THE WEATHER: i SHOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports, VOL. XXV. N0.2GO. ASH KV I IiLK, N. 0., KDXKSDa y MOliXINCl, .ll l-V 7. 1m!. VMWK FIVF, CENTS. ( THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. TARIFF BILL ROW READY TO RECEIVE ITS IMPRIMATUR Committee on Trie Whole Re ports to The August Senatorial Body REPRINT OP BILL TO BE FXAMINED Agony of Long Drawn Out Tariff Legislation Com ing to a Close (By Associated l'resn.) WASHINGTON, July 6. Complet ing the tariff bill in the committee cf the whole, that measure was to day reported to the Renate so that legislation providing; for ciiBioms du ties in novi regarded as on the homo elretch. The question was brought to a close temporarily by u motion to idjourn for the day to afford sena tors an opportunity to look over the r. print of the bill before taking l ul l I -er action. The adjournment wan made with the understanding thai when Die body reconvenes all sections of (he Ldl that senators do not desire to re serve for further amendment shall be agricultural en bloe. The senate will then eonnslder the tobacco tax, the only uniendment not adopted In the commltttee of the whole' The m nate Jogged along In uneventful fashion today, until Senator Hated that he had an amendment recommended by the committee on rtiiauce fixing the duties on tobacco, lie sent It to the desk to be read. Tnls preliminary proceed ure conclud ed, Senator Iianlel of Virginia, rank ing minority member of the committee on finance disputed the statement of the senator from I'tah that that pro vision had been recommended by the committee. Knxiot Objects. He characterized It as another "bogus committee amendment" stat ing that the minority members of the committee had never seen it until it had been completed. Mr. I u n lei then offered a resolu tion declaring- that every member of lb commute sppoinnted by the senate has the 'Mfcht td"be notified of all fueeMngn of the committee to which be belongs, and the right to vote upon every proposition referred to the committee by the senate. "The five democratic members of the finance committee" he said, "feel (Continued on papc seven.) MURDERER Of ELSIE SIGEL MAY BE CAUGHT IS Police tif (lothain Believe That flit' Chink Shipped from I'liil.idelplii.i. HAVE HOOD OLUKS (By AsKK-lated Ire.) NEW YORK. July 6.- In the hope of capturing Leon the accuse I slayer of F.lsle Sig'd, the police have lust cabled several cities on Ihe Med iterranean coast and to points through the Sucj canal and Indian Ocean to hold up the Oerman steamship llel ene Riekniers and search it for Ihe fugitive. Information is almost con clusive, the police say. that ship ped from Philadelphia between June 10 and 12. The murder was commit ted on June 9. Detectives found that the Hcb-ee Rlckmers left Philadelphia on Jure 12 bound for Itnsakl. Japan, and that before sailing her commander. Cap tain Getting had shipped several Chi namen as part of the crew. Among these Chinamen who were engage I only a short time l.efore sailing was one well dressed man who spoke good English and professed to be an expert cook. Ion wore good clothes, spoke English fluently in-1 was a master cook. The Itelene Rlckmers was the only vessel which left Philadelphia at about that time for the Orient. The vessel was last reported at Tarifa. a seaport tnwn at Spain, fifteen miles south wesV.utMi iihraltar. on June KAPPA ALPHA M Kl-TTINO. BIRMINGHAM. Ala . July fi. The most Important subject before the twenty-fifth blynnial convention of the Kappa Alpha fraternity, which began here today, with Edward Chambers Smith, of Raleigh. N. C. knight com mander, presiding, was an extension of the order's territory. Rowan A Greer, of Memphis, was elected presi dent of the convention. GAS EXPLOSION IN MINE SENDS NINE MEN TO ETERNITY Workers Descending in Cage, Victims of Catastrophe in Col orado. Suffocated by Gas. (By Associated rrss. ) TRINIDAD, rot. July (1. Nine men were killed today by an explo sion of gas in the Cedar Mill Coal and Coke company at Tollerville, near here. All but one were foreigners. The men eie desi 'ending In 'he cage. The explosion partly wrecked Hie shaft and those who were not instantly killed were suffocated by r;as All of tile bodies have been re covered. The scene at the mouth of th mine delle.x description. KelativeS of the miners crowded round, each one clamoring for news of their loved ones. As the dead bodies were BRISTOL IS BUZZING OVER ITS LIQUOR FIGHT (ioth " Di vs" and "Wets" Claim That They Will Win in a Walk. l (Uy Associated Press.) ItHISTol.. Va., July . On the eve, of the last day, but one, before the j iocal opchin election which is to do- j cide the ipicstion of whether Hristol. shall again legalize the sale of liipior both Ihe "wets" and the "drys" are making claims of victory. The lead (is in the fight for Ihe sale of whis key assert thai they will carry the election by a majority not less than 1' o 0. While their opponents profess to be equally sure of winning, they arc Fivlng out nofltf ures. If is believed that the election will be close. That nearly a million dol lars worth of whiskey, or almost hs much was sold by the saloons the last year they were in operation here, was shipped into Hristol the past twelve months, largely upon or ders of recognized prohibitionists, was contained In n ' statement Issued to day I IV the "wets"..' . THAW'S COUNSEL SCORES POINT IN EFFORT TO GET RELEASE FROM ASYLUM Court Orders His Keinoval from 1 lie Custody of M;it-tew.-in's Superiiifeiideiii. WITNESS I IK Hi: A If I) (Hy Associated Press.) WHITK PLAINS. N. V . Julv Counsel, for Harry K. Thaw, on I. r rontinenient at the Matt.awan ;i ' luni for the criminally Iti- iii' ' ' .booting Stanford White, t...av " i -i a partial victorv in the henrinr ! lerniine liis sanity held before J n -t . . .Mills, bv obtaining from the court an order remov-ing Thaw from M itt. i wan and t"tai Ing him In the cii u .lv o Sheriff ll. nry Sch.rt of !ui. riains. until the bearing was cou-'u-,e,l. 1 1 n ' two witnesses were examlroil tinlav The ti i--t . formiT cinv.imo Stone. te-'titie, that as counsel for Tha.v in bankrniitiy proceeding h. In.! hail ... anion to observe hi Ii , ii.selv an.l 111 it in many on Il l inois and conferences he had h nl with him Tha.v had shown uniform lali'.nality and intelligence. The other witness. Robert Good, a manufacturer of I'oughke, .s,. te-ti-(ieil that be had nut Thaw at the time of his in. arr. ration In tile poitghkeepslc jail and that he had had orfasion to visit him on an aver age of tw ice a w e. I; Thaw, he ib . I ir. .1. bad shown no evidence of unsound mind. The hearing was adjourned until Monday when both sides will submit expert testimony. WHO WANTS A .IOH? I.IMKKALK. Ind. July 7 For 32 rears. W J. Stegg. a democrat, post master at 1. Iini'. tale, has hoped In vain that some republican would get Info this town and get his Job. The office did not pav much, am how. and on the fourth of July Stegg threw up the job. Me was appointed postmaster here li. President Hayes. A democrat will be his successor because I.lmedale Is wlthou. a repub lican voter. and were re cries and sob till was haslilv learby towns civeii to the "f the men re. .ignition. itastmphe was descended lb Hon eil liy a blinding flash preceded the falling of the cage containing its human freight. When the smoke and dust had cleared away swift preparations were made to go to the aid of the victims. The cause of the explosion has net yet been ascertained. HE SECURES DIVORCE TO VISIT JERUSALEM jJaeoh Berin.m's Wife Would Haw None of the Si a, so I They Separate. NEW VOItK, Julv fi For many weeks old Jacob Unman of No. I."i4 Itldge street has longed to pass the remainder of his life fti the Holy Land and die In Jerusalem, but bis wife Itachel refused to go with him Jacob is eighty years old and Itachel Is forty-seven. She has children by a former husband and Jacob has a grown son and daughter. ne day last week Jacob again made known bis longing to Itac'iei. but she was still nbdurale. "Tlv n why do we not get a 'ghet " queried Jacob. A "ghet" In Yiddish Is some thing like a divorce in English, only it is much more simply procured. Jiaclicl was willing and together the two went to Isidore flchcrer. an attorney.,.! No. J!64 living! on street. The lawyer "' heard the case and signed the paper. Then the couple went to Italibi H S. Moot of No. i:f, .Mirloik street, and he also signed It. ninl the separation was complete Then back to the lawyer the couple went ami carefully dlvJdcd their mea gre goods. Kor a fee J.- I, gave (he lawyer a copper coin, which he said wo. ild bring him luck NAME OF IRISH LACE MAKER IS MIXED WITH THAT OFJOM TAGGART Former X.ition.d Chairman Figures in Sensational Trial at. Chicago. TOM DFX IKS IT ,.! As4Miatcd Iress.) CHICAGO. Julv li -The name of Tom Tagcait. of Fien. h Lb k Springs Indiana, former chair of the demo- i 1 1 ii- national committee was brought into the re. ord of the L'lla dingles nial in Judge Itrentanos' court here todav. 'I'he young Irish lace maker on had told of the s. :ircb of h.-r room by Miss Agile" l'..iriette. h r accuser, and the late Mr-'. Cecilia Kehvon. looking for lac wlii. li .Miss llarr. tte claimed Miss (bugles had stolen. This brought the -ton around to Miss Oingbs' visit to Mr-i I'.arr.tie's room at the yelllng t in hotel on a subsequent occasion wle-n. according to Miss oiricl.-s, she wii' forcibly disrobed by Miss and Mrs. K.-nxoti. "Old you light ;iLtain"t them?" she was asked Y.s, until I was worn out with .rlng and my exertion.-.. ' "Was any man m.-ut ioned '.'" "Yes" "It was Tom Taggart. I believe." "Who mentioned the name'" "Miss liurctte. She said: 'If Tag gart were only here " Last I-'rlday Miss 'lingles ti stlfie.l sin- had been told she culd have plenty of money, good clothes an. I no work if she would go to I'reni b Lick Springs. "What did you think when Miss Ilarrette told you the advantages of this vlsll?" "I thought she meant I was to marry a man." The court rom. was crowded to suffocation and It was necessary to clear the aisles when Klla Gingbs re sumed the witness stand in her own behalf today. It Is the theory of thi slate that the young Irish lace maker is a victim of mythomania, Jirmly be- (Continued on page six ) brought to the surface ognixed heart readme were heard. Mcdb-a; : summoned from 11,,. and every assistance wounded, but seveial were mangled beyond No warning of the c given. As the cage shaft a loud roar. 3j jl cT,yY j FIREMEN MAKE&UICK RUM TO CITY; EVERYTHING GOES Sturdy Fire Fighters Take Things to Their Liking Big Card Today Consists Between Squads from Various The North Carolina State Fire men's association put In a busy day's work yesterday In eotinventlon, ses sions being held morning, afternoon and night. Important business trans acted, officers elected nnnd time bhutelnd to enjoy the hospitality of ("be Tnhkceoslee club. The connven ti.ui closed last night and this morn ing w ill come Ihe tournament, the pa lade In the forenoon and the excit ing hose wagon race In the afternoon. Tonight and tomorrow night will be the novel entertainment at the, Au ollorlum, open to the public for a small ehorge, when a fire department will be shown In gfirunl operation In connection Wlttf tnoiiig 'filetlires. The convention was called to order In the Auditorium yesterday morning at 11 o'clock by' President .lames 1). McNeill, of I'ayetl.vllle. who Intro duced Rev. It. I". Campbell. 1). I", pastor or the I'lrst Presbyterian church, to make the opening ptavcr s. (!. Itcrnnrd, csu , of Ashevill. , ex tended a henrty welcome from Aslu -vllle to the delegates, saying that (hey were Ihe best nu n In North Car olina, men pledged to ive the ll.s and property of the public and w b i at the sacrlllcc of their lime and means and often at he hazard of their II.k preserved the lives ami homes of Ihe people. Mr Iternard said he wanted every one to know that tin- lirelllell were Well'. oiled bv all the peo ple of Ashevllle and llot I. .1st of all. the children. President McNeill ask'd Mr. It. I Douglas, of l.oro, to make oic of the responses which was done in a happy vein. M r ' 1 louglu saving it was a i. asure to expn-ss the kind feelings which all the lircmcn held for Ashevllle. Tin r. was not on. , h said, who since h.ohooil bad li"' heard of Ashev ill. . Ihe it il l in metropolis, whii b had don.'' neo" than any other i ir. In extending ih lame of North ( :i t ..I ilia. VILLAGE MARSHAL IS HELO ON GRAVE CHARGE Is Alleged to Have I'sed Sham Arrest as Means t Dastardlv Fnd. (Hy ssslal.d PreisH.) JRsri 'la., .Ii-lv ' 'I hoiTiHN if J hii;. i p'.iirity Jitil hr nn Ihfll .IHHaillt Ujit'fl M j f r, who swi ii-ii liiH ntrt'St. A pi 'ii'Ul ht-t -f i r v 1 1 '.'rmiiiiiM "fi th- .r- ' i -t took Mi I ' from thfir horn- I . i( t ornpani' -l l-1 i " ' Iht-ni in a 1hu:k : t ii rt mi n t ry ;i n f" r mit In iii'litiniit i k nut u t . -Marhnl T M ''onfin-(J in ih- harK' "f i t 1 1 1 1 i AralM'll.' i h vvurtant nary trial n i i Ih all. . I ih . t Tor th. lr .if nnd 1m r j. r i tiildnlKht ii her man . l ort ilMari' i I thirn to njt, a inoHt t'VtH 8H0WER& WASHINGTON'. J'i v . Torec .-I North Carolina. l. 'i .l showers 'I . nesday and Thurda . light vari .l.l j winds, mostly south" t Oh I Look Who's Here! Possession of the Mountain jmi:s I). M(M:il, I'li sidcol of V. ( I Ireioeo B Asms in lion, vi ho mis rc-i'lisietl lust night. Chief of SmiiiIi. rn Plies, be I e i .isked to t.,"ii.l tor the caHlerii t . . I I T or III. slate I'll' I A'dll'V llle's vv I. "in. Was '. v - i rni and h-arty that it i,. . ,. d le . plal-c lie told III" .1.1. t h it it lie V J;ot any plizen h. I. II vv I" le. aos. the Ashevllle lll'e- i ii i u -' t . I . t " . I ai.c Jestingly asking in!' I he pill I" ..'- of . Illlv elllng the sil uali'Mi it It vv a four miles the Astie i ill, I,,,,- ha. I .......I in 20 in I ii n f ch or .''I lull'.- in I in i nut --. . Clraiiiu.iu b o 1-. in., ii "f the I'll.' com mute, oi llii'li P-.iiii. "aid dial there WHS llo II, . d to -peak of Ihe . V n Web'Olne b. . a II". it was bteallied. In li .on Ihe v, is an Chi. f lib liaidi , .1 N'.'W ll.-l II. 1. 1 e II' tic, li ke.l I he i it V t"l it-, vv . Iciiie'' Mt ,r 'In. I. ol Sill. '.ill.. K.I I. I III It I li' Well I . Ill' III h. I i ,1 le , pitalilv "f Iblee nan ago 'NEWSPAPER CAR NOW IN VIRGINIA STATE ! ! .Il.inl.i. .loiinul and. New Ynlk Derail lii Is ( 'mil This W;i. i in i v IM 'II KsTI-a:. Vu J.ilv .- The ,'. York I I. I 1 1 I A I I i I, I I .1 oil 111 i .1111 111 .t.tle . . '.I.l ..!.' I' ll V'lll . le i. t I i on U a luni;'--') at ('. Ill . . I . ,.- i ',1s u ;u . 'I h. l-.t htirclei ' I, I .'. li i ruM. o, it .n , , , I... k ! Ins oi" i h i ii aui.iiii! nl I.' e burg at i . h e tie', vv-re tie i to a larc--.,,,! :i, .).,!. i , i t T v . . 1, 1 1 . ..... -n vv r- I. Mi ..r I In ret l . S. rialol.- I i i. l . Ic.l ! I' .1 inn- '. . II, . ., -, 1 1 on, I.. . M,,ir. w as v I i n c i i le n ! i ' I a -1 i, w a.-' m.i.l, ,. I ' .lane v . r, ,., ,.n. e. While !,.,! .!,,! ihe r- titv vv,t, .-lit. rtain.-d :!! ,11 V i! - III. I -I;, le. . .cut 'viii ie- m:i.' tomor row -. r th. farnou" valley turnpike ., a, I i h- p.'tv ' c.e l to r. acb N'al ' nra! to eli- i, . nlKblf.-ill. The pr- si -nt roe-. ,, l:fist.,u and Kin. v ill. to Alia nia ihmmwv corrrn;i. 1 ISKItLIN" In1' r. Privy Conns.! j lor Or. I In m ma nn. director of the .i,sl l.ilf, in ..I th. foreign oftlci I was today acrpjllted of charges of I i .-rpirv looui-ht .-'.ilnsi him by I'ruf. ; SehrriH.. tie- feriricr liusband of th. lirei-cNt I-'rau 1 1 i rn ma nn. It appeared It. on ihe ( "ijiie.nv that K.'hmlt7. was r .on -i I.l- f.,r a of lerse'u- fioris aKiiret Or 1 1 a in ma nn and III: ivili:. If fir f ifefir I -j . . rt 1 ftf At IMi OFF THE REEL Metropolis and Find Many of Exciting Contests Cities. was an assurance of Ashevllle' sin cerity. President McNeill after briefly thanking Mr ll. rnald for his cxpics sloiis Introduced Insurnnee Commis sioner Jus. It. Young, who made a practical address full of valuable suit gcKtlons. lie said that It was eiuall' as important to prevent Hies as I" ixlliigulHb them nnd that the people generally should be brought to real Inn this. The firemen, efficient In lighting lire, can be eipuilly valuable In seeliiK that tire risks and danger to life and property arc reduced hy proper observance of thn building In spect!. n taw and that directed against flrav waste, H urged nn enforcement of the law regarding fire districts and strict Inspection from cellar to atllo. He said that If was Important thai II be understood that two conditions were necessary before any town could receive the relief fund provided by the annual tax of one half of one per cent of the Insurance premiums but that unfortunately seven towns hud failed lo receive a proportion be cause they had not compiled with these condition. One condition Is that 'in Ii illy or town clerk shall report in the commissi, , a. r by October iilst, .vearlv the ciiu.Hliori of the tiro appar atus and the other Is that the coin mlsstoiici he satlsiled that cities and towns applying ar" enforcing the building Inspection laws sat Isfaclorlly He lefernd lo the high standard of Salem President McNeill said that the llre inen had asked for the laws referred to by the Insurance eominlHsloner and should h. . k to uphold those laws be. i a use Hi. v were firemen's laws. The Inspection served also to familiarize Hi. In.- i hi, Is with buildings in cos,' of life. A- ,i corniiiilice on credentials (he . h.iir naiie d Schiilbbens, of Wllmlng i.oi. christian, of Ibirbam. Kdam, of 1 1 ,.Nt inocd on page four. CARNIVAL TO BE HELD FOR OLD "KING KOTTON" Commercial Meetinrat At lanta Sounds Slogan for Annual Show. (Hy AsHiHlaUil I'resM.) ATLANTA, (in., July A " K InK Koltoii Kainival.'' to I..- b-ld ar.riuallv in soine Southern .ilv. . ha rrniif. 1 1 1... anon ea. ti nt. was th-- .i;ati iiiu l.y the coinmer. lal '-ecretar les i- iMi rln ir h. re toiiinht for the first annual cn v. Ill tomorrow of the S.utlerri C. an so. i.ill'.ll. Tie- "Three K " ivhibltlon IS lo I), for Ihe pulp'.'1" of exploiting the prodiM I f cotton. Kv. ry "tale In the South will be r.-t.r. s. nl . .1 at the two .lavs s..sioii of th- convention. In addition to conine-re lal s. crctirles. prominent bushe ss men and railroad offl. litis have Hlmiili' 'I their Ini. nlloii of al- t ndlng. O I roads will be studW d In encr.-t'- form dnrliiK a trip by au tomobile from Atlanta to Itosewell rla. the ancestral home of Theodore Itoos, 1 . It. VKAVi:itS WALK Ol'T. M KIIIDIAN, Miss., July (1. As serting that thi- work rooms were not sufficiently ventilated, firty wea vers employed in the Meridian cotton mills walked out today when the mitnaitcmc ut rerused a request that Ih.- windows be open. The mill was Immediately closed down. i NEW YORK LIFTS C U R S E F LEPROSY P North Carolina -Leper" Turns The Laugh on Washing ton Authorities MOVES ABOUT AS A FREE CITIZEN Early Will Soon bo Exhibited Before Conference of (Medical Experts (Sss lal to Tlio ntieii.) NKW YORK, July . If John Kar Iv. the North Carolina pulp Worker, who was alleged by thn Washington authorities and a foreign European specialist to bo afflicted with leprosy, has that fatal disease. Dr. Hulklay, of New York, and his corpa of assis tants urn showing little fear of It. When Marly arrived in New York Sun dny h jostled again! thou sands of Alnnluittanlles as ha wedgsd his way to the Skin and Cancer hos pital. In Ihe hospital Early moved about ulmost as freely as he did In the streets. He was placed Irt a ward with seven other men, and when things got monotonous-there hs went . on the roof, where he rame In oon tact with prnctlcally all the other pa tlenls. All had Hocked to the roof because of curiosity to see the man, whose disease bad thrown the avian lists of two continents Into a seem ingly hopeless tnnjlr. In the opinion of not a few eminent experts here and abroad, Early la the victim of a form of leprosy, which i contagious ua well as Insurable. Of the disease, Mr, lOdwsrd Killers, of the Copenhagen, one of the leading dst. malologlsts of Kurope, said: "1 touk cultures from the body of John Marly and found that I hey dis closed the presence uf Ispriwry in an .Incipient atuge. Nnverthulesa It la ver conlagbiue. The patient ehoulvi hy all meana tx kepi laulaUd A "No lMr,' hT Hulkkty. rcarly's coming to New York In etict a free and easy way was because soma, or the New York scientists believe Dr. Khb rs and his school are all wrong. Indeed, Tr. Ilunean I,. Bulk- ley, of this (lly, made an exhaustive xiimlmitlon of (Curly, and, after de claring tile patient did nut have lep rosy In any form, suld: "The man was suffering faun der matitis, u sort of chronic Irritation of Ihe skin. Hut even of title he now appeals lo be cured. I accordingly obialiH'd Ihe requisite permit from lb.- New York city and stute board of health for him to come to the ilk In and Cancer hospital. There be II be under my care.'" It was also staled yesterday that by Ihe end or this week lr. Bulkley hopes lo exhibit Karly before a con ference of medical experts, In order lo prove conclusively that the man now has ni skin disease of any kind. If be does show this, the former pa tient of a Washington peslhouss will (Continued on page four, ) ROCKET SHOP MEN IN THIS STATE AND VA. ARE hilian I'licc of ( I n'fii.sboro .-tin Others Arc I'p for Viola! ion. 1'KICi; WON'T TALK (lly Asn4m Cress.) M i! I-" iI.K. Va., Julv 6 - -Charging; . l .l itioii or the Virginia anil-bucket sho. laws, the grand Jury today re lumed six Indictments against Price & Co. a Ilalilmore coriioriitlnn, II. K lloy kin. of. Norfolk; Julian Price, of Oreensboro. N. and It H. Oaugher tv, of I'ort iiioiiih, Va., trading as II. I! Hovkln Co.. of Norfolk. The spc. Hie i liarn.s are that the defen d.inls made marginal sales on cotton in lillv hale lots. i:..vkln H Co, nr.- the local agent of I'rice X- C if Ilalilmore. II. I-: r.ovkin and K. 11 Oaugherty w. re ai'r. st. tl Ibis afternoon upon li. ti. Ii warrants ami naneu in usj sum of 1 1 . idin each for their appearance before ruble Justice Simmons tumor I o v . VOT TI.K. IJAI.TI.MOKi;, July 6. W, .B. Price, head of the brokerage firm of Price & Co.. Incorporated, of Baltimore, the concern Indicted at Norfolk, Va., for alleged violation of the anti-bucket h,.p law of that state, would not die cuss the case today Isyond saying that his comptiny had no agents or representatives outside of Baltimore and that he was at a loss to under stand how It could have been Indict- ROM JOHN EARLY