T E ASHEI TIZEN. Associated iPresi. Leased Wire Report. VOL. XXV. NO. 248. ASIIEVJLLE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNK VMK PRICK FIVE CENTS. TIw VEATHB: H LJLE CI 11 HIT DF I1IMECHES After Mflklog Good Progress. Beverage Gets Floor And Wort Stops TELLSTOF EXACTIONS Xtr TOBACCO TRUST Says HI Forty Is Catering to Monopoly And Filling Its Coffers (Bjr AMNOclnlPd Press.) WA8H1NOTON. June 24 A short time before adjournment at 7 o'cloc the Senate returned to the considera Hon of -the schedules of the tariff bill after devoting the greater part of the day to listening to prepared speeches, and adopted amendments Increasing the duty on shoes from 15 to 20 perf cent ad valorem and Increasing the duty on sole leather from five to ton per cent ad valorem, the lower figures representing the house rate In each case. An amendment Increasing the duty on collodion was also adopted. During the day there were throo prepared Speeches all of them being at considerable length. Rcgfhning when the senate convened dt 10 o'clock Senator Bcveridge talked for about four hours and was followed by Mr. Its Hey at almost as great length. Mr. Newlanda was the last cf the orators of the duy and he hud not long, surrendered the floor when the senate adjourned. . Attack Tohaevo Trust Pcctarln that the American Tobac co company. which Is ordinurily spoken ( as trie Tobacca Trust had had eeh the "recipient of many mil lions of dbttnrs which otherwise would have gome Into the national treasury because of the failure of the govern ment to require a change in the siste rf tobacco Packages when the war revenue , law was repealed. Senator Beverldge Bprikt at length In support of hla amendment to the tariff bill oorreetiHtrtKls tMMIsSttm. Mr. Bever- idge daciarad. 4hat If adopted his amendment Would giva the g'ovean-mntnior&-thri-af !,0rt.eo of reve nue and efi'rect"tf)e" wrong which the peoplt'had sneered for eight years. 'When," he sisid, "the tarirf bill came from the house Jo the. senate It in creased 'the tax on cigarette a poor miserable .increase. Yet the finance nmmlttefc of "tha. Senate actually has ( Continued on page four.) EDV. SL!ITfi DISMISSES IN i:e appointed in SUDCESSDTS PLACE Itailroad Coipmissioner fails to Please Georgia's Gov ernor, and He Ousts Him. WILL GIVE REASONS 9' (Bjf Associated Press.) ATLANTA, Ga., June 24 Governor H'ke Smith, who retires from offlcs "'i Saturday, today suspended from cfTlre Chairman B. G. McLendon, of tlie Htate Railroad commission be muse of McLetidon's recent decision In refusing, to Order state railroads 1 reduce fates between Savannah '"1 Atlanta, known as the "port rates" A feature of the suspension U that Mr. Mcljendon Was a successorfjo epftv M. Brown, now governor-Meet, v ho succeeds GdVernor Smith on SJH ""iay, and whom Governor Smith dismissed from his position as rail road commissioner about two years KO. Governor Smith said that McLer. rt"n was suspended because he was opposing the platform upon which the f vernor was elected and was pursu " a course which tht; governor bought detrimental to the Interests f the state. He will send a special ni-ssage to the legislature tomorrow suing th reasons for the suspen sion The "port rates" controversy was f t lower rate on Iron and coffee. s' vera Atlanta flrrns petitioned for DllS red lirtilfkfi flulmlnv Ihul fithor Cll- particularly Nashvl enjoyed '"Her rate from Georgia ports than Atlanta. In his eninieen dee-ldlng "talnst this petition Mr. McDendon I '" that to grant the lower rates v-'tild he equivalent to Interfering "h Inter-state commerce which the ,Hte railroad commission had no 'ht to do. NSTIUKK SAlIiS. BEAUFORT. S. C. June 24 The t'-amer Kanttcoke and tug DilLtch "hich were detained on suspicion in connection with Venezuelan fillbustcr j"g operations but subsequently r aaed and escorted to Orracike Inlet tb revenue rtitter Pamlico, have eXeamred away to Maracalbo. MRS. GOULD ENTER GENERAL DENIAL TO Tells Court All Testimony Against Her Is Tissue of Slander HUSBAND LAUGHS AT HER TESTIMONY Far n urn Also Declares There Were no Improprieties Be tween Him And Plaintiff (Ity Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Juno 24. Katharine ( lemmnns liould was called back to the stand for a final ordeal today, to explain nway If possible the dam aging testimony given by the witness es Tor ner husband in her suit for separation and alimony of f2b0.000 a, year. ;or two warm hours Mrs. Gould looking for the first time somewhat uncomfortable In her smothering muck satin gown, answered the care fully framed questions of her counsel. r pudiatlng with a monotonous fiat denial all testimony and insinuation charging her with excessive drinking. profanity or other impropriety, Chauf feurs, grooms, stuble men, shop-keep ers, laborers and other servants anil employes were alike branded with the short and ugly epithet. Thing site Never DM. Getting down, to specific Instances. she told her counsel that she never tried to hitch up a pair of mules. never ordered a table full of dishes and food thrown from her St. Kcgls apartments, never referred to Dustln Farrium as "my new beau;" never quarreled with her husband before company, never had a coachman's arm about her waist to hold her on the carriage scat, never discharged an employe in anger, never became in toxicated uboard the Niagara, never consumed two quarts of cocktails In two days. Mrs. Gould's explanations of her friendship with Dust I u Farnutn natur ally took up a considerable portion of hor tlnle" torta"y. Man (Joins; Hack to the Stage. Whatever intimacy there was be tween her and the actor, she said, was accounted for by her desire to have his adjvlce regarding her plans to return to the stage. "My home had been broken up." she said, "all authority hail been tak en from me, my happiness was gone (Continued on Page Three.) TRY TO UPSET WILLS DF OLD MAN OF EIGHTY JUST BECIUSEJELIKEO GIRLS Witnesses Say He Wanted to Be Rid of Wife to Mar . ry Iiss of 17. HAD SOME MILLIONS (Special to The ''ilbeii.) NEW YoliK. June 24 Ills desire to become freed of his wife so that he could, at the ag of eighty, wed a pretty housemaid of seventh en yearn, was given yesterday as only one of the many eccentricities of the late Samuel Knchuck. a wealthy mannfae of window screens, whose three wills have been filed with Kurrngate Ketch am. in Mrooklyn. for probate. The surrogate Is Irving to determine whether Mr. Itoetiuck, who left a for tune vajued at more than 1 1.0(1(1. 001), was In his right mind when he drew up any of the documents Many physicians who attended Mr. Roebuck during the last ten years were call'-d yesterday to testify re garding his me ntal condition. Several were of the opinion that the wealthy manufacturer bad not been compe tent for several years prior to his death, which occurred on February 9. Ity the testimony of Ir David Mae. Coy, a specialist In mental and nervous diseases, it was shown thai Mr. Hoc buck did not centre- all his affections em the pretty maiel employed at his home-. On eme- occasion he cause d a disturbance in lr. MaeCeiy's eeffice by making hive- to a young woman who had called to see- the physician. The young W'iman, Ir Mac-Coy said, was waiting in the ante roeein when Itoe her beauty. hnck entered. Struc k by he bowed anil said: "Madame,- I am a mlllieenaire. It would give me- gre at pleasure- to meet you at any time you may w le e t at the corne r of lioml and Paciilc streets." Roebuck's visits to the office of, Dr MacCoy. the physician said, were for the purpeme of getting the physician to pronounce- his wife- Insane. At the same time Mrs. Roebuck was see king the appointment of a commission tee determine her husband's sanity. "Roebuck accused me of being In league witfi Mrs. "Roebuck to poison him," Dr. MacCoy said. ACCUSATION CLUES APLENTY TO MISSlflG .CHINESE Elslo SIgel's Slayer Seeming ly Has Escaped In Laby rinth of Oriental Life STOP THE GRILLING OF HIS ROOMMATE Money He Borrowed Came From Chinese Reform As sociation It Appears (By Associated Pretw.) NEW YORK, June 24, With all tangWil'e Indications of any near ap proach to a solution of the murder of Ellse Slgel narrowing to the vanMiln point, whereas a fresh crop of rumor springs with each hour of added on certainty, another day of the three fold Investigation by the police, detec tives and district attorney .ended t night. Chung Sin. after thlrty-fuu hours of steady grilling, with but om Intcrmiswlon for sleep, had a day o rest at last. Either because the police despair of squeezing more iiiformutton out of him, or because they believe that If he is left for a space to Porsi the details of his first answers he mat ntangle himself In more rontradi Hons, they did not question him to day. Find (lues n Plenty. The same stream of hopeful bui unsatisfactory clues kept pouring In from Chinatown itself, from Newark and the suburbs, and evd n from th cities of the Pacific coast, but as fat the police here could determine tonight, none of them proved to havt any Buimtnmlal IkinIs. A rumor that a wnr tietwcen tn Chinamen was imiiendlng because of 'hu Gain's revelations to the pnllc? found momentary confirmation in th arrest late today of a lone Chinaman with a revolver tucked In his blouse, but the imllcc said tonight that they were unable to connect him with any concerted plan for an uprising. Clot Money From Friend. The ono tlt of authentic informa tion which turned up today did not ft'Bt'y '.forward the search for Ioon lilng. This Information came from hu Oalnf who explained that the J60 Advanced to Cluing Kin, I-in iing s roown mate did not come out l hla private purse. The pollen have been much puzzled almut this limn, because Its existence Involved a con tradiction. Why should Chu Gain, (Continued on Page Three.) EXPLOSION IN SHIFT OF BLUEFIELD COAL MINE Few Men at Work in Mine at Time or Result Would Have Rcen Serious ONE LIKELY TO DIE BM'EFIKI.li. W. Va . June 24 News reache-ri here- tonight from Hu ger. thirty-five inlles west of Mine field, that seven mine rs we re-- badl hiirne-d, one- see seriously that be preeli ably will die-, as the- r. suit of an ox 1 lesion e,f Kas in the lilxon Pocahon tas Ceeal company's mine early teniay The explosion was e-ause-d ly a bleew out shot In "ne- eif the- main work ings nf the mine-. The- gas satniatieoi was very slight, eetherwlse- the- re-sults weuild have- lee e-n more M-rieus. f'nly flftee n men were at work In the mine at the time-. Ileiuston, lAne-li. an Ame rican. waj the mcest serleeusly hurned. He was take n to the Miners hospKal at We-ic-h Practically all of the- others burned were unkneiwn llaliaus. All bul Lynch will receive r. FIREMEN CLOSE CASE BEFORE BOARD ATLANTA. ia., June 24. The fire men rteesed their case- hc-f'ire the- ar bitration board ef the- Oeorgia rail road strike- at noon t'eelay. The rail road at once began its te-stimeeny. an nouncing that unless the? c-reesse-xam -Inatieins we-rc protrae-te el. it weuld rest its case- by nei'n tomorrow. Ar gument will then lee lie-arel and It Is not unlikely that the board s decision will be glve-n Saturday The railrread summoned many eef its offie-lais and exe cutives to te stify that negroes wen competent and safe- fire-men. that there was little eir nee responsibility resting upon a tip-man any how and that his one duly was to keep up steam. ( Able OX B.IXKH. WASHINGTON. June, 4 The comptroller ef the c-urre-ncy today Is sued a call on all national bunks for a rcort of their condition on June i3. The cal is feir the condition of the banks at the close of business on that date. URGE THAT DENTISTS BE REQUIRED TO BE GRADUATED PHYSICIANS FIRST North Carolina Dentists Pass Resolution Demanding That the Course of Study Be Lengthened, and That Proficiency in Medicine Be Made Prerequisite to License from State Board. The dentiats of North Carolina In onventlon assemble! at Buttery l'ark made It plain yesterday that they are holding a serious business meet ing for the ailvtineepient of their pro. resslon. A resolution which after con- sidi rable discussion vas adopted yes terday marks a (real udvance in the Ideals of the profession, In that it is the first st'-p takan In the state to reuulre dentists to fbe any more than mire at nrTMilh me era of tent ft an4 piuggers of teeth. The resolutltfitj' although It has no binding force on Mis state b-gls-lulurc and does net purport to become ffectlve until 1815. urges that Hie whole curriculum of a dentist's equ ation be changed so aa to make him physician first and A dentist after- A-ard. Iiively KIscUKulon. The uuestion was Hi. I sell bv an able paper read by Dr. Ay.Hr tuning of l,einulurg on "llnlt-sriml Men 'In a earned I'rofHSBlon.".. ,TK. stpakcr nalntalned that . inert are allowed t" iruciic-e who hae not jfftch'nf cdu-1 atlein to emil'ler llmlti to '- beoninn kllirul and advocala4- a four year's jlivn up to Hie in. that they are uOer ourse as pri rciiiislt8 Uft license, 'artlio. niom-y apparently. oc, many diplomas are given, he mild dental colleges whose standard far too low, and that sejinc- e.f hese colle ges acceepl stucbmls regard- ss of ediicaticen, provided ttieey have- he tirlce. The sluele-nts are net tatiKht hysledogy nor Ihe e lhe- of the pro- I csslon, and It Is helng filled, with men I ho do measure lee a high slanilHrei Dr. Hetts of ilreensboro auree-d with Dr. Fleming and said that eelu - lleenal reciulrinienls should lee- sill-; fleiently high to ensure the admission nly eef men compe-tept to learn tlieiooiuy respe eis, hut urged that appll- rae-tleee selen I ttte-ii 1 1 V. I IHETY DECREES MOST EVERYWHERE IN LUND lospitals in North Full if Pr(strutitn Cases Long Hot Spell. ironi NRW YORK. Jon. '4The fourth iny of uriajliatc-l h--.it thai haw af flicted this city feMind the hosplt.-iis leenlght C reeweie'el with cases e.f pro'' tratl-m At a I. tie hour there- li.nl 'i--n ree-oreie-el thlfl-.- six Case-s of pre.straliijn unei Here suicides. iir mercury went tee run' ly-two of(je ia"y at three o'eiee-k tins afternoon. WASHINclTON. June 24 The h.-l wave nerw holding in 1 1 m grip that pan of the country east e.f (he- MbexiKHippI aie-v will cemtinei'- emanated fe.r tt or three days, win n Indications arc that rains generally well produce low ering tefripc-ratur- i - 'erdtng In th ; weather bureau reports tonight WASHINGTON'. June 24 Fore cast: North Carolina: Local show r Friday and Saturday; Mght to moder ate southwest wind. A Rough Sea. OpHiHe Standard too High. li Ilugehes of the Atlanta Dental college was Inclined lei disagree to a certain extent with the previous speakers, lie saiel that to exact too sltingeht educutlonul r.-'eiulrcments Hoilld dctliar some of the best dentists those naturally udaptcel. He hoped for the time faplelly aelvanclng when the high Ideals of Dr. .riemiug woulcl be aualnabli-. but at the premiit -time th society should not be too" ijbj? criminating. Dr. Whltsctt of nreensboro opposed the re-iulrement proposed for a four year course, saying that a premium should be put on brains ami that the desideratum was to elevate the 'iln.net erd of the curriculum, anel then ro eilllri' It to he met - whether nine or (our years time c. f Mm stuelent be ne cessary. Dr. J. L. Johnson of tjoldsboro, one of the examining hoard, sharply criti cised some eef thee dental ceelleges. Hav log that neet only are (heir reeiurre- inenta low lent that they ulso do ncrt Mcslerale in Views. Dr. (iray of Vanderbllt university aiel that a collegH education cou)d neit now lie reetulred as a prereeiuisite. tint that tlie tre-nd was iesward ciulrlng more Iheeiry anel this woulel tenel tee reeiulre bette r eelue allein Dr lleirtein of Winston mulnlalneil i 'that the members f Ihe profession,! ; the e.,ll.-i-, n and the examiners e.oujel ! keep out unfit me n If lh-v ilesir'-ej. ' Dr. II. I-;. Turner . f the examining1 hoard di fe udeel the de nt.il e-edlcgi-H In e, 'Hits shoiiht lone- a fair kll'iwle-elge- I JURY CONVICTS HERE'S E e omit (iiiiHy .Justice of Obstruct in the Tinted i UK I Copper Mine Case. (Hy Associated Pre.) NKW ynHK. Jure 24 Ssnford lie.hlllHeill. pe rs'Hial COIIIlHei t'l V. Au Kolns Itelnze. was eemlei'd in the; Cnll.-el Slalc-s Clre uil e oorl today 'if impelling the aeliiilnlMlrallofis of Jus-lie-e- In wUbins a grand Juo wilii-s t'l evaele file- se r lee eef a SIlbpeieMte. The Jury brought In a. re c 'unmc-nda-ti'en for niere . Tin- e iiarge- again ! Iteetilnseen grew "III Ho- alle-g' 'I lllllllll.tll"!) of seelne "f III" boe.ks Of the- I'lllleel Ceepper ee.iiipiuiy v.lille Ihe gratiel Jury hael III' rn Ull'll-r Kubj'oe li.i III Ihe- M'-ltlZ'- line sllgallon 'I iKa pp- ara re Robinson ele hael be- n e not the real atl'l the tr Hulese'iue-llt In Ills pku (.eeUIISci e.r la red thai If an ofl'-nsee mm It t'-'l! llohifison vvau off. li'l' r A P. II III2C and li t h wif.r were ihrotjgti'nit the- ppeare-.l leinslel- promiet c-rlic-t lute re sle il j.p. i t Ho rs Robinson trial. Tie y era bk aft. . te-.l at f h again:-! It'.hlrison Se nle nee wal neet lmfe.e-c1 upon ItotelllH'.ll The trial of He inz. Indie ! d on a llUlt'l 1 1 f lllll'llllllj IM I H. ii'l f I rue y H. Heie-kingbam frem the- subpeeena server of the- grand Jure wh' nanle-d Ihe b-iot.S of the ( llileel Ceipper Clltll- puny, was sturte-d as soon as the case against Uobliuuu was iinishtd. of medicine since fhey could not oth erwise be fully qualified an dentists, Thu paper of Dr. J. C. YVatklns of Winstou-Halein on "l'rophvluxla" was heurel with Interest. It was stated that unsanitary conditions of the mouth and teeth lead to nmnv iIIi;hmc of .Oie body, and that sanitary nicthelils an tlio tregtmuttt atnf rare' of ' the teelli would prevent 16 to 80, per cunt Of deray. - - Metiiorlal Hervlce. The first part of tl)o aflernooti pro. grnm whs a memorial service with e-H logistic addresses for Ihe members of Ihe association wlio have elleel with in the past year. Dr, W. H Itamsey eef lltekory read a very able and scmpalhetlc piiper iimiii "The litfc and Clmrae ter of Dr. .1. F. clrltTlth." The paper was very carefully prepar ed and prescntcel the life anel work ef this well known elentlst In a mas te rful manner. m Dr. D. D. James reael Ihe eulogy upon the life -and work of Dr. K. H. Hu i lia. 1,1 lie- the prccceliiig ieiM-r It Uns etne tf rare tnlere-st Uriel llsteneed tee Willi the greatest of Interest. In tie latler part of the after- lleieell SC'SKieill the; Con Ve-ll t loll leeeek Up tee illlle-ul ami Hele-nllllC UlllllerM Ihe- siibicuts of "Mali-rials anel Appli ai.ces'' was eeiiisldcri'd ley a number eef the ienilsls led lii tin- hy an ex ci He-ill paper by Dr. J. W. Htanley of Uilmliik'toti Mllnl IW- Deie lor I (--. The- main inatteT of the- day's pret. e--ellngK WHS the- resell tit lein sel'lpte-el llliallltlleitlHly by thee eoll e-ntlein Nee- e'leiliiig Ihe aeilein of the Virginia De o t Ceenlllllle'd cm page twee. FORTY PERSONS INJURED IN TROLLEY COLLISION Lights on Car Went out and Another ( 'raslietl into it I lead on. (Ity -.eeiilcl Press.) WihMIV'iToN. D'-l . June 1:4 K'.ff. pe r:-niis we-ie- in J 1 1 reel , Heleral -'ll"..i. -I.e H r'-Mllll e.f a e-oMI"ll b.-- Ivn-e-n two south bound Ireilh-v efirs 011 the- Vtllnlngori ami Chc-ler line lorilfht. All th' vi'itio are flolll e 'he "le r, I'a Tlie- ae'l'l'-nl eM ' lirre-'l al IliU 'r.st and A as one to th" llk'llls eef the Mrnl Ifeellev g-eleiK out The Injure e ie,e-C- 1 .T-. U X lit to ti - jile-lartare- ail'l H'elli-.elutbe 1.,-p:tais ill tre.ll'-y ears uri'l ambulate e-a. 'lie irl'est s. rieeiMv injiin.1 are llaeil" I 1 ar. .IKe-'l U' ne-.oti' : broke ri e, tier pli(. mav ele. Lille- Alkltif. ,j; el nlne te n. rnaN' l-es. bollt legs ciilie-rf H'-ar-elslev. ag.-.l elghte-e n. le t- blok. 11. heael badly nil Khzabelh Shaffer. a' 'I eight' e-n. beth le gs haelly . ill. lOxall Roye-r. molorrnaii on s nn I ' ar, leg breeke n u liel inj'ire-'l leite-inal- ly Sainir. I Kirk pe ruiini;i"ti. ae , t v e-nly-eerie-, eonlllHions eef .-g WY WMM! A Ml ItKl ltFlt. Waco, Te'mm, Juiie l-'ollowing a trivial epiarrel this aOe-rne.n rjeorue-feihe-n, nine e.Rrs cf age, s.'ciired a tnrgi t rllle and killed Mifgxle l-'eirre-ll. eight years his se nior. The; snooting Kiirred at Udgulield, a suburb of Waco. DEATHATHANOSOF IE OF HERJFRIVOUTY Protege of Ex-Sec. Gage Brut ally Murdored And Body Thrown Into Klvcr MOTIVE FOR CRIME REMAINS A MYSTERY Man Who Is Supposd to Have Done Deed Is Arrested And Is In Jail (Hy AruarrlMtetl Prwr.) ST. MICIIAKIJ4, Md. Jun 14. Practically the entire. eastern shora of Maryland was arouae'd and aoarch lug tonight for one Emmlt K. or John T. Roberts, wanted In connection with the brutal murder of Mrs. hMlth May Woodlll, Wife of (lllbcrt Woeldlll, an automobile) dealer of Los. Angeles, Cal whose nude body, the skull crushed In friiiii a blow apparently delivered from behind; the fare horribly disfigured; ihe entire body sweillen from th ef--feels of several days Immersion, ami weighted with an iron pot contain ing hair a doKcn bricks u yester day discovered by boya who wera e-iiiblilng in Iiin k creek, a tributary of the Choptank river, not far froit the home of Mrs. Woodill'a foster futhe-r, Captain Charles 11. Thompson, a fuw mile's from here. . IHtM)-rttfln ut Muu. , , , Roberts was with Mrs. Woodlll ulu ti she was seen for thu last known time, and hu la accused of having committed ihe murder. Th motiva for the crime la at present a mystery. ItolH't-tx in Captured. At 1 1 o'clock lust night word reach ed here Hint Roberta had been sur rotimlcd in the house of John ft. M- guiiy, at Cnymati, seven miles from here and about ona and una , hall miles fro the bungalow where : th miirde-r-was comniltted, , A.poasa left here ,ln uutomuhlloa at , midnight. Hifberfs la believed to bo hoavjly turn ed. . - ...: i McUuay noticed a skulknr near hla h.mo tte Inst rtlghf Bllej bhtlflf td' nlm. , He came lo Ihe hnllsfl and asked retr water, lteceignlsing hjm aa Kohr(M; McUuay Invited him Into the hoiua, anel sent his wife secretly to notify, neighbors, by whom the house waa surriiiinded. He was captured after in lei ii Ik lit tonight and leidgfd In Jail at Kasloti. Ubm a Summer V labor. Mr. ami Mrs. Woodlll came her early this month, the latter with thai; Intent I '. ii of spending the summer. wlih her rosier father, iler husband remain''! only u few duy, leaving It, Is understood, rejf Itelrolt whence, ha, inli iieled to re t di n to !- Anseles. . l- roin Unit lime, Mrs. Woodlll and , Itobe its are sultl to have seen much f e ae h othe r. Ijist Huturday, Mrs, VVooelill we nl to Kasloii to have soma de nial work done, and It had been ar- aiig'-d I hat Itoberts should meet her al Itoy.il oak and return with her to her home. ItolH-rta missed the train for lloal nak and drove to Kant on, nut Mis Woodlll and drove wllh her lea i it lure lee ihe landing where hla, laiiii' h wan no lured. They entered lie- Lione l! and Mrs. Woodlll was not i ii again alive, so far a has been hariieel. Sent Forged LeeUcf. ' Sine e- he r disappesraiieo itoberts has iiia.le a 1 1 lie lo Haltlinore. from which nit a bile r was re.-elv.-il by Captain, 1 1 'onl linn . I on Page Three". ) OBNOXIOUS NEGRO DIES AN ACCIDENTAL DEATH Molt Had Him, but It Is Claimed lie Fell from Hnclie Afterward. (Ilv eH-lMtrd Prens.) TA I. Ill li i'DN. Hi.. June- -4 After be-tiik" taken Itorn his heeuse Saiiirelay In i iMiH-e- line IhmIs ..I a blind trav- e ling Jer'a' b' l- -A;tx f-ellti'l near ll'1 re veler. lav In a i i ' e k Thej preacher v. h'esc: name- has not b.-e-n le-aiiie el, ha. I mi. lib- sp' . h'-M which a fige-ce-ei thee ..hit' In hi in iKhborhoo.l, arret pei'-i-li- 'ii'lei;ii.eli"ri uK'illlHl Mm was feir II" l itiliaoie-el by Ihe fart that he st'lp ""l at tlr. home eef the nniir-e, wilhain e'all'.ke i lell" .MIS Ivn'-tied "II Tnes- 'l.r, iikIiI. I'.r having kill". I William I .' oii.i rel, a white man. Saturday wbl. a j.-.-e- -.I uhltc tA as te-areiiirig f'-r th. .r. a-h r with tine- intentl-rn of warning hmi away from, th" com nioeelv. Tin pre-.i.ii, r Is said to havs InUue-iM-e-ii ne-grm-s not to work for while The- jiok-v Im Miii. I o li.ive tvhlpped Hi.- .re-iee-he-r lent il In . l,-ijmei they did re. oihe-r viol' re. to biro anel that his death nas in-. 1. 1, nlal. elue- to falling Iroin a brblge Kil l. Fir IIV SON-IX-IjAW. KViiXVIbbK, TV nn . June 24. . 1,. Oeorge, a prominent druggist at Maryville. was shot and killed hy his seiri-ln-law, John Mlteiiell, In thatr. drug store nt Maryville thla afterneoa e)wlng the revhul of an old fm lly troubla. , j 1 in f 1 - 1 ) i .-'I .. 1 ''" ur,.'.J