THE ASHBVIELE CITIZEN'. Associated Press. . Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 2:38. ASIIEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, Jl'NE l. VMi. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHEE: SHOWERS. TAFTIN SCHEMETO II SIOETimCKINGOM E TAX AMENDMENT II Will Uso Infuence Tor Adop tlon of Corporation Tax la Its Stead WILL DETAIN THE T TWO STEAMERS A ANYPORTTOUCHE 0 STRONG COALITION IN FAVOR OF THE TAX Requires Combined Forces o) White House And Senate to Prevent Adoption (By Associated Press.) WASH1J3TOnP June 14. When the Incomeax Question comes bo. fore the senate fur a vote next Fri day the plana of Its opponents, back ed by the influence of President Tatt, to circumvent the adoption of such measure will be fully outlined. Al ready the opponents express confi dence In their ability to substitute for the Income tax amendment, a provis ion for a tax on net earnings of cor porations, available for dividend pur poses, coupled with a provision for the submission to the legislatures of the several states a constitutional amendment giving congress the lmwcr to levy -and collect direct taxes on incomes, mpromlse Measure, For several days it has been rec ognized by the opponents of the In come tajc question that the only way they could make certain the defeat of the proposition would be to offer something In its stead which would be acceptable to the country. Taxes on net earnings of corporations, gross re ceipts of .corporations, dividends of corporations and other forms of cor poration taxes were brought forward one after another only to meet rejec tion from the advocates of the income tax. It became known that President Taft disagreed with the supporters of a tax on Incomes and would lend the administrations influence to bring about their defeat. But the incomo tax faction, numbering all of the dem ocratic senators and a number of pro gressive republicans variously estlmat cd at"X'iV6 'iCt juTneten have been keeping up a bold front, refusing to be diverted from their purpose by the suggestion of different forms for cm potations taxes. Taft With AldrMi. Senator Aldrlch today discussed with the president the proposition for Government Issues Orders to Hold Nantlcoke AndVes patch as Filibustered ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CASTRO'S WAR FORCE Both, Steamers Still Lying on Coast Apparently Ready to Sail on Orders (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK. J one 14. Packed In (Continued on page four.) plana boxes ready for shipment on llllbustering steamer bound for Vene zuela, quantity of rides and ammunl tlon destined. It Is believed, for Cl- priano, Castro's revolutionists, was discovered at Franklin, Va., today. The rifles are believed to be a tiart of the 15,000 Mauser weapons ship ped from New York to St. Louis and back to Franklin billed as pianos and packed to weather the trip to South America. The filibuster suspect steamer Nantlcoke was lying near Franklin In the Mack Wa ter below the steamer was her con sort, the tug Apache. The Nantlcoke is apparently load ed with nothing but coal, but todav she lay high In the water. Neither vessel has been taken In custody by the government but It was believed that prompt seizure would reRult from the discovery nf the contents of the piano boxes. United States marshal; were holding themselves in readiness to take charg" of the vessels. lias lilorkrd the Game. Apparently the gigantic plot of Cas tro's supporters, unearther bv secret agents of the government and pres ent Venezuelan regime and at first not considered very seriously at Washing ton, for the over-throw of the oppo nents of the exiled president, was verified by the discovery of the Mau sers at Franklin. Whether the entire snnnlv nf slflcs reached Franklin or the filibustering steamers 'were waitins- for rh nrrival of other piano boxes from St. Louis is not known, but the state department has again blocked Castro's game. The Mauser rides and ammunition were shipped first from Rclgtiim to New York, the state department claims by Castro's agents, and sev eral days ago the rumored plot to send Jicm West and from there hack (Continued on page three.-) SUGAR SCHEDULE BRINGS INSULAR POLICYJTO FRONT Importation of Sugar From Philippines Free May be Trust Scheme STONE WILL TRY TO FREE THE ISLANDS Gives Notice That he Will 0 er Amendment Provld Ing For Independence (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, June" 14. Sugar was the stirring subject before the senate today. It was brought to tfl front in connection with the consld ration of the finance committee substitute for the house provision of the tariff bill regulating the admls slun of Philippine articles Into thi United States and it continued to re celve practically the undivided atten tlon of the senate throughout the day During the first hour that the amend nient was before the senate there was some discussion of the effect on the provision on the tabaceo Interests o onnectlcut, but an amendment look ing to the Introduction of Connecticut tobacco Into the Philippines for wrap pers had the effect of relieving the Ituatlon In that guartcr. Immediately attention was direct ed to llik' clauses providing a duty on sugar admitted Into the Philippines equal to that on sugar brought Into the United States and exempting threo hundred thousand tons of Philippine sugar from duty when brought Into the United States. Senator Ilristow then criticised both provisions and his criticisms opened the way for general debate which was participated In on one side by Messrs. Brlstow and Clapp, and on the other by Sena tors Aldrlch and Lodge. l''or Sugar Trust. It was contended on the one hand Hint live tu'n nrnvtulnnii wr-m. intended to promote the interests of the American Sugar Trust and not to benefit the Philippine producers, while it was argued by the supporters of the provision that to admit sugar Into the islnnds free of duty would be to open the way for its free ad mission into this country. It was also argued that the sugar producers of the Philippines would be directly ben efitted Jiy the admission of their sugar Into the United States without re (Continued on page four.) PASSENGERS WERE ALL ' SAFE BEFORE RESCUING Officers of Slavonia Highly Praised by Those on Hoard. HAND KEPT PLAY INC TURPENTINE MEN EILE THEIR APPEALS IN THE O.S. APPELLATE COURT Defendants Found (luilty of Violating Anti-Trust Want Another Chance. ARE OUT ON BATE (By Associated Iresn.) GIBRALTAR, June 14. The North "ierman Lloyd steamer Trinzess Irene arrived here this afternoon having on board the tlrstclass passengers of the Cunard steamer Slavonla which ran ashore on the night of June 10 on Flores Island, one of the Azores group. The Slavonla sailed from New York on June 3. She was tinder a good head of speed when she struck a Vock off Flores Island. The water rushed In, and in an Incredibly stiorU time flooded the hold and reached the engines. The passengers were awak ened, by tje shock and flocked out on the decks. It was then about 2.30 in the morning. Those of first and second cabins behaved admirably, but the steerage Passengers showed a good deal of ex citement. The officers of the ship did everything possible to re-rAaJjrc the passengers and the band was set to playing popular airs. A call for help was sent out by wireless, which was responded to by the Prlnzess Irene, but long before her arrival the Slavonians own boats landed the pas sengers. The Prinzess Irene, which reached the Slavonla later on Thurs day evening, embarked the saloon pas sengers early the following morning. They are unanimous in praising the coolness and kindness shown by the captain, the officers and cr. w of the wrecked steamer. All of the pass, n gers with the exception of six re mained on the Prlnzess Irene and are proceeding to Naples. John Mitchell, of Milwaukee. In de scribing the accident said no one was Injured but a steerage who attempted to commit suicide. DR. WIGGINS DEAD. 8KWANER, Tenn., June 14. Dr. B. ' Wiggins, -ice-chancellor of the Un iversity of the South died at five o'clock this afternoon of heart trou ble. He had been connected wltlv the university practically all of his life. (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLKANS. June 14. Another chapter was added to the record in the so-called "turpentine trust" prosecution today, when ott'i- clals of the American Naval Stores company, recently convicted In the federal court at Savannah, Oa., on the charge of entering into a con spiracy in restraint of trade, (lied an appeal In the United State circuit court of appeals here. The appellants arc E. S. Nash, president; Spencer P. Shoter. chair man of the board of directors; (Jr i. M. Boardrnan, treasurer, and J. !. C. M.-yers, vice-president of the company, and Carl Midler, general manager of the National Transporta tion company. The assignment of errors upon which the appeal is bas- ed contains fifty three allegations among which arc various exceptions to the charge of trial Judge Bhop pard and to the fact that the Verdict as presented against the defendants a individuals and that n-J mention was made of their connection with l be American Navul Stores com pany. A verdict ot guilty as chared was returned against the defendants now appealing, pour days later Judge Shcppurd over-ruled a motion in ar rvst of Judgment and Imposed sen tences as follows: Spencer I. Shotters, three months In Jail an a fine of 15.00; J. F. C. Mejers, three months in Jail and a line of 15,1100; (leorge M. Board man. 2,000 fine; K. 8. Nash, 3,000 line and Carl Midler 15.000 fine. Prison sentences were Imposed on Shotter and Myers on the ground that they had been before the court two years previously and entered pleas of guilty. The defendants were released on bond of 120,000 pending an appeal. JAPAN MAY ARISE FROM ARREST OE JAP EDITOR One Indicted for Conspiracy In Hawaii Complains to His Consul. WILL Sl4 TERRITORY HONOLULU, June 14 The sltua llon growing out of the indictment ol Ih'i seventeen leaders In the strike of Japanese plantation laborers took ii'i international turn today, when A1. Negoro, of the editorial staff of the Jiji. a local Japanese publication, who was taken into custody when the of M( e i f that paper was raided by the authoitties In hi Friday, mado formal complaint to the Japanese foreign of fice tit Toklo of the violations of his treaty rights. The alleged violation, he sets forth, connsrs in the search of his office and the sel7ure of his private papers and documents without due process of law. Territorial Sheriff William Henry adoiits that the search and seizure were made by force of urms and with out search warrants or process of law but contemn that -the papers seized contained evidence of criminal pur pose and that the courts of the ter ritory are open to Negoro If he is damaged. Negoro was re-arrested today with Y. Sogo. Y. Tasaka und K. Kawamu- ra. of the editorial staffs of the Nlppu snd JIJI, on indictments returned by a grand Jury, charging them with "conspiring by indirect, sinister ami unlawful methods and means of intim idation, inciting to riot and threatened violence to prevent and hinder, "the Honolulu, iiahu. Kwa, Waialua and K'ahuki plantations from carrying on their business. M. Negoro, together with Y. Sogo, Y. Tasaka and K. Ka wamura were admitted to ball . at 11,250 In each case. Pending the fur nishing of bonds or cash bail all foul urc In JaiL M. Ncroro is preparing to bring court proceedings against the territory for 1500.000 damages. While no disturbance or disorder of any kind has occurred thus far, the csty Is full of striking Japanese, and the tension Is so great that orders uere issued for the full force of po lice to remain at the police station tonight ready for any emergency. Looks Good To Robert. o&roi ii' i ('IT our 1 ""N. Tit? 1 fSP l ' ww Ti yv MRS. GOULD G VES NICOL A G T CLOSEjnilRTERS She Gave Ills Sister Her Se cond Hand Gowns to Help Her Along PALM BEACH CENTER OF FASHIONABLE WORLD TWO MORE LIVES GO TO PA Y COST OF POLITICAL FEUD IN MISSISSIPPI Tragedy of wo Months Ago Leads to Another Street Duel in Which Two Are Killed and Two Others Badly Wounded Militia Rushed to the Scene to Prevent a Eiot. - 1 (Ity Ansocii MEADVILLE, men are dead, twfl tally wounded and j il Press.) is., June 14. Two were perhaps fa- hree others slight- Injured In a Moody street batlle here this afternoo. waged by par ties to a bitter ud that had been previously marked"? with tragedy. As a result of the aJY: r feeling here runs high and state troftps were ruxhed ti Meadvllle from $rnkhaven tonight to guard against possibility ot rioting. Those killed. he nffrajr ,wr Pr, . clerlt of tee c nance ry A. M. NcwnittA. ourt of Franklin county, anil 811ns O. Reynolds. Dr. Lenox Newman, e son of one of the slain men Is be lieved to have been fatally Injured and Herbert Applewhite, an attorney. may not recover us the result of his wounds. Kmmett Newman, another son, was shot In the leg. The three were taken to Natches tonight for medical attention, after having been 1 llr formally placed under arrest. Two b r Old tragedy Itecntlcri. L. P. Prlchard. a brother of Cor nelius Prlchanl, whom Dr. Newman killed seven Weeks ago, was arrrstml and charged with complicity in the tragedy. The killing of Prlelmrd by Nuwmun wus the first bloodshed to mark a feud that had existed between the two men, who were relatives. This bitter factionalism had Its Inception in a political campaign In which Newman and Prlchard were opposing candi dates. ' Newman wns tried a fw weeks ittfu for Prlchard's murder and was iic iliiittcd. This served to arouse even more bitter fecHng among the rela tives nod friends of Prlchard and the Newman family faction. On Name SMit. Today's light occuircd almost on the same spot where Prlchard was slain. Apparently Newman whs first upon as he was passing the Rut building In his buggy. The shot men named Hoyd apd 'Parr, alleged come from one of the rooms on the to have been involved In the affray, ' second floor of the building. It failed were slightly wounded but escaped t" nd have not been captured. fi of the building, drawing Ms pistol, it Is Hssertud, In the meantime. It Is claimed that as Newman reach ed the sidewalk he was attacked by Reynolds and ' Applewhite. Hons of Dr. Newman, who were nearby, rush en to the scons and engaged In the duel. Numerous volleys were exchanged but H Is apparently a matter ' of doubt who (Ired the fatal shuts, i" ' JI'IMSK tiOVM too . JJROOKHAVKN. Miss.. Jons 14. It being feared that serious rioting would result In Meadvllle, county seat of Frunklln county. Miss., ns the re sult of n bloody street duel then) bite today In which two men were killed aril ither are reported Injured, the llrook haven company of militia left nt six o'clock for the scene by order of (lovernor Noel, District Judge Wilkinson and DIs trict Attorney Wull left here In com pany wlOi the militia for the pur pose of officiating ut a special session nt court if tlui situation demands It if of Tells Court How Many Times See Changed Her Dress es to Keep Dressed inkf cflfi t nml Naiwntiii, Jumping i nnd to ulil In tho .rM(rvflttori nn hiM Imikk.v, ruwhe-d to tut nun tor. RESIDENT PEIA OF BRAZIL IS NO MORE Vifp-Pmsidont Assiiiiick tl Reins of ( loveniment in Presence of State Officers ( Uy AstioclaKNl Press.) ItIO JANIKRi). Juna 14. Dr. Al ;nso Moreira Vnna, president of Brazil, died today, lie was Uli Influenza on June 2, and al though unite seriously III for a time. Improvement was noted on June fl, which continued until Saturday. The president then suffered from n re- lapso and there were marked pul monary and gasiri. symptoms. Vis- rday the attending phy.iclans v. ere ireed to the con. mslon that the was hopeless a ml notillcatlon of this was sent by Mini -for of the Interior the vice president of the Itepnlilic Nllo Pecanhu and various other gov ernment official. The physicians succeeded In prolonging life for Home ours but tin1 pri'-ldent passed .'iwiv lous for a cm- KISSING AGREEMENT Would Rul Tier 1 lave Divorce Than Have to Make Up AlwnVN willi Kisses. h arter being uiicii sldernhle time. 'l ie stimed the execute nlng In the presem senators, deputies .1 of the foreign tuvv vice president flowers this e " of the minister nd iv a- ciiXrgkd with fkatioih:. DALLAS, Texas Terry, a prominent was arrested today derlng his brother, last March. ' The contained three knife wounds. June 14. rtoy Itizen of this city, hargrd with niur Dr. Hugo Terry, physician's body bullets and slxiy (Uy AsuMiateil Press.) ATLANTA, da., June 14. In a suit for divorce on the ground ol penury, Mrs. 1:. I.. DoiicIum, (i weallin Atlanta woman loday lil.-.l a petition silting forth nn orreeni. ritfll which rlrc lillctfe her lllisltand asked her to sirn. Aitale rou r t cent ti or ttn .if. I cement read f-.ll.o'H 'Neither pari1, -hall under any cur- i II llr-l a IK cs sp.aK or act III u illspar- acinti. petulant or unkind way, to, or of the other ti r i ' I '-r a forfeiture 01 penalty or making humble apologv either public or private ns tbn of f. nded partv shall i l'-. t, and also submit to In kissed by the other party .ne hiitnlr. d limes or Ickh. at option of said party as to time or place." The other articles numbering Iwi-n l -four covered t li o linancial relations ot the couple in detail. Mrs. Douglas said she refused to sign this iigiic-nicrit. OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Five Reported Dead in linlslilcN and Floods Near Bitf Stone (lap. SALISBURY'S LIST OF THOSE WHO PASS KALISHI'ltV, N. . Jure tor Is. by, aited thirty ye place was killed by 1 4. Wal s of tin-. SHOWER& r WASHINGTON. June 14. Fore cast: North Carolina: Loral shavers Tuesday and Wednesday; light vari able winds, mostly south and south west. freight train near Kall.-liury last night, bis body hi Ing lefcdiy mangled. The body was found roar the main line of the South ern and it is thought he never heard (he approaching train which killed him. He loincs a vlfe and several oung children. peter A. Freeks. Hired eighty-four yrars, one of HaiiKbury's oldest and lo st know n citiz. ns. died at bis home her. :yesterda nft' rnoon following a severe Mines". He suffered a relapse from fever and the end was unexpect ed. He was formeriv engaged In the hotel business here nnd was widely 1 nown. He leaves a wife. Following a shoj-t Illness from ty phoid fever. Torrcnce Montgomery, ared about twenty years, died at his home In .Salisbury last night. Ills con dition had been serious for several days. A father and mother survive. ItH'HMOND. Va.. June 14 special from Hlg Hton- flap, Va h:VH I iv. damage i deaths are reported anil lo property estimated at up ward of 110(1, IMIfl us the result of rains and electrical storms wb1 li ww pi ovvr this ii .'lion Satiir.lnv n It M and yesterday Itallrond track, waMhc.l out. causing landslide!, and .'i ten foot roe- n the sluggiKll PovmH Itlver ill two hours. The lo avl. st storm occurred Haturdav night, br. liking north of Dig Hlone (lap, along the lines of tile lilllsvllle n nd Nashville and the IntiTslate railroad. The Interstate road lost mope than two miles of road in the six mile sroicti of track between Appalactna and HtoncRa. A passatiKcr train wus l.ft stranded near Arno. with t'. track impassahlc on either side. It; slides occurred In deep cuts at Apprt iachl.t and llorchastcr Junction Tip Powell Val'ey light nnd turner com fiiiuv's plant here wh'leh furnish -s lllthls for the lllg Htoll" Cap H I'd of her towns, was put out of com mission l.y liitlitnirig an'l crops wer-Injured (Hy Associated Press ) NF.W YOHK. June H. Abandon ment will ft the sole laeu upon which the suit for separation brought by Ka,therlnis Clemmona Oouhl Hgslnst her husband. Howard Oould, third son or the lata Jay Oould, Will be decided. This rutins; WIS mada bite today in the Huprem court by, Justice Dowllng after counsel lo Mrs. Oould had rested the esjw for the plaintiff. This sweeps away sev eral phaMta f the case notably, cruelty - and non-support, and la partial victory or lCowwi! (InsM. As to the charge or abandonnvsnl the court held that this too might not stand unless the plaintiff was able to show that Howard Clould'a stipulations tt reconciliation with his wife wter unreaaonaibla. Thla phase ot the case will bs argued to morrow, i' ' ' '- O.sirgs Oould, a brother of the do. fondant, testllled today. M ra, Oou'd was excused from th stand afte three days of suarchlng crosa-sxaml-n hi ton. After f ho case for tha plaintiff was restod Delancey Nlcoll for In husband made ths usual motion to dismiss the suit, on the ground that the' pinlntfn? had failed, to malta, out ti ensa, Iteferrlng ta th aihanifctn ment charge, Mr, NlflOll said Howsrdj nuW left hi wifa in July,. jo, but offered to rtlHr on perfectly rssM onsble terms, among other things her iilwioiitlon from Intoxicating lliiuors, Mrs. Oould, he enntlnuad, refused Nwearlng Off Oueltf. , ; During th (foregoing argument, Mrs. Oould heesm faint, left tha court room and it iff not return. Then her counsel, rinrenee Bhearn, began argument against the motion of tha defense to dismiss. "It Is cruelty." he affirmed, "for a husband, with" out Justification, to aecuse his' wlfa or being r bad character, or to n tnrtnln against her, without eausil, rolleclliiiis agnlnef her honor. What kind of a conspiracy was Mr. Nlcoll engaged In," he ask. d, "when ha got habitue. nf n saloon lo work In tho purpose or proving Mrs. Oould a woman or bad reputeT That was ----- -i -i-i-i-i -I'li-ii-ii-irimmiy (Continued on page four.) BUSINESS SECTION GF T010FWISUA.1LMOST WIPED OjTjr FliES I'owii Offices, Theater, Ho tel and Newspaper Plant Are lit i rued Out. LOSS WILL HE IIIOAVY SMALL BOY KILLS HIS BRUTAL FATHER ft AI, Finn, N. ('., June 14. Frank Crawford, a farmer living near Selma. IN C, was struck on the bead an I his skull crushed bv nn nxe In lb" hands of his thirteen voir old son this morning. Crawford bad bis wife down and was beating her nnd the boy not being able to get him off. without force, n;d the axe. The boy has been placed In Jail nt Hmlthfleld. tiOKH TO WILMINGTON. HOANOKE, Va.. June 14. Rev. Dr. William II. Milton, rector of Halnt John Fplseopal church, this city, has accepted n call to the pastorate or Saint James' F.plsccnal church at Wil mington. N.-C. Dr. Milton Is one of the most prominent divines of his de nomination In Virginia. (Ity Associated Press.) TtK'HMOND, Va June 14. X special from Ills: fUone ap. Vs.. sa v n : "A Are which broke out In Miller House, a leading hotel of Wise, the county seat, nineteen miles north of here, veierdav afternoon, quickly got beyond control snd swept ovi r most of the huslno section of thi lown. causing t7M( lose. About one third of the ios Is covered by Insurance. On account of the town l.fclnK cut off from tnleohonlc and telegraph communication. nws of the conllagiation was delayed until today The buildings burned are: If. II. Dotwon's residence; II. If. I lol soli's store; Millers hotel; W. II. "'niton's store building: Mrs. Hale's rveldenae and store building, McEIro? snd Company's store building and stock: nt goods, c W. Henfrow's store building nnd stock of corn and hay; Ills a rol Hills' office building, con taining a gnwery store belonging ta Fltxhiigh Stephens; KbVtrie theatre of W. R. kllgere all' on first floor. The second floor contained the law offices of Kllgore nnd Kllgore, Vi cars and Peetree, Fulton und Ayers, Dotson and Bond, and Duncan and Kelly; also the general offices of tha Virginia and Kanawha railroad; tha mayor's office and the office of Doc tors Sill and Hlx. The Wise Newa building was burned but most of th" machinery was saved. The Bap tist church snd a stnr near It be longing to W. II. Roberta were de stroyed. :::; l,,