thf: AsnKvn.LK rnzi n. t;m .ii'm;-" r r SOCIAL PERSONAL I W. .. k Mr. . ., Vr. y-;,r ,- i I. it.- i..-. i VI ... . . VI Ik, , . r I - l .rri. Vli - . I - ' i i M - - i i :i i- M ' M ..ii- i M - I 1II l ., I M i. . VI .. M J.i Dir. ' "'I VI -,- V4c . I.. XV ...l.l' II V '. . v ' ' M I.. . V . II ... j.f .1, M - VI -... I -' M !! , r .VI- II v Dun- v; - II I- . t. VI f- A I . ... i. v .. I, V! - I.. ,.,n V.. ' ! V! . II. r r . EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE SCHOOL OFi TELEGRAPHY, SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION w ..altlii Sir.1. -- IMxme ilTal Pearl Lee Holman M. Lillie Irwin, B. S., B. 0. l.lal frUv Ki 1 1 -niiiiiHT Term A-MM-tali- Prerddi nf. r-r,.,i .i-,. .v.t . c i. I Ill- ' f . Ill- .III. . h ' , I h- I .f In. 1,1,. . I M ... . i -' j ahovor i-.i M: " j ' s.-Orda ,ifi rii.HHt i le.' ' i ..t, oak i .s a p:-. nt .' a, in,.- .: I'- -M " many pa me rivn ! A!i ' 'i.. hers. 1'ifii. ii-1 i. 1- inmll fern uikl i tfr. j .14 . ''at' -1 I ..- i norc and ffc.rr.t --U "f I - r "' Hhit - featur- '( a A ' " ! f i. ' I'-xf-ry iL.ii. A wr-. Jurit. d.el.PUIl I." i-i I. I I'-. r t. ' I ;.. II M " .V Ml, in, a ruxt -.i,rmr th-m .mi it .tr-i i l .. " ' M-4!r, n r.u- M im f 'lilting ra cut O -ll.!.!!.- I r' r-r,.,l .v.t! I,.- ill i.le ai.l drew out the many irl f H.-fr-hTTi' htn uer.- . rs.-l l ii r Drown k i, a. r. Mi. I -M M h-r .Mm II tr. V r-ti . Vrji J Jl.fflui.'.'r. Jr.. M-. II. II W-nv lire A. I, si.rfK.n Mm J K ": . tKT. Mm J. T H -. l-r. Mm J- Wmvw. Miw IfcrthM. d ira nnl ManlJi: WtillliikKti.ri. Ml in. I fal-. Mw Krt'i' Kl. i. on I I, rir1. Mlw Kdilh Hill', Miw-k i iryn. v.rrl'i ari'l Mnnil.: '11.1.11. r Miim-H Mnltlf ami Aiiiii.- K-rr. Mi- . Allr. Tialxy ami ftiixl- flmKh. M' Haiti Htwtl, Uwn AIWi- 11M.I I',, mi rrxHii Matard, anrl lm W. U !:! tlllT of Hl'-hmrwl. Mr. Zrf'ilMi Curlw rav- a ilinn-r laM ewnlrm U Un- Winnir fhRnc f'r MIhm Khlhrvn . liaii,b. 1 ami lh lrMl Iwrly, im-iliwujn 11 -wcdriirrK n.tanil. Tlw l.-ill in t (iMim i prolllly 'liwr:il. ! with (link an 'I vhlu ronr-n l-rn .Mr Curtl ffA Ita amivi-fifr Ui Hi' tirMwrnakla, ifrrKimxiiiw ami nntn.m mnonram pfrkt ami atlrlc liia nf roM, TMn frlfta worn In tltn imii il faWflrr' rmxcs i1 pliirffd l n- h plat at Hi Ia4l THie Kn"ta wrc Mlaa Cham here. Mlm riin (,' ra, MIm Hattla, MWm Htrtlii and Mlm Clara W,lltlr,iH..n. Ml MalbU WIHIiirton. Mma U.novli Brol, Mr. J.' K. Hwaln. Mr. Iliir-lv a Ckambvra. Mr. H,hn It. Wil llama. Mr. FraM R. HhIkt. Mr V.,n no QiKlltr, tot- W. fl. MrEwn nml Mr. Mark Hrrntyn tort Tiilay,v'iilii(r ni llir y. M. C. A., la pTliMi on nf tho in InlweallriK vMlora ArIi. vill lum I1.1.I durlnjr th wAMin. M. InK-liUzky U th ann 0e. Mlha. I- liwllzky. for 1ilrlj-lx "ytrn an HOHlnUuil in th RiMniiuv mllibrt. r of wur lllx rnitirr iwurt1to CViuiilcw .Nikllln toefnrt hor mrrta. Both f the paraiita IwUirnsr-rJ lo lh iWrnt Ttna atan artnlorMwy, ihillrur Ixw-k lo tni' twelfth rinlury M. IXMiwIlieky wn mwrrkd ftr UifJ fVitinloim Annjrtanla f LUXOpWrtlTIf, 1aurlUivr nf thf lull. Count . Iyjunilartf, Cniinwlur lo fli Cnurt. Thfr rTilMrcn wife Iwirn f lh wapHttiro. ttie latwv,Hl morilha aftr hla ml In to HMr-rln. fin a trch nll rharjrB (if founding a fre atKxil (it ' th'i prwwvnln. he wan thrown IrUo a dun-in nt Ht. Pct"n burir, at tho fortrww of Be. Mit ami Bt Paul. Aflor harrott In .-n-rlr-nco In Hlhcrla he camped tn Anirr-k-a. Io ha nrvor li.rn ulloivvit tn or vmrniinknl with hla children and WW dlvon-fKl fnnn hla vvlfp with out trial. Th locluro will provn ln tisrfatltig, an Uttlo bi known iiil-mit lh" klnitdnm if the till In White Kiith-r. Thfl prnaa la Miaiir.xl and th p..l.-e and apy ntn la am-h tlmt Utile authnntlc nna flltiTa thniuirh. tho outer world. hull. Tho prl.o wna won Thi Amateur Miixl.-iil i-lml. m. t , - l,y Misa CimtkIii D. nnis n,l a u tTday afterrfoon at th-tr nnmia In ,u n,u,,in,. Canton vaw. Thu KiientH H10 ra-raifon butldlne with n full at- prize pr-nenied 1,, Mrs. Derne, vvaa 11 indartr. fir acvrn miiHlvi liniteii lira.a pliu-iiie. Wedneaduya It haa ralmil. 1ml thn The hrlilKe parly Kh.n fur Mra. ahown-a have failed f dampen the 1 1. m y v,h l,v Mi n. Mm llmer r. Intereat of Mm allure, and jI.t. In the e.enlnii wax ,.ne iho i i , t i r - nayt metiiiK wim rim l,arirt sln.-i the i-iinir hth-IhI rvi ntn of ih,. w,,, k Mr rllrt) waa nriranlned. The . I.ih a III Wood l,,-e,l very ha nilxnmn In a mwi nei v r-nnewhiy aff..i in,n Imk,,mh ,,f yellow wilin ciepo emhrotd th ball rrxmi of the Manor. . red In silver, her only ernament I,. J" Iiik 11 1 reaient or dlamonilM. The piirtv Mra. Mmrv lt..lilnwin itino tt m ry m m-iy l.eeano 11 ree-ptlon. hi It ,, " ""r play I il-.-il.iv af w.ih the inn nppoi I unll y MrK. Wondx irrnoon a I tor 11.1111- on l.ii.eriv noun IrleiidM have lia.l of me. tln rtrwt. a niitnir or young- people he- lo r nim e her reinm lr..n tin. east. In Invited Mm l(..l,ln.n m Ihv The l.rldk'n pally la.', , I until lale are well known In thin lty. wlu-rn in the .-..nliii; when nupp. r a.i wrv aaveral have heen 1r.Rlii.-d nil h on id Mm MorHmer'a kii.-hIs Here Mra UMial Riixean. and It I Imped that llaivev Ix-aiie, Mr. Heniy Won, I her lalmat effort will nli.rtlr . pre- Mm. I , Mm l'aiik Weaver arnled that the pnhlle may hue Mn. Kre.l llunl, Mm. WIIMani l-.iu-the oiportiinlty ,f wIIimkhIiii; II . eil. Mr. W illiam !. CI.11K, Mm .1 M Roblnaon-a Kiied at the rm.liim i;ndKer. Mra. Iv l,i,, Mr. .Mark were Mlwe Kalll.Tln,. anil M.-nK,in Hmwii. Mm John I ji ukI. v , Mm .In-War-. Mlwi llorlenm. .Ion,-,. Mi. It d.- Ha 11 V K . Mm Th..iii.-i H U..I- In Kennetl. Mlm Adelaide UMiKhra-i. hn. Mrs UiIImim II., 1 m , ., Mlsa AlH-e lrumiin,n.l. Miw It.,,. 11 M. ,. m,s ii ii 'i;. rr'1.1,1' KIiik. Mlm Dllzjiilx-lh Itiinw.-y. M,-. Mrs I 1 1 i I c... . . Mr.. VV Kl ,,, Kate M.-hoN ami her v.i iiini: fn.1,1. . I ili.-it. Mr- l'.,.iiin Mih i'i,:irl.- Mm Kdlth Halle lialrd. Mm I : iin in- r , , , , R -I I- t' !, n ur, I P. In 1 - I In r, Ii-,: a at 'j '1 . f r. 1 1 Will f . r 1 . 1 Ii II,, . Tl:. v. .l lli.K "f Mi 1.,'llIW I ham I., r- .,11. 1 Mr Z.l,il..ri Cnrll, I 1 1 I'.,' II, i ev inni: ,,t (,oiliv ,liT,r,h are I will nri.oiil.,-'l I , he of III- lai il nf the , ,.r Vfivw 1 h , in ti In a wile family ,.,ii r,e, r, ,1, wi lh- rounly and Mlal- and .m . xt ee,nKly .oiiilar. on- l- Ii inn.lii:, oal,le i, -rolia III V . M rli Mill., m hil h, , n it mem Im-i m .if All -i.Hili. .Ii-ir for jo-s - r.t I am. ami wan f .r .1 -.. ,r rl. ly editor of The ia .. II. N, . nhl, h j,ont ate- rellri,uiiTh -. Al,en her . naair.-ment to Mr. for Hi, w.ih iiiiniittiii ,.,1 eoim- w.-.-kn aKi Mr. I'urliM Ik ali jiromin.nlly eon ri. ,1, d ami enjosa lh,- reaper ! and in le. in of hiM f, How- inenilM-ra of th- har. and of many oiher frf. nrln Tin m-iiiv tin-. ,acoii, will he ,.rforine. liy In ililh. ri T. line A- douhl .piarrei, 01 wnnn .Mr. 1 urllM Win, 11 111. ml., r. hli pla, e l., o,K l.ik.11 1 1, in eieninir In Mr. Hiiro, (l,: Jordan, will aliiB '!. nil H-le. Holm, ami prevloua to lh. , erene.nv will Klnir "W hen tveniiiK TwIllKht " Thoar In the ujiinrlet are Mr. Jrinier, Hllkehather Mr Thaddena ilavion. Mr T Cnrr. Mr. I-., wan. Mr. I rank Krnllh. Mr. W C Hawk. Mr. W K. Moore and Mr. Jonlan "11. I'erfeet l.ovn". will he "iniif In fore the limt prayer. The maid of honor will he MImh I'nrrli. Cham Imii, The hll,,....iinl,la will he Mis llerlha and Mimh Clara Whit I liiKton, Mian Cerii vlev, llrown ami Mlaa llat- lle K. otl The two Illlle rilil.on hear ra w ill he Mlaa Marl ha Chamhera and Mum .III I In Mm Kay. Mr. J. K Hwulii la the hint man. Mr. Vol, mi iludifer, Mr. Itoh. rt It. William. Mr. k'rank linker and Mr Hardy I'hairi- l m. ajroommeii, nml the imhem will he Mr. Mark Drown and Mr. W. R MrKwen. After the ceremony an ln- lonuiu reception will lie Held at thu home of lliu hrlde, which will he al tended liy the m mhcra of thu two fumlllm and the hrldal party. Mr. ami Mra. Curtla will leave for a hrlrlal tour I Inn on-nlna on the late train und after July (lh, will rctddu In Aahevllle. Thu weildlnK lakt a place at oelwk. Mra. Jamea Mortimer, Jr., enter. tallied churmliiKly yesterday after- noon ami evening- at her reaklence on ollene atrcet, wllh brlilno purtlea In honor of Mra. Harvey liernn and Mm. Henry Wood. The Moral decoration were alniplB and In good liuUe, the lll.rary heltiK In yellow, nuatiirtlum I vurlous Bhadea of ornnae 11 nil yel low bidtiK uai d. Pink anil w hite awccl n-aa wi re urllathully nrrttiiH-ed In the llnlnif ro,,tn. Mlaa Lillian Weaver and MlB Adelaide. l.ollKliraii act vil pitm h, at a Htnall lahle In thu re- Mi - in 11 d M, I: 1. l:nv I e-. -r',.. fr I .'...n 1 c -1. -el . "..;,'( a ' it ll . ' r-ie 1 VI 1 -A. M I 1, 'lii, . '. . I .-, -.1 -( :. , j.,,ir, .j M rn I-, w n "ii r. tit 1 n o for I'll da,-, dor nif ality . M: I'.inl.n" l 'riz1, ,,f i;.-ui tn- rie -l "f Mm. Ii. Youiik .-ri l'..,r. -tr, . t Mr 1, rid Mm. i;ilh. rt II M-.r: s. h.i 1 I . r ri. , from a v i-ll to r. i.iUv a II, A r I-.., iii.iui M -s- f.'i. lie Ku II r.-lnrm d t,. ho hnii. 111 K-.r. Cllv. Ark. tela, .1 ; 1 v ij. 1 1 to Mis- Sarah J 1 , 1 1 H MIH,. VolumhU Itedlna-r' of i:.,i 1, Well X I ' , i t he Km Kl n( li. 1; ;!, Mr. S . T. May, r Miaa Iiorothy 11 llrlia, ule, I,. Hlienl the w inter in N. w York. lot-. 1, h. r sol, ., 1 ultnated, h;M r. hu , tO r.lll.e. ,,a 1,,,, I will Hill. Il llll.l. Mr. r.nrnelt Jordnu dnntik: Hi- Ntiln m.-r Mi.a ' 1 Hrl. n la at i., hi Hi (r,. t of Mrr.. Kllv Imfoiir. at h, home on North Main al n , t Mr,, Hioada lirlrTIn, of lioldahor in expe, led t-dlM l.llil will l i,t Ileal lltoiit lodk'e for Home lime. MInm Ida Hamilton har, r'liirned af ler a Vile. Ill, .11 of two we. k Mini, Msrth- IColllun I, ill, h l.alay f S.-lniH. Ala. where ahe will he th of MIsh Hooper, who la enter lalnln a i'til Mu hrty of mrls li-m aeeral colleger. Mirw Willie Hmlth. of iMirham, I viNltliiK Mra. Mark Drown, at tl home of the latter on C'h.atniil atr. Mra. Harnli llniiir. nf Miami, ria in the Knest of Mlaa KlUah-lh l ord Mint at reel. Mr. nod Mra I'. l.. r. ,,f "h 1 1 1, n I . ,n H. C.. have l-aH'-d lt'H.lH,nk e.ittaif. AKiemarlir park for the anminer. Mra. Arthur Walk. r. who ha l.e.-n vlaltltiK her parent. Key. and Mra l( I.'. Hmltll. tola Rone to Hie Sulphur HprliiKa al lllddenlle. N. c. where ah, will Join lr. Walker. Ir. and Mra William Jones hav returned to lllirh I'o-nl. iifter a visit lo Mr. ami Mrs. W. M Jouea Ml.-tf llorleiiae .li.nea leaver, inday for IIIkIi I'olllt. where ahe will Mall her hroth'-r anil alaler-ln-l;iw for aoveral we. ka Mrs l,i-iiti I'. Day, of Toledo, ami hr a, hi, U on. r . an- vIhIUui; Mra Itay'a parenla, Mr. ami Mra. I: I- la)e. nt Ihelr home on North Main treet. Mr J. I. limirlea, of Dock Hill, la In Ashevllle on Imaliiea. Mr. W It. Whitaoii haa returned from a hualm-HH .trip caat. Mlaa Helen Taylor, who was recent ly op. on for npiicndlciiia, ai th,: hltaaiolt hoapitfil, la retoselniK. D.l MURDOCH DIES WHILE IN CHARLESTON NEW SKIRTS U f jllvt 'i i'ci.i ,' silii nt nf I11W flfiris in Stimnicr w 1 1 1 - 1 1 wr I,. . . III. I I l-i 1! ;it 1 IV III. 11 i-r.i 1 r- I , I ' 1 1 1 I IP its a if t ii' n-v, 1 .t . I'.l'i" M'.!,,iii- v, it!, -.,!,, 1. I, .in- In, 1 c!. Willi tu,. -.-I'' ,n rx I -. ! . 1 1 1 1 , r tin --1 11 j 'ni- Ml- .1. I'l l,-, 85.00 Bln 1; .-iinl v. !,,(. Si, lar gorcil, tniiinn . v n j ml il;u iiiriil I . '1,1111 i:M.,i. ir. 11 I'n.-r Mlaa Carrie Whilhu k la viaitlm- h alati-r. Mis. ITelzfehl at l ar Ho, kanav where she will h. John, I hit, j- l, ,V1 A Whillock, Miaa Whltln, k haa Jtiat won It, r ni!t auain.- a I, tin IhI.ui.i Iraliafer Co.. ami wtta awarded II KOI for the loasi ,,f her trunk Ian seat. cotituliiliiK clothlnir, Jew. Iry, etc. Mr. and Mm Sylvan Slephntiy r, tlirnerl lo Daltlmote vest, r, lav. afler apendlnx a part of ih. ir Inn:. 1111 in Aahevllle Mr. St.phany s parenla re side In Hlalcsv lllc. Mr and Mrs S. f.-vs-. of Lake Churl, a, Iwi . are v I--iIIiik Mr and Mra. S. St. t nl. ru. on V I, Inti.i road Mlaa i loreii..- M.i'(, . of 1 1, i I..11. 0 Is vlNllInx r, latlvi-n In lh.- ,ttv f..i several w-'ek-s. I o I!. II Mm, I. ,,r Tt ion. w m In the cllv vealei.l.iv on liusim - Mi und Mi- A 1 1 h 11 r II l-'l.-miin.-. -I I l-iloirt. N c , at - an. hi . al lh. I'.ltl. I I' ll II Ii. !- I ..r r-.-s , I ill ,1.1 1 -Mi -, 1 odd le It it, h. ..f M, 011 ..... V 1 . Il, III Ash-l ille f.,, ;, , ilt (,, f . ,,,s M'm Hit. Ii f.-rni-i p, ID... I In this . it v Ml- I lam . I,' ileith. where lion .r ill th- w vie. .. w . .Idling In I'. W. 1 pull'. I- 1 1 1 1 1 an i''. 11 a no. I I, -a I Mi It V. Il.irl II has com . -h- lll'l h' in 1 id . .1 a.llni-- a Iriend ... lira kll'.lili 1 1 I., r VI , r II. min 1 K 1 1 I. lids ill I Ii 1 of t le ho -pit II lit. I . f S.iIi.-iiv i' n l .i a I, I : .. It I ra.-i.-t - I'll -I. Lllke - I So: l.-irv die I ' 'h-iri- - -i lit , I -r .M i: o .. h w .-ia i M ir hi: I Kf.4. tie d ' h.irhwtun Wli- ri ' w.i eiv 1 I .,t. r-,l f rr.v 1 1,.! rn 1 iii l !'. -."in liirhtr Mid in.:.. -I (,, ,. -',,1, ... . ; ,. hav . ' 1, ::o- I ' .:,th ..: 1 ... -. Il.lli I,, A ' .. 1 - i. , ' e I h t ! 11 - I t priest 1, it St. 1. . I ' I, : Il mi s-v,-r , n'l s ,1,1 in v.. iiwri, n ih. r..' I hi t 11 -1 1 r I . :i ; I .-i 11 r . -I 1 n- li.l or ' 1 ie , , :'t. r Ii. a al :.;, 1 . 1 'V .1:1.1 ; ii Ill !l ! 111 S,,li-,l,,i ... IV S II, ti'H p-iii-. -.r !,. -i.ii. all. , III I - . Sim . !? .rt t milil.str . ..I his 0 1'. r 1I1 .1. -1 "l -i li wa in iiik- y.. and tie n plilMe. Ills v. id., vv a n,l 1 Moid... ti ami Mm s i - him no 11 Ilito ,l-d s, 1, 1,1 Iiihlr. 11. I'. .1. arh-a Dell, s-ir Lxv-jSevwa CWawsts Ut Sy skm Dispds colds awd lieadotvhcs duco CcxsVpoo; aLaxoawc. Bes, far NcnVimfcn andCRcV To fr Vs bntjcft eJJccXs, "vrnjf(clurH by ike CALIFORNIA Fic Syrup Co, SOLO BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS onentyviy retular price 90 per bottle. It's All Mglii. fior a Cheap phmo to he aol.l as a ilo-ap piano al a heap irli-e, hut. There Should Be a Way To prevent 1 heap pianos from la ln Bold aa hlirh maile ari l at prices that will liuy a strictly hiKh (frade piano. If you turn a deaf ear to all circulating amenta and hoy y.oir piano from the old r. firm of Chas. M. Hticff, you run ri'j riak. Write today. Kasy terms '. ih air-i d. Clias. M. Sliell Manufacturer of tha Artistic SticfT, Hhaw, ana Slli-ll Sclf-I'layer I'ianoH. KorTHEIt.V W.Alt KIM K)M 5 Wrst Tnule St. Charlotte, N. C. O. II. WII.MOIJTH, Manairrr. (Mention this paper.) ft osier y for the Whole family Wc m 11 a siijM rlt line nf hosiery for men, women aii'l cliiNlicii. Anioiii; the wi ll known makes in our tli part iiii-nt arc: (ionloii Dye, priced ;;t 2.V to 7"e a jair. Tadct Hose, j-eeonized tin the liest 25c hose as fur wear ad service. Kvcrwear Ilce, guaranteed to wear six mouths without a ri or tear are jiriced at -fl.aO, sjs2.0() a box ol'sij: f'ui-men ami 2.H and n box of six for ladies. The Knotair are crv similar to the Everwoar, hut an- nf a little finer texture, and are priced at .2.oo and :.() a box of six pairs, for both men and WolllCll. Nice Assortment of fans Keep cool these hot days by bimng one of our pretty fans. These fans are unusual on account of being both beautiful a;:d : :;lle. The I 'a I met to Fans are pined at two for 5c. The Japanese Fans are priced from 5c to 50c each French Fans sell for 5(lc to 2.50 each. Colored is)ash (foods in &nry Concert - -LI- 7. a Monument, Tablets and Statuary foreign and domestic New design!. All at and below cost. Am gains oa' of business on account of health. W. 0. WOLFE HA IIVB L, . ciw no ottmr. Vml wm8 vtx -nn fur - Uliutannl kook-ValwI. It in i . -, parurunr ana ainsruous la njrubKi to iiAu. ffARvrxro. MluMt 13d BUx.N k W IOKsu lta-k Spiinre ami Market Wolfe f.aiVlliiu. -,-Yvivl, sbavtuwwaBdatM n 1 taaaaw r.;M IrJEg lOSnrav laa saw OK' u MA.NH I KiVG. HalrdreaalnK. Facial Maasaaea, H-alp treatmcnr a specialty, fp-to- Par(ei contempIaUw ,awn ,,tM, date Una of hair goods, toilet articles, ' picnics, ramping parties, and In fact switch,-, pjfTs and pompadoues triads ; any knd of utinar. can be supplie to oriler. Price reasonable, work ! with Japanese napkins at the "r" Sk'taNEU AD nCNTEK, j MOCJtTAIN CITY LAUNDRY lAOIKK. GENTIiKMEJf. ; free of coat on aDDlcaUon. mm POISOW r a rsw j Bone Falni Can csr, Scalt Sltk Pimnk Many Pseple aurtsr from Blooa roiso and Don't know it, Rsid ymotoma Kaslly cursa By o. k. m. For twenty-iv. ysara Batanlc Oleoc Balm (B. B. B.) rxi ttsn curia ysarli tnouaanda of sufforsrs from i rmiam Sacoadary or Ttrltlary Biood Polmm. an all forms of liloud and rikla Dlaeaan. VT solicit ths most otistlaata easos. If you nay aches and pains ta Bones. Back or Joints, Mucus Patches ta mouth, Sort Threat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spot. Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair ei Byebrews falling- out, Itchlna. w.teri Blisters or opes humora Itlsjlnc or Dim plea or Kcserrva, taka B. B U. It kill, Ike poison makes the blood pure and rich, completely i-hanglng the entir. lmd te a clean, helt..jr cosdltloo. heallrn srery sore and stapploL all sclies. palu and Itchlsg. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM IB. a. B ) la pleasant and aafe to take. . 'imiposet of pure Dotanle ingrod0ts. D purlflet and enrlchns the bHaXl. Hampla aal HKW by wHtltia lll.vod Halm Co . Allan ta. (.a.. IHCi;i.l..T8. or by eipreas. PBR BOTTLH, wtta flnrectloSMt for bem. Till: NOItTIl CAKOI IX A College of Agriculture and Me chanics Arts The State's college for v.., nilonal tralnlmr. Courses In Agrl uMorc and 1 1 , . r 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ii r . . in Civil. Kl, , ir i. al and Meidiar-'i ,,l Kt,i;tiii , i Inj; ; In Cotton Milling n Dyi-ing: in Industrial Chemistry. Why not fit yourvlf for life ly taking one of theae couraes? Address r. II. llll.l.. Pro-lilent. Wral Rah4igli, ,. v. ami 10 Paragon lildg. .MISS M Dl I I K VI ( ll( l.l id Itoslon Ladles und MisM-s I.!,-: Cl.i-a nil lio, llalilla. Tailored Suds und Dress- Itenioilc'liu I mated at li n 1 T., 40 I'atton Ave. Ashevllle. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers No. Battery Park Flare. Phone 10441 MERCHANTS' DRAY CO (Incorporate!.) Merchants' Ilaollnc;, Storage. Office 14 Haywood StrraH. Phooes M and 350. Watches My Specialty. If you need a mull that will keep Mine, we h e then, and at pCcs. luat are rlht. Fine WUch Repairing. J. E. CARPENTER 32 Patton Ave. tBBBBBBaBBBBBBal S'O T-W' ' -...nk II. U.-I -. ;u,.l "Ii liii' I - 1 1 1 r tl' 'I t -I t h.-i i 'Hi- Hi I ii 1 1 1 mi r a. Y ,i . jiff- r ,1 i - il - iii tli.- it , . $7.00 While S ti -. p with black ji t ,i liii i i uiar '1,11- tton-. 1 1llumed $7.50 Other styles 111 hla pes ami Voiles pricci M. V. MOORE W OMEX-8 TOGS , ( ami blue Panamas, Scr i;..")0 to 2(t.(K). II PATTOX AVKM'K M . .,: I am. i i ' i it-r lia- Is Hi. .ii,., of Mr.-. Th 1 1,1;, "ii M rs VS 1 . V. i, i it M is.. Is. ,1 In I III-. le! I V Dal- nl,. r. torn- d :m. oiiol ., Ill .1 I St. 1 I I Mr. -I .1 II as. I . .. m.,iii-, r . Hal-atll Do. el N. f H" I "t II.- II III. I -. D it k l,..l- I. i , p-rt- a mi. , . vi , ., ,,,, .it 1 1 u. i h. 1 take leii' ... , aon .iii.l fr-m Tii ":!h him. is , ,t! I. D.ilt. I'nik i. "I l.v him. lo ll . r s h i . .ni,,: 1 . H ill Sp. 11,1 111 The Difference 1 Set wren ifood i i i;il and i.'nl coal is lust III.- i Ml, r i nc.' lo t w ,', ) ,. ,, 'lip Kin, ol coal and M and W I inlum coal. I Mimic 1 :n fur tun nf In P.KST. Carolina Coal & Ice Company I'holie 1:50. Pattou Ave. I ,v II il' l C. IS. 1. and Mi-., :,.v.,... v. -f Viri-ini-i. ami i.-O 'ii i . ' the Kmst4 ,,r lr a,ij Mr Ai: n. at Wayuvsvilu-, MEDICAL COLLEGE of the STVTI: or oTl I Mini IN ' -1 1 -1 1 ston. s. c M - ' : ii. ;i,i,l I'Mii- in., ,'s Hess .,,1 I i : ' 1 1 1 -. t I, tolt, i 1 -t ' "i-i I':.! ' -i-k and pi. ,t .- o ,' I. ,1. !.,: .1 .. r. . ilfu- . ..." , fid i s ,.111 i-i-.-I Sii, ml i,l i " ' : a- i 'iitiea oil. i , I In the llolTI! IIOl'll M ."ie of th e ,i rB. at and In : -., ,,,., 1 losplf a '- i 'i -In South -.. I , . ,K Hill flie , I . - ,. I : -T.-11-y s,T'.- I oin t no id-- . ! i sen- ! . i i: i . .1 i' oi r i. -i-ii. -I.ii . liOlll liT V II silt. Jit.. M i . , Chsi K-ston. S. v', 1838 I 19Q9 Ocn(ifr. Pharmacy il.S.-,.4 t II. I"in9. Kio-n-n, Inl-iO..,, n. rlmi .1 f.olil.-, ClimU. .! ...,. .. ,c,, -, Wol. ,.f I. ., r.l.l,.,. J Ctrtntelf hanan. H a. It, trdaui t Announcement CLAY I. li-;.. i hir...r.i. -tie li.,,.. I "t ". t-.i in i Is i 'Inn, , Sup. i ml. ml. i,, I tin- I'.ils. i-. mi, . - j.l .,. 1 1 ' -11- and Adiusloiv -- i I k I it li-. ma 1 U S IS ll.e.V lo, .It, I II II 1 U I I nipt. -ti 11:. IS ele i l.i,. ,'ll 1 1 . 1 1 him I.. u. ..... - f oil, ami s li. ills I, in II - -il I ,- a ,lls . .,. -, Ins, --tin. ile ii i . u ,,i ,. no, i, ,11 'ID' - loon . 1 ii I,, l ' A M. j I,, ;, .' M ini in; Lnnge n.r , N'. v. ,,(' ,Uille. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the Stale for the Wo men of North Carolina Four regular '.ins,- I,,, dint; I, IK'hi-.s. s,.,ia ' nr s for T. aeh. rs. Kali Session he i 'lis September I",. 1 90s. Those ilrsir- t.K lo etiier should apply as tarly w possiiiie. l',.r and other! !id'irniatioi address i. 1. Ilil ST, Pre., lireenslarro cS!I Livery AVells nnd Drown, and W. E. Brltf slo.-k and ciulpniwnt are now consol idated. The firm will be known as IlllITT AMI WKI IS STAI1I,R8 .12 W. i llcge St., PlKine 50 anal I01 I)r. Ms'thewn IK-ctal Parlors. 25-26-31 New Mt-Atee llklg. Ccr. College nial Stihv Street. ne Oonrt House. M "'VV Teeth extracted without pain. All work guaranteed. Prices always reas onable. Office Phone 949. Residence Phone 972. ' ' ! a s Citizen Want Ada Bring Results. La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure : GREENE & CO., I 12 Church Street Cheap Milk Is usually cheap In quality aa well a pi Ice. It Is dangerous. Our milk Is net In that class. It Is abeolut -ly pure, ciean, rich and wholesome. Ashevilfe Pure Milk Co Kast Wslnot St. Phone SM Cool Underwear for Hot Weather ';ir ihc I., t assort Hicnt of Knit Un- CHIROPODY For Ladies and Gentlemen. Sei' ices . ItVasonahlf . MISS CRUISE Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. We tally bv lt I'M a r in I il !. '""lies' c.t. sleeveless, ;il 10c, 12, 15c,.25c and 50c ' ?i -,,,4!,,. l-'idics-simri sh-eve 'csts, 25c and 50c. '-"li' ' I .on- Sleeve ests at 25c, 35c and 50c. ''dips- Pants ;,t 25c m1 50c .air. Mi-e-- ,-,, c,i,,,.n-s rndenvear in all sizes. s!"''-i.-! Uo,l n nlu.-s i LADIKS' L1SLI- VESTS - .i"t i" at 25c and 50c. '" "f ieille aiv conliaHy invited to M-"t ihc Co-ikii,,, l)ci,i.-iti-ati.ii by Mrs. 11." G. of , u York Cii v nt ()nt storo lft a find :. P. m. Good Things to Eat; - -

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