THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. YOU XXV. NO. 219. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATUDAT MOUN1NU, JUNK 2(1, l.HK). VUICK FIVE CENTS. . TUS 7EATHEB: SHOW&a COnPOHATION TAX BILL HID BEFORE III SEfJATEFORACTION final Draft of New Schemo of Taxation Will Put Cor poration to Thinking WILL REQUIRE THAT THEY MAKE REPORTS Heavy Penalties Provided For Attempts to Evade Pro visions In Law B A.swlated Press.) WASHINGTON, June 25. Pre. ont Taft's corporation Ui plan was ijisrnted to the senate today by Ml Aldrich, chairman of the committee on llnance, and was ordered prjnled as a eommltteo amendment to the tariff bill. It will be considered by the aeiiate early next week. The corporation lax amendment fol 1 a tho outline given by The Assocl aled Press after the conference at the white house Tuesday night. By thin measure a tax of two per cent 1? Imposed upon the net earnings of very corporation, Joint stock com nenv or association organised for profit and having a capital stock rep l evented by shares, and every Insur ious company organized under laws i f the United States or of any state, territory or district or organized un der the lawws of any foreign country and engaged in business within Hit rolled States. Every latitude Is given loncerns subject to the tax for the exemption of every class of expense, no that the tax will he against th bare net earnings. Every corporation Is given an exemption up to t5,t)00 of iis earnings before the tax shall ap ply. Annual HeliiriiH. - j While the corporations aro required to supply information of a confiden tial character relating to their bus iness, provision is made to safeguard them against any Improper use of such data, penalties are provided In case of faults or fraudulent returns.; Frantically every character of ineor MRS. GOULD WINS IN HER SEPARATION SUIT VS. HUSBAND Not Grieved Because Court At- lowed Her Only $36,000 Per Year Now That Character is Cleared. Now You May Tell Uncle All About it. (By Associated Tress.) ihe, iokr, June 25. After a trial which lasted nearly three, weeks. Catherine ClenimonB Uould obtained a legal separation from her husband Howard Uould, third son of the lato Jay Uould, by a decision of Justice Cowling In the Supreme court to day. With the exception of alimony lur victory was complete, but in till I Ii use or the case, the court decided that 138,000 a year was sufficient, al though In her suit Mrs. Uould asked for $250,000. She has been receiving 15,000 a year from Mr. Gould, no that the amount tlxed by the court is but a slight Increase compared with the amount sued for. Was Vindication. It was In the vindication of charges of intoxication and her alleged rela tions with Dust In Farnum, the actor, that Mrs. Gould scored most strongly, lor notwithstanding the long arrav of witnesses for Mr. Gould who gave such testimony as to make Urs. Gould appear at times as defendant rather han plaintiff, the court held that the alleged 'intoxication" might have been due to excitement. As to Duslin rarnum, It was held that her assocl-j for a long rest. her case. Then she beamed upon her friends and even smiled upon the downcast trio of lawyers who had tcught for her hu band's interests. Khearn Is Happy. Mr. Khearn, Jubilant at the decision was eager to discuss It. Justice Dow ling's decision," he said, "Is a sweeping and complete vindication of Mrs. Uould. That ha been the object of all this bitter lltl gutlon. Mrs. Gould could have com promised for a fortune at any time, tut would never consider for a mo ment anything but the opportunity of clearing her name in an opart, pub lic trial." He added that either party In the cult could still bring action for abso lute divorce, but that Mrs. Gould cAuld not base such an action on charge involved In the suit Just decided. Mrs Gould's dowry rights In Howard Gould s real property amounts to SJ.000,000 ho said, and was unaf fected by the separation. Ills client. iia continued, was going to Virginia t 1 - - . . - .j. i orataA- Institution a-anb;ed ,,,.Xorl crowd about her aa aoon as th de- prollt IfCBfbUHif'tMthln the provis lohs 'tif tha ' corporation tax. Every concern subject to je tax lB required on or before March I of each year lo make a return under oath or affirma tion of Its president, or other officer showing the amount of business trans ii. ted during the year to thecollectnr (Continued on page four.) etlons with him came after Mr. and Mrs. Gould separated and that the hiiBband apparently made no objec tlon. Get Mora Fees. Immediately after the decision I)e- lancey Nicoll, for Mr. Gould, asked fcr a sixty day slay of Judgment, and Clarence J. Shearn, for the plalntll was on his feet to object. He asked for an Immediate Judgment. Justice lmwling compromised by making the stay thirty days. Mr. Shearn then ask ed for an extra allowance for counsel fees and tho court gave him 12,000 This, together with the 1 10,000 allow ed recently and the original allow ance of 15,000, will brintf his fees t(, 117.000, with an additional sum of 3, BOO for expenses. Plenty of Frlvnda Now, Friends of Mrs. Gould began to cislon was announced. She had beei somewhat lonely during the trial, but alter the verdict she was kept busy receiving congratulations. As the de c'slon was read she kept her head cast down and seemed plainly disap pointed by the allowance. As soon as the case was cloned, however, she shook hands warmly with Mr. 'Khearn, and thanked htm for his conduct of Mrs. Gould's Statement. Mrs. Gould Issued tho following statement: "I am the happiest woman living tonight because 1 have been so com pletely vindicated before the entire wt rid of all these horrible charges. Not one little pang shot through my heart at the smallncss of the allow anceonly supreme Joy and the deep- tst gratitude. I send a thousand lov- inr thanks to all who have helped MRS. WOODILL'S SLAYER CORNERED ENDS HIS OWN MISERABLE EXISTENCE Driven by Hunger from His Hiding Place, He Faces Posse Defiantly and Sends Bul let Crashing Through His Heart Closes Tragedy Marked by Many Strange and Mysterious Circumstances. GOVERNOR PARDONS BUNCOMBE CONVICT (Kxiiul to The t'ltiwn.) HALE1GH, N. C, June 25. Gov ernor Kltchln today pardoned Frank rtrirton of Buncombe county, serving four year for stealing eleven dollar) from one Moore. The governor says "He has served on the roads for more than two and a half years. The Judge, ttrc solicitor, the prosecutor, and man citizens recommended the pardon, and n objection has been filed. Owing to the punishment ho has already suf- fi red with the recommendations In his In half. 1 pardon him on condition that he remiiin of good behavior." SUCH din AFTER III Made Profit of Fifteen Plunks Until His Cus tomers Came Hack. WAS NOT HAPPY THEN (Special to The fitlwn.) NEW YORK. June 25. Aaron t.evlnsky saw a chance for a good stroke of business at Madison Square garden when he noted the carpenters busy making the 5,000 and more wooden seats to be used by the singiis at the Saenacrfest There were two great piles of short ends anil piece which would be Just the thing, if got at h bargain, to put out at cut ratt-. f"r kindling wood. So Aaron Levlnsky dickered, and he felt that he was nothing short of a business genius when he got the two piles more than would till his wagon twice over for only 4. He carried It all away even to the straps, for It Was part of the bargain that he should have the little pieces as well. There was a busy season of bundle tying" In the Lsvlrisky wood vard. and it wasn't until early yester day morning that the 200 bundles w"e ready. There they were, big, generous bargains at 10 cents each. The sale was of the rush order. Not a bundle of wood was left by noon. l.evinsky had got that far when he heard a cry In the woodyard. it seem ed almost as though some one were In great pain. Then there was another "T. and still more until it became a "in Ievinsky saw that his place of business was surrounded with persons: carrying bundles of wood, his wood. They wanted their money hack, they hart been robbed, he. levin.-ky, was a sharper, more, he was a crook. Assuring his customers that tin y "Uld be taken care of Levlnsky drove to Madison Square garden. There he found Oarrity, the head carpenter, and of him he demanded his 14. "Not a cent," said Garrity. "You didn't say that you wanted the wood '"r kindlings. If you had asktfd me I would have told you. Why. that wood has been put through a tin-proofing process. It was done by order of the ity authorities. Go away now. go away." NAME OF ANOTHER OF SIGEL 015 IS LINKED Mabel Sigel Said to Have Been Seen with Elsie's Slayer after Murder. NO TRACE IS FOUND (By Associated Press.) NKW VdllK, June 25. In thci search for the murderer of Klsie Slgel, tin police ale still depending piin- lipally on Chung Sin. former ro. in r.nte of I,, on Ling, In w hose room tin girl's body W'as found. The next move, one which has been under consideration for several days will Im- an attempt to straighten out (''screpancles in his statements. To do Hits he will be llrst put through another questioning In the room Itself The littlo Chinaman who is held a witness, made admissions that he rrerhcard tho conversation between ;isie and l.eon in the r.min bo i re tile mil was murdered. Hubs. - fjuent denials of his have not altere I the belief of the police and he will he forced. If possible, to tell what he I, nows of this feature of the case. A heavily veiled woman who would onlv sav that she was a neignnor u me f-igels. called at the police headquar ters today and told Captain Carey of tin bureau of homicides, that two clays after the murder she saw a Chi naman whom sin- believe1 to he l.eon l.Ing call at the house with Mabel Sigel, Elsie's cousin. Mabel Sigel has already denied this story. which tt.rned up previously at headquarters from other sources. After her conver sation with Captain Carey, the woman said that he told her that the police do not believe that the murder was premeditated, but that L.on. already on the road down hill, killed lur in a rase. M FINISH ALL TARIFF SCHEDULES TOIlATJHEN THE COHPOHATION TAX Senate Made Progress Yes tcrday with No Speech making to Hinder. DUTIES MADE HIGHER (By AMMHdated i--nn.) ST. MKMI A EI, Md , June 25 The last tragic chapter In a storv of rime uiiparajnlled In this section of the country wa written In the half light of an early unvmcr'n dawn t.ulay when the man aeouscd of the he.trt- leos rniml.T of IWctty II title May lCdlttl ThtNupmn Woodtll. h Mpoctri - 1 1 kid fawn fleeing In a skiff from a posMe of determlnoil. relentless pnr- wccb, stood for a moment facing the men who had eornorefl him on the waters of a narrow creeik, tWrn llred a ihullct crashing Into his heart and fell a 1 1 Mess lump kvto the Iwittom of the lHt .wk'h ha Jwd fcxd would arry Jilm to a binding place where flight might Ibe txmnlhle. .Taking h' fatio Into his own hands and blotting out untold the story of the death of a girl who had moved In the hlghc-d wK'ilfil circles of BalttmoTe, Washing ton and Lo Aivgek- i beautiful, talented girl who had been a prole te of Lyoian J. (last- and of foiin-r Governor Crank Blown of this sta'c the man known here n Kinim t 1-3. Kolsrts, hut who in reuHty was Itob- rt Kiram-t Eastman, a fulled tbrok-T )f the VnoHdi-d Btok Kxi"han;e of New Yirk, pawed (beyond the r. e li of the law and with ttls tcolng there vanished the hi) of clearing up th. motive and Unfiling detalln of Hi s ttrangc tragedy. Chaw AgaliMt OllM-rs . A letter found iiiwn KHrman's boil. iddroascd to Miss Minnie lira I Jtne. are of Klaw mid Erlaoger. N Y save Eastman's Ill-Buslalni'd ex'iiK for the ri-kme. II was a ramlldliiK cnunt of how lie had ls-. ii out in laumh - with a party if men m..i women, all of whom had been ilrlnl. Ilg to excess with the exeelil ion ol himself and Mrs. Woodlll; and how ne of ih- w.mieii In a III of iialoicc frenzy bad atlack.-d Mra. Wis. dill wlin win buttle and kilted her: how II,. remainder of tlo party had taken flight. Paving him to iHsr-.s.- of th. I 'body, and how as a menus of caxfip" from all his troubles the writer hud derided to end bis life. loiter a Hoax. The authorities, after a thorough liivoKtlnatlon apparently hiiv- east aside this theory. The llrwt word re celviml from Miss llnidconie today coa veyed (lie Hiiiiievvhat bafllliig Infor mation that she knew nothing of n Mr. Itol.eits or Kastnuin. Koreiiin.! Itadcllffe. of tin' coroner's Jury tele graidieil Mlw Hmdconiii to colne and take .iMMMuastth of the hisly, Jiywover. and recevt,'il a re(ly auyinir, ahu oould Bot htfiause o lack of ftimuiHe has now leleigrap'hod her to draw on nun for r.o. - --it The niithorltlcM soin to belkie with Col. "luirli. II. Thompson of Mclianlel. the foster falb.r of die girl, that l.-i.t ma n. In whose compa ny she was last seen olive, wita n -sponsible fur the death of Mrs. Woo.l III. Thai Kastmnn w;lm I nfal ualed with tin girl was well known Hhe in turn II would sii'tii, was by him at linns and possihly frlghleuod by Ills alteiilloim. The Klrl met K:i..'il inn n Huhirdiiv. was se n to leave the Mellaril. I wharf in h launch with him and Wed in silay lu r nude w is fomnl flon! Iiig on the surface of Itose ere. I:. .pe Igllle I ' tied to 1 with Iron l.rielia. Two Strange Careers. Mrs Woodlll, who Iiiih 1m en on a visit lo lur rcl.ilm ... hail Ii I. n.. leaving to a few days to r.-Joln h-v llil.4liand to whom -.he wan omIciisIIi.v liappllv iii.iirie.l. The n.eellng of Ka fl.inan and Mrs Woodlll, wherevi-r an.l whenever n oceurreil, brought tog Ih.r tun oil.liv suited fits u r.-M. and I he r.utedy brmiglil to an end Iao'i c.r . i .. .Mrs. W.ei.lMI, Ihoiich i A ,, , ,,, ,, lied, was l.llt M Slip Ol ,t gut ,. VlVi.e ions. in I, in. thing, mini. lis. ; v folel of pr lis , l,,( k alAay., In, nuiftilatoly 1 reused and welwrhiiiig iwilv one huin iced, p.unitH, Wtiern Ihe Kil l sprang from, who her father wna and what should have been her proper station In lire, ar- cIoIImhI wMh much the smiiie M'p itnyntery whh'h aur roiind the details of hT death. She won adopted by l Clmrles II 1'himittwon, a wl-ll to do farmer of tho fcuwtcrn shore of Maryland, nineteen years agio when alio was a tot of three. The records In Mllilieais.lls mil. that ahin wae adopted by Colonel! Thompmih and1 hi tvlfaut tlAi tdauirl' ler of MUhw and Heotekla Klilght Wlta Imllcallona aeem tm tmlnt to the fact that Wits was not her father She mnrrie.l u rV.Av Vork a Itoclor Well, Cami'll or Yw'll, lleved I i Ih' from IIosIimi, before becomllvg of age. The niiirrtiieii was Hiinulled arid :in MIsh Thoniiwiiii agnln, the girl win engaged to marry Adams of Mount Vernon, . Y. .Meeting Mr. Woodlll nhoiil Mils tinii--, she married bim in stead. The girl's fowt. r bt other is said to have committed suicide I! realise Of love for her. I'uglllve I rom .liii.lli c. Ka.Mtiunn, aci-onHiiK to the Infor nuilloii received hi. re, failed In New York last year, was iincled Iwl.e In Chicago Inst August for grand lar c. nv and since that time has 1e. n ,i fugitive from Justice. I'JmhI inun's Identity .was stubllshcl through a ill-ed found In his !,. -,- slon. conveying certain property In Bogota. Bergen .Kiunly. N. J , which be w known to hav- hel.j Tin- scene of he doirlde Is in a region of winding. Bllvi ry tidal en ks and rivers ma.e or shallow waterways Isaslman wan lost In the tall grasses for a night and day hut was driven to aeek a landing plan In i. ar. h of food and water, and vv . i Implied Jusl opMslle th,- home or 111" foiter parent of lh- victim There, f Cotiiliiin d on page four ) ION IS FALLING INTO EARTH SAYS ASTRONOMER SEE Evolvos Astronomical Theory Startling In lis Aw ful Possibilities TELLS HOW MOON COT ITSELF BOTTLED UP Doos Not Forecast Just When It Will Sump Into Our Tor ' rostrlal Sphere (By AssiMlalcil Press.) 1IKKK Rt.KV, Cal.. JtllHi J5, That he hail niatheniatlcsMy proved a dis co very that the moon was a pianac captured by the earth from space and n it a detacliod portion of our globe, was tho announcement made tonight by 1'iof, T. A. Be, astronomer lo hargo 'of the naval observatory at Mare Island, In a report to tho Aatro- noinlnil society of the Paclflu. Ho rejects entirely tho long acoept d theory of Iaiplsce and Mir Oeorfm Darwin ascribing earthly origin W tha moon, anil declares ill iovwy is supported by rigorous mathematical roof, based on th motliua of ten. I'olncure and I)arwln. Professor Hoe's announcement mi a further development of hia discovery, announced lust Jumiary, that all pln ts and sattdlltns are eaptutMU ooiilus. hose orbits have been reduced aim i 'ii and rounded under tha secular aciioi. of the nebular resisiiiii niffdlunt cine pervading the solar system. Captured llamq. In the caso of the terrestrial moon. morn than usual unceriuliily xl'd as to how this lru aatullltv origi nated and a special Investigation of it. problem bad to ba made. This rnicssor Hee suys, lis has dona with i lire auueese, and tonliiut ha an noiiiued that ho had privad matht mat'caily that"ouf miin too had tmh aipt'urert and - hud com to a from tha heavenly ipatuis. U was, hw'aaya,' oriK'nally tanrt like. Mercury, but fiot qultd o torgl,' ami moved slviul the sun at nearly II i same distance' a tho earth. Then it came between t ho sun and tho earth In such a way ss In enter the mi l; of the spues n'snmlillng 4 bot ii. neck projecting from the siin'a I'lihere of control and enclosing the .ii h Tills neck was q'li'-i small .iiid narrow, but (lie b.Pti of ppaca. en. losing the earth and constituting It, sphere or attraction v us of coiisld- e I'll hie Sl.e. ' SI. sin (jot III Hole. W h. ii th. in. nut Inn' once loft tha sen's control nut K'liin In i the liultj . bout the -u it ll, I! met Willi some r s i, lance, and tin neck becume closed, - . thai the moon vvnt "bottled up ' in, ii. r the . mill's control and could not i sen i,e, llcni'ij it has remained with ih. ..iiili ever sIp'.'o, and will ulvvavs abide wllh ua. By rivolvliig about t.h eirlh In th. so. i.e and ii ' r nl !' (I by our planet he moon has nu t wllh consl.leiable li.iaiic , and Its orbit has become una ih r .in.i siiiuiier aim also rounder iiii'l loiind-r Tims It has come near- ,ni. I in an r the earth, but never I.. . ii rl'.H r than al prew nt. JUEY WILL GET THE BIGGERS CASE TODAY CHAHI-.GTTE. June 25. When court convened this afternoon the ar gument In the case of state versus Will B.ggers for the murder of J. Green Couuclll will deliver his charge at the reconvening of court tomorrow morn ing and It Is expected that the caso will be in the hands of the Jury by noon. (By AswMiited Press.) WASH I. NUT IN. June if, This was another of the senate's active work tiiR days and by the time the session ij.-sed at 7 o'ebM-k so many schedule- had been considered and disposed ol lhat Mr. Al.lrl. h freely predicted thai by tomorrow night all of them would be out of the way, leaving the sen ate free to begin cnnsldera tlon or the corporation lax Inc. .mo tax amend ments at the commencement of pro ceedings next week and to follow theM. vdth the administration features ot the bill. The rtnate began the day's session with an Increase of five per cent over the house rate of thirty-live per rent ail valorem on harness. Anions the other changes made were an In i rease of the duty on scrap Iron from r.O cents to 1 .Ml per ton. thus plac ing It on the same level as pig Iron, an Increase of a quarter of a cent per pound over the house rate on wire nallsn an Increase of from 4 to 6 cents per pound on monazite sand and thorite and other article used in the manufacture of gas mantels and the substitution of spei Hie for ad valorem rates on files, rasps, et'-. Toward the close of the day Hen utor Penrose of the finance control' tie. but not specifically for the com mit tee. presented an amendment tlx mg a duty of half a cent per gallon on crude oil, and after considerable b bate It was disagreed to. Iluring the day the linoleum and oil cloth sched ule was recast so as to apparently r'tet the demands of the Insurgents end was adopted with the under standing lhat if It should not be sat Ifractory upon inspection, in the rec ord the whedule could e re-oKned tomorrow. The principal debate of the day was on the petroleum, linoleum and scrap iron provisions. MRS. RILE IS CLEARED OF CHARGE OF LARCENY CUM PAID COST Of L Atlanta Woiii.ui Indicf (-l for Missionnrv with Novel Stealing .Jewelry from a Found Tlicy Hid Not (jo Fellow Passenger. I Among Tar-Heels. NKWAItK. N. J. June 25. Mi... ranlus J. Kiddie -.f Atlanta. i;a.. to- , day had the iae which has I leen pending against In r for several we. ks thrown out of lb" courts. Hhe wis indicted on tin charge of having! stolen )2.000 worth of Jewelry b -longing to Mrs Andrew A. Allbrlght. i of New York, with whom she was a fellow pasw ng. r on a train from ih- South to New Y'.rk early this y ar ! in motion of tin prosecution today the Indictment was riol proswd. Mr- Kiddle was acen ,. i of having stolen the satchel containing the Jewelry, the property of Mrs Allbrlght from Mi ladies room of a Tollman car (By Associated Press ) 1.1 MHI.UTiiN. N r . j,,,,,. s. Ions I personal i ii' "iinn i ui. Ur iel here r.eenlly , vv III. h Kev. Sam Stephen,, ami three k.-ii 1 1, m. n from the country weie engage. I Mr Kt -I in ns h doing mission, n , vvuk among tin- Croalans lu Oils lolinlv. bavin;: been s nl from the North, rn .Vleth i.lisl iiitir. li II is r. ported lii .t sin . ii has been among these peoj.te he li o be'ii ml' .n "i ine to in ,-(11111 ml'i lil.'ir Illill'lM Ihe fact lhat social e.i;.t- i V was the propir lliuig for them and th. whin ( ,,.. .. se.-m, t,, I ns., iiin:. II ti . :n;; to Hljr up slrlf. letween the rai i s and as a result of his a yi'iinir man who is In poor health an. I uiial.le to ilef.-n I himself, wi s l. I,. at.ri by a , r.. in. in wliil. the j.naiher Mt'.od l-v and all.r tin was through vv 1 1 1 1 Ii- part told tlo voting (nan If le 'V.IK nut v.iMstK .1 til, ii to. the pTea' h.l. would give him some more. Th n the I reseller came to town as H1.I ului, J i vv o l-r'.t hers and bi oilier - In-law of th onng man who was bejiten. Without aliV foolishness they pf. , ceded to make It neeessarv tor the paison to go lo the hospital for repairs. In the may- WASIIINOTO.V Juno 2G. Fore-i or " court the .voting m. n were lined cast for North Cer.dlna: luteal shovv-,i,,r an affrny and while riot, at s'l Katurdav and Muqday: M)fht yfr-Af cessnry table winds. I promptly STORM BREAKS DEADLY HEAT THROUCH NORTH Many Deaths Kejiorf ed ;md I 'ins! rations so ('omnioii as to he FiiiioI iced. ' ! 5H0WER& tlw- citizens paid the dr.. (By sH.M-bilel Pres.) l:W VUKK. June :' - Almost Ih '"Ore H.le of New atl.l plll'tl i.illv all ot New Kllglalul sweltered l.olllV. The ni. i y in. il III I. Ill i.erat lire e ''i.led lor. was J'.l There were at . .i-l H. ven d.ath:. in the .It'.- plop.. .Hie to heal, one suicide ami two al letup! at suicide. I'roslral 1'iii.i weie s fle'iu. lit as to pa:s alui'.! uinioti. -'d I ''. million:! were almost al-le ,n the ma ii ilfaet ii ri ni' ( i,, r , ,,f N vv I''l arid maiiv mills an. I i shops were . .. .1 Two deaths were I i ported al Providence, It I , an 1 . in al New Bedford. Mass. In N w York illy tin Ka -i sole mif- . l.-'l most and mail'.- of the Mil. ill aiol ! pi.orlv ventilated f.ictoil. . tli nt Uoaii ! dm lug tlie afternoon. Starling al 7 this muming llir i ler. ury steadily climbed until It ' leuehed Its maximum of "z at .1 0 i lock. At five o'clock tins afternoon a '.1 mile gab sprang up. bringing 'with II a dowttfiour of rain wllh ' thunderstorm a. companion-ntM. In lea. ' In in thirty minutes the mercury drop ;Pu to 6U degrees. Several flimsy I structures al Coney Island were lilovv.i I ii w n and small boats w ere ov er turn- 1 d, but no one was killed. I '"I'llll ." he "IV of the Ml. . .11 I il til' I V 1 1 ' w c o mimics, ' Ua wii's Ihe iiioou's fft tachiuent from i ovcitbrown, and an, en theory developed which h. i ihe support of all the highest n 1. 1 1 hi'lna 1 1, a I s. a lice ipov known." In a h i ond paper -: ioi mutiicatcd i. ih. A iioiiomleal .;'" lety of tha Pai Ml' tonight. Prof. w..r .See e plaiit. d I In' t.iinoi.s out iliiuding In ''iiialil', of six h. ci.ii.Im lii the secular a. . .ii i ,i i em of the mollis near mo ti'ni II.ivihk 'li'i'.v. id I it it tha moon was "iit;iiiail captured, and was .-.nil sl'.wlv iie' (lie earth, lii.l. s'.t Sc. h.i i.l in. had --einoved the 1. 1 I . 1 1 It J . ii 1 1 y , ami the rei'llt would t.e a .. lied I mpi ovement in astrono- STRIKING MEN'S CASE Argument He fore the Arhi t rat ion Hoard Will Begin T.nlav. ATLANTA. June 26. With the tea. luii-.iiv H.i . afternoon of Oeneral Man ,i::ei i linmas K. Kcntt, of the tleorgia lailiii.iit. the proceedings before the hiaril "f iirhltratlon in Ihe matter of ine settlement of the nest tons aris n v from the recent strike of whtta t. ii men or that road, reached the ar t mucin slag. . Immediately atter Mr. .-. oil had i on. lu. led his testimony, ad J'.uiiituent was taken until tomorrow morning, when the upcrilna; argument f the llremen will be presented. W. K. Smlllh general superintend, enl of the Atlantic Coast Line rail, road, said that negroes have not suf ficient presence of mind to be engi neers As llremen. however, he said they both are intelligent and capable, iilthnuirh. If iioMslbte. h t.rr.rrai f ------ y t iiiploy white firemen.

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