( ) THE ASHEVILEE CITIZEN"." ( THE WEATHER: FAIR 5 Associated Press, Leased Wire Reports VOL. XXV. NO. 220. ASIIEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 2!, 190!). PHICK FIVE CENTS. SUGAR SCHEDULE PASSEDWITHRIGH T 10. RECALL LATER Senate Makes Progress on Tariff Bill in Course of a Day STRIKERS BLOCK ATTEMPT TO START GEORGIA TRAINS BACON ACCUSES CLERF OF SHARP PRACTICE Declares he Is in Collusion With Republicans to stifle Minority Senators Break up Freight into Several Sections A nd Block Road. Crew Flee For Safety. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. May 28 Senator Alditnh succeded today In getting ac tion by the scnarte on the remainder of the sugar schedule with the under standing that the paragraph Dxing the duty on raw and refined sugar should be again placed before the senate h Minaior uiay a neaun should so Improve pa to permit of hlB taking a.tvuiuage of an opportunity at later date to move an amendment cutting the figures In two. The to bacco schedule .was alao completed No changes were.tnao'e In the finance committee rate on either schedule Tlie sugar, the tobacco, and agpl cultural schedule divided the atten tion of the senate during the day, with Incidental remarks on the side by Senator Patf'on and a general speech by Senator Stone. .Senators Qore. Bristow and Clay criticised the proviialon for a dutv on raw and refined mi gar, and Mr. Clay repeated his allegations of frau dulent transaction In the interest of the sugar trust. Mr. Bristow declared that the trust had been benefited by the defeat of his amendment yestcr day and Mr. Gore asserted that by the adoption of the finance commlt tee's provision which was the same as that passed by the house, only five cents on the hundred pounds of sugar would he saved. Charge Against Clerk. Senator Bacon's remarks, consisted of a charge that the reading clerk of the senate and the republican leaders were In collusion to shut off dobate. The charge grew .out of the fact that when th- tenat mu about to vote On an amendment by Mr. Qore to '.he sisfnr schedule, he fMr. Bacon), was preparing to address the senate and had actually begun before the roll was called. He asserted that the course had beet pursued to prevent (Continued on page four.) (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA, ia.. May 28 The first vloence to railroad property in the Georgia firemen's strike occurred to- night to a moving freight at Llthonia Oa., and the race situation In conse quence loomed more sharply thnn ever over the situation, notwithstanding a day of much apparent progress to wards settlement. A negro fireman was apparently the cause of the trouble, and he was rushed to Atlanta In an engine to save him from what his engineer, at least, believes was a threatening sit uation. The engine left here late this after noon for I.ithonia under an arrange ment between Sheriff Morris, of De kalb county and the railroad officials to bring a train" load of perishable provisions from the siding at I.ithonla into Atlanta. Assurances have been given the railroad for several days that in the Interest of local shippers whose valuable cars were tied up and Buffering less by the strike no demon strations would he made against haul ing these cars to Atlanta, however, the engine from Atlanta pulled Into Llthonia about dunk tonight and It was seen to carry a negro fireman, us did I the mall trains which passed Llth onia earlier In the day, exciting very I uniaoraiie comments. About two hundred people gathered at the sta tion tonight.' The engine was coupled to the cars then, the railroad officials say. Just as th train was gettln un der headway a stone flew to the cab window and hit Knglneer Downing Next, say the officials, several men boarded the cars, setting brakes, cut ting off the air, causing the last car to break loose from the train and finally uncoupling the engine, leaving its loan stalled. According to the railroad's statement, their men saw no attempt by local authorities to In terfere with the attack on the train. oiiflh-tliig Reports. The report telephoned to state offi cials here said merely that there was no violence that the train had run a short distance out of Llthonia when it stalled and the engine continued on Its run to Atlanta. After the train had stopped, said this report, a small sized crowd of men swarmed the freight cars. It is believed the railroad authori ties will attempt to clear the track at Llthonia tomorrow mornlne and that sworn deputies will be used to protect the train crews In clearing the track. upon Manager Scott's Statement. Just before the engine left Atlanta this afternoon, General Manager Scott gave out the following state ment: I "Hy arrangement with Sheriff Mor ris, of Dekalb county, we have ar ranged to send to Llthonia for a number of cars of freight, including much perishable, to bring them back to Atlanta and forward from here to destinations of, In different part -of this state and other states by other lines. Sheriff Morris guaranteed full protection to employes and proper ty. "As an Instance of lawlessness. It U proper to mention that the air brake hose on several of the cars have been cut while they were detain ed at Llthonia. SlM'rtff Powerless. "Application Ihrougn our agent at Thomson to the Rheriff of McDuffie county, for protection to our employes and trains has brought the following response. " 'Sheriff says he is powerless to give protection to passenger trains Impossible to get deputies who arc not strike sympathizers. He has made repeated efforts to get up tosses and docs all In his power. Cannot get municipal authorities to take any action.' "Here again Is an example of the complete failure of state, county and municipal authorities to protect em ployes and property, as required by law, which in the present condition Is essential to the resumption of train service. "If state, county and municipal au thorltles will exercise their power for the protection of employes and prop erty the Georgia railroad will have no difficulty In completely restoring traiins of all kinds." Knee Trouble Loom Vp. Today brought forth almost glmi.l tnneously the possibilities of speedy state or federal Intervention believed by many persons of wide acquaintance with local conditions to be heavy with danger of race trouble. It is admitted that cither federal or state authorities can run the trains and preserve armed order, but If the rail road Insists on its rights to negro fire men It is feared that racial emnlty anil reprisals will be stirred up rer.ions remote from the railroad tracks. It Is pointed out that not un Going Up. (font Inured on page three.) CAPTURED BY SHERIFF AFTER EXCITING CHASE Keith Pritehard Wanted for Murder Arrested as He Was Leaving Home. OF NOTORIOUS FAMILY (Special to The Citizen.) LENOIR, N. C, May 2X. Sher'ff Smith and three deputies arrived Wed i.esday from Mortimer, this coiin'y, with one Keith Pritehard, who has been wanted for several months on a charge of murder. When tho of ficers went for the prisoner they tramped all night and awhile be fori da break they hid themselves In the Woods near where the mall they were "tier lived. Just after day dawned 1'iltehard was seen to como from the barn with a Winchester rifle un 'er his coat and entered the house. If a few minutes he came out In'o the yard after having laid his rifle down in the house. As he stepped out of the door he was halted by Sheriff Smith and the deputies cover ed him with their guns and told him to throw up his hands. He reached for his pistol but dropped It and threw up his hands In the face of certain "eaih If he had not complied Im mediately. While standing there with his hands uplifted the sheriff handcuffed him and the officers start ed with their prisoner for the rall i"nd station eight miles distant, ar ming at Mortimer about ten o'clock nd remained until tho following morning. Tlie Prttcharda have lieen the ter ror of the section in which they lived for ninny years and this one of th" roys was considered the most danger ous. They have been causing trou ble for many years in the northern Part of the county and were known as Uockaders and outlaws. The people living In that community say it was dangerous for anyone to travel through that section, as these men were Hable to kill whoever they met. for fear they would be reported to the authorities of the law. After being captured It was learn ed that the prisoner had arrange I to make his departure to .mother state to spend the rest of his days, but as apprehended In time. He told III UNIVERSITY MATTER After Rejecting the Young Overtures, Calls Atten tion to liook of Order. FINALLY ADJOURNS (Continued on page lour.) (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH, On.. May 2. K Veil In the flnai hours of the m.ctjlng of the general assembly of the Southern Preaie, terran church, the Central uni versity of Kentucky h;id Its inniiig In the formation and adoption of tin assembly's reply to the communica tion of the synod of Kentucky within a short time afterwards me assembly a.bjourncd. The reply which Includes the text of the Kentucky synod's note con cludes: "To this communication, the as sembly rewpondH that, having not sus tained the complaint of Bennett H. Young and other, we re-eonize that the administration of the affairs of Central university -of Kentucky lias passed beyond the general assembly of the Presbyterian church of the I'nilted States. "In the matter of review and con trol we call the attention of the sy nod to the language In the Bonk if Church Order. piiragraph sixty-two. nttlsough i a h court exercises exclu sive orig4r.il jurisdiction over all mat ters especially belonging to it. the lower courts are subject to the rovfe.v of control of the higher court in reg ular irraudatlon. "The assembly assures the synod of Kentucky of the deepest Interest In Its education work, and expresses the hope that Central university may continue a source of great blessrtng to the church." This resolution was also adopted "Tiie assembly Instructs all our low er (courts to take n action that will tend ro lessen the churches' direct control and ownership of anv of the educational Institutions." ROGERS MILLIONS ILL WILLED TO CHILDREN EXCEPT FEW BEQUESTS Only Half of Fortune to 13. At Their Disposal in Their Lifetime. HEMKMBKUrci) IIOMF. LYNCHED IN JAIL. A B! LINK, Tex.. May 28. A mob stormed the Jail here at I o'clock this morning and shot to death In- ... i tj .,ll T.-m U'irne.r n entflo- SMie o." .it.. ,.,,, ' - - ? man. recently convicted of the murderj of Alexander Stars. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. May 28 The will of the late Henry II. Itogers, wus ad mitted to probate here today. Prac tlcally the entire estate, valued ac cording to Wall street estimates at bet wen r,O.OUI).000 and 171,000.000 will ultimately be divided among th' four children and their h'lrs. Half of the equal shares into which th' residuary Is to lie divided will b' given to (he four when they reach the age of forty years, while the re maining half they may dispose of on ly by will, continuing however, to en- Joy the Income until their death The will is a document of comparative brevity. No estimate of the value of the estate Is given In it beyond th customary phrase, "more than $10,- 000 personal and more than $10,000 real." The widow and a large num ber of relatives are provided for through trust funds, the Interest on which they will receive during their life time. The principal Is to revert to the estate upon their death. Mrs. Sogers' annuity Is to specify as J100.- 000. The others, only ten In number. will receive the Interests on amount.1 ranging from $10,000 to $200,000. The only public bequest Is one of $100,000 to the town of Fair Haven. Mass., Mr Rogers' birth place, to be used for school purposes. GIVES TO COLLEGE ALMOST A MILLION CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., May 27. The Southern Kducatlon society of the Methodist Episcopal church, li was announced tonight, has trans ferred to the board of trustees of th. Cniverslty of Chattanooga In fee slm ply all the property of that Institu te n heretofore held by the education al board. Tho property Is valued at $750,000 and is entirely free of Incum brance. Aside from this there Is v. endowment fund of $200,000. HEME REFUSES TO GIVE UP BOOKS ON COUR rs ORDER iiifuouyaiiuii iiiiu uaniv rvi- f.ilrs Develops Sensation In Financial World BOOKS REMOVED FROM THE COMPANY'S SAFE Claims That Under Indict months Is Not Compelled to Surrender Evidence News Jtem Dressed meat lias advanced 20 per cent. SCHOOL MARM AND PUPILS CAUSE THE ARREST OF TRAIN ROBBERS Discover Loot of Thieves Who Plundered Mail on Ov erland Limited Hidden in School House Att ic. Will Receive Reward of $15,000 If Men are Convicted. (Hy Associated Press.) school teacher today discovered the hers. They told their teacher, Mrs OMAHA, Neb., May 28. Klght bags looted mall pouches. To these three freeman. Hhe advised the police, and of registered mall, tho loot of the boys , and to their teacher will go .,, ,hH ,. Mrf. Union Pacific train robbery, were $15,000 reward offered by the Union , .. . found this afternoon In the attlo of Pacific railroad, If the prisoners prove rrceman today noticed that ladder the Brown Pork school house, near to be the men wanted, used Tor reaching mo aittc Of ma which the guns and masks of the To the sharp eye of the boys be- school building had been displaced, robbers were found yesterday. Tha long the credit of discovering the hid- Hhe sent two men Into tho attic whero mall had been rifled. den tools of the robbers, and to the they found eight registered mall Three small school boyt yesterday deductive reasoning of Mrs. Norn sacks, two rain coats, a long top eoat brought about tho arrest of three Freeman, a teacher, score of deteo- and m pair of overalls, men believed to bo- is, robbers, who Uvea ascribe tho fladluc of, the robber -S'red Tortenson and W. D. Woods, last Saturday held op the Overland loot. iwo of tho men held, were tnnhrht Limited "train on the Union Pacific The boys found hidden revolvers, Identified by Kiiglnccr Mlckeljolin, and railroad at Omaha, and a woman lights and other material used by rob- Fireman I 'raw I. KILLS DAUGHTER WITH WILD SHOT IffllS CAFE Wea t hv American lilcw Out His Own Brains After Firing at Family. (Ity Associated Press.) PARIS.May 2K.-Oav1d Henderson believed to .be of New York, aged Itfty-ione, shot hfi daughter dead In n cafe here tonight and then committed suicide. The d. ad woman's nam. was 'Marnia. Sue was twenty-two years old. With Mr. Henderson In the restau rant were his wife and three daugh ters and a govern, hs. At the end of llie uieal Mr. Hender son r.we from the table, lit a .Mgai. (H-ned the window and walked lb. englih of the room once or twice. rien suddenly and without warning nre.r r.Mir shots at ran. lorn in in. Ilr.-ction of the tal.le, one of wbl. h struck his daughter Martha in tle back of the imk. fracturing her siiine and killiiriK In r Instantly. Ibn rwin then turn.. I the weapon upon himself nod blew .-ut bis brains, filli ng dead neross In-, daughter's body. Those who wltli' ssed the tragedy were Henderson s daughters 'Ha, aged nineteen and Uladys, nge.1 ! n. his wife, who Is Russian wnmrni, and Olga I-j.retrr. governess. llen- erson was tall aii'l elegantly dr.seil and evidently was wealthy. PUGILIST'S SKULL IS FRACTURED III BOUT M J reek .Jimmy" Ryan May Not Recover From Effects of Fall in Fight. ... WIFE MURDERER STARVING HIMSELF SAVANNAH, !a . May 28. "Oretk Jimmy" Ryan, of Memphis lies un conscious In a local hospital with u frai I ore. I skull and probably dying, while Young Kviins, of New Yolk. Is held at the police stadon, as the result -of their fifteen round fight be fore the Soulhern Athletic club here tonight. The men were mulched at i:iH pounds. The fight was even un til the last round. Soon after the II rang the fighters rushed fiercely al h other endeavoring to lanu a knock out. Quick blows were ex changed and In the clinch the light ers fell. Ryan ben. alb. Ryan s lsi.lv was wlili.p'd backwards and his head snapped against the floor of the ring crushing bis skull. All operitloii wn ordered in the hope of saving bis llf. MUST SUPPORT WIFE WHO PROVED FALSE 'olicp Court Rules That Husband is Liable Even After Filing Divorce Huit QUALIFYING DAY AT HARVARD GAMES Pee (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK, Va . May 28 Rngene hies, the Georgian, who recent l killed his wife here by choppInK lo r head os-n with an axe. Is growing eaker each day In the Jail hospital i the result of self-starvstlon. II' fuses all nourishment except a little milk. He refuses to recognize his rel atives snd friends from the South rl seldom raises his head from his II low. WASHINGTON. May North Carolina: Fair Humlay; light wmtfrly 28. Foreran! : Hat unlay and winds. CAMMIllhUK. M.iWH, May 28. H. I; fit u;m tiie ruiiritntr. Jumping u titf . lirht hiirlintt In th- j.r.-Hmltnirv iim which iimImT' il In today. In the Midium, t If t iiirty -fnii r InltT-cdh-K-ia t- h.i ni pioimh lp K" ni h, tit at t h Hiici.rrif if th- final tomorrow Im mi in- uncertain than for many years. In tin ! n preliminary ewnlB Ihe numh. r of mm urilf fl hj each col leu, w.ty - (..How fijirarl, id; Cor ii' II 14; Vale I ';. I'cnriMylv.'inia and Critic t!n J each; Mlc hiKari and Dart mouth ch' it 4 ; Hy r:n une ; Co lu tnhla ; n rid V i II lamH itrown, H wart h in" re, Kordham it rid llawrfnrd, om fiich. SUPREME COURT WILL PASS SENTENCES (fly Ahmh'IjK'hI Prcw.) CIIA TT A N mi (OA, Tenn.. May 2. V. A iMjrilap. I'nlt-d State mnrehnll for the eaic rn district of TVnn -! todav rccejwd Instruction from Ma jor WHkM. marshal of the I'nlfrd States Huprernp court to. ho In Waiih ini;ton Tuewdav. June 1. bringing with him th' nix dc-fcndantH found (rnllty In thu J mffh V. Hhipp con torn pt of the court prorcdinscT, (crnwlnjc out of the lynching of K. Jolintvin, a n rro. In 1 Marnhall fHinlap ha Instructed former Hherlff Hhlnp and the oih'T defendant to be ready to leavo ('liuttanuoga Saturday night. (SMi ln) (o The ititi'tt.) Chnrlotte, May 27. "l had rather 7.. to tho rotidtt than to live with her,' icUirei Ham oldwel), colored. In Ihe recorder' court yeiterdiy morn (wK, rcferrlntr to hi wife who hm Htvoru out a warrant aKuhiitt hfriii lor (imi Hiipport, The defendant plea Kill Ity to th eha rue, but Htated to the court that ho had been Informed hy iawyeri that lie wax not reotilred to Miiuiiorl IiIn wTfV pendfriK the d inpoul t on of a niwtrce an! whhh he aliened he ha enlered ri the Hupertor court. "Where are Hume lnwif, "why haven't you K'd them hire?" insult t d Itecorder Hmlth. "The v wouldn't come; J have not paid them," whh the anHwer. "Well, you will not have to pay ll.ern If they give you mijcIi advice a t hit. Htated tho r order. "You will either have to hIiow ft Huffldeiif cans- for not KUpportltiK your wife, o aHHiNt. In Huppcirtliiff the county rMca Where are your wit newtcH ' Tin wi lnf I hem for my dlvorc cm we. I didn't k neiw 1 had to ha v any down here" The defendant won very earnest 1 r l iiIh det laratlonH that he had miffu let'i evidence of tfte unfa it hf u InexH of hi wife to win the divorce null whh h 1 e iiafi iriMtltutec), and lo thioiKht llnr1 u mi Id JtiHtify film in not mipportlirx IiIh wife before hlfl divorce case c curie to trial. Attorney J. Ji. Mcf'alt. rep re-McntiriK Ihe- vlf'-. ntnted to the coti that In a crvfte hr.nilit iiKaltiHl t ri cie fnelant peme time aico hy the wlf e hai(?in anHault. a otnpromtHe had In .-li made, the- defendant ar c-Ihk to pay the cowtK and to take- n nun Hu!t In the diwirce -;ue, I'aldvstll ejitii"1 tlitF morning that lie hail agreed t i non Nult. He wan required to fiirnlnh a fin" 1 ond for the nunport of bin wH- petpl int,' the Judic ial dlMposIt Ion of th divorce caxe. NEGRO RAPES CROAT WOMAN NEAR RALEIGH (Hjr AHWN'lalifl Pn-i.) HAI.KIfill, N C, May 2A n un known negro entered the home of a front Arch Itogers, near Klrod, N. yesterday and criminally assaulted his vlfc. KIk- was alono at the tlm and was severely choked. This entire section has been in ehaso of tho ns- gro vcr since the crlm occurred, but fruit Icssslv. tl Is I bought !( mgro csraprd on a freight train from Klrod during the night. (By Aaaoclajctl Irra.) -NKW YOltK. May 8. Tha fodsrsl grand Jury' Investigation ot P. Au Kiistus in Inge's affairs In connaotlon with flm allegpd misapplication ot tha funds of the Mercanlll.i National bank: look a sensational turn today obtain lug from Federal Judga Laofmb an order directing certain directors uf the United Cupper company to pro duce the full and rompletn books of that conoern In court forthwith r b declared In contwmpt. The dircct.ts named Hanford Rob 111111, Oiirtcr Ulass, William J. Curtla and Horace Abel, reported to tha court at 4 o'clock this afternoon, tha time set hy Judge Laoomba, that they wcro unable to comply1 "with tha eourt'a order because Mr. Helnls tha president of the United Copper Com puny, bad refused to lvo them tha books or tell where thoy were, giving aw his reason that he was Uder In dictment and further Investigations. They also reported that they wera helpless for the moment but would make every effort to Set Into tha com- imny'a vaiilta and jKiarqh for tha liuitks there If given time, ' W III Oust Hciuso. The dirnelors further told th court that thi-y had called a special 'meet ing of the directorate to take plaoa live days hence, when Hslnse and and Heeretary and Treasure Clifford, who it was aliened, has tt4 to BuroiMi, would be deposed front their official positions with the company. lieinan. the directors went on, -told them that (llfTord took the minute books with him to Kurope. Kniderlck Kcksteln, tin. assistant secretary and treasurer of the company, whn waa Included In the court order, said that he knew the combination of the vault and was ready to aid In gcttlru; tho book if they wcrti still there, Judge Ijicoinlie declared that under the circumstances he would Im lenient and give the directors further tlms to recover the book. He fixed Thursday afternoon as tho time !ar them to report In court aauln and added: "The court appreciates the honest efforts of the directors to a;et out of the scrape. They are unfortunate In getting associated with a niaa who I too t. rrllled to allow his books to be examined. Hooks Not Found. The directors involved, Mr. Eck stein. Assistant District Attorney Hmlth mid two deputies went to tha offices of the Hulled Copper company on Ilroadway tonight to hunt for the books. K. Augustus Helnxe had gone but Kcksteln readily opened the vaults, lie stepped Inside, turned on a light and then exclaimed "They're not here." Attorney Wise was Indlgnnnt to night over the manner In which th fulled. Klates court and his office ha. I been "Haunted by Helnze," as hn pressed It. lie referred to It as a "cow boy hold up " CONGRESSMEN IRE NOT V (Quorum Prevents Final Action on Hie lHo IJican Hill. (Ily AsxKlsled Press.) U A.llll'rov. Mj,y 28. fuebut- 'it Ho 1,111 .unending the oganU' act of I'oilo IUo was continued In the hoime i.ebiy. It wss the expectation when (he s.di,n began that roneld- liiiloii of tbe measure would ! con- elude,! before adjournment, but the Mi.Mil,e,,fp gradually dwindled nwiiy until there was nothing like a 'inornni. and (is an Important amend ment limiting the operation of the proposed law to one year was pend ing. Majority Nnd.-r Payne declared it expedient to trone fln.tl action on the bill until there could be a iclcr attendance. The democrats sought to frustrate htm In this pur pose, but were unsuccessful. The principal speech today waa bv Mr. Horlatvl of Mlsnbnirl. who upheld the Porto Rlcan house of delegates for refusing to yield Its legislative rights and pleaded for a territorial government for the ' Porto HI cans. Messrs. Parker of N'cw Jersey ant Payne of New York, advocated tha pnssnge of the hill. At 2.1 p. m., the house adjourned until Tuesday, next at noon.

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