THE ASHEYILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 242. ASHMVILLE, N. 0., SATO HT) AY MOKNINd, .11 NK 1!). 1!H!). PRICK FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: FAIR. GHOST OF INCOME T Aldrlch Tries to Shunt off Question But It Will Not Stay Shunted INCREASE TARIFF ON PRINTING PAPER Democrats Are In Discussion Among Themselves as to Party Policy (H) .snrlnlHl Tress.) WASHINGTON. .Iiiik- IS. Just be fore adjournment tonight the .senate ndopted by u villi; of 44 In 'M the amendment of thi' senate cominitti e mi linanie IIxIiik a duty of 1 4 a tin mi print- paper, in place of the house rate nf $- a ton, but the, other amendmcuta to the wood pulp ami print paper schedules hail not been acted upon when thi; 8rnat' ailjouni i d at 7 o'clock. After this vote hail been taken there was an effort to reach an asrii; ment upon a tlim; for voting upon the various Incoint; anil i-orporation tax juopocltlons. Mr. Aldrich sought to cblain a general agreement to posl- ) e the further coiuddcrali.ui of this question until after the disposal of the tariff Kchedules, but Senators llailey and CuniinltiH InisiKted upon coupling with the iiRreeiiient an undi retundiiiK j that there should be taken a direct Mte on the adoption of an Income I lax amendment and no agreement was reached, Hy order of the senate adjournment Is taken each day at 7 p. ni., and that hour arrived while the question was under disetiMjiiui. ''lie Kailey income tax agreement, therefore, will be the pendliiK amendment when the senate convenes tomorrow. DemiM-rats In How. DIsciishIoii of the tariff was con fined largely to the democratic side of the chain l. r, and while technically bused upon the tariff had more perti nent reference to the democratic, na tional platform. Thi Immediate sub ject of 4ebt was an Interview with former Congressman John 10. I.-imh. ; ;f Indiana, In which that cenlleiiian represented as crillei.sinR some of the democratic senators who had ii"t cat their votes on some of the t.chrdiilu In accordance with the dec larations of Ihe Denver platform. Anion those who were referred to Continued on page lour.) THEN WAS Mory of Icsicratc Men jiikI Wonion in Three Conicr fd Fight Ncfir Line. WOMRN WKIfKI'hrCKY (SprclRl Id The lll.en.) y VKTTKVll.LK. N r. June Is. The plajilalloii of tin- late Major 'turns Cegues. Just across the J'e,: riv. r in .Marlboro emiilv. S "is the seem- id a terrible tra-dy ally this week. S.llel.v I'urvi-. w il , "'' a native Of lilllledge I , ,V 1 1 : l I i tills iNiiinlv. Iieeailse he . , 1 1 i , , i . I . , I ,i '-sine a baby lleiuv Kobinon and 'liinsim's wife vv, r, lii;lilin ovi-t. " is shot ami instantly Kill d bv I:.. inson Hefore liobins ui shot Purvis be ( It" Id n win I shot Pin vi-' wit"-. ;!lKhHy woiiii'ting her 'I'he vvoniaii '"tinned the lire, (i 1 1 1 1 r i Kolmisons i"" lull of sled and putting out on. I his eyes. Purvis mid Kobin.n . l J j live.) ,n t:i- p( mic plantation and w n I" " I" iU'hlirs. P.eeenlh I : 1 1 1 . .11 di- nil.,1 hiH wife, and tool, up wath .1 '' 'm ill or bad character on lie place : Hi'lav morning he went to iln lion:- ' liis w-lfe and tri'd to take Heir ' 'Milt months old baby a way from P -'"ppon Tli" w tan f"'iebt 'vlth desperation to keep posscsedo.i " the h.i'by and Mr. Purvis. Ii.ari:r; I 'r si reams, ran up and int rf- re-1 "' behalf ol the child, as lh" man a-til w "Mian were about to pull it in two in Hi" struggle. Purvis finallv tnanai'id ' 1 ri'i lie Ihe I'hltd before it was se riously intured. About ihin tin,,, one of the worm ti v h whom Hobinson had taken n with ante running a r oss Ho field 1th a ana, Mrs. Purvis s. I h ''"man imiing and ran in lie Slid got tier husband's gun and st.i- 'l for Hit. seen,, of Ihe trollb! : 'he tun,- Mrs. Purvis got a huii'l" I 1 irds of where the men were stan-i-"g the Kun i,-,,f tin n iv. n to U"h '"""n. who rals.d the lire.irm and sbot at Mrs. Purvis as sb- apU"ii'a I hitting her in v rat pl.u -s and f-hghtly woundinB her. The .woman '"idaiinted. rnnrinuod to run forward. bring straight at Itmhlnson a; She did tax none HAUNTING SENATE EXPERT DRIVERS LAUGH AT DEATH IN RAGE FOR TROPHY First Day of "Western Van derbllt" Had Accidents But no Fatalities CHALMERS-DETROIT GOT THE FIRST PLACE Finish Was at Terrific Rate With Only Few Minutes Be tween Three Winners (Hy AMM'lnl4'l lrH.) 'IUVN I'OINT, hid., Juno i s. First honors in tin mx-miiir "Wi-stern Vini-rl'ii" autonmhi V i! ( s ti!,i v.viit U Joi'tli Mat sm, who plli tti'd a ( s-lrtpdt ' 1 In ( il" t, a I Mi 1 1 i;i i : l . it t i ii v or ,i. . i. r..L.U Th rut t wav hi lihl tars only ail while of :l iniM taint- in its'.1', was t'lM-rallv cou.sid.-r'd a pn litn -nary tn the ract if thi; JiiK tars for 'In; t '"I'l.1 t n . ncr t ha in' t tomui'i t 1 VrlVi-t wcat lit r ami tlu ahMcniv of any save tin must trl lul injuries tn drivers were fortunate ei cumstanees atti inline lli winning of the Jinliun trophy hy Matsoii. The t'ehl nninhi n d sixteen ears at the start, the Kurd ami Renault having itluli awn. The lea'li?! lit finihl as fol lows: 'ha liners-1 et roit ( Mat son 4:31 Locomobile Marion (M. The time lot taken as Itobcrtson I 4::i'J:0:t. iihoii) 4:tJ:0:i. il I lie oliu r cars was they were ttuKKcil iiff tln uio after linished. Ttie toal Ihe lirt three distance was bail .71 miles. Ilitrmaii in a Huh k led at tile end of the Inst lap coverinn the distance in 23:41 Hie fastest lap of Ihe race. liiirman also led at the end of the second lap, ill 4!!:4(i. Knippcr in i Chalmers-Detroit led ut the end of the fourth lap In 1:44:27 two sec onds faster than Matson's time. The Fal-t'ar driven hy Ituehl had the distinction of making; the slowest lap of the day. It Anally hobbled Into port, having made the circuit In 3 bonis and 40 minutes. Then Ituehl retired from view. SlraiiK Drops Out. The s rid lap brought about the downfall of Lewis Stiaiie, the favor-J ite driver before the raei. He covered the lirst lap in tine shape in 24:32 3- but half way round on the second he ((ntil I'a ire Til ree. ( PLEADS GUILTY BECAUSE SPIRIT OF GIRL HE SLEW TOLD HIM TO CONFESS V;is Net. ii Single Witness Against Him, and His At- Innievs Were Amazed. (JOT M FK SFNTFNCK (SM--lal to The Plll.en.) HA LTI Mi il: IO. June IS. John J. Miiell'r, tin- man who sled to ibath the girl who loved him, In Ihe lonely wood near .Mount Wni-hiiigloii last .March, was driven I" i on I ssioii by a dr. sin in. s-.iki I ro in Io r spirit ill the laud ! shad. s. Hardv. nn nerved, delimit through long nioiiltis in jail, the prisoner ap peat ii':: m i . 1 1 r t a i ruining shadow of ihe man. V'Sl. rdav In had plead ed guiltv at lh" bar, and tie jiulgu bad sent, ii' d him t" a III. in prison l;v. n th- II Ins eoulaue bad li-,t ipiile lois.ikcii him. and his u'tcm amaziil hi- I i ,v v .is and the ' ""i t There ws,; ri" vvitiie-s against him "o on. had s. en lie killing. Hut il v, a I, ai d tod. i, that, alone in lib cell "r nights. In had met an iiitiw r that he . ..ill. I li"t d. Iv. and 111- ac , iiv, r was a spirit in a ipeain Tic hrsl "mes.-age" from tie ghostlv per .tonality "I H" slain -gina K d to th" Jail ilifiigh a girl who had be. ii a i hem "I M'h II. r'- v li t i Mi. Sh,. vv rot.- a I' tier " ' warden and said rte wanted It r- ad to the pris oner. TI,, , tier said that Hie spirit of i:,.g(i . 'I liad none to h r in a , ,Mn and had told Ii' r, in harrowing ,1,1, ill. He storv of the tragedv. "Hut l , ;,,,. I pravi 'I a I km It before I, i,, h. IT. he ti r- .1 at im- the second tim. - I" rails'- ,rav . d. inv soul waa Kilv. d." 'he spu n .-aid. according to pe ; oiinu mediiiiu ' Spirit lnde Him onfcss. Th, ,,, il,,- . tier siaic the -hade of II, , ,1. id .-il l bade the w ut. r go to Mil. If r and bid him. for 111. salvation ,,f ,l- ""Il soul, go before the Judge and t' H tin truth. Tin was given the letter to r-ad at the time p was S'-nt to him, and aft r he p. riis. d it said to War den Price. "Perhaps she is right." Prom the da- he r. ad the letter Wnr- (Continued on page four.) E STAND TESTIFIES TO Tells of Brooding Over Finan cial Losses In Venture With Brother-in-law PRISONER SHOWS EFFECT OF STRAIN Nothing In Present Conduct Indicates That ho is Not Rational (SiMi lal to The i'ltlwn.) ClIAIiLOTTK. N. . June IS. The defense ill the trial of W. U. HI Kg churned Willi the murder of his brother-in-law. J. (lieen Hood, last I'eliruarv, continued the introduction of elilcncc lodav to prove the Insan ilv of IliCKCIS. The wile of (he de leiulant, whose testimony yesterda in behalf of lu-r husband as tending to show the unsound condition of hi husbaud'b mind prior to the tragedy which was the strongest card played by the defense, was put through HKiii cross-examiiiatlon today, occu pvinn the stand all of the morning tcssioll. She tefftilied to tile loss i the money which Hirers put Int the enterprise of which II I wa manager. .and a score of witnesses cor roiiiirated her as to the mental con diilon of the deft ndanl limn broodine owr bis liiiauilal Iroiiblc with his vie tun. 1 In state will hcKin evidence In re-butfal tomorrow afleruoou and th i ase will not reach the Jury before Tuesday. Vrrjr Much Worn. BIkkitn Is only a shadow of his for mer self, emaciated and exhausted, his eyes glassy and without expression and face Munched by lomr conllne merit. As witness after witness gavi ivid' tice of his wild movements aft Ihe fateful inei ting of his victim on Ihe mormiiK ot that day, the face of the pri.Miner occasionally showed tic ml surprise as if it had been to him no more than a horrid nightmare, not truth. Nothing, however, in the conduct of I I.e. defendant indicate any contin ued IrratlonarJsm. He followed Hi, evidence closely and very l'ie,iirnlh ienii(i oier to Ills counsel to interro gate them as to some quest ion p l""'i " io Wlinesses. Ilv Ills side at tinns and directly at his hack at oth er limes, except when she W lis on till Hand, sal his wife. Willi brave eoiiu- iiiiiiu. il liom page four ) US IN GEORGIA ROAD CASE May Decline to Act e cause Brother IsAt tornev for Railroad. NOT AN OIUKCTION (It Associated Pn-ss.) WASH INHTON, June I H. Itlshop Warren A. Cilnll'r. of the M'tbodlsl Kpisiopal church "f leorgia. was to day agrcd upon as Ihe third arbi trator in Hi" dispute hi tw. cn the H.orgla railroad companv and its lire m n. Hi-Imp Calnlb r's -election w as de i id d upon at a i onleretu e het ween . inner S. cr.-laiv of tin Navy Hilary II. rbert and 1;. r- s-ntat iv e llal'dwiek oi lieoigia. lh" "Hut two arbitrators. A ibspat'h Iruii Atlanta savs thai il is not at all certain that Hishop I'andlir will be a iiiemli.r of thi board "I ai bit rati, .n of Ho iborglii r.nlr I Mril.i Aft'r re. , iving no t i In Ion "I his . . eluoi Hishop fan db r gave to Th" Assoeial'd Press He follow ing st, item, nt "I am not nn liiu d to accept such a task imle.-s it i perl'. Ilv cu-ar thai it is inv dun to do so on i" nail "i ini parll's at ..mi, and in the interest ol the g. m ral pulili'. No i onsideral ma could move me to iimb rt. ike It short of a k ne ol diilv. In replv to Ho il 1 1 ..i Hli of notification from Mr. Her belt and .t r llardvviek I have s- II t :i t.-. grain and will riot deeld. Ihe mat t.-r finally until 1 hear from them further." 'file reason for Hishop famll'-r hesitaancv in iii'eptjng th'- position i,T thtrit artili i ator. as crated tn hi telegram, i- that his broth, r. .ludg, John S. fumller. formerlv a member of th" Witpreine IK-nch In H'orgla. Is an attorney for the fjeorgla railroad. Mr. II rbert and U' presentative Hard w Ick w ill reply to Hishop Candler af ter they have I,ad a conference on th" metier tomorrow night. Hoth Mr II rbert and Mr. Hardwiek were aware of the fact that the blshop'n brother was an attorney for the road, hut Mr. f'nrdwlck said tonight that this would make Do difference with him. BIGGE S' IV I F NSANITY YOU rrtINK OF ItW THAT, ITHMT W PANED A tiFOP W ySk DAUGHTER OF PROMINENT FOUND DEAD IN CHINAMAN'S ROOM Grand daughter of Gen. Franz Sigel Strangled to Death pied by Celestials. -Crime Ascribed to Christianized Chinaman Who Had Called at the Sigel Homo to See Her. (By Assoclnted Press.) NEW YORK, June 1 8 Btlzaibetn iigel, dM lighter of Paul KlRfc-1 of this Ity anil grand-daughter of the lllus- Irioua I'Tiing Hlgel, the (ii rinan war rior who enllated hts enrvlces with the I'nl'on army diirlns the Civil war. s, actrdiri to all Indlentlnna tonight tli victim ol one nf the most xordhl murders In th ;hlt-vl'y of New Vnrk. If alie Is not the victim the toll axe ('onfmntmt with remarkable erle of enlnrhHiental fact. Taken from, iink ld a Mom of Chinaman a.hov a. hop guey res taurant In the lenderloin. Ihe body. In a stale of dpeompfwrltlon which makes Idenliticatlnn difficult lh In the nKrgue. When the stry mm told Mrs. Sigel. with as much leriilerin ss Kisllle, she cried. "My fbsl Kl- sie." and falntisl t'tiltinnian llsM-iired. Sun I.'oiig. proprietor of the res tauranl. who also condorl.d He risimlng house above, dlsapix-ared duorlly after the discovery of Hie, murder, adding further to (he una ry. The ban many unusual j "natures, notable among which Is the fact that a Chinaman has hi- n known call at the Sigel home her. ine stimably with Hi. sanction of the par- RETAIL MERCHANTS END New Officers Chosen ;iiit Salisbury Selected a Meeting I'lace. (Shi lal to The fltlwii.) KLIZAHfl II I I I V. June I Im lortant resolution wern adopted on freight rates, Ii lead laws and ex- mplloii liiwi t" pi vent difraiiding nieri hants bv i ohm mera hv ord. ring ii, n handls. on a proval, gilt .-ele me mil trading stamp- deeper walcrwavs eM li'id lilld KlVlllg reba'es I,, niercbants. al II isloll of tin North arolina ltel.ii' M' n hants' j.wi hi. vv hi. h i I" . .1 After sel-el ing yesterdav. allsburv as lh ie conv ent ion ii v t dfil CrS Wele , c 1 - lace of holding II ar the follfiwiuc I. Pr.sid. nt. I. Ii llroughton "I Kai Igh; .1. !'. Mollis "I iflston-S.I I' III . S' retar). K. I. Ilal- i. of p.alemii ii iuurtr, John P offmari, of Hoi hnylon; atloinev. A. Justice, of I'h II :olte, re-, le, led The follow mi.' i e e.prenid. lila vcn clei from Mi' ' ongrcMMona! d o, - ricts: I'lrvl di'riel. Jam.: W night. .. la City: s nd It. Ili.-ks. of I, i"irg; third. I.' - U'i.l. of llich P. on', sixth. A. M . Hall. f Wilinington , i' nth. A. T. M'.ir", .f Thi.rnasv ille; .n-nlli, T. II Hrown of Salisbury; nliilli I '. W. Parker, of Tiarlotte, tenth l.iplnskv. of A'le- v ille. 3 (FAIR ccjrt: North Cr-llna : imrnv fulr Saturday and Sunday. liK"t variMl winds. Will it Ever Slop ? enls. Kli.alieth or 10 Isle, was twenty yearn old ami wna greatly InlerliBted In work HinotiH the Chinese. Mr. Hlgid arrived at the nmriiiii) al midnight. Arrangement were made m that the badly illallnured fan. oould he seen to the beat advantage, hut Mr. Klgel would not any that II wa his daughter. In fact, tho po !! iriy, he declared pswlllvcly that It was not, hut Iy di lined to loo'( at varloiw leltietd and other hits o( evidence which would aonm to Indi cate that It wai he. . ie ,'; Iwite tonbrht threu ('hliiiwnrr? Were aii.isled n nliilertal wllniwsea. Is lilenllllcil. Shortly midnight, Mrs plo--eine M. Todd, a friend of the HIrcI tanilly, arrivu'd at the morgue slid alt, i viewing Ihe body. identllle.l soiiu of Hi.. iiuderc.oi hlng an that worn bv Klme Sigel. Mrs Paul Slg. ,,i ..'((i oclfMk this hMirning. w lien shfiwn Hie Jewelrv found In Ihe dunk ciiila.ltllliK the tsidy, Ideiilllied It as that worn by her daughter I'dslc Pai ked In Trunk. The body w'as pa k'-d in a steamer trunk, tide w ith ropi s and left tn a stuffy little mom In a bouse ocmiplc I principally bv lhllu" o. All indl. ulloris SUITOR TRIED PISTOL COURTSHIP AND FAILED H;h1 Ma prtac bifense NexJ tn l'ist.,1 in His Tucket and l'mdnccd (SM'ela to The Clllen.) V.Mii;sl(iiti Jin,.- H - Th" and e in s a ill III, II II v Klald 'lli' l l.'-M I, It pi ing. holel Ai r, great Iv . v. it. i an .- of an MIC Ob 'I'll. v. r. M ' ' l.i about ' ,,f Ulan, Ii Cling, one night recently b -all), lepl. d liilll'ijer and pi i in i pa I - to Ihe tiff a i r Miller, (ig., -a I e eoi v . and Ml '.ill I Jl'-en ilsiro it "iing .Mllb-r. who I- Il s, . , il,,, a.-si-1-t i ng hia i 1 1 '( Sta ii I- v '-oui?i ii iiuiklng a map o t Mls l-'llxg- r- .Id. All" i i' st at the Mpringtj. al-o. 1. rtai'l to be a VI p. and Mill' l at on. e in 4.v. with her a'-"il tin. 'I'll, vou dv ' ha no i ll v: .villa n l- ll .de.d.ellll. Iv 1 1,. no 'iin men at the .nd Mis- IV. Sn at I h h 1 1 rn T,i I'l r - -t Mil, ' ;; a t h J 1 1 1' n M II II til th. afTair r ' t .1 'Mtil tn,(( tin wmjuk man ; j j h ,in - t ) flaft alum! t I- in i! I h" v mutt lal t r.d f . h.iK- Inm "ff tmf Mill'-f v.a." not t-, In K-tt r-. of ,-. .itlv."" Kr i -I ay h wcrit to A lb mi ( I ;ik1 "ot a riniri'i.uo - -n-'- IL Mi n "iif--t a pr'nlof. l!e Mr llto,' n -tn t k nt to th' ho t I and informal M l'i t x .1 hi that )f h-" '1 ' oni to rpii rr - h'-r Tl 1 yot m n Lwf v j ') iii-rtt' M i 1 1 r to ;;o into an a '1 ."i n 1 ti k room w it h In r '.ilii'Tt' mIi' a 1 1 'rn tl r-aon w il'i hl?n. Mtlhr ni',.v .it, wMiht nnf I:b l' n to ,ir-'nm tit' 'iion i- w-f Inform 1 l-Unk Mm- nirtrr iii ;: onhl not t.ik- .!-o At thU poirif h H v.' h iitM ari l I-Ltrd htM In-tt-nfiori of kilhn t"ih httnlf and tn Hw tht irt Mi I ni,'Tal hrrrpl and a n urn Imt of ko wi ;i h' hot niKhHl into lh ncm und diHaj-mrd trw rprkli- youth ' Mm KliZKfrahl i.-rt th.- hotd n' t Hay and MMh-r. w rn 4-. tn ttl! MlHtinft h-ln fiitlw-r In uuiKlng a inup of Stanley. FAMILY in Rooming House Occu nrn that M waa murder 'by stmngn lallon. The effort of th pollen to night were behm dlreeted toward es tubllslitng the Identity of Uin young woman, and In thnlr Inv,-ntlttal Ions they found Henry O. Uurnetl who In Interested lit 'the Amerlcaniiiliw ot Chlni' H Riivn tho piillce n val uabln clue In that h tdeaorlbus) a ChlniuiiRn Who formerly ovcuplnd ih room tn which the body w ljilil.( f mtrneii mia mui no Knew a. yoiniu whlto woman tjy alifht only wh) w MietiMKCKl In work Btnona; tho Chi nese ,nl he was IneMnoit to think that the name waa Hlgel, although hi ( wa not sure of thi The man who had occupied the room evidently had left hastily for tlikre had been no ef fort to remove anything. lie was evidently converted to Christianity f.r there wre shout the room Hlbleii and prayer book eontatnlng names i wTltten In Ixith I'lngbsh and In fhl lo se w hich gave the Info inallon that j he was known In IOiicIImIi as Vlllln,u II. Lion anil In t'hUiese hm l-.iug l-o I, In. According to Mr Hlgel his daughter disappeared from liniiii. Jinn- 10 Two days later the family got word from MVtnt Inimrt on Ihk'' Thr.) BUZZ WAGON LICENSE UW WILL SOON BE EFFECTIVE New License Number Will He ( flllSJlicllllllH KlIHlltrll lor I 'olire tn See. (SMifi to Thr f lllii ) ftAI-KI'HI; Juiif Ik. T'inrnor Tor etiior lute (hi n-w law lh w r lary of Htat- Iijim r . )vw ;!.Mift nut" rnoMh ihiiiiImt dfKMrdH and rviArn f i"fl 'Ill la. I ; i ffv 1 1 ' Jll'' lf iuid 'airitH a tax of I', ffoin -a- h "Atier it a niot(r vtttlh- f.r th iir-.t ye;ir iun l for ajann ua I i',ni'. tin Th- (dii'iirdH ar- ix' liiilio, -lark hlu ha k ground with Ahit" 1 t tcrM with "S -'" lit .n. -nd. Tin n-K tKtra 1 1011 M'al an- t 'o I ri' h- In d 11 rrii-t'-r. Thi- r.-glMt th t '.ork vill lit- it, ll h;imN f.f U S Wilson. 01 ...r,i tion f'rk nf th d par t nn nt Tin Jit nd ln t. 1 s th it ulll in' i n - . hi- xnlftrv f.'!00 'h' a t jnovidi that $.? of i.;lt t- initial ft-. ... . t. t Im- on r i4 v in li l h 1 tr" o , n 1 i- to hr Hidl4t to th- fiitnl Tn. a t a jinh'M to evrv on nt in t h Klate , K.i'lll N'e'A' Hilliovyr There ha tie n I'nn about Whether apecla! la,VM paMHe, for Kpi clfii lh- paM are rop.-a.led la era I a- l. Manv elaitnt. d were not and that rhen "in" lndania Ih- rloutde ' I U ' I o U auloliiohlle ..mill. 01 IIiIn k n Unit Ihe. would II tax en and contllctcontlletlnK ri-nnlat loii The H.-eretary of the o,ite tak'H lh' poMillon that Hie r'-M-a I nor claiiiH. of the new K,Jtieriii a'-t i HuHl.l.-nt to .ivit unv attd all motor i tr a'-i -, Ihi-r' may have been In for. for any (ountie al the tim. of n paaifaK'1. hKXTK CIIM)HKS CIIAI'KAIX WASHINOT'lN June 1K Ft.-v I'Ijnwi ;rant H I'leree. I.'. D., paator of All Koulf' I'mtarian ehuri h. thla city, today wa deaiicnated by a aen ati resolution to art ah ehapluin. Mr I'j.-ree aueeeeda Hev. tdward Hale, I dectaaed. STRIP LAST SHRED F II Counsel For Her Husband Makes an Open Attack on Chastity as a Wlfo HER OWN VALET IS WITNESS AGAINST HER Hotel Floor Clerk Volunteered Information to Help Mr. Gould Out (Hy AwMN-laKil ITraa.) NKW YORK, Jtmo 18. Tha Bow nf testimony addiueil by th dofailM In the ault for separation brought by Katherlne t'lommnm (Imild agalnat her hUBbnnd, Howard Ooiihl, ka eilKliig mora anil mora toward THiatln Parnum. tho aotur, whnao hroaa Hhouldera anfl innp of curly hair hava lieconn! a fnmlllar feature In the oaa. Tliers woa hIno Iteration by anrvanta unit peraminl atleinlnnta that MiL (Imild wua rt'itcatntlly atH-n undor tha Influence nf lluuur by them, and that OF DECENCY 1 MRS.COULD'SH when ah had been drinking, aa lhy . allured on (be aland, ah t'hangod from a elinrmliiK. aftahla woman to a woman of whlma and caprlcfa, IIU tempered, nut nice, In hr choloa ot iHiiictiutfe, ovor-txmrliig and quarrel"! Huinti. Mm. iiotiura otto tuna peraonai valet Kwore that at niia llmo ha aurtreil bin iplntrem with two quart of Man hattan eoeklnll In M many daya, bo- HldeH the vvlnea and lliura which h -aaid aha drank at (ho tulila, ' llrf Now HtttU. , Knituiirlnt epltheta twice, marked tha teBliinimy. , Jnhn ll, Kimball, an oil and paint dealer, who h had knnwn, Mf.t (lould for (diihteen yuara, teatind that he went to a performance of tha Vlr-. Kinhin in August, io, with Mr, and, Mr.f BUJah Holla and the tJoubU. at, Him aeadeiny oc munlo in thlt city, and that Dunlin Karnum, tha atar In tha pluy Joined the party outatda tha play , houiw aftr ;th s performamnr' and nook 11 tn Mra. Uuuld.' Hh amlled, tha -wlttieaa teatlfled and aajd, to th, wit t m: "Thill la my kW beau.", , , John rivnn who aald he waa "m- ployed hy Mra, (lould ai a chauffeur, and that he often drove her to meet t'H rn 11 111 . after the play, text Hied that , once when Mra tloiild waa waiting In Ihe niitoiiiohile for Karnttm at th Hotel Soiiiernet, two men turned to the ai lor an he eiime out at the hotel door and aaked hlni whoae automo bile waa waiiliia. "ih," until f"ni nu m laughingly, Klyini teKillbd. "tliHt'a my new one." All flight Ih-arlr." Another lime. Klynn Kwore. whan he rapped on Mm. Uould'a chamber door at the Ht. Ilexln. ahe utlled out: 'All rliiht. dearie," ami when ah M.lw uli.i h wan exenwd herwlf with! I tlioiiKbl 11 wua Mr. Kiirmnn " He did ln' wua dremlna at tha lime and kept Mailt nn dreaalng whll he waa In the room. Mary Kli.iibotli lurrlaufi, a frenh- ehenked, good looklne; girl, who aald (die waa a floor elerk In the Kqllevue Mtratford hotel 1,1 Philadelphia, pre faced In lu r IcHiltnony with the eg. plHnallon that It wua her flrat appear am e in curt Khe hu been Impelleil bv her coiim li iu e, ahe. aald, to toll whnl Mb.- navy at the hotel. Finally die wrote 1 I. tier to Mr, (lould. I Hiild In Hie letter, ahe teatlfled, In obeiiien.e to the fjoldeti Kule I IT CASE OF. II NEGLIGENT SHERIFF Uffiisc.s tn Rcopii Matter nf Officer Win. het Negro I'e L in-lied from .Jail. ASKS UK KLK(TI0N .1 (Hy .Mclalel I'reHM.) 'iVI';iiMKHt, June IS. Th Supreme court thin afternoon denied the a pplii at Ion of frank CiizIhk. Im-p.-a. h. d "tieritf of Mobile eonntv. for a n w trial. Hum iiiaklhK hl linpeafh llient final. '"iizlu wai removed from office by tin Htipn oi" court on Ihe chance, of !', ni-Kleet in allowing Itlehard lloberiHon. a neuro, to he tuken from' Mobile eoiinty Jail and lynched. In the original proceedinKn before Hm S'ipieme court it wiiK idiown that ru morK were current that an attempt would be mad.- to lynch ftolartaon on the nlijht of the occurrence, the dicrifT took no atepa to protect tha n.-Kro. Tn. eoata of (he Impeachment proJ e.edliijc amounting to aeveral thou aand dollars, were aaaeaacd a gal net the deponed aherln. ' It in reported that Panlaa will b a candidate for re-election In 1110 to' vinuicaie nimaelf. 1 'oiillfiued on page four.) CUT WILL NOT REHEAR I'?. . ii s f I I I if I (Continued on page four,)

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