THE ASHEV1ELE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Sworn Daily Average for June VOL. XXV. NO. 256. ASI1EV1LLE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNINO, JULY ;!, vm). VUWV. FIVE CKNTS. CORNELL TOOK ALL Pretty Soon Now. L THE TARIFF BILL 4 i COnPORATIDN TAX UNEARTHING JO PROVISION ON GORPORATED II i s annua AND VAIN TR GKSOF IKSOF , AIRSHIP AGAINST HUDSON REGATTA HEATRE CI EE LANDING IN TREES mwr i. r-m a :av? i Senate Unexpectedly Took Action oh Measure And Passed It MANY DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR IT FINALLY Stood for Income Tax as Long as There Was Any Chance of Its Adoption By Asaoctated Press.) WASHINGTON, Juy 2. The cor poratton .tax amendment which was auggested by President Taft, is an Integral part of the tariff bill as that bill now stands. After much tribulation the senate reached a vote shortly before ad Journlng at 7 o'clock this afternoon and the amendment was agreed to 60 to 11. Many democrats voted with most ot the republicans for the amendment. Only three democrats voted against the provision on the final vote, but some refrained from voting at all. The test vote on the substitution of the corporation tax amendment for the Income tax provision and on that vote lorty-flve senators cast their ballots in the affirmative and thirty one tn the negative. On this income tax, which also received the support of a number of the insurgent repub lican. Still Work to be Done. The senate tomorrow will enter upon the administrative features of the tariff bill, probably taking up the maximum and minimum rate pro vision. There was a steady (Ire of oratory from the beginning of the aeason at ten o'clock until 4.30 .O'clock this afternoon. When this lira had cessed Mr. Aldrlch took the floor and made a request lor unani mous agreement for a vote on the corjHito tax" amendment tomor row at otic o'cloc-k. Previous to pre dentin this request there had been much conferring between Mr. Aldrlch "and Messrs. Bailey, Cummins, Borah and other opponents of the amend ment, and its was generally supposed that they had reached an understand ing that the vote .should be taken to morrow as suggested by Mr. Aldrlch. When It seemed that such a compact (Continued on page four.) HE SPUED LOVE SHE Romance of Elicit Love May ; Be Back of Killing of Versace- SHE CLAIMS KEVENd: (Special to The Citieii.) NEW YORK. July 2 A toman'" lias been discovered behind the mur der of Domeneio Versace, a voting tailor, by the widow of Kruno I.a Parti, last Mondav. The tragedy in believed to have been the se.iicl Ever since Mrs Ia Harti told lor atory of the shooting, guying hc killed the youth because a year ear lier he had murdered her husband, the police have been running across clues leadlnK t' a far different mo tive. Yesterdav .tai ls -.vcro um-ar' li ed which would make it appear tin the widow killed 'he nineteen y- nr old tailor because he was a'.ut to cast aside her love in order to many another. Even Mrs. I-a Itartl admitted vc terday that yiiiis Versace ha; ben a friend of tho family heforc her husband's death. Indeed. he had been so frequent a caller at her hom that on tynn occasion, she said, he husband flew upon the youth In gr. -.' anger, drew a knife and drove hlt.i from the house. When seen in the Tombs yester day Mrs. Xa Barli at,fir--t stink I" her original story. She said merly wanted V. rs.iro brought I" Justice. and thai When the iHilice had declined to aid her punish him. lie took the law into her own ban Is. "And although a year has passed hic the murder ou Mill desire p ve nge 'so strongly that you Ml. l V r aace for that reason and r ther With a laugh the prisoner n.idd - ' "And, as you told the police when they arrested you, you failed to kill this young man before bcati-a- yon conl not find him: and you at last discovered he was guilty of this i rime through ft note you received'.''' Again the woman laughed, tap!1"-; the floor with her feet. Then sud denly throwing back her head and (Continued on page three. Was Expected to Take the Four And Freshmen. But Got 'Varsity Also HER CREWS BROKE TWO RECORDS FOR MILE Columbia Was Close Second In 'Varsity Race Being Half Length Behind (By Associated Press ) POUCIHKEIOPSIE, N. Y . July 1 Cornel university made a clean sweep of the fifteenth annual regatta of the Inter-collegiate Rowing association today. Like Harvard at New London, yesterday, she won the four oared 'varsity, the freshman and 'varsity eight oared races. In tho race for 'varsity eight oared shells, four miles, the time was: Cor nell IDiOU; Columbia 19:04 L'-B; Syra cuse 19:15 1-D: Wisconsin 19:24 1-5; Pennsylvania 1 9 : a 2 1-5. 'Varsity four oared shells, two miles: Cornell 10:01; Syracuse 10:10, Columbia 10.12; Pennsylvania 1 27 l'"reshnien eight oared shells two miles: Cornell 9:07 3-5; Syracuse 9:14 4-5; Pennsylvania 9:21; Wiscon sin 9:22 4-5; Columbia 9:26. Cornell established two records for the two mile course, one in tlie 'var sity four oared race and another In the freshmen eight oared race. To night Cornell men are celebrating in true Cornell style. Columbia Kowed Well. Cornell's sweeping victory was not unexpected. It was conceded that she would take the four oared anil probably the freshman race, but there was some doubt about the 'varsity. the big race of the day. This proved to be the hardest contest, the other two being won, in rather an easy fashion. In the 'varsity eight oared competition, however, Cornell met a stubborn and unexpected contender in Columbia and It took all the stami na and great rowing strength of the rew to poke the bow of their shell acroos Die finish Hun a .scant length In the lead. In tin four oared race Cornel! won easily, three lengths ahead of Syracuse, and in the' fresh- (Continued on page three Tl Durham Couple Get in a Queer Mixup Which Keeps Court Busy. ALSO A BIGAMY CASE (SM'cial to The Clli.cii.) Iit'UIIAM. July t.K. A I'arring toii. a Hurhaui man u h" was divorced from his wife last year upon lor com plaint of nun-support and abandon ment, is working through In attor n,), .Mr. I!, il Kvi red I or a i.-inar-tiage and the former wile appears to In- Killing. They wi r- inarrleil sewn vars iu hen she was Miss Mollie Yoiine. and alter In lei allle worth!' s In Llii 'd to put up with him. AHer s. uriiiB the diorce last year, farrutan pe ked up Mrs. Kate Jcrnigan, "I SainpsDii i-oiintj, "In. appears to bavi had a liit husband much like Mrs. I'-irnm-lon No 1 had. They w. re dnlv - d. Keceinly Mis. ('urriiiK'ton, tin- tirsl Hit., Hani..! lo re-marry her ln.d uul only husband, uln. also nn ne-re Hi. in crazy "nr lor attain. h tU.-.IIV fell ill love With Ills H' . M r- Kverett has In en the ove-br..k. r 1" l.okini; o.r the r. -cords, Mr. Car rins-ton Imds that bis second wit" -lust husband is no .bad. and thai sb did not lie :.. parat. and apart li"in him moro than tbr. . v. ars. Tin r-in came his cause of action. IP- insti tuted suit atain t In r to br. ak tlv . hains of niairiniony and indicted In r l,.r bisam. The papers tun. 1-en ,,,-ryed today. Tin- r. lain, s of .Mrs. 'arrini;ion N" 1 are .bad opposed to anv mor- alli ,11,, .s .villi ' 'arrinKtoti. but it app-ar tbat the first wile l K"'S '" " ""' se.-.nd husband. She do. sn't int. ml that aiiotln r woman shall have him, and the .nip me of this complex marriage and divor- e matt, r will fur nish curious Interest to the people of Durham. The Mrs. Oarrinicton is -a wo man of i x. ptionalty tine looks and has th- hin r feelintt about the family life Th-ir 'ne child has b. . n a - r prtual appeal to reconciliation, thoush there never was any doubt, that she was justified in riddins herself of her wlJ,,, - - ' "' XWWWIIM (Continued on page three. Government Officials Take Steps to Break up Lot tery Game THREE CHINESE SHOPS RAIDED AT CAPITAL Evidence That They Aro dr culdtlng Their Tickets Through This State (By Associated Proes.) WASHINGTON. July 2 Charged with using the United States mail for lottery purposes, propritors of three Chinese shops were arrested tonight. The raid on the places was made by l ostofficc Inspectors Kecne and Bar clay, assisted by about a dozen mem bers of the local detective and police forces. In each of the places a large amount of gambling paraphernalia was found. What ordinarily would have been a merely local episode gains Import ance from the fact that tho raid rep resents an effort of the poatofflce de partment to reach the center of a vvldely-rainlfylng Chinese lottery sys tem and gains interest from the re- eiit murder of Ellse Slgel In New York which bus drawn the eyes of the world to the usually obscure doings of Chinamen In the United States. It was expected that the raid would be simultaneous with similar activities In other cities. It was planned with tho utmost secrecy, and followed many days of careful detective work on the part of the postofflce Inspectors. The Inspectors think that one of the places raided was tho headquarters of i the alleged lottery system. Because llieso tickets were being mailed to places outside of Washington; par Ocularly, It Is said, In the territory between Baltimore and North Cam Una, the postal authorities Irrterferred RAID IN BAInMOIUB BALTIMORE, July 2. Thirteen ('hfnamon were arrHtrrt hen- tonight by police offlrer.s InsptHMnra Koons unci HobertHfn and wro held at the Cen pollrp station for th United Staten (tut hnrlt Ich on elmrKes of using the I'nittd SlatrH mail for lottery pur- poHcs. A number of members of the Hi turtlve furre assiKter! In making the nrresta. A eonKlderahle amount of eyl (lem-e wan secured. STAND PROMISES IN INTERESTING STORY Woman Who Was Found in Bath Room on Trial lor Larceny. IMPLICATES MANY (Hy Ahs.s lat l Press ) (MfAiiO. July 2. KIU (ilnubs, a la.e maker chaiK.'d with lari-eny of la. i- from Amies Marrette. her former in ploy r. t .-.k the witness stand in Judxe Hienlanos' court today. Man v-ollt.n prominent In Chicago and philanlliiopie work crowded the com; room to hear her. She d . I.ired that the chare aKaliist to r was inanilfa. I ilre.l and her attorn -ys promiss-d that lomor row sin would P. allowed to tfo into "all the .plails of the allei,-e.l atla. .. upon her in the Wellington hotel where ln was fouinl un. oiscious. in n bath room and bow- she was almost !, ed into a life of shame by women who preh inb d to be h r friend. M n for whom these women were acting would be named, it was said. The young lace maker said she wa: a striiet'llnir. unsophisticated country Kirl. Instead of stealing lace from Miss Bainite. tin- girl said Miss Bar rette and Mrs. ''rejla Kenyon, who Ije.l sudd- nlv a f. w davs ago, cam' to her room at niKht and ransacked her belongings taking h-r money and her wat. h and little things she had made fn h r childhood. Among th" ocanizationH that hav taken up th. gnl's case are the Wo man's Christian Temperance union, the of the Confederal v the Im-1i I'horal s'wiety and th. Catholic Women'- league. I.IUKKTY WS MIOKT. ATLANTA, (;.. July 2: Declaring lhat he would die before h would be taken lack to South Carolina for trial. Thomas Lacey, alias "Newark Tony" a professional safe bbiwer, who lodav omplet'-d a five year sentence in the federal pri-".n heie and -who v-as Immediately arrested on a war rant charging him with burglary In South Carolina, gave a couple of of ficers a lively half hour before he was subdued. SCORE OF WORKMEN BURIED ALIVE IN COLLAPSE OFSHORED-UP WALL Several Taken Out Dead, Rescuers Able to Communicate with the Living Through Speaking Tubes Danger in Removing the Debris That Covers Them. (By Associated Prwis.) NEWPORT MONMOUTHSHOHE. Eng., July 2. It is estimated thai twenty men perished today by the sudden rollapae of the vest wall of the new lock at tha nranoc to the Alexandra dork. Th extension of the dock work has frnsn In progress for some time and Ifty men were working; In a trench sixty feet deep preparing for the la.'lljg of a con crete foundation. -, Without tho sllghteirt warning of 4M- heavy heHt''lllMM fa way, In the middle and the entlrfi struc-' ture collapsed and carried down wlh It thousands of tons of earth, the rail way lines on both sides of tho trench Tl TWEED AT HIS OWN HOME Slayer of Aixly Fiiuikln In Captured Without Hesis tance. (Special to Hie CHUrn.) MARSHALL. N. C, July 2 Henry and ft. D. CntshHll of White Rock, delivered to i; W. f..e. sheriff of Madison county yesterday. Koberl Tweed, who shot and Andy Franklin, jr. and Arthur l ianklln at White Hock on May 24th. Tln rn was a reward of 1 00 offered by tin Htat. and a private reward of J I Oil offered by the friends of the .1. . eaaed for his arrest and delivery. Mr. Culshall has already rcc l.1 the $100 private reward and has made application to the governor for tho other $1110 whl.-h he will receive at an early dale Sin. . the killing Robert Tweed has b. n iilth his brother In Norfolk. Vs., un til two or three dava ago when he r. - urned to MhH"Ii county. pas. Ini: through Ash-vllle and Marshall on No. 11, that train pausing Mai. .hall at four o'clock In tin afternoon. t'uN hall heard of his being at home and watched his lions, until h. came out at 11 o'clock win n Cutshall caught hlin. Tweed was unarmed and mad. no resistance DIDN'T KNOW TWAS MAI)KI. QT'ITM AN. 'la July 2 Mrs. T. N Jones was Instantly killed in her home hen- today by In r sixteen jear old daughter. Miss i 'ora I-.u tones, who wa playfully snapping an I old pistol in to r mother's fa. c ISOLD BANK KOBitKltY. ; BKAt'BETTK. Minn.. July 2.--Tw..! armed m-n ent'i'd the bank of Na' Scotia at Raim - Rlvrr, mt. gaeif. 'I ! and robbed the - ashler The,- rscapd with about $7.r.on A posse was tn. kly i formed and started In pursuit of thej men and tonlgb' Marshal luindas of r.eaudettc arr ted one. man on sus picion. WASHINGTON, July I 1-ore.a-l NTorih farnHnx Oenerallv fair Sat urday and Sunday; moderate variable Inda. i A SI J many railway cars and four traveling cranes. The men at the bottom of the tr. neh. which was one hundred yards long and thirty feel wide had no chance to escape, but many of those, working nearer the surface were un injured. The work of rescue was begun Im me.lialely after the rollapHo and three men were laken out alive. The bodies of scitnu ot tho dead alao wore res cued. UlUto)ilKht :.foiULJnen., "till living, were pinned In the debris In the trench. The Incoming tide miiilu the worl. of rescue very difficult. T'ie engineers In charge of the ROGER'S BROTHER LIKES HIS BELLOWS UNO FORGE Refuses to Take Any of Mil lionaire's Money and Will Shoe ilorseH. (Kprfinl to Tho Cltlien.) OKLAHOMA CITV. July 2 Ed ward Roger.'., who claims to he a brother of the late Henry H. Rogers, has declined lo hci pt anv nf the bit ter's fortune Rogcrt Is a black smith and lives at Walongan. Ohla. "I don't want anv "I mi' broili.i'.i money." be said today, Mlnln In Okla homa t'lly en rout, to l-..rl Hill Roger-, has refus d lo an. pt letters addles ed to hlin from II. II. Rogers' atlornes. "1 ill shoe bors.s the rent of niv life beior. I will take ii mil of that iii'.no." In . iiipbatK ally ! lared. Rogers has been olleu-.l a Job In th. k-,1 erimi. lit at 1'ort Sill at J'lO a month and IK. a mouth Po lali-ns. vihi. Ii In ,-.;iy ' look, good to him," and he may lak. il and lo-e up In blackHinil h -hop at aionga. It ha been a loll-' I. no ..Inc.- l!oK- rs last saw bis broiler, and II l said 111. v wei. .Strang, d iln.oigh Kd- wards I'.'' e.n II- nr. II R"g r:, a ordlng lo ill. , .,iv l-.ld bv his blacksmith brother, paid him a Mill two yearn ago. Kduar.l a. not at horn, at the Inn.. Art.r the nual. knowing In- lather was not w. II off lina.ii' ially . th.- son asked Henry Rogers for a loan f..r hu latin t. A. . or. ling lo Kdward IP. gem this wan ri fused and III. Ifi.illl-Mlillioll.llre Pit No mention of Kdw.ird Rogers a. mad. in On- Hill ot T I - ri IV II Rog' rv. which h.i mad. puldP- In full Mm. ovr. the iale Mr. Rogers wa.-. vm-I! known to t. Hie uont of kiln Iln . -h and fc'-tiero -If y to all til" members of hli famllv. CHEVALIER BAARS DIES IN FLORIDA I'KNSA' i I,A. Kla . July 211 H. on.- "f th- wealllii'-.t and m". . t n:-ive exporters of biiob' r and tim- ; I. r along Hie gulf 'oast ngaged in : l.ii--iiiess at f'ensacolo. Mobile and ;ulfe.rl. do d here toda. , the result ' of a f-trok. of paralysis A few year.' as Mr Ilaars whs knighted by th. ' emp'ror of Austria, whose personal frirnd he was with the title f f'hev-j aher of the order of Franz Joseph I. SI(,Mt (HI KLtXTTH. CHR'A'". July ; The twenty- ninth annual grand chapter of He , Mgma "hl fraternity closed its four! days session today with the flection of ofli.-i r and ratigcatlou of changes in the constitution. work are uualile lo account for the collapse of the shoring timbers. At midnight the, reacera were utlll busy with their work. Conversation were being held with a few of the Imprisoned men with the aid of speak ing lubes and stimulants ami cigar ettes were passed down lo thbrnj' but there was little hope of rescuing, the victims, because the removal' of thuj debris that wan pinning them 'dfiwh was likely tn cuuso further fall of earth, and beam. ,., Uu to midnight piuvi-n hnrtonit liad been extricated deart or Injured and It waa believed that there stil wer sixteen bodies under the debris. CHARLOTTE CLOSES UP HER HEIR BEER SALOONS Nohotly Wants to Pay $1,(KK) for LieeiiKe and the lius inesH Stops. CHARLOTTK, N. C. July 1 The new license tan of $1,000 on near beer deslera within the city of f'har b.He went Into effect last night at l o'clock and today all Much places are cl.i.ed. so far as the gale of the taxed arl. . la concerned Home of the sa loons which conducted pool rooms and Igar stands In connection with olln r business are still running these, but olh.TAl.'.c the lid Is on tight and will probably remain so. a ( or. ling to Hi.- statement of the local dealers, iiiiPbs the board of aldermen sees III lo rescind Its runner action by abol ishing tin $1,000 tax anil substituting on. ..f reasonable proportions. No application has y-t been mab for the $1.0110 lie. use and those deal- . i who were form, rly engaged in tin in ar-be.r buslines say thai III.) vmII not make appll.atlon while the tax r. main,, at Is pr.-Hcnt figure. II is understood that the matter "f reducing the lax will again come up hi fore Iln board of al.b rin. II at Its te xt monthly me. ting. Monday night I-ioin n former action, however, and the K'lural s' nliment on the matter or those coinpo.-ing the bond It Is not probable that any action will be taken but that th. lax will be allowed to remain a . It Is I c Ham m. inula, tin. r.- of near beer hav. cxpi.ssi d it us llu lr Intention Should Hie board refuse o reduce th' lax. lo I. ling -till again I tin- i lly and arlv Iln matter to the Supreme court in ord' r to le:-.t the on asuru. NM.HO liYIIM. M'llT.rnii;. On.. July 2- -Rlddh-d with, Ho body of Henry Kaa a m-Kr-.. was still hanging lo th" limb of a Ir.-e late this afternoon a short dislaii'. from lb.-- town of Rar.vl' k : w In r- it was strung up at 3 o'i lock the- rooming l.v a Km-ill mob. l h' n. gr. was found under the bed of a lilrt. daughter of J. K H.adlev. a : h ading itl.eri of llarwti k He wa:--. .aptuied and the mob (julckly form i . d. f'AMOl H CASK IIKAKD. R K H MONO, Va . July 2 Th' hearing of the Virginia-West Virginia d hi case warf completed here be fore. Special Master IJttltfi.ld today and th'- case will be. argued In New V'.rk September 21. Before leaving for Washington this afternoon Mr. Minefield announced that he would have It ready for presentation to the Supreme court of tha United fcSUtea at the, October term. Wright Brothers' Aeroplane Makes Two Successful Flights And Quits COMtS DOWN TO EARTH WITH HEAVY JOLT Wrocks Machine so That Ex tensive Repairs Will Have to ho Mado (By AssHMdatetl Press ) WAHHINQTUN, July . Two U0 cpsHfiil rtlghu were mud by Orvlll Wright In hla aoroplano at Kort Myr this afternoon but tha machlna cam to giluf aa it atruck tho earth upon tho conclusion of Iti aocund aula ihruugh tho air. The niuchlne waa on Ita war around the drill ground for tha ninth lime In Ita second night whan the motor stopped alxty feet abova tha earlh and exactly In tho plana wharf the propeller blade broke, last Kept em ber, which resulted In the fatal acci dent that U I mlnatod tha trials at that time. In gliding to tho earth tha machine struck a tree and waa swerv ed around with aiich fore that tha sklda were broken and tha right wing badly ripped. Mr. Wright waa not hurt. IktiiiiUHl Moro Hold. Tim flights today worn the most siiceesiitiil that Orvlllu Wright luu mad at Kort Myr aluco Ills return to complete tha government trial, On tho first utlempt ho lluw about tha Held twelve tthum In eleven minutes and fifty seconds anil on the aocond trial he had gonu around night and one-half times when tho flight WM terminated by th mishap. He had been in tim ulr (or a lit Ho mora lhan eight minutes. luririg both lllghts Mr. Wright win' higher ami faster than In the trials of tha two pruvloue daya. It waa i.sllmutod that hla aueed Waa. about tblrty-auve mllof Kit hour on an uveraae. ' ;? -' ;""'" ' riy Agnln TumUft The glhle, which roveretl a dlatanug or in-rb iips threo hundred foot w . I.esiitlful to behold, but there were few In the crowd of a thousand, or more siiectators who did not fear for -a moment that they wre about ta witness a repetition of loat year' ac rldenl. orvllle and Wilbur Inspected the machine closely to aea what caused i motor to atop. They did ut announce tliu rsvult of tholr iw vestlgatlon but said that tha aero plane would not bo ready for another Might be Ton. Tuesday at tha earliest bccaiiec II would he necessary to aend to I heir l i.iylon show for cloth with which to repair tho ditrnggu to the planes. Can't Judge: Trre. "My motor stopped Just ss I wai over the aeroplane shed," aald Or vllle Wright after the machine had -been returned to tho shed. "When you are over buahea and treea you can't nee their height, and It waa dua to a miscalculation on my part that th" wing hit the tree and ewung th ma. bum around, canning it to land Id. wise on the skids. If It hadn't been for Hie tree It would have land ed safely. It waa too bad tha acci dent has happeuded, because the ma chine waa going tine today. It wai making belter apeed than yeaterday and more than the machine that f used last year. I should Judge tha machine was going over forty mll an hour at certain times. The motor on the a.-roplsnn had he. ii missing explosions for noma time before It finally stopped. Otherwise tin- machine had acted much batter today that oil Ita prevloua testa. Ah soon ui Orvllle began his aecond (light It was evident that he and hla brother bad agreed (hat hn should trav. I higher and make longer turna ft'ontlnued oil page four.) T T Driver Lost Control Whilo 'Trying to Pass Another Car Jiau into Fence. i (By Associated t'rroa ) MACON, OA.. July 2 Klght per-.-on.-', weie Injured, four seriously, when the large louring car of J. W. Mllll n.iin turned turtle this evening. Tha in Inn . I are J W. Milllrous, head CUl and serlotie Internal injuries; W. W. Snropphire, internal Injuries; Mtaa Keskie Shropshire, kneo broken. Mri, I L. Milllrons, severs conttialong 'in.iut tho face. Kanford Oarllcld, aged thirteen, bad ly bruised. Three infants severely bruised. Th four latter are not seriously hurt. Mr. M lllirons was driving th ma chine and attempted to paw another automobile when ho lost control of his car and it daahed Into a barbedj wire fence. Throo of tha occupant were lacwrated by being thrown- on th fence. V