THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 241. ASI1KV1LLK, N. C, F1UDAY MOKNI NO, .H'Ni; IS. V.m. l'RICK FIVE CENTH. BflTTL FOR FREE RIGGERS SETS UP Harriman Has Adopted Another Child. iODFULPBEGIHS INSANITY AS PLEA NOT SAME PERSON AS WHEN SOBER III UPPER HOUSE TO MURDER CHARGE RUSSIAN PATROL V THE WEATHER: SHOWERS. MRS. GOULD DRUNK BRITISH STEAMER FIRED Senator Brown Cites Author ity to Show Cost of Its Manufacture ALDRICH DECLARES COMMITTEE WRONG Says Mann Committee Did Not Have Accurate Data When it Made Report (Hv Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, June 17 The bat tle to place wood pulp ami print paper upon the free list was opened up in the senate today under the leadership nf Wenator Brown, of Nebraska. Go ing over to the portion of the cham ber In which Senators Aldrich, Male, Krye, Utdge, GalliiiKer, Smoot and other leaders hava their seats the Nebraskan stood In the midst of the opposing force, and with good naturu bandied thrusts that came to him from all quarters as he delivered a telling speech in behalf of the cause he had espoused. Showing familiarity with all avail able Information on the wood pulp and paper schedule, Mr. Brown fre quently quoted from various authori ties to sustain his contention that wood pulp and print paper arc both pro duced In the United Stales with cheap er labor and cheaper materials, re sulting in a cheaper product that can be obtained in the Dominion of Can ada. Citing rates of wages In this country and Canada he undertook to show that the United Slates has an advantage In that respect. Turning to his republican colleagues he asked them how, In view of that fact they could Justify a duty on the products for tlw "protection of labor." CrHiebie Mann Campaign. Without divulging the source of their Information In any definite man ner Henators 'Aldrich and Hale flatly (.Mitrfldlc.ted iheeu JBtatemejits In ref erence to "waffos ttnd cost of produc tion. They Insisted that the Mann committee of the house of representa tives was lacking In accurate testi mony and contended that, even ac cepting that report, it could not be maintained that the United States had (Continued on page four.) FDR INCOME TAX LAW AT TIE PRESENT SESSION Take No Stock in President Taft's Corporation Tax Substitute. IS MEKE MAKESHIFT 7 (By Associated Press.) ' WASHINGTON. Jon.- 17. When the income tax question comes up in th- senate tomorrow, Senator Aldrich hnirman of the finance committee, will again move that action 1" defer red until after tho schedules in .he l.irilf bill have been completed This action will carry with it I'resi 'I' nt Taft's program for tin- enact ment of a law tax-ins net earnings of corporations and the adoption ef resolution submitting the ouctlon of amending the constitution so as to permit congress to levy and collet i tax on Incomes without regard to apportionment among tie- state:- Mr. Aldrich will make the statement that he believes consideration of sched ules may be finished by Monday and be will suggest that the postponement "r fbe Income tax and incorporation tax measures be until that lime. At a caucus of the democratic sen ators today It waa decided that the minority shall stand by their" previous '' 'iaration in favor of the enactment '' n income tax law at the present "i'iti. The caucus was w. I! attend ed. There wcra speeches by Senators Hailey. Culberson, Money and Hayner and brief remarks by numerous oth ers In which the opinion v. :ls express '"1 that the administration movement In favor of placing a tax on net earn ings of corporations Is designed to prevent the income tax amendments from reaching a direct vote. AH of these senators did not de fiooneo the plan of President Taft for ,h" taxing of corporations Many democrats believe In the plan but Ho y "re opposed to the side-tracking of 'he income tax Issue. HUE AT KKY WEST. KEY WEST. Fla., June 17. Fir" rke out In Pallacos restaurant re re at r. o'clock this morning and In one hour five business houses had been destroyed. Doctor Testifies That he Was Afflicted With Gonfuslon al Insanity TRAGEDY GREW OUT OF BUSINESS TROUBLES State Rests its Case After Proving Fact of The Kill ing Last Winter (Sxvinl lu The Citizen.) CHAKIAITTE. N. C, June 17 W. O. lingers, who is being tried lor the killing of J. Green Hood last February, today througb his counsel set up the plea of Insanity as his defense. Dr. S. M. Crowell testified I bat he was convinced, after an ex amination of the defendant that the latter was suffering from "confus ional Insanity." Former Representa tive S. B. Alexander tin eye witness to the tragedy, was a witness for (he defense, asnertlng as his belief that Diggers was mentally deranged when he killed Hood. The admission of this vitul point for the dcfciiBe was vainly resisted by the stale. The state rcHted today and the defens introduced much testimony. Thi trial will not be concluded for sever al days. Cause of Trugctly. According to the best understand ing obtainable previous to the trial the basis of the trouble was embed dtd in financial entanglements which came about scleral years ago, when the deceased was engaged in the dry goods business here under the llrm name of J. G. Hood Co., and occupied the store room under the Belmont hotel. Blggers claimed that he lost money In this company, which after a few months, was forced to li quidate. Mr. Blggers, It Is said by fi lends of Mr. Hood, put 11.5(10 into the concern when it was first organ ised and put $u00 more In when Mr. Hood purchased the Archbell stock and Mr. Archbell became directly associated with him In the manage ment of the store. This $2,000 of stock which Blggers put Into tHe company was lost In the later liqui dation of the concern. It Is claimed fiat In order to settle up the affair Mr. J. G. Hood, Mr. P. B. Hood, Mr. ; Hlggers and others borrowed $10,1)00 from the Commercial Nation al bank and that by good manage- (Continued on page four. Seventeen Entrants Will Contest for tlie Indiana Trophy Today. ARE NOTED DRIVERS Cft'iWX POINT. Ind . June 17 With a dull red sunset promising rair weather for the first of the "U'csfc rn Vamlerbllt" automobile ra ces ov.t the Crown Point f.owell cir cuit of 1'3 i miles tomorrow, (lie thrones began to arrive tonight K cnrslon trains from cery direction brought thousands, as did a constant stream of motor cars. In nearly every house In town and ill fyovvell. twelve miles away, every room was a le-droom tonight. 1.1' utenant Colonel F.ddy brought In the First regiment I N. G.. on an early train from Chicago to guard the course Practice this aftern.n.n differed lit tle from that of preceding days The time varied from T4 to .10 minutes ii the laps where no stops were made. F.ns. lis ek. Mas .nvdle mid Miller av eraged the minimum figure To race is for light stock cars, which will contest for the Indiana trophv. There are entrruits as follows: Indian trophy 1. I'orhln. A .1 Maisonxdb-; - Buck. liolxrt Bur man: 3 Marlon. i "buries Stntz; 5. Clialmers-lvtroit. William Knipner; 6 Marion. M A Mons. n: 7. I.ocon.o tille, J. W. Florida: S Hoick. b-or,o Hewitt; s Fal-Car. W. II. Pearce; 10 locomobile, fl.-.rge Robertson; 1! Moon. Phil W. lie: i: Renault. A W. Groin. -r: 11 Hoick. Lew Is Strang: 1". Fal-Car. John Itu.-st: IS Stoddard Duvton. Wiseman; 17. Chalmers-Detroit. W. A. P"l; IN- Sto.ldard-Day-t,,n. Wright; V I'alnn rs-D' trolt, J. Matson. b bkamikmh ik; coou NKW YORK. June 17 Broughlon Ilrandenhurg showed little concern today as the stale, in a husiness-llko way continual Its att.m.t to j,rm-e the article sol'l Th" NV'V York Times fcr $."0 a Grocer Cleveland'. Torpedo Boat After Warning Sends Solid Shot Through Her Hull WAS PROTECTING CZAR FROM CURIOUS EYES Meeting of Nicholas And Will lam Hedged About With Strict Safeguards VlltOKG, Finland, June 17.- A British steamer was lired upon by a Russian torpedo boat for approach ing: too close to the bay on the Fin land coast where Kmperor Nicholas and Kmpi rnr William met today. The steamer Is the Woodburn. Cap tain ISobertson. She was bailed and fired upon last night off Wlrolahtl. Is land or Illorke. The projectile from torpedo boat pierced a steam pipe, anil one member of the crew of th. English vessel was wounded. The in cident shows the extreme ncrvouHncat for the safety of Emperor Nicholas even at sea. KiiHfian torpedo boats have been patrolling IMtklpa.s Bay. the rendez vous of the two emperors, and It was one of these guard vessels that fired on the British ship. The first shot was a blank charge, but this was followed a few secondr Inter by two shells. Portions of the shells penetrated the bulkheads and the boiler of the Woodburn, ' kmi'fiuis mi irr. HKIXINGFGltS. June 17. Th German Imperial yacht, llohenr.ollerli with Kmperor William on board. Join ed the Russian squadron conveying Emperor Nicholas on board the Im perial yacht, Standard, at ten o'clock this morning. Emperor Nicholas Im mediately went on board the llohen zollvrn anil welcomed Emperor Wil liam. All the sl)lps present were dress ed and manned. The meeting of the monarchs was meet cordial. Iviter Emperor Nlch olas made costly presents to General von i'lcseen and Count Zu Eiilenberg and conferred high orders on lien von Sehoen and the other members- of the suite. The Herman etnperor gave a din ner this evening on board the llolu n zollern his kucsIn Including the Rus sian emperor and em press, and tbeli respective suit's. Beautiful Klllluliel Weather prevails. UGLY NAMES BANDIED T BY HENEY IN HIS ATTACK ON CALHOUN Calls Prisoner's Attorney a Mild Mannered Cut Throat and Villian. CASE NEARINC AN END (Ity AsMs-tated Press.) SAN I- ItANCISCO. June 17. -Fran- Is P. llenoy half completed tonight Ills closing argument for the proaecu flon In the of Patrick Culhoui:, charged w'th , rib. rv fiorlne his addr. Mr. Ibney ad mltts an auibitlon to become distrl-t attorney under the new-,idniinl-t rat.o.i tn San I'ranriwo. lie also outlined the thrciry of the prosecution dcslgm d to i ounce I the iresident ol t lie I'nited railroads with the accusation of i,ri liery that has served as the basis of a five monihs trial. Mr. Ileiiev .behind the pr .se. ution liad no cours.- open ivc to irant im munity tO till" Kliperv iHors Who gH.e the most direct testimony against the defendant - "Isn't there enough In r. of evidence of guilt." said II. n' , "to sink Pl.t rl.k Calhoun to th.- bottomless uit ! of hi-if? Kv. rv hair on hi head If guilt. Caught in one crime he ha been bai k of a ibra n more to pee vi nt his conviction and ..bstruct the course of justice." Reaching a .1 is-i i .-un of the ativ iti. s of William Al.boft of th- . gal for.e of the I'nited railronils, Mr lleney s."ild: "I am talking about William M. hbott. than w Imm no mlMervllliit ever cut a throat or seuttied a shot In appearance a Sunday school nii.r iiit ndent. he Is y.-t one of th.- m. 'i who were resonsi!do for thisreeord of black iniquity." Mr. Ifcne expect to conclude to morrow WKKillTS llnNOKFI). DAYTON. O.. June 17 In the ep in which a few years ago they began in obscurity their first experiment with flying machines. Orvllle and Wilbur Wright, the aviators, today re cfHvrd the homage of their townspeo ple. Medals vrrted by congress will b, presented the W'Tlghn tomorre. WAS MADAME RUIZ SECOND TO DIE FOR LOVE OF YOUNG VANDERBILT? Close Friend of Mrs. Vanderbilt's Declares Recent Suicide Was Only a Blind to Cover an Intrigue Which Cost Another Woman Her Life. V May Account for Divorce Suit. NKW VORK,une 1 7. According to stories publUdWfd here emanating from Paris, Madaft Ituls Is the sec ond woman who lls commitlod su cidi for lov of 4fred O. Vamlerbllt Madame ilutt, aucrdlng to this story, was only a bllnded by VanderblU and this anotcloman who was prominent In .tUpVailrterbllt snch ty set to hide tholi! 1ire aensatlonal af faire. 4V;3i These taerrfoir(i are made by a young woman-, f$f(jbi a eloao personal friends of , 4 fjiderbllt and wlm should be fwWiliff fftmlllarA.Wlth all the rtalTlrn ld tip to her suit for divorce from her husband. Very few of these details have ever got Into print for the reason that th thing was managed so cleverly as lo conceal the motive behind her action According lo the story this woman who reveals the Inside history of the case says: lias Ktll Kyr? "If a woman loves Alfred Vander blU," 'she said, "she' might as well make up her mln.l to take poison or blow her brains out! Why, there Isn't i woman In the younger set In New York who doesn't believe that ho has the evil eye ' I MRS. THAW COLLAPSES AS COURT ORDERS DELAY I lea ring in I larry Tha w s Caw? MiikI (lo Ovrr I" Next Month. j WII1TK PLAINS N. Y June 17. Marry K. Thaw the Mtitteavvaii II have to vv;iit l'i him until July '. ror a hearlMi? to determine v. loth, i he Is now sane no I In a condition t . lie lelcHSe.l Irolll I lie aSVllllll Til" I lie llllM Justice M'.lis baheas corpu Thaw's i -.i i . wanted to i i Mr nark, a attomev- cer ihc transf. ri and I ilut i i t cas" came up b f Nidi.iv on a writ her. oh lailled by 'I'll. i w t'harles MorM. li;io- t with the hcarlriK reMeptHtive of tie .v anted to liav e I le ' New York 'orne.v Jerome. rep Tal d to A ! .'ew York, postponed ll I III I. liiat the iieiirniL' I- ler to give him ;m nd to oth. r l.i.Mi, lecbled that lb. pportunlty t" ii JllStlC. Ml aririK vftould I held in Wbli. I'll. i Justice Mjli ii r -J r he asylum, lo pcr.r lp Until 'J o'eloi I. .,' -esentation of Til l ... .d Dr. linker, of it Thaw to Kt.-r-iiisht on tie r . - counsel III. i1 b to bed at d c too en i l . Wlllliiin Tlur , tile 1 -oillllcfiH i, o hrot h rn v. r When Ho- Ju-ti. en to ill .i y III, ther vvas conie 11. d to i; niw and that this w . Tha vv'm mot to r, V i his si.Mters, form, i Varniouth, and his i in the court room. innounccd hi- il. . i hearing llarrvi. o Harry Thaw aaslst- I her to r- remained 'I me. tin . I her. tn nnte-room ;tn, Alth her for a sh r WAKHINtJTON. June 17 cast: North Carolina: Hhowers Fri day and Saturday: moderate variuble winds, mostly southwest. SHOWERb " Kon "Two women have killed themselves for him already, and we are all ask lug each other which one will bo tin next." The New York woman then explain, ed hi r decimation that Mr. Vander bilt's afTalr with Mine. ItuU was only a "blind." "Poor little Itiilz!" she said. "She was men lv a pawn In the game of love. All the women 111 Alfred Van derbilt's set knew that and nick named Hull accordingly. They called her "Tho Alibi.' "The "Illy woman with .whmtt he ever was really In love wen aryttmut matron proruliiiit in New York. Hut be was married, and so was this Wo man, and meetings might have caused unpleasant comment Imbued Her to Marry. 'Then fore this girl who killed her s. lf In London was induced to pose as his Inamorata Thai was even before ; tie became Mllle Itlll, - VllCn SllC was hi m ply a prcttv and popular mem ber of tbe'iipp. r Tenderloin. Her mat-rig she didn't want to we, I was due (o the Insistence of voung Mr. Viindcrblll. Soon thereaf ter she began to pose as Ills favorite, and be allowed his association with WHOLE TOWN IIP IN AIR ON ACCOUNT OF SNAKES Uattlrrs (ii't Si ikI I j n 1 , tups, ami T; I ,OON' ami HT to Mouse rinilxTs. (Shm II to The lllwo ) S'lllll N'iPltWAI.K. I'. .mi. June IV l-'i. .,ni' di r-iilf - b Ie d -. to III. freedom of the .it; V . -t , i. ii n. mil II I le y ii I . i.iptur. .1 re i.iinc., c. fp.r ii 1 1 will c ,ii lino. lii do lei-iii. ! 1 1. ,in Ihc tii, .,,e. lo I II l-l. M I.e. . L-lilBi I . ' I II OC m III He . U-iir Ml...-. iii keep.iu Ijroutilil I l.-C f .1- ' 1 1 .1 He v d,,,. Iv r. oiu t li.'.lt Ii -c t Ii. V VV O l lie ei nt , 'I I Ii b.'lt'tllii ok Im lie bv lie Itlltl ' v ;:rr.v '. In II t1! ' ool ,1111'CO ink' in th i llolf diet or ot, . line iimp.tiiv ie (n't n nni'i.i il.iv Molidiiy A llopp.-d llllo the . t ,.. v I I pt - Iv 1 a-ol Mr ,v:u hi-, vi-. lo xo ll.i Id I b II he the fl.l t lu III tl lie t I. lb "V KM 1 1 I ,v . I and I rum l prif.eiill,' he i or for the i I- ie . that .id, hi: h- 111,' -let k e hi-i Mr on h ' I ' .ro -lie. I UlC I b r ii I n K ii'id . r- w.. I', r.tii.d loo. Tie KIM I; erf ,r: I b. brol.. I : tb. lu . I on t h' to ad "1 wooden lii' ' ril' tdln.-i -ii d 1 th v v. r- b pr,. .ill viiull m; re. diiin n held Tb. r-Kiil'i'- t.OV 11 I oil 11' 1 1 .V ,f t he l ' - h'oiH. .ot. , '... Il .till ,1 r, Ho met II..' mii lb rdi. r. i h UK? Of the I,. roof of lie ... TO IMIIDOV MI'ICUKK. II AHKIKHI'IMI Hlnte bonrd of p reeom mended a I'.eiiiry. nn ator i Jure OHM 1. Ion of rvint; i 1 ; Tb. it.- today James H life gen- t. n. e for the mur.b r of MuiIkc Yorke nn actress, whom he slew In n Je. oos fit al I'hiladi liiiila. on Tebruarv 1',, 18'JO. her In become known. Hhe was to ac cept his visits, lo ride mid drive his horses and to accompany him lo mid night suppers, all III order that what ever scandal and ohloimy might arise would he placed upon her and not upon the other woman. "Hhe was 'The Alibi,' literally thr living alibi. "Nearly everyone In smdely was de ceived by this ruse. They laughed at 'Aide's' affair.. Rut. there waa one wh waa not fooled for a moment,' ' T hei was his wjfe, Klate t'reneh iTaiitlerWlt, Kim knew at hla ttflvollon t that nthr woman he woman In her own class and with her characteristic coiirufte went lo Die other woman and told her she knew, "Within a few days the other wo man killed herself Mrs. Yniiilerhllt'N Soil. II. r dentb was followed not loo closely lo arioiHe ntiy suspicion - by Mrs Vanderbilt's successful suit for divorce. "Alfred Vauderhllt, with lie womun be loved dead by her own hand, and bis wife separated from him, for ,i short lime maintained his association wllli Mine. Kulz. Mill since he had no further use for lltl-'lllfbl ' T FIND PLACE TO IUIARHY FN Fiicml Didn't Want, Her MoiiHc lrcU'd for I'lirposc So They VVfiit KIsfwIitTc. fKprclnl io The t'lllfTi ) OH l:i:.N'VII.I,i:, .Inn.- If A veiv i-oirinti. mnrrliiire .l;ice in tbl.k lown Sundviv morulriK. the Kroom e iriK Mr 'I noma fi I'ltrlwh of 1 1 n !-1 1-Ii II nd I tie l-ri.le Wilt ,VI 1 1 Helen Hril'e Itrink . v . d m -hi. r ol Mr. nod Mr- .1 I . Ill ill' I. V o Hi. . II V tile Tim' lO.-lliiOC til" V'Hllli: lnl left her tioilo iiii l ie hi lo Hie h"iu. of n fiend Heir lb. All. mil. i line d. (.ol :iih! put on th. f'ronl porch vvaltlnt: f.. Hi. in ri . nl of I In tr.iln on w Ik' h 1" .v I expeitliiK lor lov-r ill". II- . .-.II rli-bl. ii lie lid or I - o .Ith him and .luMlee of tie le:lc. It. Ill V ff.irliltl. IlilvioL' be. tl f.r. violin I" iidH-ed, vmiu ii III III. il pot to met .Mr IMrh'h TusiIIh r flu vviill'' d no r to the houne where Ihc voi'iii l.i'lv a ii rt.ill'nir for tin m j.l.'l nil A. lit In-i'lo The jOHlb . l'i ' hefiin n .. n i i ii if lb. ..v-irds to inn' Ho I oijple mull nil' I Wife, vvtl'll Ol" l.dv of lie lion , he 1 1114 till-, ii eniil. I h. toirpTlwe. y ii ' t . d tbnJ III' ceremony he n"t firo.eeded lo r h..ri" . ii to r hnohilfid w :in. I r did not want Hie b' for thi .urpo-e '.vlllioiil hii 'I'll' ltce p.llH'd. n lull . ten follow d iiin'.li in 1 1 v ii nil ti n "Id d i hii-tv ; tic M I i ilir' cted to K o'' the home sod He dtvidinu fence , out I In I hroutrl of He ler k 'b. II hole l.t to 'I hi- th. pri. tr. ... . ih .nt le lln v int ...nrdilif boir- n.'.irl'V lid. and mcctinK Hi. pro i ii nrdiriK h'.u , fici breakfast duties .is ..I II, Iiiick d.x.r t to Ir mlin v ' ' i i' kly known to tu t. Sh" nd' i " .1 .lb--m Hint she vv.ih not pr piir.-d to such lotnpanv lust nt Ibis time, tint Hint they rnUtlt proceed Ihloulto Hie hull to the parlor nod hnv He C rcmony there. The invitation was accepted, the ceremony attain taken up and completed, and the happy loople left nt once for the NorfoU nnd Hoothern dejot. a-here they took the excursion train City. for MoreheaA Could bo Very Affablo And Men When Not Under In fluence of Liquor HORDE OF WITNESSES TELL OF HER FAILING Fdrnum's Name Again Brought Into Case In Mild But Suggestive Way NI'IW YOltK, June 17 The iot llyht of the cross-examtner oscil lated today III the trial of Mrs. How ant tlould's suit for separation, from the estate at t'nstle tiouldj to the Bt It'-Kls hotel lo the farm at Hlue Osp, Va , to the NlMitara the (Ivuld yaeht. and buck lo New YTk nln, but K cent for those moments when It lin gered on lmstln Karnum, tt never fot very far from the butler' key to tha wine cellar, , There wm visible an attlttltja on the hurt or r tn uerenso. which In this trial of many surprises has been curiously shift ed over to what is virtually tha prosecution to prove that Mr. Gould. not enly so frequently under thi mihicticrt of Intoxicants a to tail within the rulliiK of Justice Howling that she must be proven an habitual drunkard before her husband can ba Instilled for leaving her, hut tn prov , that, when aha hud tiecn drlhklrtff, , her character underwent a Irunafur million for tho wotse. " ' " t onhl lie NUv. . ; lielancey Nlcutl formerly district St- lorney Tor tho county of New York: and now counsel for tho husband, w wIIIIiik cnouxh to adduce tKtimnh,y that the wife waa affable Whan her self, If only he could hrln her Knnfl iiMture into contrast with testimony that ' tended to hoW hor J.' violent abusive, uncertain tn her motive and confused In her action at thoaa mo- menla whsa shq waa lle(ed to hv bean drlnkln. There was nn absle. Hirni ir weiu,tmayi na a itia burden of lb-ration Jrrew heavfftr, , jihrknlt vlalhly at look of jwln eiirfie Into her eye, a If, thouuh h nilKhl have read or enn Mch thltiR.4, It was a new realisation of them for her lo hear them applied directly to In me If, with the weight of a awnra oiilh behind them. At other time she smiled broadly, shook her hd In an ii min ed denial and several time stared the witness out of countcnaodr. c Hroher Knw Her Drunk. Only once was there n break' In tha procession of footmen, hollers, chauf-ri-uis. maids, waiters and bell boyii, on whose testimony It Is souitht trj firove Mrs. (loold an Impossible wife.' ami that was when Mr. Nlcoll railed O'otillmied on Page Three.) BTH SERIOUSLY HUflT IN DUEL WITH PISTOLS Mf'toi'V SiijwrintfiKleut;! Tries to Mrnik up ( farnh Imi' Aronml lliet Plant. I.AK l:i,.Mi I look pill..' I In , June 17. -A du- iioon IihIiiv at f'ai- l.i I iv ii ion. ill ftullon near tiers be ll A. .1. .I'.iiic., superintendent of ' in ler Atn ii u f net urlnu company's tlie null I ill I. -.le.l and I'l.vdc i 'arter, a. Hawyer. r I- In n dvlOK colHlftloll one .ii;-iii IhrouKh ft I m head and Mi. i Ihroorh hi. body Jonas Is ie Aoiiiided but may recover. I.. i h.ivinu: ulrtl' k hliu 111 the col . . pnie'lii IhroiiKh his neck. In r Tli' oii. i int. nd. nt hml been rtt-t- iniiiiii,.' I i up .'ii mblllii( atiout th. mill- niel i ;irtr re-u nted Ii 1-4 In tcit. no- . "rtic men md In the coin ml..iiry to.lnv iiod Initli heKan tinns nt on. e A companion of I'arter'M, i're, Jim." Is in nll charKed with liiln. lie let Unit ilruck Jonas. i nriit t n riiemb.T of a prominent 'b'.'Kin t.imilv. tin. rather having h. . ii i fiindplute for Koverrior nf that .t.i 1 1 NEGRO RAVISHER LODGED IN JAIL I; I I I' HI, N. . June 17 -Mai I ic I he Hie iieifto lulled last night a k.i;i of Miss Marie I'nrtlee, inf. lii to outraii;e, was released Viitev JeffrevH loekid up Instead Mis- forth . p., Int., I out Jef- th , .1 ' do f t . . h in crowd of other prisoners In jail an the one who mnde Hie attack. two ii:m in u:i: k iiI.r.MIUA. S ' June 17 Kb. , Kiro-ir Wlllliim If luiitir and Fire man J V'.iiiii; t'urllslc, tsith of thi -etv lout their lives early this morn In when Southern extra, freight train, engine 'tlh, south-bound, wa wrecked at Styx, a small station about seven mile southwest Of Co- . lumbln. ; -j .j Th locomotive and five can left tha rails. The causa of tha wreck hj unknown. s f.t "I it 3: !

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