THE WEATHER: .- - - - .- 6E0WERS. VOL. XXV. NO. 240. Also Adoption Of Amendment To Constitution Rela tive To Income Tax MR. TAKT SEND$ OUT HIS MESSAGE Net Result Of Protracted Meet ing Of Presidential Cab Inet Yesterday f (By Aswictated Press.) WASHINGTON," June 18 Recom mending legislation looking to thi placing of a two per cent tax on the net Income of corporations and also th- adoption of an amendment to the constitution providing" for the Impo sition "of an Income "tax without an apportionment among the several states, President Taft today sent to congress a message embodying his views on the subject. Tryjs action fol lowed a, protracted special meeting of I he rhblnet. In his message the president speaks of the apparent Inability of congress to agree to an Inheritance tax, and as regards an Income tax he refers to the decision of the Supreme court Ij the case of Pollock vs. The Farm ers' Ixian and Trust company, In which the court held the tax to be unconstitutional unless apportioned according to population. "11 Is," says the President, "undoubtedly a power which the government ought to have. It might be Indispensable to the na tion's life in a great crisis. The amend ment, therefore, he declares, was the only proper course. Such an amend ment to the constitution, he contend ed, was preferable to thu one pro posed of reviving a law Judicially dec-lured to bti unconstitutional." The amendment which ho proposed to be made to the tariff bill provides for the Imposition, upo all corporation and joint stock companies, for profit, except national toanke (otherwise ta eri ) saving banks and building and loan aocatipn,ol .ft .excise tax of two per "oent-hn ttre net ln!6mo of said corporations. This, It Is esti mated by him, will bring an annual revenue of 125.000.000. "This is a tax ,,n privilege and not property," he says, "and la Within the federal Wv, il I I , uLnwLWiru-ij, (Continued on page four.) HIS LITTLTOLfl STRING fcptrtaeled Magnate Sighs for New Worlds and I 'ays out $3,000000. i SALE ANNOUNCED (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, June IK The sab "f 'be Central of Georgia railway to Illinois (Vntral railroad, carryin-.: "ot plans forecasted more 'than t J' ;,r ago, as announced today. The 'ansactlon originated In negotia tions culminating in November, lull 7. when the entire capital stuck of Ino '"Ural of Georgia passed into th hands of William Nelson Cromwell "'"I John W. Castles. The pun has ' AHM announced a few months late. for E. H. whose In t'niti.n, it vva then statd, was to tistisfcr It to the Illinois Central. Th, I ' " paid by the Illinois Central was " t given out. nnoiim ement of the transfer win "'"I" In this city by John V Hanm nf Atlanta, president of th" Central, '' Georgia The price paid by Mr ""lirnan for the stock t the par Vilue of 5,000.000. It was staled. vva 3 n,B0. or at the rate of J60 per Share. Tlo entire capital sto,ck of the Cen tral of Genrgia was' originally h'o b the re -organisation commHt'c . f ' Richmond and West Point Ter-n-ant 'Warehouse company. I.i June, 107, the stock was sold ! ''Hkleluh Thorne of New York and Marsdcn J. Perry nf providence. I: I v agreed to retain voting contr ! f"r at least two years. It was from "ose gentlemm that Messrs I'm-n-v' II and Castles secured the stock St.. I tney !,) u to Mr. Ilarrimnn The transfer of the Central of Ge T 'a carries with It the control of two "amship lines, one from Savannah t" New York and the other fro-i S.ivannah to Boston, operated by the Ocran Steamship company. The Cen tral of Georgia operates a little ove 1 Hflfi miios of road. Its system touches that of the Illinois Central Bt Birmingham, Ala. THE E THENMNATORS Such Is Report From Inner Circles Of The Na tional Solons MENTION MADE OF PERISHED AMBITION Politicians Say That Present Animus Is Breaking Out 4 Of Old Sore (BY TAV.) WASHINGTON, June 16. Accord ing lo statements attributed to them. Senators Overman and Kimuiotia, rrf the Tar Heel state, are not much dis turbed by the alleged filcnn-Danicla senatorial combine. Senator Sim mons Is quoted as saylwg something to the effect that due allowance must he made for disappointed ambition, but It is not known to which of the principals In the prcsmt gossip he refetred. Politicians at the capital, who are familiar with conditions in the Old North state, say that the recently ex pressed animus of Joscphus OanlcM. of Itah-'igh, to Senator Simmons Is only the breaking out of an old sore. Put, they say. the edtorlal whip of Mr. Daniels Is now indulging i'l fruitless waves. It was badly crip pled in the last general assembly r North Carolina where it was cracked in vxln, scaro ly. If any measure ad vocated by the editor of The New:. and Observer being- given considera tion. Denied the cherished ambition of being a prominent ligurei in a dem ocratic cn'blnet. It is said that Mr Daniels baa long since cast longing eyes 011 Hennior i-nmmons ci m 10, national assembly, but nobody her.' icllcves he has the slightest chance of success in disturbing the leader of Tar Heel democracy. It is pointed I out, too, that any alliance with for mer Governor filenn would scrlnum;' handicap any candidate,. ('. II. T. ACCIDENTAliLV SHOT. ItANVILIE. Vs.. June 16. William I,eftwlch, assistant cashier of the Rank of Klba, rittsylvatila county. Irginla. was shot through tin- heart this afternoon by tl aofdcntal ms- hiirir.. of a revolver which ( ashler I A. Hughe.' as Instantly was cleaning, killed. ftwlch TIRED OF LIFE HE SEEKS SEISE OF SORROW Br THE PISTOL ROUTE Melton Hreekenridge of Wil mington Lies Seriously Wounded in Hospital. PUTS OUN IN MOUTH (Ily Associated Press.) WILMINGTON. June U',. - A sn salioiial attempt to 1 ml his life by shooting himself In Hie mouth was made yesterday by Milton Jlrei ken ridge, a well known young man, for merly a resid- nt of Wilmington, win, has been in the city for the past few 1 weeks. The bullet from the pistol lodged Itself in thu root of Hn neki n ridge's mouth Tile w ounded young . man was carried to the James Walker Memorial hospital shortly after he mailt: the altimpt to commit suicide and his condition is regarded as ex tremely serious. A telephone mes sage from the hospital early this af ternoon stated that the bullet had not been locati d and that It i. y. t too early to give an xact opinion as to whether or not the wound will result fatally. Friends of the oung man who so rashly attempted to end his existence will hope, however, that he will ricovsr. lireckcndrldse shot himself about 2 o'clock this afternoon and. win n he made the attempt he was standing "n the west -sale of Fourth street, just north of Ked Cross street. He had Just conversed with several men in a near-by store and remarked that ha thought he would end his life. One of the attaches of the st in telephoned 1 Mr. yi'rr who is employed 111 a near-L, by establishment, to come over and n main while Hreckenridge was In the store. .Mr farr did so and he follow ed Rrecktnrldge from the store and passed him on the street. A moment later, it is stated, Breckinridge drew a pisnd from his pocket, placid the niuzxle of the weapon against hi mouth and pulled the trigger, the bul let crashing into the roof of the niouth. Itrci kenridge was not rendered un conscious for a moment as a result of the wound and he cooly requested by-standers to summon a physician. In a short while the hospital ambu lance arrived nt the scene and the young man was carried to the hospital where he is now. TALK OF COMBIN IS NOT DISTURBING ABBEVILLE CITIZEN. AS11EV1LLE, N. E IIS I Close Of The Calhoun Trla Is Featured By Some Strong TalK DRAWS LINE TWIXT THE MAN AND DOG Celebretpd Case Is Now Pract ' Icaily iriThe Hands Of The Jury (By Associated Press,) SAN FIlANCISCil. June 16 Pat rick Calhoun's cxiilanatloii of th brlhcrv Indictment against him was practically submitted to the Jury to night when M. A. Moore, itwnlor of the six attorneys for the president of Hie United Railroads, promised to close his easo during thu lirst hour of tomorrow's session. Mr. Moore declared there was n fatal error in the prosecution's raw In the testimony designed to show the offer of a bribe. -The state had failed, he declared, to show that Gal lagher made an offer to Nichols, prior to actual payment of the money. He argued regarding extracts from the transcripts of prior tr'als that Galla gher and Nichols had both failed oa several occasions prior to the present trial to testify that any such offer had been made and he Intimated noire than once that the prosecution had submitted a muchlne made case that shower) the marks of the tisils. "Without this potent factor for this absolutu essential," said Mr. Moore, "this case falls to the ground of Its own weight. If there was no offer there was no bribe. "Nichols, as well as Gallagher, comes before you an accredited psr Jurcr and has confessed as well that in. hud been guilty of high crimes against the state. He has sworn both ways, lirst that he received an offer und then that he had not." Tough on Gallagher. Mr. Moore was particularly s. v to In his denunciation of James U Gal lagher. ' .."The top of his head doea not emergo from the pit of corruption ho has dig ged for himself." he said. If you knew a man who bad added perfidy to perjury, had turned Informer and sworn his confederates Into Jail, would you return a dog t'V the pound on bis testimony, or wount you de- (Continued on page two.) MUST BESTR1CTLY KEPT Revokes Pardon of John Slaub Who W;ts Turned . Loose hv (iov. (lleiin. TO SERVE FIVE YEARS (SNMlnl to The t'lllwn.) UAI.KIGH. Jinn- IE.- Governor Kltehln has revoked On pardon of John Hlaub, "f Sampson comity so that he must alter two years of liber ty, serve the n maining live y.-ars of an eight year sentence for secret as sault. The pardon was granted In l!)08 by Governor Glenn conditioned 011 his remaining sober and or good behaviour. These conditions. it Is shown to the governor, have been n IHiitedly violated In a statement Just Issued from the executive office the position of Governor Kltcbin as to strict observance of conditions by per sons pardoned Is made clear. The statement follows: "tin April 1". 1U!. complaint was made to Governor Kitchin. .supported byflidavlts. that John Stailb had vl' lated the conditions of bis pardon. and its revocation was asked. Under an order from Governor Kit' bin Slaub was promptly arrested and lodged la Jail, and tie governor at once pro ceeded to investigate tho facts The clerk of the Superior court of Komp son county was directed to take the lence. Iloth sides were represent J b counsel, and tioth spies hiiitwi I evidence, and the same was taken ami transmitted to the governor. After a most cartful consideration of the evi dence the governor found as a fact that Htaub had violated the conditions of his pardon, in that he hail been repeatedly drunk and disorderly, hav ing been convicted of breaches of the pepec and violation of town ordi nances on several different occasions He finds as a fact that he got drunk before he reached home from the slate prison, that he waj convicted of being drunk and disorderly im Febru ary 23, ISO", of being drunk and a nuisance on August IS, 190, of an affray with onp Wilson, of an assault (Continued on page seven.) MOOR DENOUNCES MR.GALLAGHER IN ST ERM C, THURSDAY MORNINJ, GOSSIP OF THE BACK STAIRS AND THE KITCHEN AIRED IN GOULD CASE Mary Ann, Molly and Bridge t Tell the Court What They Heard and Saw of Marital , Woes In the Gilded Circles of Little Old New York. (Iy Associated Prrs.) NKW YORK, June Ifi Howard iould did not go on the stand to testi ly against his wife, Katherlne t'lem 111011H Gould, whose stiM for a separa tion be Is opposing; InflcoA there was a continuation of servant's goisslp, ac- 011 nis by menials of their former mistress' eccentricities, humiliating de tails, as sworn to on the stand, of Mrs. uld's alleged fondnjjis for alcohlllu beverages ami her fmiiiiier at such limes when tstut tbft vvtaeae said was Influence- of'uri brossgtit from her Hps remarks iiat ire Ul suited to woman's tonguo. Sttrvants' iomip Indications are that the plalutlff must endure for another day, possibly two, the embarrassing finical of lisb nkng to Hie testimony of former servants, all of whom have been call- 1 at the Instance of her husband o sustain, if possible, his . contention (hat living with his w(f was Imprac ticable and decidedly unpleasant, ten tieable, and decidedly unpleasant hence that the charge of abandon ment, the mainstay of Mrs GoiiIiI'k ase. is not Isirne out. What Kalber- me Clemmons Gould heard loiiay was but a reiteration and in some resM i ts an amplltlcatlon, or yesterdays testi mony, the basis of which was I bat at arlouH and divers times at the vast liong Island show place. Castle Gould, she had, according to the witnesses, 1 Intoxicated, bud abused menials, iven arbitrary ami unreasonable com- anands to the servants and hud used WHY NEGRO ATTEMPTS AN ASSAULT AT RALEIGH Youn DaiitfliltT of Dr. f'lir ( ticc Falls l'-nil of Hla. k Ruffian Wliili on Knaiil. (Sir-ial to lb. t'lllM-ll.) ItAI.KIII. Jim. 16. - Sod. I. nl. prlnglng from a benp of tiees a . Mi.-.s Jennie i'uii o 'laughjcr ol Mi toper f 'urtlce of t li 1 Ily, was on lo-i Malry for i n a in l.ucas. a linil', is old. i Int. Ie . I III an alt. tier. The I.I ul a she serealfie.l being fright- n .nt, who he ml way to the A. and M bis erenlng, Mann) negro, twenty-two i ie girl by tin- thro, i criminally assault apped her face w le ir help, and then i a n 1 a way by W G 'h the girl's screams aiei hastened to In i a'ut. TIIKV ll NV IT. PAKJS, Jun. I ii Morgan. ml company .l. tu oiphalb allv Hi it he proler-t to list 'Ie 'ommon shaf - thp I'liiteil Stales - reel corpora n the Paris hours, h i- fallen ihrou-jii The firm prifess-s to helfeve that th.- lroJect will ultlmai' K be carried ,ui 6H0WER& WASHINGTON. June 16. Fore cast: North Carolina: Ical show ers Thursday; Friday fair; light south winds.' , IIS JI NK 17, VMh Welcome Doctors. rather severe language In ultercatlona with her huslmnd. Old Mic Stumble? An occasion when shu would have fallen fi-om her carriage but for tho protiH-tlng arm of a cftachman, an at tempt of lieis to drive through a clos ed gute; a thue when a footman saved 1 her from falling when Intoxicated, as be testllled, were among the things al leged as Long Island Hustle -or form er servant went 011 and passed from the witness stund. A carpenter, Herbert Trotter, was the lust of the days witnesses. Ilu, said flint when he was working TiFihe servunls' ouartera. Mrs. tlould rush in tbie at one time, swore at Hid abused Hie servants, "Ib r voice wns s h a li ,v u ml In cohor- cut. ber hair disbeveleil and she was' very profane. She wns decidedly' drunk." said Hie witness. i "At another time she i-aine Inlo the' stables while I was working Ibere and' swore at the grooms, and was so drunk Hint every one could tell she; was drunk.'' he combined. ! "She tile I bo go up stairs to the! harness room bul could not nuvHpite. the slips," In- added , inpbatlciilly. Drunk When Oris lug. Trotter said be was ordered lo go to Itlue Gap Kiirrn. the Gould place lit ' Virginia on sevi nil m caslons during lie- lust ten d.iv.- he was there he tes lilied he savv In r Inloxii alcd Mid heard h r svvenr a great ileal at the I w ork men. j "One night sin i ame In from drlv-j ing, lining,' said the wltnehs, "and lie.' gall to -iloee mo and a nilin hllltiedj 'Tony ' .le Hilhf lo me she w flinited CONSRESSMAN TO THE AIO OE ATLANTA WOMAN AfMiwd of Lan-ciiy nf .lew cli'V .M is. Ii'illc I ( ih;iik1 an I iiiiiii iliitli ( H tsxM-lan il Pri ) N l-.WA I: I. . N. .1 .1 i n- I ;. Tim 1 1 i.i i . I Mi - I i no .1 l: ill. v . of At ,i 1,1 .i I i.i . .. a h.ilgi of I II env of t 1 mm w .i i h ..! J- .v ii v I.i I .iignig I . i Mi- AII'titM ot ,- w Yolk, was liidelnilli-lv p.. ip.ih. .1 lo.lay ol- lo u i ii ,- ,, pr '.,.nr'''l i oi I . . n e t- - I ,V e. ! I he (, . , ' I. I I ht' ,. til too llprt rlll'l l'..tiK'' 'sin. in I.i' Ii a r '!- 'i. .( Alabama, i ...I I Mil . .I Stall I nut 1 1. t Attorney Wliilani II All.l.l'ilil al-.o of Ala I. .mi, i. i ' . 1 1 1 u i . 1 1 1 a 1 1 Itl'le'it't on and M I . A into. . hi had coin. .Sol I b to b s- tif to th. (j I i halo o i and ,lan.l iiik- "f Mis. Cell- , an. I I. ol brought iP p.. it e ii.-, ..r a .-molar naioie Horn tiiil-i. I'i.h pi ,11. . If 1. 1 All. .1. la p.'.pt" an-1 ..(fu ol s. .iral Southern Mr.. Cell, v and lor friends iiialsl id on iiiioi" dial. I . rtl and expreas-d llid.gnat I'-ii v ie n lie ', . oilld get no ' sa 1 1-la- I i"li as to wh'ii Ho .'ii would: be tak'li op, tlo- Peat .lot li'.l It l-s di - j ilariiig tti ,t ir. j'.d,-. was available lo try it. ' Mr--. Iti. Il v A .- ; I of ta king! a sat. bid . . n I a 1 1. 1 o ie jcn.lry while 1 ,-b. and .Mis. Aliniglii .re rllow! passing- Is o, .. 'ran. lb. rtotlth en roup lo .Si a V II. mi Mih l:i, I List I MORSE WINS FIGHT j AND IS NOW FREE NKW YoHK. Jun- !'. rUnrU-B VV, M -rm-. th f'rrii'-r t..i ti kf-r ;uifi pro -1 tti r of tiimr titi riirl M, I'KlHy won i hit lon lieM for r-N-hf fnm prison i oh bull. t the big T foot ball clock moved and 1 told her i would have lo get help and iilie said: " 'Why 1 can move It myself Mho was staggering drunk. Hhe grabbed the heavy cloak and both she and the clock fell iwulnst the Wall together.'' 10. (. I. ".laKH." 'I'rotter testllleil that Mrs. tlotild was only "occasionally Intoxicated" durhig iier stay of ten tliiys at the Hlue Gap farm when ho .was there. "How many time tltf y'utt' thttifc ahW was Intoxicated during that ten days?" aakwt Mr. Mharn. ''Kvery other day," was the reply. Referring th a time when Trotter said Mrs. Gould fell off a chair and landed on Hie floor helpless, Mr. Mticrit asked; "IMiln't you pul something In Mrs. Gould's cofTue that night at Hlue Gap farm'.'" "I certainly did not." replied the vv Itness. "IHdn't you gel H. t ly b'oster, the colore,! girl in Hie kitchen, to put sunn thing In Mrs. Gould's coffee?" "No. I did not." "Hon't you re-cull that Mrs Gould accuse d you of poisoning In? at Hlue Gap farm?" "I ccrtulnly do pot." "Hhe was taken sb k and fi ll to the Moor directly after she had been eat ing something, wasn't she?" "No, It was two hours before she Hie," e plied Hie Wlllll'SS. I 'orlng Ibis croMS-exainliialloii Mis. Gould eyed Trotter with a piercing look of disgust. NANTICOKE MTSTERT SOLVED OT THE STATE Two 'cssi ls Susppff t-t of l''ililiiKlcrin; Arc Found to l'f Lawfully FiiKajjpd. A.'iHI.Vn .V. Jink- I i SKi(. di--I'H r ' in) tit ffh In! rt'lui fi'tm V't'tir tnl;t l(t (tit- iriMiiy "f t tic !t(r;inu-r N.i nt i k him I i n,( I . jGiti tt riiirii ('! if MlliuHleriiiK. " 1 1 ' i w i r j k t ht , v. ' ri' pui ' ti,jH'f , 'i rt- ' I.i f .f I f -1 llftIO f(f ftrfl (III MlBH Ofl J ..-ii. Mai hi h 'J'lii ilf'p.irtiitf'iit of Jii:fi h,ia oJoD-M-fl Ilu Ht'i'frlrt to altitli 'nn I ti. ii- l.wTViitloriri o t h vi hm-I iiiot ( ' i ri'torfi to WuhIiIiikI'mi. ' oi th-' ri ' lid f ttn m t ' i v tmh vm r- fr-on mliiljit' i W. (cnh .'!l, ( r i M.i u i M t ' I ltir"iitli l to- Ml.-t. ) I' i f i (Fiffit . AfOMljtnt K'.fi-tary M- -I ffK of lite t HI' lit '.f i tf 1 1 1 1 1 '' I ' ' l.ilOf . t ! jiiOh -I t the . .ill- - '.'.v ,f it..- fHirtM on the inol'll' r l;.nti '-..ul i f( itrant rl'rn,- iHMr i 'in Naiill'okf and lM.;tih oc I fom i iijiplH iitlort. f riKt r n tiotM -tiW.. vo rt m to tti- r v-nij' ( titti-r t dp t ii t r i ttu- v-vti-M rci InfiKfr. l fi' irit..i-i.i;iii-oi fi-.rn i'nrn ,t U ttu- r jnl "I tiilFji' iif ifi'urli-n riid'D; Dv MtolHti l:n- II MOM'MfcXT T' 'M'l-:il-:lt l I'.oWUKl;, Va . June i,. A moi. omiiif to the dead i'.l. rat.' -;-de r. and sailors of lieiifoid looiity. this state, was unveil, d todav at He' ford I'ily In the ireenie of a larc,e iro.vd Among the npakom of ib'-' dav was 1'aptaln Hot.ert K. Lee, 'hi Kraliiifori of rjeneral Kobert K I.e,, Tin- trionument Is forty-flw feet In height and stands In the center of the town. Associated Press. Leased Wire Report VUWK FIVE CENTS. HIS MESSAGE QN GETS FIRST PLACE President's Document Rocom mondlng Taxation Of Earnings In Senate M)LONS LISTEN WITH INTEREST Senator Galley Gives Notice ThaMIvnu Demand Early Attention (Ily MMiHnlift Fmsm) WAHHINtlTt.N, Jun'' I. Th 'I he mesHiige of I'l estdnnt Taft ttwm mending the lucorporHlhin ot pnrvla Ion In the tariff bill for the taxaHoa at the earnings of corporation ami th adoption of a resolution looking (o an amendment of the constitution so a to permit the levying of an In coma tax without Interference from the eourta, was received by the senate today and was generally regarded a of such transcendent Importance as to place In Hie simile all portions pertaining ntrlctly to the ached ules of the tariff I III. The message wus revWvad early in Hie afternoon anil after brief dls- usslmi mi thu method of proceed ln vmim referred to the Commute on llnaise. Hellnlnr Hoot occupied ibtl thglr when one of the president's, aocrvta tles apiieared with the. niawsiffe In his hand, but owing to the faot that liyintor Iturton was at th )im n-' gaged In milking ft (pMch. th preseh l.ilion of (he message was delayed lot some time. WUm Mr. Burton von vliiileil, hut not until -aftr Mr. Hey burn had lublressed the chair to pro ceed with the discussion nf th bill, the message wns read. Tbr was a full senatw preseit and Ulft doc ument was acconleil the moat careful attention from nil' urifttoM . SntMor (lore attempted p' hyo the commlttf Instructed rd ' report on the Inform laxfeatureof llyj mvssg by rient Krl day when, under general treem,ont 4he! fiicome1 (us quesHoti I Sgaln (o bjr taken tip tur cphaltlaratlonv ,'JU: motion was, however, tfnteit down and " for the first tint lntmnj -fh h ; division was" strictly tOrtt'timr line all the republicans voting to lay n l" table, while all the tlnmiicrats east their voles ngnlnst Hint proposition, . lUilley ilvrM Nollcr. Iniilng the liifoiiiiiil discussion of Ilu fefiienee of Hw message, Henslor Italby gate notice that he would da. liiiiinl Hint provision he made for it giadualloii of any Income (sx that might be provided for, and Intimated l" njijy.nj-u-u-i -i-i-i-i"!- I 1 1 1 (I'oiillniied from page four ) IIP THE HILL AND THEN IT IMuniH "N Hll" in Biga niv Cnsf, Tlnn ChangfH its Id' Mind. HAD WIN LI VI NO Ill, MM-luted l"rciw. ) i ; It ..KNSIt' .(' . Jinn IS Th grand ui n I in lied a true 11 1 1 against I'l. if i'l I' Iliiber, who wns . har;i"i wltli unlawfully living with a woman who In i tainted waa bis sec ond if. 'i bis i Mining on top of the anno, in. . in i nt lb-it on Monday Ib'-y relumed Ho- bill "f bidl' i inent mark .il 'not a line bill' caused no little comment. Mis. I'balles I'. Holier, No. I, ar rived in ih illy Monday and upon burning Hint lb'' grand Jurv bad fall ,i i, h. lid 'Ie- case against her bus hand Into i.'.irl sought out Kullcllor Fuller and iald ... fore him her storv .,f tin- i nil'. KolP iioi Fuller sgreed to di n iv up s second bill of Indictment and Ihl." was sent to Hie stand jury. It app.ais that arier Mrs. Ilule-r. .vie. out tin warrant analnst jth" pi'.f.K'.r. apleared before the grand I'H V and also bad Police (iffl- i f J. fiievs, w ho guarded llnbpr for isevial das last spring, to come be j ( .'.re lloil body lhy dl'clded that thny had n "I gotten all the facta before ele. nil, K iiubi-r of the charge Ac- coi-liuglv Ihev sent In the second bill ..f indli tiiient markeit "a true bill." In. 'be no-aniline Prof, Huhcr bad g nu heforo Hnperbir Court CP:rk F.r iiirtt i'lapi and demaurbiel the hond iii'-iie v ultii Ii bad le-en paid tit to se ' ore bis ri lease. This was paid over iiimI Hie proressor Immediately made for the boundary lines of the slate loiter In tlo? day It was learnen thst the mone.v llubf-r had put up was not bis. but it wus then too luta as Hither had already left the city. The bonds' men, Mr H 11 Tate and Mr. Norman, state that llubrr left musical lnstru tnwits lu re valued at 1200 and the win be held, until th prdfiasor pif the amount uf th bond. I THE CORPORATIONS