-iir-r imJ ..J JtAmi'i TV ' --ir:--'-- "f" THE 'ASIIEVTMiK CITIZKX, Ml: DXKSDA V. JFLV 1-1, 1000. s i l 13 1 1 J. r SOCIAL (& PERSONAL The Riii'dn c n!y Manor In 1 J ' ' I 1 r "I th' und Hi'- 1' " h ' v " :' ftUtlll" ..( .1 ! il.r. ' ' -' I, III. I , 111 II I ' thr lawn tiri-u i-lnli I ' I. I ill lair Hit' I noun. 'I'd'-" tiundr.d I" ' I'1" I ' fuarlii-K ilioit- cut ' li mir f" the vi"it"'-' i" i':' 1 '"''" "" ' "' Hlltmnrr 'I I.- Iv .1-1 I '1' "'I'1 Ilium r l ' . "f A'l.i CliHr.,tt- I iriiiii ' - i I Kuril, n pari i in,,. Krern a hi! I 'I "tn . la "the arums ,f "f ,ii .in. I . i.ll. tut .1 !.( I Ifl'l null-. I f... ,.l. I I I- o ! ll,e ' I. . I I II. " I tea nd a dainti ' ""' .-! A i.h"l.'firpli wmi i" "I III.. f.. In a liif Ki'.up 'I'll' " wer,. r-.'-iv.l ! l-.ll"ivni; Aehrville Iu.Ii.-ji. Mi A'"'" W il lianwt. r. J- " r '. I'm. "i:ir. M I K. Arthur M I- Id. Mrs. I imi.i, w ." Mrw TrK-mJui Unllmo. lr II. I motir. M"-. i '!"-.-. r'J Ai. i. M' V ,l ffi Philip '. k Mr, I'. II. Hraiirh, Mra J.-m II. John A- Campbell. Mr.. John II. Carter, Mm Roger Ciratrt. Mr M arena Krwln, Mm. F. L. Hunt. Mm Jamea L. Alexander. Mi.' A:... a .-. i.ain.ir.l. Mm. (lr Calvert, Mia Marv Ktlkrlriither, Mild Mur..n WikkIii. Mini l-nliiK" Oal.e, Misa Kmma OU'1.t bud Alms Mar guerite Wudaworth. J J Tho II. O. K. K. I.n It at thn Hal ter Park hntrl lam. cveiilnir was wi II attended anil ihn visitor were well reprejHidteil. Tho bi-unlirul -luini- and nontHOiia rolom, biikii"iI"U "tutu ball at Cairo .t th KIh'UIvm' phIih-v. There wore Aral Klrf, unl Ihouo Who failed to wear ennturim, n-lled upon thflr rrlmmm fi-wa, to, d'-n"t thalr rank. The di-IU-ali' colora of Ihn vnlnf gou-nt of ths Imllin llinli.d prettily with the mure brilliant colors tit the Pythian cotumen. making a very pleaKlna; effpi-t. Although tho ball wna Informal It In hardly ml b! tha om of the most lmirlaiit octal eventa of thn wnk, tli Im perial ball whli li takes tiltico Filtln.v evening at the Hallcry Tark liotnl, will be more brilliant or plrthirfmqui'. Thn ball room wan tfuleil to Its rnpaiity and punch wus aervfd during tlm evening, Uttle Mine Blpanor Ilartlett will Klve birthday party U tinr honm In Weat Aahevllla Hatiirdiiy aflcrnoon LlttUn MImi Kl.-nn.rr In thn duiifflil.'T Of Mm. A. C. BnrtMt of t'hU'agn, w4ik Btient mny yVM-a In Weeit Ah"'- vtlle, and Jier rhiutfliler l Bpendlns he iamtnr Ht hir f-oiinlry huo. Mr Ktlwnrd r. ''hllila and MIbs (ttephenywin wepn Jiitpw at a ti-a Klvrn yeaterday ftflrTwion nt thr hoflme of the former, In Vh't'wlu, In tisnor o Mtaa I'lllh Tjtmrroiice, MN Mary Tteytnohla of ninkatowwn, N. J., and Mtm midwU t Jntwy City. The Iwwae wna doi-ornlcit with naa rurUona and vrtoiia fliwrri, nttrinv tlvery arranged, ami IMra. Jtpynoldit and Mr Iwrewe aorved ten. in thr rln I ita: room. Thrro vw-ro a tmtiiliir wf aiMwt among wVwuin were Mlrnt .'Ann tnnli'ha-l, Mlwa (leorgla li-r-nl, MUm Morton, Mltw lOli-nin.r ('ar-tiiUihur-l, Mine MjiiBiir-t I mi 1 m.'i n. Mua lAihv Monro, Mlw Klnrfni-o lli-r-iurrd, Mkw Klliuvhitli Miuiiliy, Mli.i Rnthi'v'VVfttt, Mli Mlcnnor Mrrla..n, Mtaa ijMttUlli' iU(lir. Mitel l.llllan FletdtPT, MlHB Mary Kogora, MIhn Ktihal Kay, Mlw l-ury rcnnUnun. MImi Arrant, Minn Aiihm lt. kw. II. thr SMkaiea "Wnllfn. "Mian Kln.ir WrlKht on, tho Mibki ivrti'ill" I'l. Mrs. I-'. Y. Jlartier pml cithern. Jl .4 The aludonta' ainMal Ml lh.. Ali. vllt Rlrriil of Muni" ninl I i ,'iiii;i n Art 1H l Jirlrt at the Hlutlln nii'iiik rhla morning at 11 o'clix-k. Tho fol lowing ilw the iiixigrani: A May ly K.il lil.nri: Mlsa EIlzail'.Mh Kliuli'i U y. O, Rent tn the 1ird . . Mcndidaeohn Mrs It. H Stone. Cam-In Spirit Hlolin Mim Klta Handle. (a) Watrhiium'H Bona lir.-U' (l) Dance of the Klvea . .tin-lR MKhs Siliialiluih U'i tin.."-" Put the loiil in Mni.lliil ,. Ml. On n Men.li-bv ..iin Mrs. II II St.. lie. Polish I':lll. , No. I . .'i It I. i. 111,. I M ltu K;tl li. t hit- li. .i.ll. . .4 Ml Annie M Yoiiiik ''l Mr. A Talh'y. both of tine ilt, .-r hhi rled M.indny at tin- m .m..,. ..t il,. lira ?lret S'l Ml.vl.-i i.in .litii.h Iv thi iw...ti.i, itcv. i: I . .ii.i.r i.inn Lingerie and Linen Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices Owing lu ll!l,,c;iMi!l.'ll too maiiv lingfi'it' ami In jiolicy is, ft) carry ovi r nut I other jf prirt's -will ni.. r it Drt'ssrs prii'i'd $D In $."i ;i J)r"sst' I'l'ii't'il :;o lu &::t ,i Drt'.ssos prirfd $''(! ,. urt'sst's rii-t'ii ,-t...'..iiM,i ii, .ill ,it jt()r) Orcssi's prii'ril $7..r)0 In .ID.hii .it ' ' ' 'ji-, Wr sht.w tlicin in Wl.it.-, ;,., N'iulrt," i ..Mt'-ri'v N.'dural. Minoii. Mark ami la-!i( ( ; ,-, , i iilu. .; j AVliiti tnlv in JiiiH'riio. jU V. MOMi:.' .V IHtKSMN . . ,i...- . .... .-. ill i- "I I" w II 'l ' I ' I i '. ' ; : I j, I I I Ills ..n I" pot Hi I ' ' I K i Hi.- . I.il. i 4 iilil.l ( I'l , ii t litol III" n v:i i I t i f . . ft ti ' ' I 111. Mil 1 . .1.1. tiii. a i , , , ,i , ,ti i .. tn. toll li - n ".I ;" w t.. it lliil Hi- vlj.ll.ir-. w I" .'i.'n A , ,r,t ,j . I mi- 'I'll, ri- U'-t'- tl i -;i : 1 1 ,,l i ,. ," i'. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' -r i iioiirliiK Int.. tli lnl duiiiiK Hi" )n ' t iIh .1 hour., .in.i .in" IIh r . :i.jinl oi"iii"ry ".f lln- J If 'I I . i . 1 1 I V "I A Mil. vi M" WJUl IIKllI' "I I.. Hi.. li,-t w hi. li ill ii. i..iMuiy Hi. -mi ..ti ihi ir i . turn Journey. . .. .Ml.. ll.l. II M ill . V iriiw II woill lilt), h-.tl . Hi. 1.1. IV III lo I ll'.llie It) W. I Ah. 'Villi- f..r li. r '..iihIo, Mn-f Murphy of Knuxvlll", vv 1 1 Ih til .n f .hi li.i in -I. K. ii'ial nt Hi" young er Kirln wrii' Invii. .1 to the hint li- eni, .4 ,l Mn. N liinkiier tx entertnlrilinc n "Itlllll lioiIHe p.illv Jl! Ill-r llfillli' till Anion I'lioe. h:i litis' hh li.r uni-Mit h.-r riKillnr. Mih. II I Northern of lxliiEtiiii, Ky., her hIkI'T. MIh Iin y N'irllii'i-ii ami li.-r lu-nlher noil Bin I. i In -law. Mr. iwl Hire. J It. .N'niili- rl II Of I '"lllllllllllL. H. '. ,4 .4 Tile followlliK nrciunl Itl re-prlllt-i tl from n Kiiftilii. H'H., paper f re et-ut date ami will lie "if Interest In Hip fr'. 'iila of Mr. Hlnoler In this t-lly: "Mr. .1 linker Kl.wnrl and Mr. KM M. Khorter of tint. llv will he nui.irlel Hiiluniliiy Tri'ornlng lit the lomie of Mr Klvorler. and nnie dliiieiy afterward will leave for an exfenehe lour wirloua v1a.!erliir plaeea and will Ji-nd the reitm loiter of the KHiiimer ot Aalievlllr, N I". MrM Hhorter ww fomieily Mla Wy lenii Ijuiruir, daua-liler f the late Henry .1. IUJinor, u -wealthy and In fluential rllUen of 'Miwin. ia Hhn tin n KlHler if Mra. fliarli I, riallv .if A tin nt ii, umt n protihlneutly Iden t if I ik I with wm-IiiI life (n Heorala. 8"'. Altilminn Mr. Ktewart la a riinl nenl eltl.en of Kufnln." .4 ,4 " The eoinhea tn the pnj-iide Jaat evening were very prettily deoonit ed iiml ri'fleele.1 Kr'iil ereillt upon Hie v'lliug lailli' wlwi were renponsl hlo Tor tihe art Mir eflecls miDin ptlHhert. The Millard mnrh. driven by Mr. Cli.rl(on Mlllainl, wan rn lliely In -while, little of the ovoixl work of the ronrh hIio-wIiik, owing to the dmplng Vif lh ihuiillnn. The W-Iieela were oovrro1 with fnna of the 1. O. K. K. rolKMSi, oninee. pur ple iiml red, whlrh relieved the white and ndiled a ivariii mite of eolor to tho diNomtl.in. mih It.rtha Whit llnglxin anil Mrs. Kethiikm rurtli vvi'fo the aponwira. nnd were, like the ma lil rermltel from tho ywun.a.r aet, ilriweiyt In wlrfte. Thf econd Millard enwh vna renilend ent In tho national cohr, which miMle an eirnctlve ImrJiground for the number of tho I). O. K. K. la dle who miile ln thla, tho Vlaltor.!1 eiairh. The Paltiin & Sllkel.-ather iviiieh was ehnrmliiKly decorated hv Mra. Wlllhun llrmvka. and Mine Murv Stlkklejithor, On ipink roaea. Vullv two liu ml n-il and llfly pink tlmrne paper roNi. Wnre naeil and minle n wry Incoming rtmf liowcr for th- iniium wim were nto ilreaeeil In white, The fhaiutmra and Weaer i'"in h wna uie nf the jiomt Ktrllilni! In tho iMirade nnd wu univ with the l. K K. rol.ira Mirtlsll.-tillv drnped over the lii.ily .,f tin n h ii ml twin ,..i i .. . .. . i ... - . ... .in. v nci ih. i re lurk wi'jitn "ol Mm Miii-iii!. Krwln. whow ere the npiiiiwir. ami their rwnwh monlvefl omen apiHaum.. 'I'ld re wore a mini h.-r of iiwUils nni Hll .f the lurlien "ii the eoiieh wore w hile. The pu.ra'1' vwt wltnojwert l,y nearly all of Aahe vllle iiml (hero were freuuent rheer a the I,,,,.; , ,r,uit i.rtu'omioii Tll'li pilvt. .4 ,4 A reiltal will he given at Uatterv Paili tonlRlit fm ,p iitrlloH of n o K l .h in which a i.pli -ndld inmlial proKiiiui nil! he ulven an follmvH. .il Solo. - sinx. s i ninl." oonm Mi.-. 1.. una -,.ullC ,'1"1" s , -ri. I-i.iti.-t ci " I 'ha mtna.le Mi.. linen, i.iivn (i.i,,,,. 1 Uipi-l SI. ti ll , "is '''li" W.nil.'il l., K,,w." i IkIm.-iI 1 "f 'l.a ami the I1..V . . . Miss V. .B Hfiiiliiu:. '-;:., p w.ilkinir." a ''"in M.i. held Mi." "iiuv, ' 'I- ' it . ll.itit, , ' w i at licr ctniilil inn wo Unw ii ilii'SM ;. i.n inir racks. Our Iiimlt from one season an jf'J.'i.lM) '.M.!. sk 1 I ir, MOORE M rATTUN AVE. K ' ii' i nl-rl il ri I f I i ' l'i i'f i, .. . In. k. 'I'll' Mi s i;.i-..n. ,,., I :.I.-I I'M, ' ,VlK HI"' .' Ml n V..iin; I:. iiillnK "l'"lr.-l " '-i.it rrl " M ; VonrtK Impel ..nnnlioii, "Hill l-.i ,1 I.ll V "H OK Ml- -i K'.ln . :i u.jli in.i li. w h" i . li.-iilltif' Mi., 'l.ilie (I.IXI..H Hi I-. "I" lit.-, will I'lnrii Hh"ill :iii'l '.' " l,, h.iv. ,i.. I. .1 Kill- t Mim ' 'l.ivo.n M r. ,l;i.n I'.-ill' rt f ' 'It i !' I II .1 i . .ti.l.m a f. w l.i- in ..h.-v ill" Mr Whit- .mil M"ti "f .I' Tf" 1 'it v, I' li . a I ' e" 11. 1 . to: f-.lii' Willi fl I. li'!.. "Il II-", .... I t-l i ' I MlM. .Illh.i A rii'i tuaii "f Kan. i' v. in HM'iiil i iik a i.e. k wilh lo r .Itiin-li-ler. Mr. I'hnrl.-x I.. Kill. I. r. "Il i Mtt'H t. Mix Marlorlf Wiatherlo ..f Hir iiiiiWliaiin. who I. Hpeti'luiK 'h" euiii-ini-r lit Hill k Motlliliiln, in Hi" ml- l nt the MhwcH .lla.z.ir.l In Ihia i In M t'H. II. K. Md'orkle ami Utile H.ei IhiiigkiKM are lltlug Mm. iMi i 'ork I' '.-HlHli-r. Jlis, S II. Hill, In 1 til i Ionian. ji., (..I a iiii.litli. Mr. J. W. It'-ed, it v e'lilor nf The IOa.4 Ht IouiIh Dally J.nn mil i HpeiiillnK Hie W'.'-k lu re. I"r ami Mra. .'aueettr Hhtl poll have jjoiii" to A I la nt It: 'lly. M.r. and Mra. ( lureiir. A. Worral! nnd chllillen have rrlnrlii-.l frmo Alahaima. where llu-y liavie. been Ih Itlititf n-lutlveM Mra. Kavltl ItuHenaleln has returned from ii two inonlliH lnlt to frlemla and relath t.-a In New Vol k, lu-r former home. Mm laicy llalllliiirlon, of Char lotte, In vIsltliiK Mra. Jaiiua llrook-uhlr'- at her home In ll!Hni"ie. Hectint arrlvala ul the Manor ar"-: Mr ('. K. I.. ManseiiH. Koine. Ja.. Mrs. Rodei'l yaticey. and duuKhli r. of Rome, la ; Mra. T. It. Parton and rjaughler, rrlnctton, Jncl., Mr. iiud Albert llurr, JarhaouvlllH. Flu.; Mra. Andrew follliiH and familv, I'iihh l MilAsl Ian. MIhh ; Mr. and Mis. W. II. I 'amp. Allanla; Mlaa Klnanor Haiinl. Atlanta; Mr Andrew Kiiaton, riltahurg; Mra. (.Ira ham llnrtou, Nanhvllle, Tenn ; Mr. and Mra. A. E. Mailt n, Modlk'. Ala . and Mr. and Mr. (. K. rlettegaat, Houatoti, Texaa. Mr. P'redi-rlrk H I'ope, of AiikiihIii, I expected adurtly and will Join Mrs. Tope, who la Rcnillng the ca.on at the lliiltery J'ark hotel Mra. J'opo'a motor car arrived aevcral da.VH hko from AiiKiiHla. Mr. Iaiilnl Alexander, oT Wurrcn loii. Va., Ih Ihn gueal of IiIm brother, Mr. .lain (a I.. Alitxamlcr, lit Ihn Hal lory 1'urk liotol. Mr. ami Mr, ltalph Kngel, of Tryon. arc In the rlly for a brief tny. Mlaa l-'unnle Muriia la Mailing tilcnUa In Hpartnnburg for several duys, Mr. George Ioyall, auperlntondent of the Soul hern rullway, la In tow n for a brief atuy. Mr. Charles K. Qulncy, Jr . of Now. York, la lu town for u .short vlalt. ' Mr. T. It. lUilrd of (inloii la Hpprftl Ing u few duyB ullh frleiule In Ashc vlllo. Mr. J. (' Sale of ri, ehcr was In tHvu ycHtiu-ilaji on 1. Hani. bm. iMr S. L. Tulllo of Lenoir i Hpi'iiillitK tt l"'w diiya with A.shevlllu rrloiula. iMr. II. II l.lttlo of Hickory Is here for a abort atuy. Mr It D. McDowell of Canton la an Arthcvlllo visitor. Mlaa KIIwiIm Ih Cole of Waynexvllhi la ttpeiiitinif a few day In Aahe lilt with frlcnilH. Mr. and Mia, W K. Umdli of Waymnvllle are here (or a few day:!. Mr .1 I, Null of Wilmington 1 in the city Mr. .1 C. Tav I or .if H..,kv Mount l N...i,lliiK ,s.,i,il , with fl lends here Mi t K ll.ii in,,,, ,,f i i, . ,; Hpendlng a r,- ,!ma with frl, nil.i hen Mr !'. I. H-o. ,.f j,. neivllle U H'ii.lltin ,rni ,1a, k here. Mr. i; p Sliult.- of tJreen.l.oro ii lu Ahevlle ,-n tMisttit-.s. lieutenant llollis J' Winston V N . ,-i,lliuim ,- offl.-rr of the ,-ruUi r ''lint 1. -.toil w II! ! n, ,k .,,,,n It, .A lievill.- with hla pu.uti !r n,l Mrs -.,.,.ri:.- T Wit, t,, 1,1,-m In. I. hi I nt pi. -a, i til ,,i , hi,,., . " I" O"1 mine In lliui , ill until An Ktlsl. CHILD IS REVENGED I ' . ,ni inn. .,1 t rntii pntrc one.) " .1 'KHf ' lev, I with two of hla 'llellli' .s. Ill, ...ron.r's Jury rendered a vrr 11. t as follows- e the Jury i lllilinn(-ll..d hy the or. ,ii. r ,.f Johnston county. Ir. Il .t.t I. N l,Ie. to liiM-atiKate the cause . f Hi. .1, aih of .loc rulley this dm t. n I't-'l ti-.-ln Ihc sielf-confeH.loll of li.s --1. p duualiu r. Marie Pulley, et-.li.t is tollow.s: The wild Joe I'llllev earn, l. hie ileal h hy blow Inflicted Mill, in ax.- lu the hand of the aforenadi Marie K. Pulley at grent procuration iu,l r. ir of personal Injury. We i . -.nun. n,l ttoit the aforeaald M.n-te k Pull, he held for the grunj Jury." JAILER FOUND PRISONER "M I low ''Another Prisoner Mail Opened up the I )oors of Hie Jail. ( '' Awe- i.,1, il I'l-es-,. ) i "i e-'li'.ill'l, .-. . . .ink I :. A J ul I'l 'ii oceiim .1 lo-ri- M-j.ler.hu in ,t ii. to? aliout S .. . I .. I., .' ul- i I lich ,li -..is. ,i ed une ol liu ,t is ,ti. i - . I'hl Ant"ti, who V h- 1,1 im. I. I "in ill !,, ' niii.i for murder ilkii.". tie sii..;.- Ih if morning an. I n a s mi- t.. 1 in a hurry about I'.i.nr:. was lo. .1 1 1 ak-aiu. I'poli InvilHtlgnlioli it waa I, , uml thai all the doiirn w " Ii ii kill .is lie y Were left IllSt lHol .l'.l"ll KilJS llial lite oilier Ill'tfrO, l'.,'l i.Mlll.S. , I', ,,i ollf ,,t Ih. rrllH With a t'l-'.u I. .it. w hi, Ii was hit by the n .rkni.ii who li.nl I --.' n imltllig In a to .', . . II. an.! th ii I . I" 'I tho lock und u wir,. 1 1 . tv li. . iir.-il the ri ..iv - l,.ir on ih,- itoiili oi th.- rell and h'.w ih. ,,ui.-i,l,' tl,,r u . opened, whh h raiiuot he ,,,, lie, I f t "ill Hie Inaide, Is a niyf li-rv ami e -cry ..it" Ihlnka that hi hail ,niianle iiM.istan, e. There were mil, these two im ii In the Jail at the time and the m uni Mill. Eviinn in atlll ai lain. . INTEREST IN GIRL (Continued from find page ) the driver to nn lo -174 lva Salic avenue. 1 aaked him whv he ua u-. Ing to tho hmine where Mian lUimles roomed Iliat. He sjn.l he wauled to make aure that Klla. wan not at home. He show..! ua a note which n.ld that alio was heing kill,, I al the hotel. Then we went to ( ' nnm ll "a office and then t. the hotel. "O'Donnell told me to go In ami ene If Mlaaa Ginalca was there. I naked thn clerk ami he an hi no one "if that name was there. We iln.n duck to tho Btnlioii. Captain o'llrl.h met tia and told iia lo g,. hack to tin hotel ua KUu, wua there in the h.illi room. fulled Her "Dearie." "n the way bunk to the h,,i..i fl'lionnill wild that there wua it man at Krem'-h Lick vho was emndiv dm Mian llarrette am! Mrs Keiiyon as proi-uriKHe. He said the mun wax torn I'llgKlirt. I believe. When we irol to the hotel a aeiiiml time we founil Klla on a bed. She nun ox, it. il nnd It r skin WOB si rjitcheil. o lhiimell leuneil over her ami put his uiin uround her and called her 'dearie' The witneaa Hum testified that he examined the both room and found inn transom covered with cIuhI show Ing that no one hod crawled oer It ua alleged by ,VH (ilngles. Attorney O'Donnell ask.d (he wit ness If ho hud en the iii.stl.,nei show anything more than it 1 1 i. mllj fooling fur Mins Glnulea.. Mr ol.i.ei. 1. saying thla .waa a s, ir-s. rviiig iuellun. In the. dohute that followed the lawyer nearly . nine to hlows and tin Judge Inlerfcri-i'd., nmmmmumtnmmmmuummut: 1YNESILE NOTES UHUUU umtttmituixiu (SlM-clul Hi The Cll Urn.) WAYNKSVlI.hB, July I3.--Tho llaywoud eounty iHuii'-rlor court I now In session here. There is a com paratively small docket for this term ard very lew important i ai 'I'hcr are no imp., riant oases ,. conn, h. foi. Hie court at this session ami the "lock et is eoiiip,,..,.,! 0f the 1 1 sn i a I run ol wHiskey rases and asaaulta. I tie I inn i ul of the young son nf Mr. ami Mrs this iiftiM'mion. nine years !' I.. J. Mock was held The child was al, out age ami ho. I I, .en ill for win,- tunc. There at-, a large n mi in I., r of tour Istn lure ai present than at Jinv pre ilons tune .lui'iiiiy the summer ami the piospi .i i tor an unusual sea are nriiiht. I lie hotila are r,,.,ii hil: iinni. ioioi at tivals eierv it. iv ami i"liie of Ihi-in ara alreadv nearly full Alllliv resell . t lions llaie deell mail, loi I he month of Angus. Prom an shrvllle Itlren la voui l,, I, I, nl and palnlul? l-oca if a -de especially aft. r exer doll" l there a aoreness -In the kldnev region ' Those fi 1 1 1 1 . lotus Indicate weak K 1.1 nes, Tdeie is ,l.,i,,:,.r In delav. ik ki lu. s last :et weaker Oim- voir ttnudle pr"'lll4'l at trill loll. I'.'ins di.lmv Pllla act quickly. 'I'dci mi. iigthea weak kldiieya. Ilea. I (Ins Ashevllle testimoliv. II- SI: , ;. 34 Flint street. Ahe-t!'-'. N "' s.ns "I have Used Do. Ill's lvalue) l'ii, a i,, f several years ami us tho !ki,. ir i, r failed to give me i-e-1'. r. I I. ", i,,, heellatlon in r.-.-om-iii.-ii.linc ti, . irrr to taking them I iisnl s, leinl other remedies but "lie of p., i, lped inc. 1 procu'-e.l I'.'.m's Im,!;,, , -,ua nt Dr. T. f. o n ids ,hii; - lore and thev m ti d i a s'i"i.'"l torn., t, my siM, in and Isttoncthen, , lny kidneys." '"'i sai, i, aii dealer-. ence r,n . . nts. l' ,si, t -Miibnrn Co.. Ruff.H... w York, sole agent for the Cnitcl States,. K. inemUer the name Poan's and ink.- no other. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and purifies the breath Used by people of refinement for almost Half a Century Baby Opera IMPORTANT NOTICE i )n I'Yiilay and Saturday mom In if ;it 1 MVImk thi' mot hers f Hit' 'il' Hcni" children are reqiirnt'. to in' t Mis Couric at the Y. AI. t , hull. She will inwlruct tii-'iu in lht in. living nf the cost u men and le all n. i .-.sii'v infortnation. Mothers of Hi- 'Wax Hulls" will liriritf almiK w. listed uiidei-.sklrt; two rolls uf pink ii-in' jiiiper, one roll of white nnd pink (inured, and eewinpr mal'TiaJ. i 'ard lioiird for hat. For iii'MtnheaiiiH, three rolls of blue i ree pnter and short waisti'd tindei sLirt. card board for hat. All papur nnnt come from frown I took Co. In order to lie alike. !.Mher (hhUiiih s will tie on exiiihitii.ii at the hall. LADY VISITORS Will find our Hair I)ressiiiK and MaiilenrliiK Parlor unite a eoinen iem e Kiill linn of Hair Goods and Pariwan irna rnenntK. MISS CRUISE 'ii llajrwobd Street I'artlei contemplating lawn fetea, picnics, cam ping parties, and In fact any knd of noting, ran be supplier with Japanese napkins at the MOUNTAIN CITY I.AtlNDBT free of coat on applcatlon. Watches My Specialty. If you need a watch that will keep time, we have thetn, and at prlcss that are right. Fine Watch Repairing. J. E. CARPENTER 82 Pattern Ave. Do Fou Know It Requires 4 to 6 Years .tn bullil Stlcff or Shnw pliino. from the time we place tho lumber in our lunila-r ynriN until the piano Is llnlslioil. We nlr-dry all our luinla r ami that Is one reason why our pianos arc so thoroughly giaal. Trie Lumber In about two-thlrtls of Hie pia nos iiiinle Is In virgin lorestH less than twelve nioiitlis la' fore they are finlsliril ready lo m-II. They arc iiintlc out of kiln ilili-il luuilH-r ami this Is the prliiiipiil reason they will not stand mid are so ulisjitlsfai lory lifter a few years. One piano In a lifrtliiie Is rnomili nnd If that piano is STIKI'I-' it will. WRITE TODAY. Clias. M. Stieff Manufacturer of tha Artistic Slleff. Sliuvr, anil Mleff Sclf-pluyef 1 Mil HON. KOIVTHKItN VAI:K(MM 5 Wtvst TraslQ St. Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WIIiMOTTTH, Manager. (Mention thla paper.) Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Thomson Trained Nurses and ex perts in Massage and i J yd rot hcropy. Phone (111::. -.Ml A.lieltiml ,e. L G. FOUST I'l. I,!, lit 'I'l. C, I dlv J; ,,;. !..( I.".-:. ti,, ..n.i,. in, ,,f l'i. il.i, I. li'h:.!. .1 T 1'rc, in is-nt. "TI". ,-s in ill- KI, t: i,"i I'oiildtni.-. .pios:t.. -,!',.' p,,s of. I e ' '' TrTj 1 ..' ;-,7 .' '. " i.-V ' , -.- t .' r - '. ''?'-' -'"''j-:-ft--ii Poplin and Cotton Crepe at Special prices This is tlu third day of the sale of Poplin and Cotton Crepe. Many women who know find appre ciate ;oo(l values have purchased -at these special prices for the saint reason that would pay you to buy here the goods arc new anrl high class, worth every cent of the regular prices being the leading materials for summer. 15c to 19c- yard Cotton Crepe in all colors special lor lie yard 15c Poplin in all colors special for lie yard jfnother Jhipmenl of Cadet Jfose It, is hard for us to keep this popular hose 4a stock, almost cverv week we onler sizes to fill in tliosctliataresoldout.it' ui.s manner we keep up our stock to the highest point of efficiency. These hose are priced at linen heel ami toe. feat leckmar r - ii juiv MANICIlltS.Ma. JlalrdressliiK. KaclaJ Maaaagea, 8.-alp treatment a apeclalty. Up-to-date lino of hair aoods, toilet artlclea, awltrhea, puffs and pompadotiea mail to oroer. Price reaifi'iable, work first claaa. ' tRINN'.R AND nXJNTKR, IjADIKS. - dlONTUSMKN. t and 10 Parrfron Bldg. La Orecque Corsets I I For every type of figure : GREENE & CO., ; ; 12 Church Street ; VIMTOr.S, SAVH JIOXHV, by having your tei-th utt.-md'tl to by l.s Always uPrto-date. I'aiiiless ami Iti-lluble. Crown miij Urltlne work a specialty. Popular prices. H. MATTIIKW'S DEXTAI PAIl liOHS 2;l-2-S7 NcwMcAfee rld., corner ( ollCKi. ami Sprtice, opMisllc lt. Iltip ilst Cliunli anil near Court House, l'hoiie 0111. Ucshlcm c l'lmiic 972. Tlc Coal Favorite In Asheville is U and W hidian Coal the coal that burns easily and contains !)5 per cent plire carbon. Phone lr.O for a ton, or let us put in your winter's supply now. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Plwue 180. tMUta fe r : Charming Designs in Underwear lor : Women Ladies' Thin Vests at 10c. Better grades at 12ic 15c. Splendid Lisle Vests at 25c and 50c. Ladies' Short Sleeve Vests at 25c. Ladies' Pants at 25c and 50c, pair. Ladies Union Suits at 50c and 75c. Full line of Mfsses and fJbildrpns Ventc tna lrom 15c a garment on PEERLESS 25c a pair, they have the of &very Kind for i r. jrere Cheap Milk la uaually cheap In quality a wall i pi Ice. It la dangeroua. Oor milk II not In that claaa. It la abaolnt y pore, clean, rich and wholes otn a. : ' ir. , Asheville Pare Milk Co KM Walnut 8. . ' PiKHMkM Maaaaaaoaaaaaf 1 LOGAN 2 . IfareJiant Taflnr. 14 H. PMk J atiara. Phona TIT. AhH- Britt& Wells 32 West College St. Phones 50 and 1016 i:i:.li:.MIIKK Thnt the prize ad vertlsrment Writing Contest of the Willis Photo Company does on July 31. Some one Is bound to win. Why not you? The Willis Photo Company, 29 Pattou Ave. M. WEBB & COMPANY i ',.'. Millinery Importera ' No. C Ilattcry Park ITac. fbone 1044 ROGERS SILVER-WARE Tea ypoons from 45c to a.a&- l ii. Ana A 4 Vnkfi imc rtijuona ii win j iv tw w - end Forks from 13.50 to 112. BO. 8a them at the The Asheville China Co., North Pack Hintare 2 Little out ".r tlte in, Unary conceits in icsts ninl tltaiveis. Oftrrnenta which are m, onli ei.rnfortable but whith possess the daintiness that ! every wmnans' htrthriaht. All the n- a seiifmnadle effects are here: le.iutiful lisle and cottons ting line with m ii nes?;s. Cool, pretty gar iiicnis as nimleatlv priretl as they are l..-.i m if u I. ' We are ready for the vacationist with In r i.itiiiiK needs before her, air the maul win, .stays at home. Their needs can lie .-u,pli.il here at quite a scviiiH. " --'J v.w ftUVU up. i -.MVj'ht ,.'ll.V ' S, . K .

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