THE A8IIEVTLLE CITIZEN, THE8DAY, .TtTSTff 8, l!)Of). Why Darn IF SOCIAL (& PERSONAL Kef..r- an nu'ly ic f hl, h 111 I . - J th memorial chapel of the Normal and Collt-Klatfc- IriHltul,- fin edi'lenti i'-i.c their annual ("tirirl last rwirht. T',i' warn the first f th" f vcral ivntu comrnenciimvnl we.V at thi. m Ic-'-l arid ev-ry number waa v. M rend,',, i Th' stiid.-tits had Inn pirparlm; f-.r thla concert for e.ral k fin. I the results of the preparation een lo a. very sroo.1 fulxun'.iK la.! nljrht. Tha program -onatfrJ of ho lo. quartets, trio, raillnr and h ru work. The work of the chorun eemed to toe the most pleiminij and vu exceptionally well dune. Mlc Adeline Reynohl raw tixo rendlruri which were very entertaining. Tukn a a whole the program, waji well eon lved and well rendered. Th pro ffnm follow: (a) Blue Are the Heaven .Vcazli- (b) The Happy Mill, r Frank Choru Claws. Piano Holo (a) Nudum . ., I.tchm r b) Mazurka I. Mien Mix Mama Fernandez. Trio Ourmi'na Wilson Mlsse Herwiley, Nelll, Reynold .Reading 'An Objert of !. Mary K WIIMhs Mian Adeline Reynolds. Cradle Bong Frank Chorti Olivia. PART II. Oxserture Ttuilrtptel Keler Bela . iMIsnes Orroand. Richards, Oul breth, ftblnon. Bong Berati I Iiny Ton, Dear. .Hawley MM Bmyrta Henalcy. Reading Th. Wonderful Tar Baby. ., Harris . Mia Uameralda William. Double Quartet Know-flake fowert ' Bmyrt Hnley, Mall KMU. Blanch Reynold. . Mary Clourley, Marela Wood, Jessie Qiilnn, Kflla Aldrlch. Oaea Uon. Plan fcolo JNriaer Brilliant Bohm Mlaa Bmyrt llenaley. Choru. - Swing Bona; Iohr , . Chora Oaa. . Tine final In thn taile Mnirl golf tournament at Wi Country cltth. wlilfh ,, -wit postponed from Vat week, will ' be f ilarMt M afternoon. Mr. Thorn peon Frjwler will play Ml Ken, and Mra. Charles) 0. Jordan will play Mlaa Annie William, : 'A MlnH meeilna; of thn Unrara rlaa of the First Prealiyterlan ichiirch will 4n held Thtinwlay evfnln-r at I oVIora at the huM'Ti. The fmJ-el tUm vt of (Vera will t l.cUl at thin UirM Th TaMcanaetea otub la Jtavlna traaat plrflmuit tlm t It rump ttt the termlmia f tha Weavprvllle rnr line , and la a rather lrntimi ono ap fMurcntly. Tha nmera of the clnh rer ngaf 4 ftetiirday evt-ntna; In a Came In tha nalyr of "prlaowra' itmm," thl ralllna; lr th ati'a,Unr ly an add C atk-.k bflutnln to tin other aide. When a folllakm or-urrd tiM waen wo flayer and Von no ( luil Rer aimtalned a atltffht fracture of a rib irhlch retired tlm from the tram and cauaad tilra to take to the "ho pit" for repalra. Ur, Robert W. DePoreat and part? of Slum Tork arrived In Aahevillo Saturday on hi private car and atertalne- at .BIHmore houiw. Tlu party drove to Mountain Meailowa Inn and toad tea at H.aunnoiit lodaa Runday the party Wnt on to Toxa-way. They are expected lo rttttirn htre to day and after maklnir a ahort mav Will a"o on to New York. J J Mr. Julian A. Woodcocks will iflvf , a hrldire party Wednesdny afti-rmton at her hme on Haywood atrcet. Thl party will be the Ittut of a wrl. i. the avonnd of Whloh will he (flvnn Saturday, June 12. Ji I.lttle Mlaa Marmicrlte Panailnv 1ea-- Thurielay for Cincinnati -whrri-ahe Bet aa flower lrl at h wi'illln In 8t. Paul' ehurvh of that city on Hat unlay nvornliiir, June 12. fur Mltw Ijiureita Klatrow of Cincinnati -ami Mr. Rtiwln Pach of IWIIn. WTnunv. aftvr which ahe oc on to Rk-hnmnd. Iiul . to vlnlt her irranilpiirnla for ncvrral w. ekn. Mr. an. Viin. Pb h leav Inmu llati y 0n.'r tin- n cddlnir brcakfnat for New York where they will anil for Kurojve. The three lltk-rurv aorletle of th" Hlh M'hiud will hold an cnlertalr. tlient toiiUht nt the Jllifh . h,. :,n illtorlnni twrlnnlnr at 1 11. Ttie pr , rrwm. will pon.nlat of oratlotia. n-illn!. nki-tch.-e and nmalc. The nffnlr 4mm l.-a'to l.e v rv Int.T'stlin.' na lh.- ulu d'-nt haw l.e.n falthrully rehenra l"K their varlou-i pnrta NEW KEISER NECKWEAR We arc jusf in receipt, of Miinc i litiice new neck orna 'iieiils )te;irii"j llie well-l-iiown Keiser Trade -mark. They an- Ii.itkI made and I'iiiul eiiiliiNiidered tilings aiul sliiiw llie renneineiit wliii'h liand work aloiie cre ates. 'I'lie j.iliuts are espeeiaUv I eat red -t wliitt and colors, new laces and embroideries. Prices 2 ctK, .r() cts., 7." cts., M. V. MOORE WOMKXS' onXASIENTS . . .. . .... It I I PATTON AVR. llll. i riv ,! K I UK I ill I anil I he '1 ii I nlii rn;i r v - III , Kil l" I'i AmIic p; Will -II. I!' il ui't't' 'iiiinn.r then 1 .ii .1 I . Wll ..I Hie I'll Ik In li'ld t . i in t.. tut iiii!ri.n.J (nr.- will l-e kiv .li'.UKh Ii. Keep hel .i.lnfoftli !..i 'the n rat of theae ii.l..r ',.ll aline lili'.ot the nii.hll ..f ttie IIH.Iitll. 4 - ItH llali...-l l. ne lie. II Klleil f.(r til Hti.w n I itputt I. U UeiMllltf II H fol l.'AH Mr. and Mra. Hubert Fltzpatrlck reiuent the hunor .f uiir pren-nce at the nitirrliiAo of their daughter Winnlfrej Ellzalietli to Mr. It ihert Wlllliim llrown. Jr. on the ewnlriif f Kalurila1, the nine teeiilh of June tine tltoureirt' nine hundred mnl u I nw nt tiine. o'clock First lnli) terlan Church, Aahevllle, North Carollnu, Thn i :inlB iinnouin e that the ymiiiK couide will tie at leuoe after July til lit 11(13 North Kourth avenue, Knox vllle, Telia. A pleaalnn lilrllirluy party wai the Joint celehratlon at th llutlery Park linlel yeMterdliy afternoon of tin lilrUidnya of Mlxa Klnla Alexander ami Master 1 hi na Ali'taiuler, Hie lilithday of the latter, the 7th, tielnn ener ounly aliareil hy lilin with hln ulster Mlna lOlalc, whuw natal day really did not occur until Thurmlay. The fea ture of a pleuHliiK evening of a perfect day which aiiapli'lmiMly iitliniiled the birthday wo a peanut hunt In which the firm prize wim won by Bruce Webb, the aecnnd by liiilan Arlionaat the third by John McCready, thn fourrh by McKenzle llourne. The ta bl decorations were pink and whit and lively animation al landed the "IIhIiIiiK" of hon lain boxen of vary lilt dnalvna from u Jack Horner pie of magnitude that adorned Ilia table A dance cloaed a moat enjoyable and novel eliliirtnliiment, ArnonK the (tueata were l.ula Alexander, Willie tlarter, Iver Alexander, Hllanbeth llrldgoa, Mary Wiley, Miriam Key nolda, Florence Miller. Hara Given, Loiilao Jackaon, Kathleen olive, Mary Wobnter, F. A. Humner, Mury Mlllen der, Uruce Webb, John Carter, Hteven McC'rcady, John McCreudy, McKnnxle Hourne, waiter Mearden, Petiroae TeiiKUci, Oeo. 1 jimlmrtflon, Win. Kd. Hchoetihelt, Muwin Alexander, iMtnii Alexander, LavnilnH Alexander, Louise Arbowaat, Pauline Mourn, Kdlth llolinea, Helen Iooml, Kllieabeth Hyde, Mary liorlck, Klale Alexiuider, Dr. Ihitiert ()u.ler. accmnpunled by Ir, Hubert Haywood of KalelKh, ar rived home from Philadelphia yeater day where both wf thenv have Juat Ifiwfuated at the UnlvMnatty of Penn aylvanla In mtnllclne. lr, Haywood will be 1. UudKer'a trueat for noma time, onil both will tukn the exuniJ- twtkHt wfora the m-dlcal board of the atalo WedtiemJay. Mr. and Mra. J. OM, Uudircr, Jr , leave thla nioinlntr for llicnderaonvlilu to utteml the Pythian convention. 41. Mllla (dtirduer, ei ItiriiMVlllti. In here from Mr, and Mra. Claude M I lean have returned to tine Uaitery Park from lAke Toxaway where they apent Ihu Y.k end. Mm A. J. O Hellly anil Mia Fred erlka 'O'Reilly of NVnv Orleans who had a. houae on Cumberland avenue laatnummar, are gueata at the Hatteiy Park. Mr. Hrewuter Cliapuiun, who with Mr. anil Mra. Charles K Qnlnlan of Wnynnvllle, Mr. Mdtvln Hay and Mr, laid (ludirer have been wpi ihIIiik several dnya at Mr. liapnuin'a lodKC will return to the city tomorrow. Rev. Mr. Cliff, rector of the Kpla- copal church In Aiken, K C, who Iiiim snt thn laat week with Mr. ami Mra. I mime Haywnrd at Arden, left yen terdny Rr his home. Mr. H. 1. Wllin of Valley Hood Ala., la vlaltlntf her alaler, Mih K. W (llllla, on MoiitforJ avenue. V. If. Murdoch of Tyrone. ra. I tine (tueet of Mr. and iMm .1. VV. Aloore ii Uherly street. Mra. J, M. fank'lcll and Minn Km tly I'liini'l" II. left yiwieedny for Spar tnnbnt'ir to attend the commencement exercises at Wofford colleifp. Mlsj4 Joeephlne Oil iiht who has been vlnltloK MIhh Kmily C:iniiliel hue n turned to Ivr home In VVuyneaWlle. MU Carrie Waner leave today fur Tall,.. pi. ih. tililic. to spend lh eiiinm.r with her brother, .Mr. Nal T. H'ami'T anil bla wife. h. .-ii iMTlni-. w ho have in-ni tin' ctic.tH Tie Stockings Tin Can 6a! Fraa Lasiona J00H36 3MUb S3 20 n Hjp of Mra. It. lite n Ha ,ln on I. Itieit. atni t left yeateiduy fur their home .Mara Hill, Mia Joels Hmeli tiai returned to her home ut Vernon, lad., aft. r u-m li mit dill, I. K the liai't Hi-Kinn at Hie Home Induati ial hi huol. A JiHlty 'oni4.mel of Mr. V. P. I Jllllbertwon ami the Mlam-n Oraharii and Mow M' Neil left f,,r a tup lo .liiualUHka mountain yesterday after noon under the Kuidanee of Mr. l. ' '. ftoicau. Mian Oertrude Cnnover, ntlli nf Ho- tt'Mchera lit Hie Hume IihIuMi'IhI Kchool haa koiic to Hot HprlhK" I"' a vllt befure n tni nliiK lo In r home In New Jersey for Ihe vacation. MIh Johns and M las MrKlmitrey n Ihe Horiio Industrial aehool faculty are Vlaltng lit lliitt.illin Com. Mi" iMabel AlllHoti will apend her vacation at her homo In Indiana, Pa. Mr, W. K Randolph, past urnnd txjlentate f the Noblea of ihe Myi- llc Hhrlue of the atata of North Car olina In In Louisville where he rep resent the tul oh one of the lele ruies to the annual convention of tin Shrlnem. Mra W. B. cott and her son Mil ton, who formerly lived In thla city, hut who more recently have made their home In Tiimpa, Kin., are ei nil -lay the summer with Mrs Bcott's mother. 'Mrs. (1 cor are W. !unn at 71 Htarnes avenue. Mrs. ("leorfro H. DnvMson haa pone to (lrei)Hlro m a visit. Hhe will miil for Hoot land later In the summer. Mr. J. W. Rcrthold of Halelfth who will have chnrire of the Y M. C. A. onference at Montreal llila week Is In tln city. Mr. Ilertliold Is H'retnry of the Y. M. C. A. ill the A. nd M. oollego. ASHEVILLE LOSES TO WAYNESVILLE AFTICR AX FXCITI!V(J IMK Till- SCOHF. IS 2 1H) I. Four More tJanics 'I'lils Week. New Pitcher VYIII lirlve Friday. Asliavllle lost lhi first name with WayncsvlllH by i Ihe score of '' to I but only after u Ioiik hurd l"Ulil SJUiic In whh'h bolh teams played ball In true profcMHlonnl fashion and earn d every run. Alter the Hist Iniilnit the KHUie wan a steady pltrhers', hat tie with very few men seeing llrnt base. The Kme stayed this way Willi the acorn 1 I" In YVn nesvllk-'s fa vor until the ninth limliiic wiien Ashevllle made one run xxjth some HenNiitlonal plavlnn VYiivnesvllle altiH to the bat ami hv real hard ork sent one inure man around which ifava them the lead mid the Itaine. TlirouKrhoiit the whole game there was only otic error on bolh sides The fleldliiK was excellent and the pit. hint of Turner was belter than at an previous Kama. There was a lurire crowd on the field and the excitement ran hlli f ir eex eral Inning especially In the ninth The Aahiivlllo team received excel lent treatment and plav . d hard and fast. Today tin. boys ixlll play Ihe second K.ini" nf thn series Thiird.i Canton xxlll come lure fur atwihei Kalile ixhl.-h will ho ii U'lod KUm JiulKlnit from the way Ih. y are plax Ini! this year Kiidny and Saturday of this week W.lx in sx Ille will lie biro for Iwi kiiiiics I .,,l the n. xv Ashevlll" pliehet- left Tixiw last hli:ht I.. J . 1 1 1 the ha-al team. Mnn- aKi r i.jncn is in t, rmim d to have a t"P notch ti im this acason. i.aki: ih'hon An IiAki: sipi ltlOlt. A macnlficcnt summer trip Is en- I'lnii nx tauini: tuts ricsh xxatcr s.'.i v.iir." from Sarnla, onlario, to rt William. Onlario. throiiKh these -at Inland mas. This year new amirs have been added to the Noiih.rn Navigation Co.'s llect. and tin- finest an. I fastest ossein on the i-al Lakes xill ll- Ihe house tlasT of Oils popular Company. The steamers nn In lonnei-tion with Ihe Oraud rriini; liallu.ix S stein and all pnrticu- irs. r at.s and descriptive III n re. I.- . can he had for the nskliiK bv lli lx Iiik lo I'. P. Pwyed, 290 llroadway. ' York, N. Y. U. C. V. RATES TO Memphis via Nashville Round Oil' tickets can lux j, in based to the Memphis Reunion xia 'liall:inooK:v and ttie N. C. St. ! .. I ul the rate of about one cent per mile, ahort lino mHetticc, plus with stoovera at Nashville and other points. For additional Information ;u. dros W. T. Roger. T. P. A., N. C. it ii -...I... INGEnDARNfcB Used on arrf tewtng Macfiine. Shorn k use il Snjja-stora. PICK sl SET "ASHEVILLE DAY" CHOSEN BY T. P. A. II U F TAKEN A l.lldMi TO THK til AaaiHTalliin Will M.iUe S-clal llcri From ( haliaiiiat.a Next 1'iir. Trip Th re Ih to lie a i Ahevlllw Hay' for the T P. A T'he iiieinher ,f and in officer fi. and m liidlviilual. xx arm a pprerlal Ion . v kii niii-.(.Hfully h 1-. tin I r pie;imril I, tend In be conn I,: ha e looked llrolln I i,r iTn.wiiiK that tie w.-re In re And tl" le Hih: The T. P. make u formal call ' parly all" as It ix . r Mefore leaving; h i on irianiji irtellts n, a plan, for next y h Chnttanooua, the him the OjlAlM'lalloU " ntlv, formally , x pn-HHed their Hi effortfl made lo--, ille to odd i h-y do not lu ll h wimls and .ir &we way ire Kl.ul they no I ho. I ad.ipti-d will next year II AvheMlle, n the committee . t and mil lined u'm eonventlon in in. detail fixed on " limn 'llllllIK the Hie .iiiemlo'rshlp i I" AVveilUt and re The purpose ill man Sum W. being that at mini IS 10 '.nvnntlon aliould maki a trli spend iinn dny le of this. Htaied Ch Levlne, of NOW Tin SpeetS Of tnViior I , Is Itt pay the re lallotto AHhevllli ami o to fiiiflRate lis nptireclntlon of Aalie illc's colirti'nl And surely Aah.-xllle will bn Rlud to see the T.,PV An una In NEGRO M'CLAIN HAD SOME EXTRA SUITS James Mefjiln, i.ilorvil, xvas arrest ed fur IrylnK to dlsi '.so of jriiotls a! leired to have been stolen. Mcl,aln hud xvllh him two suits of cl'ilheH, nearly new, hnd a pair of Khoi'i- When ( aiiKht he aal'l he bad procured the kooiIm In OAHitlu r tntc. Yester day mmmlnif he .took one or the salts lo a pawn shop ami i1Ihsci1 of Jt. After nn hour had i lapsed it, took the otln-r suit and promised another colored flioy that In would share the pr.nit wllh hint If h.. would take the suit ami illspoae "I It t the pawn shop. When the setohil boy nppi ared nt the pawn shop' it aroiiai'd snuplrl m and the fuillcetnan began to riiiesllon th -hoy. The Inn' when' iucstloneil ail mlttf'd that he had received the suit from Mel.'ifn and told the .ftl where to lind M.-Uiln. Mel.aln wl found, tiled to prove to th.. .. Nicer that hi., had Inst immiii- from another state and had broiiRht lh" cloth. with hi in The fnilh-e have no knnwlcdce as I whether the .l.'thi's l.i Me Lain or not, .hui are holdlnir him on suspicion. What "Marten Harlan" 1'klaka ot COTTOl.MslM. NeW Vork lM-.n,l.j.r llih u Tli N. K. KallliMiik Ciuiipauy, I'h'liuKii! Lwar Hlrs Many years airo I ilis. nn. tlno.d the use .f lard In my kit. in n mi mineimiini ror u as un expert menl --DO'n'iH.IMJ, then coiupurative ly a uew pi mile t. Since my fi rut trial or It, I ran truly say Hint It luis K'lven complete sans fsoUon; whether it la used alone, an "shoitenlnu." ,,, in romblnatloii with Imttor in pi.ntiv blsciilta, etc., or la frying, It has never oTnh ppolnled me 1 huneallj In ll.-ve It to he ttie verv hest Hi InK of its kind ever iitl.i.d to the Amelliail louSekeener Bin! I urn Km ii 'i ine opporlMIllty to iiuike my conviction puMu- Vpur truly, "Marlon Hmun.l." The Three Gilden Sisters. Tony Genaro. Jack Eipp. Motion Pictures. ()en : to r and T.l.i to 1 1 .:',(). EvcryAVooan U tntBwWd suid afloat d knt- MARVELWhlHing8pray IMM WU.I ftjrl-r.. Imn, II cl4Ukra (to-night 1 I itib tiv arm V nnKI Mil 1 at ! siii. AatyeurdriiMtwit-7? B'..mij MAM V a I-, X-oep M sW Fkt V Pthnr, tmt BMxd lla'ti n f, -M lilimfcxie.1 i.k-ilKt hftxxss K I M lU MvrUllVlrS SAil ipSM-Ul'SI 10- liirWrnM m.i.l,ii., luW mxhimToi. "TswiaBar EDAM CHEESE. Is nuii ii more palatabh cheese and very liltlc liighci in, averaging three and a ha! $100 EACH. 25 llontlord Ave. OWNBE Y'S Ph0Be 58 Special prices on lingerie and Jtam jDrcssbs and Other garments f We are ofTeniif; our beautiful liile tif liiitferk' aiKl Imwu Dresses at v?ry spe cial jiiices for tlay and tomorrow. They come in Jiht blue, pink, lavender and white, and are priced at $4.00 each on up. Ve have just, a few of those rough silk dresses k ft in several colors find We will sell them out at much lower than the original price. They are reduced to $12.50 tin up. 1 tough silk suits are also underpriced for these two days. They are marked at $15.00 on up. Pure silk underskirts will be gold for this ocoash ii at unusual prices. The black silk underskirt for f? 69 and the colored ones for $3.96. We have just received quite a line of Children's Dresses in white and colors, and they are priced at $1.00 a dress on up. We have some very lawn, linen ami lincne. ed at $1.00 on up. Rough Silks Koiigh silks are cnjo ing an unusual vogue this .-.i a .in- ,,i . tt iest you will tind anywhere. Ask to look alt hem cliow our roods to nrnsiteetive hi i vers. Thev are priced yard. The Satin faced M for $1-25 a yard. In ;ill The World of Pianos You will never find a Pia no just like the artistic StlclT. There la an tndlvldnnll ty about the St left piano all Its own. That beautiful p I tin In K aonnroua tone, wondrous volume and perfect action, place It In a sphere above all comparison. Why should any one buy an Inferior piano when they can buy the artistic Btleff or Shaw piano di rect from its maker? Tha prlra Is within reach of the most economical buyer while tha (trade Is beyond rom netltlon. Ion't take chances of buying a cheap or medium k-rude piano. Write Hllcff. Chas. M. Sliell Manufacturer of th Artletlc St left. Kllaw, and Stlcff Keif-Player Pianos. KOPTHFRN WAHF.KOOM 5 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. V. II. W1I.MOIJTH, Manager. (Mention this paper.) Our New Shipment of LONG HAT PINS. is selling rapitllv. 25c to $5.00. ' MISS CRUISE, 25 Haywood St. J. SUGARMAN. Expert Tailor. S, NOItl ll PACK KQFARK MERCHANTS' DRAY CO (Imsirporaienl.) Mcn bants" Hauling, Storage). Offloei It Haywood Stmtst. Mionixs H8 and 350. M. WEBB & COMPANY Milllocry ImiMirtrr o. 6 lbiltcry Part Pl-e. Pliono lott man in price pounds, domestic A new at cream it just pretty shirtwaists in the following materials. Lingerie, They are excellently made of nice material and are pric- are fere in the baiyat sells for $1.00 a yard CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-prno-ttc ) CONDEMNATION WITHOUT IN VESTIOATIOcr IS ?001t JUDOMKNT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves I the cause of all diseases; tiy remov ing Mils pressure, normal condition and health will be restored. Recog nized and endorsed by thousand of citizens of other states. Chronlo d!aene our specialty. Consultation and examination frea, DK. O. F. tWMlTOV, ailrnfiractiH. Inge Bide. JM. W. Cor. 8q. Pbone em. It's Not Because We sell 1 and W Indian Coal that we say it is BEST, iiut because after exhaus tive tests we have proven it J5KST. Try a ton. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone IS.). ration Ave. MANICURING. Halrdreaslng, Facial Massages. Scalp treatment a specialty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, tolhjt article, switches, puffs and pnmpadouea made to order. Prices reaaonabla, work first class. IiABIES. OKNTIiEMEX. and to Paraxon Bid. .SKI..K AMD HCNTEK, Partle contemplating lawn fetea plcnhs, camping parties, and In fact any knd of outlh, can be supplier) wllh Japanese napkins at the MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY free of cost on applcatlon. simrjoNXvE! rnwuv .mw- ASHEVILLE RC Our Special Suil Sale Ends I To - Our entire line ,,f Xi-its ..ii.. 1 . .. .1 : i xi ' i' nn .1 lid i 1'x.o., i, , ., tit til of 120 .-iiiii.i- per cenl. ,'120.1 Ml 1 o.l HI rj.:o s.nii Suits Suits Suits Suits O.oo Suits AH new Suits in this iron i last year. tfosiery for the j Idhote family Jatest Colors i he ones we have are it is no trouble to at 48c, 65c, and 75c. a The Hatin liajah sells Dr. MbMIhmvs' Dertul Parlor. tS-HS-f. N-w McAf BWg. Cor. t oIK'Re ami Spruce Streets, nnar Court Hoiue. Toith extracted without pain. All work KuarantPMl. Prfce always rea. onable. Office Phone 911. Residence Phon !T72. High Grade Stationery High grade stationery carrle an air of aattafaottoa to th writer that make letter writing a pleasure to yourself and correspondent, The Carolina Pharmacy Cheap Milk la uauaU cheap !r ajit a wall a pi lea. It I dangerous. Our milk la not in that class. It Is absolutely par, eiean, rich and wholesome. Asheville Pure Milk Co. East Walnut Bt. Pbone BM Watches My Specialty. If you need a watch that will keaa time, we have them, and at prlCM tnat are right. Fine Watch Repairing. J. E. CARPENTER 32 Patton Ave. La Grecque (Joraets S For every type of figure : GREENE & CO., : 12 Church Street. : t day including Linen, Lin v..i:. . .. .. o: ii rsniTo ,i ' "l ,vwv lor for for for $16.00 1'J.OO 10.(K) 0.40 4 .HO f in" sale None tarried over X "ttttttiiiMMm1mMMMMj

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