THE ASHEVIELE CIT I ZEN THE WEATHER: SHOWEES Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 261. ASHKVJLLK, N. C, TIlUlfSRvv MoliNINC, .H'hY S. 1!o!. PRICK FlYH CENTS. SENATE WILL SEND TARIFF BILL BACK OF UNCERTAINTY TOME FEDERAL CONTROL BATHROOM CASE BRNGFORGOTT OF CORPORATIONS PERPLEXING MAZE T (ft I PROPOSED BYTAFT? HOME TO ITS PAPA MORYACAN His Attorney Genoral Makes Significant Suggestion In Ills Speech STATE LAWS PROVE TO BE NOT EFFECTIVE Would Provide For Their Nat lonal Incorporation And Regulation (By Associated Press.) PADUCA1I. Ky.. July 7 (VnKns hoiifd control organization of oorpo ratlorts dtolng an interstate liuaimss, according to n address delivered be for1 the at ate bar association h; George W. Wh-keir.'ih-ain. atflorncy gen eral of the United .Statets tonight. Th address was notable cliM.f1y for rho Teeofmricndation tlliat ootiprtsM rihoul.l emu a law providing for nationally created corporaMon-s t carry on In terstate commerce. Mr. W ickitrKhaiu sketched the ways ly which states may regulate business of bwcigti cor poraitiotis within our rxmiwlarl'w. "Mlamy will .bjist to the ce ntraliz ing tendency of a naMonal law author izing the formation of corporations to carry on intercttatc Imslnvan," said Mr. Wlckersbuin, "hut such a law eeme to me l bo Hlic Inevitable re sult of ecomonHc ismhIM ion.-." Are Not (itiwiiH. Mr. YVIckershaim cpHi-tcd decisions to hkw that i-wporaitlons arc not citizens in the m.-Mnlng of the federal tcorwtitturfcinal repjirementa 'hat citi zens if each tale Hlnouhl he nitlllcrl to all the privileges and Immunities of citizens of tthe Cnltud Status; that the power of a state to prvvont o for eign corporation from continuing to do bufiiness. is but the oo-rolative of its tautWority t pro vent suclh corplora tion fmn wmrtitR lno thw chU; and that the state in passing on these questions might take cognizance of airta done elsewhere. As the statim of corisiratforiK. Mr. Wicker sIi.mii said they were "persons" who could la1 deprived of life, liberty or property only by process of law. He argue! that the 1mof--ition of high1' license fees on foreign than Continued on page foiir.i KING BOOZE MAKES HIS UST STAND INSOUTHAT ELECTION IN BRISTOL "Women Will March, Sing and Pray at Prills To day to .save City. INTEREST IS INTENSE (By Associated Press.) BRISTOU Va July 7 Trenon dous interest is being manifested throughout the South in the local op tion election to be held liere tomor row The iiior p-,,,,. :(r,. making s strong effort to gel a foothold hen. to supply tin- adjoining proiibitio:i Mates and from this vantage ground they hope to win b;o k lost territory. It is believed that they could do a business of hve million dollars a ycc from Bristol hy Shipping intx Tenn essee, Georgia, Alabama. Mississippi and North Carolina as llristol would be hy far the nearest "wet" point to the majority of the territory. The temperance forces closed their campaign tonlglit with a monster mum meeting whii-h was largely at tended. The day has been full of in terest and excitement is high. The liquor people have representatives her and have concentrated thc.r forces on ehis llg-ht. BrlMoI wted dry two years ago by a majority of 207 a4id the temperance leaders clajm they will have as large a majority this time. The "w-ts" ar' tlaiming i lory ani nill make a strenuous tiht toniorrfv, . hut are naming no hsnres. Betting is llvetv at even money though it is b liiivel that the temp ranee fivrees have a slight advantage and fhat tlv city is rmwt likely to vote against the re turn of satoons. Dozens of speakers have been brought here to speak against sa loons. The women will march and parade and will also serve lunches and pray and sing at the polls. The anti prhlbitknists today flood ed the city with literature attacking prohibition and ridiculini t6a "drr" leaders. , Doubtful If It Will be Kecog nfzed by Members of Its Family PLAN TO TAKE THE FINAL VOTE TODAY Tobacco Schedule Still Re mains to be Settled And May Cause Debate (Hy Associated Prow ) WA.SIIlNCTn.W July 7. Willi gen i ral understanding that linal vote in the senat i the tariff hill should be taken by four o'clock tomorrow af- tcrnimn the .senate adjourned at 7 o'clock this evening In pleasant an ticipation of the early conclusion of the labors of the special session of congress. Itecause of the possible effect on the tobacco schedule there was no effort to obtain formal assent In open senate to the proposition to fix a time for a vote. The day was a busy one, and the prospect Is that tomorrow will be eiiually so. It is expected that the bill will receive practically all the republican votes, while It Is under stood that all of the democratic votes with the exception of that of Senator Mi Kni'ry, of Isuiisianu. will be cast i gainst it Whwi passed the measure will be hurried over to the house as expedi tiously as possible. It is cspected the house will be in session Friday morn ing in the hope of receiving it. Income Taxers Ilusy. The income lax cpicstlnn. In rl mi Ing the corporation tax provision and Inheritance taxes received much atten-i tlon, and the straight Income taxers were afforded the opportunity Which they have so long Insisted to get a dl. rect vote in favor of the Income tax as opposed to the corporation tax. Senator Bailey moved his Income tax amendment an a substitute (or the, finance committee's provision. A vote was taken upon It and It was re jected by a majority of nineteen, th. ballot standing 2S to 47. With the corporation tax provision thus established as a part of the tariiT bill .there was considerable effort ! amend it. in one notable case this effort 'was successful. Senator flnpp, of Minnesota, who has been a sever (Continued on pane three.) ALLEGED BUCKET-SHOP MEN ADMITTED TO BAIL AND REOPEN BUSINESS Head of Concern in Haiti more Denies I In vinj PraiK'li Offices. CAUSED SUiriDK. N il!F il.K. Va.. July 7 kin and H. iMugh- rt, K Co., indict, d v.-sterd.iy Pi i.-c, ..f i Ire n l.'.ro. N. ' ' third .;u tli' r. and Pi I' c.l poiati d. "I 1-alnui-'ie. II. I) H"i ..I II..-. km .Mill .Iiiliin .in -ilb-g. d A ''.. Ml- l-.r alb g. "I v,.l:ill'.n id tie whop la t-"l.i v Viri;iiii.l anil Inn l-.' t ' ured a ' out inu.'t ii' . ,,f ih.-ir, until Julv It. Moth w, r. r.--1. id. d and at "ic e r. -.e le d II,, ,r oir . ... ("..nim'.nwcalth - A" irn.-v Tilto'i" allv threat. -iu d to raid I!" & ,t i:.:v aneiiipi..! t" r. .-,11111' I'O-HI f. lis. g.i I ,. .1. .n af .,,)).. .,f in in In pli ati"ii ,, thr. ii- re d the i ore moiiw.-ibb'. aitorne, wan .one mi" ,,r... ... din it be .In.-, t. d a raid in II,. t. ( tin- n-'lite .iti-'i'. Mr Til said h' wuld do ri"l Inn-: pending tin- i n ju rut I "ii apidn ati-.n. (au-'d a Suicide ." A dispat'h fr-. m Charlotte-i 111'-. Va i..,!. that Aruthr Whit", maliag' r ol tie Charl'itf l'l- loan, h "f I'll' Co Baltimore. t."k brokers com mjti' d sub id. la. by sh'H.tilig HI le al'li l.d I" ha - I r- il,. -- an le d I' VHK y lIMI OWMTIOV. It M.TIM n:K. Julv 7. iniam ii. I'ri.c Of I'ri & l "... , in. . ,rp oral. u. broker I'harl-' rid" " Whit" g. r bv f.f this city, wh'-'i .-.rewn uie ii, s l'l. dHpati h about the sui f AMIinr Whil". d- ni' d tha' waK . r employed as a mana t,i, .omriny. Mr. I'nre re- peated III I rti..n of i. r.lav inao.- i,..n .Mth th. indi'tment oi r.,.. at Norfoll,. for alleged in conn Prii-e k Co violation of of Virginia. th. anti-bu' ket shop law that his firm had no hrsnches -r atvnts anvwner" OUt.-ilde of Baltimor.. Mr. Whit, had at one time acted a a correspondent. Mr. Price, add- d. but aid he did not know the man personally and could give no reason for hia lit of scif-deatruclion. Irish Lace Maker Either Con sumato Fraud or Sub ject For Pity TELLS REMARKABLE STORY OF HOUNDING Matches Her Wits Against Lawyers With Apparent Candor And Truth (Hy .VsmkIuIcxI Pre.) ClilCAiiii. July 7. Kiln ilngh a young lrlsdi lace nKikor, was on the wMness stand in Judge ItrctHnos' court room all day today matchin,; her wit against (lie sharpness of tin lawyers vVho were trying to confound hor on crfcss examination in her t ri -nl for stealing lace from. Mlsw Agncw Barnetle, hor former employer. All artirnoon the girl was cross exumliicd on tin- story she rirat'"l In the morning of blow she waoi at tacked by two women and a nnun In n batlnroom of the Wellington hotel on Kd.rua.ry 16. Mtas Ague Bar rottc, the late Mrs. Cccllka Kunyou ami a masked limn nginrHd as Uie aMsalkiiits. 'i'he isiurt room wan cleared tslay of ill but thoac having a dkn-ct In terest In the case. The main lntn It: tlhe original story were rehearsed by Aiei.slant Attorney Owen, In hU cross examination Ktory of tlie Affair. "On I'Vhreumry lti." Hie askeci. "you wilt to the Wellington liotel again of your own Tree win- rmvoc said nothing hUmiI the attack uniii you In the hotel a inniilh before?" "I went to collect some money." "You went to Miss Harrelte again, the womaai warn ilid ail these torrlbu things to von before and at Ural time Miss BarrenUi knew thiat you eoubi have notified an thejw people o What had occurred?" Yes sir." "Did you toll am.v'one up to that lime that these women haul tried Ic sell you Into tt'ltlte slavery'."" ".o Mir. "Then you went to this room !n the hotel and waited and a man knocked at the door and Bald Miss Continued on page six.) SKIPPED THE TOWN WITH FILERS' MONEY AND THE CASH PRIZES ALSO Promoter of Fiddlers' Con test Found Gate City People Easy. LEFT PILLS UNPAID (Sieclal to The Citlen.) ;KKKNeiHiil!'i. N. C, Julv 7 Kar I in June there i.iiiic to ilr.-nsboro Mr. Ib ber McDonald, where from n i on.- sector, to know, hoiiRih just no,, some iiM inlii ri tr the various band.--In l. last iiiuht. would lll" to know wb'l. h" I.- It wan In June that h' f.t ii), a lug Intel -state l-lddb r's con '..ntlon It was pull' d off all right and Mr Melionald 'nar. il evervthlng up; at b-asi no kl k was heard. Some w-.'l.s ago be advertised s North State Hand colli"'!, which f.ull.d off at the auditorium last night. In point of numbers It also seem- d to be a Sllcees-l, the p ports being that about 2, (Hi'i people attend .1, which at lie admission ptl.o of e.-nt.. should have made bis re . lids about JMi't. W in n the corit. t was over he made an engagement with the dir.-itors of the bands to rri' t th. in at Hot. I Cuilford al nlii i Vliirk this rnoriiirig, but on.- of the, bands, tic Cih-onvill" band "Hiriellcl a mil." or in vine v a y was wise, for th' bovs insist, d on b.-inir jiaid lb" money for the third arize, $;,n, and Mr. Mclxinuld olilig.-d them. No doubt th" other band now wish tlo-v bad insisted on g- ttiitg their more y tasl night, for wh' n nine o'clock arrived thi:- morning Mr Mcle.nald oouid not be found. Iteport b is It that he was s" . n making bis way to the de pot III fore SCe o'clock. It appars that Mr Melionald sp nt time at a hotel rturb.m, run bv Mr. Alfonso ebb. an unci, to Mi Marion Cobb, of Hotel Cuilrord and that he . ft behind a board bill of some i0.00 whii h he promised t" pay when bi.-i big band contest was pulled off here. Hut to be sure of th matter. Mr. Cobb came up from Iiur ham and became ticket seller; h handled Jhe rash, out ' of which h paid himself also a bill of about $r, due the Guilford. The promoter of th'' enterprise put his o. k, on sonr Mils presented at the door and these wcra paid by Mr. Cobb. THOUSANDS FIREMEN BREAK WORLD'S RECORD Raleigh Won That Honor Above and Torrent Hishiuyr of k.u i s. 4 Capital of Raleigh. 1:7 I -5 seconds; prize fliiO New Hern I, 2H scmiids. I wine 7&. Htafcsvllle, 30 3 5 seconds; 3 prize tse. Durham, 32 seconds. Caswell of Kinstmn Coii'Njrd. 0. New Hern, 0. Itab lgh, lleseue, 0. Asheville No. 8. 0. High Point, 0.. Asheville No. J, 0. Hickory, 0. Ballslmry, 0. In a downpour of rain which be gan with the hist race the . Ion. wsiron contest of the North Cai'- Una Slut. Klrcm h'm a.-oeiiitlon toui I nanient took nla-.- on th. Soiithxi.l a--nue roumc .-.-terday aftciiiooe The crowds in tin- two urand stand ' and the thoiissunla who lined the course were dr.-ie lied to tin) skin b- spile the uillhr. H is which made II itniiosslhtc for rnoiiy to s. the f,o.f living hors.-n hut most ol them bra v - I ly took tin rain and w. re reward. .1 , pin WHEEL REVOLUTION Soldiers lfcvolt and Pro claim New President in Hcves Alc nee. hi k ; ita ( "o, it bin, July 7 - A e station, d at Ha I " rns on Sonda . ia-.l -i.bla ll go e r n ire nl t he muni, i pa I a ii - -claimed f b.n.a I- . ff.-nerai i;.oig ' ddclit, wa str "ii.- he gendariri. s w I ' "ilv, later at i l . icg revolnlionl. t t . I. town and si i . I lalena rlv er. c ri i 'dared martial la - has disa o w . . t h. ng to llogot.i w tli ' the gov r n hi nt . . lees her.- lh -I "d to Mai t. lie nil. i " St of tie .' v 't the p. opl. I sii -i may ne .-t oi, .1 ,. , Important pet, dm. w ill lea i " II '. I - steam, rs. h i i n .. 'hoiiHaui! rn. ri and irtlllery. the o,j. , . 'rranrpnlla. portion of the a' raii'fuilla took t. against He c--made prison. r thorilieH and i Va! in i.i pr -el llolgtiili. acting i iy denounced an drlwn out ' at Calt.uo in. i '! t.os sj.iori of t ' st. arncru on M . . ral llolg.iiii b i f Jotr.a I. . Va I rlslng and c 1 the a'-.ijj. ... . M Ac. ording ' t u l ba ii' i ii i ' OffK I.I IS vll M is at .' .-o e 'i-li" , lliat L'O and .-. til el rn j u -st ions lb Ii. ral !' ' I'lmnrr-i A w , ' on board Hn t. nl.. pe tl.e point I VAHrttN"rr July vritt North Carolina lr In cam. liw. r in tt trorti'ui Thurla an! l-ri'ia, light variitblc w.ri'i GET DRENCHED TO SEE in Races on Southside Yesterday Handicap of Torrent Underfoot Did Not Feaze Men Who Fear Neither Fire Nor Water. by seeing what Is salil In lie, the worldV rectird broken, despite he lc track nunllllons wh'eh were undoubtedly retle. ti d In the many "blow outs" which tdialtclb.l IH-omiHing hopes. New I Urn sine I'lrNl. II was Ihny. o'clock when the track was pnrtlnlly i b areil aiul th" si.ectaior craned forward as Pr hlent Jhuii". Ii. McNeill signalled for New P. in No. I to start on Uh .Hmiiiicv tor UiKt Iioiioih. Thl bed bain came with n roar of itheors ami (in. k woik nas doni' at the hydrant, coupling and and when 111' time. 2K wconils, was wtod by I,. V. JcHnmret on the blackboard wtildi Tie attended Hi on N !1pprry rtif 'Kfl-potl- the gnuwl sbmdii. New tUtn adherents yelled bind, thinking the Here piclty sure to capture both th -te xt .onveiition Jtnd lire blue rlb 1 ... 1 1 An. I II looked that wav Iicciiiimc lime (IIch I ust when a team has l. run li arils to the by. Instil, piles! en at leant UNI yards lllllher, lllll'eol 1!SK feel f hoM , and wall for th wnler to I r.i v. I is feet before, the time I.-, tak.ri Itnlelgli Smnxlicd Itecoril. Hut llo.ngli New It. rn hung up u new record, it was not to stand, for after sc-eral t' amn hail made excep ti..n.ill f.-iM iiiiim and done qui: h w k abuo; the line only to have a lario- g., i-si' .halke.i up ..pp.Ml c ELOWER OF NAVY GOES ! TO MANEUVRE AT SEA Largest Array if Fielding Ships Since World Cir elini' Cruise. (Hy hmsIiiIciI Press ) l( ii K l' il: T. M i. i . Jul , V i;,ill,.'l it. lie i-r,c of war and .-lull (. .1 a lib tali lii'liling ma la. thirl' halt I. I p "f 111' "...llth Allan. S'tualoi as-., tnhl' I "tf Ana t 11,1 :, I .1..'. A- tli. -nn . Mil. la '. of an li.'bt' r Hi' I ' ' V i 1 th.- -.oorld in tun-" II' 1 depers' llamtdon Poad . .tail' -I I" the .1 .-. al d to ' ngae. Ill Ma Kl'-lill "It - ' " ci 'out or tiv. w .-. I- nelits will I" 'all I da', til'- tl". t Is . I to . II A he I. .'. ill I .. le .1 v "i n olf Ith ' I '..I I he le t i v I lis I ve mm. oil I 'Oi h'a t it I'd at Prov Ire Us base oil lbs I h. Th. a tli r ri ship--. ...hi.h ttu.v. nit nt ' U y, It," !! I" .gr. ss in. lu i. .Ill llr. a . 1 . 1 1 il.-sliii.i d-. ii lol J" .i i e I r u l.roa.t : I ill I." th' l.irg ' f ol war " r I- ,. n .silt- i" of tie- fl". t lav a. i irnpr. d net au itel to' illlCWS I I .. t powerful ft le t'd 1 1 1 An, one lit ra t Ion - . I land to r Itir.. j.ijf l.;i 1 illeSil (Ml i ,l -Inn. ii i joj l.i h- i. w lc ri ', h' k tc I'f-'.. tn -to, ri, th--nr rtl"'' .-Killor; ' ) I 'I f 'r '-I- -i U( . m "ft : n th 1h t fco'l-i" n t i-nt f t.,n Mi. V r ircnt imi K;mi;-m - .T.iIo.- N a .. -, Vi .ri -i'f N .!. rr -t , ;-., rt-i.i. l;i'-h r.-htn-l !- . :irel I'hth. Iit- r rh M i N'u.Mmj. "h-o :iro! M ur4itmi pf 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' t t h tH4t of yt-Vi-rit ( ,) nil-: if:irY aito. I,"M fill If M ' ' . !,, .-I' !! ' A ? KIM' 'I' .. July 7 - J T s k .I t'ti-iri-K( miin f Ia'n . Vn'rt m fntiiHv in)nrp( Utf- t filtrht ii 4fl iM'f.wh(lf eWrH'-llf hr I a 4-t-n I horn, and thin nist nn-J : dx-d to.h.v i hc a-f-idrnt to thr- m.i- ,,r' "f r ' -l,t '?ar. wcurnrd. anJ Thin- 'a 'i i -.lUht Hnd it w;i n .t ""htli-Mw. tio utio ngreti thtlr ub thoutfht Isxkv budly hurt. . fctnee mort than 4u tht-y. them, generally because I hey were a trifle too fast III iHlling on I tie plug insin for water, thu fupltul llosc company of Ish entered the head of (In. course with Its white waipm anil hsti'liHotni' gray hars1 Hind enriic down the glistening hllhulltlilc like a Ktu'eiik of 1 1 trill . Its inen moved with celerity ami certainty, and IIhto wa an cxcMimI clamor when the water leu I icd rrom the pipe liei-Hiiw. It wiu I called thai Caidtail had Iwcn as lust as tile wind, and there win a tour and a howling mob of Hulemn ymputhlzers when the time 27 l-d KK'onds Hva posted After that thvro was "nothing lining" In the record way, "bPw-ouls" coming fast, It Is generally conceded I hat there are few nllilotie events so eclllni us these how wagon rners, thi-y fna- lurlng a horm. race and mieody work by the men and embracing a fair ele ment of danger since two men inuxt step from the racing machine going .10 miloK an hour and get to work In a fraction of second. If any proof was needed It was to ls found In Mo- i-lretinista-iK-e tjhat hundreds of ladles remained In a down ur of ralu that fell ami fell u.nd then cumi down hy the barrel foil, and then oim ned up th' hydrant hIm.vo as was the case in the lime of Noah, dereua- (I'oniiinied on page four.) RALEIGH FELT ABSENCE OF HER FIREFIGHTERS St. Paul's Church Set on Fire hy a Toy Ha I loon limned. Cim-1I lo The lllw'll ) I l: A I I I' ; II. N. 1 1 . Julv 7. Tileiidin iiiilit a In. balloon s.l adllfl bv .vimi il.'othll' ss p. rson lii-ht. d on lb.- shirr gl. r o-.f of ;-ii Paul . colored ' linn h and tall. -I l, Ida," that .'pHtroyed (lie hiill'liiig. 'I'll' sane i onl 1 1 value ' . l tut- lo a building In le'-I llal'-lgh. - ailing He fin in i t lor a long run to I. on :.'!. luiirii dial' Iv alt.r tlii ' .ll.ll III lb- lit" was d i. e. ' red oil th' ihui'h root and box was lung In Tin n ' ti'U' d a trag' d . of errors Th" Capital II" company. , lllg lb" III pa.. d .Ii" ; going and ' small tie v i m. daiiM d lo Pox 1 1 . and 'II'. by I tl tin rn ing cli or eh ' orrin.K d'h" lire was .v did nol s it. Tti'-v Inrri i'l ;i nt I nt I". Lu x . 1 , mil v Ii' ft IL'. yt.i Ihtlf th.v r.tjiMi th- flM- 'Hit. ( .M.-.ifi v hi!' , th. Hl.if in h;i-l coin t r ; f r "111 ifi-I hi' (. f - h ti'liej . ri'l of ' town v.' nt ih tif -l h'iTM I ; i h u 1 J N". I hi."t Mfi 'ic . ' ' f i -ircl li.i'l I 4 lni. t h. I -i l y. Iit-n lie li I v, a u r Mil i i I 'II'" j 'lh u,i' r a. turn.. on irrl th' r !ta;ii nt u.-Miir' iti"Hj'h to throw th' w ;i t i .('. th- Aii.-i'trt . 1 lm il' ;im ir rt.i.s '.ri h.Ki'l lif I . .i "'I I'.i'J tni - r . ( . hut v. .i -i ii-, i ii.-.- !, Aftr i in.M'I'ril.!' Lhi, 'luring v,iu h th tire A lA -.r .i-iiiiii t;i.l'lis ' ' 1 1 r 1 t t j , r j-i 1 1 1 w .i i i .i ! I 'I f ' tl' ;i ml tin. ill. I iir njsh'-'l, rt ti- ft it w.t-I.-. I.i f t 'lu ;in. K"''l I' w-t.H a in r to tin- th"Ujn) ( w wuh h 'd thi hr why th' Ihk M'-ririor riof hk 1 afi'l It U sti 1 1 an u.iol. ed A-.ii'h r o (h-" "t Hub !Kh. Tri hKhtiriK (7h i n- y f tht; Mre li.:irtrn-nt .Nfn?ri'l'rarifv w--nk- -n-I hy th aUmnt: f fh- two tr&m now Httftfi'tlnv i hs Kirm n tourna ment in Ah'Mll- Th- if v bwt fir--hrhf rn hni the mifortun lo rw 4y wh 11 thin, tho nnt diNtntrouf Represcntatlvosof Throe Croat iNallons Honor Mem ory ofChamplaln FRENCH AMBASSADOR RECONCILES STATES American And Canadian Sold iers Fratornlze While Croat Ones Speaks ( riy AssiMiaiMi I'tmi rtl 'it.uiiioi.l Kr V 1,. V . I inniiiv.i, ti i wur . - New York tutu's share In th ter centenary celebration of the discov ery or laiko t'hainplaln reached Its , Umax today. Tomorrow the auenna of i,igcnntiv, the parados, the npnech imiklim, the Interchange of com pi I intuit iimong the throe nationa of France, tlrnat Ilrlttuin and tha Unit- ' ed HtatcH, who sharod In tho history making of the Champlaln country will all bo trsnnferred acrosa th tak to Vermont and Hurllnton will hava Us Ming. Governor Hughei nf New Tork and ; ilovemor l'rouly of Vermont, In thalr speech-making tours today. Indulged In a good deal of pleaaanlry About tho rivalry between the two statai. 4 whervuiHin Ambaaaadur Jusaeraud I lilw afternoon declared! '(liintlenien, Champlaln dlaeovarad H both sides of the laka at ths Mini, time. lb. looked on one aid and than, I he oilier. 'lie law Naw York and ha caw Veiinnl and ha liked tbsnv both.' i ai'miajj ) Taft anil (liamplaln. Mr. I.emlux and Ambassador Ju norand each took President Taft or n subject and In their remarks av null miuai 1,1 iiin,iw,w .wh- plaln. The spirit anil all that wm. Mtt In Champlaln," deoUrtNl Mr. Jtar ami, "Uvea again I'reh)iint ,TM. And , laere In a peo(ile In ft dhrtant archb ludugo who know It and feel It i4 who lor cwnlurlw .will blew Military lqlir,. :S:I( . . CartHtla hurt tm ihara lit tav' day a c e lepra mm and on in Amri-i i mi military rttmirvaUon at Platta- hnrg biirmck thl aflornootl- thaf ' who u parade or American and Ca-; naillan troopii, upeclacular to da-' gree nelilnni attained In Ihla nountrr. The apeeeh making and exerelaea at the stand hail been completed and thu aim wum rant allpiln down to th western horizon when tha buglm ba' ' gan the MtlrrlnK notea of "aeaehibly'." Aliiiimt In an limlant tha ra(d fringe of rnddlern waa transferred In to a rigid linn which atretchad front one end of Ihc vuMt parade irround to the other. When tha laat of thu mar tial I ones hud died away tha hand of the Fifth Infantry lrtnd "tha Btar IIIMMIWIIIMIIMMIIMIIIIIWWVWMMMMN fCnntlniind on pay alit.) OWNER OFSMALLPIRTOF BOND ISSUE COLLECTS; OTHERS MUST ALL LOSE SeciiritieK Put ut by Wft in WartimoH l)e eliired to He Lien. CITS tm WM CENT (Hy ss Inliil I'retw.) r-C' IVMII. July 7. By a decla. iru In Hi. ! lilted Htatm I .iuri Ol AppealH today Oi" WarHwh raJlwav vlll be eomp. Il' d to pay tSOO.OOo. wlii' h Is On amount of the principal and . orii.ur.d Intercut n tl'0.01 .f bond kwiii"! bv lite mad In 17(1, and hooght by Henry 1. Comptoij Of 'i.,1. -do. 'IlliO. Tin- I.. i,. Is re tir! "f an iiwun of tl.flll IMIO e'tiiiinrieril bonds ma'P- bv th. old Top do and th rmllwaiT .iiri ) ki ii '. in IsliJ. " onii.ton bat. lio n 'bad for wvert .ears and hi- widow. Mra. Klle-'-.-n ' "olii i'loii hiiM c.ifilllinisl the auil, iIiIioikii ii is thai the r'-J (! iii rs of l h. iiond. at pnnent ia a in in .f Wall st r . . t look '-rs '"..inpt'in r' oior.d Jud(finnt again it lb. r. id in the oliio l-fuprein i rt. TO. road took th" cam lo th. Stipr. lie coiiit of the United Hates, whi'h held that Compton bad th. nht to wll proporty rf tha road In Ohio lo compel imymcltlK of his lie Ijriiii nt The road ha Bin.- Is "I, lighting on rhe thoory iha th proiitji of tin r,hlo jKFrtHm of U.a nmd at th" inie of the original ult Kiln llb il wen- not mifllcb-nt to meat th" reiyrncnt of ttitw bofid fsnue. Pbe hiiblem ,if rhe remainder of trie one million do liar isxue of bond will not lie able to collect rent. It in mid. owing to the fact that they fatlisd to legally kt feat thetr Men yean. ago. The Adelliert college or (Continued oa pace three.)

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