THE ASHBVI CITIZEN. THE WEATHERf SHOWERS Associated Press. . Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 218. ASHKVILLK, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 21, WO!). PRICK FIVE CENTS. ELE E HELP TO SOLVE AN UGLY jlTllATION Traction Engines. Mules And Automobiles All Help to Relieve Needs on Line UNION OFFERS HELP TO GET MAILS THROUGH Conference Between State And Railroad Officials Lead tb of Settlement (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA. (5a.. May 26. The ten- tluii In tha Georgia railroad firemen's strike is Increasing with every hour's di l.i v In settling the race question in volvcd. Thill was the attitude in whit h negotiations fur terminating the strike were conduct! here today. United SI ales mall held up since thi beginning of the week, a dozen coun ties facing demoralization of business and the race: Issue brought continual ly Into unwholesome prominence were the ractors wnic-n spurred the negotla Hons through hour of discussion Although no statements were made as to the ground covered. It wax learned that a very quick settlement is looked for. provided any agreement can be r ached. Governor Smith and General Mana ger Scott of the Georgia railroad had a long conference this afternoon nt which waa discussed the feasibility of sulimtttlng the trouble to a board made up of men conversant with lo cal conditions along the railroad. Vnlted States Commissioner of Labor Nelll had his first conference with tloverncie Smith, today. Yeam Short; Prices Rising. Various towns. In the strike ills rlet took Inventory today of their visible supply of food. Madison re ported at least fifteen days of plenty in prospect. Washington reported a shortage in yeast and prices rising." At Llthonla Mayor Brand said: "If supplies should run short and It be comes necessary I shall simply con demn f he ' train ' toad of ' "perishable goods now in the siding at Llthonla and ttt-Hwj"-eltieefl-to 'hchp them selves." There ore eleven cars of provisions at Llthonla and ice has been supplied to maintain the perishable portion of their contents In good condition. In addtion to the visible stipules, the towns have their visible means of (Continued on page four.) LARGE SUPPLY OF RICH PROOF BOOZE ON HAND Charlotte Freight Offce Ts Pulled for the Twenty-live Barrels. BKLONOiOI) TO OTHERS (Sporlnl to The. Citizen.) I'HAHLOTTE, May 2(i An Inter esting case In connection with the prohibition movement was called in the recorder's court this morning when the Southern Hallway company und John Hennett were charged with luvlng whiskey In their possession for Mle. it was shown that then- Is now 01 the Southern Railway company's warehouse In the city about 2f bar rels of whiskey consigned to various parties, the majority of whose names '! not appear in the city directory. In Hie case against John Hennett there Ui one barrel of whiskey shipped ' "Mer notify John Hennett." Tin name of John Bennett appears In the ity directory three times. The three John Bennetts were in court to an swer the charge. Two of them were white men and one a negro. None "f them knew anything about trTe whiskey and each denied having or-l.-red any whiskey. The burden of th. case rested upon the railway com pany. Solicitor Herlot Clarkson appeared for the proecntlon nnd Attorney H. Lucas for the railway company. -Mr. Clarkson stated that there was in 'he Southern Railway company's pos session a number of harrels of his W each of them containing more 'han the amount allowed by law to I"' held by anyone, which is two and half gallons. Each of the barrels In 'luestlon contained either 100 or 200 Pints. The goods were shipped "order notify" andNhave not been claimed by anyone. Mr. Clarkson asked that the case be continued in order to allow the city officials to ascertain who rlalms the whiskey. The solicitor also thought that the railway company should be willing to assist the city In "flnglng the parties who are receiving his whiskey for Illegal sale to justice The railway company knows that par- HUMORS DFSTRIK NEW CHIEF OF POLICED APPOINTEES NAMED LAST NIGHT B Y THE COMMISSION J. Kelly Chambers, Former Tax Collector, Chosen to Succeed Chief Collins Five New Pa trolmen Named. OhiK'.f of Oheunbers. police J. Kelly Hirst -aptaln D. K. Lyerly. Seinl captain K. M. Lydtu 8e-Kiennt W. O. McIXow eJl and H. II. WUHjuns Pwtirolmen (reappointed) C N. Itminac, M. Spn"use, Fred Jone, E. C. MW'onnelJ, ('. O. 1 .arming. K. R. niiuk Ht.K'k. J. K. Levorett. J. D. Ha.ynes, W. It. Mwser. II. E. Miller and J. E. Mitrdock. NVw Ja urn I mien E. J. Strmi. H. W. (ll.-nn, C. .1 Ingle. V. II. Onftirfiit nd V. L. Cmitir. K. M. M-c.Ithee was roapHint d patrol driver. j ne nong rttience or deadlock, as fWW of the imbue regarded H, of th new nolle1 cmmmiisttiion was broken las nilit wtien J. K. (Tidmlafs was elx-td ohlef of .police. It is under stood that several halMs w( re tak Mn beifiine 3. c'hiodce was made, possibly seven or edgtit. Memliers of the com mission viho were seen last night and asked for a statement stated that they lu:d noflhilng Go KivtH unt When the news of the appolnment spread oveir the streets bust night. some surprise was expressed that th", co.m:milBBlion had selected a candidate.' wil'Chloaiit experience, as there was a strong pubWo HimWment that member of WW present force, or a man with experience shtoitid be given preference. Some of thie members of the present force were itvore than stirprll. It Wis HxKsn known for more than a wieek What the police commission stood two, twio and one for police chief Efforts made last nlgbt to flnl who "came over" wore fruitless. Capta-ln J. K. Lyerly, who waa re ardkl ui a strong factor toe ahlat, was made drat captain. E. M. Lyda being appointed second captala- The title "first" and "st.icotTd" captain are distinct, and will so stum! on the rec ords. Five ww patrolmen were ap pointed in the place of those who re aligned or wVre dropped, the new ap pointor beng E. J. Stroup. It. W. ONnn. C. J. Ingle, W. II. Penterfit F. L. Condor. F. M. McOhee was re-elected driver of the patrol weigon : i SUREAU CHIEF TRIED TO RULE, WAS NOT ALLOWED TO, ANO IS FORCED OUT Director of Census North Resigns as Kesult of (ail ing Down. SUCCESSOR NAMED (I!y AsHoclatcil Press.) WASHINGTON, May 26. 8. N. D. North,, director of the census, has ten dered his resignation to President nnd it was accepted today. Hip res ignation is a direct result of ills re cent controversy with Secretary of Commerce and Iabor Nugel. The following statement in connc Oon with the case was given out at tho white house: "Director North tendered his resig nation as director of the census. It was accepted and the name of Mr. E Dana Durand. now deputy commis sioner of corporations, will be sent into the senate to succeed him. Mr. North's resignation was based on the ground that on account of conditions existing and likely to continue, his administration of the census office wculvi not probably be suci-essful. It has been supposed up to within the last few days that the control crsy between Secretary Nagel and Direc tor North had been amicably adjust ed. The friction betwen the two con tinued, however, and at last Secretary Nage! put the matter wiuarely up to President Taft saying that either he or Mr. North would have to leave the service as existing conditions be tween them were impossible. Director North held to the belief that the census bureau was an inde pendent institution and that he was lespnnsible only to the president. A congressional enactment put the cen sus bureau under the department of commerce nnd labor, however, and Secretary Nage! felt that In spite of the great powers conferred by con -gress upon the -Jlrector that ofTlcl il should be subordinate to the cabinet ( fficer in charge of the department. It was because of this friotlon that Di rector North was forced to Btep out. It was spe Ifled by the commission that tlhV ohlef .f police must wear line regulation uniform The llrst an! cvnd captains, it is understood will Wave iWrect super vision of their men, at leaurtt nuffi-e so thu.n has be u tuirttomaj'y in the paM. Mr. 'hanitwi'rs the new chief served several years as tax ol!eetor of llun comliif" oKinty. (- Captain Page, as recently an nounce!, resigned lat week, and Pu truilninn Adams resigned Htertlay uf ternoon. Tlir retiiring patrolmen are MeMrs. I-e, 11. P. Jonc and Presw-ley. SOUTHERNERS MOVED IN THE CONSULAR SERVICE Shifting and New Appoint incuts Cover Pretty Much Whole World. WASHINGTON, May 26. Consul General ltobert J. Wynne, at London has resigned and Consul Jihn 14. Griffiths at Liverpool will be nominat ed to succeed him. Other appointments and transfers In the consular service were announc ed today by Secretary Knox. They In clude tho following: Charles K. Moser, Virginia, consul at Aden, Arabia. Hunter Sharp, North Carolina, from Moscow to consul at Lyons. Henry C. Adams, Tennessee, con sul, Cornwall, Canada. Frank Deedmyer, Alabama, consul Chailottutown, Prince Edward Island Marion Letcher, Georgia, consul Ac- apulto, Mexico. Bamtlel McCllntock, Kentucky, con su! at Tegucigalpa. Honduras. Edward J. Norton, Tennessee, con. sul Asuncon, to consul Malaga. Spain. John A. Ray, Texas, consul at Mas kal. Oman. Albert W. ltobert. Florida, consul at Ensenda, Mexico. Andrew J. McConlco, Mississippi, consul St. Johns. Quebec. Canada. SOUTHERN WHITE MEN DON'T MEAN ALL THEY SAY ABOUT THE NECROES President. Taft Tells How ard Graduates Pest Friends Are White. FAVOR ED If CATION By AsHoclntcd Pross.) WAHH1NGTON. May 2ii Speaking to the colored graduates of Howard university In this city today. President Tuft (Icelan d that never at any time has the future of the negro, as a race, appeared more hopeful and bright than at the present day. The presl dent Impressed upon IiIh hearers th' fact that It Is for the negroes tin m selves to work out their own futurt and to make themselves valuable citi zens In the communities In which the live. In the course of his addres. presi dent Taft said: "I am delighted to think, because I have been In the South a good dea' of late and have studied some of th' conditions there that they are getting better and lx tier for the negro race lr certain respects that are not published to the world but that really affect ver much the conditions of those who llv there. In all the growing communi ties of the South I mean where- then is a touch of the1; modern and a touch of progress and a touch of civlliza Hon th" white men of progress an beginning t" appreciate the advantage of having a like the colored met: there. They are anxious that the have an Industrial education. The are anxious that they should male th -lr way In th" world and show thel usefulness in the community. T"' truth Is that the greatest hope thn' the negro has. because he lives chief lv In the South. Is the friendship anc the sympathetic Interest of the whlt men with WThom he lives. I know it I' not the habit to think so, but it 1: growing and one of the things thai misleads us most, l.s the desperate, ex treme statements of white men fron the South on the subject, but reali) they don't mean what they say. i (AMED IN CAUCUS OF THEALDERMEN Majority of Board Selects New Officers And Reappoints The Old Ones F.L. SALE IS THE NEW POLICE CLERK Offices of The Building And Fire Waste Inspector Are Made One Vice msyor-W. F. Randolph. c.trporatfcan cuti( silii G. Hernard. City clerk A. O. Halytourton. Assistant city clerk Miss Will- MoiniHon. Water lipnintndet WH- 4 liani Fraiuta. AMNlHtarit water superlnteml-4- ent Weaver Wilson. Clerk police court K. Hak. Street superintendent T, .BoHfclC. City engineer B. M. Le. 4 Hire wMBte and building Rpector W. C. Francis. L. J. in- Chlf tire department -NeaJ f Wilson. Assistant chief fine department J. H- Wood. Custodian rtty hall A. Q. Halyburton. 4 Caretakers at intake W. Bur- f nett ajid II. Burnett T Superintendent Are alarm 4 Ralph Ibumpton. 4 f Market k coper J. T. MRcliell. f Jo nil tor ol ty hail Chariea W ll- f Hams. f Matron Mm. Walton. r The miajorlty n the democrats cau cus of the Uoard of aldermen which was held last KWday night Junte4 the foregoing for the various city offices. The eippodnlmcn Of Mr. F. L. gale as clerk of the police court will five gen oral aatlsXactn.""f Mf-f"nfl 1 a ytourruj attorney and was formerly the law partner of Alderman Qlenn. The position carries with H a salary of forty dollars a monith and is co-cx- tenslve jwith thnt of the police Judv'. It is believed that thl young mun will make a most efficient ixilic rli-rk. Anthir feature of Interest is the eomMnatii.n otf the office f tin waste and building inapector. Mr. W. C. KTamils has been selected for this office. He Is the father of Mr. Wil liam Francis, water superintendent, wbjo has been rcappoilnited The othir new appointments an Silas (1 Bernard, as corporation 1111111 el; Nenl Wilson ;is fire chief; J. II. Vd as assistant fire ohlef. and 1 L. Sale as police clerk. The re-appointment of Vice May or Randolph. City CKirk H.ilyliurton and Street Bupcrinitendent Hostic wen generally expected, although sevcial applications were in with, of cmirs the excerption of ! c mayor. Several men thought they were called by dc tiny Ho (HI the ixwition of imirk -1 keeper, but this pLo e fi. ll again In tb tiasket of T. J. Mitchell. B. M. I.c is riKaJn ity etiKiiie.-r. W. Burnett and B. Burnett will continue ito irtviside over the destlniey if Asliin-llle's water supply at the In Lake. Ralph Hampton aicnln hold lown the iioeition of superintendent f fire alarm. SENATE CONFIRMS JUDGE Will Hold Court in Ralciirl, Next Monday as Success or to Judge Purnell. WASHINGTON. May 26 Th polntment of;.- Connor ti Hp till federal bench of Cistern North Caro lina district has l confirmed b the Senate. This ( ..nllrmatlon by the senate sets at rest the talk which has been circulated to the effect that hiv confirmation wouM be opposed. On next Monday Judge Connor will hold court at llal.-lgh and th'-n- an nifflclont cases on the docket to laM the full term of two weeks. Among the cases which will come up for trlril before Judge Connor are a number of eases for rilling the malls and the usual number of moonshine caic-s. 8H0WER& "I WASHINGTON, May 2 Forecast for North Carolina: Thunder show ers Thursday and Friday; light to moderate southerly winds. FORM HORSE SHOW CIRCUIT TO COVER ALL NEARBY CITIES Greenville Ready to Join With Local Association And Invite A tlanta And Other Cities in A I so Far-Reaching Changes. A three city horse show circuit, with possibilities (,f extension to oth er cities Is the latest announced pluri of the Ashevllle horse show associa tion. The directors of the Ashevllle and Greenville horse show associa tions will unite In Inviting Atlanta to Join the circuit, and should success crown the efforts of those Interested In the movement. Mobile, Birming ham, Charlotte and other Southern cities will he asked to Join later, poa sibly In the coming season. Dr. lUltte Confirms It. When aaked last night If the re port of the Intended amalgamation of horse show Interests was true. Dr. M. Westray Battle. president of the Ashevllle horse show association, stated that such a movement was on foot, with Ashevllle and Greenville associations worklnc In perfect har mony. Dr. Battle (cave additional de tails which lend greater Importance to the movement. In that It la proposed to establish harness and flat racing for trophy prises "If the union of Ashevllle, fjreen- vllls and Atlanta brings the expected results, and it cannot fall to," said Dr. Battle, "1 have- no doubt that lllr. mlnghatn. Mobile, Charlotte and Un ion 8. C. will Join the circuit later, making It one of the strongest In the country. The possibilities of such a combination are apparent. It would mean the coming of additional thous ands of visitors every year, and a form of spring and sununer amuse-' menls which would appeal to all class es. I'lilon Xeoeary. A you are aware," continued Dr, Battle, "the Ashevillo horse show association has never made any profit for It Individual members. In yean that showed any profit the money was put back Into the . association and given (or prises. A thing stand now, we must have co-operation, mak ing a circuit of cities that will mean larger and stronger assoelatton, 1Mh, member th Oeanolllq ttmnetiUhM are enthusiastic, and we hltW henffl that Allnntn will fall In readily with our plan. "With the added Impetus, the Ashe vllle axsoclirllon will build Its,, own course, having It covered so that horse shows could be held at night as well as day. This, as you know, Is the custom In all larger cities. We also intend to make the shows doubly at tractive by having chariot, harness and lint races for trophies. This would allow no gambling features, nil book makers being barred, and no betting of iinv description allowed. The char lot, trotting and pacing races Would draw thousands of visitors and give Aslii-vltlc ( a horse show that would BANKERS LISTEN TO ABLE, PRACTICAL PAPER State Kinanfial Men Arc Entertained at Manufac turers Club in Charlotte. rHAKKoTTK, N. C, May 2fl. An Inff ll'Ttim! fnHt tit tin- Im-m cxpoHltlon of huHlnr mt'thudH In banking and the !mh( array of nV. rn that could by any charx-v have ! ri KathfrccJ to Kcthr chnrart'-rfz-'il the wmml tu-n-Hioii f the N'nrtli urillria ItankwriV i;iiiuri fi v-nt m thlH niornlriK-Tht- Hp. ;ik rn with K j.. rt W Jark Nori of lialctKh, pn-Hfili-rit nf th' anno, t iatlon; W. A. limit of M'Tub'rmm. m-Tflary and tr'-aun-r of the orjfnti-i;iti-n: William If. White of HalfHtiury. Jn.Ik" UnUi rt W WliiMton uf Ual e(Kh. whone poiMT on "What th Pub, lie owh t he Han k'-r and What the Hanker Owen the I'ublif." wan un- t.illlitellv the finest Jtltllt l,il Hllfl prC- Ural exposition of the subject (hat the corivi nlion hnx ev r hail the opportun ity to Untn to. W. O. Jon. h, HHHiHt ini . .mhler of 1 lie National X'ark bank of N. u York, ppoke on tho "Country Flanker " The bankers enjoyM a reception thin ev-riliiK In the parlor of the Manu faetiir?r club. DR. LLOYD CHOSEN BISHOP COADJUTOE I.FKSIil'FtO. 'a.. Mav 2. Rev. Ar thur H 1,1 y.. ,f New Vork. wa in i e erif nf? elected tHhop road Jul or o( the KtiM' fii;il fl'ioe4P) of V'lrflnta. He na elerted on the first ballot tal:- n at the 1 1 4th annual meetriK' of the ft lor -hp In r'Mtn here Opposite Tr. I.loyd for the position were Fr, TloN-rt fopeland. of Jialt'morp, Dr. William fabell Hrnwn, of Hrnzll. T)r. Hurry w of r'harlottem'llle, Va., Ir W. P. Smtth. of Wlrw henter, and Ir. t. traxton Itryan of PMernburg,. Or. Lloyd reedved nfxty-ftj of th )lf votes rant. Ir. FJoyd In the pant has refused elections to the bishoprics f MlHfdMslpp., . Kentucky, Mary lam and Houthern Virginia. make It famous throughout the coun try. "You will recall thnt at the lost horse show the most popular features were the. tournament and tho harness race between Mr. Wayne Ray and Mr. Joseph Kaehlln In the roadster cla The crowd woke up and cheered loud, ly. That will give you an Idea aa to how anxious the public kf to have stronger contest feature at the hone show. "The present plan I to have two horse shows here annually, on In April and one in August." JEROME CHEWS CUM ANO TftLJIS STORY Defends Kyati and Insur ance Presidents iu Speech at Cooper Union. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. May . Nonetilant- ly chw4n Sum, Wlllam Travors Je rome, district attorney of New York, stepped on tho .platform at Oooper union ton light to "give an account of hiis stewardship." The district attorney dwelt on the metrupxilltan (Investigation of afreet railway, during whiMh he said that Thonna) P.- Ryan, charged from time wdtli various tracMon manipulations, nevwr corramJttPd any crime. ' Tteforrtng to the J If Insurance In vestigations h aaJd thera wa no tv. 'Mmm JS J .wnmht; . tha lor diet meat of John A. McChII. fornitr president of tho Nxw York IJfe In surance company. The district attorney answered many iucsiiu from the -row-d. One imWvldua! wanted to know II the district attorney invest touted the rumor hng current that lllla.111 C Whitney came to nils death Ixlng shot after a ipiarrel over a wximan. Mr. Jerome replied that he had found II to be alrm.liitcly untrue. When Mr. Jh-rwrne concluded the 2.000 or more present declared to register a vote of confidence. An at tempt to Inning alsiut such a vmtu whs hlfsfcd down. RETRACTS EVIDENCE AS Says She Was Offered Sup port for Life to Kxeulpate His Slaver from Blame. HALKHJIf. N. ('., May 2i Newt haw Jut reached thin city of ;i 'Ti national kllliiiK that occurred hint Hun .lay ru-ar Bellamy's MHU In Hallla county. a vy Marriott waa the vic tim and Charles KlannlKan Is chawo with havlriK llretl itie hot that ausml hin dejitli I'l'innlKHii, accord ln to 1 h reporf reeeived here, hfid K'Tie to Marriott' home here part of the morning w Hp' nt f'lanniK'in went for a drlv with M rs Marriott, and h port his re i in n was cur Hed ly Ma rrloi t. Klannt Kan bore the curHinRT but when Mar liott tot. I bliu be must leave Ote holJS. flri-K a revolver arid tired, klllfriK Mar riott IriKtarttly. Monda v a ben rlriK was r v- n 11.) rt riitfun at t;enview and bt wax iltn t barKed. the killing ha Intc b. -n bell jpint (liable Mm. Marriott a tfHtimon was such as to In II ue nee t b Is Jud trient. KiibHefpieritly, linwi vi r, sh -lated that she had been promised KlannlKan that her husband's funera' expenses Would 1h paid and that sh W'Mild be iipported for life If h' w on Id tentlfy In Flarm!;" n n favor. Crocefdinfii upon her altered story of the killing, the authorltlen ru: In ar retted Flannlxan anl another hearing Is to be given him. BRIBE MONEY HID IN HOTEL SOAP DISHES HAN FRANY'ISCO. Miiy 2 - Htorle. i.f nllejterl hrlhe nvmev concefile In the soap dishes of hath rooms com prised an Interesting purl of the tenti. mney In today's session of the trial of President Patrick Calhoun, of the 1'nlted lU'illroads, charKcd with hri hery. John O. Ijawlor, an assistairt cm-7lo-ed by W. J. Ilurns churKed that Luther G. Urown had several times ItivltuO him to enter Itrown's bath room In th Rt. Francis hotel wihere, Uwi'ir found various sums of money S THE UPPER HOUSE Louisiana Sen. Makes Plea For Stralghtout Protection For Sugar Industry SMOOT.DEFENDS THE HEAD 0PHIS CHURCH Declares Pres. Smith Is Not The Mighty Mogul has Been Declared to be (Bjr Assix-laled rrr.) WASIUNOTON. May a, Kor mora than 'vn hours today tha anat was tingagod In ths dlsmsslin of ur .is that suhject la Involved In tha tar Iff bill, which la now pending;. B llnnlnc with an effort by Senator Mo Knery, ths Louisiana democratic pro tectionist, there wers four set tpaach es. Threr nt thess wsr In support if ths sugar scheduls as raportadj from tha rommlttes on flnancs, whlla tha Cuurth was plea fur matarlal reduc tlona, "- , ' i , romplstlna' tha apaaoh which h had begun yrsterday, Hsnator . Bailey made an Earnest plea, fur tilt protec tion, not only beoauso of th neoasaU ly for such a policy In tha Interest of revenue, but because, as ba declared, lUch a course would render th Unit d Htates Independent of other ooun rle. Ha assert sd that tha r had basil i rhanas ot ntlmsnt In th South on the suhject of protection. . , t NiiiiMit hitf Duty, . t ;, ' flenntor Ilurrowa of Michlitan and Hmont of, Utah both, of them membart of tho flnsnco eommttts, also spuk In support ot tha commute'! action, Mr, 8mtH)t presented sarsfully prepared analysis of tha situation nnd Mr. Bar- , rowa appealed mar particularly In popular sentiment. The Mlchlirnit wrnator hrtd the auirar trust wltli , n attempt to establish a. reputation for - fair deallni by pretendliiB in tm in alllanca with' the best war Inter est which' tie said 'was not tha oasej He assorted that reduction of du. (Inn m,IJI AnntWM. ik.. Am-.- 1100,000,000 a year out of tha noun ry for auRAi1. ' , " Mr. Prlstow, the flaw senator front Aunsns, was the only advocate of n reduced rate. He presented an intendment cllmlmitlnir all reference 'o the dutch standard In determining the urnde of suitur, Referrlttv to th lttltnde of the so-called "prorea- t live" senator, Mr. llrlstow declared that In-fend nt wnntln. in Aamirnv he sunur Industry they were the bsf j rrlehds of that Interest, a they wer f the protective policy, Their da lre, he said, was to prevent graft and arced on the part of tha trust. MeKncry'a Hpecrli. Mr. McKnery of Louisiana dealt while the attitude of thn Southern (lutes and Houthern statesmen toward he policy of protection. He said: "That there Is a change of aentl neiit roIiik on In th South In rela lon to protection waa ihown racent y and I hope senator! from the South ho have supported protection on ev- trontinned on paw four.) SAVE THREE CHILDREN E W;mo Declarer He. Thought He W;i8 (living Them Quinine. (SimvIsI to Tli Cltlwn.) KI'ltlMI IKil'K, Msy 2. Two ne ;ro hoys, 4 or ft years of age, are dead oar here as a result of taking inor ihlne administered late Haturdny night y their father The boys w(T tho hlldr. n of William Toney, a half wltt. d ncKro. who was married to Mice Howard sonic three weeks ago. Mice had one child The evidence Is ihal nil three of the children wers :lcn morphine. The woman's child, i.iw. er, haw recovered frinn the ef ''( (h of the drug liclow. in effect. Is Wllllum's storv tin- ic Hxpapt-r man this morning: KlriK Alston found the bottle und broiiKht It to my house saying It con- alued 'iiiinlne., My two children were ciorly and wouldn't eat, and 1 decld il 1 would give them some (iiln. ne to give them an appetite. I gave n two hoys the stuff In the bottle and inked me to. My wife's child was not tick. Hoon after giving the dose. vhleh was placed In molasses, I fou 1 1 he boys black In the face, and sent for Mr. F. H. Collins, on which place live." The bottle was la he led morphine with a label Indicating poUon. Tb negro was able to spell out morphine written by your correspondent. Those who have heard his till" think that It was premeditated murder. It Is thought here thnt the wife was back of the Utile conspiracy to do away with her husband's children. Thl la not known, of course, but tho circum stances connected with the death of the two boys are rather suspicious. The matter is being Investigated. Th man Is rather weak-minded. CUE UP FOR DEBATE III (Continued on page four.)

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