It-; THE ASHEVIECE CITIZEN". THE WEATHER: SHOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. III yoi, XXV. NO. 222. ASI1KVILLE, N. C, MONDAY .M()1L1N(, MAY l!K)!i. VUWK VIXE CENTS. t r ii np Cap fur nights of e City llilf BUTTLES WOfl the ' i ASHEVILLE GIVES GREETING TO HOSTS OF TRAVELERS FROM ALL THIS BROAD LAND Train Followed on the Heels of Train Bringing Delegates to the Twen tieth Annual Convention of the Association And to the Right RESPOND TO THE WELCOME WITH CHEERS AND SONGS Opening Event Will be This Morning And Then Will FollowThings in Rapid Succession For Rest of Week With souks, with shouts, with cheers, the host nl the T. 1'. A.'s poured into the I city yesterday from the East, the West, tin North uiid tht! South, and kept on coming from the arrival i.f the first train In the morning throiiKhout the day, anil throughout the nlRht, until the crowd that will he Bern this morning got within the city gates. The heavy traffic which necessitated the running of both regular and special trains In sections made many of the trains late, hut even the de lay, exusporated as it wue, did not dampen the enthusiasm of the visitors. Several delegations from distant states which were expected last night will Mil. .. OltC.K W. SMITH. St. Louis, Mo., Nutlonal C'linlriiiaii. arrive until this morning, hut they will arrive in time for the opening vent, the parade. Onlckly Found Quarters. As. tlie several train loads poured Into tlie city, each In turn was met and taken care of hy the mouthers of the reception committee who saw the visitors were taken to the va ii his hotels In which they had sc- uivil ipiartors. Last niKht all the In town hotels were nil. d to the doors, flatten- I'ark could accommodate no in,,re guests, the Manor was turning away applicants for rooms, ari l the M-rkeley and Swannanoa had 0i.ii- c.i 1 ... its full or engaged. The reo-nt I. sirni'thm of Kenllworth hy nre enr t nl. d the city's hotel ne. "'nine. .Unions I some two hundred rooms The re-opening of Victoria Inn nn ''. r new management off. rs a'-coinmn-l itions for more than a huinlr. d p. o. 1 S . however. Owing Ho- unc r t iinty. ius to the time "I opening the Inn. Mr. Ilranch, tin- proprii lor. lnaile very few re-servat ions. Hid visi t'.r can flint splendid n onmmo.iaiii.hs He re The many first -class hoarding houses in the city also can accommo date hundreds. The arrivals so far have l.en those delegations v. hi. h had reserved their quarters, and th-y have lill. d up all the In tow n hostelries. The showers yesterday fortunately w.Te not heavy enough to spoil the ih . orations on the ration avenue, and Hi.- imposing appearance of that tier nghfare was highly comm. nted upon hy those who came in yosi.rdu Tin weather man premises showers todav. and if i more ngiu :,r, lihl nobody will mind tin m miieh. Orcat I'arailc The event of today will 'T 11 11,.. trr..n.t ,.ur.1e lit I, 11 o"elo k. . th I'll. various oriJiinlzatloiis and tie mute of the parade have hen publish''.' h. retofore. An unusual feature of th- parade will he the nreseiice of high otTn mis of the Houthern railway in the line of march. The railway nu n will hav, a division of their own in th. parade headed hy Mr. K. 11. Hard wick, pas S'-nger traffic manager: .Mr ' - ii ...., ral p.i.-s. no r agent and Mr. 1 1. I". ai.v. and ilnnt Renrl pnsscnRcr agent nt WW i i i 3 it 1 a t 1 Royal Hospitality Which the City Offers Great Street Parade MR. I -M IS T. LaliMM:. of St. Louis, alonal ivrcuiry T. I. A. trict passenger agent, will march In front of the railway division, carry ing a large I'nitcd State flag which was lirollght from Philadelphia This h tleV tirs! time that Southern railway officials, as a hotly, have par ticipated in any puldie parade, or have attended a T I'. A. convention. When asked last night why such a distinc tion had been bestowed on the travel ling ne n. one of the officials said Hiat the Soiulnrn railway greatly appre ciated the coming ol the coin, ntion In In its territory. "The travelling men can do much for the railway and this section." he said, "and we want to do all in our power to make tin conven tion a suecess. We want every dele gate to feel assured or the sir Vice that we can give him." Officials In The Southern railway oft i. dais who will h. le re for ! he entire w. . k and who will march ill tin parade tnd.i.. an : H. II. Har.lwkk of Washington, paf senger traffic mining' r: .1 I.. Me. I of Atlanta, assi-tant giie ral pass, tiger agent; J. i. Iliani of St. Ismis, assist ant general passenger agent; A. 8.' Thvvi all of N. York. asl. rn pass, n gcr agent; James l'r. email "f Atlan ta, district passenger agent; W. K. Mc (Ihee of Aueusta. trav, ling passenger agent; W. W. Crouton "f r.iltlmore. trav. ling pas.--' ng.-r amit; VV II. 1'e.iu of l;iriiiini:ham. district passenger a-, M; Ceorge C Hani' Is of Ih.slon. New lOngland passenger 111,1 nt; J. C. I.usk of Charl. st..n. .liv isi .n passen ger .ig.1,1; S. II. Mel,, an of Columbia, passenger and lick, t aii-M; K. I. Straiten of V.v.i nsv ille. Irnl.. passen ger a;;"iit: .1. N" llarri.-oii "t .lackson ville. district ,-,., ng. r ai." nt: -I K Shi ley "I' Kie.w ill-, division pass, n u. r a-, nt. A. I: ' -k. "f i.euisvill. . district p.(sw ng. r ,.g. lit i. U I'' ''- of l.ieon. travel p.lKs. t,s- T nu nt : . J. f Mold!. . Ale eit pass.-ir;. r agei.i; II. S .l.nnings of N. vv V-iJe. H IV ding pas s, , agent. -fT n. l-n'ts of Ital . i-.'h. Ira., ling pa e ur a i. n I ; S K. Ihirg. s of Ci. hinond district pass. n cr agent: It I ' Cr.agli of Sehua. trav , ling piiss-nv-. r il-. nt; c c St. wart ,,f St. i i.-. di.-Hn t )..s-. io;er agent: 1 I. A. k. r of S. iv aim ill. i t v pas s, ng. r ag. ,,1 . C. A. line of Washing o. chief rate el. rl.. I . II. Ted. I of U asbini-lon. chief baggage ( I r li : I! W tlei.l of Atlanta, sup. nub rnh nt of li.iin mi'lii'ir" The Itig I'.-irade. Tl,. ,.,,. ,, p.irad. this morions !v ill I" : Chief Marsha! I". Plik. P ath-r with his ,. . I'i. k W ic.or J. A. I Mr. h ,1 V. K. i'sti 1 oihland . ath i r. four mounted pole men. A. I.. I. arid Ithie l!ela- Uifl. s and two companies from s. r. t order-. (5 v rn-r Kit. Iiln an I -t-'ir. i" ' ar- riages s;, , .,, , . ri, Kail .cay crTi. I.ils Nation.,: ..nie. rs T V. A. V, ml- rs th. T. I'. A. h st it j.,'.l,,no. .-.n f.M.t. I'-iHnn hand W n fit. r. t : "f T - J - ;ij , . "'"''' Isn mniiiwi mi as nwnwmffr mmmmm mt Mill ' y Mil. II. O. OKAY, of IrfiiilsYlllc, I'ri'S lilent T. 1 A. I'IMMiRAM lt)lt THY. 10 A. M. Meet at Hie AiHliloriiini, form 4 In line ami march ilmvn Hay- hi Kill Street to I'alton Avenue, up ration Avenue to Cliuri'li, down Church lo Willow. to Soulh Main, up South Main to Square, lrcle Siuare and iNick 4 4 to Auditorium, via I'll lion Ave. 4 11.30 A. M. Convent Ion called to order at 4 ; ''AmMmrlmni " Miwlc. lVnyer Dr. O. T. Howe. Aihiress Hon. v. V. Kllcliln. 4 tiovernor of North Carolina. Music. AddreoH Hon. Ian kc Cniiir, on Is half or Mayor of Ashcville. Music. Address Hon. Henry (). Ola, National I Ycslileitl T. I. A. 4 a.:ui P. M. I business session. (.;to P. M. Informal Itoocpllon, Itallcry I'ark Hol.l. 4 (iverlook I'ark Italian band. fire depart aunt. Aslievill.-Cantoti. Patriarchs Mili tant; and Cnifi.rui Hank company No. x Knights of Pylhiafl will he the military seer, t orders. Tl the SiM-wlies. The asseinliling of the delegates at the Auditorium will follow the parade and then tb. re will he speech-making, addresses "f welcome to the state hy feivernor Kitcliin. and t" the city by Hon. !,ocke r'ralge who will act as the r- j.r. senta l i . ,,r Mavor Campbell, and responses i 1 rcspicni orav, ui tne association. IK. I'ltANK V. CltA.MlXI.I, of SI. IiiiIs. National It. K. Chairman. Th" l,usine.v me. Inn; In th.- after neon Will pr.'lell.l . .1. V. Pip S'.llle liVe. tv kimiifdiitie ..n .several matters which will come up for consideration. The c-..nv. nli .ii for all (hat it fi s li.e and i.ei.i sid- ii larch' featured. in reaii.v a Imsinc-H e,,nventioli in Mallcri of ItimliH'ss. which matt' rs of r. at Importance to Iraviri'iU' nn ti ar, settl.d. Ainonir the hii-dm-sn matters la e'.nle IIP at thin se-sHin Is a propose,! petition to h. pr. wnteil to conitr'H t;t it- ii t session niakinif railroad eoiripanlev,nsiv.e for sample and otic r i"".,s lost or stolen w hlh in their car- us haKsaep' carried on DiaUeti A,.i.. riling to th" prcsen ' :f ' .'' ijjj, .Jt'o'.,"5 ' vA Q'f . X I r Ian a, excel. t In Texas and Indiana. ..for North I'arolina: bo'al sliow.r if n traveline man's hanitaee is ' Monday and Tu'-wlay; hsrht to mod. r-y.-. iiv.-..-w ,wwi.-sv : BN- variahle Winds, momly so .thiv.'t- (Continued on pafe four.) I TORNADO LEFT PA TH OF BE A TH AND DEVASTATION IN ZEPHYR Thirty-two Known Dead and Score More Injured Many Fatally Fifty Houses in Business Section of Town Destroyed by Storm Which Swept Down Upoii It at Midnight. (By Associated 1'rrss ) Illtf)WNWX)I, 'Texas. May 30. A tornado of great fury Struc the littte village uf Zephyr In the eastern por Hon of llruwn county at 1 o'clock Sunday lnorultis; ami left a path or death and destruction seldom paral leled. The death list nan reached a to tal of thirty-two and the numher of geriiHiBlY anil fataHJS- wounded will reach "fifty. A scor oro more or loss Injured., The iWrtlal list of dead is ns fol lows: C. A. Cahler and wife. Thad Oahler. wife and two d ren. (iertrude Houston. Oscar Ware, wile and three dren. M. G. Simmons, wife and threi ehil- chil- Uren. Mrs. W. A. Kanisay and child. H. llruwn and wife Mrs Tom Marl und child, (lihson Xcocs. The more s. ri-usly injured arc: Iioh Camph. ll. wife and four chil dren. . WITH COMMISSIONER Tlicv Arc Wiinicd Not t- Disrctfiird lilt; Order of In siiraiK-e 1). iiartmeiit. (SM'cini in rM' ( IiIai-ii ) Muh rn WimhJki' ii of AtriM c.i in N'.rlh Oirolliwi nr- alt. ml i n I int" a wrl'HjH trnihl with tin- whili- rnrn miMHinricr "f in irmice, M-tn Jinn, m H. Vmillg. S'' Wt:)(K ;ik" the ruin- misHiorn-r r'K I the li iin th order to rondnM ita fr;it' rnil lii-nr-anci! In thin ,-i;ii- for f;iilui' t-i "m ply with th- "arl hi .i l.m. ."... the vn r i lv I he M''h rn I men, V. W. 1 1 ;i '.. hH wntt'it r -r - Mentatlveji (.f tl(1 order Jii ihi- st.ih ' ' (hat th v ar n in any wa ll-' t I'd hy the rrv.i . t ion "f t h- li' n--. 1 '; hut ttiat th- . .-I proei d with iht l? cillc thn f ;is Hsin ntn and r o-ti them ttl tile t.. I . OfTl.-e 'l ie ( 'ON rn isswrn r now 'i h a wa rrs in y I h,. ' iinvini" d'-inu the- 'r at tein pt itik ! 'I ' 1 ho will he ha hh i 1 line and im jMn n - j merit through .. onenition h tie i :' state d pa rt r r j n ' . ih- Ki ves n .t a to, that if Iher. iw jinv . tie ! Krand ofTieerj ! verrhle Hi. -t.u j ' 1 rultnRy the iiren- of the hmthfth I)"1 rtill ri it le- riU''d e(n th'.iiK'h! they thclde t'. ,lhd; hy the ,,r , the state. WAHIIIXOTOV. Ma 1 t'Hy. .10 I or .-' a lr Wren and wife. Prof, cinycs and family. Captain Collier and wife. J. W. HeiiHoner nnd wlfi. Jim Hand, wife and live children. J. A. ilasker, wife and four chil dren. H. K. Cohlw. W. 11. I licks, wife anil two ehll- T. T. Cahlcr, countr hltornoy, bf .Mis. T. T. ('aider and two children, i iglileen years old daughter ami In- 1 In ii ( daughler one jear of llrown-j w I. i Mrs. Arlie llarl. thirty-seven years i old and son, K. .licit, sis years old, of! Zrphvr. j Miss (briie 1 1 us.,ii, twenty-live, Zi ph r. liibl.S Clove. . two VI ll'-ol'l . SOU of 1 lofcs.sor I'lovee. .eplnr. Us, iir Ware, loitv-lhe. Zephyr, and, two sons. Harry and KnuiL Miss Jessie Wale. Illl.ell. Z'pliyr. W, CI. Simmons, wife ami twa chil dren. Miss I'.ertie. twenty-four am! West. I w eh e. V.i phyr. 1 CIRCULATE BOGY TALES TO SCARE BERRY PICKERS This It's Wild Min i lo;iinin Woods Where1 Merries Are Thickest. ( Kjin-ijtl (o The rillwn.) ll-ai.. Ma, t,, t'-.l , It IK line I. 'II. lea. K ! ..a I hat t'.. Li ' li' I...1, u, ll'ie a 1 I. ii-v " .-l.-iv i a I. II- Ida. I-. I" 't and 'C II a . '-. I, a - I -n - ' I. I-' !ln or ti'i' "- in. j- , f t. j,,(i le j. a I le r III. hie lee Ml h. rii' M la III. ..f p'-rf. e ,.!,! VXIIle l.jtld ',t , ii , ala I, d such a a I -n 111 i-u. li ..I a .. I'llV rilOh ' l-lid, ill and out "l i, and Dial lie lia .v him. If III"! :i I,. II I. id. I , in, I. - a ,1' .I'll',' Mprl ril ,,l u le li le add yprilll! 1,1-' 'I .! I I-' '" 'I' .llellltlK 'I-' e , ,' I ' , I ' I ' 1 1 I lid !' ' -IMt It' . A ni 1. oia n from , a . a I , I iNoli. sa , ; M li. a o ..' foa in ' I I e I .1 I, i hi .V ho, whin l.e is "I..", d le, i,iii'l" h, lal - "f f I II! V II Ul-e o I,. loV. -t ih plllS ,.f I - ll'l le ' II ' 11 P., hoo.h, I o' e o,, who . . h, i solo, poor d' an I 1 h , I Del- ii II" lie I- O h i r iii i , turn Ih ha- a v.av of H- I,,,,,.' M iii tin. I. lumps 1 1,1 ).' - piiiK ;il p' ' '(,. as: I i le, I. p. i.-- K ' ' h p.. i I'" ,.. t . . as a f.e t. Dial th I ; hi i ' i! on on'- -I' ll, -a ', - I le II lick I'd" I t V crop 'i ,i, u , , "h . omit . than It , ri . a rs and hopes tin w i M i. .: I,. ! f i c h ' ' li ' . I out of ,. ds , l e siorv of Do wild worm. it ToiiN im. M .M.i:.-.Ti;i: "111 Mav SL--A tolhado sine k A-h!and iti the South- wist c.rtu r "( ihi- county nt !i ..,... k lonielii. rtoiiiif much ilamasi ruid i n J nr i ntr Tiian persons. H, F. Hrown ad wlfs, Zephyr. . W. A. ftumsey, fifty, and sou Ollio, thirteen, Zephyr. , C M, tartar, forty, and wife, thirty live, a son, O lover, twelve and thru-ear-old Infant, Zephyr, Captain .Collins,, thirty. Zephyr. Iluh CampWll, three, .Ztiphyr. Hodney Cojupball, .lnfa.ntr SSuphA'A ( Tkaeo IntUir tba children of Mrs. nti .iKivH-n.' rumt, 'l' lie storm fnrmed half a mile south west of Zephyr and swept down upon the village, cutting a wide path di rectly through the residence and tbiisl-Ili-SM district. Nearly liftv houses were entirely de molished. Lightning; struck a linn-' her wild and started a conltagratlon which destroyed one entire business block. No effort was made to light tie- tire ns the care of the dead und woun.hd victims demanded all atten tion Iti lief Soil Promistly. A section hand rode a hand car to Itrnwiiwonil and spread the new. ICoiiilniied from first page.) jTlllE IS BHEWING IN STREET CAR STRIKE So me Few Acts of Violence Make ( .'oinpanv A fr.iid to linn Cars at Night. l'llll,l'i;iJMIIA, May 30 - Aft r niixlil f.ill liaftie on manv of 'he stiee , nr Iiii. h w in. h hud he. n in op. ra lion todav A'as entirely suspended, the 1 1 ii 1 1 1 li officials not canny to i i. k anv v iolence thai rnlKld he at l . in j d d ii n d r tin .over of dais le-w .Vleiinl no. 1 li. I'rnll. tin mi llenal of ,.-,1 n ii r. was lillsllv illKll;.'.'! IN visilin Die vari-'IM seetlollM of ill' . itv ani'l p. ruadiiiK Do- linn Mill .voikmi; lo Join the Mrikds. II. n lulled to Do I - li I ' ill lieii.,ii.i r . r el!! In Id li iKht li lid prol , ssi d to I,' aiie,.'l .villi ll.e siliialion l.oiine Ih. eiilriK an .ritin jdrnl" I'.iiv o nine rii.ri who ,v.r- ! l . i r 1 1 1 ii K hom. in a -wniron vv , i . t.ii: ,,i nil. .iiMody for .atlln:? hwat." at a pasin trolhv on. Tu polo. I,, , ii in.striieled to .ill.'O and ni.ik .liari:is iiKiiinst any on. Dia. rnal'S a show of H.offiiik; at lie .voikilo; conductors and inoloiiii, n. I .' i . ,ci. - ii . r who hi a 1 1 . -o . d is I. 1,. ii to Do d. lo live .a u a lid a pti. d Ilk. a cominoi, crim I I. I T.vo of the IllOSt Serl'olH dest'l "' .ii s of the day, honv -., r, did not r, ' Mill In anv arrests. At oi i' j o let'taf.ti ,P was pla. d plae. i ro.4 t ir trick and it r..uir.d th. erioii A,.i hroilnht I Ii i - : f a s.piad of polo I,, k.', II" ii I" not pot """'crowd from putliiinr it ha. k a -r I i i I 1 1 1 1 i , i 1 1 o ,, ,,, i Km,. At another point a ned orma n I. . . .Line t'-i ror-slre k.-n Is-' aiise ..f the pr-sene, of strike vmp iDil.-r arid wuiH umihle to run Ins - a r. A striker v.d'inl. red and the car ha' k lo the h.trn for him. .MILS. I'l.lNT-I.IIHf S ll:,M. NKW YoltK. May . -Mrs M.n sari't .1. I'lant-'Jr-iv, s, widow of Hen ry H. I'lant. founder of the system of railr-.Hds, steanishltiH and hotels in the South, dnd here today from :,rt.-ri.i-... rosis. She had been ill for more than a year. Bf THE CEASELESS FNFRCV Wm III! Interesting History of Slg Or ganization That Had Small Beginning SECURED MILEAGE FOR THE PUBLIC It Also Brought About The Repeal of the Odious "Druinmers'Tax" Tho T. P. A. was or Iianiited In mo t 1 icnver, Col., and wus the oulgrowtH of, th Truvellaro' Pnitactlve assoelntlon (if thg llnl ted Blulcs, a comttwr- elal orifunlsatlon Tormod for tha pur- pos of vorrsctlnir mun abuses which had mown tip In the ranas of the trav elliMi mvn, hut which whim correotxd left tho assorlstlon with llttloj to holU Its n.mlmrs loKetlier. Many 'of tlriosa who at ten iled tho eunvtntlon at At hmtlc tTty In the summer of lfttjD bo- , lleved that It Would tho last nieol" Inn to ho held, ' , - f . MlMHourt "Hliowetl. 'nttt.' ' ) At this earnest solicitation of the ; Westera boys, tho delegates worn per. uadeil to meet In Denver In 18S0, aint In the full of 1889 a band of boys' In Missouri applied for and 'obtained a charter for tho Travellora Protuctlva HHMoclHtlon of America, At Denver this fulluwlh summer they offorvd t turn over their thurtor to tha 'Trav I'llcrs' I'rotoctlvo association , of tho ITnlted ttes' If tha delegates would . ru-orsrunltie 'fend accept tho Missouri tr i t'-v 1 r ! I-.; llt. M'lM'lltK, (lutlrimiii Vnm oiniolllt. ehurt. r which hud a heneflclttl i I ium. und mi accident Imlmntilty alv Iiik On oiKiinlsullon a much stroimer ( oolhiiii'd on pairs thr.) . , rr Tn-TTn HOPE TO REACH VOTE BY FI05T OF NEXT lint Have no Ucal K'eason to llelieve Tariff Will ' Ho Sellled Tlien. (Hy Associated I'ross.) ; -1 1 1 '.i ;T' N. Hi'. - Althouiih pi -i- ,ii tin l.irlll Idll is slow. II . he" ill!' Hl' idltV forward lietweell ff . . I,' - I" ad, 111 fed Olllt the llmo ii.i in. fm.ii in Htailuiilly ap ,i h, in.'. Tin v pr. diet thattlie work will le di- ( I of In time to iiermlt i ..,',.,-.i, to llnallv adjourn early In .Inc. .t .online;, however, to h, n tiu'K"ii ions of ilouht when thin approximate time m " n i I i n .1 . and ih. ie are v. r, i.w w'h'i cu n iflvp rea i hi. tor Ih" failh that Is In them. Tie ont look for tin present week M f,r 'ii.inv sp,,e,.s and for slow ,i,,iii, s- oi, Die Hchclules. The proh. ah Hit-, of iiikIii xCsslons is not so tjreat o, it w a.- .1 wick imo. Tie wolk of tie- w k will tiugln with a d is. us., ion of the rate on lemon- and alter tie ai-'l hull lira I schorl- 111. is disposed of the coltoll ailll WOOl. n si In dules will reci lve attention. Th. H. nate will sit r,n Decoration day. If Do !i".i' succeeds. In obtaining; a oii'ii iim wle n It me. t Tuesday It will continue tin- d is. ii Mil on of the Porto ! ; i, i n hilt an. I when action is taken on Ii. ih. hill makiiiK upiiropi latlona for th,- ri . -s I e, nsiis proliahly will ba laki n op. kllUHU I U I III ?n ii i t ! v'J n r its II ?! t I ll . f S'L 11 ',2 V i' 5 t"l 'I I i It- t i lilt Washington. Mr. J. U- Wood, "i it

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