THE aSHEMULE CITIZEN. the weather: cl6udy. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 205. ASHKVILLH, N. C, MONDAY MOKNIMi, .11' LY 12, !!(!. VUWK HYK CKNTS. E WANTTAFTTOSTOP AT EVERY VILLAGE GLIDDENITES ARE Ha7 to The Prince- E E IIP TARIFF SAYS PRESIDENT ENDURANCE RAGE RELIGION MUSTB ELEVEN MEN MUST MADE ATTRACTIV TO START ON LONG SHAP on autumn trip Commends Plan of Having Gymnasium And Olhcr Amusements LAYS CONNER STONE OF INGRAM MEMORIAL Pastor Had Slone Set In Ad vance; Was Afraid of Toft's Masonry (Ily Asmh lalecl Irwi. ) WASHINGTON. July 11. In as KtstlnK today to lay the enrnerstoiie of a church which luia as a part ni Its equipment a KyniiiiiKlum, a KwlmniiiiK hkI, bowling alleys and chili riHiins, president Taft took occasion to pay a tribute to the civil employe of the government who, being compelled to remain in Washington while the pres ident goes to the .seashore and legis lators! seek their vacations, carries on the work of the government. "SometimcM - working for a salary much too low," said tin: president, "he la philosopher enough to know that he can get more real happiness Aouif of life in st eing his family grow m.d In the education of his children than by aspiring to lie a millionaire or plutocrat." ifake Kcllglon Attriietlve. The president also spoke- of te wisdom of providing rational uniuit rmnt a.s a part of church work, thus making religion a welcome part of life, and not something "to be im proved only once in seven days and then to be taken in as small dieses as possible. " The church Is to he known as the "Ingram Memorial Congregational, of which Dr. J. W. PrUxcl Is the pas tor. President Taft, who i.s a mason, and who at a recent cornerstone lay ing In this city, worked for nearly fifteen minutes in spreading mortar all over the nurfai-e upon which the big granite block was to rest, was somewhat dittapiminted today when he found that' his only function wan . tit jdaataattiN Bd- -ai Into the .stone K metal bo containing photo graphs of himself, of the pastor, and various records and trinklets. Afraid of His Masonnry. "I'm an accomplished mason," pro tested the president. Dr. Frlzzel laughingly replied that the church did not want to take any (Continued on page five.) PRESBYTERIANS ARE Student Who Kecently Was Taken into Ministry Rejects Bible. WOKKE THAN BRIG OS (By Associated Press.) NKW YORK, .Inly 11. The contro versy over tie ordination of I icorgc A Fitch, tip. Cnim seminary gr.idu ite his split the New York pre Lyl. ry. Members ol the conservative element "ho ate bitterly lighting to bar from the ministry all except orlhndox I i s. tert.-ins pointed out yesterday that I'nioti seminary pl.ivs an Inipor ' nil part In the present di.'cussion as '' did in (. hllggs trial. In fact, it i- charged lv Home of the orthodox nbers iIHt those who ii re in sym pathy with the radical element in I iiion seminary have succeeded in' cet ''iik control of the New York preshy- I' looks like another lirlggs ease "hh'-ugh ProTcssor Hriggs was ortlio "v Mimpared with the young men ho have declared that they do not Win-ve in the virgin, liilh. the reaur r"eti.,n anij other essentials of the :,'-ri'tures. I no Chi Alpha society, of the 1'nioii '"miliary, will, no doubt, play an itn I 't int part in the protest. This ' tv Includes cv-ry professor ' ' the seminary and a good ninny I -c lor.; of the Presbyterian church. 1 h. v all" know what the I'M Alpha -'aiid.s for and the wonderful power " possesses. The seminary, although no linger a -trl-tiy Presbyterian school, has Inn 1'iietlv placing its gradual- m promi nent churches. The churches are fill' d with them nt (he present time, and they ar. brought up with a full under-landing when and bow to vote Dr I'rancls Krwn. president of l'n ion seminary, refused to discuss the ' hi Alpha society yesterday, and said 'hat he had nothing to add to the discussion over thu ordination of viiing Mr. Fitch. That the success of the radicals In ordaining Mr Fitch tins alarmed or thodox members outside of New York was evident yesterday by two letters received by Dr. Daniel S. Gregory. "ne trum Boston and one from I'ittsburg. Requests Are Pouring In From Every Town Near Line of His Tour MAY BE COMPELLED TO CHANGE ITINERARY Extraordinary Precautions Tahen by Roads to In sure His Safety (Ily Associated 1'rews.) WASHINGTON. July 11.--Illdlca-tions multiply that l'resiilent Tafl's aiimiiiiiccil il i ii.-r.-i ry for his Western .iii.I Southern trip this rail will be materially extended. The president himself did not Include in the tenta tive list which was published all of the places where he expects to atop long enough to make an address and hold a brief car-end r -pi inn. The Itiner ary was made up of those cities where the president will spend from one to three days. Strong efforts will be made by con gressmen and state officials to havo the president stop, for a few minutes at least, at nearly all of the towns of appreciable- size through which Ms train will pass In the daylight hours. Already the president has been bom barded with such requests. He has suggested tit all of his callers and correspondents thut they take the matter up with him later In the sum mer when the detailed plans for the trip actually are under consideration. During the trips he has made thus far the president has adhered to the policy of journeying In a single pri vate car attached to regular trains. The trips have, been comparatively short, however, anil on them the pres ident has been bothered with as little public busiru ss as possible. May ;et KhvImI. Secretary Carpenter has remained behind at the while house to look af ter routine affairs and has communi cated with the president only at rare intervals. In his far Western trip, however, where tramt we-Ttnt lteavler and at longer Intervals than here in the Kast. it Is more than likely that the president will have to follow the policy of his predecessors in charter ing a special train. A s) ial will be absolutely essential If the president is to make stops at any of the smaller ities that dot the way between the (Continued on page four.) ESCAPEO PRISONER IS CAPTURED AFTER REIN! AT LIBERTY FDR A YEAR George Hall Who Escaped from Penitentiary Ts Taught at Spartanburg. TAKEN TO PRISON (Special to The t ltlcn.) SAI.ISI'.IIIY. July II lieoree II. ill of Salisbury. ho was convicted in pun; of participating in tie- tripl" l.v lu lling tlwit ri" .1 lu re that V ar -,,,,l ..ho eSCll.l'le flOin tile IX llllell- t list I ii-lol" r. vv is arrested In Spaltaiibiirg, S. ''- "us vv . e I, and. :n - .,, .1 bv an oiiic. r. pas -d through s'.ili-hnrv .vest, id.iv llflell II ..I, Ins way to lUleieh to serve out in lit,. pir. .1 ! rm. II. ill. alias d-orge Warier, wa- ar rested at In-- Iron, Sivm mills. Wedllesdav i veiling bv Privale John Clock. I. He !!"' I"" ' "" " wan. mi sworn out l- t " A. II. Kirl.v l.v J. II i:tb rs. A'ter b. ing .ii I' sli ! and lodge. I in i.ill ll.ill admltt. d that he was the man wanted in S.ilcbuiv. II. said that he was vi. t d in I on tne ,-harge of being implicated in Ilm I, . hinir of three ill' H 1'ltte. 11 llieil I.,. I., led ..rid tried on Hie s.une chum- but he was the only man cn , j, ,1 .oil f 1 . lilt' '" ""' Al"r serving two v i is nil lour months In ,ad. his . -. -an. and 11 ' '" sl';,r' and went lo work as a . ar p. ter Wl" n I.' g .t to Spartanburg he changed bis name to Cog. Wag ner and has found -"''v employ -,. nt in the bavin-- vvorkf .l on , .,rg, numb, r -f J... of .- in various actions "f th- ' ' ' and has - v. n i hiplreii i,niii:itxvs to ii:n.K- C!.KVKI.ANf. Jnlv 10 The Lu theran sv n..d of Missouri and other .,.,(. lav lie, id. . I to merge Its td.-ntitv with Ihe tbrman l.iith.ran svn.,d i-ov.ring the Cnited States fa ir., Ii and some foreign countries from which it pa. a ted twentv-eight years go P.til'-s of the r.erman synod a.ainst the use ,.f the English Inng . ge in servl. es or v nod meeting, which brought about the separation, have beta rescinded. Thirty Machines of All Sizes Are Awaiting Tho Sig nal to Start swing to;denver AND CIRCLE BACK Contest Is to Test Reliability of Different Makes of Automobiles (Ily Associated Press.) PKTHi 'IT, Mich., July 11. -Thirty automobiles, ranging from little run abouts to great touring cars, are parked tonight In Cadillac square, awaiting the signal which will start them tomorrow morning on the sixth annual reliability run of the American Automobile association, popularly known as tho (Hidden tour. Finishing touches were put on each of the cars before it was "checked in," and each repair that has to be made during the mile run to Kansas City, by way of Chicago, Minneapolis and Denver, will result In a penalization of the machine's score. In addition to the thirty cars which will contest for the three prizes, about twenty non-conipetlng machines will make the long trip, carrying offi cials, newspaper men, manufacturers and automobile enthusiasts. tit Mart TinIh.v. Promptly at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the tlrst car will be sent off by the starter. At one minute inter vals the other contestants will fol low. F.ach car carries an official ob server to represent the contest com mittee. Kalamazoo, Mich, is the objective point of the tourists on the first day. The second day will bring them Into Chicago. Three days will be spent crossing Wisconsin and reaching Min neapolis. Leaving Chicago July 14, the tour ists will go to Madison, Wis., thence to Lacrosse, Wis., and Minneapolis, where two days will be spent. On .the morning of July 18. they will swing off to the southwest, headed for Denver, reaching there July lit. The tourists will spend two days I In the Colorado capital anil ft the twenty-seventh they will begin the last leg of the long Journey, leaving Deliver, for Hugo, Colo. The final three days' of the lour ars as follows: To OaMcy. Kansas; to Hallria, Kan., and to Kansas City., Mo. FIRST CITIZENS" AND WITH "BLIND TIGERING" North Vilktsloro iu uproar Over Kevchitions Made ly Detective. CALLS Sl'KCIAL TERM MVv AhmmIhIimI lrcs.) M1;M POINT. July I 1. --IMertlv H. It. TliMmpNoti, tlx- lllh f'Diit itcf 't i v- ip , h;i.s r't ti rued from X'.rlh Vllk a, wlifir hf was tlx in. '.ins "T turning Hint town tin.l ifnwn. writ tiM-rt' (n work on hliri'I Hirers arnl in ;t I r t r ! nvrr n vvcrk h r;insf-.l (he ;irr;t f L''t rri'-n, mam f Hi em the ni"st in ninlii'-nt men In Hit- town, ttiehjij Ini; two m;ijristra(i Soini rf th-- ne n arc wealthy and tire rtti.uiiiK a r;iekt t. i U' en ii rue sueh a set tup as th i. ust'd pr at e.xeitt in- nt :ui for i time the ili tti tiv c h el t. "stan'l pat." Thi v taIKel nimiinK hi in 'Hit nf town, h-iiise-w h ippin him hut h nt through without a nerati-h. Wlw r the prellmtnarv trial ;in called th' wil was si (1 n.-e that they had t adjourn t t h- opi-ra h'Mise Wher Otlit 'Ke Thornpsorl ot nn the Ktand the lawyers deniand d that he hi- uri arm d hut thin could riot In; done a he was an oftiir. Tw warrant.1 re IsHiid a v;n inst hi rn to d isarm him of hi wap-ms hut without avail. A sp'-ekti firm of ronrt has lin rden d to try Mm- and no douht Will.eslioro will ha ve oim- of th' lar iz-t erowl.-i in iti hi-stor , when couit its The W. C. T I'. mi. I fither eitiz'ns f tip- e..iinty are h.iek uf the w..rk nil tucl. to ihe il.-t.-f tjvc in hi A.irk I'Ij. es rnifieil were In the hiiHlncfi.-: ye. ti-.ii .f the t'twn in plat ej thut v r..' HUpiemeel t'i have heen reapect ahie l. I.Tlnt- Thorrip'n will liaek there In a few rhiyH. IJLAt KH.MKK HANGED. NEW OHI-.KANH, July 11. Th. lirst legal exeeuti'.n In Iulslatia for I a erime carried out un'ier the sign' of the hla khand K ill take pla. e at llnhnllle neNt Kriday, when I-on-ardo (iehhia will be hanged fr com- lillelty In the murder of little Walter Lamana, two years ago. GIRL WALKS Daughter of Vice President Campbell of 'Frisco Woke Up Lying Beside Track Flagged Next Train and Rejoined Family as They Were Go ing to Search for Her. (8H'Cinl to The ( lll n ) KAVKNNA. Neh.. July 1 I. -While walking In her sic. p. Miss I, Campbell, the daughter of V'lce-Prejiiilent Campbell. of the Frisco railroad, h'sped from the rear of her father's private car attached to a Kurllngton flyr as the train was speeding over the prairies west of Ravenna at midnight last night. Rendered unconscious by the fall. the girl finally recovered and succeed ed In flagging a freight train, on which she rode to the next station. where she found a special train which had been sent out to search for her. She Is uninjured Mr. Campbell, with his family, was returning from tin Seattle exposition. his car being att.u luij4 the Hiirllng ton flyer. When tmV train r. u. h. d Uavenna It was discovered that Miss Lois was niisHinc. She had be. n known to walk In her sleep, and fear ing thai she had leaped Irom the GAVE HUSBAND S SLAYER MONEY TO MAKE ESCAPE Wife over wIkhii He Fought Looked at His Dend Hotly Coolly. N K W fiFM.f-: v-!, Jlllv 11 ii husband He m m p z reHpon.slblf ( i it . wlfeV affei ti-n,. .)-l of by arl Itei 'hi Knirht her i I In: pollee record , ' einplo ed I. , I Me.d the latt me that bin u if- than Hhe did ! have to fitiht it i 'f d as d' f laiin.' ! wi fouicht it out " I tru k him Nt and told AH : I done. ToK tie i ! lewed the bod iiu money erionli ired lat niylit in no eft or t uu.i m.-.t k to New UrltaiiM Idoody duel Im Iw' - harmed w ith ! Ihe alienation of whh gr aphieally I tuna, slayer nf .1 dwy. HeeordinK I" Hertnna, who Kneeht, a huKer. Thu rnluy. "Kneeht said thought Miori; "f him and wi v ut," l!rtuna I He attaek d lui in the baking ro iwn atifl then Kneeht what I I we wi nt down ,i and she tht n Kit. to leave tou 11 " Itertuna wrtK i Mobile. He met bein brought n.i today. IjKI'KK.S IN KKASINt;. NKW HHI.KAN. Inly 11. A.--.1.1 nix t.i a r. p..rt 1 j ' -? ' t . . I by th. I. . .i I f eontr-.l. Hi. r. rnw MiH- twi pHliciiU in the I.... ana lepers h.itixv ! il, aii .il :te . 11. ainee tin. ...I I my was starte.) WAHIIINOTOX. Jal.v ll.T-Foreea.t for North Carolina. Purtljr I'Limly Monday and Tuesday, light variahle windii mostly njulli. ' OFF FLYING IN HER SLEEP; ESCAPES UNHURT train while In a Hale of soniniihiill.Mn, Ihe parents wire wild Willi apprclicu .-ion. Mis. collapsing. Seiircln d the I .Inc. Th. disp.iti her at Itav. niia was no lill'd ii ti I a special train made up, to which the Cumpbell car whs altAcli? ed Tin- cur was Immediately sent west over the line from yflilch the gil l had disappeared, a spertir, - mTtt light being placed on Ihe pilot and a wot. ti main n stationed beside It All i trains .11 the dlv jsi.ui w. re linlllle d ..wlv and k. ep a sttl.l watch : bi run for tin girl. Uhfii lie -p.cial r. a. lie. I Sne.-t Water. Miss Lois w is stall. ling oil the platform waiting toi her par.-ut'i. According to let storv. she awoke lo lilid h' I .. II hiiig beside the rail road tra.l. Slo- bad been uncon scious, but w.c. pia' fii allv liulti.jur..d. Slo- had no I. .i how long she had MILITARY OFFICERS ARE UPPISH SAtfS OR. MELL As.silMH' Moi'P AllllloHiy Than I'rpsitlfiif s of ( 4o Ip's II' Det'lafPH. ( Ily Amu iilleil I'l l . . I A ii;irsi i.'. ;. , Jul. II. 'I'li-.t 111 til .1 1 .111 111. i n-t 11. i :i a ..- ik "' 'I ' " ' ''1 .-ri- tint v l. I lie war .i 1 111. u I . "11 l.lel III- III eh ' l l-lpia I t-. He e-.tlei-. .i. i.J.l,! in a .il ii-.i il . i-l a i.-i .- ti 1 111 . a:. - .ri- ..f II:. I . .e.'.n . Ki M t ...I c, M III I' II M' II I"' In- 'e U; na t l-.n ...l-I'lav ri-uii I'l. III. "ii A I I , .,e.-. . l. M. , ,,. -I ,1 .'.I II. III. Ill Hi .-, ... I-. .11. 1 He. I I 1. I. ..I ele.,1 le - 11, , -il' L' t l il-- pi . eil. 'I I ll. Mi I l.,(. C-.M.I,,:, ,el .1.1 '''.III I' ll..lll.: I 1 I t ' I I.e. K , - t, -I He ..I.e. ll I .1,1.1 . ..i i . '1 . 1 1 1 1 I . I 1 1 - ' "I" I I- :. .ii 1 . 1 i.i- t . 1 n . 1 - I '. 1 1 1 ' 1 1 , - I , . . II,. III. Ii. .i ll II tie ., , I , 1 1, .1 1 a I 1 1 .- 1 . J III- 1 1 1 . 1 1 i - III .In 1 , I Id, ,1 e . ' ' . -n ! r. 11:11 II i it.. 1 1 - 1 . 1 1 u - I I e -1 1 1 1 , I - - - 1 1 I I I e. 1 I 1 1 ii..: 1 1,. .i l-l 1,1 v. 1 .e Tie i.'.a 1 ! I - ! , -- .1 1 pi I '1 . M- U'- ,. i-lxiia I I -1 . . 1 1 -1 1 1 ! -I a lie ' 111 !! A 11 K " -1 I : ! m 1 I r tin -1 1 1-111. BRYAN WANTS EXTRA SESSIONS CALLED .I..U Will la in . I . ii- ,1. Ill" Ill to'l.l ill to ilm Inr I me "i StMte-f I.. t ii ' o In.- a I e iim Hi a 1 1- . I i lie in ( in' I-1 pro I'l --.rn- l..x -II-1 l-'ii f i n il . in -itate-.. I I ' I' L I 1,1 ' nre-i oi.'it .il on. .- ami He- mi.' i - -. I . ... ll.H:'!.' 'I t-. fall .ill.. I In Ml . .Ill' I,, till.. !! .!' I ,1 I I In .itl.'ll "I till- III- M.i::i. lit. N"W in th Mi: itWMii: if:i. S N A VP 'MA. -I'll- 1 " - Mr Keiineil, l'..ll l:avnor. .) elKhlv eiKht ve.ii-. list -tuivr.inK niemher ...f a j. i oiiiin. nt North I'arolin.i fanillv i,i, ! ol it., la-i ..arjivlriir ilanKh t. rs of a i c . . I a 1 1" n a r v wl'lier. died It. te thi atu rtioon Mr. ICtivnor whh Hi- .lauirlii.r ol l.i.iiteriarit-t'filonel William l'..k of tin I'ontinental army I yi a tel-ila hkIiI. r of Tlioruim folk - f.r fli. n,'iier of the Meeklen- liury d. lai ati-m of liideppenilencu. TRAIN been, there, nor be leached the However, she "tarteil walking the inn n ii i' i In which place. got 1. 1 her feel and down the track. Af ter walking half an hour she saw a locomotive approaching, and stand ing In the glare t 'the headlgh'l.ilfjin.; aged lo Hag the train. Hhe told her story to tin conductor and waa taken on board. I'oiind (jlrl. At the next station the conductor was handed th,. order of the dispatch er to keep watch for the missing girl, and lininedlal. l.v telegraphed thut she was aboard the train. Mr. fa in phi IPs special could not he rea. bed by telegraph, and the tlrst he knew of Ills daughter's safely was when he alighted from Hi. train al Water. It Is said the Camp bells have thr. e i till. lieu In rail way aeeidetits OF 1 CAROLINA SCHOOLS St -liool FhihIh Crow Over ll.ill Million During the I'.ist, Year. (Nie. I11I In 'flu. ( ItlM II ) j l!AI.I-.i,ll, N C. .luli II. - A milk ! IliK ' M" I'll. It "f N'.MIl I '11 rollllli I, ia.. (i..;ie.i In il'-v el'ipni.-nt ,,f nil, lie i-'lii. ill. .n i'l Klven in (lie 1. lent ..f Sc. . I.ity C. II M. I. an- . ,,f III.- i 'III. til I. .11 1 11 lilpll Ik'i ' "III III II I ee, In I 1 I. il. It , a ci.,., t.iii'l l-.r lie .ar nt $ .' !it ::.:l, a kiiih I J I !1 ,111 :i .. w-r t Ii. vm pi ve .11 .. 1 . 1 'I In I... al la .1 1 I'. .0. , I'l. u nil -.r I lilt. HUT. le.ii.ln e. -.i.-.l In i, . i '.i ill I i k (m J ;'"- '. '. K-ii ii "f . .. 'H.' . Tin- r. ...t l .1. . la i . I tia I all i . 1 "ill.. en- l.r.ik, n ..n ink 1 1,,- mil. i . .1." ..f Manh. Apni an. I Ma. In lie mailer ..1 eal I Iiik I in thai 1 i I w I e .a I lie , K I illK a total a l I n .il I n I-I- .1 il Inn I ..f i:. : .ii ne. i 'In' int; tie ii-in in ii .oiimii. h. 'I h. i . ne '"i'l I I lax ili-m. I in the tale i.l Mil: Inn. .liHtnl.nie.l on,. in H f olllltl. . Ill-', to 111 . . a. ti In thirty. !hr- . i lx to ten fin h in ioki. ti, Icw-n 10 title, ti ..ill) In el. .-!., .Utt..n III IV . -i. Ii in fonrtei n oiinli. .. T'le re ai. fonr i. .nutlet- h-iii.t: no lo. -il tax di-li i. i H. er. tarv M. I. -m- r.-poi l -l.... thai ilurillK He ,iai : . IK were - Ill into ,ii 1- .il ,i ..I III. -Ial. I-. lilt appoilllllielll.- Ill tin- In I I Ii. I a in . of lln -I m al ' i am ..'lKfc Tin -iio.alKri 'ollimiit.e lo V. hn ii tiiii- r. pol t la mail.- i omjirl.-ie-i 11 I.. I II. .-, Wlllnloll Sal. III. .s IJ'iv ine.r I'hii. Il Aimi k, v iji... rnor It II. HI' in. ami Hon. J V. . 1 1 . tiei 'Ial- ..ilji. I I r 1 1 1 p'lcll of puhju' 111 Rlrii. tioii. Th.. n port calU i-p. i n.l an. nil . ii I-. tn- .. I that one w.ili ' "Huh in (In i-i-ite ot.ed ;i Kpcclal tux for I in pi - ii. nil lit of i'IiuoIh that he ln New Hanover No oiler lotmty haji vet ai..ii,., a upeelal tax for the entire loti'ily k 11,1,1 II 1 MINK. NKZiVKA. riusMla. July 11. An KploHion of kiis m i i.iiIhv In thu Mak.wnka mine In the 1 pn il ih) ri-t. no of the rescuers wan overcome by itax fiiin.M. and fourteen of the minors utie dead wliuii found. REPORT SHOWS PROCESS TO PLEASE NATION Both Houso And Sonato Hold ing Out Now But Must Ylold Soon LITTLE PROSPECT OF DOWNWARD REVISION Nuod of Revenue More Im portant Than Academic Quosllons Now (My AwMx-tntiHl Prcns.) WASIIINIITON. July 11. iMkln a tariff law that .will live! moat nearly the wish of the grcate! tmnVbrr ot people and at the same tlma ralso siiftlcli tit revenue for tho expense of government that Is the tank wlUf which for four months hot-h house of congrena have wrestled and, which has now reached what might ba ealloj the seinlsiinal, or ronferenco stage. I'.leven men, five, republican aena toia and six republican representa tive, have shoulderiil tho respond- blllty of evolving frm the two tariff I lls inlhmmI by the ammto and home. a law that will he ucctvptiUile not only to both house of emigres but tlsu to the president iiud above all, to tlitl mass of the piKiple. Must Make I'oihvhnIoiis. While Ihe conferees from botK liouwH desire to luivxi retained In tha .III the schoilllles s aproved by their respective rnche, none reallaa better that they must make ounces. slons Their prcaciil determlnaUon not lo yield will give way to a, mora eonciiiatory attitude us tha confer- nee wears oil. The Hennte niado 847 ehsngea. miniy of them, merely vert iJ, In tha tariff Ibill us It plumed the housa, Me mbe r of the house cMm tha lat- r a measure eimiea clusor to an swering the public demand for tha reylsfun downward" than doee tha second hill. Must Have IUmtmmm. Whether It woul4 provtita all tha revenue needed to ton ma aovrn mi nt 1 a uuewtjonr Tlie tight Wngea unf'ii the niitmlMT of Die changea mad iCoiillriiieat nti pairo fniir. F, I RUNG ION CEMETERY Mont biistiiigiiitsliL'tl 8t'icn UkI of Ajti I'uhhch Away f in WiiKliington. , MlblTAUY. FUNERAL (Ily Assi laled l'rr ) W AHIIINUTtlN, July 11. Prof. SI' ne .ii Ni wcornti, the fiiin.iiii HHtrono- m.i, iiiHili.inH.ilf Ian and wiiild trv- il. i. who died al hi Inline In tha city early t'tihiy at Ihu unt nt evfrn,ty foin j.-iih, will ho hurled with mlll ti ty liotiom in Arlington remoter next Weilmndiiy. 1 1 lull of 'lie ti"'"inmeiit will attend and tin honorary pall hearers will Includa many pi .iinittent men In public life. I he mil tin in Htato Monday anil Tnetelav al lh family rcHldence, fj thai It may i- vlcvfci-d by Wanhlng 'oniaii., wh. Ii u y u iiK.irded him a ..In- of llli KleutffHt lleielltlrltil. I'lot.hsoi f;. ywiiiiiIi is mirvlved hy hi "ih. a ilaiiKhii r of Ilm lata lr. lla--.I'l. niiK'oli I' K. N., Bllil tllld lanklii. if. I'r. Anita Neweomh Mc 1 e . o WahiiiKioii; Mm. Kran.-la 11..011. of New i- ork. and Mm. Kd ai l Whitney, of New York. !li-ielvfj Many floiiorii. Inning IiIh ilii.liiiKUliilii'd eareur rtof.-i r Ncwefimh had been th" ia- cipi. ni ..I many honorii from leading i-m;.iiI 1 in Ho. letien and rroni royalty. He waa a 111. inh. r of the Institute of Kranec, ih.- I : , v;i I Aiilroiiomleal o-' il' lv "t Hi. at Hi it. mi. ami tho Ampil. .an I-, u for He A .1 v a lice ml n t of S.i. in. IniriiiK hin Meryiee Wlllfc tin I'llllffl Slat. M j-'o 1 I II llieflt II"' e.ifi 'liifte.f a iiiimher of pailie to loreiKn lan-h to "I.h re e. lijo,. . Hl.i a -t f "liomlia I r M-alfhe.i i-over mote th. hi three hiimli. .1 paper , an-1 a Ioiim iit of hookK 011 a .ti onoiny. inntii. main 1 ami polite al economy. Some o tie . an- f.-xt hook;-!, whiln -itle 1.1 are exhaust i o of sub- eeM. 1 Held IlllirirTHIIt I'llfOA. iTofeHxor N'.-wfoiiii. h. ld many Im portant poalH. IneliidlnK that of pro f.visor of mathematlea at John Hop kin'a unlverxlty. He held the dogren ..r I,. I.. !.. from Yale, Harvard. Col umbia. Ceorue U anliinjjloti and othor uiiivemltles. He firat entered Uf tlntled Btali. navy uu a profenaor of mathematlea, in 18S1, after-fila graduation from Ihe Lawreuec Be Irntlflo School of Har vard. II wan retired with tha rank . of rtar-uddiral lo 187: '