THE WEATHEE: SHOWEES. VOL XXV. NO. 252. I Finish Schedules Of Tariff Bill In Seventy Days, And Take Short Rest CORPORATION TAX COMES UP IMMEDIATELY Would Like To Postpone This Question But It would Embarrass Taft (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. June 28. After utility days of almost continuous debute the senate at 3.45 p. m., con cluded its discussion of the schedules of the Paynt-Aldrkh tariff bill. Five minutes afterwards tihe eenate ad Journed for the day to permit the (light preparation possible in ho short a tWne for the deflate on the corpo ration and income tax questions, which will begin soon aft.r the senate con vene tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. The early adjournment afforded the tired senators a little muoh needed relaxation from 'long Tinurs .In the overheated chamber. Many of them embraced th- opportunity to ' go to Fort Myer for the purpose of witness ing the airship tests nnd others at tended the tiaseihall gaime at American league park. Senator Aldrltlh was among those who went to Fort Myer. He has Iteen KT; ally interested In the flights made by the Wright brothers end very much desired to see their machine in action. Those who went to Fort Myer were disappoint, how ever, for owing to an unfavorable wind no night was attempted today by th- Wrights. Mr. Aldrich told some of his friends that he would take a few days oft duly for a water trip of some kind If It develops that tih discussion of the Income tax Is likely to be an ex tended on1. i No Postponement. In this event Senator Flint will take charge of the bill and Senator Root, who atdsd Attorney General Wi-kergna'nt.jhC drafting the corpo ration tax amendment, (fill take charge of that measure. There has been some discussion of postponing the income tax and the corporation tax amendment until the next regu lar session, but this suggestion has not met with favor. Senate leaders (Continued on page four.) BEEN FAILURE IN THIS STATE SAYS KITCHiN Unfitness Is Prospering Un der It and Conditions Are Much Improved. TO REMAIN ON BOOKS (Special to The Citizen.) HAI.EKMI, N. ('.. June 28 "There l not a county in the state spending as much money for, or consuming as much whiskey as before prohibition, an.! not the slightest probability that the next legislature will repeal the la. prohibition sentiment being sounder and stronger than heretofore" i a notable paragraph In a letter giv en out by (Governor Kitchin address ed to Hev. Will H. Oliver, pastor of the first Baptist church, of Florence, N ".. who sent the governor a pub lish, ft interview with James M Allen. Jr.. of doldsboro in The Forence Times in tthlch assertions were made that -N'otth Carolina business was demoral ized by prohibition; labor demoralized nd the negroes engaged as "blind tigers;" ile aw unsupported by pub he sentiment and working for corrup tion ami evil; drunkenness more pre sent; more money expended for Il im. r and sentiment growing to return to local option policy. Answering in luiit and charges more fully the gov ernor says; "Business In the state i "und and progressive as in any ad lolning state. Prohibition has not demoralized labor. It is true some nearoes and some white men are vio '"liiig the prohibition law and the courts are constantly sending them to the roads. Considering the profits, delations are not beyond what the r"hibitionista expected The law Ls upportcd by public sentiment and is great benefit to the state, though ot course, there are many good citi 'en who opposed prohibition, and h- still doubt Ita efficiency nnd wis-l,i,n- It is, however, doubtless work 'ng as well and as satisfactorily here a in any state In the Union.'- Tha 'governor characterizes the At interview as "grossly misleading." SENATORS TIRED OF SWELTERING IN HUSTEfJIRK THE STRIKE SETTLER IN PITTSBURG AT El Mayor of City Got Both Sides Together And Gave Them Good Talking to AGREEMENT IS TO LAST FOR MANY YEARS Disturbances at Car Barns Portended Long Drawn Out Struggle (By Associated PresK.) PTTMHlUtU ,1'a , June HK.At 10. 3U tonight line street railway strike which has cost the city of J'lttsburg over 200, U00 In two days was officially de- dared to be at an end in the pri vate ofilces of Mayor Wlllian A. Ma- gee article's were sinned by offi I lls of the Pittsburg railways company and an executive committee from, the Amalgamated Association of Hired, and Klectrle Hallway Employes which will years to come prevent another tie-up of the 4,uu0 miles of street railway tracks In and a,hout Orealer Pittsburg and Alleghaney county. The strike, it developed tonight, was the outcome of but two points of dif ference between the car company and the motormen nnd conductors, one Itnlng the alleged neglect upon the part of the ear company to shorten "swing runs" and the other the re fusal of the railway ofllclals to re instate discharged men without prop r hearing. Mayor Yanked 'Km Cp. When the conference assembled in his ofllce 'the mayor address d tt in plain terms and stated what he thought was only the Just deserts of the residents of (ireater I'itsburg and suggested that the tempera of the peo ple seemed to Indicate they would neither tolerate rioting nor prolongd traflle disturbances.. It was only nfter the mayor had made his statements plain that the car company ofllclals and union men finally agreed to set tle their differences. With slight modifications an agreoment, allowing discharged men proper hearings he fore superintendents and tho assur ance ef the enr company that they would shorten "swing runs" tifty per cent, was draw n up and signed Oreater Pittsburg's first street rail way tie-up was thereby effectively voided. It is said that by seven o'clock to morrow morning all the cars In Oreut- (Continued on Page four.) TILE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES HELD WHILE STOHM RAGED OUTSIDE Class Day Ceremonies Were Broken up by Heavy Downpour of Rain. ALUMNI HLMCTION (Hy Associated Press.) NEW II AVION. Conn.. June 28 An electrical storm with a terrific down-pour of rain and tierce gusts of wind were ,-vi. cited accompaniments to class day at Yale university : ) day. The Sheffield Scientific School Sen iors had their lass day ceremonies in the usual order In the earlv after noon the academic seniors ami their friends gathered in the enclosure o l the college campus but the storm Middcnlv broke an. I hundreds made hurried' dash.-s for shelter Later the eri ises w. ro resumed in the Hyper ion theatre. The ( lass p.o rn uas read bv I oti ard Itacon. the class oration bv Max well O. Parry nnd the class history bv Leonard Kennedy. Inn ing the Vale law s. h o alumni hatlMUet for the time the speeches were made while the thumb r crash. I I-nn liogcrs presided. Tb alumni re-clfcted C. I'iure Munson of V;!i iamsport. Pa. president; lv I). Whit ney of New York and 7. 5. Uncklan I of " Providence, vie. -president and J. W. Edgerton. secretary and treasur er. At the law s. hood ever. i-s in llendrie Hall the address was mad the former Senator Spoon. r The degree of doctor of laws was conferred upon Pr. sid. nt A Larcuoc I. o.y.ll of Harvard university at the meeting of the Yale corporation to. dav. The corporation elided J. I'. Mci'lillaml of Lelanii Stanford uii. v. rsilv as professor of mining in toe Sheffield Scientific school The alumni advisory board re-elect ed I'red. rii k N Judn of chairman. St 1 imoWNF.O AT COM' Mill . . COLI'MHIA. S '.. June 2!. Arth ur I- I'.oyster. chief cbrk to Su r intendent Williams of the Columbia division of the Southern railway. i" drowned early today in the Columbia canal by the capsizing of a boat. lOOFSECQND DAY ASHEVlL ASIIKV1LLK, N. r STANDS OVER RIS GRAVEJRH1ED Jury Charges Death of Mrs- Woodlll to Him Either as Principal or Accessory COUNTY UNWILLING TO INVESTIGATE Tragedy of Maryland's East em Shore Goes Down Into Annals Unexplained (Itj Associated Press ) ST. MICHAKIjS. Md.. June 28. Wlth the compromise verdict of IU coroner's jury that Itoherl F.., Fust- man either killed, or was accessory to the murder of Edith May Woodill and the declaration of slate's attorney. Turner, that he was through with the case, the strange dual tragedy which litis for nearly a week focused the eyes of the entire country upon this little out of the way hamlet of Maryland's famous shore Iweame a closed Incident today. Four of the twelve Jurors who list ened to the testimony at the reopened imiuest, refused to sign the verdict until the words "or accessary to the crime" were adilvil to the draft which, approved llry the majority, bluntly ac cused Fastman'of the murder. None of the four diwentlng lurym. n would say that any other person than Fast man was resNinslhe for the girl's death. They merely wished to pro test, they said, against the manner tn which the Inquiry was conducted, de clearing that much available evidence was not adduced. Went to Bungalow. The Jury sat for a fme today In the lonely bungalow itself, within sight of Eastman's unmarked grave not llfty feet nway. Mrs. Fastman had visited the place earlier in the day and had stood dry-eyed for a time before the new-made, mound. Rome one with III Judged humor had planted a tomato vine on the grave. Mrs. Eastman, thinking the vine was n native flower, asked what It was. No one had tho temerity to tell her. Shu stood o-y.the grave until nt last a convulsive shudder shook tier shoul ders. Then she was led away. No one wns seen about the bun galow on the Sunday when' Mrs. Woodill was slain. There was abs lulely no evidence that anyone other than Eastman could have been re- ( Continued oh page four.) TORRID HEAT OF NORTH GIVES WRY TO TERRIFIC STDRM JUST AS DEADLY Cloudburst, in New York Floods Streets; While Lightning Plays Havoc II ARYKKT OF DEATH (Ily AsMM-lnlcd Press.) NEW YOKK. June 2S.- The second of a series ,,f cooling local thunder storms broke with lb.- violence of a cloudburst late this afternoon. Thi downpour and the accompanying electoral display lasted only liftcon minutes hut In that lime It was re sponsible for the death of one man and the Injury of s. vi ral persons while hundreds of cllv streets wen turned into liver- and cellars Hooded At the polo ft.. on. Is the ball K.-ino was about to be called w hi n the storm broke As th. five thousand fans rushed for sin If r. a blinding Hash stru. k the (lag pole if renter field, spialcng the npp. r porlim of the staff into splint- r. and tearing down the pennant (lax which the Oiants won In iunr. Winn tin- rain ceiu-ed Hi. t . i id as it lake an'i the game wa- p.. tpour-d In Urook lyn John Freeman tried to put out j a tin- w hi. h bad ! en started r lightning in a pib "t runnisn aiouoo .an Iron telephone pole. Freeman Ihr. w a pail of wat. t on the fire ami fell back dead. kill. .1 by tie c, dri. itv which tra-led ba k to him on thi water from tie- pole. In anothi r sec tion of Urookl', n a w .man was struck by lightning and siriouslv Injured llHllinge In Suburbs. In many suburban towns within the thirty mile radius of the storm the damage from wind and wat. r wa very heavv. Stic t car and railroad traffic was badlv tied up throughout th" western part of Long Island b landslides and Hood.-. I track". Twen ty thousand commuters from New Y ork city were In Id up for several hours while n thousand laborers clear ed the tracks. In White Plains. Mount Vernon an.! a score of towns to the north of th metropolis, many small fires wer started by the lightning, trees ware blown down, and streets flooded. OuJ on New York harbor, the steamboat Little Silver returning from Ixinz (Continued on Page four ) EASTMAN'S WIDOW C, TUKS DAY MOUNINU.JI'NK:'!), l!K)!l. Getting The Tiger Ready For The Week of The t2th. PRESIDENT TAFT WILL BE INVITED TO COME FOR HOME COMING WEEK Meeting of Committee Last Night Enthusiastic in Its Support of the Project, and , Took Preliminary Steps Towards Making It a Glorious That Ashevllle la o hae a Home Coming week Is now alisured. At the .. .. . ... i. ... ,1 meeting oi me committees appoinieu some time jigi) and tb rltlwms who are interested held liti the city hall, the movement was liti'uched with great fervor and rnthtMlnam, and the present Indications are.Wmt It will be a very successful eyenfe The principal rescjllltfoii passed at this Informal meeting of which Mr. George 8. Powell w chairman was one requesting the eotAiUea to In vite President Taft U( ' here on one day of the week M'WW'u the gover nor of this state, and the governors ..f adjoining states. An invltutlon will I also-be extended U once to all North! Carolinians who httvo become famous In other states to be present. I Publicity C'Hiiipnlgu. The plan for the publicity and fur-1 therance of the plans of the commute, was adopted unanimously and Is to go Into effect at once. The plan In t detail Is as follows. ' Kaih bank In the city Is to be a depositary for funds contributed to wards the financing of this movemoot. Any person who wlsbea to contribute,; no matter how large or small an ELOPERS ARRESTED IT INSTANCE OF HUSBAND XlierifT at 1 Itndersoiiville Captures Woman and ( ireenville Sheriff, Man. (Special to The Citizen.) 'lltF.F.NVII.I.i:. bine 2K. Sheriff Pied has arrest. .1 1 Aiken, and the sheriff of, N C. has arrested Mr- Kllle stokely Ai k n was arrested ..n a warrant sw.-to out by Mr. charging him with running aw with his wife Scvs-ral days i-V' Into the hands of of the county, an. sp-clal officer, in was offered l!'-v M arrest of Thomas cers went to A-.r the case v,as piii the local i.tteers Mr. fl C Corn, a reward of t-"i . Stokely for the Mken. The ofli oll the i-;i at om e. and tb. villi- arrested tb frigbti m d at tin ly or for some .a back to f Jrc ri - i II of 1 lend, r.- in v -man A ik n w as f est Of M r.S s:t ! e- i reason and mi. . Hoeing f rum i h sheriff In Mend -mille. It is a! li g.-d fe wa.- irrested b'atitr i.iv near Urandin Mi!'- bv Deputies i o.,t ey and Smith Me gave bond b.f .ie the court and i it of Jail. M . Stok.dy a ill r. lMMi t" the city in keep ing of the sheriff today. It Is tinderst'eel the cas- will !i" prosecuted against iken hv tin hus band of Mrs. Sink' lv. 8H0WER& "I WASHINGTON. June S. Fore last for North Car.lna: 1nal show err Tuesday and Wednesday, light ! moderate variable winds. CITIZEN. Success in Every Respect. amount, may have that amount at any one of the hanks at any time bow. in addition to this plan the stores which are member of the ltetall Merchants' association and the differ ent newspapers In town will also re ceive any money contributed towards this celebration. In each store win dow Is to be placed a large placard telling of the week utid what In to he done. Inside the stores will he a book lii which citizens of the town niny register the names and addresses of old friends who lived here nt one time. The, name will be taken to the cen tral cnmrrilttrri nni) letter sen these is-ople with Invitation to he present for the week and desetlpUve Information us to railroads rate, board ing places and tlo- program for the week Further Information will lie Kent from time to time to for mer Tar Heels Plans lllrMaissisl. The discussion of the evening was very enthusiastic and optimistic over the outlook for the success of the ven ture. Various plans were proposed for the publicity of the celebration and these wen- all discussed freely. Fvery member of the committee pres ent, about twenty, five, showed it wil TUCKERS HAVE PATCHED UP TRUCE IN FAMILY ROW Whereby Wife (lets Divorce on Ground of Desertion and Some Monev. (SMS to I lie Clllcll ) ' CIIICAdo, June I'k.- Judge Hurries. ; of the Supet lor i .nil t, ba. In en notlllcl thai Mrs. Lllzaboth (liolly) Logan (Tucker and her husband. Colonel Wnl. ; I". Tu. k. r. I'. S A., bad reached un i iigre iii.-nt w lier.l.v Mis To. k.-r will ask (or i divoi. e on the ciouliil of ,, scrl ion. Colon. I Tinier will nol b:s , lie's a ppli. 1 1 i-.n f'r a dc .,.c I .Mrs Tinker is at lie home of her : r 1 1 . . 1 1 1 . r . Mis. John A. ligan. In Ua lniigt .n. i C A I' P glam was sen l l.i h. i I . ai i i - hi i 'lib ago Tnc ' .lav, w In ii lie healing w ,11 le- held le ( I e Judge !.l ill. All .in.i. II. II. p. ins. ii. iitiv I for Mis Tin I r. and Alb. I In V I.e.. J III.,- I., i. pi. t nlmg Colon. I Tm k l ! in .lu.l-'e kiin. - limit at jliooli and l.ld 1 1 ! 1 1 1 of the agn ellielil. It i- un. b I ,1 1 Mis Tin ki r will Ir'.li'e pfip. ItV '.afiH'l III l X' eSH of i I Jil.lMiO. I Mrs. Tui l-. r lib .1 suit for separate j in. i nit i nan. - Hi the Suiiiror limit iS'itle' tiiiu ago. alliginy ill 'III k'HliehS i aii'l i. s. ft i' oi I',,!, .in i 'lui I" r r- I'lli '1 I and a rrl d ' hat Ins wile hud doll" c. . i iIiiiik III h. I le.tti r to hat ' Ilim disc in r i in !!.'t.;i a.' from the aririv. Niiiie 1. 111,4 I f. i,. i I ion ba.e ben III. il W illl llle let k of t 111 I .Hit ill I" hall ,.f Mi-. Tin 1 ' r In on. of I li.-se the nam. of Mis Mm'!. Piatt wa tin nl ioni .1 in ' ' in n ' l i"li Ailli that "f Colon : Tin k. ! H wa- ail. u d In this ,. position I I '!.. nel 'I U' I r. on Ms n torn from Un I 'lul ippim Isliinds in CHIT. J.ur. h.c d tlntt'ts and J' W.i rt for Mis. Plait. lollow ing a mi" t. ic tie I, t that an agr. enient had lain ia In d in tb . .Ii.e the depositions wire ordered seal ed bv the " of the court. II 1" l.nib rstooil Cat tie I. i ma of the. set tlemeiit pfOt id. that he,-e depos)tniw diali l.e lak- n from tin- il.-rk's offae and all testig' of Ih. in d. 'loycd. lingness to work for the since of (he enterprise. A publicity promoter from the West w present offering various Indiu enieiit to promote the week and make it a iclf-supportlng proposition by the means of shows and attractions as Japanese ten gar dens on. the sipnire and curnlval at traction nt Hlverslde park, etc., but nothing definite was done In regnrd tu his proposition. Mr. K, V. Chambers was anxious that the progrii.m should hu prepared at the earliest moment.1 Thi brought forth a resolution from Mr. 3. ''ft' Ko'r uskln that the commlttso ex an mvlttition nt once to Prealdehl Taft nnd the other prominent men from North Carolina who hnvn be come famou. This list will Indue "I'ncle Joe" Cnnnon nnd Oov. Folk, who has liccn here at different times At the close of the meeting Mr. Pow ell appointed Mr. Clarence Sawyer, Mr. J. A. Nichols und the two new papers of the city a committee to re port on the advertising plan ami the plan for receiving contribution, These preliminary plans and details will be further discussed nt the meet ing of the board of trade on next Thursday night when these commit tees will meet with the board for further discussion of this celebration. TILLMAN WILL MAKE FIGHT FOR DUTY ON TEA Kxtent of industry in South Carolina a rkmirise to Manv Senators (Hy AsstH'lllleil Press) WASHINGTON, June ;'H An ear lieM speiN b ill favor ot a taiift on 1. n to piot.-. t tin Soul Ii r.lliilliiil I. a itiduMrv wan inade today bv Senaloi Tillman who ,e. la i e, there w'.c in hi. proposition lor a duly of ten . i nt" a pound on tin pto.lii.l fl iiii.l iiiiii r. temi' and II. '.'nil d produi t Ion A. bli . mg Ii I in ll to Mr. Aldru ii ;.s Hi, . I.. ... 1 1 III . li I of I be I'llll' I Stales si. Mi. 'rillman 'A . i . Int r liipted 1 t lb. lllnxle Island senaloi " In. 'iigge-teil I there were some ll.ln;r- th it n as. d In be Jokes. "Ik i till S' of I lie I 'II II id Slille- HUH he knou il." n-i.lii , Mr. Tillman. Mi Mil i, h iirnl, no furl h r re pit- -i ii , lot SiniM,. of Michigan, said lie h id I" . 11 SO- III!' ii.ri-e.l o fine that S.lllh i n. I I. I I l.ilsilig title., I illiePTllor. I ' . than .lid till- l'-!:iti. -I'.tlfn ill This ills.owij lia.l he soul. ..used loll' to be yen- I. I,.' !'l atr: -ngesiton ..i.kl!,.t t' the proleitioii of that lleiiltv S.-li alot I .-t toil II ii.enJffTrial II hot 1 ' K.oitli . '.iiolin.i t. a for sl or seven '.'.is J,l e . rt i Ii If (oi its silpo! "' fla 'ot. He ..'l ' d w It II S' ll'loi THI In. I II I ha t the a a o t . r w hi' Il tc. i "iil'l In- mis. d a- from K h Car olina to the M ln.t-.sippl i lv. r. 't h. I. e . et lie rainfall tt as sufli. i. tit T lie a mi tldtlii nl w.l offer d lale in tin day no I Mr Tillman . .1.1 h. pr. -f. ri. it having a Vol, tak.n on 111-' atte ri'lincnl tomorrow' .villi a full sen ate prre-ii nt i:Ti itris iv itooi , W ASH INCT'iN. June v pr. sid.-nt Taft ntertalln d at dlniier today In fin- white house a company of promi nent public men. Including members of the i.'iblnet. "criators and repr. sen t.illvis In enngree. The dinner wus s.rt.d on the roof i,f tbn west wing of the while house. Associated Presi. Leased Wire Reportf. FUICM KIVK CUNTS. POLICE DRAG-NET Fxtraordlnary Efforts Made to Kun Down The Slayer of Elsie Slgel EVERY AVENUE OF ESCAPE IS GUARDED Chinamen Themsolves Take Active Part. And Also Put Ban on White Women NICW YoltK. June 28. luspsotor MiH'alTerty, chief of the Nw York ilelrctlve bureau gavo out tonglht the Mrsi authentic statement on Ui mur der of F.lsle Slgel that has been mad by the pollco since the discovery of the girl's Issly on June IS In a trunlc In the bed room of Leon Ling. n Amerleanlcd fhlnaipnn. In an Flghtli street chop miey restaurant. "We shall catch the miirderW," th Inspector wild. 'l rlny doeo not ltr that, although It chafe us. Th whed counlry Is one vast rat trap with VT exit guarded. "The tlrl wns killed between ten o'clock In the morning and noon of June It and we believe lson Unf I the man who did It with Chung Sing, hi Intlmatu, a a possfhhs complice. "We haw Chung Bin. Prom hi room In Klalith avenue lon LliiK went ntralght to Washington and th sent Ww 'don't worry," telegram. nn ed KlMfe. received on th nlfrltt of th murder by the Slgel family, Tooh IWuly Away, From Washington returned t5 New York nnd nomew'hnr aihout mid-' night on June 9 took tho body- In trunk to Newark, afrlvtnf tlitr about 2 a. m., on Junn 10. W don'i know how ih look ft. That Us of tha lotirney ha not fenen ncsnintd f.r. PnHhle to dlnoe of 1tl trunk tin returned in New Yortc with the body, on the afternoon of June 10 and luft' It m -til Mom. Jtnm ihat tnismsnt' e "Voao all trae of him. , Ho; far a we know h had no ntther poaslb'a accnnipllee than (Jhtill ttina. v .f "No other mi ,ier ifiiit t ea'it r member hn Httrnritsil uch lntrt or findt enlhuslnstlr ro-!HieraKm on the part of the poltr of Other cities. All the force of rh country r working as one great machine, V have llfty men of our own In lha cities of the Kast. Ksrapo Shut tiff. "The only possible hlp on which' Leon coiihl have l.f the country I due to nrrlve In Yokotmin on July .1. Sin- will he watched " All tin- Chinese liuindrlf In th city, which are operated by four com panics In the name if Individual man agers received notice today In Chi nese from the owners warning em ployes that they must have nothing; lo 4c with white (womf n leyonil buHtness ovi-r the counter, on pain of dismissal PRESIDENT TIFT TRIES OF "WHAT IS WHISKEY' No I eport us. to Whether lie Had Samples Before 1 1 ini at 1 Ic a riii"; or Not. ;aimn;. CONTINUES (It V N liltcil rfM4.) WASIIIN'ITnN, Jiiht- Z K. -Arltriff In his oiJ It'll :i(.,i.M iih JdttK-, l'rmt- h fit 'I'm n uiihil. tl with th -1 ti"ti t nt f 'wttfti c wluxkty.'" 1 Mi hill) I lit' llMl'!ll IllIUN-Ill- m.-' ii .i h' uliy :ill (he Intt-ii'slH tliat t..t ! ' II V. .U, ! lid' I tlMl't "ViT HtH ftt; !' i;l'in f I r Wiley, -h'Hi-i 1 "f ill- il- I I n ti f "1 iK' i' ultlil rt, in r Karl ( (. lii i in wtiif I'y A ml what should 1 7" lab. II. ,1 ' Imitation . ami lo obtain tin much mooted c. former A rnei lean i eat Hrltatu wns the array of coilll- t 111 ! S tVlllle Ullililii vt hp ki t ' T) hunl de Isioii in .i. si Ion lor. pb II. Cbo.l iiiil..,,s.ul'.r ).. i pi on. in- n! a rn lig " I .' II,". lisle h. iii. inula PI".-mg ilim was John ii. i.;ar foftin i si'ietary of the lrea.s- 01) IIS the . pr. .-.ii tu tlv.- of distiller. All of tin int. ii 'is present bad filoil x. eption- io in, decision of Solicitor 'general I'.otters ,tlto tt a s Uskeil somiii linn ago by .n sldeiit Tufl to Investi gate the sul.J. i t and report on various p h , i s s et the co n I rnvi'i sy. 'l b. d. i Isioii ot Mi. Mower was that all combinations made from grain ten If i mil .lining ethyl lib ohot alsui ma le from grain w . re entitled to the Un term "tt hiskcy' JtiHt the same aa th. iiniiiix. d. straight good never t lod bv re, iify. rs. He held, how ev. i. ihat If the ethyl alcohol wa mad. from iriolare-.t's the U'rm whiskey oiild not be used, under the pure food law. lb. bearing was adjourned un- id tomorrow after practically an alt d.i, ssion ISSTRETu VEfi THEWHOLEWQRLD