THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: CLOUDY. Associated Press . Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. AS11KVILLK, N. C, SATHKIUV loUXINi, .ll'l.V 1". I'ii. l'lUCK KIN i: CI-: NTS. j COURTS FEDERAL Ai STATE CLASH The Fall From The Wagon. LEPROSY PARTY IS AMBASSADOR REID JOW WULATE NEW TARIFF BILL House Shows Little Liking For Aldrlch's Volumin ous Measure ENTERTAINS KING F IN RECEIVERSHIP IN ROYALSPLENDQR GOTHAM'S WAY 0 REPUBLICANS WILL NOT ALL VOTE FOKIT Loaders Succeed In Shunting It Off to Conference Af ter Long Debate (By Akmh Intril Tress.) WASH INi STUN. July 9. The In iff mention now has b. en shifted from I uth housea of congress to a con ference committee. Tlif house, today adopted it run" u hereby all of the cIbIiI hundred Mini foiti sfvcn amendments of the sen ate were disagreed to and tin' rmi- ftlenee lelllleslid liy tile .senate granted. KiKhteen rcpiihlicn ii.h voted against the rule and one democrat for it. When the house nut it noun ex leaders on both si. lei had notified thell respective forces to he on hand. The dehale which at times waxed warm disclosed the fact that there were Nome republicans In addition to the so-called insui Konts. w ho were ; et to lie pacified Indole tin y Would Five tlnir ol.s on the linal pus fiige of the hill. Mi iiiIm i n lllsrinil led. The democrats accused the major ity pa it of luniiiK violated its ante clei'ttoii il. dRc.s. A feature of the discussion was nn appeal hy Chairman I'ayne to his colleagues to send the ii.iilcreca to the senate Unhampered by instruc tions. Ilr promised to rigidly exact an explanai ion of every amendment made hy the s.iialu. In order that the ciinlct'oe.s nilKht report l.iu-k a hill which wouhi meet the approval ot the majority of the rotm try at larire. Ills nipeal wa-s granted. Jn the i rse of the debate. Uop- reSetilalive Mann of Illinois declared he would vole against the bill on the conference report If the senate prn xirion i. n ..od pulp and print paper was retained. M, .... i Italldell of Tevas, 1'ou of Nolth Carolina and Henry, of Texas i hai act. ri.e.l the measure as hroak- Cont lulled on page folll.) FORCED TO UNDERGO TIE Tt Kxn-iitinii of Negro Murder er, Awful Kx;iiiiie of Laws Rarharisiu. WORK WAS lUTN(iLKD .NASHVII.I.K. Ca.. July !l -That the hmil-'liian'M- lioose i- a huni-h ine and in. 1. lles lllode of e. cotioii w .i el. ai l d. lo re oda wlu n Marshal Lewis, enlored. w.c- hd ha. K upon lie- cruel- ei'iruructei! i-.iM's llouoii; from his mouth and I.eptMiit; f..r water, a 1 1 r Sh. nil I. ' Ai.r.i li.ol .pinnK !lo ti.ip and 'he h'.ilv had .li.,iped six f.-et. TIC -eeolid atlelllit pi owl IHlSlli - .esstiii i breaking the coinl -mic d man neck, il.-ath re-ultinc in I'111"'" ininiites from strrinivila' ion. I-Hls shot and killed Cliff .nl Itnlhel fordton. assist ml p.e.i ma I- r al l..n.dr. C.i., April 1 -' confess..! hLs Kiiilt. By puhllshlnc .1 k. -Ich f his life In- earned sufficient iimn' 1" p.iv for Hie transportation of his to lo leuiie at Oirklleld. hu He was ahow ilo- aeraK- of his race in i lit h : nee Tlie feW apectafors who wllii-ss.-.l Ho- -pc tacle were v isihly iff.-cted lo 1 11" m llesolneness. Tile dr.ip of si Let str.-lched the roll. ill role- so th It the mail .; f,.,.t t,,n, lied ihc . ir'h. lie was cut if,,n and with th- -o l one nun mounted th.- 'oafT.d.l a I Inn.-. He talked .--.heii in I SEABOARD MEN DEMAND SHORT HOURS RAI.EIOH. July 9. A nine hour day is to he asked of the SenteMr.l Air Line railway hy Ho- machinist.--, car men. I.lacksmiths ami hoiler m.ik "r of the entire svst. m. A conference Is to lake place hetwe. n Hie r. p rentatlyc'i of these and the super intendent of motive has he. n arranged to take place in I'ortsmout h on Munday. A reduction from ten hour to nina hours will be asked. Receiver Appointed by State Court Refuses to Turn Over Property HAS BEEN CITED TO (APPEAR BEFORE JUDGE Will do Nothing Until His Court Directs to Take Some Action (Hy M-lal4il lri'4fi. ) SA VA N. 1 1, July N. - I -pit1 th- riVr of l ' ii JiiIk- Kmin i . il im. KtM t-i v r V V. I , f Hi' Klt-ctrif Supply omipiiny of t h i m city to appejir lii-rori him in Macon on Monti;) v next to sh.nw mis- why ht HhiU'li not lie h 1.1 in contnipt of i-ouit for it fiisin;: to turn tin- property of tilt lolii'li.HlV oi-r to l'llilo,l SLltrB Marshal White, n .IiijIk1' SMrrs or rer, Chatham county ol Hccim tir1 yt Kuaniintf the irop4iiy and art1 calm ly a.v;iitintf lh- r'rcl. ral ourt s n :;t mo c. Await 'urt's nlT. INm-i . r I n is ha.M not yet stated wlnther he will aiiswiT this now sum niojiH, lmt states that lie Ih a v;iii t in the orders ol' Judy,,' Charlton of tlie Chatham rutmtv Superior court, who a p pointed him receiver a nd will ae. iu he diren ts. No further irder hn In-ill isMic-d hy .Indue harlton. He has not directed the deputy On Tift". to yield Up the property to the Fed eral officers and the for nit r are wtili on R uard equ ipped. as 1111:1.1. wit) pistols. ItcpiTciils Creditors. Jiiilp Spcer's irder suinimimi'i IIecei.r liefore tiim next M ill day xs -r I'd today. In it J ml ue Specr nut b into the entire history of th lOlcctric Supply cinpany cjmc. Tho state court' position is that it apiwtintec as rrrrlwr rsprcecnt $R0, 008 rf tho alU'vl (U'bis of the com pany and that he was nnmiHl prior to the KtHlt-ral court's appointee ris re cidver, who ft l iid, represi-Tit ! $'J.40 alleged del.ts of the CiWIIpailV. The two courts :t ;i t o ;iitd federal, arc tli-iis l-rmmht I'a.ct to face n exact !v nxj9j(e '-sides of the i Itcwt lo u . Sill.e c it her i i ill i t's nneonteste.1 jui i'-d h-t ion over the properly w-oild in. an a change s.. la r as the .red ito s are -oii. ei n. d. the matter will pndiahly he foutrht to a linih. Kaniily Now Want Court in liileiTrre and Tic up Ilis J'iriunc VAIN I.MACIXINCS (SM i ial to The llien ) N -U 1 1 . K . Jill! 3. - A d.i.h halh ,,, , li. .urn in I Hie v e of Ihi- ex- ,.. ,ve h.-.e,.,.-- c a ha. I ..,e ha Munch- I - V-ll..r. a v., 111,'. ,,. ., N .. .. W- t Thi.l, hi Hi l I . . I . M l! Il I II ' mi i r r.ioom pi . in J'..- ,i, , ..H.,,,C..I l.-l.ld , ml. d He .. ..: .I- l-h - o. il , in- I- I f' '1- 1111' ... I . .! I. I HUH . W 1 shel il - .IHI ',. He I' r .1. d o. I h rr ., ,i , ,v . I., iti ..I r of .liis- , , , ..... i, h i-'.f 1 ' i '- I " . ' " ,,el d OL.....-I- I M-t.."l...rt .l.s'.- p n. In a i. I- ' s-1 "" " Al' !.. n. v " He siihioe i h- i ., o le ll.- mi :.. ii -i'i '"'I. 1 -' : i h.imi. ' ' ' ' "' ' v ",.s' w.Tr m Ho- ' miC Voeik. r 0 il uc h'i v - - Ihs wit- .I..'". - v.- Ik. r in- , ,.n pul h iiii.-i;.-ie in H" p are 1 r ' "' s' ' I.. h Ml. ' h" " ' . He Ii He' l-i. h.. m-.ol.. t "I Imii.iv ! -ich' ich I'I"' Whi.h he . ..."I '" Ml- V i ' 1 ':l"o , .1,.,., ,,. le . ...!.. fl h i I h. n ., -h-. W.I 1M - -l- ' ' - ic an. I .....-id. r h i "I u a . i I . i . :.-.! le I- 'in:i- o ,.- M. a . . in I- .'il.- a ..; an- 'I Hi- I'' 'I" m ,,;,'" '- 'I , , -!;-, Mr--. Vo.-U- r :r --. h- r liesl.a.el h" ice 1 "! He- id' .. ,h l, (.. --UII..I I '" It iia ,lo . -le .1- . ! ir- lo- I- m 'h- -- , ,. in ha h ' i".'' ' ' i !"" ', ' At" ,.,'riti,- 1 'il- Sh- h- Ol. .died his- thirst . a. h il-n w ith six i-",! i-hamp mn. . "lo- ipiatt of i "Vila, and t. 11 lllllk IMineh- s. V... Ikio r al-.. im nun- d hi in a. If a ol th- , oiitt .ni l le- I. a. c.rdiiiK ' hi- il- -i'"1 d I'lUhterM, d. -Uvcr lengthy Judicial opinions. America sKepresentatlvellon ared by Presence of! he Royal Family ALL APPOINTMENTS WEKK MAGNIFICENT Dance at Dorchester House Ono of Most Brilliant Event of Season (II) XsMinlcil l-rcw.) I.l INlM i. Jnlv ! - I'rri. IichIIv Hll lhi nicnili. r i of Hu i . I family n stoit in l.oinloii ttcro Jlo' Kiii't-" :it lon lo-sl. r housti I'Uilf.lil ' the ilinncr aol iliinco kIvcm h the Amcr Ichm .'imlciss-:ol..r ami Mrs. Whllclaw Ki'hl ill honor ..f hc kiiiK :H.I iiiic ii niol I'rinci sm Victoria. Thin vva.'i Ihc sccoiul film' iluiiriK Mr. Jlciil's iiiciimliciicy at fit' fin Imsvy Unit flic Mint ami ihiciii Imve illm-il wilh him hot til i.i fwniiiK, for Ihc first lino-, Queen Alex.-unlr.-i and l'rinces.s Vhfoihi nccomj.anli'il Ills I llllljev-. 'I'li. .lance which followed tho ilin lnr was most hrilliant ami otifHldo of i roal court.-, prohahly has not heen I Furiiass. il for siileiolor ami the prom I Ineiice of th,. K'ucsts. w ho Inclinli'il he I Hhles tho royal quests, the leaders In the political and social world of Kntr i land and many Americans. Their jmajeHticH who were attended hy lord I Hamilton of l:ilrll. lord In u.illiiiK j the kfiiK. ''ol. Slrealleld ami l.aily HardiiiKe, wile of Sir Chillies llnr ilin(,'e were received at the foot of the urand stairway hy the amhassador and Mrs. Iteid mid the niemhers of the Amerh'.-in emhassy ami their wives . They were escorted fo tho llhrarv. I where the kuckIh were formally pre- . sellled. lleeoi ntioiis Ilcautlfiil. Iloithester houso was hea lit If lllly ! dei oi aled, crimson ramhler roscH und ! w lillo hydranKi'UH helni? largtdy usort I li the Hcheme which proved moat lefli'c trw. Tho urnnil stnirwdy wn hor I ilered h- hanks of ramhlers. while the groups of slatilarx- in the halls were j surrounded hy choice foliage. Iilnner was si i" i 1 1 at two lartfo tahles, decl- cf" with every arlely of orchids, of Which the 1 11. en Is so folnl. Tlo; m 11 - j sic. alwas a feature at I loriliester ' lliiOSe ell lerta i 11 lllell ts. Was oi all eel ; gr inder scale than usual. Madame ( Coht i titled oil p; He t Wo pn HE TO Man Win. Defrauded 'Fris co Woman Faces Score or More ( 'halves. LIKFI) WIDOWS MOST (Hy Ass.M.nteil I'rewi.) SAN 1 CAM 'I SCI I. Jlllv . Chris tian C. Johiisoii. airiste.f two davs iirn on tin- iharr... .f hniiic defraud ed MrS. II Leopold out of li.OO fol lowillK his in. i r t i;ii.;e In her. and later c ha re- .1 hv I lo- poli- e w ii.h I., imk th" hu.-h.iiid - iiiei- r !he ti n f .f'lhii MiOson. of a s. ..- . '..vims", ,-. .1 llii eo-h oil the Coil, d l-.O.i-. 'l.oill'. C II 0.1 that h- was M i- i II.- a. limit. .1 his m;ir. ri.ite ;,, Mrs S C. I i.-hotin. It. of S m I 'rain is.-.i. h " A e er Tlle il- !e. Il'.e I IIU W IS fl.M.ll. ll fo- 1 i with .ii.jiiii i i i ii : n k Johnso'i o M-id-.-li. ilel - l I . ! v sir. am of in u.-aliolis .f louaini was n n 1 1 . 1 f I 1..--f..- th- . r i -..ii... .1 dm-on appear, d , ie rfiil del 1 ll Illf -I a- u- l . til , er and h; !... Ho i UK dal.-i on lo.-it I anion ia I - .1 -' i lie- indicated a m us. nil1 nt In I t h 1 1 In t-"ilel in the '.: le I I I .1 1st l, I l.a le ' . Til- p I I SO tl ' T -ael o ii . . : h. .1-1 -f Mad-on and l!i:.t lo- iia- t r i . r r : - I t' -oill' "he vi--in a Alie n- lie. - nil im MaiN-on is -ii 1-- -I I- la. i 111 i r rie-l i . a r 1 to i, , in i - o' Mrs. Man Wiggins Hrown. -t Si.iitijle Id. M is. . li" is all-. l-, ha . :,. t :,nii . and In is sa el '.. l.a-. I :i -n.-med or niarrf-l . .1 .in - ii in C-tt shun;. Oiii": St Joints. M .- h.. a ie! Hamilton. uit.irlo, and C- 110,110 . Aim ol wdh" it n Madsoii's . i, liih hai- h- . ii -a el .ii , .r d.-i-.r. .1 uiiiii' n i .f io i -I d f ai,'t . Kl i n or i Kitl i.i:. sl'i:iN.;rn:i.n. Mas.. . jnlv '. Mr-. Mary l!r..n. "f lln civ. 'Ii'-'l at iix'ord in th.- sprinc of ''r, . n'-v-r hai In.- r. .'.'.. r.d from th.- -h-.i k of lor ill-fat. d marriage Slo- as ah..ut (oiti -. i.-ht - .irs r.f aK-. Mrs Ilr. .w ti uas inarrii d to the man l.eie. d to I..- Ma-ls -n. in !.-. . ml., r. Il. hut (Cunlinuvd on oaj live.) iiinn nnirn imninnii I MUuHMAWUJUH MAY L'NMflt v fin i GlIsiGLES CASE WITH CONFUSING CONTRADICTIONS PROVES PUZZLE Formeu Democratic Chairman Taggart Doesn't Know How His Name Was Dragged in, but Evidence Exonerates Him History of the Strange Affair in the Windy City. (Hy Aswk-IhII I'ris ) CIMi'Aiifl. July 9-To . I. ar his name of liny rloud which mav hae 1 u cast upon It hv Ihc sensational testimony of Kiln (Similes, tin eluh teeii year-nlif Irish lacemaker, Thoin a.s TiiKKiirt went on the witness mIhihI in JiolKe HrentanoM' mart. As a preliminary In his testimony Mr. TaKKart otiiteil he hud lived In Indiana for thlrty-fi yours, licit In was married and hail heen lit the hotel hiislncsH nt French iMk KprttiKH for a hi cat iminy yearn. "I have heen iiiay.n- nt Indiiuiapolls chairman of the dnoerallc national I'liiiiiiilll.-r. and prcaid. nt of a Street Kailwny coiiipiiin." the wltiiesH con til d. II.- said thai Mis l!arr.;tt. inant In this .-use had worked as a manicurist lor a man h.v tie name of C.jhson at lren. h J.iek and Wllell llihsoll Hold out to her. In-. Tai' -carl. re-i. nl. il to her th. aparlni. nts in one of his led. Ih. I vom riiiK Tnitirur). "Iid yon ever h.-ar aiot li mi! aKatnsi lo r i liiuiii I. i 7" In- was asked This stail.-d a w-iantft' in h,. mid'' of w hh-h A I torn. '!.. mi. II made a formal stal. -nn nl . v -Ilel a t ilil; .Mr. Ti ;;art In j.a 1 1 icnlar. savinc: "I wan 11 distui llv llinli l -.Loud that Mr. Taiiails nun.- w;e loounht into this case ..v. r no prot. s U'e h i :e sdwedf COURT MADE CITIZENS Knurs Discovered in M.imM.iv Ajipcir Within Ten Natnraliation Fajnis in fo Assessment, of' This State. ' Their Stork. ! (Sn. I1 I.. I he CIHi'li ) WINSTON. S 1 1 Jnlv - I ' 1 in l Attorn, v I -. Holtori. i in- tiiima: soil.- f WAftMINiiTi 'N July - Ion, , I Noiiii i '.ti-. im t '-artly . loiidi s .t.ii- d.-iv .rod lurhl lo i,... i ,t, , vast and norths t onda. 1 r ' - call, ellatt-'ll 1 " .1 , !.. .1 i . n It In tie ' .1 . ' I i "f I,'! - llzation .a..-. m i .,, . .mm, io, i.. ll, I! - I lid "e t Ivi -II I... .loillld Hi, it He c . I. h. a - - I aid -i p I p ll' IO- 1 1 I - ol - ' ! I-'I IV e II- 'I ..11 pi .1 ' I" ll " ' ' ' '' ' ' 1 1 1 ' I j e -III 1.1 ll- ikH Of III- - --I' i, h- - .' li,- . '"'I ' -e, '' III I 'III, IH I ! 1 1 - ' ' hs. lie h- f ' - . p. , , . I,., I , - . , , . . I I.. r. 'ss. s- In I.'-.-.- - - in A.-hi . ai ' i.eel ii- l -I- t . I .'p.,ii' Ti a ii ie i liaii i 1 r. in Hi I . - ,1( . ,n - - ir i ... i ' , . ' , , i , ' ' oinf v. i,, ,,,, , v, , pM.,i ll, - I, -in ' -. An -I' ' pa--- I ''"twri-K.-' ,1a - "' ,( l(l Ui , t, lie u he- I I f".. I' - olal d Hie in- i, --I ' , . ,, ln, rII , ,,, . lf ,i mm... roe u ra hai i a. sin. - t h . ' " ( . i. ,. t . ft , . ., ' i- . i ),. i .-, . ,pl on pa r a 1 1 1 i ' ler ks hie ! ', , , , . h ,t . . i ,,; , . , . , ., i ,( i,, - '-irnini! ..nt - provision' . ,. ap..i..i.c- 'hi. ii, ...j la'i-li. I A fol'-ie-n-r ' take oalh .'I .- ,,, ,,,, ...... t .,. , , ,,. ,,, two i - ;iii in,. more than i - n . ( t ( r. ti 1:, ((, ;tP tn,j II 'I'-- I" '.' I -' "Ul hi" I- I- ' , , ,,;,,, . ,n,,!i.M a- III, I lie "oil ll' ;l.l- '. heeom. a . '"" neel .11 pill oil . .11 l'l r H I'""- i "' II'""' ' ' .. -i . II,.,,, I,,- I.. . n Me pr-o I"- ' ...... I. I, ,a,..r I'-l: ' " '" ' ' . . ' , --I- Me s. - h- I: . . s in ol e -I gov - rnrii.-l.- , ' . ' , . , , . , , , , I ' , - .-In,,', I ie s. ilie I I.a I In- J-' 5 l,"l 1 Ill pol IM in -. ' - - , , , , t- II a -.ilia. other thill..- i'-'.i ' ' ,'" "'' , '' ' 'l'"r' ' ' ; h.m.-. II mmmmm vvv - c - ;. - - - 'i - . - - . - . mr 1 fii proof that MIsh HIiikI.-s iii-ii-r was nr. iliialnt-d with Mr. TnuKurt mid his liaine was mentioned only In.llr.-rlh to In r." Tin- ot tin- viltni-HH hh to .Mis I I IllK leh VMIS III I" f "Ilo v on know .Miss I iini'.h aske.l Al I ol in Shi.l f . I do not Miss Clmtl'S e.s were Hilled oil the witless as he spoke Whin Is "While Mtnc?" "ho ynii know of any hranch of the 'white slave' idlquo that hu ll heiiilniinrterii nt rrendi I.lck?" askeil M r Shorl Wluil is whit., slave? " Mr. Thk I a I I llepl II " il . Th. il.-ioiii ion h. In kIv eii Mr, 'faw tail i epli- 'I ... sir Mr. 1 1 I loii o. I) at:iiiu look tlie Wil li ess Mr. T.ik'i-.irl ho lli-d Injected .on nam. lo t hi i as.- I don't I lo.w ." Mr Shotl .... ii-.. I Mr. ullonn.ll 1 h-llilo. Iii li "III slat. nienlH to the i-ip.l. iiiiiii', Taialt'i name. I did not , " I piled M r I 1 Dollliell hollv. .i. II A W als. .n. house phisi. Inn of lie- . II I 1 1 i' I .. 1 1 hoi. I. u is Ho II i .11- d lo He I ilel OFFERED LAST CHINCEi (Sm i IiiI lo The ( lll'-n ) lei I io . ..i! pi' i ' II,. i i - Ilel- IT .1" 1 I' - a III' I ' "in I HI Me -M,.i ) i ilel Mel I . ;.,(B. ... p .1 .l:..,. a. I.' a -'ii'iit Ol Hi -. He p .-I h.i - n-'l - a - m 'I- li is t le , r niii "i hind. It ml I" I- - I" f ' O e III' i -III III I -.S: at -i - r I. Ill i i ill le - I i in will, M.IK I II VI. I II. WA.-TII V'l "V Hi . Jnlv 'l I-:-I ,li- ii a n :-i'-. .'a- handed lore 1" , , . t -r Me 'd Hoh. rt John s. o- a ii - .t m r io , r , I- a Ih n ii j- I wli', III it He plld'OI lonimisslie lliil'ht .i op'!i la. I M.-. hut til. Ill, th .mi-- ii i.l.i i, a un-rf. r. . Th moi I. i a i . id hi osl.-d one Ih-sa-rllM'H ( oinlltloll. Ilr. Watson was ailed to the Wel lluitlon hold l.nthrooMi w-Iimi Miss Ciiil.M was found there. 'When I reached the room." sitld I In phisichin. "I saw the uii lylnn on the Moor. Ilel kill's W.-le tide In Ihe l.alh luh mill her hands were hound ni;-llii r mid also lo a Ick of Hie Hill." "She was hysterical hut not uncon kciolis. The puplU of her c.-H shoW'cil ha( sill had Hot heel) illllKIJed, mwl she was i onsclotiH, I eMimlmsl her hul folllKl Ilo evlllellee of IlltlO k, HtlVl- n trw olltfht HcrHlcheM." Ilr Watson was called upon lo Identlfv some slrliiKs ulileh he said u. i- I to hlud Mh.s i!lio;l.s. Miss II. hi. It laonh. .1 aloiitid when Mr. Short In Id up Ho twine which wn ahi.ut an . lhih ,,f an Im h thick The dial w-iiN then ml I'oirn. d uiilll Moii.l.n owiiic lo ,lii'l.e Itreuiatio r-- c. IIC. Wold II lilnllli I' of Oil'' .1 the Jill. .IS had died Morlilil Cronils. Thrones of sp.-.ialois aain ffiM-ked lo tin- i 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 -1 1 I'oiitl huildliiK t.idnv. I'UI Ollll lllole lllllallv I elU-.-llll-ll Willi Hie plo. ee.llllK-' Wile aduill tlsl. Miss liliiKl.-s. slmplv clad, lier Inno-e.-nl l.lil. ,-i.s h.-.-iiiIii.,Iv a llal colifra ( Hul iniieil fr ont p;i,e four ) ROMANCE OF STAGE THAT IS PRETTIER THIN MOST for Who Saved Child From l.iirnin;' Theatre Marries Her. I 'pis lal In 1 he I Illi n ) I .1 I II l. N i ' . Jul . 'i Mo ' -I on,. I no c I ii ii I Mr T. d l!i etoii I -. I- el -li I' a- I .1 S nl He I .1 I e .Mi id -I ' . I i " 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 . l I 1 1 1 1 1 I I .. I I . J 1 1 - i - . i : 1 1 . 1 1 ... i . . on ,. 1 1 1 iie i i - , i - I 'III .1, . I" I II K I .iiv Ii- . a ns. Me -. 1 1 ei - "' in inh d iff e i .-nl I .. mil . H.. I i e i-i I id' -lis -M. I: ui, I- - I in ..r .-'O'l'i. i 1 1 a I I -.1 and .ill. II llsk.wl 1- i. .1 le . . Ml p. -ael. .Mv I - t ' i - I H.i-i an I ,. 1 1 m a li Ol 1 111 - it h i r Hi Chi'-,' -1 1 11 - -1 1 - ill. lea I I , I III S' -I I .tel. I -.-..e h "I tl II- . .t a I I hapl,. d i .i I'i a. si ,i , .1 ,. ,i, , i, S ot I- , r I,.-- ,1 Hi l al and mal , a .1- -! - .. I . Mil' d." u'l m . la lie- a il A IIO I i- . -HI. I 'I ' ll .1 - ' , I . I . I ,. .. I i I I pi - . - mi, I f . a.. i -. i . o- !-. f 'lie . . a, p!i ., I - .'. ei- I i , i 1 It a tp Ml It'll. I I I" I.k- 1 "- I" a - - .1,1 ll'l-l. Ilel lolf.. 1 e l,. In . , sn Mi. ai I ei-. I - 'i .'. -i I,. I, Me It..- k ni.ii II. ... h i i '-til-. lniMe -I d all II i lid Mr III . ' -ii lo.l. Me pi ll- ' I, Hd f I "III I Ii.- lal,,' I ,1,1 Hi .' I., I Ulilj. Ha pi. d il h" li Me Me itn T'e ll I I.. I . ' i "i- -I ' - i i, -! .1 1 1 . 1 1 had I . , ; ,, I. I , a e I ii I ) , . f-.illel Me . I, Id ' I -,- i" I. I. p ,tl 1 li- il it; -I M ' l a - Ii , , ,. ' HI' ll M. I. He Is e I I -ll ,pp- -I ill to I - .1 'I , ,- tel. n . 1 t.- . Pen V- ll... pi . IO' a s t- ,h- . li.ld - ... -I ... 1 1 -l I. M . li.. -ii .el -le .... - -I i.r r t Kill. ... .inioi- r A ' ' I. I. iiu Ol Me - . ' 1 1. ' i -1 a - 1 I'.al-. '--I I '-. ale! ll. an,. a . ,,.... Oh ' fh. Id I'I ll-' I lM'l T-'l I il ' I "tl Sl IH ' II lid Jl- , She It olllll a'.- i - I i '""I i foi I, iii, Me iiiiiht -f I., to. -in has Ml, ,1 t" I, O.i.l Tl" a- 'or. artist, niu-h Inn and au di .1 cik lo . in m the ha, I, -round i h- t "Halo- Cormtie" u-ot ,.n tn.-t.iK.- .hii .1 has never gotten out. Il ias utt.-r a heiofit play f.,r ihe Main, 'friii .is that the girl of ten r. .-.-Ii-.l . iBoiiilly from Captain HiK-h. e a for the part sie playvd in the ..-rfoiinancc. SHUNNING EARLY , . Alleged Lopir Atoets Public And Ills friends at a Reception ridiculous sidi: OF ills QUARANTINE Jt Raised Chickens And Suit) Them In Capital While Incarcerated (Hy Asjmh latisl I'rem.) WAHIIINHTON. July 9. John It laiilll. Illo yollllK southerner llelMhlsJ ill-out tho country iih a leper, ira.v reception toultshl lo iiov that ha It. iinlnliileil. It was held at til NfW York Kkln nml Cn n. er himpllal iut i. a- att. nod.-, i hy medical men. & num) her of Knrly'M frlemln and it nprlnk4 I111K of tho Kcncral piihllo I ii I a ram 4 In llm i-itse. Karly, who lately csina from WashliiKlou, whern h WM iiuanint Ined fAr nearly a year, r cidveil his kuchIh corillutly and dl ciiMseil his recent Iholiillon. 'I he reception was urrungttil by Dr. I... I hin. an Iliilkeley, tha pixdillnt who hrounlil Karly hern lo shuw thai (here Is liolhlliK Icploiu. ahoiit th mnn. lOurly related a humoroiiH lnrdenV lit tlln expense of Hill WllsllillK toll au lilorltleK "Whnt dhl ymi ilo when they hail you shut up 7" he wan ankcd. I rulseii chick. .us" Iiu aitld, "and hoth ihe . hi. lieim anil their egK war sent In to WuHhltiKtun anil wild In the open murkel." iiVhiit Karly hna Dr. llulWeley sis philiie.l. Is a Hlmpln InlliimniHllon ofl tho skin en used hy alkali uand In the pulp mill when, he formerly worked In North ttfoiimi. tir Iliilkeley any that after a Car fill examination not tha nllghtent , tince of ihn hncrllua of leprosy watt. found, Hut an a prfoatuion, f laid, Karly will prohahly ba kept at th hospital for a week or more, ao that the diiit-iiosls inny bo confirmed by, liter ih roiatoliiKlfilll. HAS PRESIDENT MELL RESIGNED OR NOT? oul.HMlHA. H. July . -A Ion dlsllince MiesNllK" from Alldernon to nlKhl sain that dr. I. II. Mell ha tendered his resignation iih president of eiomtton college, ami that th tllinleis Hill iilinoiinee Iholr dll'lDlon hi the matter tomorrow morning. A' upecial to The Hiai.. from Clemaol colleen slates thai lr. M.dl declares ho has not off. red his restfifliallon. erofe-sor UIkkh mentioned In ye- tcrdav's illspalches as a posMihlu nue cissor lo In. Mell. (leclnrea ha la iinii illlio: lo Kim op his wlelillfla woik to heeome preHlilenl of tha ihU leKe. j BUT ESCAPED OEITK lileaehcr at Cotton Mill lilows up DoiniJj Nerioufl laniat(e. .I-If 'I . jit i C-s.inl p. I he Clilrcn ) I 'I I A ll I ,i iTTC, Jnlv ! Illowlng .(".ha .line , il'-red, hind .ml of th i- Hid" -., and eaii.-iiii ,t I is-, off ii'i.'ioi. H. iiii:i'hcr at Ho- -Southern I'-'i ei -I1 llii.l. hi. .1 lip l.Sl.lil.iy Sf ! I : i I 'I ii - i-.i I,. I I. hail IniK c M'O-.Ht i-iilii.dv () tool' led He- walls I.. In., .linn ami Hi I'.p ;o,f Ii'irell. 'II.- in o- id Me- ai i -Id. -id will frntn Me tiO'.ll pi.-, 'lie of (In. Sti-llll US..4 a. i.l. ... him; He . iii in ih. bleach , : lank I -HI lln-n R'-'i' llllllleil. Ill eojh n. I" I ' , !'. Th. V Wei. S i H o .. h-.iin . w hii". sm ,,, k Im falliro! ! ml" , -. ' A .M.i Mil. w hile, eii u. k "ii tha ll. ad I'I I llllIlK till, Iii I I I'm -.-..! II aid. . olor. il, S.'llile.l. .1 dm .lane c....r-., h.l'il s.'iihlel -it -I In - ti MiroiiKh a .'. Liel-.iv. 'I In pi ill- h."l h. . II c .refilllf im 'a I I ii m: ''. ri.'.iiiin hv su p. t ni. n l. I,' Col,, rt .1. uiiiii,:". hi . i i M.ii,.: v ! K'.ikii.K M or hi The top. II - ii - n r. ... .rlao! pi- ii. lelly Had i l ' . ia ' I - ' d- I- lei. d on I,, Id.'W If -ei 1 . 1 1 1 1 "i. .no and pi en nt an - . I.,', ni I t.. iioi.i.i.- . am., laii-r. In - ii 1 1 i i . -i 1 1 1 n.i in.- ma. Iijneryj ti. n l Ii..i - :- ' f order. Tl- vol- ion in tin- ki. I. as tha M link i, - all.. I, ivhn h contained 6,000 liahone cann. with a t hunderoiis noiiw. no I Hie t,,p of fl, structure., which ! liOx :0 f.'t. and -ine story high1 lam sailing off. Tlo-re were aevwQ pervois Iti-hi.. at the time hut three s.api-d io hy a miracle. Only font were injured ami they not very aerl "llsl-. Tim top of the tank was found tnj a fi. l.l zoo yard from th acetM, which gives some Idea, of tha Tloleoef, of tha explualoo. , . :

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