THE WEATHEE: 7' SHQWEBS. VOL. XXV. NO. 232. ASHEV1LLE ELKS E "FUWIIEM Impressive Program Has Been Arranged For That Oc caslon Dy Lodge ALL ORDERS HAVE BEEN ASKED TO JOIN General Public Also Urged to Aid in Making Day Not able Success All arrangements have been com- pleted by the local lodge of Elks fur the observance of "Flag day," June 14. with special icxerclsea at the An ditorlum, according to a recent decree r the grand lodge, B. P. O. E. A trograrn of unusual excellence baa been prepared, one of the features of which Is a patriotic address by the Hon. Thos. Settle. Judge Thos. A. Jones will give a recitation on the (lag and Judge P. C. Cocke will read B short historic Sketch thereon. The musical program has been carefully selected. The Elks "Flag day" exerciser are fully as Impressive as those of "M mortal day," and as this is the first occasion of. the sort In Ashevllle, the ceremonies In connection with its ob eervance will be unusually Interesting. In addition to the general public. vhlch is cordially invited to attend, Uncial Invitations have been Issued to the Confederate -veterans, Q. A. R., Sons and Daughters of Confederate veterans, Spanish-American War vet erans, the two local companies of the national guard, both lodges and unl (nnn rank , K. of P., Masonic lodge, nd all of the branches. Odd Fellows, (he Jr. O. V. A. M., the Eagle. Red Wen, Woodmen, children and teachers ot the city schools, the Merchants' association . and the board of trad?: and all other orders and organizations in the city, Including the postoffice employes and mall clerks. MRS. CAMPBELL IS VyDlTMP GUILTY ' ROAN0KJ&y2..Jum 8 The trial -of .-Minn- William Campbell for lulling he brother-in-law, W. A. mos, begun .ycatorday at'Bucna Vis ta, Va., ended tonight when the jury after one hour' deliberation returned a verdict tit voluntary manslaughter with a punishment of two years In the penitentiary. Motion for a new trial will be argued tomorrow. Mrs. f'ampbell claims she killed Amos in self-defense after he attempted to shoot her. The killing occurred In April. SENATE GETSiHILARIDUS IN THE fOll MARCH OF TIIF MEASURE (Poor 014 Dolliver Stops Scolding to Become Com ic Sketch Artist. tt'HEY DISCUSS WOOL WASHINGTON, June 8. There 's a great deal of humor and many l'leasantrles Injected Into the debate 'm the woolen schedule In the senate '"lay, Mr. Dolliver being the central (inure. He. offered several amend ments and announced his Intention ef presenting a number of others, ap lallng to the republican members to "te with him because, he said, these amendments would Justify the attitude of the republican party in advocating a protective tariff. Mr Hmoot assisted to a large ex tent by Mr. Warren, who Is consldcr "1 an expert on the woolen Industry, Wended the finance committee's rec ommendations with regard to that schedule. The various amendments I'roposed to Hie house bill by the fi nance committee of the senate are In- n led to restore the Dlngley pro visions of the wooten schedule which. In some Instances, "provide higher du ties than the Payne bill as passed by he house. ' r,ne of the Interesting features of 'he day was a lecture on the woolen Industry from beginning to end by "Mr. Carter, who brought forth a large "x filled with samples of various gra.b-s nf wool. To the senators who gathered about him he explained each Her, fn ..", .fartitre of woolen g""ds from the raising of the sheep " tho making of the garment t imlllarlxed the members of the sen- with tho uses of shoddy, waste ""Us. tops, and the various grades of wool. BI SAVING. WASHINGTON. June 8. Beekman svinthrop, assistant secretary 01 ine rtsvv ,aim.M4 r,A a r t Vin f -the new svstem of "paying employes at navy ros and stations put in rorce m iwr 'th the general policy of economy Inaugurated by President Taft will tave the government IKS, 000 a year. READYTOOBSERV fl DUST RIAL CELEBRATION DUE THIS AFTERNOON - Stores And Factories Close a 3:30 In Support of The Movement NOTED SPEAKER DELIVERS ADDRESS Parade of Merchants And Employes This Afternoon Will be One Feature The stores and industrial plants of the city and vicinity will close at 3. SO o'clock this afternoon and Ashcvilhs's commercial, labor and manufactur ing organizations will turn out in a body! to form, on the square and march to the Auditorium. The occasion is the "Industrial de velopment movement" mass meeting apd parade, the movement for build Ing up Ashevllle and this section In dustrially, and it will be featured by the presence of Land ancrMndustrlal Agent M. V. Richards of the Southern railway. It will be followed by the annual Joint banquet of the board of trado and Merchants association at the Manor tonight The movement is purely local, origi nating here, and especially for local prlcke it is felt iby the many who are zealously working for its success that It should be a notable achievement in Interest and numbers, and undoubted ly this will be the cae. The people will form on the square at 3.30 and shortly thereafter march to the Audi torium, thie .parade being In charge of Chief Marshal F. Stlketeather and featured by the attendance of the band, the two military companies. Ashevllle Canton patriarchs militant and the greater part of the thousands of school children. At the auditorium where the ladles are especially Invited to be, addresses on Industrial develop ment and what It moans to a commu nity will be made by Mr. Treat and Mr. Richards, both of whom are in teresting speakers. Mr. Richards ar- rlv4 at th Battery Park hotel yester day Afternoon and Mr. Treat will be here this morning. The speeches win not be long and are warranted to be (entertaining and Instructive, Tickets for the dollar-a-plate ban quet at the Manor tonight sold rapid ly yesterday and it Is expected that all seats in the dining room will be taken tonight The Ashevllle Electric com1 pany has generously offered to have peciai cars at ratrery ram place at .30 to carry those attending to and from the banquet free. Dr. George T. Winston will be the toajstmaster at true banquet WILL PRES.TAFT VETDTHE TARIFF MEASURE WHEN IT GOMES TO HIS HDS? Inquiries Develop Fact thai There is Little Chance Of Such Action. MR. TAFT DENIES IT (By AssnruUed Press.) WASHINGTON. June 8. Senate and house leaders who are directing the course of the tariff bill and who will bo members of tho conference on the bill after It has passed the senate took measures today to as certain whether there was any foun dation for reports that President Taft would veto the bill. They have reached the conclusion that there is no baais whatever for such reports. As late his evening the president told one of -the republican leaders that no one had the authority to sug gest that be had In mind the veto or the tariff measure. It was learned today upon the high est authority that President Taft had not read the Chicago speech of Sec retary of tho Treasury MacVeagh be fore the secretary left Washington for Chicago and that the president was not aware of the character of the speech to be ma. This docs not mean that the president finds fault with Mr. MacVeagh's utterances, but merely answers the report that It was an official view of the tariff situation and that It expressed Mr. Taft's opin ion. Republican leaders' were inclined to assign to political Inexperience Secre tary MacVeagh's failure to consider that any speech delivered by him likely would "be taken as the view of the administration. Many of the lead ers point to the fact that the soeech was delivered to an audience hlch sympathized with democrats ffr re Walon downward but at thLaJfie time they assert that a carefful reading of the speech would indlcat that it had been misconstrued in many quarter,- GIG I ASIIEVILLE N. SWORD OF GIDEON BECOMES OLIVE i' BRANCH OF PEACE Beautiful Floral Parade at Memphis Follows Pag eantry of War WOMANHOOD IN ITS RESPLENDENCY Gray And Grizzled Veterans of Confederacy March Be side Bloom of Youth (By Associated Press.) MEMPHIS, Tenn., June 8 From songs of war, from tap of drum and shrill scream of flfo, from . martial uniforms and accoutrements of bat tle, the scene In Memphis changed this afternoon at the Confederate re union , to dainty femininity In Paris gowns and flowers. The beautiful flower parade was delightfu transition and It appealed not only to the visitors but to the vet erans aa well. Over a hundred styl ish equipages, decorated with the most exquisite blossoms of the Southland and carrying the flower and beauty of Southern womanhood, passed slow ly through tho city fctreets for nearly three hours. Every Imaginable de sign was carried out. Every possible color combination was developed and at the side of each carriage rode two or more society men, wearing the col ors of the ladles, whoBe escorts they were. Interspersed In the line were twenty bands of music. Guard of Honor. One of the pretty features of the parade was a guard of honor of one hundred old Confederate officers mounted and at each officer's side. attired In snowy white, rode a young girl. The parade following the close of the afternoon session of the re-un- Ion at which General Thedore 8. Garnett, of Norfolk, and Col. Louis Gu)on, of New Orleans, were the es sential 'speakers.' After the parade, the veterans and song of veterans jointly met to honor the women of the Confederacy and In spect designs in bronses for state mon uments in their honor. Earlier In the day, the sons of vet erans completed their organization and listened to addresses by Gover nor Sanders, of Louisiana apd Gover nor Noil, of Mississippi, After the reception to the women of the Con federacy tonight there was an Infor mal dunce to the sponsors and maids of honor at the Trl-State club. Tl ED WITH l SHOTGUN Hitherto Peaceful Darkey Goes on Warpath In a Revengeful Mood. IS STILL MISSING (Kprrlal to The Citizen.) THOMAHVILLE. N. C, June . No clue has yet been obtained to the whereabouts of Albert Moore, the ne gro who last Saturday attacked J. C. and Hubbard Everhart, farmers, with a shotgun. Fears are entertained for his safety if he Is caught. Saturday afternoon about four miles south of this place Mr. J. c. Everhart, while, and Albert Moore, colored, got Into a dispute about a trade made between them some time previous. Words followed and Moore threw a rock and hit Everhart. Ever hart caught Moore and gave him a good choking, telling him to go away, which he did. Moore came to town and bought a box of loaded shells and went back hme, got his gun, 1 ailed it and went back to see Ever hart. who was at work In a field with his brother, Hubbard Everhart. Moor spoke a few words to J. C. Everhart and then told him he was going to shoot him. He cocked and aimed his gun and Everhart turned and ran for the woods. Just as he reached the woods Moore firod, but missed,- then fired again, and one shot hit Everhart In the neck. Moore then turned on Hubbard Everhart and told him he would give him two minutes to get on his horse and get away. How ever, Everhart didn't need but about ten seconds he sklddooed In a hur ry. After this Moore took to the woods and at this writing has not been caught. No one can account for the strange actions of Moore, for he has always been considered a harmless, peace able old negro. He recently suffered a stroke of paralysis and Is badly crippled In one side. Mr. J. C. Ever hart Is out at work and snffered very little from, the one shot which bit him. C.t WEDNESDAY MOKN1NG, JUNE !, VM). VHCLE SMI This is Getting II u ims oia WW) 5S I LAIR OF INFAMOUS "BLACK HAND" FOUND BY Buckeye State Believed to Arrests Already (By Associated Press.) CINCINNATI, O., June 8. United States PoBtofflca Inspectors from Cincinnati believe they fcave discov ered the headquarters of the "black- hand" In hl country, at Marlon, Ohio, This belief 1 based on docu mentary evidence found today when Sam Lima, of Marlon, Ohio, Antonio Vlcaro, of Co4mbua, Ohio, and A. Marfls. of Denalsou, .ohly, were ar rested today. Arrests are aaldj to nava been made lao in Pittsburg, Penn nd lnspec-I tors ten lor jjeiieiouuin-hj uv d 1 mnr. theea.1'-'' CUPID'S CHILDREN1 IRE L iCE VILE Wife, Aged Thirteen, Re leased but Young Hus band Stays Behind. (By Associated Press.) HOANOKB, Va June . William Stover, aged seventeen and his wife aged thirteen, were arrested here to day on a telegram from Montgom ery, W. Va., and locked up In Jail. Tonight Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Honaker, parents of Mrs. Mover arrived and had the girl wife released. They will leave early tomorow for Burwell, W. Va., their home. Stover la still n Jail, with no charge preferred gainst him. The couple ran away from Burwell a week ago, went to Bristol, Va and were married and then came to Roanoke, Btover ex hibited a marriage certificate In Jail onlght and says tie must make the best of the situation at present. He hopc-s to recover possession of Mb young wife. MS BUSY DAY IT THE THRONE OE lev. A. II. Burroughs, of Bristol, Tied Up Five Couples Yesterday. BRISTOL,. Tenn.. June 8. Kv. Alfred H, Burroughs of this city to- ay with a single ceremony Joined marriage five ynung couples who eloped to Bristol from Points In Vlr- Inia. The five brid-s, each attired white, had left their respective homes ostensibly to attend commence ment at Emory and Mnry co!lic here. All the couples arrived on tho same train. The ceremony bring Rev Mx, Burroughs' record ap to nearly ,000 couples and he claims the world's record for marriage ceremo nies. , HAT STIUKE ESDB D ANBURY, Conn.. June 8. The btrlke that has closed twenty-two hat factories In th's city. Bethel and New M:iford, for the past Ave months, was practically ended thla morning. It was announced that an agreement bad been reached between about fif teen of the manufacturing concerns nd the National executive and ad- Isory boards of the United Hatters' nlon a plan of settlement. U.S. SLEUTHS AT MARION O. Be Headquarters of Noted Band In This Country Three Made and Several More Are Expected to Follow Sensation Promised Soon. Inspector Oldlleld states that when the whole story Is known the country wll be astounded. The arrests wore made simultan eously today In the three towna af ter a search of six months for the men who sent threatening letters to John Amlcon, a fruit dealer of Co lumbus, Ohio, demanding that I IB, 000 be paid In Pittsburg. The hand writ ing in the letters to Amlcon is Iden tical with that In the letters received by Antonio Khuo, a fruit dealer of Cincinnati who died suddenly several weeks ago after refusing to obey the demand of a "blackhand"- tetter to pay fl,eg or rorrett nwjirfc Bit HE COULDN'T STAND THE SMUTTY MES OF VETS Table Manners, Too, Were Too Much for This Old Soldier. He Quits Them. (Mk- IhI to Tlie Citizen.) ANKEKSON, M. C, Juno 8. Mi ca use of lock of discipline among the Inmates of the Holdlora' Home at Co lumbia and because the Inmate are allowed to curse, tell smlutty Jokes, keep themselves Indecent, arid be cause their table manners aro horri ble, Mr. Itiley Howland, who went t' the home from tills county, has re turned and says he will never ent'jr the home again unless great changes luko "place. Mr. Howland Is one of the few hurvlvom of the Crater at Petersburg end there Is no roan living more hon orable and truthful. He has high Ideals and his friends here urn dis-' tressed to learn that condition are such that he cannot rcmuin at the! home, where he has hern looking for- ward to spending tils declining years., Mr. Howiand says he ntayeil flt Uiej home as Inns as he could bear It! and then left. His friends will pro vide a home here for him. MARGARET OKTS TIIKHK. HAMILTON. Bermuda. June 8 II Is believed lhat the schooner Mar-1 garet, owned by George W. flunk, of New York, has won the sailing race from New York to Bermuda, by about! four and a half hours. i hl'KI.NU WIIKAT. I WASHINGTON. June K. - The spring wheat condition Is compared with 95 per cent a year ago and ten year average of 'J2 6 Winter wheat averagn Is against M i a month ago, s'i a year ago and a ten year average of P S. The spring wheat acreage Is 6 per cent more than sown lust year. A SHOWER& WASHINGTON, Juno 8. Forc- weather wirn snowers w eoneiay ai,i Thursday warmer Thursday, light to moderate east and southeast winds. Monotonous. died after eating a banana given him by a stranger. A despatch from Marlon states that Joseph Klsao was also arrested In that city. Tho postoffice Inspectors say they have discovered evidence show ing that Marlon la tho headquarter of all the blackhand societies of the country, and declare that' Ramuel Lima Is the head of tho organisation, The contents of the safe In the HIhq store bear them out In this assertion, they say. They, say thuy-found 4ha hundreds of, business men in all parts 01 the state had' been paying tribute 1 me gang. ' ' " " ' ' T N. T Massachusetts Militiamen Get Taste of Sea Life With Good Measure. (By AKKlaUd Press.) BEAUFORT, N. C, Juno , Th torpedo boat Wlnslow, with part of the Mussachusotts Naval Ileswrves u board, after two accidents In two ilayu, returned to Morehead City to day with her machinery badly dis abled. Most of the crew will return by train lo Boston and New Bedford. The Wlnslow was giving the Massa chusetts mlllllament a taste of sea life. She was bound from Charleston, H. C, to Norfolk, Va., Her boilers became disabled Sunday and rhe was picked t.p by the 1'nlled Kl;itcs revenue cut ler Kemlnole and towed Into Beau fort. Here soniii repairs were made and HKaln tho vessel got under way seaward but ran aground In ilogne Hi. tin (I near Morehead City. Finally hhe was pulled off. SIX MONTHS AND LINE FOR BUCKET SHOP CENTS (ir((J Brokcni!?!1 Fimi ' r ' , , 1, ii 11 i ,U 1 "" J Vt 11 I lll I n , ( omiiig and 1 hen home. I (By sNOcliited Prr.) CINCINNATI, June . IjOiiIs W. ' F.sier, John M. lot-man Walt-r j 1 -.Htnplicll A. C Baldwin. Kdwlti Hell land J. M. Scott were each sentenced ' to six months In Jail and to pay 11 j line of !!00 and costs by Judg" .'Thompson In the (fulled Stales lis tri'-t court here this morning for mill tlx- Pnlted Ht.iten malls to furtlie: (hemes to defraud In conducting n bucket slurp. The defendants conductd the O'Ih-11 Brokerage company. William J. O Ie came to Cincinnati front Savannah. Oa , with 110,000 cash and nMned a bucket shop. Ills business soon was the largest of the kind In the country. When O'I'ell died a few yeiirs axo he left an estate valued. It Is said, at 12,000.000. All the six defendants sentenced today were clerks and telegraph op erators for O'Dcll. The reorganised O'Bell Brokerage company with a capital of $260,000 of which only Sl'.OOO was paid In The public furnished the defendants more than ll. 000, 000, it Is said, to be divided amonff themselves. Associated Press. Leased Wire, Reports. PRICE FIVE CENTS. EA. RAILWAY STRIKE OF IRBITRITIOn Firemen Choose Congress men Thomas W. Hard wick Representative STATEMENT MADE BY THE STRIKERS Make Plea to The Public For Reign of White Su premacy (My Aastsutotad Press.) , ATUAiNTA, Ua.. June ,-The atrlk or the Georgia railroad fin men for seniority of whites ovr negroea pass ed formally Into the arbitration stage today when the Aromen announced Congressman Thomas W, Hard wick, of Ueorgla, as their arbitrator wader the Erdm&n act to settle pending dis pute. Kouuvu Arnold, of Atlanta, waa named by the fireman aa their souinh'I. The itremen'a ,. itatanteat waa issued by H. A. Ball, second vice president of the Brotherhood f ! comotlv Firemen and Engineers, and addressed "to the fwopla of the state of Georgia." In part It follows: "On Monday afternoon, June T, I had a personal intorvhrw with Mr. icott, who Is representing the railroad Interests, at which moetlnff to avoid going to the trouble of arbitration, I offered to Mr. Bcott that If he would give ua the seniority of tlta whit man uvur the negro on the Georgia rail road, thai we would hava no objection to his employing twenty-five) par vlit legrovs. in the tormina! yard t ttlunta) aa no negroea hava evor been employed aa firemen we . could not lonsclentlously agree to and being jm ployed at the present tints, with, the exception of the position of nosuer :ul iters, which are now filled by white "W believe this Is going a. long jvay on our part to avoid any fur .her trouble, but aa this waa not ais oepded, there -te only one thing left to demand .that la to trust to the goo bltratora givo us thv whlts man'a wwfifc !', oi' try." ' 5-IImJ General Manage Uoott of th Geo ria railroad, was not In Atlanta to lay and no statement was made a 10 the railroad's position. : . , . -), OF W UNO EASTERN GO miT nuiixripr CTDifrr UUI Ull n llnuL dlllllU. ( !laini That Company Hasn't "Oome Across" for BeV- crnl Moons. 4UPKI1NTKNDENT"ITM (By AiMH-utted Press.) WINHTON-8Al,KM. June I, All he employes of the Mount Airy and ICusterd railway, a mountain line, op rating between Mount Airy, N. C and Oanube, Va., a distance of HT miles, went out on a strike today. Chat Is. all of Ihem struck except H. While, I hit superintendent of th line, who donned an engineer's Jump- r. took hold or the throttle and ran the "regular" train from Mount Airy to Dunul and buck unassisted. The striking trainmen claim that the mangemcnt of the road, which naa been in the hands of a receiver .hu e 1 10 &. has failed to pay them heir sulurles for a long time past. TOKPKOO CONTIMCTH. WASHINGTON, Juno 8. Tha fol lowing companies were today award ed contrails to build one torpedo Isutt destroyer each: Hath Iron Works at ff0.SOO: New York Hhlplmlldlng company 8048,000; William Cramp end Sons, 1817.000: Newport News Hhiphulldlng Company H:9.(inn. The Kore River Hhlpbulld I riK company also will be awarded a lontract for one at $144,000. STOCK KKTIIIEO. NEW YORK. June 8 The retire- ment of the company's preferred stock was de tded upon by the directors of the Houtbern Pacific company today to be effective July IS. The holders f the stock will have tho option of accepting 1116 per share In cash or 120 In cash and 8100 per share In 4 V4 per cent bonds. IIAHO DAY FOIt SH1UNER8. LOCIHVHXE. June 8. The noblea of the mystic shrine In annual conven tion at this city put In a strenuous day marching and drilling today. At tonight's o-sslon politic waa a strong feature. Several Important quest tons . coma up for decision tomorrow. HAS REACHED STAbE

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