THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHEE: SiJOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 259. AS11KYILLK, N. ('., TFKShAY MoUXJM!, .ll'LY (i, V.w. I'KMCK I I V i: CKNTS. j JAPAN IS RAVING a. SLATtt AS GOVERNOR OF PHILIPPINES. tL STILL PAYING DEBT '4 EXTERMINATED IN OTHERS ARE IDLE FIGHT WITH TROOPS El E WEARY SENATORS WORK BEST WHEN MOROQUTE-AW BAND CHILDRENCUTQFF TROUBLE WITHHER INCURRED IN WAR BYFLAMESPERISH SUGAR TRUSTALSO OF INDEPENDENCE NBURNINGHOM Bill RAYNER CALLS DOWN THE MIGHTY ALDR1CH Debate On Customs Court The Feature Of The Day's Proceedings (By Asm II''iI Press ) WASH 1NUTON, July 5. Notwlth atandlng the fai t that this was a legal holiday the senate put In it full clays time, and business proceeded from liiti o'clock in the morning until l.:;5 o 'dm k in the afternoon with piinitil iuus regularity anil exceptional celer ity. The result was marvelous. Not since the tariff hill has conn- Into the senate haH mo much heen accomplish ed witliin a. day. Imleeil. when the sitting came to an cm a siiiniti.irv of the proceedings .showeil that there was very little left to he iloiie. The principal Item still to he considered was the tobacco tax, the figures on which had not heen rnmplctcd hy the committee when the senate adjourn ed. Tin- day was devoted in the main to the consideration of ilie administra tive provisions of the hill and to the Brown resolution providing for the submission of the iiuestion of income lux to the legislatures of the various countries states, which, while not u part of the tariff hill, is ho related to It as to have made it necessary to consider it in connection with the bill. Ilayiier Attacks Court. The best light of the clay was made by .Senator Kayner against the cus toms court featuie of the administra tive amendment. 'He. undertook to puncture the pro vision and Tie made the longest speech of the day In which he set forth with much emptiai the declaration that tba court would be found to be un constrrnTtUhil' because, while dealing with questions at cummon law, it makes no provision for Irial by Jury, which he said every suitor unde r the common lavv has a right to demand. In presenting his views he sharply criticized Mr Aldrich, whom he fre quently reminded Ifiat In- was not a lawyer and could not 1 xpi-cti-d t ( 'mil inut'd on p;it' four.) OFKETGHEL, PAPKE GOES Champion Is Awanlcil De cision at Knd of Twenty Furious lioiinds. BATTLE WAS VICIOUS Almost Cleared Tariff Off! he riles By En ergetic Action , (By As.kmHk!cI Prew.) A It EN A. SAN II1ANCISCO. " Cal.. July 6-Stanley Kit. bid Is still the 'I world's middleweiKlii champion In a I desperate, gruelling bailie. during '? which the champion was constantly on the aggressive, he was awarded the' decision over Hilly I'apk.-, of Illinois. t the end of the twentieth round, the P icheduled number. Ketchel claimed ) to have broken his right hand in the sixth round, and Ibis assertion sub- -1 aeqnerltly was verilled. Ills left thumb .' I also was dislocated. The dec ision of 0 the referee was greeted with a mix $ Ntuie of cheers a-nd hisses. Referee lioche, after the contest, made the following statement: "Ketchel was the aggressor at all times. Furthermore, he landed I h. cleaner and harder punches and scored the only knock down. In the tenth round although nearly every body seems to think that I'apke had dipped to the floor. There is abso lutely no question but Ketchel earn- 1 ?d a clear cut decision " L Wax Hard l ighting. i-As lo the light itse lf, the 'assassin". f t Ketchel has been 1 luist. to-d I'Y ring followers, bade fair. lit. rally, t" live up to this name, lie forced the fighting from the lap of the initial gong and with the rception of the third enioved a clear b-ad in the first half of Ihe -battle. In the eleventh Ketchel landed time and again with ponderous lifts but, tlv a- he would, he could not find a vital place. Moth men were bleeding fr.-elv at this stage of the battle, t'apke in particular spouting blood from his mouth and noae until the center of the ring re sembled a shambles The feature of the fight was the ex treme vlclousness with which both men fought and the apparent hatred that lttjked behind every punch. Chelf Who Has Given So Much Trouble And Ills Fol lowers Killed ONE AMERICAN PRIVATE KILLED Several Officers And Men Were Wounded In The Engagement (Hy Hx'lai4Ml Piths.) MANILA, July fi. In n tl-nMrat fifth! near on Juln ytn teniay. J tk ill. thf t anions Mum m.t liiw rhit'f was ki'h'il nnl his entir, tintl 'xtrrniin ati-il hy th-tai hnx-ntn of r'-Kuhirs ami rontalmlary unihr Op taln (Jt'nfKp .. Hvnt ms of tho Hixth I ' ii itfil States raalry, opcraUm? In r.-ri um t i..n with a naval Hniilla of the Mos(iilto ll.-. I iiruh r l,it.itn;uit 'om-inanilt-r Sinmir. Thf Anit rican loss was mu private killed and t li r -f offlrcrs anil tw-ntv ist'1! men anil one ma i lor wound on. Private ' "nruull of troop A, Hlxth r:ivilry, was th on' man kllh'l anions th Anit-rk-ans. Tho ofllcrrs wounded are Lieutenants Kenrn !y, Miller and Arthur 11. Wilson of th Sixth. Taptaln Hyrnm'R rmalry with a fVw scouts and rnnstrihulary and a de tarhmonf" of sailors under Lieutenant (mnnmnder SiKiior lisrovered and at tarked the outlaws in the mountains not far from the roast. The Morn fled and took refuge in a laiRe rave. Thf troops anil nailora surrounded the placohut .Jlklri refused to surrender A ronoerted attack wa made. the Morns fiKrhtinff desperati ly from the mouth of the raw until the last men. her of the hand was dead. mi;i ,i;i:i 117. POLfrMRUft, On.. July 5 Rmlly Morgan, colored, the oldest resident of Columbus and probably of tleorgia Is dead at the am- of 117 She was born In .North (le-orgla and was brought to Columbus when the town was young. "Aunt Fmlly" took in washing until she was 10!1 years old. For a year or two she has suffered with a "itiiserv." When a child she did not sic (leoriTe Washington and thus was in a class to bersi-f amon; the centenarians. SIGNAL LEAPS TO HEATH WITH HIS PARACHUTE lie Was Not Hii;li Knuli for I ho Parachute to Ojit ii and Fill. WATCIIKKN HDKMtlFIKD (Ity Associated Pr'-v ) ' iltTI.AN'li. Me . Julv Mi Ing the promiscuous bring of r. v as a signal for the clim-ix d in rial act. Jam's Corcoran. :el" I iventy-elght years of age. of I.. Ma-s . cut loose with his iMi.o .v lien but a l.-w 1 nth here I. m the ground in bundri d feel li on : v and w as d.i- )c I c-ting allicst in ' d.-ith at th ,.f fi. (111(1 liiMi: xpc. talors. Tiiree iiara' hutes w ere utt.-u bed 1 . lb. balloon tor a triple jmnii It was arranged that Corcoran ,-hoit-l drop with bis parachutes wlori 'i" he lt d a c-rt-iin number of 1. . hols aft. r tie balloon bad 1. .o h. I 1 lo ight of approximately r..en(l f -M Coreoran had liar.-ly left the gmu . I I., f .r . tile III I pi oiniM 11 his liriiu' l'.iii, but n to e ; ihe sign. I I i a II. 'I "lit lo him to I. hundred ! 1 p oil up. Above a few t it is bard for tie a.-..,- Ige . orre.-tly his e r I n.i ut height, and . nd fii-illa , e (.1 III I h ' S 1 .(.11 to drop five- hundred The di-tala para, bill.- to w te II ' 'or. e ,. , I,. I 111 heard .1 rl he W.l . lie was was bar-ly :n i I, el . . I ... 1 in 1 h. air. ,v 1- too short for the .p- n prop, r I v a n.l t h ! , K e a .l 11 rn 1111 I . st r i 1. - man dropped ! ing lb.- ground w In r. the as. . suet allied a fr.i oth'-r inimies : a'. mil 1 . into fe.-t from n-ioii was mad.- I. I nr.- of t h skull and ind h- so. .11 di.,1. llWr'S .OT l.i:tT. HCUI.lN'JlTi IN'. Vt., Julv- r.. I'll Iiine.n. tie liovton baker, won a full di e Marathon race he ld at er t. -ritual t'e Id lo i.- to, lay. In e.inn-c tb.n with the- Ch -im plain cel. hr.cii .e Jobnnv llava s of N' vv V..rk .th.- S'e p perd's Itusfi iilvmpii- winner of a ago, was second, marly a mile be hind Teddy I'rooks of Fall Kiv.-r was third with (lac k Hawk, a Caria (II. in Indian, was K.nirlh Himens lime was three hours flat. As Result Twenty Three Members Of Diet Have Skldooed To Prison CONVICTED ON THE CHARGE OF GRAFTING Collapse Of Big Concern Cau sed Heavy Loss To For eigner Investors (SMH'lnl to The HIacii ) TOlvIO, July 5. Twciilv. -three .la panese politicians, iiicnibe is of the present liiet or of the prci filing one, v ere given sentences of vuiviiik leiu;th today, following their c .en v n t Ion of coiuidii ity In the graft revealed in Hie recent expose of the sugar scan dal. Five of the twenty-three were sen tenced lo ten months' imprisonment, four to sei ve seven monllis, live to t-erve live months and nine to serve three months. Kigbt of them were Members of the lower house of the present diet, only one of the men brought to trial was acquitted. The men were arrested last April, after charges of fraud had been brought against directors of the Ja panese Sugar companv, a J 1 2,(100. 0'Mi corporation. The officials resigned, the stock of the company dropped sixty poinls and many foreigners were ruined In the crash. The members of tne Diet against whom charges were filed were accused of participation in 'he manipulation of the slock. lEribery also was nllegi-d. Arrested direclois of the sugar company confessed that IliO.OOO had been spent In attempting to Induct the government to natlonai ic the company. Naturally a scandal such as this had a political complexion. While no one parly was wholly Involved in the afalr, the Constitutionalist party or tlie Seiyukal, which carried every thing before It In the last session of Ihe Diet, controlling an absolute ma jority, wits the chief sufferer, and has found It extremely difficult to rally ruder the Mow. MIMSTKI! Kll.l l'l). nitAYKON, (la., July a. Much ex 1 -item, tit prevails in Ibis c 0111 111 11 nil v over the fatal Injury of Itev K. I., i'liiglcy, who was I1nl.1v shot while Mug to separate ins son. Hose I.aiig- leV. g-n: and J d in K. Webb, light. who were en OTHERS INDIFFERENT Ktf'ihtr Temperance Force Are Doiii"; Little for ( 'oiniii"; Kief ionn. WILL YOTF IN AlHIUST (Spcclitl lo The ( itixen.) Ci il. I 'M 1(1 A.' July f. Yesterday th r-i;istiati..n books In counties .0 S.iith Carolina opened for the pur pose of allow ing those to register who vvc-h to vote- in the election In August on the dispensary n70.ste.11. Th.-re is a marked la. k ..f Intere' t over the Lining ele. 1 ion. Th.- loeal '..t ion ist s have So f a r hown litlh aitivitv iri the coming . , ,11 1 1 st, although It has been fp -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - pointed out that the cutting oil of dispensary prolix will nffei I I. -lh cilv and countv taxes. It is that on.- of the members of tie . iriHtratf-.n board of III. bland countv iias copied the- entire list of the rei; voters of this country for th Anil-Saloon (.. ague, toil It Is said that M th. r side has not even asked for Mayor Iteam.-r. of Columbia, when i-k-d .about th. election several davs igo. Naid: "W. II. 1 don't know how t is going, but I'll tell vou one thing If llichland countv vobs out the di pensary there will tie genuine prohi bition In Columbia as long as I hav anvlhing to do wilh enforcing th 1 vv You can h. ar me," he continued, that the til i ml lig.-rs are golns; to support prohibition, because th' v Hunk then they'll a regular picnic but you can Just sav that tie v will tin. I they have made the biggest mi: - lake or their lives For If the people say th.y want prohibition. 1 am gc.ini to give them the rial article and don't you fe.rget It. The- blind tiger will get n mighty big dose of their own ineellclne. and that is" what t In v ire calculating on." KIM.KI IIV KXI-IXISIOV. v-'INSTTON-SALKM. July 5 . The explosion of the boiler of a threshing machine at Advance, N. c . thl- morn ing Instantly killed A Potts, the engi leer arid fatally injured his son The explosion was due to the water Ix-lm low In the boiler. W. Cameron Forbes, vlc-governor of thn I'lilllpplne Islands, will noon become governor, according to a well authenticated report which Mntes that lov. Smith will rood retire and return to the United Stutea. Mr. Forbea will undoubtedly b appointed to the post. FIREMEN WILL GET DOWN TO BUSINESS MATTERS First Meeting Held at Auditorium This Morning Which Questions of Moment Will Be i Discussed. More than live hundred firemen have arrived for lh annitul conven tion which hi'glns Its session this morning at the Aii(jltiirium, nnd ev erything Is In reacliiiesB to make this the best convention f vr hel1 by the State association. Mnny of the dele gabs and tin men arrived on No. 11 which ran an extra section bringing a large number in the city for Ibis mi i t. The Concord .lecjntlim have a particular sirlking uniform. The niembeis ol (his company bright r.-d jack.!-, with gr.111 trou sers. There are . leven of (belli lo re with ih. Cinmuiv ic reel company of that city ami a s.ore I'ruui the hose wagon company 'Ihe Motgalilori reel couipuliy With M. .. O NFII-Ii, Chief of Henderson Fire Defiai I no nl sixteen nu n ai i iv ii nif onus a r . vv !, i how v - r, lo.c cb signal c i h. .olc .ire- all collide ,.i , C.ellS e, table I Mr Ing Hi. ,i ,,. i ., , yesterday. Th. i Kae h c i- .ci . . badge, will' 1 1 uv a ml . ii v 'I I, ictorv ai d p. i.t -d.-rday ., r i , t be. nmiin- condit i ,i, , ,i, re a la r to . r .. w j the fin a I pi.p. of the- er.n. i, dgllt ,'lt th. . it . r the chic I 1 1 1 I regard i.. The , I,.,,, , ,,, tr J. 1 1 m :.. ,;. prese nt- . I i,. ig and di-e i, i ce from a t i ' , ic tlon w.e., i a i . ', ' ci brought I,, f-.i.- I he i ,.n-- - nt , -i, bilk in lie Ve lorn, d l i II 1 1 S ell t liMel. a I I. O .'I -o III b ! d I , , W ration for th-Th.- lir-t in Hon was lo i.l ball. About 'I, for a ch- .. 'Jil. li .ll ! il, , of t If- m .la- of',.. purl-"- -f ! III.- Mil..). , I of II, tle.l! Mi wp---a is He II! ell. r CO th. Wild- ....... 'II.. ;., . to, I C . " , ' I . SH0WER& WASHINGTON'. July 'S. Fori .,.(: No'lll Carolina I'irlly cloudy with showe r : in w. si p .nuin Tuesday and Wedhesdut , in South winda. at ditoriiim This meeting will be pure Iv of a business iiHtuie. and will lie continued ari. r the adjoui nmciil for lunch at " :MI o'clock. At 4 o'eloch the chiefs and the d. legates will be entertained by the tire rtehnftvnent and the Tabkee oslc e. club In Iticlr cftft) looms ov.r 111". Soillh's lllllg Mtol-e' 'I'll. last s.-, of the day will be at i o eloeU Wil li tile .IO "lioll of In stil, Ille 1 will I..- broii,;)!! up and per- lia.s ettle.l. I'aiade- Tomorrovi. Tomorrow iiioining lie- parade will talo place All Ho- el., -H Will be 111 the hue ami 111.1I0- an at t r.'lcl I v( -bowing. The lln. of parade is as I0II0VVK. The ec.iiii.ini. s wilt form In lln 01 Monti. nd avenue ami march down llav Wood si I t lo Pulton I Innce- b I'ae I, M. 1 1 1 . 1 1 . Iliem. t.e Cell, ge Hlre-el til. II. e to I Heel, III. II' e to Voo.l lot . I re. I 1 li lo Ni.i t li Mam stle.l to lh. S'.v a 11 mi noil Iiole-I Whe-re Ihe 1 1 .1 rail, w is-e d isba n.l. Tie pal, id. will begin ,al 9 o'clock 'I'll. place of lh,. cIllTelehl eompanle can not l. e I v . 11 11 ni 11 t oiiikIi I. ItHccs lalneselii i. The i'ian.1 stand will, h have been ,-ie,(,-,l ,,pp., 11, it,,- In. Irani Willi vvhl. h lh, hoe;, will be connected ml i. 1 1 1 1 1 n I (beef of 1 1 1 I I'olnl lire- lie pail nicnt. V I II,. I Il of II,.- l ie. t,-, p U -I ' J-, . i " l.oitt iii a lo ,. I I, i i ii i i.i I in e n i s ml will , It , ,r , He I. i . ... ,.i Mo i.i, S. .-il, will I- I a' ' I '' I I" lob lit I ' : . I I,' '.II , 1,1 -.. el leeill.- ' ' I v. I , , I I I i . I . pr Ol . , I - I l.l ic. iv 1,1 a ill. -el a I ' , I id i -.1 1 b. ..Hi- e.l al, r p I i ' t I I a II, I 111 He i I I I, , . i. A Ho pro.-. ,..-r-, g,, to th,. e, , 1 ' in- n'.- I mid 'I h . I ' 1 1. ii . ug ' La ' I ' .pe bnv tie k. I I at I to ' Il ad ale . a - o -a ing .. ' I I 1 1,, ASHEVILLE NEGRO KILLED BY OFFICER (l'. e laical Prcvs ) SITM I.i: N '' .Julv r, -- Jim Mil lc r ...I .t. I .1 A-hoV ille. dl. el a c ii, -1,1 ,t l! s ,ij I,,,. y hospital from gllll II ,' . -1111.1-1 llltll' leel b.V Il te t iVe l itZg. Il'l ll Sjee-fCf-r 111 ail VI' . oiiiii- r . i , . t ,-. all, i Th.- of li r all. ,i,.i, .1 I , ail, l Miller f-o ' .-aleiig a i, I. -ii a train. lie w a assault. .1 a n I I. i ll . I., all li by Ihe to -..'ii... and ii i - y nd, sheet in -se lf de- ! use Mill, i lav. i -.e hours after Ihe- shoe, n,' ,,, (he eeftiee-r SUrretlef- i.,l and w . nt 1. 1 jail pending an In v. stigaleen. Celebrating Victory Of Our Sires Costly As Vic tory Itself REPORTS OF KILLED AND MAIMED COME IN -Safe And Sano" Eourlh In Some Cities Prevailed And Was Effective (Ity Axx4H luted PccKs.) XKW lciliK, July ii. - lour deaths, :i:i7 til 111 I ' c I . nine of tllelll and one so seiioiiHly that death seems ci italii. was ihe fourth of July record 111 Ne w Yoik and Itrooklyn up to luiil-nu-.lii toiiigbi. The lif t eef the' de ad Up to 10 o'cUicK tonight follow: III own, Kdllh, six enrs old, died from tra. lured skull caused by ex plosion of toy camion, Ji Martin, Dorothy, five yenrs old, died from bums ciiuhciI ley Ignition ul I ii of matchcH. Mallreclonia, (leorgln, a ten year old boy, died of tot o ii ni niter wounding his hand with a toy pistol. I'agaiio, leluse ppo, forty years old. killed by random bullet supposedly llred by n ca-bbrator, though rela tives in u 1 1 1 1 ii I n that he was miirdered. Fires In the city and suburb were numbered by the score, but none In New York proper did any great dam age. NNo i:xPM)ir.n. CAMIUCN. .V. J,, July fi. - During n leb hratlon In Itesnrvolr park tonight a cannon exploded, a piece of It kill ing Mrs Knima 1 li bel, aged twenty live years and her six weeks old In fant. Their skulls were crushed. Curls aged seventeen years had the tup of his head torn off and cannot live. The cannon was In barge cef (limrge IIoiihoi, uged nine teen yeum. Jin was badly Injured u bout Ihe body and hud one arm bur rlbly mangled. i ItlPPl.K HUM'. MFMI'MIS. TVnn , Julv r. . In some i vplaineel manner a spark Ignited a large hunch of lire crackers carried in Hie nil lit bosom of little Onirics :t ibinls, a crippled newsboy locliiy nnd be was pinbably fatally Injured. FM.IISMW Kill, ID. l.fil'ISYII.I.i:. Ivy.. July fi Arthur lelaiiv llte l.llllgllalll .Ullc e cef tC wbl- O'V of Mil re 1 IHWN Hicek Vent Sternberg c.leel tills llicernlll,( il H a result of 11 jlllieS rece-vc-e all eXploHlllll II giant flrec-racke-r last night. The a l-b lll oelli ri ll III (hev home ..f his brother In law. John J Peter, ..f S.vinoiir .lii.l, where l.angiiam was visiting with a parly of l.olllsVllle sen letv people. A glalll crackeT llgllleel ail I thrown cento lite- grass, Hhovvecl dilatory signs ami l.anubain picked it up and ap plied a male h lee Ihe fune. INVALID STABS HERSELF .t it Daughter few Moment's l!i Tme Apparently in a ll.iiiiiv .Mood. (SH' liil to 'Hie ( liicii ) IvINSInN Jul, T, In a no on. Ill ' I- -p.. lub in v. i aeo, d l.v i ..nlliilli-l ;; in, s. Mi .1. I.. A lb. i i soli. .1 Hie. ,. V , ,, 11,11 II t, ,1 II I, Hie ley l l bblllg li I si IT III I In I, II Side- Jll it belo V t lie h hi Saiordav iif'teii ii at 'I ce'. lo k al lee r home ..a i'.ai l .N oib slice l, till- .1 not tolor to commuting' lb" de.-d Mi . A ll.e-i Imoii bad b. ii talking Willi lor 1 1 a u f h I , l , Mis. l:..s(, Hull, oi, vile, was g, thug water from Hie pump in I to tell, k peel e . Ml A I I o T I M-e . I I to go into the- leltlltu: lee. .Ill, I -. b"! dli.chlei lb. . light, to tal.. a leao II, a f. v n i 111 ii t . Mr Soil. -ii WMit l:il" Hi-- lo.-eii itt,,l found b.i lie . III. r Ivlng on Ho- e on. li wllh a. 1,1 lv knife' III b- r band N',,l walling to I n v e1 1 1 t-.n I '- lilllloi Slu 'phlclle toT III. V. K. VA,.y- li. r jinil In. 'loin I'Lii'.it to .out - -il, and a I see pholo l II- C i.'ile r. M I e I. I. Ceill.lo. W. Io n I lo- doc al r I v a e r h"V I . 1 1 ii I Mil- Albeilsori Ivmg "il tie with a bloeiel v I. to I e in b.r loan. I and blood all over lor elolh s ami Hie couch. Th'-v made al. ri ve die a I loll alol feelllle! a klllfe wound in Ho- l II side al the ap. x of lli le all Ml- Alb. IIS. IN e xpire, I wlllll'l a f. w minutes and without g lining con ionsri. s". Mrs, Albertson hns been In very bad health for Home tline and feer se veral months has been exit -liil-ly nervous and dcapoiielcrit. KAMI-: IN CHICACO. CIIICAC.O. July 5. A "sane'' cel ebration of the fourth was carried out In re. At midnight only thirty-live ac- hie nts had been reported, the m Jorlty of these of minor character. There was but on death. Farnnts Escape By Leaping From Second Story With Baby SLFPT ON WHILE THE FLAMES WERE RAGING House Was Almost Ready To Fall In When The First Alarm Was Given (Ity Ass.M-int.d Press) DAN V1IJ.1... Va, July S. -As the result of mysterious fire which totaU ly destroyed the home of H. E. Hams bit st South Most on early this morn lug, live children and II. A. Strang aged seventy four, were burned tQ cbai III, ii nd anolher child, aged foul years, was seriously Injured. Mr. ami Mrs. Ilumlctt esrnped without Injury. The victims of thn frightful affair ar.s M. A. HI range; Vernlas Hamlstl, aged fourteen years; Tteatrteci llama bit, nged sewen years; Violet I am let t, aged six yenrs; Cecil 1 1 am let t, aceii three years; Henry llllllilett, ageOl elghieen months, Mr I In title 1 1. who Is employed with! a planing mill nt South Huston, r sided in n two story frame building In the west side of thn city, near thj Norfolk nnd Western railway. Th fir,, was discovered nt about thru o'clock this morning by neighbors, Al. this hour the occupitiiU of the housa had not been aroused, nnd the bulld lug was ii I tn out completely enveloped In Unities, the fire raging' tn worst on the south side of the structure. I 'd titer and jMoilicr Etwap. i The residence was threatening- t fail in nt almost any minute, wti'if Mr. llanilett nnd hl wife were- arous i d They were on the north lda al Ihe hiiiiso nnd their four year oUt child wits In thn same mom. THsli cruw b il out ot th,, window on th front porch and a nip pad the child to the ground. Moth the child' irnil were broken by the "fall. Th blbyj was also slightly burned and Its fact lacerated. Mr. and Mrs. Hamletl rein bed ihe ground In safely. All of the occupants of the bulldlnaj wo re sleeping on the second story anit those who met death were on thf south side of the house. When th lire was discovered It was linposalbla lei save any of the children or Mr. Mining,', all of whom It Is I hough! had been burned to death by thl time. Mr Htiange was a Confederal vet, inn of Ha 1 1 fa x county and wa In Souih I lout on to attend the fourth)' of July iclebrallein. The buHdliig collapsed and fell a. few minutes after Mr. lUmlett ami his wife- ccKitpcd. The six bodies of ihe vlcilms of the fire were burns'! to a crisp, the remains, n unre.t oi'iil'.'ibb- mass of hones lie Ing taken) fiom the debris today. BEII SENATOR ENJOYS SEEING THE BALLOONS ioes Out Fvery Day to "see" the Wrights Fly, Their Machine. . I (Ity Asws lul. il Press ) W ASH INi: I l i'. July f, Through Iponc .oil t. lot l Mver lo see th vAiirhi biollet, II, their aeroplane. K ii ilot (bo. li, on I I k I .i 1 1 o 1 1 1 a la fasS be i omiiii: on, of the niosl entbuslas II, a. in naul" 111 Washington. Y'-8 Hie -:. Ilalor Is stone blind. Se iiat.. e;,,re 's substitute for tlt -v. ' I,, to-a i.y a series of a.-cldeiita lining Ins y.oitb Is his wife and v. . n si use eel he aling, to both of Alii- 1 1 hi-, lulml is p, c iiliarlv ultuned.. I i on. th. tn be ol, tains the same thrill e s e 1 1 e - rtl c ' fi t eetlllTS ex petlefll lhr. . iiitb llrst hand perception He is II .alisb.'d w llh s. c-omi baud. I lie pre e-e-nee of Se lliltOl lipd Mil H'.C on Ihe ee( Myer . 1 1 ill groUtlel Is r- gaid. d as an e x. edlent xamph f the wav III which her e-ves and his mind Ac a k together. Few men In W.i'hliik n an- alTc'l..! l.v Ihe "at- p.. i ll. i. ' of aii eve-lit as the Ren te, t. helps blm to compiehelit Ho eij. t VVorcls eef his Wife. ItS Sll plains n-e ry movement of the avl ll.els of Ho Sllle'es.-l eef failure eef Hot ma, bin,' Iii darting, In maintaining ii.'-e ir in Ihe air, ami in descendlnc. W lo n all is concluded Henalor Qor s uwt .-is anxious to npplaud ua any, ,tlii r "spec latcer " Th. Oklahoma senator also Is very f..ii. I of "wall hint;" a baseball gam. mil be is ft frcecticnt patron of th Nincrlcan b-ague games here. Bena lor Ceeere's wife kneiws more abouf base ball than many wlvi-s' husbands. i TAIt IIKKI. IM TKOt BI.K. HUI.STOL. Va., July B. Lata yea terdny nflernoon near here,, W. Da Hall, of Boutherland, Tenri., waa fa tally stabbed by John McKlnney ol Wilkes county, N. C. McKlnnay wa rushed to the Abingdon Jail.