THE SUNBAY' CITIZEN THEWEATHEBr FAIR. VOL. XXV. NO. 221. AS1IEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY AIOHXIXU, MAY ;5), l'HK). PRICK FIVE CENTS. 2$, Pages , Today strike settled; ReSen Railroad- Agrees to Put no New Negroes In Cabs. Win Retain Old Employes GOVERNMENT WAS READY TO STEP IN Prospect of Injunction And Federal Troops Overawed Striking Firemen (By Associated Pre.) AI'tiUSTA, Oa., May 29 The strike of the firemen of the (Jcorgla rall Te.ol was officially declared off at 2 in., today. An hour and a half later the first train after the resump tion of service was sent out of Augim ta with a negro fireman in the cab. The terms of the settlement were ri" t officially given out, out it was learned that they are substantially as follows: The men to return to work under conditions existing at the time the sirlke began, until final adjustment In made. Alt negro firemen at the terminal iiaiions will be dispensed with. All discharged Brotherhood firemen will be re-lnatated. Three other points are not yet to lif decided, as follows First, whether negro firemen shall be eliminated from the road. Second, If not eliminated, what per- cenlage of negroes there shall be. Kcniority of negro liremen over tohlta firemen. These other questions are to be dis cussed tonight and If they are not ad justed, they will be settled by arbitra tion under the Erdman act. Chairman Kimpp'n Statement. The cxasl terms of the settlement have not been disclosed but the state ment Is mada that the conditions are eminently satisfactory to both sides. The settlement of the strike was an nounced In a statement signed by WartlO' Ay Knflpp, cjialrman of the In. terstate commerce comirvftilon and Charles P. Nell, United States "labor commissioner. It said: An amicable adjustment of the dif ferences between the Georgia railroad and Its employes who have been on strike has been reached on . a basis cmmlnently satisfactory to both sides (Continued on page four.) PHILADELPHIA STREET CAR MEN STRIKE: POLICE ISO Trouble Has Yet Devel oped But Traffic is Ser iously Crippled. LOONS ALL CLOSED. (By Associated Tress) trmiLAiDKLPlHlA. IMkty a9. The Urike inaugurated today by the con ductors and motormen of tin Phila delphia Rapid Transit company be came ivery serious tonight when tilr.-et car service In some set tions of the city was suspended and in other Jmris greatly curtailed. Tills was 'brought about by gains made late in t lie day by the strikers and by the withdrawal of cars from, seveial llti'-s running to the suburbs. The "'lions most effected 'try the suspen moii are West Philadelphia. Frank fo'il. In the northeastern section of the city and the outlying districts In the northwestern section. The central part of the city whs consid erably affected tonight, the service being greatly curtailed. The company admitted that about I OOO of the . 6. 600 men had quit. Th Krikeip dfcoiire that a greater num ber went out. C O. Piatt of tho Amalgn-mat'd Awtnrlation of Street Hallway Em J'loyes. tonight sent telegram I" W D. Mahon, president of the asso ciation at Detroit, saying that he ex J led a' complete tlc-up of street car service. ' , r All the saloons obeyed an ordei 1iied by Mayor lleyburn thlH after noon to close, and while the streeis re filled with gerson walking t' heir homes, there was no trouble r l"irtod anywhere. Every street ear In operation tonight is carrying two policemen and some lines four of them are In the cars. Henry flay, director of public safety. tonight paid: "We have the situation under con trol with the saloons closed and fl hundred extra policemen gathered from the rank of the city firemen and irlvate watchmen. I am n'.lsfied we can glyf eitlsens and private proper ty adequate protection andguell all fllsturbance," SENATE REVISES RAPIDLY MOSTLY TO HIGHER DUTIES Southern Interests Are All Postponed In Scramble For Protection THE AGRICULTURAL SCHEDULE REVISED Higher Duties Are Voted Up on Several Products of the Farm (Hy Associated Press. ) WASHINGTON, May 29. During two hours before adjournment today the senate made more real progress In the adoption of tariff schedules pre iously passed over than haa been usual during any entlro day. Not only were committee amendments ttiat had been formerly reported agreed upon, but there were oultc number of additional changes pro posed or accepted by the committee on finance and incorporated in the bill. Early In She day. In spite of pro- teats voiced by Senators Heverldgi and Root, the duty on barley was In creased Irom 25c. a bushel as propos ed by the house, to 30c a bushel as recommended by the committee on finance. The tax on hops was ad rune ed. The house had made the duty twelve cents, while the committee on finance hud formerly advanced It to lifteen cents. Today the committee brought in un additional amendment making the rate twenty cents. The duty on potatoes was nmdo forty-five cents per bushel Instead of twenty live cents and oysters In the shell were udvanced from of a cent a pound to twenty-five percent ad valorem upon motion of Senator Piles, who has an Industry In bivalves to protect against Canadian competitors. Nothing for South. Thob there should bo a duty of twenty percent on raw cotton merely for revenue was advocated by Sena- tor Bacon who seated that from thiajifelf would have advocatod different source wouni De derived 4, (100.0(10 annually If his amondment should be adopted. He finally agreed to post pone further consideration of his pro posed duty until Monday. Lemons were the subject of an extended de bale. Mr. Hoot spoke for the New York lemon consumers Insisting that the rate of lc per pound ns fixed by the llnance committee was too high. CAPTURED BY BAND OF HIS POLITICAL ENEMIES Professional Revolutionists Stir Up Sensation For a . I'Yw Hours at Lima. ARMY IS STILL LOYAL (H.v AKSoclnlcd Pre ) LIMA, Peru. May 29. A risinc if political factions here at 4.30 this af ternoon with the object of .verthroA--ing thegovcrnuient of President Le guia. An attack was mudn upon the palace and firing wax heard in all parts of the city. It is reported that many are dead and wounded. Adherents of August.! Durand, who was concerned in the revolution at Chosiea, near Limn. In May 1008, and of Iais IVrola, also u notorious agi tator, made an assult upon the palace and seized President IKui:t. The army howoyer remained loyal to hi support. The revolutionist were ob liged to Ills-rate tin; president, who immediately took measures to put down the mowment. Within an hour although firing was still heard In th" streets. President Legula seemed to be muster of the situation. Mitny shots were exchanged b tweca the troops and the revolution ists and It Is believed lhat the tbs will 'Is- heavy. Cavalry Is mm' on guard throughout the city. CAR HKKAKKKS CATGUT. (Special to Tile CllU-n.) HOCKV MOUNT. N. ".. May 29 Three negro ear breakers who arc wanted In Suffolk. Va . were .apture.l In this city Thursday, and they wen returned by the morning train to that eitv for trial tomorrow morning. The farts in the case, as near as can Lamed, was that five negroes broke tho s-al on a merchandise car on a .onthhotinri freight to this city 'in Wednesday night. Two of the negroes escaped by Jumping rrom tne irctgni near Tarboro. while the train was running about thirty-flue miles an hour. However. It Is thought that these two will lie caught. The thry negroes taken prisoner here ff't! easy prey- the Atlantic Toast line detective upon arrival In this city. SAYS SIMMONS STANDS PATOf OLD PARTYjPRINCIPLE He Is Not a -Free Trader" But Advocate of Incident al Protection BURDEN SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED Not In Favor of Legislation That Will injure His Own Fate BY TAV. WASHINGTON, May 2. Nome people, who are trying to misrepre sent Senator Simmons and the dem ocratic party, have been diligent In their attempt to create a fake Imprcs slon as to the senator's position on the tariff question. His position, as clearly and strongly defined In his re cent speech, is "tariff for revenue with Incidental protection." This. say the leaders. Is time honon-d and orthodox democracy, and was taught by Vance and all other great demo crats. They point out that the dem ocratic party ncwr was, and never pretended to be a free trade parly but always contended ror tarlfl on imtpofts as a means of raising the nec essary revenue to meet the demands of the government, economically ad mlnstered. Senator Simmons posi tion I that taxes with which to sup port the goernment ought to he lev led so as to generally dlstrilxite the burden, and that the whole people may benefit by whatever protection Is Incident to such tariff taxation. To accomplish this Senator Simmons is working out with great care and abll Ity as far as the present political sit nation will tu km It, hh plan that would equally distribute the burdens of tax atlon ami equality hen?fit a'l Interests by Incidental protection. As the sen ator has still oVi, f the democrats had succeeded In the last election, their policy as to the tariff would havo been entirely different, and he him aMiedlitis. But In the present ultna tlon Senator Bimmons is unwilling fo advocate a policy that will give to other sections of the country all f the benefits of protection upon their products, and of free trade up on those of his state; one that will glw his own people the disadvantage of protection upon what they buy, and of free trade as to what they pro duce nnd sell. FLASHED III TO GEORGIA CITY AND THEN FLASHED INTO THE GITY LOCKUP Mysterious Stranger Worth Millions Alleged to Have Played Piini-o Came. BANK'S ASSISTS 0(5 CT.S. (Kpeclnl to The Citizen.) HAINHIUDOE, da., May 29 What is alleged to be one of the most gi gantic confidence oicrationssince the days of Sidney I-csei lies, was brought to light this morning when A. D. Oliver, president of the Climax bank, of Climax. ia , and Cashier Hall, of the same Institutions, wire arrested. Oliver has been operating In and about Climax since January of thin year, and it was generally understood he hud millions of money. He bought timber lands, saw mills, houses, automobiles, etc, paying part cash. It Is charged that he would secure cash through deposit in bis bank Jn which Institution tho public had con siderable confidence and with partial payments of cash usually small amounts he would buy other proper ties, giving him outward appearance of larRe properties, thus establishing confidence and permitting him to cu llnue In his alleged plans. It Is reported that when the Climax institution was examined today by state examiners they found fifty-six cents in cash in the vault. Oliver's alleged operations ran all the. way from Insignificant deposits In his bank to twenty-nine thousand dollars from one Individual. His operations were Indiscriminate It Is charged, taking as his victims from hankers down. His past record far as the pub lic is concerned, is a mystery. He has refused to make any state ment as to his past. A few weeks ago he was married to a young woman of the town. H- gave her I&.O00 In cash and numerous dia monds. NKW WESLEY A. V I'KKSIMCNT. MACON, Oa.. May 29. Dr. W. N. Alrwworth. of Favannah, Oa.. was to day elected president of Wenlvan col lege at a meeting of the hoard of trustees here. He has accepted thj position. . DEATH RIDES. OiV THE WINDS IN STORM WHICH SWEPT OKLAHOMA Terrifying Phenomena in the Heavens Add to the Horror of the Tornado. Several Raging Whirlwinds Follow Each Other In Rapid " ,. i Succession. OKLAHOMA CITY, okl.i . Msy !!t Fifteen and perhaps more persons were killed tonight hi a tornado which devastated the Oklahoma towns of Key West and Depots'. Forty or more are Injured. At least ten were killed In Key West. Five ere dead ut Iepew. Tin- tornado swept over a wide stretch ol farming country. Vlns were down und many rumors of death and de struction at isolated- points could uot lie confirmed tonight. . Following. tlsJKtIHMnM. delude of rain. Floods tmjn added their terrors to the situation. The wreck age of Key West Soon wua over whelmed by the rising waters. .Prac tically nothing was left of the town of two hundred Inhii blrants. Reserves hastened to the place but could not cross Bait Creek which had become j a raging torrent. I HICKORY TO HIKE MILL LARGEST IN THE WORLD New England Cotton Man ufacturers Will Utilize Local Kleetiic Power. (Special to The Cltlwn ) HU"K;(!R.V, Mav . Information received In llhkory that a very large and extensive cotton mill, the largest In the world, it la said, will b- stablished at Hl kory Just cs soon- as the proposed hydro electric develop ment on tile Catawh.-i river here Is as- ured. It seems New Knglainl otton mill men are taking the Inllia- (Iwe In the matter Whether or not they will remove la-torles from then herd or establish H new factory I- it yet stated. I'.ut most probably a new factory out siel out. A factory of .-ueh proportion should by all mm ar. tsi a new ih . In either event It would not ho n.i ssary or even power ;e with only OO'i'i of primary hors' j,. . ver that can le leveloped to be trmsmltted to sm other place than lie kory. for would require all (lie ourr- nt to !ie had to be utilised . Hickory. Such a mill would employ from 000 to fi.000 band- md Its iffecis on the prospcrliy of Hi kory can be im ugined. ROOSEVELT TO MOVE. Illy Assortalnl Pnm) NAirtOHI. May It has been teelded definitely H- it the oosev. II party .will leave lo re June L'. .is Itla lbe for the Hot distrb I, to Hi- f-outh of Nairobi. Mr. Ftoisevclt who Is' Staying In, th clown house of ( MarMillan Is spendin; his time In! Utsrary work. 1 WASHINGTON. May 2P. Forecast: North Carolina Fair; Monday fair on the roast tcrlors light to winds. sho'er In the In- , i mod ;ntte -variable Her Best Bib And Tucker. A few Inhabitants of Ki y West crossed lb'- slrcam before the rls made It lmpassllile. They ennllim reisirts that nt lenst ten negroes were killed and twice that number Injured Among the seriously Injured Is t young woman named ftrnee, who was In the postofllcc when the building was blim-n away. The residence of J L. Hart wns demolished after having been rolled over a half times with the oc- cupanls Inside. Mrs. Hurt's bark was broken; a little girl's leg was wrench ed from her thigh ami Mr. Hart am) Iwo other children were atrlously -In jured. Dopew .was destroyed by n doubly twister that whs Tormcd from the one striking Key West und which traveled northeast, mid another com ing from I he east. The tornado wiped out Dcpcw and then pushed north east spending Its fnnie presumably B few miles further In LABOR LEADERS El GUILTY OE EXTORTION Czar of Chicago and Asso ciates Fined Five Hun died Dollars. CIU'WOO, May 29. After forty Mx liouiM of almost constant wrang ling lie- Jury In the can. or M It. Mad .1. ii, M .1. Kovle hiiiI K A. I'ouehot la'li-ir leaders, today brought In a vol .11. I of guiltv. fining each of the de fendants t'.OO. Mad.l'li Is the so cull ed labor "czar" of Chicago. Ma. I. leu all hut collapsed H'hcn the v.rdi.-t win read. lie lurried yrv whil. and clutchi d the arm of hi.' chair for Kiij!j.ort. Madden, .vhen ap proa. lo-il U i' porter, said Hist he consid! red do- vnllc- had thing for unionism. Tie nun Wife brought to trial on an nidi. -lenient charging that tle y , ,,ns,ire, to extort $1000 and ill. I extort that sum from Knilt Kh'kn. through 'ieorgo S Anders, an iigent in ..r.l. r to settle a Ftrlke on lh- plant on tin Joseph Kllck com pany. EDRINGTON WON AT SOUTHERN GOLF M KM I'll IS. T.-nn.. May 29. J' !i I driliglon of Memphis. won Ibe Southern Coif lal Ion cliarnplon- ship to.lav h defeating li'-orge -. of lilrrnlugbain. by up and ; t,, pin v In the minis at the- Mem phis Coin. try chili. The match WIIH hard foiiisht during the morning round ami IMrington led by 2 up at lit.- end or IH holes tint In tin- lifter noon upeMor j-tarnlhn and slaying powers of tlo- Memphis man made the ilefe.-it of ilttv.r ridiculously ensv. When Kdllllgtoll holed a lfi -root putt .for n half m five at the 2th hob. he won the honor so much coveted by u.) goKers or the South. HdrltlKton if forty-seven years old and the oldest. man who nullified in tin- tournament. He won the cup for the ou.-itifving score in ,i play off with Kill Knowlcs. and Mn. then ha. "ii two map lies bv .ne up aft. r th. hardest sort of bat- RW IIEM.TII; SI ICDF. I!Afyp:H',H. May :'. -will Humph r a nephew of police Justice Hugh Humphrey of c,ol l. ro. N. (',. com mitted suicide this morning hv shoot ing hlmfelf with a pistol. The bul let entered the mouth and passed through! the brain. He was highly esteemed In tne community The act is attributed to bad health. I'or an hour the sky was the hi em of one of the most unusual phenom ena ever observed in the soutlvwesU Smull tornadoes followed In rapid BiuTctiHlon In an atmosphere that w nearly htutild. They rose high Into the air, circled about and dipped. A many u live were observed during the display. The little tonoiloes had spent their force -when the big onv came at live o'clock. Preceding and following It wurcf terrlfcratH mnO hail ctorms. Tha atreota . af Btround and" Haiitila were verltaWe rlvera. A nuwspaper man tried at 10 o'clock to reach Key West, tout was turned back by the high waters. At 11 o'clock he started for Depew. Not a Wire was forking In that part of tin slate and towns within to twenty miles have firmed rumors. i radius of ter heard uneon PRISONER COT SUPPLIES AT END OE HANDY STRING In Addition to VhiKk (Joi Saws and Other to Shorten Sentence. WAMKHUOKO, May 2'J.Ahoul 1 (a.. ,-i'l(H HK'i HtMTlIT H. I. Murttn i whll workliiK In hl jfanlcn on lh went k)iI'- of Oh- Jail, Jiapp iM l l( n't- an rnvop(r. ultarlH'if o nil Iron I J-. . whl h wan l Iti (Mi I ho up Into thi' thlcl Ktory of Un- IiuIMIok. whr-r (hf Hti-t'l el flu fire located. The h' r trf nt nucr HUMp'w-t',! that John !- Fox wh't wjm coiivh tf'tl Bcvertil wt- kH act' of k II 1 1 11 k W. .si i-h. fl Wat Hon HIl'l fii-ricf( I 'i th" pi nlt' ntlary for 1 'I ' Ji f !. w jih at t hf il In-r !in of th ulriiid. Fox, It will ho r-rmirnhr?d. ' ;i w"Si jr. ,T apjfal hut th' tlin: (n v. hi h ho rni n-rfft-l th; h pp.-m fxpln-fj Hninf tirrw a' K'cfhtly h' ffifnpliilrM'l of lit-lux 111 of fttomncc tr'npitlc Mrvl h rlfT Martin whm w;ili tfiK Ufittl he w;ih ahh tit xtarol lh trfp to tfik. tiitn ti Itch-lK-ht Uil r It 1 v I o.t that h- wiijt "poH.stiirnlnn' a no" vi, .ih no) h k at all. Aft- r clriK thi- U-tt-r pullf l through th Jail Hh rlfT Martin k p' a Mhafp lookout an'I on m'v rn! nl-M h ;tnt fiii'l aw n-rtvmn -Anlklnit aroimt! th- Jail, hut hf nff wc uhh- to K'-t n-ar rmuirh to lhm t' "lth r fapttir' or ll' i)tlfy thf r.-on Satur'tay rofrnlnK a priHoi.r wh. hal hfii In Jatt wk r'-h-aw-il on it,n-l Thl" person aft r hla r W hhc, lfif'rni rh Hti'-rirf that Fox had hh, n ft... in his -- 1 1 . Actinic on (hlw in formation infinity Sheriff Otillfor.l Martin, tu-tnmptft'i by !'lif fia n II H. Il-Mfcarn and Mr. H. T! Moor-At-nt tf (he Jail and av Fox'h p r m ari'l frll n thor'iuKh an h, Bf' for-- dolntr thU hwvr, th- Icarnel from M riry Voimt?. a ' olon l tov In jatl. whi-r a numht-r of the awt ati'I tlf Mtrlnff -tth the iron hook alta h- fl to It ifViTf roncnlfl. In all mm 10 or 1 .' fvawa and a w tr.iuu- n(l two f.r thrcif fll'-f wif found '"n eal fd in various placf in th- f dl an! on top of t h t ' cp 1 1 A razor n rl a pockft knife were found in th jrl fnir' jorkeI. Fox hltt rly denied having anything t do with Rfttinif thp unwn, fllfB, etf , Into th Jail, utatinsr that there Impl" mfnU hUnK',l tn thn nrro pr1finerf and that he had frpvnt?1 th-lr tiw pnjiiw of th ffect ft mfght hmve on hi trial. PROTECTIONISTS GET EXCITED OVER AsKed ot imformatlon From That Nation And' Cot Tho Wrong Kind LOW TARIFF MEN GET SOME NEW ARGUMENTS op. Leaders Try to Make It Out an Insult to Tho Nation (Ity Akmim'UMihI lrr ) WASHINUTttN. May 39. Hnnatnr Mdrlch today denounced aa "Impcrtl-. tent" the effortu of th tlerman rv rninent 1o In line nee Anterlcan tariff ik Ixlu tlon hy miiil) Inn ononymoui iifnrmittton na to the wne iald to lernmn workmen. (Un cliaracterlia Ion followed a nlnlement by Henator ). iew Inllniutlna that (lerman tnanu itcttirora worn itrlvltiR to Influence otiKiejui through the German ovivrn. oent and American Importer of Oar nan Roodi. Mr. IV pew hud flunks of tho lm ortance of the liuidnem bcfnra con re nnd aMrld lhat It la purely n American quaatlon. "Yet," ha aid. "hu find that foreign ovm icntM are entering tha atmwte cham r for the olmlrttctlon vof lrlala lon for which the prraldnnt haa call d in extra acatdon. "8ttlnf that n Interniitloniil iiumtlon (a Invnlvat), Ir. Depew aald that the publication f the confidential document would ' aa Hcrloin a matter aa haa cvrr rlacn between tho United Btatel and i forelun Rovcrnment. National Inmill. "I am told that Prince Von Buelow an aent to thla Kovernmiwt an anony Kiim iiln lenient, mo In detail that - it. an 'ine even Into the qttcatlon of ra orM. Then t a m told that It haa ban ut hy th Oormon uovt'rnment into he hnnda of Importers and they hava ut It Into the hand of ,enator lth ro trade tendencle. . The quaatloft one which rlitea far ahova that of olltU'al party, a th tmrtTttiattoaa nt to tho xtutff flbpaftltii'hl urwlef he ma I of the Oerman frVifnmanti 1r. I.u Itiilletto dec lured that a rr elved the ntntcinent COtlBertllna Wttf i (Inrmany had been 11(110(1 by tho lerman manufacturer tlp(ilyln It, ut tluit the niimea had been erased, Ir. Aldrleh then explained lhat tha iHlement had been transmitted by lie (lermiin Hovernnient on the con 'It Inn Hint they nhmild not be printed,, ud "in b teHtltuimy rvu, he aald, ortlilewi from hlK point of view, WIuiI'm tlie lUw ket? The iurime of the nrnalilent and lie atnle depHrtment In transmitting: tin (lerinnn utiitetrient to the com illtee on finance wa the subject -of lrloiia comment at. was the method v which It reached the committee nn 'nance. Mr Aldrleh stated that tha tnerlenn nmbni-iuiilor at Berlin ha I ti tiled Information but he ex lalned the aniliiiHsador could not ave nuked for replies to testimony riven In-fore the ways and mean cum ill Hoc. "Nothlni; on the record," he aald, ihowH what the ambassador asked or. If I am not savins something urxli I would say the attempt on lie piirt of iinv Koverntnent or of a 'iiinufaet urer of any government 0 'ifbieuee leKlnlatlon of congress In this vay Ih to miy the leant Impertinent." Mr. Tillman expressed the fear that lie comments on the (lerman govorn netit uilxht not be gniciouHly re lived by thai government. "If w imk for Mimethlng," he said, ii ml got Hornet biim we do not want, bat In another thing; but we should io flllr to these people." lt)-Mrt N'K (,lvell Out. Mr. Curler wiu commenting on the roirletv of priming communications f foreign governments, when a mes- (Cnntlnund on finge four.) PRESIDENT TIFI KEPT THINGS GOING ABOUT I 'itched (lame of lJanehall Wit limit Fatal Results to 0iM,siiiri 'I'eani. eiTlsni'KO. May 29. President Lift Hiorouglilv enjoyed himself HirouKh lifteen hours of plnv and 'intlniieii excitement. Ho made four l.ce' iien ill nn Tniniy different places, ro-le rrniOy mllen bv automobllefl anl vjieclal trnlnn. plnyod pitcher In a K'imc of ball at the Alleghany Coun try i tut, In the nrly afternoon and then returning to town sat through the elttven InningH of the content be tween the I'jttnburg and Chicago teams of the Nutlonal league. Tha I rr-nldent unnlnted at the dedication of u fountain In Arm nal park, attend-, ed a business meeting of the Associat ed WeMern Vule club,' had luncheon at Kewlikley Heights, fourteen miles ut if the city and tonight wa tha principal Kpenkcr at the brilliant ban quet which brought to a close the art- nmtl smelons of tho Weatern Tali1 club. ' G RINY'S CT I