THE ASHEVtLLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHEE: iciated Presi. 1 SHOWEBS. Leased Wire Report. VOL. XXV. NO. 253. -USHKV1LLE, N. C, WKPNt'NUAY MOUNINC, JUNK at), V.MK PKICE FIVE CENTS. SUFFRAGETTES IN Asheville Doings. Ntw mrt : ain coats vui ei vtRt por-uiAK THIS .SUelMlH T WfllGHTBROTHEHS COULD HARGLY GET CORPORATION TAX UNIVERSITY MEf MERE TEMPORARY ROUGH AND TUMBLE WILLHAVEGHAFiGE PLANTOGETMONEY FIGH WITHPOLICE MELA After Four Unsuccessful Starts Big Bird Settles to The Ground to Stay WILL MAKE OTHER TRIAL FLIGHTS tjOPAY Airships Uke Horses, One Must Know Habits Both Good And Bad (By AKMoHntml Press.) AVASH 1N !TON, June 29. After making three unsuccessful efforts to get their new aeroplane Into air today Orville Wright made a Rhort flight encircling the Fort Myer aerodrome. Lack of iower. due to a loose spark control, was finally determined upon bv the two Wrights as the cause for the refusal of the machine to fly for more than a few hundred feet beyond the end of the starting rail. "A flying machine Is like a horse.," caul Wilbur Wright after the trial. If ita new you have to get used to It be fore it will go Just as you want it to. You have to learn Its peculiarities. I am glad we learned what the trouble Is and after a few more trials you will see tome fun." How to Start Flight. There was hardly a breath of air when the machine was taken out of Its shed and placed on the starting track shortly, after live o'clock. The motor was given a test and K worked very smoothly. The weight was then hauled to the top of the starting tow er and the rope to which it is attach ed was fastened to the aeroplane. Everything being in readiness Wilbur Wright and Taylor, the me chanic, each stationed himself at one of the propellers, ready to turn It, like "cranking" an automobile. Or vllle Wrltfht turned on the Ignition and his brother and the mechanic gave the propellers a twist The lat ter whirred around .'at a grea j-at as Orville took his place in the open tor's seat. Wilbur stationed hin.sef at the en f-he--aeroplano and ran Ions; with it when Orville released the weight, which pulls It down the track and gives It momentum. Vp She Goes and Dowi. The machine rose us soon as It left the rail, but appeared to be nble to mount into air but a few feet. The right wing veered towards the ground, (Continued on page two.) El T WITH SWF'S POSSE Other Negroes Refused to Ciive Hint Food and Summoned Officers HIS WIPE ACCUSED. (By Associated Press.) ADRIAN. (In., June 29. -Fighting in a swamp with a cheap, small cal itoe pistol, Robert Jenkins, a negro a cused of murder today held at bay a sheriff's posse until he had wounded two of them and then exclaiming. "Lord have im rev on my soul," he dropped dead, riddled with rifle and pistol l,as. Jenkins last week shot ai t killed (Scorgve Howell, a farmer, and fatally wounded Mrs. Howell. He as tracke to the swamp sarly to day. The wounded poss men are not eriousty hurt. They are W. S Clem ents, who was shot in th-' foot anil V I, Hall who was struck In the thlKh by a pistol ball. Holh Live t Adrian. Practically every man in the poss ent lead Into Jenkins' body. Mrs Howell, though her case is regarded as almost hopeless, has surprised the attending physicians on her vitality It is stated that Jenkins was found as the result of his efforts to obtain food from the home of a negro who r fused to aid him an.l sounded the alarm as soon as Jenkins left the house The wlf of Jenkins is in th Jail here and considerable excitemn' has been caused by the assertion that 'he planned a double murder and or dered her husband to "shoot Mrs. Howell first." Thn first slu.t dropped Mrs. Howell. MCO SI-XMXO OUT. MACON. fa., June 2ft The Macon "lub of the South Atlanlic I.eague, today sold Pitcher James Vaughn to the Ixmlsvllle American association Catcher Lafltte to the Cincinnati No tional League club, and Outfielder Murdock to the Dayton Central League club, the deals for all three Players bf ing made with Agent Louis Hilbrcnj-. Aldrlch Admits That he Ex pects Measure to be Re pealed In Few Years IS SIMPLY BUFFER FOR THE INCOME TAX As Substitute for Bailey's Amendment It Must be Voted on First Hy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. June 2!) With the tariff schedules disposed of and the door locked against the intru sion of amendments upon them, the senate today tinaliy entered upon the consideration of the Income and cor poration tax question as connected with the tariff bill. While the senate was more than four hours informally coming to the question of taxing In comes it received more or less inci dental attention while the tea provis ion was under considerations and It was during that stase of the proceed ings that the most Interesting occur rence of the day took place. This was the announcement of the real altitude of Chairman Aldrlch of the finance committee towards the cor poration tax provision, which he bad Introduced at the Instance of the president. Aldrif-li States Position. It had for some time been whis pered around the senate corridors that the Rhode Island senator had hct'om an advocate of a tax on the earnings of corporations as he most effective means of defeating a general Income tax amendment to the pending tariff bill, but even the senator' Intimates spoke very cautiously on the subject. Mr. Aldrlch himself today removed the injunction of secrecy by stating his own position which was In accordance with the rumora. He spoke In re- snonaa Xa u. question from rJenaUjr Clay, and in so many words confessed his. advocacy of the corporation tnx a means of defeating the Income tax. He added another reason, which was that the thought for the next year or two there would be a defilclt in the treasury receipts which he was willing to have made good by the In- ome lhat would result from the pro posed corporation tax. With this ser vice performed he thought the law (Continued on page four.) WANT NO PROTECTION; ASKED DUTY ON TEA AS E Tillman Not to he Caught in Bounty Net Spread for Lint liv His Enemies. BUT HI (JOT NOTHIXa (Ity Associated Press ) wash I v '.TON. June Senator Tillman lost no lime today In renew Inir bis efforts to haw a duty of ten cents a pound plac d on tea In the In terest of Hie tea growers In Soul n Carolina. He told of the superior quality of Hie American mown tea. of th' enormous profits made in the imported article ami of the possibil ities in ease the domestic industry should be properly fostered. II,- de clared that be hcllcwd that with tip duly he tor the South would not only ! able to supply the entire American market, but would cvent- 1,-itlv evoorl a larire IllialltltV of '.h- leaves that pioduic tin- popular bey- era pc. Senator Iion suggested a bounty as a nvi .him of nurturing the infant tea industry and hi' was stronaly sup ported in making that suggestion by Si nator Smith of Michigan, who de clared that a 'bounty wotil.l Is- a prac tical method .d obtaining- ino rc-m d-sired, although he knew no instant c In which the protective tariff princi ple .would more properly be sot in operation. Mr. Tillman responded that he (II, I not pr.ipo to be caught In advocating a bountv lb- Id not accept a bounty, he yahl. if a dollar a soind was offered. He was not seeking any sellish advantage for South Carolina but wanted l" I ne'i the entire country. Ceneral debate was entered nir in which ' nators on each side ex changed thruls at the others onis ten. y on the subject or protection and tariff for rewnue Anybody who undertakes a nun! for consist ney here will have a hard )ol." said Mr Tillman. "As I understand your position you want a duty of ten cents for protec tive purposes." said Mr. Oixon. "Yes. for the republican side of the chamber, I do.': said Mr. Tillman "For this side, I want the duty f i the $9,t)0,000 revenue it will pro duce. . . . ,j. Make Raid Upon Parliament House And Keep Things Lively For Hours SCREAM FAINT AND GO TO HOSPITAL But Hundred or so Go to Jail on Charge of Disorder ly Conduct (Hy Asws'laied Prss ) LONDON. June 29. The thirteenth vain attempt of the militant suffraget tes to obtain access to Premier As qulth by lcp.tation resulted in ex citing scene In Parliament square to night and the iirrest of more than one. hundred women. The "women's par liament" asiembled in Pax ton hall at 8 o'clock and sent a deputation, head ed by Mrs. Parkhurst to endeavor to see the prime minister, who had pre vlously decided not to received the deputation. Knormous crowds of on-lookers as sombled In the lenlty of parliament house before the tlpie set for the raid upon the house around which several thousand police had taken up startegic positions. The tlrst noteworthy Inci dent was the arrest, after a great deal of trouble, of a buxom equestrian suff ragette, who tried to penetrate the police cordon to take-a message to the premier. Next appeared the deputa tion under command of Mrs. Pnrk hurst, and It was received by the crowd with wild cheers. The deputa tion was met by Chief Inspector Bcantlebury, who handed Mrs. Park hurst, a letter from the premier, re grafting his inability to receive the deputation. Then (Jot Mad. Angrily throwing the letter on the ground, Mrs, Parkhurst exclaimed: "1 stand on my rights as the king's subject to enter the house of com mons, and she endeavored to force an entrance. The police began to take the mem hers of the deputation liy the arms to rend them away. Mrs. Parkhurst slap ped Inspector Jarvis In the face. knocking his cap in the mud. The were cries of "shame." A moment later another member of the deputation, Mrs. Saul Solomon, knocked off the inspei tor's crip a sec ond lime, while others made attempts to rush the cordon of police. IJven- (Continued on pane six.) ACQUITTED OF CRIME, Genuineness of Cleveland Article Did Not Enter in to Decision in His Case. DOMESTIC TROUBLES (Ity Awsmh'IjiIimI In'?.) NPIW YUliK, June 2. AlthtniKn ItroUKhton Hraiidrnlmr fi was arpitif'-il hen tuilriy 'f th' i h;irr of frra n J ;l(n, in runiH'eti'irt with tho hu( of (in allcK'1'! Hpuiif'MH D ili r t( (JniV'i i 'lfc;iml In The N-w York Times h' hail only ;i f'W nt i n u t - nl trf-ilinn Hoforo It'rtvititf th-'t-r-urt room he wus rc-nrn-Htrd n ml will U U n In Si IHiim tvii week l'ir trliil on a i (f k l(ln.ipinsi his sh p Hon, Jjuip-k HJn'panl f'nlt.inm-, II! Th- ni;iiinuni prn-Ht y for k id nappl is M ihwiiu t i in life imrlj4onrnt nl. Tlo- iiuiliot ua tnk n hnt k to tin Tomhh in dr fault of I5.KMi h;ii, to nu.iit th' ar rival of t h' M issouri of fit r.. Judur I'norftl lilm. Thf vrrdUt of aciiuJttMl .n th Krainl I.lfcriy hnrc;' was r.a-hr(J within a f''W niinuts aftr th pr eidint? Jnfi f had i harK, d th' Jur thnt tho itn'8t in of u iiuin nt'K o f Movrland iR nature was Irnuta t rial and that iv n th- tpif-Ht ion of t V gi'intliii ncfts of th artit h- wa only a vrondnry nnsitlt r.ifioit The pn mnry t nniitU ratin h- told thj m. u HhethrrUi" defendant ha.I stolen $..'. the prire paid fr the ai t fr.;i Th- N' vv York Tim Th. v nnM atfpiit the deft-ndant h- e.tntinued : they found that The Times had it-, r. tied on Itran-dfnbtirff's Ntatement to tie fcenuiu ness of the artiste .hit had relied r ihr on the represent ! tion of K. S HastinK. "ne of th' Cleveland ' xertitors w hom they suited ltrp purchafini? the artir 'j Will IU i:lrwdited. Thp i x trad it ion paper for Rran denhurp transfer to St. Inii' at now In the handy f Oovernor Huhe t Alt-any It is -x-cte! that th . will r' arh New ork tomorrow. Th kidnp ppinir. w hleh lira ndenhiirf? a I niiu, itceurred shortly after the wri-t-T lumped hifl hail while tinder In dfctment for the alH f the Cleveland artlI He was found In Pan Plan o with the f'abanne 1oy whom iv ha J picked up In St, Louis. . t I ANV MAf10N61 -sr H SAPPHIC LETTERS WERE THOSE Filled with Sentimentality of the Unhealthy and Morbid Sort, They Nevertheless ShoW That the Woman Really Loved the Han Who Ssnt Her to ( Ity Asmielfttt'd I'rewn.) ST. MK'tlARLS, td. .June 29. The feellntrs entertained by Mrs. Edith May Woodlll toward her slayer. "Ivame Hob" Kastnpjfc, were Indicated In n letter sltrned'i 5dlth,' parts of which were fountt h (be bungaliiw of the murderer and' iwlelde last Kat tirday. The missive. whUh la in- Mrs VVisullll's handwrltltit- U couched In most i nlliiicntal, jmieuaeo aim) was presumaldy sent tcj Eiuttman,. It not only Indicates a jwjirm atttaehment for the man but Mtttpi to prove that ahe had known him! nt leant a, year,. On the same pper( ia F.astman s hanilwrltlnu Is th ftlowtiiHr:' "Utile Dear: T cannot live after our short of bllna. With the omiiin of you and parting ever b.-- lore mi . I' we meet in tn' unknown lets continue the blissful times that we spvnt here. 1 am with you In every thought." (omI Winter Iteatlliiic. I lie teller sinned '-r.oun coniaius. the following passagp: i "Is the IriUi iininodcst when It creeps to the loadstone ami cliiiKS to Its ylde? Is the seed ImmoiK st when: It sinks Into the ground with buddln: life? Is the cloud bold whin II soft-: ns into rain and falls to earth b - ciium.. It has no other, choice, or Is It i brazen w'hen it m sties on the bosom, of Heaven's nrchecl dome and. sln-i InK inti tlie bloc-Mack in On ity v3se. to be Itself ! "Is the human ,iul Immoili-st when drawn by a force It cannot resist II seeks a ilrnnrr -tout which almorli. Its etr as Ho- 'Itltje sk' !iborls a! UNCLE SAM CALLS IN HIS BANK DEPOSITS Will Ncctl I'ntcticallv All Money in National Dcpos ifarics for Expenses. (Hy Asx'latei 1tphh ) WASHINGTON, .film A e;ill n niillorm! d j w.-i t ry hank f r.r ;i i - turn to the tn i tiry of Kovcrmrient I'nndM MKsri'.iiiii.' .'i'rroxlrr.;il ly 2',- 000,0(10 wnn in. uli- Nv H-'Ttd:ir f tin- Tn limit Mo A'etiRh I .a hi lie, h n ri.dlvrf' di - ilorleH are unifrni- ly rfdiict-d to tin lnHt amount which the daily ni-cl- o! thh- (4overnnn'iil will permit. The rail uill pi ;n t ieally wip' all the deposit "f n -eminent futtl In national h;i n h Kii'i jort to rhi ( ( by tri traur -f the Pnited Htat f xi ept atw.nt $ "7.000.000 hi' h h held in if live ;u '"unt nnd n ( i-try to meet rherk1 -f nfnvern merit dl.--Inirsin fjfflrTn and $1,000,000 wh!'h will Ir allowed t' 11.000 loii In mM'h of the onp thousand h mailer nntUmal hank a deRfre to riain their deMUrnation as national hank depositaries. 8H0WER& , WASIIINOT'iN. June 2. Fore east: North rarullnn: Ixcal show ers Wednes.Uy and Thursday; hyhf to moderate arisbp winds. nvsv MRS. WOODILL WROTE EASTMAN Her Grave. Hunting cloud and as the warm earth swells the sen as the miiKwt draw: the Iron? p) j "I do not feel, myself to tie bold or wroiiK of 'In myself for drifting toward you I do. I would not tA myself wronu to no trnlht to y tomorrow. Mves lieloiut to llratllim. "There Is over and always some hu man soul to love and trust Us, and Whose confidence we wupld not altar. We are not of our own making and our lives belong to another, lrahma, who rules and is wl. ..- ' n..iwM yw unmoerueii ,8l. In 'very line of It and I read only" fti same adoration that a year's absen 'e would not shadow. "A rut the wonder rnmi to trie thrit you did not, could not. understand Surely ii life such as yours brinus In time, understanding; you must know the lewd from the modest. tlve untrue from the true. "Dream of you. did 1 sav? Uing for yon would be better, for evwv heart lion i sei nu to cry out !iKulnt the enormity of the crliif. that nwikesjimd bit her three times with a full me no longer yours All the heat In 1 bottle of champagne, everyt hing seems only to xlt because j "The four Iminllately left nnd 1 of you and for you. removed the evidence uf the crime The Spurk Divine? j and once more am making an effort "I hate exlxtenoo away from you to vst bonilsmen, for I ibm't want Whv do men drip to lift up their Jt,, (jet locked up. voh es against the blessed art In oth- i "T'.ut If not successful and I cannot ers; which Is but a greater, at roivger, ; persuade, all pnrtle to come up and warmer spark of Cod's soul Hint they litke their medlclnv, why I will blow posKi ss ,or can lecn the nnib'rwtfinil-' off the top of my cratey lieHd. an'l lug we have one for the other, ami , In that case I wish you would kindly no d Iff or nee rim make us forget. see that all letters found on me nr "Iteinen I r me nlwavs a you loved n alKd. Xm'diie." LI NOT ALONE IN THE MURDER OF ELSIE SICEL Kvitlence Shows lie Musf Have Hatl Accomplices in Concealment of Crime. (Ity xot'latf it lrtw.) NKW Vi 1 1 : K . June I n f orma I Ion i ;tt h;ltol tonight w hi. h tor tlie liiMl time since the (llwc.iier of the murder 'if KlHle Sil.'i'l, eleven il.1V flUO, leti tlltely cst.'llilC-lli H Ihilt a 'III Utll UIMft h.ivi- loci on io ( -.nitilli and thnt. though a telegram signed with tin tent, and In h I k writing wan scut froiu W'uMhirigtiiii be ' o 1 1 1 1 1 nitt h iv In . n then- on Ho- d.itc on which the menage was siil. Tli- police have also ri . . i , i 1 1 1 1 1 in ib-t. 1. 1 for the liio -iin nts .if the body in it wax hurried hither ami Iblllor in pain, aflcl Ih rime, up lo t hi- icifiii'lit fit ltn 'II1 eonrv In the l.ilrinim 'f lotl I. big Hut though On iM i tii- foree ba il iloy.efi no ii in 10 if-'lilnii in' towns io New Jersfi. and In l-r Mi l affiTl v relter.ft.s toniu'Ill his eoniifti nee that tin miirdi rer .(ill be . .iiikIK. then : tKittiinif known t.iri'llelv bv which it ian be inferred lhat his urnst I nciiror than It h i Is en at anv tun' iluring the prixl A'-ek The police have definitely ami clear ly established that Hie trunk was cjii. d from thi- Kirhlh avenue house Io which the boilv was found lo a Clc ncie laundry at No ?.'. W llSth stnet ami tlorni' to Newark.. N. J. A lt n' e it was returned to Ihe room of U-iin I. Ing w here it was discovered. It has been shown, too. that I, In;: was" l rsonallv busied In moving' the runk about. It seeiiis clear thilt to hsve h-s-n at Ihe various places ntenllond lxon '.old noi have spared Ihe time for a trip to Washington. Those receiving him ami the trunk all showed stiffpii -loua foreknowledge of bin coming ay r0 tut lAt tart me best, and, though were you m a bandit, a anything -my heart would heat ttt reaponsiveness to yours. ,Thln but asks Insteatl " lit thou 'hti mlneT' fjnved by time one haa (frown to know Its slKitllU'itncc Hti usury been made a degenerate think? That hard recoHtiiKe. "Are we not blessed and know that no happening can." F4iKtniair Ijettcrs. The letters wrtllau - by . Kastman wece found on his Votly. (n D( tlrerti was .ldref.d tt Ueqrgn Taylor, t 4 ion- gent at Met).Ht'et'i1'tiid 1 the killing along the sums lines as contained In tb .Mtrt t his wire, it ii ads; "Mr. Taylor: Enclosed find 110, to cover my Indfbledness to you: I belieye It ample. If not. will sent dlffepi nee. "Appearnnces are against me, but I had no hand In Ihe tragedy. The poor Utile girl was practicing the art of taking a f How from u,uolhcr girl who was under the Inllui in c of win" ELOPED WITH TENANT; BOTH IRE IN PRISON Voiirif Man's Only Kxt-ust Is That He hoved Wife of His Landlord. (Spci-ial lo Tlie lll-o ) IMIIIIAM, June III - 'hlcf of I'o lice J V.. Winston of Votingvilie. 1'ianklln eoiinlv, iirnsted Mrs Will iam Lambert and Waller Oakley here VMtenl.iv morning on complaint of Mr l.a inbert H husband and Hum af tirnoon look the tno bin k to thcii homis. Tin woman, w ith Um liililr' n. one of which Is but l ight weeks old. In spent tile ilav with Ihe oflliir-i. who Iihvi- t,-i ii trviriK to reeoiii Hi- le r arel lo r IiikIi.iii'I. who ha- i h Iblti ! tie best of t- mper in II" light bis tnoiblf-K The colnlint of Ho- uile I NtraTito if it is not nniiri i i ib lib 'I ael fiiipi. nl Oukb y Iijh '!. i u a P-naiit on lie lands of Mr. banlii it lb i' bill ' '-' liars obi, anil sill' i- he '.vi" seM ntii n li.iliti- illlaliial' 'I Ailll tie V'oiic.' vlfe of tin- 1'rankllli falJio-l lb sa yp he bi-iali tt love hel at that turn- anil has never i easeil. Thcv i aiin hen- i loscly followed hy the of-tin-r from VoiiiigHville. Tiny bsik a ah anil drove to some place In th'-fill- H '! 'e they Wollbl hi- lilt;, troubled The H,llcefli in. b ll. vlflk' the abmen wiubl Is- ginnl witnesses, went on their trail and sum had them In. k-'l up. though Mis. Iambcrt h.l not been kj pi In prison. The oflio-r say he thinks the young fellow persuaded the woman to elop' with him II,. declares that she be long to as g!KMla family as therf Is In lhat county (ft anywhere, and tital her taking up with a man of so much less her social anil general eiiual is unaccountable. n is supposed thai Ihey will be heard tn the Franklin courts' tomorrow. Reciprocal Educational Move ment of Croat Moment Is Planned SMALL ENDOWMENT NEEDED FOR SCHEME Would Enable Students to Get Broad And Liberal Ed ucation on Scholarship (Hy AfM'lntfa Pre,) f -LONDON. June ill), A scheme for the Interchange of university atuiicnla between the irnlted Ktates, Canada ami . the t'nlted Klngdfim. rlvalllna; In Im portance that established under tha will of the late Cecil tthodea. la In prorcas of formation, with very proa' pect of success. Th Idea, which la supported hy an Influential rommlttaa headed by the Hon, ii. If, Awjulth, prime minister of tlrsat Britain, and Lord Hlratheonrt. high rommlsslonsr of Ciina, nnd include the head of th . universities In tha United Kingdom and has also tha endorsement! Of tha president, of th American and Canadian universities, alms at oppor limine tn atu'denlB of the threa ooun-, trie to obtain some real lnlht Into' the life, progress am customs of olbar; nation", with n minimum of Incon- vmlence to their academlo work and at the leaat possible expense, V The proiiiuters siiggest the provision of certain travelling scholarships, na i s.'lectlon for which should l along i the lliti'" of the Hhodea scholarship, the selected candidal" In addition to his ncndemle iptaliflcatlfin to be what l popularly known as an "all around" ' num. , ,,'. '.' :Vj Twenty-eight of these cli(ilarlilp , are proposed, fourteen to ' Ij 'avail able for thn unlvvraltloa In tha Unlud Klnrrdotn, Irn for Aiiierlca and four',' for I 'ana da, Ihe American, and Cn dlnn students securing them 4o ba lven i ten' week tour lit (3 teat rlt ln hVnler the gublance of a university man, lh Hrltlah tttntrit on the othsr ' imnrt given. ,.bf4r tour America and Canada, a I way durlnf ihelr respective Ion? vacation., , " ' Iteforo effort are made to obtain ' permanent endowment for the schema, It is proposed thai fund shall ba nuked for its maintenance for an S rliiienlul period of threa year. Tha total cost l estimated 187,600 for , the three year, of which It la pro posed that the United Kingdom shall eoutrlbuie lilil.ono; tha United State t J2',i r,oo and Canada $ip0. ' i " t , , T. UPHELD IN OEiNO FOR Cottijilaint Made Against Hoiitheru Railroads of Disciiniiiiation Dismissed CONCKSSTOXS MADE (Hy Ass.M I'ress ) WAHIIINOTON. June 2I.-Klv Afrleiin Meiliodlst FlilBcopsI church bishops who complained to the Inter slate fommeree commission that they hi re discriminated against by Houth- rn rallroailM and by the Pullman company In transportation, dining cur and deeping car facilities have been inforiio "I bv the comtiiix-'lon that their I'omplaint wa ti"l warranled. The bishops wi re Wesley J. (lalne, II. M Turin r. Kvans Tyree, C. at Hki 1 1 Ii ami V. W. Hampton. Their oniplalnt was directed against th Sealwianl Air Line. the Itichmond, I'n ilerli k diiiry and I'otomac, th toiitbern railway. the Central of iporgla ami lln- Tollman company. It was all'i-iil that Ih.- day coarhea furtilHlinl for negro passenger In th b.inheasi. rn states were not equal to iho-e provided ror while people; that ii. L-riii wen- denied sleeping car ae ..rnriiod.itioiis arnl lhat they were r-'ii- d food in the dining cars aolely in in count of their color. At Ho- lo aiing of the case the com plaint us In the day roachea wa abandoned In view of the weight of testimony to Ihe contrary; and With n ki. i t lo the dining car facilities tha ill.-gallon w re modified by conces sion. Most of the complainant and ihelr witnesses testified that they ac tually did ride on sleeping car. ' It Is told bv the commission that unilti" discrimination f prejudice Wa not shown ami the unplalnt, there fore was dismissed. . I HIMlti:i AT "HAM TONE.' HAN ANTONIO, Teg., June !. A temperature of one hundred degree was officially recorded at tha local weather bureau this morning between, four and Ave o'clock.