1" V THElij THE WEATHER: SHOWERS SHEVIE ' i V ' H : :ilf;nSwci3i)cily;; fv- uuvijAvcrr.:3icrJ,j "no .1 VOL. XXV. NO. V. ASlllA'lLLi:, N.C., TllUli tsD.v v mn h viacv: vixi: cf.xts. 01 1 EXCESSIVE HEAT T Two .Western Senators Take Stand Against Their Part- ty on Income Tax SOME MEASURE FOR REVENUE NECESSARY MPEDIMEN TO LONG ORATIONS Y Otherwise Will be Deficit of I Nearly Two Hundred Mill ibrt In Two Years (lly Vs-mlaled Press.) ,' WASHINGTON, June :!. Income : a practically the only subject Ind Senator Cummins, of Iowa, and foorah, of Idaho, the only speakers efore the senate yesterday. Mr. I'orah was not heard until to- ,ards the close of tho day s session: hett inr lowa senator yieiiiou uye. oareVhieh he had held since yestsf. av. took for tils text the 'I for his text the ileclaa lerday by Senator Aldj eel thai he woiihl ' lion ma 'le yesle tk-h to tin- eft. "for the I only as f come Hi orporation tax amcndnif nt in tin na tC AcfexnWner I lin tion of the chairman of the, 1 committt'e who hail r't'iitt l Tpoiatfon tax amtntlmcnt t t ie. ah. tmnHiui-s aiiso pun. his r;- nanti t.i Mr Alili'ii'tl nn lit ttVUWiU til vrMi-iud), ummifiH FIm Mr. Cummins took lite 1 . . . air as sunn 9 a (iimrum oulii no o . . the nipetlng f th.- BAT? y . , I'clock and with a brlf lor luncheon, whli h w f:--Intermisiin on In the scriatp Iwt -V . , ;.. -J . ,,, Iclock In i he amri a naluiaiiy rauq . but with an riproveiJ temp'atrr and hrrauHc mr. i ii in ut i up r t?"!- Liio .nujrni nave ; -J.i)lher umU,r i . r 1 perils of 4 Tmm,.,,, whrh f. Cr,nr.n"efe7.1e.l as the most J the most Just of a J or ... .. ..... . BLIIIIIIO. rh total revenues nn er tin A In 'I'avne hill at :so oo.ooe. inedleleil that at the end Inueil on priRe four ) HWfS PET SNAKE MD EMPTIED ILDOflF I - - 01idjng Tliniiigli ('tinitldi's, I1;yas Wnminj? t" !!- ItOlllll- -PVANT liKSCl'lU) IT ,,Sefitil to The I Iticti.) NKV rhuw'si unakc got loose in her studio at 31 ! Went -Thitrty-lhinl street - ft erda' v and fur the next nan noii 1 1 " Vicinity, of the Waldorf-Astoria .the soee of strenuous living. ?lnel Hiram Marshall of T. nne 4tM bin recently returned from in Reunion' of Conl'edcriite veterans 9 native state. onel Marshall was dozing in one i big chairs in Washerman's tk'tr 'erag ofHcc in the Waldorf I i" )arandtelegTaph instruments were MnlWllW Vil, in. ......... .mqtnR tpe lypevvrncrs. the board tiling ipio- tMti' Wore anonotonoiisly hP:.n . , dpnp'9 ' pearctui scene vci- lilWiilireriiiitiitefi one long. e.i.- "Lili'i.':i ll ...! ...H I..I- Anr.AI not 1 1 - n i.siiik, i.i... ...... rhJl Marshall way lying nacK in mi ra?lr. his eyes sticking out like a naflr, his eyes sticking out Htllli -HOT, 1 mm BEiMED THE COLONEL ihe i ti.-r of door knobs and staring x I H door. r....ver"lodv fol owed his eyes, i n , fill as plai. 'v as the colonel .they VVf say an enormous snake glld-d offtV the sill and into the brokerage .e. 0,(111 quit. I'll never touch It again ri,j,long xs 1 live," yelle-d the colonel. n nobody striven to hear mm in JO?: :i seconds the snake had tne ronin ,rnlmself The colonel was in the Vfront of the exodus. 'ith walking sticks and dusters'. i ..a. as Mrs. Thaw rails ner net. jntp Anally ejected and pushed out tne vestibule aiiu ine hwhb wmir lrwd grathered. Also Policeman .Merman Conway Rraaped his ly night stick and was about 10 Kara out for keeps. In another ule Kara's tall would haw heoai line In a tired way and waiting the sun t -no down aa It couid In. peacw, iwhen , colord woman 7i VwiJ fnifc Ql PRESIDENT! TAFT AT YALE WARNS HIS PARTY OJi DANGER Admit it is No Living up to Pledge. And . eJ 5 vere (By Ass.M'iiilcil I'rt NEW HAVEN, Conn , President T.-ifl paused II. of an after ilium orptilii.'iti.u of Y-.le ''l to .., .,,'.,, f .', , Jf"l nt tho an.isav in his present' , ., , ,. ,IV, lo Issue a , m liailou in 111011 ill, ZlT , , l.i ,n,fr,,s! The truth Is. ami. speaking sc. i .inn to til.- I, hilts ( ,.,,,,,,,., 1 1)llsVi 1 rim8i,,.r myself most form f, '. ..jL I'-'V'fnl declared Ihafn.itc that 1 .. a to "Main fo ' 'Y:'?'f,lace,l I in now- ,.' b.ng had 1 1'-" I iirooi :.J M I" 111'" U S , I t'W'1 exper-tatlnn.- "I . he l'...'Rale, to lll. II). ii..iijimi u(' ; Mr. TaP , W .llllll. I II v l. Ml had h.-i sp. akinu humor. im.sjy of recolleciioiis of his own iol- . .. V.I..I. ......... l.i.- U1..I.I. Il lortr " R' r'""H "f "'e im- i - nt utterance upon national ai- all the more Impressive. Tie' rj)8ldcnt' spoke exlemporati. oii.lv. an. I L llttllf.l ... to flo. ilnlv ..I III.' irty of whieh he Is nominally Ih- fhfad neetned the result of a ku.1.1. n flmpulfie ralher than of studied intent The ale men caught his meanim; and cheered for several minutes, lie had been KpeakliiK of Secrelarv -I' Wr Hiikinson. a ileinocral, ill Whom Yale loday ennferred an hi.ii.n -m-y decree. He taunted the deiii.M i;e vlth Die best of Kood humor as to it itt'fiiT'r'st nt ,,;, udition. and this led linn Into th ili claratioii t. his ou II party. "Just to show you," tin continued, amid laughter, president 'that have .troubles of our own." Dickinson's IhiniK-racv. The president in nis tribute to Sec rctary Dickinson said: "Von went South of ihe Mason and Dixon line to net a secretary of war to Kivc a degree to. Wi ll, II is well that you did because lie is Koine, to build the Panama canal, and other universities will follow where ou not In early. One of the difficulties that has confronter brother Dickinson, out in Chicago, where he has a temporary residence, was a discussion as to what fonstltuted an orthodox democrat, and whether really he oiiitht to be counted as a democrat. If he allowed himself to ko into a republican cabinet Well when you come to discuss w hat is a democrat these da vs. wni are pri nted with very much the same iliffi culty that I have belore me now in giving certain rules for the Construc tion of Ihe pure food law as to whal whiskey is. They say there is slrah'hf whiskey, and then there is red Hied' whiskey and lio n there is imitation' w hiskey. Now I .peak I E IN TIGHTNING WEB OE HIS OWN WILLFUL LIES I'oliic Find He Knows More of Si.nt'l Murder Than Ho Admits. DISTia'STS TIIK.M AM. (l!y Associal' d IT NKW YiiKK'. June :fo phieeniy of Chung Sin. on -The ' ' ' e the IV. male of I.. I ; e mur.l' went all tn Hi l.illg. -v ho is w anted of F.bie Sig.l on June pieces this a I lei .n .v ' A rt hur into th can. .an evpr.-isina .if II wle n- 'hung Sin Is hl l is mote 111. in a maU'i'i.il brusiiHelv shouted. "Hull Iogiin Is the m. in who I rimk . olila illilli I lie 1. " I V ill. ss and t 1 1 dow ii stairs from I '-" room day of tic- murder, lb has ! pollie that fining Shi is le mon he saw on lie top Ib.-c house. filling, oil the eonlt.it n n I I I sworn by all hi never saw the -lol trunk I' ! moved. "You are the man fining Sins pres. n told me to lake Hi 1 1 link -I carefully. There was .lie I fellow with you i" same that came o if lo lie an hour before (.. t:iv to call for the trunk." "All mistake.- pi'i "never see you '-clot-.-. . si. ! Tie man's voice broke, and I if in fear as I.og .n 1 ; ' Ksitlve in his id. ntite i" ",htiTiK was not k. pi ' before he had another .I time Martin Iuria. tit drove a Chinaman an. the Harlem laundry i restaurant m Newark of Jun 10. The pole h "'I j h that Chung Hin might b fare IMirt "t Leon l.ing could nut Identify Chung believe that It was I his taxlcab. A .lett. r frm written an answer to or the Poor Brothers, w ed today and translated trlct attornej' rutk-e. 1 till I 11, : in ely pt- !N .. sts man i rer ti. It that the murder. - ,1"n' and that therefore - only Ih. Foresees Disaster 1 W& Change. with a Kod deal of hoitalioii j saying whether no friend I'i. kin ..n. ih a 'straight' democrat or a 'iv.-- l.smi'tihrd democrat. I would 1171 dari' -i an I that hi' wu lli.it Important place in my cabinet h j man who represent the hiKhest ideals of the South, who knew no sec tion in his patriotism, and whose com inn Into the cabinet was (dguillfant of the friendliness of a laiKe element In that Southern section, that it is in my heart to brim; elos to the North. Trouble or Tlirlr Oh n. "Now. my dear friends, in sUKKent inK differences iiitioiik democrats 1 am far from Ignoring some dlP'tcultles that there are on our side. 1 remem ber in I1IU4 that Mr. ("hnrles Kraiu ls Adams Bave what I may call a per lecily good Adam reason for the election of the flemocrntlc candidate .ver the republican candidate. Jle said one of the esucntlals of a suc cessful free government was nn able, patriotic and efficient opposition and that as the ileiuoeralio party had ut terly failed in reaching that Ideal, he w;is in favor of pulling Ihe republican party in that place. Now I venturs to say that while that may not he the reason whiih Khali moye the American people it Is true that If the republican party does not live up to its promises and what the people ex pect of II it will be relegated to a po sition like that of his majesty's oppo sition. And, therefore. I may say by way of caveat tli.tt we have troubles of our own." Had llusy Day. The president hud a; busy anil In teresting day as the honor guest of the Vale commencement exercises. In cup und gown he WUkcd In the iligullied procession of graduate, Yel lows and faculty to the commence ment ceremonies In Woolsey hall. He attended a- meeting of the Yale cor uuraUwn, apoko t the mktday 4Hnms of thtf nltunnl. )resrded over a meet Ing held for the purpose of arranging for a memorial for Yale men who die I ..ii both sides in the Civil war stood for nearly two hours with l'res idi ot llildb y at the commencement reception, and rushed tonight from a ineetm:' ol the Skult and Hones to board bis private car wtiich was at- t.'ietu'd to the midnight train for 'niit inni'd on I ; tr four.) WRIGHT'S MACHINE IS SOARING EAGLE OF AIR Sla vs up Thirty St roiids and Tlu ii ('i.nii's lo KaHli With a Clash. WILL TUY, TK'V A(i.IN (lly AsMX-lab d IT. WAHHINflTON. Ji lent iiovver was ,'igait t - I the misbehavior of lie- plane at Fort M v er. I h aitemjded by ( irvillo .. ) llisuflil- , ll.le fol hi - i.l (light I.-Olltef in slight diimage to m i 1 1 1 u and lay. ended the experilliot'1: ''' Its durnllBHvTiH about Unit Mr. Ws1it,:HI tha th- Would it jrSQif for e'i Oh. n"'JrJ'-h.'it mm be used. the -. omili. t ..plane trial to r would The aeroplane gli.i I., a n thi starting rail at fi.ts .. ! h and Hew at a height of about tilie. n fe.-t for the length of tin- drill grounds It wu" evident that the machine was working nun h better vest. rday. As he m-ai-ed the southern end of the field, oi villi- riowi-rfd the. left wing and i.iiT ihe right one. The machine ItTi'.hi to make the turn gracefully, Ion It had gone nrour:1 only a few f. t when It seemed to ins its i ii i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 in. W hen a liltle more than hair w.-.v r..und. the left wing strin k the i.ittli anil hfiMight the ma chine to the ground ,vith considi ra - hie fore. The aviator n m.iirt -d In his seal as though i oiiteniplatitig the cause of th- Liilkv action ol the aeroplane After a few minutes in- stepped out jand utNiti examinairoti ifouryi inai the right skid was broken near the forward and that a f' .v wires had Urn jerked loose. The rivalry guard kept everyone but the Wrights and tin ir assistants away from the machine which was r turned to the aeroplane hod. There was a large crowd at th fort Among the spectators were e number of senators who neglected the tariff debate lo 'be present. The of ticets of the fort provided an Innpec tion drill for the entertainment of the Tjrxri.riri. l r i if i's--.--iii--T(jr OiTi" i ir lTiey ,wv wlwM,r iJ ; ; ' la w yers Will strive for hic ;ii j STANDARD OF ETHICS IN PR QLuZSZlOti Formal Opening f th Annual Cohvention at Battery Park Last Nir.ht 7a,n I!. by Interesting Address by President Clemens Outlining Kced.1 I The two hundred il.legtes to 4ie North Carolina liar ns-trtrlalii'ri n- nual convention opened their sessions last night at the Hallerjl I'rlt. Hotel with addresses of -eleOIt'. .M!f of the city and the .tasiuitJn' ml the response of the prrtlnt Sof .the association sounding ih key fcoh"' the convention which M ts-ttermf-m of the laws In regard to ite ,dlMh,r-. ment' ofvultorncy mill hiiflief stBil- ards for all who ilislre .ijtnlsslon' to the (liar. Owdntr to fhrtlHt-rrwrTiTnnnt delegates the senium did not beirhi until nrter nine i.'i -Im k. There weiv pruceiiure. our iitn? m-ohh.;..... a large number -! ladles present si I and the various hlliiWainces to all ex- the opening sessii.n The eonventlenj Iltlous ad in In 1st ration of Justice. , vva cat to or.l.r by Mr. Thomas K j Mr. Wlnstun Optimist. DavJsof wilmlmtt-n who la . aeeratary j The secretary then Introduced Sfr. of the orgnnlOTllen. The secretary i Hubert W. Winston of Halelgh Whrt then Introduced Mr. Julius C. Martlt ! made Ihe address of welcome for UH of this city wh" mado the address ar association. Mr. Wlnslon Wft of welcome on l half of the city. J Rested thai as his address was opt! Mr. Mania's Welm-. iti.istic and Mr. Martin pessimistic, the Mr. Martin's address was full of wit secretary I"' Instructed to bind tnem and it ii mor wtih several storli'S rem-: in s.-parale volume prevent . ni! inlscent of th.- recetit political con-' explosion. fi'tr ' 1 tests In the suae. Oreat adanf, Mr. Winston prefaxfed' his address followed hht mention that bffn ffc with n trlhiile to tho bto w Ashevlllw Ashevilie then Is no "fHtMtstrif Utl r.-iuli the lawyers that there combine" ' ' 1 a M I'i ie A.h'.-viiie ii.- snld that the Haurvers' would weleotiH Ihem as visitor knw Ing that thev did not Intend to ,stjj, h s this city Its full iitdft dTiltiiwy,' WILL TEST VALIDITY OP El (Question Urtvinj? Arisen as to Cf"ktitutioi).ility of the (fptaI,W:Tlie iH-n.) nALf.lntijN. O., Jim 40. Cover- nnrltijllnassil'oxl tonli-M $ statement as htq th. guilty. 'if th. JafO.OOft bond issuo IckhBsifTeot thai I h. stafa. oftl.. cers ukt"iOfA,t-""t ',.tIMlv-0r ll)S.,actiel)U Mtiw inn nm oeen ratwsd li pfiispt'c tlv-e purchasers,' ta thvul,,'fest;to haverh Kirpn.nte cojut iettla.tlre rnattcr." .Jn the. racfin time,h.,BahlBU .Savinss bnnh which waa.'Kwardod the entinv ienu as the highest bhldar, "pays tiZ&.pw,, rh to, malnilt'r or the 50,ort" pd pleiniuin to be paid when valhlrty thc rjBrids Is settled. This advance 'payucat, t Is stated will be returned 111 thwVt-pji the to I Is not sustained. U1 tha mean. ,i. ulll enable trie hlate hostiltl commission to continue ita,jpyor!f oJ cnhiicinR ni1 eipiippinif fhe statu, tn. stM,itbiii.s. The lr.ml.lfl an)vft ut 'ipf prf.viso lmendment to 'fu tirat 'Seel lion adoplei l on ihiril f' iing wlrhout He,-.' -.1' da'-- roll call' Jt Stipulates that ? I " 1 botij, issue must apidv " '' '" " "' "'' Mnrnanton i;.,.., h..-ioi.iK. SHOVSfERb 'I WASHINGTON, June 34 Forecast North Carolina l-o-il sliwwers Thurs day and Friday; hht to moderate west winds. Mr Martin .vrlcomed the VylsltlrfJ for more Hum two years. In speat-i-yers first in behalf' rf ' bar of inn of the spirit of reformation tho f 7 mm a m M ' a m Ever Catch Him Look Out. of the State Bar.. 4 yers. In fact so many that tf a larsfe proportion of them 'were on th fanm ftxim whence they ennw they couid furnish fdod stuff etwutHh, to timtciia--ly reduce thd iprtc : at foodstuKi.. II then defined .the bjects of the ic elation to be (he Will n of standard and Ideals. lie laid Trent enidia.-as iipon cotiillttuns as loiitnl In Jiu Mouth, twpiicially In regard to lyrit-lj-Ings and 'the .observance mf law. . Mri Martin closed his dd's with ft eittiiarlofi ot the lei-nl 'eondlttoes limit, Me''nrfllclsed otv Js-fownes of hlld nol liein a diiciuiih in mm nker compared that of Ihe lay re- former In the lawyer. He said that ! the I ., r,.f,.rnier iroes at rerormaiion hastily and that It' would he nwf- i" WIFE BACKJO HIS HOME Oil h ers Tyke Her Lover n.n k to diiil in Hand cuffs. (S,M-. llll to TIM' t ltlWII.) DI-KHAM. JunfaJfWe''.'T J- K. Wu,-t o,, of Vin"ii'- TrankUn CJO'.-ilv . left Monti,!?, m tf li-li from wlilefl'.l.l ion for ,m takes Walter Oakley, who W finder Indict ttjitit for causing Hi wife of William Lamla-it to desert him iThc policeman had oakb y chained behind him -at Mr. and mm hail l-Smheri and children They 71 , ..ii a?. ii.,. hiediaml nm n ie "o -in., ii hl wile made It up. They cum.' her- i . .. ... .,. Sittttl-dav afternoon, pill up as ti.ii-Wv- b UnJotti ind were .iilellv preieno II right, when tin- l-'rank-ppenied with the husband onlth. , They were ilrlvri tnere tiyl itte . ahmen who hud noticed the String, a- tion of the pair ami well. foirt,,! vviiliout t rouble ftie IIIIUI I husband says h- diss nof n"-1 began, vents w now '"' . .nil hi.u; the Infatuation ...,kl. v has 'been liviuo: "''' Hi him as o tenant and is 1 years old Satunlav nf- terHi ,M h, I . r 1 1 Ills Wife on OU' ll." to ni:k i v inlt and the tempter i'"- lowe.l In r lie slirrteo ner i.,.i.-." lurlinte and this Is where they came. Thi v t- has two children, one of them l.i.t ' Kht weeks old. The hus- hanrf , ver with her and the ,.fn , i. I decided to take her home;. He ..k the matter with more than The officer says tho becoming gtac , ,n comes of excellent fnm- young "I" llu ...a .hit there ' ' La stand- I-m r in ner commuM..., . he hi" d-me. ... , The v.. ung fellow went hack hand ed fled and th" other parties to the mlx-up "-.i Is h'nd him, and saw hltn escorted h.nne. . . .vr essary to kill all lawyers In (lie imiiu try before, tyranny could be enacted in ih land. Ills advice to the yomm lawyer wni Ihitt tii'tt of all he have a I'dnel inoi .l iloiiailer, Then all the kd vice ricces ny would lie work, work, vvorkl .'Mi pnifession 1 a ixdile heritage and o ri.yul pi leMihood wit i a proiiilis'tit, pine for nil ineti who vvmibl work; not to e mere, itkhh'V 1 S H l.l4 i - "1 Vftnnttets itwl llioe-siMnuiif tut- Jun. Ilcei - - . ' -'Mr, Winston 'then spoke of the hard work and disappointment which ' a young lawyi-r must endure before ho attains suwees, He-cllod the cuse of Judge CoiirHir, who in 1S3 while sup partln the; prohibition tiii'ti-mre w is defeated for the stale senate and In 1117 voted on ihe inipeai,tinieiit of Ih.. Judge,' snd Is now thff dlatriet Juilge of the United , Mates ennrj; for' the Hnstern district of . North . Carollii. This brought forth great applause. In speaking of th yoimflr lawyer h also urged upon him a thoroiinh urtdorstandlng of the law that by his efforts! North Carolina msy be the freest fit the fne. In closing he re minded the' lawyers to be free and bold Investigators, honest and hard working. Mr, Winston' address was ! (Contlntit!! on Phk fours)? OFFIM MI'S Col. Pasos Uctainetl, Huh peeted of Deinf? Klsit Bi gcl's iNfurdcrer, NKW OntRANH, Jun 0,--Whlle Meutenunt Colonel 3. Alexnnder' Tasos uf the Nlcaraguan army, whose de tuition here yesterday by local de tective, siisiMWted of being- leon Llntf, slayer of Elsie &icl AniUtsnhnity e w ntcd the action nf the officer, friends here express the , bujlef 'tonight that i the Nlcaraguan ts now Inclined to , tr-at the iatter'"from humorous I standpoint ; C.jJ. Paso wa quoted as declaring last night that he would ... ask Minister Esplnosa a WashfnKton, . . .. 1 . .. ...KnlsA- r.f Ih. u.l)llM.nM.l io tone t ..B!n.,.. ... ............. Inspector or vouee w uonnor aaio lonlKbt that Colonel faao had never Is en tuually arrested and that's, rail road deectlve had befit responsible fur hi belnjf escorted to police head iiuartertf. lm reaching ' ttiere the mistake was Immediately recognised by Chief of Detectives Heynolds; who . spressed his n aret at the occurrence Colonel Paso arrived hr Tuesday morning from New York, lie state that he had been the guest of Minister Ksplnosa at Washington, for : ome weeks l fore ln to New Vork. .' '.liioin tmi,h hhti. : iflAN FRANCISCO, Juna Sa.-A. mo, tion to set aside the second indictment asalnst J'atrlek Calhoun, prcflldeiit of in nolKKly wh.j'tne tiniiiid rairroaa wnoaa trial, on a cnarife ui oiii-cioh m unuv vt n nuiri- vli- resulted Id a dispgrecment, w.is today otter-ruled by Judjje wliV. At torneys for Calhoun then made a mo tion for a ehang of venue, Th hear-. ing on this motion wtat net fur Jul v . , . - - i, f -. .-, f i J j : ; ; S ! ! ' J fit o I Gr. In 1 ... . . vac C-r; I TiprLtu's :;i ',.i Cft'f! ftr j i I, . I u VI J V A '1 ( 1 V .VMM hlli d T i MKMl-UiM, Ti iin., June tri !'; ptellinliiaiy sUlnuo ii of u at t. .ii .- vvlilch douiilless 1 ll.-Htilieil l-.i tt : hinhest court In the land for final i .Indication, thosw who I'.tvwr the l oniiu fiance of the matmraenire.'s und nl of t.li i'holli! beverages In Tewit. '.. r lined the adviiiigtni-c In the Ii ,ti,u.. of an order by Chane. -lior II. ..t Minor imiicht win. Ii iHn.i. , l a porarily, the cuius e. m i l i.i llu- m Oi ufaclure and ,-al. n a. I i of Hie n. ml leej.'dslure, the tt, r nf vvlui t w.'.il Into el'fiti't tit mlilpij lit !uni 111, co tt.l us II Will liilci'lere Willi tie. upi n ,iti...i of the Tetiiie!..ei lliewtsiy; c'ooi-n v , plant in this ehy. The order nf th t ha n. eiJ -c 111 tllClWol' to II pel it mil .' liie Ii ., ) II V Slot k holders Uf III.' Hi. VI ,le! . ,n i illy vvhli h seek to per ihm n in i y ,ni loin si, it. ( mid coitnly uif.(.,m tn-iu Hie. ellf.rt cement' of Hie law le, ..,-, ill.V deelale, It I.H il II c I HI i ) t i i i : . i - i and VVOMd cause tin ilr-leuaide 11 ill oi.,i. i'r.-.si.l. nt lio'-r, of tc. I . villi;; cooipuilj. Is lii-ulo a pally to the ,,(.,1 be. aliae of his i-npi. ed )... teimiuaie.it lo iliiceoiitliiiti' the maun t.icluie of bevel ii!(c that euiii.'iui any ..tl'l alcohol. '" ' ". . ,' 'I he i -si i ,iinliit' iiiilit will lie hi f iii l iiuiil July 8, w hen ui ginm-iim m to tin' pel inansttit liijiiiK iioii will lj heard. - ', ; , ' '1 wo I'lacs 1 it, I .lit in the tliulch, and town' eloeit : i. i on e nn IiiIIIiik the n.lilnlnht to-tili-ht hi itke the" ftwwif'i of ttaWon , in Tcniiessee, for at1 that hour th'. Iliflluday stale. whl" t'loliililtiii lai went Into effect. This law unit it Illegal l sell alcoholic beveruse with in four miles of any sclioul house Ii the slate, only two canes are I III all Tennesiee. Until are wiilnu twelve miles of Memphis, near i -M IkkIssI ppl slate line. - The neati 't sidiool bouse Is sl miles from t..nh of these points, but step liava alreml been taken by white rlbtmners to hint, the oounty b.tard nf education erect s school house within tha distance pre scribed by the lioiladuy bill, a that there will tte rw; Meeea In the etitim Ht.it... f..r thirsty pilgrims. i Thousands of men are thrown oul of cm ploy men t and 'bar-keepers at act-kin better Irrigated fields, lraeraiid lU'Wflrj-. The passlnf of the aaloon In Mem phis, and lit, iither elite throughout,, the state, according to advice r eelved tonight la nmtked by sec m i v f tiniisual hilarity, The celebratloo started early today and hinted uni i the moment of doslnaV when tb. i was a rush tn purchase one lust f n welt drink over tha bar. Oroif shops were crowded wltViu.-. ly ruelnr. Mxtra pollen precautions were taken In Memphis, Mayor M i loney Instrtit'llnar the chief of ..h h to detail a patrolmari to every hi e l (Continued on Pare four.) NEGRO PAST IE Wl AN AFFIM KILLS ! ' Unusual Crime Among ( ' oretl l'oulntioji T.t!. l'lacc in CharlottoCall:!. ,r. (Kwlal to Tliei i'itlu-n.) CHAUUITTE, June 30.- M Into the little cabin of Rtta Km adored, on 'Smilra W. M. Ixing s tatlon about S mite southwest city, about .S o'cloek this m Pink ilwnler,. also tolured. Ie-. sruitgnn at the woman' head Ins; the entire top of the hnd c negro then turned the Run to i forehead, and succeeded In ) the top ef his head off, thus f out two llv.es In less than one A note "was found near tin body in . which, he declared : woman wa receiving attem other negroes and he could n It. Hunter wan married an i - a cabin with hlh family jud me roan irom ine ruu.i.ii.Tti man's house, . The noiae or in snon n r.-l atlng through tha el ill brought a crowd of pe. ( the house, which Is lo. from Liontt'a atorc. on , road, and the first to nr. most cvercomo with lh. (bat met their eyes. Th. ftmt tnnn 1 . . ', a ..... i. fifl Vltrtt or a V mnn only ahoi-" "t. Whtt and I vaunt-.-. She atattunea. THHtfcJ - -V n.t ill':; 14 . '.l J 1' (Continued on Page four.) (Continued on page two.) (Continued on I'aff'1 I