THE "WEATHEB: VOL. XXV. NO. 230. MEMPHISISRUDY FOR ASSEMDLirJB Preliminary ' Arrangements Made for Reunion Which Begins Tomorrow SHORTEN PARADE TO THEIR INFIRMITIES Receptions. Concerts. Auto Races.Grand Ball Are Most Interesting Features (By Associated Press.) MEMPHIS, TENN.. June 6. Re elizlng that, by the very force of na ture, they wl.'l probably never again have the opportunity to entertain the Milfliers of the "Lost Caus.i" the citi zen of Memphis are bending every triergy to make the approaching re union of Confederate veterans an event long to be remembered. The lute named for the annual gathering are June 8, 9 and 10, and every prep aratioa has been made looking to the pleasure and comfort of the visiting warriors. Food in abundance and healthful lodgings are gratuitously awaiting those who come and proper ly register. Varied amusements will bv provided -And the genera! executive committee, having in charge all ar jiinKwmcnta, announce that no extor tionate, fee will be exacted from vis! tors by hotels and boarding houses. Every railroad In the -South and Southwest has made the tow rate of one cent a mile to Memphis and re turn. Th geographical location of the city Is exceptionally well suited fr the re-unlon. North and South and East and West are states which rallied to the standards of Lee and Jackson and hereabouts were n acted many of the stirring events of the civil war. Parade Jtoute Short. The re-Unlori of this year will be the nineteenth annual session and will be presided over by General Clement A: Evans, of Georgia, the commander. in-chlet The first two days will be devoted ttt th business of the organi sation and on. June 10 the parade of thwmd auati irt -Gray" will (ak place. Because of the' advanced age of a great majority of the marchers the route will bp- Short, and along Main street, v the -.principal thoroughfare of the city. This avenue will be lavish ly decorated tor the occasion and at (Continued from page four.) BOOKEB T. CITES NEGRO LIP1 AS EXAMPLE FOR RACE TO EMULATE In Sermon Tells His People to Suceeed First and All Else Will Come. ' DOLLAR HAS NO LINE (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, June 6. Jack John son's title to the heavyweight chani pkmship of the world was the basic theme tonight in a sermon preached by Hooker T. Washington to thw negro men's ilnininess league of Now York. The fighter's name was not mentioned howevd. "In the last analysis," Dr. Wash ington told hl hearers, "success is what counts. Success, despite race or color, makes the man on top reap;t vim. What the world wants is suc cess. Hold up your successes; don'l herald your gloom. "Yoi remember when a certain mamber of our race went to Australia to do a Job; warnings were sounded that the color lino would be drawn. The question was hurled at him 'Arn't you afraid In that white man's coun try?' "Now suppose he had gone to Aus tralia crestfallen, saying that he wis negro and much oppressed, would he have won; it is a Oodsend that he did win. It shows t the negro race what determination can do. "The time has eomn when a negro must get a commercial, business bjiu economic footing, and get It in. this K-Tleratlon or Tall In ever getting it 'ummerce, the dollar, draws no color line. The man who produces what somebody else wants will get thr trade." ADVENTIST8 AJMOl'RV. WASHtNGTON, June 8. The J7th quadrennial conference of the Seventh Day Advent lets which has been in ses sion three weeks adjourned tonight. The closing feature of 4he con ference waa the "world message" de livered by lira Emma White, .the aged prophetess of the organisation. OFABEO VETERANS nn he I 0 Robbers Subject Woman 01 Ninety To Most In human Barbarity- LYNCHING PARTY IS ON THEIR TRAIL Fiends Secure Only Three Dollars And Half Booty For Their Trouble (By Associated Press") PITTSBURG, June 6 A brutal out rage, perpetrated by unknown rob bers today at Belmont. Pa., pear here has aroused the mmmnnliv anA lynching Is threatened If the men can be captured. FivM men nil m.i;,ul 'broke into the home of Mrs. 'Minnie Ashe, aged ninety. In, the outskirts of the mining village and ransacked fire place. With the aged woman were ner daughter. Mrs. Mnrv OUr .!,.. years old and her arrnnil Hunrhin- Miss Minnie Ober. twentv-three veora oiu. The men found onlv I3.0O In the house and belHeselng there was more thev bound the three women ana suojeotea them to mere less tor ture. Thle men fore wire fmm hn nintit. nanging on the walls and fastened the three women to chairs. They then bared their beet and hteld lighted randies tn tneir fr,t Purti.iiv un conscious the women were otherwise abused. Before leavlns: the house the burglars released Miss Ober, who late this afternoon recovered sufficiently to summon help. Tonight the entire mlnlns- villae-e is searching for the men. RACING FLEET OFF FOR THE BERMUDAS NEW YORK, June 6. Nine fleet little vcsslcs, five sailing yachts and four motorboats Mt New Yorlr yester day in two separate contests for Ber muda, ..Tp-e sail-drlvn crafts got off In the morning and the 'motorboats followed, thjs. (afternoon. "Both start took place froip the Atlantic Yacht club at Boa Gate, Long Island The mnmrooain wore competing iof we Bermuda.1 whalfenge cop presented br the New Yqic Yacht club. Crusader II, Margaret. Amorlta, Marchioness. and Restless are the yachts In the rare and the power 'boats are Hc. Hvnth, Insep and Nereides II HEADS OF THEIR CAMELS TO LOUISVILLE City Is In Festive Array to Welcome the Delegates Of The Order. WILL BE GREAT DOING (By Associated Press.) LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Jum C The thirty-fifth nnnual session of the No tion of the Mystic Shrine, the second ever held In Dixie land, will begin to morrow in DouisvJUe. The city Ik transfornwd with color and d.-cora-tlon. Hard and systematic work on the part of Kosalr Temple of Louis ville, has had the effect of giv-lnt; the city an expression of hospitality that has never vti excelled h fore In the preparation for a convention. For four days Louisville will be giv en over to tin- visitors, who with their families and friends arv- expected to number one hundred thousand. To use an expression germane to the soil, a huge hand with the word Howdy" written across it in electric bulbs swings at a principal street In tersection. At another there Is a cam el In electric lights, while others havi th)t various symbols of the Shrine. Among. tie special features of the entertainment which Kosalr has pro vided Its brother there Is a bird's eye view or LoulsvllK from the top of Its tallest building; drills and parades galore; old ttme "ante-bellum South ern minstrel show: automobile races lrinRing together the most dnrlng drivers of the country on Wednesday: an electric street pageant on Tuesd.'iy nlght. and "an attack on Fort Poone," the first palisade of he white man West of the Alleghanits on Thurs day. CINCINNATI. June .Howling ajproval of the candidacy of Freeiand Kendrlcks of Philadelphia for mem ber of the Imperial council to be elec ted at the Louisville meeting of 8hrln ers, a large party of Philadelphia no bl arrived over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad today en route to Lou isville to the national meeting of Ihf body. . I DKTUREWOMENT IKE THEM GIVE UP THEIR LITTLE HOARD - mm A8IIEVILLE, MERE RAflDFULOF MEN DEFY LAW ANC COURT'S SENTENCE Tikfl Menro AUemAv Con- demod To Death From Jail And Lynch Him OVERPOWER THE SHERIFF BY RUSE After Conviction Negro Be. gan To Feign Insanity In Hope Of Pardon (By AiwoHated Press.) TALLAlkASSEE. Ma., June . Dangling from a limb In the county Jail yard and within sight of the dume of Florida's capital, the lifeless body of Maik Morris, colored, greeted the people of this city this morning. Already condemned to death for the murder of William Langston, late sheriff of this county, this rtwgro would have, within a. few weeks, paid the penalty of his crime with his life, at the hands of the law. A mob of not more than fifteen men decreed other wise however, and at three o'clock this morning Morris was dragged from his cell In the ja and strung to the limb of a trxe within the Jail enclos ure. As if to add emphasis to their lawlessness, the masked, band emptied a round of cartridges Into the llfchrMi body of the negro and rode away without the slightest molestation. Sheriff Houston was In Georgia and when the lynchers arrived at the Jail they brought the jailer to the door with the ruse that they had a prison er, overpowered him, took his kvys, secured the negro Morris, locked the Jailer in Morris' cell and soon accom plished thfelr work. Feigning Insanity. Lately Morris has been acting very strangely, and It Is believed that fear that the negro would attempt to es cape (he gallows through feigned In sanity prompted the act of the mob which-this morning took the law Into their own hands to avenge the death of Sheriff Langston. Lanfrstosj was killed by (he negro Morris- in March last while the sher iff waattemptinT to arrest him for a crime committed In Georgia. There was considerable excitement following the killing of the officer and for three dnys posses with bipod hounds seourod thy turpentine woods and swamps In search for Morris, lynching being rec ognteed as Inevitable In case of cap (Continued on page five.) E EDITOR, PUBLISHER A NO POLITICIAN, IS DEAD Has Been a Power in Phila delphia Polities For Half Century, AGED EIGHTY ONE (By AstMMlalexl Press.) rillLADELlMIIA, June . Col. Alexander K. Metlure, notary of tlx Supreme and SuiTlor courts of Penn; sylvanla and fur many years a prom inent figure in politics and Journalism died today at his home in Walllngford In Delaware county, aged nighty-one years. Oelnncl McClure had leen suffering from infirmities due to Ills advanced years for some tim;- Horn In Petty county. Pennsylvania. he became editor of The Juniata Sen tinel when only ninctcvn yeurs of age. He first gained political prominenci in 1853 when he was nominated and defeated auditor general by the whig A mentbers of the republican con vention which nominated Lincoln In 1860, Mef'lure was the one who sug gested that the Pennsylvania delegates Should break away from Simon Cam eron of Pennsylvania and vote for Lincoln. This was done and Lincoln' name stampeded the convention, lit I formed close relations with President J Lincoln and his cablm-t, and took prominent part In notional politics. Colonel McClure came to Philadel phla more than fifty years ago. wher for a time he practiced law. In 187.1 he was narrowly defeated for mayor of Philadelphia after a liitter contest. With the late Frank McLaughlin he established The Times and for year. wH-ldefl a trenetinnt editorial pen. One of his greatest battles was n cm ale against "The Dandy Mayor," Wil liam II. Smith. He wtrs for many years president of the Clover cluo. V. PARIS. June . The French Aerial League has, perfected plans for liner of dirigible balloons from Paris re epr-ctlwly to Nancy, Lyon. Pau and Houen. Five dirigibles will be em ployed In this service. All of themj H be capable of an average speed of thirty-one miles an hour. N. C, MONDAY MORNING, riskM life ..... r K a Husband Plunged Into Swirling Torrent and Battled A , ;' Only to See His Wife's TJfeJess Body Wrench i ed From Him Finally. NIAOBA FALLS, Is'. Y.. June , Xouls Cohen, of Buffalo, saw his young wife leap Into, the" swirling river be tween Second and Third Bister Is lands at five o'clock this afternoon only ISO feet above' the brink of the cataract. Without moment's hesi tation he followed, and struggled to save her. -. ' She probably died In his arm. Be fore It was possible to bring efficient help, an hour had passed, during all of which Cohen was making frantic) attempt to reach th shore. The cur rent at this point .4 about "twenty miles an hour. : But fortune aided him. With his 1f jtlrhtlv cleaned to him' he felt im1 tiump" Into )' grounded, tree stump, auetr on this he TO DEATH IN III 1 :; '-. T Three Score People Were Asleep in Building When Fire Broke Out. (fly Associate Press.), DALLAS, Texas, June . In a Ire which started this mornimr in th - kitchen of tho Knight apartment house, corner of Kim, and Hardwood streets, Hersehel Iiiuinelly, eight yeur. okl, son of Mr. ami Mrs, D. C. Dun nelly, was .burned to a crisp, und two others wore fatally Injured and two seriously hurt The Injured are: Charles Chandenhurg. broken back and other Injuries, fatal. D. C,DanneUy, back probably lro- ken. fatal. Mrs. James Morgan, kower limb bro- loen and Internally Injured. Mrs. K. J. Phllliis, back sprained ane Internally Injured. F. A. Harllste and Ous Ratlines, fu riously injured. Sixty-two people were asleep In tin building wlin tin- (Ire storied. A number were forced to Jump from I lie windows to awnlnrs and then to ;li - street. Many thrilling rescues were made iby tli firemen. The Injur'-.l were given first aid by physician who rushed to the scene shortly after 'he fire started. The lues Is probably 140,000. BOY RIDING ON TOP OF FAST TRAIN 1 (By jHsortiiled Press.) SCHENECTADY, N. Y June (!. The twenty century llmltwl, of t he New York Central Hvstem, west bound was halted here tonight to allow Wal ter Ilohinson, a nineteen year old col ored boy, who was riding fin top of one of the coaches, to alight. liohln- aon said he climbed aboard at Al bany. His home, he declared. an lr Los Angeles and being in a hurry to get there he chose a favorabl train. mm WASIIINOTfN, June t.Forecwl for North Carolina: Fair Monday and Tuesday; light variable winds. JUNE 7, UMK to sa ve wife from . . ? SUICIDE AND FAILED AT LAST got a firm grip with his one free hand. It was nearly an hour after Mrs. Co hen Jumped Into the river, when a police officer, James Martin, appear ed with ropes, and Representatives James 8, Simons and three other men. Three times they threw the rope before It fell within Cohen's grasp, and then he was too weak to tie it about his own or his wife's waist. The two were twenty feet from shore and It was difficult to make a good cast . Cohen had been unable to keep his wife's face above water. , Once Cohen had hold of the rope, the" men on shore began to pull. When within fifteen feet of the shore Cohen fort Ms trip" on hl wife's tjodymail tt' was--rarref 'dfrtrif ' stMitre and ' lusij to visw. BANK TELLER AND EDITORS INDICTED Grand Jury Returns True Bills in New Bern Bank Case. (Special to The Cltlen.) HAI.KIilll. June 5. True bills have been returned by the Federal court grand Jury of liKllcC ment against J. It. H. Carraway, teller of the First National bank of New Hern ' on the charge of cm'bezzloment of $1 Id, 000. Also ugalnst ". L Stevens, editor of The New Hern Journal and J. F. Tay lor of New' llern as aceessor'ies to the charge, Is'lng that Cnrraway's defalea- Hons w er,. In part with the knowledge ' mil rins iireni. nl of Stevens and Ty-' lor In that false credits were allowed, As night sessions will be neii I hem, and their cles-ks paid and no throughout the Week. Indication? record made. jpolirt to a completion of the wooler Tile trial w ill not be until the Octo-' U r term of the New Hern court u n less j Judge Vrinor cM Ides to convene s , special term there ilurlng the summer, j COUNTESS MAKES APPEAL FROM PULPIT NEW YOltK. June 6. An appeal for co-operation In the crusade re- ently Inaugurated by the women of Ireland for the prevention of spread of tuberculosis in that country a made from the platform of Plymouth liurch. Brooklyn, might by the (Vuritesa of Aberdeen. The countess rrlved In New- York Inst night. The appeal was directed particularly to ; during the past week senate Icidcrr Americans of Irish descent now resl- HfH l)r,.,, ting that the bill w ill b dents In the irnlled KUiies, whom; . ,. .. , . . , ,, voted upon n the seriate by June 19 lidv Aberdeen regarded as most dl-; ' rectlv affected by the toll of iJ.OOOnd that congress will be ready P. lives exac ted In Ireland yearly by , adjourn by July 4. the dls, ase, ; If u uMorum is obtained in th CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IN ST. PETERSBURG - ST. PF.TICI'.fiWIUO. June S Si. I'ef -rsbiiri? Is on the eve of a new epl demic of chnbra according to tie chief sanitary physician of the city. Ir. Ivanoff. Twelve cases of cholera were reported V'Hierday and nine to- .1.... OTl DtA,l In nruMllflnllv ,, "" , '' '.'.., ',r, ., ; all parlx of the city. Indicating that tlie Infection Is general. i I) IKS OF KLFF-PIVfi SICKN'FS liftWF.LL Maes . June C. Mulslana , a' seamen are Involved. Court ma. Pletla. Iwcll' so-collcd "sleeping-1 Hals were ordered. Hrase and other sickness" girl, dh-d today arer lylnc enirlne room materials aggregating on her bed practically unconscious for 2.1100 pounds were taken from th thirty-two days During that Hm.-I ships on decoration day and sold t.i the only nourishment which passed Junk dealers In Yokohama. The val her lips was the milk forced through un of the material Is estimated at her ttecth. 11,900. -.'... ' . e' ITIZEM. gainst Current for an Hour When Cohen got on shore he could not speak for ten minute. His flrsl words were; "8he Is out there. Go and get tier fine Is dead'. flho died In my aj-ms." At last two searchers spied Mrs. C hen's body, held fast by a rock," about one hundred feet above the brink.. It fmt with the greatest difficulty that the two men brought the body to hind. lilfe was extinct, Cohen says' that worry over thr (act that she was unable .to suckle bee Infant depressed his wife: greatly and -probably' neused' herdealra' W death." tie U robust and -itnlckljr r rlence.. EXPECT TO PASS TARIFF BILL BY JULY FOURTH Progress Made Last Week EneourugCH Hope That Agony In Near End. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Juno 6. Havlnr acted upon most of the vexed prob li run In the cotton schedule during tin past week the senate expect to com- nlete this schedule on Monday oi Tuesday. This will bring the sen ate face to face with the woolen schedule, which Is praotlcully a re enactment uf the Dlngley rates, bui which, nevertheless, will be fought h progressive republican aided b the demoenitle senators. seheduln by Thursday or Friday. N program has been outlined as to thi w bedules to be taken up following t(, w(, schedule, hut it I prob able that some work will be cloni upon the free list. A meeting of thi liimtiee committee ha been called fot 9.30 o'clock Monday when the pollc) or the senate, o far as the commit tee Is concerned. Will be outlined. A date will lie fixed also for the report ing of uincndment on a number of questions not yet acted upon In com III It tee. On uerount of the progress muili J bouse on Monday the Porto lllcan bill will be taken up. OFFICERS SOLD PART OF SHIP'S FITTINGS (By Associated Press.) TOKIO, June . The departure of ftcJir-Admlnil f;iles H. ilarber'n souadron for Manila, scheduled for ' 1 ' . today was delayed owing to the dis covery of thefts aboard the Galves ton and the Denver. In which tho names of two war officers and server- Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. PUTCK FIVE CENTS. BALLOONS STILL FLOATING AROUND Tl Several Have Landed At Va rious Points Not Dis tant From Start STOPPED FOR WATER THEN WENT ON AGAIN No Definite Information As To Whereabouts Of Those Still In Air (By AswM-itr Press ) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind June I,- Three of rh nine balloons that started yesterday In the National dis tance race or the Aero club of Amur- lea und the endurance test of th Aero club of Indiana, landed today, and another,, the Indiana, entered 4 th national race. Is reported ta have dropped to earth at Shackle Inland, Tenn.. at f o'clock this evening,' taken on water and sailed off south. Two of the balloons. It was report ed from Nuahvtlle, Tenn,, wet sight ed about fifty miles south of that city this afternoon. A report (hat th BU Louis III had dropped message signed "Baldwin and Fisher" evident ly was erroneous, ' Captain T. b Baldwin Is the pilot df the Hoosler and Carl tl. Fisher, or Indianapolis Is the pilot of the Indiana, K: Dklrt't (let Vnr. i ' The bolloon's that landed today , were the Chicago, th largest balloon entered 'With C. A. Coney .and' Jjh Bennett In the car, which ame down:. a Scottsville, KyM and th Indianapo. lis with Dr. Ooethe Link and J. R. Irvln, of Indianapolis, whlck, lit at Westmoreland, ' Venn. .Both thes etaft wer ntr4 In th Indian n durance ran as also was th Orel balloon down, th Olita with Dr. H. W, Thompson, of Baiem. Ohio, and make of t anton, Ohlowblch earn to earth last evonlrur at Nashvlll Indiana. .,', ; . i. ,Om DliMinaliaed. . . w . '.There, is. ho definite information s, ta the siKiothrr entrants, mv In re-1 ipiH.t te the Indiana,. All probably ltr,tp lUq(; south near ilnhviUc. IVnn,'- tJnder the run":!; th" ltr nation Aoronaucio Federation guy- -erttlhg the American Nfttlonal race, Carl Fisher and t)M aliln, O. U Bum., wwAwwewieWeiisie,iwMwwi (Pontlnued en nssW five.) tt . SEMI CENTENNIAL OF OLD TRINITY BEGINS WITH ADORESS OF PRESIDENT- i)r. KiI?o Wnnm Against Present Political Condi- tioiiH in The South. ' MAKTKULY-ADDHESS. (By Assntilateil Press.) CIIAIilOTTR, N. C, Juno 6, With the annual address by the president. Itcv. lir. J. C. Kilgo, the seml-cen-tennliil commencement exercises of Trinity college, at Durham, opened t titghi under promising auspices. Though the commencement programs ill way embrace addresses by IMeli of iiiitionul reputiition the president re- serves to himself the privilege of th IM iilug addi'eHS and his effort tonight was u masterpiece of diction, thought and oratory. Dr. Kllgo's subject was 'The Duty of the Individual" and with the life of Lord Nelson as a basis he wove a literary splendor that tilhriillcd a vast audience for thirty oilnutes. Tliero were some prelimi nary features to the fiftieth com mencement Saturday evening but the real program will be Inaugurated to morrow with the das day exercises. nesdiiy the literary address will hi deliM-reil by Culled Slates Senator I Mil liver, of Iowa, and Wednesday will ome Him finals with the award, of dl iloinnH and degrees. Trinity college 4 the second oldest Institution of f.-imii,K In the state, under the con rol of the Methodist church and h. avlly endowed by the iMikes. In the course of his remarks Dr. Kilgo , rllk-lscd strongly the partisan H,litic of the South. Said he: 'I fH-l that the political spirit of he South for the pajtt fifty years has not been conducive to the growth of xi l ong citizenship or ardent patriot - srn. What 1 feel profoundly to be a l nest Ion of vital concern Is whether he voter of the South can perform ils Individual doty as such not only without any alight tinge of ohstruc- lon In the exercise of his freedon of bought, but under the Inxpl ration of piddle sentiment that will resent any unworthy effort to force him to set contrary to his own wishes and Judgment So long as the Instrument of biter criticisms of social discos, tent, of business threats, or abusive language are employed to horde, men nalde of one organisation Just so suns; will the sense of political duty be feeble and public service be a distant e - ful task." OVER 1ES -i f. ( 'i V I t t ti.

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