flXB WEATHEB: VOL. XXV. NO. 247. UQBEB SCHEDULE PUBLICSENTIMENT RUSHED THROUGH ELIMINATED FROM T DEBUTE Senate Stops Talking And Dis poses of Important Parts of Tariff pill PARTY UNfcS WENT TO PIECES ON VOTE rioridd Senators Win victory Over finance Committee on Ftncapples (Br Associated Press. WASHINGTON. June 13. In un expectedly short order the senate to day took up and disposed of the lum ber schedule, and then entering upon the discussion of pineapples, put be hind it the provision of regulating the rate of duty on that articIeTCallTnjf u tie' tarUf bill immediately after convening at" H o'clock, Mr. Aldrlch asked that til tumher schedule should receive first attention. He had no (doner taken his 'scat than Senator RtcCumber, who In the Interest of the treeless Northwest has been a per sistent kdvueate of free lumber arose and presented an amendment roduc-j Ing the flftance committee's rate of It 60 per thousand on sawed lumber to the house rate of Jl per thousand. Votrf WlllHUlt IH-bale. This was generally recognized as a 'Ibst proposition, as sawed lumber has ecn the bone of contention from the beginning. The North Dakota sena tor did not think It worth while to enter into any argument In the sup port of his provision, but permitted It to gi directly to a vote. The result was against him and was another triumph for the Aldrlch rates, the voles standing 24 In favtr rf and 4 4 against (he reduced rates. Tarty lines were so entirely destroyed on this vote that If one should be called upon to judge from this ballot alone, he would never be ablo to determine that the tariff Is a party issue. Another test earne on the propo sition to make a rate of J 1.26 per thomxMid ynlurntjgr 'with a general chang lii'iiie'dlffcrentlals. and on this vote the finance committee was also liberally supported. The entire wood schedule making reductions of about twenty-five per cent from tho present Imv rate, and increasing the house (Continued on page four.) i BUT SOT LITTLE MONEY Employer Says That His Agent Always Claimed His Commissions. NOW UNDER ARREST (Special to The Citizen.) CHARLOTTE, N. C. June 23.--M. I Rofwald, the while man who 10 aMeged to have fleeced sundry Charlotte ecple of various sun v agent of the Ij Salle Kvlensiou I'nl verslty anil for whori arrest a war rant wais Issued Monday at the In stance f Mr. W. N. Saunders of Ulchnwmd. Va . charging "misrepre sentation'" and "obtaining money un der false pretenses" was 1aktm In ntody try ex-Patrolman W. W It-'ni- In Hickory Tuesday morning at 1 1 o'clock Just as he was alut to 'work" that town. In Charlotte, where he aojoiirned a month, I!o. -ald represented ihimsclf as an ac credited HK'-nt of the Ii Salle Ext' n lon Cnlversity and wild what pur lirtefl to be a full course .f Instruc tion In "business nilministratlon ." The course carried with it numerous hrlvlH-ires. Including 3fi s-clal lec t'lres, 12 irotuimes of books and other Itern all for $57, of which $7 was o be paid In caafc and $T0 on the In stallment plan Rooewald was to r- -eetve $10 comm isskm on each stib '''rlpWon from his employer, Mr. HaurKfiTs. WDille In n Instance? bp curried out hie contra t to the l't r. in a number of others he m r--Iv wcured Hrnatures of Influential 'ill-ns. offering t!he course free. H ad all sign .the contract which he forwarded to his impkiyer with 7 "f his own money, and received in return $10. In other Instances he al "red thfe contract. All went wvll r while until Mrr. Saunders' simpi'-lons were aroused by reajn of the num er of contracts received from Char lotte. Afraid that som thing wa wrong he came dnwn to investigate When he learned the true stale of sffalrs on his arrival here he Imm -diateiv prtsrured an attorney. Mr. I" M Shannonhouse, ami a warrant for 'ftosewald's njrreet uis immediately wuel. Hearing that Rewwald was Hther in Marion or Hickory be despatched Mr. Irvine with the war nt to effect hla axrest. This waa Uone yesterday morning. TH E STRIKERS' HEARING Arbitrators Refuse to Admit Evidence of Mate of Feel ing Along Line DECISION FOR NEGRO WILL BE ABORTIVE Counsel For Strikers Declare Black Firemen will Not be Permitted to Run (By Associated I'tpks.) ATLANTA. Cm , June 23 Charg ing that the lirenien were trying to Intimidate the, arbitrators. Major dimming, retirescnting' Ihe Georgia railroad before the arbitration com mission objected strenuously this af ternoon, to the introduction of an; testimony as to the condition of pub lic opinion upon the merits of the strike. The firemen had introduced Mayor Brand, of l.lthonla. It was at Llthonia that much disorder took place and where several negro tire men were severely whipped. It was proposed to have Mayor Hranil tell not only or past assaults upon the negro firemen, but to give It as his opinion that if the firemen wero re stored to the cab by the decision of tho board of arbitration, the people would resort to violence again. Counsel Heated. "This Is gross contempt of the com mission," said Cummlngs, trembling with anger. "If such testimony be ail mtttod, we had as well close down our courts and let mob violence rule. The contention here now Is simply that the firemen in effect say: 'We may be wrong in our contest, but even if we are, and you gentlemen decide against us, the people of .tjeorgla will rise up in mobs nnd over-ruto,you. I think this Is libel on the good people of this state. .1 most seriously object to the admission of such testimony." Attorney Kuhcn Arnold argued spir itedly that the bourd was not a court; that it should permit a wide latitude, and, in its award, disregard sueh tcs- trrhernyaii Was not considered proper.' He claimed. howevcr,,hal the cum in leu Ion had a right, nay a duty, to hear such evidence and to consider It, as It affected the safety of all other employes and even passengers. People Against Blacks. Before Major Cummlngs Interrupt ed. Ilranil had declared that the peo- . , , j ij-iruinruij irrvrjifjjj (Continued on Page Three.) GOV. SMITH DISCUSSES STRIKE AND CONFLICT OF RACES IN HIS MESSAGE Sound Note of Dominance of White Race in Spite of Maudlin Criticism. LEGISLATURE MEETS (By AhmotIhKiI Press.) ATLANTA, (la.. Ji 23. The fea ture of the lirst hi .fsion of the si ite legislature w hi h cotiv m-d t'siay, was the final menage of (J-ovcrnor Hoke .Smith. The retiring executive dealt frankly with the raoe (ucstlon and inoidentally disvuswd the recent lire men's strike on the Georgia railroad. After describing w hat had b n done by his a-ilmrlnlstruil"" making some recommendations, (Jovernor Smith tiMik up Ihe nro question an 1 said : "The new franchise act, passtsl tv the la.st bulslature wns ratilied by the people and is now a part of the constitution of Ccnrgia It prescribes qualifications' for the exercise of the rlKhl to vote, which will protect even the smallest community from those, who. unable to control themselves, are utterly untH to vote- upon the rights of others." In discussing the schools of the state Oowrnor Smith c tainted that ninety-three per cent of the whi'e children of the state we no In school and said the other won per cent should 1- brought In too. Negro lOdncttllon. "The future of our state that there should ! no among our white children." requires il literac v he sai l "I do not mean any unkindmws to the negro child )v this discrimination, but I do riot believe that inHtructl jn from IhmiKs. exeeot of a simple char acter, is of any Ix nef'n to a cormtder able Mirtion of them. Education should tit for life with a view to the character anil ixMssihilltle of tho children. The dilTerence between the races should lie recognised by the ciinty sehool cmml.Hsione.rs and th'v shotild not hiitate to do so on ac count of the maudlin criticisms that may cxime upon thorn frorn certain rlasses of would-be philanthropists of other section who do not understa.id the true nature of the newo or the true relation of the races." ASHWILLE CITIZEN. ASHEVILLE, Fl CHINESEWHOSLEW T Officials Are iGlvlna no In formation as to What They Know of Case Now ORIENTALS ARE HELPING IN SEARCH fyany Believe Elsie Slgel Was Sincere In Work Among The Heathens (By Amoclatcd I Yews.) NEW YORK, June 2J After day of co-rllctlng statements, the dis till stt i-ney's office and the po lice department refused tonight to discuss fur. 'tw what progress had been nip.i'.e fn the search for I,eon Ling, the Chimin an who is wanted tor the m. Tiler of Elsie Sigcl. No' wiuld they discuss the re 8 1 1 1 s cf the examination of Chung Sin, been lng's former room-mate, who has been variously reported to have wlt.-esaed the urime, to have aided in roping the trunk, and' finally merely to have neeti the girl's body. Thero hue been hojrly reports of clues f r in all peris of the country, but rone ::' them brings the author ity any nearer to the murderer, (illness Assist. What program has been made with Chung Bin Is c"ji: as much as any thing to the offices if (Juon Ylek Nam, a C.vlnese merchant, who vol unteered as an l iierp.-cter. It Is said thet he to.d Chuig S'n that no Chi nese association would aid him In suppressing the facta or in concealing Leon lili'g. that on the contrary, ev ery Chi "a i' an of influence and re sponsibility in the country felt that the case was bringing disrepute on their race and they were united with the police in efforts to rua. down the murderer. Chung Sin then talked freely, but that he has not been act ually Implicated In the crime Itself Is indicated by the fact that tonight he Is Bt'.ll held In the house of de tention for wnii!'P8 and not In the ToBlua, charged with being an ac cessory In the murder. -'To all questions, Chung Kin reit erated that hs occupied the room next to that of Leon, and that on the afternoon cf June 9, Ihe day of the murder, he wnkered early after h natural deep to find Lon standing beside him. Leon was in trouble anil wanted help. Chung Sin soon under- (Continued on page seven.) E ARTIST WHOM OEFICER KILLED WAS MERE BOY Child of Fourteen Learns Lessons of Crime, and Asks Pardon Dying. IMPLICATES COUSIN (By Associated Press.) CHICAOO. June 23. Hudnlph Bernt. fourteen years old was killed by the police lonlfht following' an at trimpt ti Imitate ' i.lack hand" tueth ods and g'-t money by menns (' threatening letters He was Khot on a lonely street corner Just afti.Hr be had seized a package supposed to contain J15,""A I. E flr'wsfeldt a wealthy whole sale gncir w;is tht -man who agreed to pay over the $lr..fH. He received a threatening letter -a wi'k ago signed by the "IllaekhaiMl" aiKl demanding that the merchant take $ir,.00 in tv packagin to Desplain slrt and Gravenue avenue. (Jr-isslleldt wai threatened with death (I he failed to comply. The grocer told the ioH','e and de fectives watched with him on thw ap pointed night A itacknwe rnide ep of newapaiT clippings was r-ady. No one appeared to take l Threats by telephone ffdlowed and the grocer agriin call d tine ollce Another melting was appointed for t-mlght. As Orossfildt apprached a iKiy steppexl oik of a doorway and askixl: "is this Mr (l.m!dt. ?" The grocer- replied in the affirma tive unA the ly snatched the pack age fr'nm his hands and fled. Infec tive Welnrlch fired two shds. One hit the boy and he fell fatally wound ed. A lay on t'.ic slh"wolk he trhd to shrt the dete.-tl-e At the ho pltal he confessed t efore he ditd. naming a cousin. Alfr.-d llnsse. six teen years old. In the pKt Hasse was standing near at One time "f the shootlng. He was arrested later. Orossfeldt went to the hospital and the boy said) "Please. Mr. Grossfttdt, forglw and kiss me ilx-fore I die." Orossfeldt complied with the re ouest and a few ml nub's later the bo dle". . . NCKFOUflDO GIRL JISSIOIl N. C, THURSDAY MOKNINU, JlNEUI, lim. MINEl SUCCUMB TO FUMES OF DEADLY GASES Seventeen r pah and Sixteen Are Injured aa Result of losed Shaft (By AssWcl eil Press.) WEHKUM. Pea ,.. Juno 23. As a remit of an eiplwjn of gas In mine No. 4 of th Mekfcwanna Coal and oke compear " aalrtly after seven clock this moralng. seventeen min ers were killed aid sixteen injur ed. With the JK)cstliJn or one, mosi killed were foretfcfire With Tew ex ceptions those inured were Ameri cana. It waa stated ill the Injured will probably recover. H Superintendent jahnson slated to night that white tit mine has always been reltarded aa nrfi -gaseous the ex plosion was dMay- to ignition or a pocket atapy the open lamp of miner. v Mine Is 1eA r The mine haa only boea operating two days each wecK, Tefinsy a no EOT PLAYING IN TREE IS KILLED EY ill WIRE Fell Among His Little Com panions Who Were Hold ing a Parly. (Special to The t'lllwn.) OKEKNHHOltn, June 23 Bryan lien ton, a thirteen your old boy, was killed instantly by an elect rl- shock yesterday afternoon at alsiut o'clock In front of iZ Eug ne Btrect He hail climbed a tree eonciiilcd In the foliage of whUh were at bast two naked ectrle wires. Hiolden.y tils playmates saw him eomi' craaii ing to the ground. In the opinion of lr. Ralph Dees, who was called bv telephone, the MMle felhiw ilf-! It. .stantly. The only marks m the unfortunate ly's inrrson w t. a Irurn to I lie Isine on one of his lore-fingers and a similar liurn on roc of th kiees It Is supposed that bis hand came In contact with one wire and his knee with another. Tb' insulation or sevi r al of the wires bad worn or rotted ul and there was nothing to .prevent him from receiving a powerful n I d-adly current Yesterday afS"rn""ii at 4 1 r Kug street, the home or Mr. (!. W. Elling ton, Mr. Ellington s daughter. Mrs S W Stewart, and .Mrs J W Bolton wife of thi- pator the ( 'b nst la n clruircbi enterta ijc-d a niinrtwT of tlx- children of Ho Sunday wld of the Christian clinpti at a Hub p.ir ly. Ice cream and rake were serwd and the boys hivI girls were sent out, on the lawn to have a good tvnK . Tb" ' bitys were eaitboe d against climbing ; H'pon the Shocking awident occurred i as described above Howard Kcrnodle. uw tf the pa--j ty of Isiys and girls, carried his -ni - ' panlon Into the house. The ladl s did ail they could in the hope th.it i the lad's life miKht be saved.' but i lr. Decs, on arrival, saw In a motn lit that life was cxtitwt 8H0WER& WAHHINflTiiX. June 23. Eore- cast: North Carolina: Ical Uiow-ers-Thuraday and Friday; llgffV mod erate to southwest winds. S ENTOMBED B Y EXPLOSION . Rescuers Barely Escape With ter Being Asphyxiated. Friday. Those In the mine had en tered the shaft for their daily allow ance of coal for family use. (Irouped about tho slope entrance of the mine Just before the explosion were several Italians, When the terrlblo sulrtcrranean up heaval of rock ami gas spouted sky ward these Italians wero caught. Ter ribly burned and maimed they rushed rflxtut the settlement crying for aid. Women Volunteered. The first man to reach the sur face was A. I. Johnson, son of the superintendent, lie Is one ot the few very serloufcly injured. Superintend ent Johnson called for vuUntpera to enter the mine. In the Toluntiicr; ranks stood several women. These were ordered back. With wet hand kerchiefs tied over heir faces the CASE IS LONC DRAWN OUT Case Will Not Me Civen to .Jury Ucfore Friday at Present Rate. (By Associated Press.) I'll A HI.OTTE, N ('.. June 26. The case of V. S Blggers. charged with the murder of J (i llooil will hardly reach the Jury before Friday morn ing. Today wiui given over to argu ments of attorneys Messrs. J. W. Kee rtniH and It. (!. Euca. speaking for the defense ami Messrs. E It. Pres ton and J. A Parker for the state There are live :il KUincnls yet to be made, I line for ihe state and two fol the di'fUS( . Touching on the plea of Insanity Attorney Keer.ins for (be defense said that "it huh through his dcul Ings with the decea.-e d I lint Ihe de fendant lieeaine IliMJIlie mil WaH brought to tin be'ic, th.it everything that he os' sM'd Ma. i to lie snatched hv.i from him lie mmj'.i have suf fi reil the torttif n r i be damned " I'oiitinulng Mr. Keii.ii stid (hat the .li 'ense did not ' . Mill tll.lt llln de ft ndant w.is In. ' 'm all HiibJccts but added "Be do i la in Hat hi licl d under an ini .e delusion when h" killed J. (I Hood." The state- jiir,rn.M dei laro that the evldiri'i' if experts failed to establish Hie fact that Biggers wa.i Insane when he fired the fatal shot. MARSHALL BELL LOST ALL AT FARO (By Associated Press.) NEW ViltK, Juno 23. - Marshall j I'.cll. a retired business man of New i burgh. N Y.. ttli il a voluntary petition Jin bankruptcy In lite Oiled States ilMHtrht (ourt hire today stating bis i liabilities as llli ii'in w lb no assi'ts. Mr. e1 m bis pet tion declared lh.it r r the ii gVi ot November 13 i he loi-t illtifi'io at laro in a ganbllng : house In tl i'!'v He ga.e notes to i Ibis amour! but now repudiate them : as ganiblnig d.'l't. ! AUSTRIAN ATTACHE IS FATALLY HURT. WASHINGTON. June :3. Count i Alexander T'.-roi', an attache of the I Austrian emha. sv lo re .is Injured, probably fatally. tomi.lit as the re. ; hi- was att midlng to board He ! JuniK'd on the ear whl h ! was In motion, on the wrong side. Then in attempting to climb over tho girjrd rnll he was strip k by a trolley J wire pole between the trow trucks and knocked from the car. Carrying Lamps into a Their Lives Af- Hist squad of the relief party started down the shaft. Of t'he eight who started four came back with their senses. The others, overcome with black damp, were (lulled To the sur face with ropes. luwuern Ov-reoiii'. A second and third party entered only to be driven back by the deadly gases, Hissing and apoulliig In the lower levels. Oxygen sent by the Cambridge Btoel Works, aided tlm searchers and with safety helmets, a fourth rexiue party succeeded In bringing twelve bodies to tha surface. Late In the afterlaVnn llva more bodies were recovered. The .werff found huddled together Irt"l1n lower left heading where they had died In an evident effort to reach the main heading. ARRESTED PEDDLIN6 BRANDY FROM OX CART Went to Church and Sold Liquor to Hoys During the Services, (SMi'inl lo The t'illwn.) KTATEHVIM.E. N. '., JuiHe 23--Mr. Allierl Myers, formerly of North Iredell or Wilkes cmijiI). laUly to be round In his ox cart In any part of the oounly, was arrested this morn ing bv lioputy KlerilT I eu Ion mil liepuly Hhorlff Ward lu-ar Mr Char by prlvelle's on the I'lllpley Foard road alioul six miles norlh of Stales- llle. It has belli klt-oli I'M a I'ulil time that Myers had In en p ddlniK liquor about iiv r the eoiiniv. lb lluia been milking ri nl.ir trls lo llloomllcld ;illd It Im h.ii.I lie -ol I liquor lo some boys nl 'I'rlnltv Meth odist church Sunday which made lb-Til drunk. The olfhirs were notlll. d soon till morning Ih.-it Mers on his w.r lo Kt,.l.hiill. v. Jlli llelitoll lull I Home road this niiruliiK illy Slorirr Ward Ills OX llll hei lo a load, so Hhcriir llll.llll' Kl Up I III nnd le and I'cp not him driving i o.trl. Thi' carl contained Tour Kalloni of brandy, si .' ersl pounds of mi, o nt.'i In i ili'i and some cherrl' M ll as advised to drie ori to (own w le r lie would l.c taken care of FOUGHT PISTOL DUEL OVER CROP DAMAGE (If y Ahwm')h('I I!.) ATIIKNK, C;i . Jui..- L'.'i J ;i rt m K ''"t h, a wr'l hi iuii fn r n)i r li I ht thr-c nvi :' frnt .Stti'i un. w mm f,i tii 1 1 v w im")ci tl 'm tn rnltis? in ;i iiw t.l fdici with h m rt- iKhlit r. H A. Hoyil. Hi- dl-d If. 'Vlil ;ll x . IfM-l; FU'vd unlr ).tr -'I I fT n n f triK Ht ;irn" tig rn!;m a -'I in n f at .1 1 fUHrr'l thU rtrr'tliiK wlun r tiMiriHl rn t -) with H'tyl for ;iI1'ia1iik il nivi.i ( d;i rn.'i k i- MW.ot h h t rr "(r Hot h rii'-n ;j n- r.rcfnliM til l 4 ftI,IH. im. FORD CAR WINS THE LONG MOTOR RACE (By AswHlalcd Press.) SKATTI.K. Wash, June L'S -Amid the 1 lo- -s of thou: inds ' larso'iy. r'i rd ear No. J. d bv W. II Reott. Ill the tra IM-eonl iliel (,'il aulo- nioblle r-ve. rrcsi '-d the I ip" at K': & r, : 3 .0 o'ci';i-k tod iv, w inning the Gug geiibi In run. and l-'.u'Mi purse. The car had teen out from New Vork twnty-tTvo days fifiy-flve minutes. Ilecauw of a rumor thrd a protest woiild bi- filed against Kurd ear No. 2 for the a!!eged dropping it man and picking him up afterward, the award was not made this afternoon. Associated Press. Leased Wire Report!. PRICE FIVE CENTS. . i l III WAS PERFECT LADY WITNESSES AVER Sho May Take Stand Again Herself to Offset Her Hus band's Evidence MAIDS DECLARE T'WAS NOTHING BUT COFFEE Long Drawn Out Case Will Close Today With Far num's Deposition (By Associated lrs.) N KW VdltK, June ill Counaal for KotlnMliie (.uld, trim is smelii How a.i'd ((ould for ecpiu-atkin and I2&D.0OO a year slimony luilxvrcd litivt and' lata today, ami It waa efcivim o'clocjt to iihfbt when court ailjourned. This, , the ilrst niHiturnal waslon ainoa tUa trial began mmre than thrtia weka ago, was granted by Justlw Dowllnc In order to clear up th remaining lesthnony In rohuttal by tho idalnUff'a wltnoHses excepting nerhaiM Mrs. (Iviilii hersvir, if he slmulU so besira to- testiry. But after tonight's aaaalim Clarence J. Hhearn announced : that he atill had twu fellrwaaca U cll. 'he'KHe will go on tomorrow when (fi'isisltloii of liustin Kanrtim, tha ucUir who has figured so fimminarrtly In thu case, will be uuillmlttiid in Ml (ioiild's laduilf, . . ltove Her Pcrfw l4Mly. The testimony sutligiilttiHl and drp- olbhus rend for Mrs. (Jimld tisiay ami loniighi, taken aa a wlxile cover In rebuttal till (he Incidents of the. va rious inolor trips that sbO Is alleged to hnvM taken to cities In whlnh Du- 1 In l'arnum waa Playing, Also H waa notnglvt to iM-ctve that 'Mrs. Could drank miHieralely, principally with , ., her meals; Unit hr laiiffuaira waa never : other than wluit H atmuhl havw keen; that she saw lhuitln Karmun nly In, th iMdniiuny of others, that thert wku) noi'Dimc out or mi orointtrr br atUtufle Uiwtittl hhn, , t , Tliirty-glK wltiwawa Ire ruiiai expected that Mrsv t bin id tmi . Htlll lake tha stand tnmortow in th hop or weakening her htM(Wnd'a oounter rhanrex. With (hm exception of Mrs. Sills, wlm ti-etlllcd durln tha d.ty, and Ihe ili'osllloii of 1w. dttinjtller, Marjorle, wlileh waa read at night, the testliiuony for the most part waa that or Horviinis and Kinpbiyes of various shops. giiliw1 as to Parimni. , MIms Sells tiarratlvn tsi out that ol tier mother, favoring Mrs. Oould, as ' t 'her lu'wailallon with lHtstlni I 11 r 11 11 111. and lesalfylng ua to tir en lirlely at all times. Art- r lids ileiioslOon cu.me a corrob orative depistlllon rnmi May Hotami, Die iii'tresn. In ihe essential. It ami i d wllh Miss Hells' .jHory, The actress was net wi" "hout tha,, ninnbi r or nights she had stnpt In Mrs (ioiild's room, but she waa pos it lw t lilt who had used one of the twin beds In Mrs (Ioiild's ilied room. Her cliiira. h rlxallon of Mra. (kmld's eomliiel coincided with that of Mis Kill". "Iliive you ever oliaerved any Im proper relations between Mr. farntim aii-l Mrs tioulil?" ttie actriss waa asked ' "No." ! "I 'l wiu 1 n r see Mr. Farmim cm brace Mr liollld'.'" "N ." .Vlfs Itolison responded. Oieri'ome by tViffee. Ml s Sells' nun 1.1 it .-.tiled On r Kard lo lb.' Incident at Klne (Jlp farm ml Iiyiichbiirg. Va , wtien the rariii nt. r trotter I'.Ktllleil he aaw Mr. Could l.Miik' on the tbsir of the dln liti' room liiioxlciiied. The witnese said Mh i;.ci hi had fallen to the floor ott.-r hulntf drunk only a cup of i-i.ri.c Mrs. 'ioiild's faou waa dU eolored and she was unconscious PRIFST DROWNED WHILE In-other Priest Tries to Save llim hut Has to give up the Attempt. (H.v Associated Press.) j ST. Al UfHTINi:, Kla., June 23. Hi v. e. iii r I'u klev, aaulatant rec tor of the i itb.dial III this city, wss .iiowmd a' y.iutb Ilea.b this after noon nh i i urf hcthlng. Itnv. Piieklev. 'ot her with Father Aloy- I I'M or St !.mis college, Fabruu I'aft an I Kdd i i -yl erre. w.;nt to the lna'h at 3 o'cb k and were Joined lev Itev. Hay i.f Tampa. Itcv. Buek I. j . . 1 1 1 1 . ; . I too lar out in the surf and ealle I lor help, it, v. itay going ( bis a'M. oi'i. e, toKi tber they bat tled with the waves until both be came exhujf.ti d. when they separated. Jack Upen . r weal to Kev. Hay's as sistance, pullic him ashore, and by this time Id v. Ituckley had sunk from view Dr. iiurkhy was ordained about one year ago afid was a native of Ireland. Ho was in charge of tha parish at Tallahassee, Fla., but about three months ago was transferred to ' St. Augustine. The body wM not re- covered. MRS.G IS v.