THE ASITrXTIXE CITOKyWKDV 1'SPAY. JUNE, 16, 1000. ( 1 f SOCIAL (& PERSONAL Tt.t- i. - r "i 1 1' I i v !,!: K. !-' .:! Co lade at til' 1 .iH' i' i'a' I. hy tlx WJ.' "I it- r. rid- nl .!. Mr-. ' ' V". I ; ic-elli J" t I. . ' in t)i.- hull t-.mir f'-r ti.n The ollo-i zn m !m i of H' cc .or Mi. I. W. ' !-.. own Mi' A. I. I ' v ' v., i.. i. I.. M-h. I'. ' ' ' i; S. Tcminnl. M ' ' ' ' : ' " Ttnmp"on I ni.l' r. Mm. A. W. ,y and Mm. I- v ' ' r Tt.c I'hiUt '..! ..f It." J-mt P t-rlati In Ih' iu II. nun h w ill r-oiid.i I. . -rid.. ..i I. t ! cation. . . The Ji wish f-'ahhaltl school Mill K" mi a picnic in. il'i"k lm. 'Jinn" day. A special rr will leave lh postofficc at H.30 n. m. . . Mrs. J. T. S' kl. r i ntcrtained i Embroidery circle t her home on Clayton mn-ol, Monday ufi. t-n i. J J Phi I'irst IT. ulii i lian Sunday -h classes will spend today i rn. I.ihk m Overlook fii rk. They will im M' 1" It special nr which leaves Urn square at 8 30 a. in. J Utile J orHl'i llaiiirlck. cd, Iirat-.l hor .event h lllrllliluy lit tlll home of her parent un harlot te street, Mon day afternoon, with a party. Itcfreh. menta wure aerved aftT tint children had played guiiiu and enjoyed llieni- aclvea all afternoon. 1 l r little guests wr Ellcatieth and Carolina Kent, Edith Ht. Clair, Krnncla and Haywood Parker, Mary Ulddlna., Ell7.alctri Wagner. Kathrrlne, Bllr.abeth and Lil lian IlolUna. l4ltoy Inivall, Jr., lvwa Ilynum. Hoy and Mttlle llumrlck, John Querard. Helen Marlowe and I'red Johnson. In aplt of the pre of business nt Ui aeaalon of the mllcal convt-n- tlon , yeaWrday afternoon, a large number of vtaltlng dmitora found tlmi to attend the reception tendered them at the Mtsalon hoapltul. Mlm Ijix ton and tha member uf the iienlar claaa of nnraea received the gut-ate In th honDllal anil eacorted them thrauffh the inatitutlon. Afterward they wera roelvd at the nurn-a1 noma b lira, F. V. W. Graham, preeldent ut the board of manager aMlated by other mo-nitre of the board; IMra, W, Vance Brown, Mm fell Mnattn, Mra M. E. anion, Mrs T, 8..Mrrbon. lira. C. S. Jordan Mr.. . Jamea A. BurrnuKh. Mr, Thopriaa Settle, Mr. Tench Cnxo, Wm. Philip 8. Hrnry, Mr 1). C. Wad- dell. tr Mra. Arthur Wheeler, Mia Qeorila Helknap, Mlna Molly Krwln . and Mia Kannle I l'utton. Rtifreh menu were aerved by the lady nuina- Vera. The home waa leautlfully doc . orated with wild,) flowera und potted plant. ' , Mr. and Mn, l'Jdwnrd K. McPowell Kave a reeepllon at their lionie nn South Main afreet liml nltiht from 9 t 11 to comtiieinoratn the llftennth annlwrinry of (heir jiiinrliiEi.. Mr and Mr. Mel o well received the hun flrtd or more gili Ktu who vailed ilur in; Uio evenlnK In the nnrlor which ws decorated with pink henrla and pink rimes. They recctn-d iiiiIU iiuiiim-r IiniHItMiniO cut J;InHH pri'R- enw rro mthelr friend. MIjw Rnrnh .Tone entertained In formally yet'riliiy afternoon nt h- nonie on etrei t In honor of Mnt. Wllllnm Jonen of lllh Point nn.l Mle UtielUn niniai ll of Arkiuiwm n are her rnmt. Mrn. w. C. Smith enlertnlin-.l ni tertlay afternoon with ill. .. were three trilde. Mr. Smith will lvp eeverat Informril nlT:ilr In in.. afternoon of the rnming week x.Th, fiftieth reirnlnr moiithh me. l oa me i-en n mi rrnt.. . win , nem lit the HMtery 1lt I, ..I, I ,,, vt Thurwlny evening. Juno 1 ;. -i ne eul.jeet Is -The ChlldrenV foinl " ICaaay. Itev. H. F. Mni.l.. II, .. respomterrt,. Jii,He rrltehni.l. ui, ,' vtll he aerved t 7. .10 o't loi k The recepllnn t.iiilereil .n,,,;,ti find ladle nt the r. vlileii,,. ,,f j , j A. Hin roughs ),it .v.iiini." w:in mi.. ..r the inoMt jiieiiMlmr an. I rial... ml,, ,.v,.r Knen in Aanevitie, ninnv lmi, . Kin-Kin li. Inir present to w. ! mil., the 'Ulton.. lte,.,.v ntr were 1 ir. ami Mrs. .1. rt. MiirrenKhe. awim, ,) In- r Mm. Carl V. li. vm. hi a.i.l It. , IIT1.1 It. lit I liKhnrn't 1 V.. I.. Jon. were al. lertfilnili i urn h u an fo-i .1 I v M .M iev of t he eilll;, , I'll nt und nit.-d In i Mr M In. i U-, M. Mi ,; l art. in n 111 Mr It. aie il.-il:, Tern II. I , Ma Mi V -A l . SPECIAL SALE TUB TAILORED SUITS 1-4 OFF We lia i j . . i -1 cent, alioiit lilt 1 ''II s Suit i ih fit i III Linen mil! 'nt tun. Colors, li-ht l,h tawha, old r. li t, jtitik and v. hit. ( ij.i fM.t sons xiiaiiii f'.i' t n i . We charge e t i.i f,,r nit M. V. MOORE VOMKX S ITK.MSHIXt.o :,. In li llity- h i !-li ri mill ,1 ,. riiay i Cll. Mrs. HnuW - .n!H of 'ouili Main II.- i r . T.i 1 1' t .' I.i.iii t i , . I n . 1 .11 a UK, . ml ,f .s., n in vtilh In I '.i i .;iliu, Hpelit i p. u i nt. M i. on 1'urk avv- 1 1. M. l. -nn, ,H II. I" li S'-.-ll, "f lliva'iia, CnhH, .1 s.itni il.iy and l the of Alee M. it; Hi on Wood flu lnit aril . .M IMH M m. C. .hii-ton. c;. niveau and Ml KiiRenlu of Henderson. Ky., arrive. I in A-l.. vtllc Sunday for the auinmei .in.l are aliijlim on Oak street. Ciie and Mr. Theodore V. 1 n 11. he. II letllllie.l lat evenlnK flolll NtlW York. Mr. ami Mr. i. C KlnK left yeter liny fur llaltiinore, where Mm. KIliK will iiinl. rio it Kllclit operation for her ee at John Hopkins' ImMpital. Mr. M I. 1-vtli-, Ml lorotliy l.y tle anil Ml Veliruth of Milwaukee arrived imli-nlav uftertloon to vllt lir. und Mr. A. W. Calloway on Mer rlmon awtitie. Hev. and Mr Harvey C Parkn ol HomIoii are the Kuest of lr. and Mra It. ft. Swnpe of tllttmore. Ml Etta Hoiisehelle who ha beei VUltlUK Mlm lairllle MelauKhlln left lunt night for Atlanta. Mr. u rtlomlierft who ha been vl. ltlnit relative In New York and Dal tlmore for tdo past four week re turned home yesterday. Ml Mary Lee lor who hn hern ilsltlng Mr. H. K. Thonipon has re turned to her homo at Hylva, N. C MIh Florenco K. nnis of Chlcnuo 1 vlltlnK Mr. Wllllnm latter and Dautthter at 46 Victoria lload. Ml Fiona Iewl of Statevlllo nr rived In the city yesterday and will spend several iluys n the Riieat of Ml Sadie McHrayor on Montford avenue. RETAIL MERCHANTS IT ELIZABETH CIT IvYiHti'i o!' President Oceu lues Time of First Session. f (Spii lal to The Citizen.) KUZAIIKTH CITV, Juno lfi.- ' se eiitli Hiimial enuveiil ton of Ni l Hi ( '111.11111,1 Uelall Mi-rvhtititii' moi latlon In sun It eMlon here today There wa a lare niunher of no la im in attendance for the opening .st'Nsh.n and many niore are expert lo in live loliUlil. I tie irreuter Hart f the openimr eilon was taken in with the report nr the pn ldent. Th pri-Hldent made the lollowinK n nt men.latlons that we lake up the IImIiI ,.m fr. lKht .llMi-i Iiii i 1 1 i ( ,.a In North Carolina. That we nit;.- that a lav of I:, ,000 la piav .1 on itinerant merchant mid I" .1.11. fa In llui alal. . That . I he exempli. hi Nl! Include li pr..i I.ilmi to Kami-die,, That th.. law I oi hid, I lug K.irnls,e, hv m iidlni; a hill oiiIm.I. ,. Mat,, to In l "P. Thai we reii.-w the for the law nial, un; on,, ,, Iointlv -.pollalhle foi III.' II. . -Sill, .1 of tif. . That i i , m w ..iir tl;ht the "I- -1 on il-pioial" l.ill. The . -.tahlishlnent of an Inter ' h Ull-. -ih!. I iIMiu- h, tUeen to" Iih 'I'h-il w i- t ile w Ith the N.i I'on-il a !- n t,.i nn .1 .y thl ntiite i I i ai.,1 ..ih. , .an oi- in! on a-i. i , ami lt,!i. t repll. s t' i 'ir. erad li a t e one of .-.tat.) woik. at mmr, t'lll w. -' nt demand f.. a front ..f m n " im . iwrv pl.n I '- .hi mi i-an-hl p .' an n;i !. i di.-i i miit of 11.") per rt cl leiin Kaniie a ii -v."u to $ :r.(H). njii nii.ii ii. wisteria, Ca in ail a ml dark jjray, vi- to Jit. All lliis sea- (rations on these suits. 11 lATTON AVE. CONFERENCE WORK GOES ON SMOOTHLY 1 1 i 1. 1 -1 f : i -t i v i:ri i:t M I.M M. --CIH M l. Mlltll-in oiiiik I. allies leole I iii-ri;l lo Crohli-oit. ,,f II li ion nil v . ll'll (XT- ,.i,d r. I ik "f H" i V VS . i '. i'- K.I it" In.- - iral- ai ' r I h l r m;n 'a. a- !n - Mil M-.ll Mtll.lV. in iiiaT' tip ti.--o ,ti,. rn ...iir. r- at I he N'ormiil .1 al. 1-f.p rda enj'-i ItiK very The mil. In Uh.-illl KJ.'ikinK I , r i . f--r Ahevill. und tie' --or 'i he i ornrniitei of rr.-t . . 4a . n worklnK hard I" inak. 'Vi-Mtlon ..I,. of !he h. t In .'V of tin i "I i"ir.l..'iti' ii ail venllon le ha -i ihu m.j II.. hi I 1 he pr- a nt i,. e.ihm i-i ., dial Hie Mm la lo i ha i not ; n , ,t I ri. of the i -n-dll for thl 1 "nn l due to .Ml laenc. Iloliiui ilM wli retarp - I one of ttie national e The otln r . 1 1 tai w ho Inn so tmli!riin In th Ir efToit t haw- till e.aiventlon a liotal't. .-lie a' VIM Th.r.a WHIoir of N,-w Y'o.; u ho i tin- htate win tiiiv; MeM ITiiica Hal of New York who I the .11. net r- tan , and Ml-ifi Lillian f,. Iv.n--. also of .-'.v York, who ik in ih.iri:.' of the mill i Itlement work. All th--arraiiKi iiient han- I.. n m tii.ii chiirue i xe. it those for re. r alien. Mlaa i;tln I M. Klnli i of In l .n.l I'l l . h l ananited that .art of the iroKrain and i vi l l form of re. hull .'. IniH heed pro! hie. I MiH M'Tilnlev I at In .haiKi of the mill i Itlement work at Iter.-a. S i . The program followed i ly tin proKram of Monday In It ari'liiiKe nii-nt and scope nml wa eipially a lnterellnK. Th' speaker at the (llf ferent council and eliiMei contlnueil their eourae of IriHtrtlctlon which nail been berun the day before. MN Holmoulut outlined the ohject of th conference to be the development leader fur tho work qf the Y. W. C. A. In the different eille and edu cational Institution of the South. A'l the speakers have kept thl In vl n In their lectures and course of study outlined for the week's work. The first spenker of the day wn Miss Jennie I. SpaldlnK. the stat retary of Ftnrldn. who rontlnued h"- most Interesting course of etudy titmn the force of Christ In India. Mis Mnhej Hrml of Nnhvllli Tenn.. also Rave an InterentlnK ad dress nt the early morning session upon the work In cltle The nth spenker at the mornlnic sivslon were Rev. Tlrahort Wells Vench of th Hlhle Teachers' Training school of New York: Itev. J L. CunnlnKliam if Nashville. Mts Kllznbeth U Sherrnrl of Charlotte, Ir. Anitle Myers, pre blent of the nntlonal rommllteo Iti China. Miss Kate Chnmhers of hryn Mnwr eollcKe, Tenn.. Mis Theresa Wilbur of New York; Ills Theod sla W nle. secretary of the Gulf states. Mis Ida Onrrlson, secretary ol the Vlritlnla and Carolina association Ml Virginia Sinclair, secretary ol renncHsee nml Kentucky and Miss Mary C, White of the Woman's col l"K" of llaltiinore. lOvery phase of the preparation for effective worker Sii thl flo! ,n church and rellKlou ncthlly wa eoii Miiler. il. Tim speakers are nil fanol lar with condition to he niet, bavin nini inn: experience In the line alorijr wiiicii nii'v are k'lvliiK the .ourns of instruction. Faeh inemher of tl, conference 1 taking; not,. ,,,, ,lr, valunble lectures for future n-ferinr, AfteriMMin I ne ailernooli was cll. li over In the . Mate fer.'ll W. I ahlv illellt aril, r part to t,,. in..,-tIMU4 di Ick'iI Inns nml Html, nt coe es In which the prohlem ..r Y i . , .- i,, ,-i me work uas ll.-eusMed hy many of Ih, -1" .i iei I'lirillMT nils se.'.jou an appeal mis made for stmb-nl linteer t,l he roleliri, ,ll.... o. I i in iavt part of the af. r "'ll A'l the niost enloiahle. 'Pile mnnv drlvliur and eoa. hlnir W T' part norn victoria Inn ami the Norma: School the !iM0e 1'S ' II 1 1 "O'l l.-IH Hill- S, I .'III. ol i. r ,..o..tu r lnt.-r.--t. Scat!..,,., I .-,,-..,,,,.1 ) lawns of the hol.l and i l-.""l'- lioill llllleleni Sla e f li . lolliu: a ipil. t ... hour slneiiis familiar hvnin and ..lii.s. The il.or- :ia d. li Kath.n in char-., of MN itu'li ffeid h. hi a picnic and "iv at Victoria Th, ,,, leai-lv on,. h,,mir,-, pr, s. nl ,, i ,js "rial fun. Hon Theie weie .s. i,.;,l I' !" Id' lo Id Hi Hie 1 1. I n it v hj 111. ill etoups. Last nlKht lr. T Ux I 1 1 f M Prat: nscr ..f ii,.. 1 t i Hills 'cm:,, national . Inn, I, ,,f Cincinnati si.okc ' ie platform iii.-.-liiii: upon "The in oine and i m t,ro (1f i .if,. " i ,r ' at I consider, d l he s I' . , t In a hoi. n!v manner and at the same me made Irs a.tdli-s Interest.,,!, and radical with a direct appli, al lo,i . the mernhers of the , . ill , nt i on i will Blve the c.-,.n.l n. I dres to IsThl .'11 "The P. --, ., Person illti- " saiM'Inlliiii Pay. To.lnv will he the most !ni,,,rtant n of the ,-onv. lit:. ,ii. H Is known ass,,, , itiou ;,n,i ih, main lilts to he ic, a e, upon Will , me p for ilisciip.n at the mcitiiii; to. In 1'nlliv.x in i; Is tlic proRram for l dsv: S.lin Presidents council tstud, nil S 15 Mission ituily clans for citi worker , Christian r,.ini,-l of India. Mis J. lime K SpahllliK. The Challenge of the Cltv. Miss Mahel Head, il nil - p.,1,1,. S,y vl.isss s. Normal class. The Klna md 1 1 is Kind-o in. It, v It Well Vcach. i-rt Th. study 0f the IV,., k of A. i .. Pi ,,f. Jesse U Cunini; i: in. I- .,' Paul. MiM) Mary T. li.iss, II. Sc im s from the Life of .Ir-m. V. Pllalieth L Slier-, ,,, 10.30 M s- n study classes l c r., -- sl ). Tl,. Premier, Miss M ,,. , Head. CUrlatian CoUsiucst of India. Why Darn Stockings ByHandJl Tea Cm 6t Frt Littont EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION. W.Hsllii, kin-el I'Isjim- 117K. Pearl Lee Holman, M. Lillie Irwin, B. S., B. 0. vp.s la I price for H" ,r l'r'" Mis KO Th. Cpllft Islam, Ml si I i 'to - Joint sessl- commit'1 employe, i Industrpil II hi liitermlffcloi 111, Platform r. I l.'.- Mictlnfr of ference. L' do Association 7 1'. Student vi' 7 tr. Platform i II 1)0- - Hi IcKntlnn , lliiK. nt:. I ! I l BLACKSMITH S AIRSHIP TUMBLED TO TIE EARTH Fell Three-f ths of a Mil. With Him, l-h iiitf. nid He Still Is a; - P.KltWYN. Nth. Inventor drtpfpe :: pl.-.l aeropame h. i not seriously hue in iator was I.'. Soi . .Pine I '. local Mill 1 t ill l Clip- . t'Llal Th. He wa.H amatenf n, a blacksmith. who In view of aev.ral huip'.retl towns men, made the use nt In a halloon and then ntternpt I a descent In nn aeroplane thut he constructed af ter several months labor. When hi cut the m roplan. loose It hexan to descend at a terrific speed, turning over and over a It dropped. The In ventor duns; to 0" craft and when It struck the ftround he w as In u sit 1 1 r, k posture. Tha nil, 'plane was demol ished hut Sorenson, nlthouirh knocked senseless ann sustaining numerous bruise, wa oon n-ilvedanot serious ly worse off for his exiorlenei CLAISK'S t HUSKS of tiik "ci.mkii'Wii" (HanibnrK-Ainerloaji Line) 18,0(10 tons. hrniHl mnv, hnia-rbly llttoil. Round ihe woblD I'Vuin New York fK-obr 1(1. 1909 from San Francisco l '1i. 6. pjlil m ar iv four months costlmr oniv Jii59 AND CP. IncMidimt nil expenses Hiioai nun nsii.-re. NI'WIAIi I I ; VrritKS Milerln. I'lrvin. India. Ccvlon. Iluiuia. .Iaa Itorinvi. Plitlti, nines, ,1a lain. n nn. usual cIimiiis- to yImIi iinusualli at- irncitvi- mail's. I2lli Aiuiual Orient Crul-. I'cb. . Ill: h North Herman I. hud H S Oros.ner Kui I'n.Tst," . 7't days lin hi.l L",1;'.,.24 aavH Kevist, u,l l'alestlm I00 un. I'KA.NH C. CI.XHK. TIMKS III.IMi N.. V. .-. . If s All for a el ip in to lie i hiiip piano at but. A clii-np pric There Should Be a Way heap im - ,s hlch cia,. I will hii a l l.laniS ii a deal ear i molts ami !.,i helnp Id ill M I, . s ll hluli i;ra.. It .11 t i it. nlatini- Plati,, in the old reliable M Stlefl. ion Ml today. ICas Chas. M. Slid! Mnti'ifucturer of tha Artl-aio Htlcff, Shaw, ami Stl.fT R.rf-Plajrer llanos, NOCTIIKliy WAHKIIOOM B West Trade St. Charlotte, N, C. C. II. Tni.MOCTH, Manacrr. (Mention tW9aper.) Citizen Want Ads Results. Bring af - 1 MJ "ajaaaaa- - - - iNGERDAnNUl k ct it Snstf Sfcra See It TO-IAT, i .isial I'r.nsl, , , j WANTED 50 MEN 1 1- work with pick and shovel ''ifi(l!ri.-r)t(.t1.r,lp(.rday. v niidjto M. A. KKI.LY, water ami sewer eniitraetor, at ant on N. C. Our Faiilities For deliverinif to voti the lit'st enal mined in Anteii- a is nnstirpassed, -tpiiek de Ivery an dlioiicst eoal ! .M. and V. lii.lian 1' i:!0 Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone 13i. I'attoa Ave. 3 Dr. Matthews Ilei'lul rurlors. 2.V3A-2T ev McAfee llkl. Cor. College o(l Sprni e Streets, neJir Court lfoiiM. leeth eMrmted without pain. All work ifuaranteed. 1 ikn alivins I unable.' OfricC. phone. Ji 1 9. ltesidflnre Phon 972. High Grade Stationery iiii kiuuw siauonery carries an air of satisfaction to the writer that manea letter writing a pleasure to yourself and correspondent. Thd Carolina Pharmacy LADttS' ATTENTION A flllA nnHniiti( nf aaVilt- .... I , boxca Just rorolved. Prices ranging Burton & Holt. Cheap Milk Is usually cheap In quality as well as pile. It I dangerous. Our milk ! not In that class. It la absolut -y pure, oiean, rich and wholesom. flshevHlePurc Milk Co. lOn-st Walnut St. I'houe 551 HAIR IKIS(; N'iee Stuck of at. I'easnlialile 1 lair im nl. prices here MISS CRUISE, 1!A MnywoiHl St. Tin: MiitTii citn iN College o! Agriculture and Me chanks Arls The SI.-II.-'.m co! 1 1 a 1 11 1 111; I ', .:: I se I I' I I I Hit III . . i 1 i. i -,i,i- 'i i-:m!i .M ; : 1 1 1 . and li . I Ii . U Ir i ie lo lal.iuK , ni e for n .k-ih , ii. I- I , in,.:. and and f theve colli- A.ldr 1111 I . 4 :i. ii. Cro-ldcnt . t Jtnlelali, X. f. in webb & cowm Milliner)' ImiMirter Xo. fl IWittci j l'ar riaiK. I'luuw 1014 MERCHANTS' DRAY CO (IiMr)sirnae1.) Mmiwnti irnulliitf, Storage OITIiv 14 Hnywo1 Street. Pinnies SS and S50. CHICHESTER'S PILLS VE- .TUB llMOil ilKANIk A nriTV IS'. ,T' "r'iniMisi A AvC-5i j;in a R4 .! M4 .niuA r. i'i ah st !u.o.v kiaVona KRtsn pii.ii,," S0D8iWJtnfl!STSFRWHrRi Citizen jt au.T Aj-Sjpl.S Want Ads Results. Bring Colored ress , irtcn$ on Jill Jhis Week Many yards of colored Drrfls Lilieus have lieen sold during the last few days at the uiiusnal prices that we are offering them. Tliese linens are exeeed iiiKi.v Kood values, and 0:1 this account the ladies of Ashcvillc have heen taking advantage of the special prices in order to put in their summer dressTsuppl v. Not hiii, can possibly outwear linen, and nothing cer tainly looks hetter. At these prices they are selling, ijiiii-kly : h -; t 19c a van! for Colored Linens that fornici-ty "sold for 25c ;i yard. 25c a yard for Colored Linens that fonnerly sold for 35c a yard. 33c a yard for Colored Linens that formerly sold 40c a yard. 38c a yard for colored Linens that fonnerly sold for 50c a yard. 48c a ya id for Colored Lin flint formerly sold fur 50c a yard. Xinene J'uits tie Reduced Jhis bUeek Oursaleof suits will continue this entire week. They are certainly worth a call and if you like them the prices are so reasonable that you cannot fail to buy. (ilanee at thee prices, then remember the Hon Mart-he quality of r, adv-to-wear goods: $4.97 will buy a suit made of the linene whose reg ular price was $7.50. $4.24 will buv a linene whose regular price was $6.50. III SiJ.Yd nuvs a linene suit $5.00. BOB DESMOND TRIO "Buster Brown," Ruth May, Violet Moore. Motion Pictures. Open : to 5, and 7.45 to 11 CHIROPRACTIC (Kt-ro-prwn-Mo ) CONDRMXATTON W1THOTJT .TV VEStTIGATIOV 18 ?OOK JCDG.VKNT. Abnormal presaure upon nerves Is the cause ol all dteeasen: ty remov ing hts pTsjssur. normal oondltlona anj health win ba restored. Tecojr ntzed and eodaraea by Uiouaandi of cKizens f othsr Mated. Ohrnnla d!seae rur specialty. Consultali.i and examination free, IU- O. P. OOMIIOV, aarourac(or. Iantw Bble. fj. W; Cor. Sq. ttiona 4a 1. FIRST Livery CLASS Wells and Prow n. and V. K. lirilP. s'ocl-: and eiiuipun nt are now ciisol I. late, 1. The dim mil l- known as liliirr l AM I i s STMH I S :a Y. Collexe St.. Phones :,0 ami HUG Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. 1 I I I ' 1 ) PEERLESS? ASIIEVILI.K, X. C. The June White Goods Sale Is a Rapid Selling Bar gain Giving Event All ( ! in ii i StTVci on t Ik What ViUee at u. lie .l t t t lest i are included i I alt iiinicli smile ol haru-ain countcra. ou nun t see ask voii that we are in h an i a.-tue prie.-s. cl'V Mere iu tins vast stock and flie prices placed on insure a successful clearance if , our' lln- 111 Mill siichis and i-i niiitcis. rl o miss this sale, is doing yourself an injustice and we sa eotne! l.t.i.l-i famnnmi Ti, ,.i'a ... ne si i e l ccenoniv lent that buviin r- J wjiose regular price-, was 11 Partle contemplating lawn fetea, picnics, campia parties, and In fact any knd of otitlnR. can be supplied with Japanese napklnB at the JIOCXTAW CITY LAtNDRT . free of cost on applcatlon. Watches My Specialty. If you need a Watch that nltl keep Hir.a, we have .them, prlcja that are right. Fine Watch ReDairing. f. E. CARPENTER 32 Patton Ave. La Grecque (Jorsets J For every wpe of figure GREENE & CO., 12 Ohurdi Street a a 5 12 Onurch Street ; MANiesURTNG. i Halrdressliia, Facial Massages, Scalp treatment a specialty. Cp-tn-dste line of hair goods, toilet article. snitcJiaa. puffs and pompadouea :.,ail to order. Price reaaonabla, worli first claM. BRrXKKR AND HtTNTEn. I,ADI1S. OKNTCiaiEX. 8 and 10 I'ariwaoa Hldg. ANOTHER SHIPMENT .lust received big line of Porch Pockers, Crex Mat ting and Rugs. Prices right. Beaumont Furnitare Co f the season's offering in in tliis sacrihYe. Nothing White is re our goods are not due to the lack displayed of space. or and one will con- earnest when' we sell goods Wc mean to dispose of ev- v "uipill . 111! 1 C11.MV. O O HI will be a pleasure and "'ee:-iiai ram