THE 'A.STTEVTTJ-E CTTTZFN". TTKDVESDAY. .TTTN P.O. 1000. "nil Iir53 I Ui .11,. 4k I., I., v.. II.,!,- 1..,., . I . , . 1 ., I., I III' f SOCIAL (& PERSONAL Whe Prettiest aces fans for Ms is) arm 0 eat her ifou Can find Mountjin for j ctiort .-lav II I I .ttiP V -irt Wm II Mr i,..v.ini : 'ui i,,ii in.- u"-" i,' I ,1 Kol.ell K.I.L'h.,111 it H.MTh.i , 1 , III Mi-ifc'.i- ii ; Ji.-tK.- .1 .III.- K 'il-l'e. f.ithei .,( I j Mi- M:.r , .,, i I ,i ,1 ,,l II, , -if hi I I i, ,, ,ti,;i. fi,j a ih-,rl -li a 11 ; V if 1 I 3 f 'I 7 V 1 t J 1 It i , I i.iv I I. ,i. I I . 't ' ii i I.. ' ., i 1 ,n A h. li, ". llliii .i . i I. 'I I I,, I ;-.n . 1. 1 Ii. -' - ! Ilii In-fKl' .1 tl,' Iwinklii.K ,n ti,- branchee wcr' montii ri I p. ilk I, Kill i , r w 1 1 1-1 . r l (,. ;i.-' - in hi II,. l, rowe phadeit Itftrit v. i -and elifd a r-of I kIhw r blag. Tl mini nif i ter of ill ru'iiti n il' t. i1 t Ii.- ii, J i i. nl of llghtn. all. I flu III 1. il it Ii t candeaceiit IikIiI'i uf uih"i" which were parnallv ., ealeii bank of rhoiifiiiliiiii, ni..t m th. The gold ft; h looked bin. ; put- ir in , ,,.ii". in H. ,1 ii n light aa they rllttcil iiih.ukI rllttcil IIii.,,ikIi th. il. around Ho- M.ind of noilil. n In, f.-rn on w hi, h the lull rtui .i.. ..I . Polyhymnia wan lira,, fill VlllCH of mi. Vi-li Ii net Ii w,i.. peoded over the. kkn from Ho 1 1 IHg Blmtl' Hllil Hill;' II lights H - I . twined In On in prmliicinK a paitiiii lurly fairs ll;n- i ll, , (. I Ii.' oI,;iik ;nu aldea of the room wrerr hanli...! with rhododendron and at (tic ml of II room (all willow tr.-'-a win- plac. and acrvi-d ax a. iiiticiii.- o:ioiki'oiiih for more pink brandx-a of llow.i.-i The roloreil IlKhta w.-re thrown from a balcony on thu fianccr iiddlnK Ihe beauty of I hi Kii-iii. itnil u Uimh light picture wan taken which will later appear In pontal rani fiirm lci cately tinted. The hccihi was brilliant and It la Mehlom thai am h an nancm blg ha wm wltnp!(l In Ihn city Thwe wcri dltln(tnlHlncl vlaltnra from OUl of town, aivl AHhi-vllh- ani lely was well rpr.pntn. The gowna wet- very handaome anil wr an Intarestlng feature of the ball. Punch ami light refreahmenta wert arved lu. the ball room which wa hIwi lined for tin oOCBElon. At a Htnall table, ilecoratei In pink, the aouvenlr dunce programa vet placed near the main cniiaioc Ashevllle la fortunately the garden of flowers, and It la hoped that the Drat floral ball will not he the lant but will be repeated each year, the azalea laurel, rhododendron and many other of th abundant flowers being uaed The woods are open arl the flower may be had by those who rare to pick them, decorating: becomea an Inter eating subject and with such natural advantages an Inexpensive one. Mr. JtolKrt B. Hall will chape rone a party of young- people, on camplnir party to Plaguh which leaves Saturday, remaining- away several , days. Tents will t taken and food supplies for a stay nf three or four days. Those In the party will e Miss Bessie Fortune, Mies Minnie (lal ra!th. Miss Annie Hall, Miss Nell Woody, Mr. J. B. Anderson, Mr. James Kalian d and several Athers. Announcement cards of the wed ding of (MI.hb Gladys Wvlvla Urenier. tlaughtier f Mra Ulll tlrenler. to Mr, Edward TYaser ftalrd tiaw tieen received In Asheville. The weddlmt occurred in Portland, Or.. June 1H Mr. Bird Is the, twin f Mrs. Ilarrli t I'alrd of Aaheville. M iMlss Daisy Brinvn if Hlark Moun tain waa quietly nwrrled Saturday afteraoon at the horn,, of Mrs K.-r-ley In Hlavk Mmintiiln. to Atr .Arthur Alread of Hltrh Point. The wedding uf Allan Ada Akik-i lilng-uian to Llr. William Hoy Kngel took Iplttce ijesli-j-duy (nftrtriwMin at Trinity church, the ceremony illri,c penntirmed by Iir. W. l. There were perhaiw twenty .ir thirty ruess present, Intlnialo fit.iidH of the bride and gTiNnt. Ml km IiIiikiioih Is a native of HI. Thomas, i'n. Alter ths ceremony Miss Alice Moian kiivc b liinclMon In Jionor of Hr and Mrs Knsvl, who left later tn the nli.-ri n fr Toxawny w lier.. their loiuev will be spent. lr .innl Mm. l-:m;i-l w ill reside In Trvon. . The nil-inhere of the Snnihiy m h,,,,l nf Trinity chni i-lt eii)oe,i v), ,,. i,, OverliMik luirk yat.-rdin Th,. M.nnv people ntlll (toll- le.-iohels Went ii v In the niorniinr ami f,,mi n. ,.,v , Mrs. V. W. Olnh.mi, i.ilertalnei Informally with a Ion, -I v ,.s. i ,., .. I" liei IC'llie lit leliM la. . The ti ii ;i Ik In the men's m-hIh t, ;, nis toiini.-i no hi will Ii.- ,l.i . .1 i h ... iilternoon ill the i',,iMiirv , loh. h, in, i r permlttlmr lr .lore i-. I,, iii.i Mr. ! )l. Wini win i. ii,.. ,.,,. leHtanta :ih, I h, ,,i , I. h, s i, :,; . SUMMER SILK WRAPS: The i .(.. ! !, tl at the Ha'teri I'l "I !Im- ( tarles rvt-i at- nii lliliff 'j 1 Ii 1 it K 1 '' proportion., Wi) p rei tl i' - ! ,i n I lacing hiii " ' luMlr, and Mifti Plain black taffeta and semi fitted, ;! lengths, also: Fancy lace, braided, and ottoman, black with colored linings $12.f0 to $25.00 PARASOLS: Plain taffeta in shades, green, tan, black, navy, white, pink, red, brown and French blue $3.00 and $4.50 Fancy, variously embellish ed $5.00 to $10.00 M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S DRESS AC i:ssoKII s i i i I I M II I O 111 II llH '" . .4 i. I. i i k H Hope ,.f Augusta - I e'l i.'i,inK at a 'lniniw I lie pi i-.Ole dlniinr i ,r..m of i I'.n k h -, i , I all. i " a i d l a i ,. t h I., the hall 'I he flln- a- 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 -. 1 1 1 1 I ' de, OIHtCll ol p.illll". .111(1 '.pel 1 III . Ii i .' h ion t . it, .i n i ,1.-. i.riit i, ,n i 1 1 ' , I . ,.1 -n i! i on ... ere , nlll el . ,,f , v :i i m . .,,,r-i u Inch I. UK- i.iit, r' piei e T:ill it'. Mlal can il'lil,!,, ii,i..,i ih. t,il,. Mi I'',m'm oeit'i were Mrs Tlooo.-tH Hel II. MlK t llllllll Ml Kee. Ml". I'.lll lUllU- I'l.Ye. MiHH .1;lljolV Mrs Unci, I nt .. lllhan". Mr. Iiml Mm. Ihilf Merrl. k, 1 r nnd Mm. Th'oiuiH i 'IjceMhorniitfh. Iir H It .Swope. In. S Wi-Hlrav Haltle. ''nit nth.. Hold. Mr Kdwsrd I frost. Iir. I'oul Itlne.-i and Mr I'Mlnworth 1 innii. .4 .4 Mm. .laine-i Weatherlv, Mr an I Mi. Alexainler Burch. MIh- MrJo rv W'.aiii.rlv nnd Mis lrlorence Wentheriv of nil mlnpham who are ",einii,K in,. i, turner at Ulaek Moun tain me Iniiiiui fur wvieral rtaya to attend the rtoxloilendron hall at the Hntterv Park hotel. Mini Plot en WealherU Ik vlnltlng Mlfifl Ijlllm'e Oaten The Amateur MukIci club will meet thl afternoon In the hall room of the Manor at 4 o'cl-ork and u ful! attend ance la reiiuented The club has been rt neamiiiK for several weeks anil have already prepured several chorus es for their recital, the dale of which ban not been nnimunivd .4 J The Wranglers met Monday even In at the Manor, their meeting being preceded by the usual dinner Dr. W. I. Meacham road an interesling paper, the subject of which was "The Theory of the Kvolutlon and Its In fluence; on Moi'ern Thought ' The respondent was Mr. Hunter. There were flften momhers of the Wranglers present which was one of the most Interesting of the ysar M .4 There will lie a public recital hv th pupils of the Anhevllle School Music and Dramatic Art this mornlna at II o'clock. The program which was published In yesterday's ,ltlien Is of uniform excellence and It Is exnecter) that there will be an unusually larire uuience. Mr. w H. Front ami famllv of Atiiiiainn are spending n,,. summer on Hillside street. I Mrs. n Oeorge Barber and daiurhter Francis, left yesterday f,.i a visit with relatives In Idaho t A 11 II , , i . r miner or Jllilson left V,- eiiiav for .loluii u.... i naiiimore, where lie will under tin I'eraiion 1(r (irr of Judson will ni ompaiiy Mr Miller to Baltimore m ims Mry Olark of Wehlon and MIhm Kuxenla flark. daughter of Jns- llee ( i,k of Kalelgh will be th guests or Mrs. J I). Arnold during the ' K ot in., state bar nsso.-lutlon JesHl.. I,iinis,,. ,,r Nakuchl On., is lsltiyK jdin lu-SHie. Fortune "d Mrs. W. i Hlllliird have ieiurne,i in, in More),,.,,,! City ,v, io. nave i.,.n (,. t,u,r U1, rllli!P s.iciai weeKs nK In Ireensiborn "ml -"is. Thulium A. Jones on yesterday moriilinr f,,r Wilming ton ulmre they wen. cnlle1 by the oeuiii or Mrs. .I,,i.s. niolh Mc is of Wilmington. Mrs Htale Sennlnr James J. Ilrltt left Vo. leiilay f,. WushiiiKton when, he has ' : as law clerk In II,.- IM-sloi tl,.,. ,1. .pat tn,, in .In, Ik,, I 'lark. I Waller Clark and Walter ;.i t iv e.l I , , ft-,,,,, , .so an, i w in he j;,,, SH at th Mattery Itar as- 1 i toil. I illll lug th, '' i t l nut . . ,n i nl ion Stat Mn- I ,1 il, l , ii, tin; Mim Kate " 1 I I ; ho has Ichols hiis, It linnet,, I el II I 11, Mo NEEDS fitted and VITON A V K. i . .,io pi in. d l, I, -.ii I ..I ... ., i d 1 i - ! ! I'll Later Mi - I'.lla.eth i'ei."l'f!l J f-il -ill,, (rout her borne ,ri 'I'ai l.or .; i,. i-.t her sliwr I I I i . -i I I,. i . ' Ml I' .lii-l,. e ..f . -I. I .1 , . at ,11, I lie . ,, ,,, ( I ,,, ,, Ut, let ,,i . ,1 :. l,ei e , - ,1,,, H t, I ill ''l,) trl'li.t 11, 1 teljll'e. f. I '. U uiail. ''"'" "" no""" '"'if r ,,,,11 Mr. Van Vinkle an, I int., toil iiit.l 'h ,.f ate l,a- lna '.'llh i .,ii i ' h i" it n , 1 1 -tr,-et Mi l'et-ri,h of the Blitmore l',,i trv ha". i nine le, Ihe . If. from the .ink h-lr to ,-ta- dnntiK the 1,1 of titi. parents Mi H H M.Kee of La I, .-la tio . FlM l -lopping with Mr- ' II Hem at M t'ollege treet. I he tat.le Mr nnd Mi- Ralph Hiik.-I of Ti ' o i 1 v..-t p.a" are gne-t at the Hntterv I'aik hotel loiiii.-il a for a few davs. a f .- Mr. M. Iiiinn Mi Kee hiis gone ;,, New Haven for the Vale omineni e- int-nt and cI;imh da Men M.Kee vile.!' Is at preint the Kitest ,,f Mt i- I Waddeii, )r.. leavn . the lati.-r iart .'j i Ihe week for the Ka.-I lin,l Will he ' J una', ilitllnv the ..'iniiiui r. ! Mr Paul Hem v returned to Atlan ta Nninliiv nltfht after Mp.-iiilinr a week it)i friends In the , lu Mr iiiel Mrs. M .lu"t. e who were mm ried re. intli in Washington have arrived Hm are teinporari'y staying w ith Mrs i '. If Henry on College elreet, Mr and Mrs. Zebulon "ii rt Ih who have been Kpendliig their honeymoon at Tnxaway are expected home the latter part of the week and will tie at Miss Mattle Harris' on Church street until their bandeonM new home Is completed. Mr. William Ntearnea of Trvon Is In th city for a few days. Mr. Y Mlnskuchl who has 'been In Cuba for several months overseelriK the planting of his pineapple planta tion returns shortly nnd will spend the summer in Aihevllle with his fam ily on French Broad avenue Miss Anna Kltchin, of Hcntland Neck, who has been visiting the Misses Wright, on College street, left Tues day and will visit, her uncle, dov. Kltchin, before returning home. COULD HARDLY GET MACHINE IIP IN AIR (Continued from first page ) and struck the earth at its tip. Ths machine was swung completely around Orvllle iilckly stopped the motor. II was found that the canvas at the tip of Ihe wing had been lorn slightly by scraping on the ground After the canvas hud been repaired, the machine was returned to the start ing rail. It had travelled about in 'itimlred feet. "I didn't have power enough," ex plained Orvllle. "Ili-slde. the wind Is coming from behind me." There -vas a sliKht iiiov emeiit or Ihe alt fr,.m Ihe north, but It was scarcely notice- a ble. At li. '1(1 the machine started again ami the first minium was reiieated with Ihe inception that this time the I' ft wing scraped the ground. Okln't i:vn Oo Tp. The machine was returned for n third trial, and the crowd cheered lustily. Wilbur that the Weight was not sufficient lu in. nt ml lie gate an Illustration of Ills In- m-nully hv attaching a lather heav O. e on on.- of the skids, forward ..f he ii ui i n I r i . . and an Iron , lamp on the opposite side. Iltcllle Mln, . I., hi th.olv that the power was not mi 1 11 1 lent. J lie tllllil attempt was eei less iccessful. the machine refusing 1 Ise at all The power was iinreas i. for.- tip. machine was brought ha for a fourth attempt At T 4T. Hie Ilnal trial. Ihe m blue lo-;e 1 ,1 II height of at I lift.. r twehtv le.t SIlotlK after 11 a elided 1 1 II I 1 1 1 - K t o II II . I it s 1 1 o w ignv of losing he.nlwai. (null, h. pi ,11 a round held, i . 111:1 linn in th Hr ah. nil liil seconds and hunting 1 1 11 1 1 I ini no dial el in 1 1 .-lit ot t h 1 a 1 1 1 UK 1 1 a, k. I'ouutl Out the Trouble AS he HI. pp. ,1 Mill he call, ll to III! ie, liatue l.nn,l I U I' mil tin 'h:n Inv - t inn w hit I Hi. Ph.- m t k In K h 1. ll . 1 Will, ui , m,., i to rcard the dirti n'ti tic -in, t, r. d a-- ralher anui"!n ni t I k in ilic s hi brother had a 1. w , tilt. iti., to make ot him. il hm i I n-1. ,! lo tnak. a ti HiKhts at I "I I Mwi nil iiik that It I hi-. In nth 'i -' . t. hut he doe" mo1 of the h"---- inr ati.l mot of th, tinl;,-rinff. H, -hop Mill. m rluht f uller of lite ni u.,1-. wnh tin ir ln-oth. r ifeui hlin ittiieit at bort .Mer ill time t. see Ihe I. - t- Tolllol t ,,i Il 1 K tl t III In it !- epectcd. all. inpted Hiiothr If all.r .,re i led r ica I storms n i inn ilniiiikr ihe davhejit hours. "" ' irl.illul:, would llnmedliltcti a -..ilain whether ,,r not th. ir IirIiIs ire ..limine moi h Inconvenience niojhl I-. aioni.-d Nat nr.i II v. it iiappens. In perhaps the maoi ity of cases whet. linhtninK h:c, , aus. d tronlde on the lines thai patrons do not try their lichis unltl in . ih d at dark; and at that hour ther.- are two causes of annoying de-lav-llrsl. possildv .in locating ihe e ..t posilion of the and see- iinl the limited time In which to n meil) the umr. Special Prices on lingerie presses ( For the rest of i his week we will sell our dainty line of Lingerie Dresses at reduced prices. hu1:. Our stock of them is somewhat limited but, if you come early, you aire sure to get a dress that will become you at a price that makes the buying worth while. They come in the following popular shades; light blue, pink, lavendar and white. Lingerie I h't-ssos in all mini's that t'oi'incrlv sold for $7.00 m'Ii arc speci ally priced lor t lie remain der nf the week at $5.50 New plain Jailored Jhirt Waists, the Neatest Special $I.Z5 Sach RUSSIA AT ITS WORST IS TOLD BY AN EXILE COrVT I.OCHWITZKY KELATE8 HOftROKS OF SIBKItIA Utile White Father Is Not Rrml to His Child ren. Always Count Alexander VI l.uckwitzky, iatc lieutenant colonel in the Hnasian ui nty, who by a most mlrarut'oua rfo.'t after an exile in Slherla for a number of years freed himself and came to this country away from his family, recounted the; experience of hi" life before a large and appre ciative audience a Uu Y-M. C. A. last nlfcht ' In a very slvkl and? dramatic way the Russian count' told of his life. Th history of thin exiled iobleman is more like art intense dralna, wherein tragedy predomlna es, than a story from life. His delivery was Impas sioned and dramatic and pathetfr at times. Willt" a fairly clear EnKllsh accent he read his manuscript yet at the more Interesting and intense parts of Ihe story lie forsook the maun script and with impassioned effort he acted out the different climaxes In his I'emaikable career. The count narrated the story of his life from his bo hood when he enjoy ed the social diiiilricrlon rIm n to a son of a war councillor of ltn,sla and tin ti v. r Kiaphfcally he portrayed the disasters w hich followed. With an illruisllc purpose he hud sought to found a school tor iveasaul children. A woman Int.-iesi.-d him in tin project and had sent 1. him for a book mkii- iiin her nam.- with the Initial "M." W hen the seer, t service heat , I 01 t he proposed arhool they atorined his Home and discovered this letter. .',.r this he was Imprisoned fifteen months and suffered toiture and deprlval Ion, later being sent to Siberia as an exile While there he turn physician and School teacher s. Il'lenced to font Vent's f tuii il labor 'l ite ileacrlpl Iiiii of bis work there p..rn.iveil the life in exile with all its tin i ilslitpM nntl mli'lgiies Hy K"od fortiiiii. however. In- was later trunsf. rre.l to and , as i in ph , . ,1 in i he Krltlsh consul's rfice. Here Inlllcue WlMI made agaiuM him by anotbet exile for life Out witting the In t t'li-mted exil. m ins plans lie fiiioeil his res i k i i.i 1 1 " 1 1 ami w il h the aid o t he Krltlsh cu ul an, I h strenuous effort with spl...- contill- uallx watcliliiK lum he lied ti ihe country anil lauded In Japan The most Interest Inf, part of his narratKej was the recital ..I tills chapter III ins III.-. At Ihe point of Ihe ivvuli. r h, escaped captor, nnd made p,,Nsil,. his e-.i ape and flreilnm. Mr. I ....h w ll .-Ui has lie. u in i,i- oiltili v t-uu .in,l one half v.ais. and M about t.. lake up a profess. .(: h I p i, I l i en, h In a .,.cin,,,i m lo'iichhin n a There is a pn.e $i.000 on hi head t..i hi.- return I., Kussia. Siin.' Ii. in in America In- has been p. .p. .nc I three times mill his been at tine, Inn. A a whole th. address w.n n, ,,. eptioiial nii.i, i ami Insiiiicine ,t w ah us fiiimoi on touch as the cum hi., nay gac tls; hi of wit to liirhl.n ih. touches ol pubis I.AKK'S t'HI'ISKS or mi: f l.F.vl.r' ( Ham bin u- A merlcan Line 1 18.000 luii. brand new. Superbly litteil. Round iihD l-Yiim New Y.irk October IS 1909 frm Han Krancieco rxpn a. Isuo nnr- iv foiir m.intbs. costine oni- Itirui AM ll'. 1111111111118- all eiciniisi" anii aebore M'Kl'IAl. KI-: ATI'Rl-Ss M.b-H tUfviH. ImllH. C'eloii. Hiirma. .luia Itornco. I'btliinilues. Jaiuiii. An un. imiial cliamv to islt anusiiallv ai- irm tin. 1 1 In ii. I'Jtli Aiiniiul thlent iruisc. r. h. 5 fit: bv North i'nrm.iii l.l.n.l s s 'i;rosver Kinfii.tst." 73 .laN m.-in.t inir :t tta s kuvm an.t t'.i ..sun, JUKI int. FitWk V. I.ARK. TIMK.S Itl.IX N. Y. CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTTS liiiiLferie Dresses in all colors that formerly sold for $9.50 arc specially priced for the ir niaiiidci 1 if I lie Week at $7.50 Do You Know What Constitutes a Fine Piano? Unless you are aure you thoroughly understand piano mechanism, tone quality, action, etc., you had better place yourself In our hands and get the best Not for the profit on 500 pianos would we sell you an Inferior In strument. W RITE TODAY Chas. IH. Stiell Manufacturer of th Stelff and Khaw. the Pl anus with the sweet tone. SOUTHERN WAMCROOV 5 West Tnuto SI Charlotte, N. C. O. II. WILiMOUTII, Manager. (Mention this paper.) CHICHESTER S PILLS ws tiik liumiMi UBANn. kUrhM-ta I Ma i lIIU 111 Hed ati.l Lala rill.lH. i mm mmr. Wtuj r to SOtO BY DRUGGISTS EVFRYWHtPi FREE! FREE! The Willis Photo Company, 29 Patton Ave. M III ttr flee SI II, til) north of (bi ll Im-s I'll. ilu- in ihr person n i ll Iiik Hi in'aifsi, i Icx. iii anil ai lili-;i ml iciilsemeiit of not more than 30 onl-. mi-nflonlnir The PIIO to l o. in the ailierll-i nu n! Tile colite-.( i ,ims satunlav. ,liilt HI. Write us manv ail ei ll-cmciit-i as ion plca-c -IkiiIiik yonr name and acl iltes to cucli anil every one. Hmb paper- 111 appoint one judKe each and appointed Jmi;c lo nipolnt Ilie lliiril juiIkc. Si nd or briiuj all ailM-riivments to THE WILLIS PHOTO CO , 29 Patton Ave. Pi one 641 EXPERT SERVICES j Massairinir. Manifi.riiur. ! I CliirnMily, Hair I ix -iii;. ti-., and hair oods mad tu ordt'i'. MISS CRUISE 2A HayvviHKl Street Liiitrerie Dresses iii all colors that fnniicrlv soh for $11.50 are specially priced for the reinaiinlci of the week at $8.90 CHIROPRACTIC ; UK, CLAY L. IjKAN, formerly Clinical Buperlnteadent of tha Carver 1 Ptnny Chiropractic College and Adjustory of Oklahoma City Is now located . with Dr. C. F Comptnn. I His wide experlenie enables him to successfully and scientifically han- I die all classes of diseases. ! Investigate If you are not well. I Office hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to i p. m. 101-107 Lange building, northwest of Square. Phone 821. j ROGERS SILVER WARE I Toa Spoons from 45c to 12. 2a. Ta ble Spoons from 95c to 13. Knives end Forks from $3.50 to J1-.50. ec them at the Tha Asheville China Co., 0 North Tack Spnare j MISS MABEM.E MACDONAI.D ' of Roston j Ladies and Misses First Clase Riding I Habits. Tailored Suits and Dresses i Ri'iiiotlellng Located at Room 15, 40 Patton Ave I Asheville, Livery Wells and Brown, and W. E. Brltt'a stock and equipment are now consol idated. The firm will be Known as BR ITT AND WFl.liS KTABI JiB 32 V. College St.. PIkiimv SO and I0IS M. WEBB & COMPANY Milliner y Importers I No. 6 Battery Park Place, Plume 1044 If You Buy M iv W fudi; n coal von will liave Ihe sal isfaction of knowing tliat, yon are burn- 'ng tlif lit'st coal in tlic world Plionc 1::. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Plame ISO. ratton Ave. Citizen Want Ads Results. Bring D1T IT n Light Weight Black and Tan Hosiery V hay .just roi-t ivt'd , sliipmont of thin Hose for this war,,, wvalln r. ),,,rv Dqiartnieut has jiniwn t.. siirli an tlfiif that up have to order eon- i .,i,.. ii .. ii.m.tii i.. K.. , .mi' inijiit'i M,i,i M . . I I'll ki '"ii i Iv .iilil 1 at) I 1 pair. (('tinivd II, IS(. i ,,f.arly .i-. .'.. and .id,- 1 1; j j- l line of ( 'liildren's I'nik an. I ;nl ;,t 2.-M. Lingerie Dresses in all colors that formrrl)' sold for $12.50 are special!' juiced for the remainder nf the week at $9.45 oJj fiave Seen CREX MATTING RUGS 50c to $8.50. 9xl2Matting Rugs $4.50 Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 South Main St. MANICURING. Halrdressing, Facial Kfaaaafea. I Scalp treatment a specialty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet artlclea, I switches, puffs and pompadouea made to oroer. rnce reaonabla, worl first clasa. HKIVXFjt AND HtrNfTEB, LADIES. GENTLEaDEW. and 10 Paragon BMff. Cheap Milk I nauall7 cheap la quality aa well aa pi Ice. It la daageroua. Oar milk la not In that elaae. It hr abaolnt -ty pur. clean, rich and wholesome. Asheville Pure Milk Co East Walnot 8. Pinna CM La Grecque Corsets For every typd of figure GREENE & CO., 12 Church Street. Dr. Matthews' Dei-tal ' I'arlora. 25-2-27 New McAfee Bala. Cor. t ullt'Ke a oil Spruce Streets, aea Court House. Teeth extracted without pain. AU vrnrk guaranteed. Pri-es always reas onable office Phone 949. Residence Phone 9 7 2. I Bee - ustoiner.s supplied rr se at 2T)e, :.", and 75c all of the light, shades at hose in Black -Tan Blue