday im 1 1 1 1 u : nl X o'. I". ; . "Tin' luuKliti r f .lalnis," tin canta ta willed wa mini? scvcud Slunla.v (tg4 lit Trinity chureri Willi nun ii KVCCCH, Will be ripelll' 1 lilel will WCUpy frs lirl "f the iri.Kr:in Th aeeond part will lie mliwil an. v Thoau tn klntr Iiart will be Mis H.Im von Ituok. Mrs. ) C. Hamilton. Mi iiurnett Julian, Mr. J n in (i. stt ilo -leather. Misa Mae Kinilnrly will lie BcoompQniMl. The member of the choir for wlwim, tin' ri.nrcit In glvt n. Will dlpM of tbf llikolH. Tlekem Will nimi bt on Halu hI the rmit Healty tMitnpany'K offleei. The enn- 5rt Will lie ut IntereKl to t lie Jinlillr. Who will lie k'iiU of Hie i:inrtuiiily to heur nut only I he moIiiIki, hut tin cuoUila nlo. Trinity onlil not huh tho crowdm of peiple who went to hoar Its flmt production. Tho Young Womfin' Mlmlnnary eo rlf'ty of thu Plrt l'rewhytei lan rhiireh fwIII mcft Montfny uft'riioon ut fi n'tlofk at the renhlnec of Mr. J. A. Hlnelalr, 197 Clii-atnul tret. 'A fenlurn of the Kuh tn K-mulo eol romimerK enii'nt exurc luen yenti r tlny WBd the IntHritiiiK utjiioiineement that 0. Hxaiitlfiil nu'inoiinl la to be jiku'Pd In Aliimimu hull. lh eolleRi hull of tuAatury, by one ,ir dm mini rltl. tli Alpha Keltu 1'hl. The me mortul In to b an ixiiiIh1I jihie or tatuary of the Uncut Carrara murhle, importwl dlrei t from Italy, anil Im to tw placed In tho hull In memory of Mian HJu Wllile. who wui u iiiemlic, f th Bororlty anil Kiiuliinteil two yrjira airo, dyliiK only ii few week later In Jamaica, where hIih Im.l Rone to flalt her arntii. TIm mond Kriin.l ramrt taut nlKlit wn a dellKhlful uocpaai The foneralnureate aiTmon ttAfora th fiaihmt will he pniieh"il In memorial hall tomorrow by lr. Klnoald, paator of thi KUiit Prenliy tcrliin lmrrh of Chiiflntlr. The anhject for the vcaper Kervlee t the Youtitf V'omen'H rhrlMllan uh- eoolatlon thla afternoon will be "I'ltnt j .hi' v.. ii win i .. i i. I i r: ' I. . J.I I II' II e Ml Hill)' Ml. If. 'Ii.- ... ... In. Ill lillliill- I 1 !.' - ..I 11.. : I .. It .llc ., I I'.. V. II. "j I. 1 1 t...'iiit:' ii lei. nt: I-.,., . . ij. I i, . -.. ..... 1 1 .. iri .Hi"" III.. I ! ' '. I -e IL I. ;.: .' in , ... ie i I.-..M hll i i, mi. .: . .. h . ..lloiil-l I' NV oh l.ii ;. o ii 1 1 I mi .i ili'. when lit' V ' I ii I i V Hi' ' ' ' 'In : i i .-IT ..r Sli.i .v pint,.. .11 I ' . t I i "In II" me I -r i In' .i i. . r .. linn n il nf Hie ii. . t i . mi. ,in I. ii I Inn . r Ml.- Iln. i-i ii. I" . I.. ..ml 1 I I '"ii I li'l " ' li'iii' ' " '! I. ii I ii; i . In a p ..r me. Hum VI a. 1. 1 pi.. I. ... Slile Slleff. Chas. M. Slicll Munufai turer nf the Anlsili- Slleff, Nhaw, anil Sili ft S lf liiiyer I'lanon. HOITIII'IIN VAI!i:iM S Wcat Trade KL Charlotte, N. C. V. II. WIMHOUTII, vj Maiuir. (Mention thin paper.) hreiiin" will be played on Hie lampni on two uni alnhH 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 k I he wek Hi v Neamh r U'ooil, of MnntKoinery, will ili liver tin- bin ralaor, ale Herrnon mill lite illplntllllH Will be preHellted June :iril, nml Mr Kilvvard MIiiin, I'll I', "f Trinity eolbiji , will deliver the ( 1'ifihK addreNH. 4 .4 Mr. and Mrn. tleorne V VaiiKhan nnilollllre the eh ll Keinen I and np IH'iiiehlnif inariiiiK'' nf their duutili tir. VarKiiri't liouln. In Mr Nathan itaiiHel Wild The nianiun" will lake I lain al IteidiiiHl, I illl nun i the hnlnit of the Iniib 'n pureiilx. June Itb, nt in" oYlnek In the alii roomi. Miss NitiiKhan 1m f i n Iti.tmi. Mimt, and Iiiim tnaile inn n v fli.nilH ilniiii her lftlili in,. In IIiIh l. Mi Wild Ik the pay maHl.-r of the (iiatiiplnn l-ihr. i ' 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 v anil i nine In tantnn frntn ('In. Iniiall. Mr. and Mm Wild will eilth in I'anton nfler their rnurrhiK .4 .4 ' The Aihevillc Heboid liom.H ahortlv and the program whlrh exti-ndn over xeveral dav.". la of Ihli n wl. Alnhilav, Mnv :il, p m Teniiln I rellin I na i li a. Tin tiilny, :! p. in. - Tennl'i prellml-aarlr.ff vveilriemlav. :l p. in Trap Hhnotlnu. P in Max, hall Kami Whiles Thlnf".'" Ir lllckok will ... tin peaker nnl MIkh lavhlmn Mill eltiK n aolo. The meellnic will Im at fmii o'ctork anil a hearty weleome will he ncrairiled all uliia anil women, both id inia BiTvirn mm io ine iniormai j fn.pi nie, i iinur arierwarns. aiii-iuiou in i-ant'ii ; itl,,.t to an Im port ant nieetliiK of the tv- Hiimmv, II a m. - s.tv ie.. .v Idv rntlvo -ominlttre, Monday inornliiK V , J,',. .i, i.-rlor' of Trinity i hur. h paicy iwi'iny-iiiiiriii. ili ii ii-uinir, mnn I'a VM. Mine. Thnraday. p m l-'rliln v. 3 p. nt - me.t Saturday, ?.no p. in 7 :i p. hi. T. nnl.i fl 1 1 ul ii. mi r forniH Held I'pp.-r fiirmn Kit Kat ban oVIvck, The. regular tUeetlnit of the TtParii' of (tlroeforH will be held Tina Ujv mornliiK at "U-thlrt'. .4 .4 MIhm Oraeo Clenilonln ami Mr. lver tt t.. Vhlfer. of Htateavllle, wa re miu--r(ed jinterday tnornlnif at the r'Hl-' itenoe of Mrn. H. 1". Rmlth. on Aahe land aveinii- Th eeremony w uh per formed ly ir It 1' Smith, afl.r tthlell Mr. and Mrn l'hll.r lift for Hlnte.MVllle. wh.r. liny win r.Mide. Mr Thlfer ha-- Tur two .-ats I n u tennner at I'mlaiid Itusl itnl.. al Hot KprlniTK .4 ,4 MIh." Aiiev KnlilnBiiti sail MIkk N'nnry Clarke, nf llrevard, nn- tin iii- MiiiiOay. Juno 7 .l.ilo p. m Ileal r.ii'i .i 7 :i(i p. m Sniinr baiiipiei. 'I'm ."day. :i p m. W'olnr apoliH t f l" Last hlht ,x.i,n,. .4 ,4 The Hlxth annual in. . ; Inn nf the board of examine!. of Iniln. d nurnen Of Vni ih Caii.llni v 1 1 1 b. , nt !;,l li:h Jim" :;, 'J4. Tuemlay. Wed li. -.la-- and Thuid.iv. Th,. mectliiKH 'll he In 1,1 la th,. Hl, r I Ik-Ii ; 1 1 '"iibliiiK. Ii-kiiiiiIuk al ; p in . Tin-Miiav, June :';'n,. Nhom arn ro ipi .!'. I t.i apph tn the Hi'i-n-liiry f"r il l' a ili. hi blanks. .4 ,4 Mr. and Mm rh.iri.s t. liarke nn- II. Mllli .. the .iil;iL... ,i ..I IK.. -I. in in .'i in- KniuuuiillB eiafu at tni'l Ter Mmnn ltnii;lli. t CiilUllil.la enlleKe fnr Women. Thejs.ive ''Ii. limine, , oonitlielli enii at ex. ivli.es rommem-e : i'lnn ...l.n .Inn,. .;i , .."in. AMimiiiiimer ik'iii ehnreh, Th Mr H I'r.uiklln ill l.ik'. phu'e I the I'hrUnan l'ilde elafer. Ml4 RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS OF Cotton, Silk, Pongee, Mohair, Bengaline $5 to $20 Special Values in 3ephyr Suitings :.! Zephyr Suiting in a lionler effect, Yl in lies w ide, for tlie week nt 19c a yard. YW advise you 1o call curly fur this special. lHc grade of Cotton Koulanl, fancy eolr-. 2H inelicH wide, special at 12 Jc yd. Mercerized 'lieckcd (lingham, 24 in. wide splendid stock to choose from, social at 15c a yard. Cotton Poplins in all the latest shad.s, easily the choicest assortment in the city, priced at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, and 45c a yard. Cotton Crepes are very stylish at the present time and will be in great demand for the next few months, in the solid colors and also the stiped effects, priced from 15c to 25c yard. Colored Press Ainens at Special Prices We cany a very large and select stock of colored Dress Linens as most Asheville wo .men know. During the coming week we will oiler our superb stock at the following special values: 25c grade of Dress Linens for 19c yd. :rc grade of Dress Linen for 25c yd. H)c grade of Dress Linen for 33c yd. 50c grade of Dress Linen for 39c yd. 5f)c grade of Dress Linen for 49c yd. Jpeclal Values in Jtand for the Coming Week We will offer some very good values iu Hand Hags for the coining week. 50c Handbags, special for 39c. 1.00 Handbags, special 75c. $1.25 Handbags, Mecial for 90c. $2.00 Handbags, special for $1.48. ffewJtock of fiand Mirrors We are showing a very pretty line of new Hand Mirrors, ranging in price from 25c on upwards to $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Mews from Our Ready -to-ldear Department We are showing the most up-to-date col lection of lieady -to-Wear (rannents for women to lie found in this section of the state. This is a fact and can In testified to by a large number of pleased customers. If you have not visited our Ready-to-Wear Department lately we invite you to give us a call and inspect our line of lieady-Made-(iarincnts. Below we quote a few of the most popular: Lingerie Dresses in lavender, pink, blue and white, selling from $5.00 to $17.50. Striped Linene Suits in a number of choice colors, special for this week at $4.00. Linen Dusters are very much in demand. This makes our third re-order on these dus ters. They are priced at $4.00. I'oplin and Linen Suits iu the two and three piece effect, in many pretty shades and neatly trimmed, selling from $10.00 to $30.00. Painty lOaists for Summer lOear Lingerie Waists in a high, low and Dutch iieek effect, a beautiful collection to chouse from, priced from $1.50 on up. King (Quality Linen Shirts for women iu high and low neck, priced from $3.0fJ up. Children's Dresses from $1 Up We have just unpacked a shipment of Children's Dresses. They may be had in sizes up to fourteen years anil come in pop lin, galatea, percale and lawn at very rea son.'blc prices. Crepe and Silk Kimonos for Women We are showing a very good stock of long and short Kimonos in lawn, crepe and silk. Short Kimonos in crepe at $1.50 and $1.75. In the long crepe for $2.50 and $2.75. Short Kimonos in silk for $3.00 and $4.00. The long sil'v for $4.75 to $12.50. Short Kimonos in the lawn from 50c to 89c Superior Values in Choice and Seasonable Qoods for One Week During the coming week we will offer the women of Asheville and surrounding territory many extraordinary values in seasonable goods. We ask you to look over and compare our prices care fully, and come and see that our bargains are real and not mere words. Read the following items carefully, and we are sure you will find something you will need. Special prices are strictly cash. Extraordinary Values in Silks and Press (foods for Coming lOeek Below we (piote some extraordinary val ues, and we are sure it will pay you to take advantage of them: 75c Foulard Silks, si ecial at 59c yard. Rough Pongee .-i,.. , special at 69c yard. Messaline de Soie ,a very pretty silk, 21 in. w ide, in all colors, for 50 o yard. Purinah Silk, a rough silk on the order of the rough pongee, but not quite so heavy, for 39c yard. Yard wide Messaline Silk, in almost all colors, for $1.25 yard. Yard wide Taffeta Silk, in colors, speeial good value, at $1.00 yard. Sedo Silk, a very desirable grosgraiii weave at 50c yard. Seen Silk a soft filmy silk ,for 35c and 40c yard. $1.00 grade of Fancy Wool Goods, spe cial at 89c yard. $1.25 grade of Fancy Wool floods at 98c vard. $1.50 grade of Fancv Wool (Joods, speeial at $1.19 yard. Knit and ttluslin Underwear for Women You will find in our Ready-to-Wear De partment an excellent line of Underwear fr women. In the Knit Underwear we are show ing union suits for women in the sleeve less ami knee length from 50c to $1.50. Sleeveless Vests from 10c to $1.50. 'Pants in the knee anil ankle length from 25c to 50c. .Misses' and Boys' Undergarments &t 25c.' In the Muslin Underwear line you will find our stock replete. We meutiou only a few as follows: Long and short underskirts, made of a nice quality of cambric and muslin, neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery fromSOc to $5:m 'ombinatioii suits in the cross barred mus lin and also in the plain, verv mrch in de mand at the present time, $1.25 to $2.60. Corset Covers from 25c to $2,00. Drawers from 25c to $2.50. Chemises from 50c to $2.50. Princesse slips in white, blue 'and pink, $2.50 to $3.50. Night Dresses from 50c to $3.50. Cinrki. will be the inaid or ii'iimi. and Mi.se lit leu M. Sayre, u aimer m bo KTiioni. will ho the bridesmaid Tho roomnieii will tie. Mr. W J. o Ooi nell, of ltlehmond and Mr Ualph IHtinore, of W'aehlnirtoii Mr Sa re Is i nlinei led with the riliiinpi"" l-'lhr,. eiimpanv. Mr. and Mrs. Sayre w III le.-lde at Canton. The new raiheuats of nii'l.i i tli'iili 'I llll!ii' i i. -n .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i i 'I heir ;i t r j ! .. i ? i l- k r;ii,n :i,!i . .-. th'. ,, I '.,1, ilili. a are a- hi'lit :i . :i it .il mi lihi -I pal, i i iii.i. , r. " . adiK ali!!..-l n.i . . ; i? coat. Till In. , a' ... of ant g(....l la',! 1 ,; which a re ii,!. I . , ! eori vent i ii 'a I in.ii i al We slioi a full Inn , . coat s in hot h v, , i, i Prices $." I - -W. 'hildl cll'- y,is in , and solid.-. Pri. - - I , ,1, .. ' ' i 1 I In ami ct llleV .'"l.g of the "i I'!'' ' I ' i 1 1 1 sji e ::. I ill ilH' l; III II ! -.1.1.' the use p a t t ii' n s mvs from the i vtiie 1 1 e. rubberized raiu- lallcV clothes. ii or -alk, I K I plaids, st ripes i AL V. MOORE Women's Things. 11 Tatton Avenue Mrs. Thomas C W"tni.ue has g. im Atlanta for several weelts to under an "I r. Hi. 'ii on her hand. Mrs. 11. rn.llil and her famiv ha-.-' tn Anl.n and "ill sh". I'y ope-.i Ar.len 1'aik Lodge. Mrs. Thomas S. M. Alme'v "f ritt Innii is MsltinK In r parents Mr. and Mm S. !. Unit at their Imim' W M i 'Imsl nut Ml l net. NOTICE The regular annual meeting of the North Carolina State Board of Dental rxamliuirs will bti hold at A.ihvlllti, N C, on Monday, Juno 21st, 1ND, at 10 a. m, for the examinallmi of p pllinnta for lleense to prarth-e den tistry In North ("arotlna. l'raiileal demnnstrallons will be required, aeh appliraiit furnishing Inatrumeuta and material for nperatlnit. and nn upper deiitiirn of not lesa than einht teeth ready for solilermn with hanl sohhT. Ii. H. JONES. 8e. retary. Winston-Salem. X. C. May IS". l'.'OH. n J. SUOARMAN. Fx pert Tailor. (ioanliiiz and pi-isslng a NMSnlty. Sull prriekl S.V-. TroHHem prewirit 15e Suits ( leaniil ami pn-m-iyl nOr. ' NOHTIl PACK SJI AUK. Mil-." Clara I'.ulhrin f 111 tow ii for a f.-w days. I'llV-llle I- YOU TAKE NO CHANCES l?uviti M ;uil W Iudi.-in S. -'II li .- Ki' " .'''' I.ii.ln. ti IP v r:it . Artistically Designed Mission Furniture Made to Order Alao fnl.Uiet work Hid Uphotatortnt .(,,., j s ., (,,, o0 done at reasonable irV-ai JOHN CATHEY it hi it v. I'licine SOI Carolina Coal & 8 Kast Colleur St. Just received a shipment, CHIROPRACTIC of ICK CREAM FREEZ- (Ki-..pcc ERS. qt. for $1.45; 2 ut otMwnojt without nt. $1.75: .1 qt. $2.00; 4 qt. $2.45. VEm5!8 ASHEVILLE CHINA CO.,, Abnormal prera 'union nervea Ii N. Pack Sq tiara. I the cause of all dlaeaaea; by renin" , lis this pressure, normal condition! ani health will be restored. Recog nized and endoraed by thoueanda ot ti t izna of othpr nt .tan Dr. MattheWH' Dental Parlors. ,,,, "er B,a,- aM.- New MeAfc B.H.. Con.uTa, fre, Cor. t olliee and Cpru.- Strata, near DK. C. r. WuA ZZlJZ2. Lange Bids. N. W. CofV 8q. Phone C3I. Court hoot. .In. It- .1. i Ii I hard (.. r.-linn fr.-ni It i. liin.inil, in.iu. 1 : -. a.. 1.1 High Grade Stationery; , Comnanv u ..Mie ti l' mull Riade Ftatlunery carries an V, Vf lllJJClllJf 1 r . tn 111. Ill a r. d Sp. II II' Ji'- It I..K H'"" 1. lids tnl air of satisia. tinii to the writer that makes letur writ Ins a pleasure to Pimm- no. Pulton A to. voursrtr and rresponilent ir The Carolina Pharmacy Mr' IV.il'.r T for rnrtMiinnili i l.,,n Mr Tnl i VUll be tin I 1:1. Mr. N-.ni. iu ' turn. .1 t" 1 1-city. ,,i 1. Ii V . -i- I .tu nnel will HlwrO JAP RICE M.-C1..U,! I ii i.l aft. l . - In .1 M i" Mane S. . are the mi S Sexm.nir. U.llU.e.l pi... liatt.iy l'aik Oi 111 ni; r ,,f N.'i-w 1 1 1 Mr. and Mi on he. I-I.i tlllnus. Whole ;rain Jap Rice is now a dnsc competitor of tin- lu-ad rice, and has a dec ided advantage by licini; one third lower in price. A iriv at many arc pleased with it. iii it a trial and get your money back if not satisfac- tol'V. 4 lbs. 25cts. 17 lbs. $1.00. 25 Uooiiord Ave. OWNBEY'S Phone 5C M. WEBB & C0H1PANY Millinery Importen Teth extracted without pain. All ' "wttery Park Place, Pflono I (Ml work Ktiaranteed. Prices always reas onable. Office Phone 949. Iteaid. nc. ! Phono 91 . I i La Grecque Corsets i 1 1 For every type of fljrure I MERCHANTS' DRAV f!fi anv.m ev? ( Inoirporainl.) Mn liant- Hauling, Mturag. Olfi.-e 14 lluyw.Mid Slroet. Phonos 88 ami 30. I GREENE fe CO.. 12 Church Street MAMaiUMi. lil,MresnK, F:,,.i:, MRSMlr treat, n.-nt a ,,-, i,,!tv -p.t.' i f liair R'""ls. t t article, . puns and p unpai.,,,.., ' reax.. nahle, work S. a date iwit to order. 'i i t!rt class. 1.AIHI s. Clivnriieii SKINNFK AVD HI Tljt, nidi io Paragon Itlilg. ' Cheap Milk Is umally cheap In duality aa veil aa price. It la dangeroua. Our milk la not In that claaa. It u taoltrt, par, clean, rich and wholeaoma. Asheville Pure Rlilk 0. K Walnut 8c Fboae IM rnj--;

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