A SHEVItLE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. SHtiWERS t ' VOL. XXV. N0.2G9. ASIIEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY MOUXJNd, JULY 1(5, 1!K!. PRICK FIVE CKNTtf. THE t EVELYH SAYS SHE WILLIJOWHAVETO i After Dealing Telling Blow to f: Her Crazy Husband . She Talks DM1TS THREATS TO TAKE HER LIFE 'His Attorney Makes Desper ate Effort to Keep Out Wife's Evidence (By Associated Press.) ' WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., July 15. ' . Harry K. Thaw's wife, formerly the ' chorus girl, Evelyn Nesblt, west on the stand here today and gave dam : i aging testimony against him. It was ' the strongest point scored so far by the stale in its tight to keep Thaw in i the asylum for the criminal insane at MatteaWan. When today's session . was concluded, adjournment was tak t en until July 26. , For three days the state has been trying to bring out that Thaw threat -A'ened his wife's life on one of her vis- its to Matteawan, as tending to show ;i. his irrationality. Blocked at first by : objections, sustained by the court, Thaw's attorney at last failed to show ' that the alleged conversation at Mat- ' tea wan was confidential, as between man and wife, and when Evelyn Thaw took the witness chair this af- , ternoon her lips were unsealed. She 'related as If in fear, Thaw's alleged v threat to take her life If he were re- ; leased from the asylufn. ! j Tearfully Obeyed. : Whether assumed or not, she ex- 't press apprehension while testifying. She was quoted afterwards as saying . that she testified because of the treat rment she received at the hands of the ""Thaw family, but on the stand she y:pparently struggled hard not to tell, ft gnd when compelled to do so by the Jf court, she obeyed reluctantly : and j tearfully. "Did Harry K. Thaw threaten to. take your life?" she Was asked dl- jrctty by Deputy Attorney General Clarke. iThe court .n-- mm hushed and velyn Thaw turned appeallngly to Justice Mills. She begged to be al lowed nut to answer because she said he knew it would incur his ever ( lading animosity. , But the court ruled that the only possible grounds upon which she (Continued on page four.) WILL NOT DESERT THE BIF 1UD E. SYNDICATE .Klaw and Eilanger Will . i Continue to Rule the J Theatrical Roost. IBHUBKRTS "WANT IN" & " .'! ATLANTA, July 15. There will be o open door In the South, at least none of the theatres represented in the Southern Managers- association i Will open their doors to any except tli syndicate attractions. All of the 188 hoaxes in the Southern associ ation will be booked by Klaw and Er langer. The annual meeting of the assorl ' ilon was held here, today. The ques tion of the "open door" came up for discussion, but no one put a motion to , provide for the opening, and aflr ward it was agreed to continue the Klaw and Erlallger bookings. A The managers banded themselves . together in a sort of trust. They de cided that only first-class houses In ' tvery city could belong to the associa- lion, and decided that if any attrac tion played outside of an assisiation jouse it would be barred by the as- r elation. While the question of booking Shu- Bert shows wai under discussion 'Charles Kind, president of the Wes- Jtein Managers' association, vas glv u an opportunity to air his opinion. ?'jtr. Kindt received a respectful hear ing but accomplished nothing. The question of the "open door" was not acted upon. That the Shuberts intend to In side this territory Is the general im pression here. This opinion has been confirmed by the arrival of James Peekier. He will not talk, but it Is learned that be is .figuring on arrange ments for a house n Atlanta. Whether ;fce will be able to put the deal through is not known.. KARTHQUAKK IS C.RFKCK. I ATHENS, Greece, July 15. An larthtiuake has occurred iin the pro vince of Elis, the capital oi wnicn is i. Several villages were ae and mapy people perished. EARN HER IVIi NOT POISONED BUT CHOKED TO DEATH SA YS THE CORONER Professor at Columbia Explodes Theory That Elsie Sigel Was Dtugged in Leon Ling's Den. Hunt Continued. (Special to The Citizen.) NEW YORK, July 14. Jim-rest In the alleged muroer of Elsie Sigel. by her Chinese lover, leon Ling was re newed today when Coroner llarburger exploded the poison theory with a statement to the effect that the re port of Professor George A. Tterguson, of Columbia, stated, In substance, that no poison or drugs were found In the stomach of the dead girl. Coroner llarburger reiterates his former state ment that Elnle Sigel was strangled to death by the powerful claws of the Chinaman after ho lured her to his den. "The police will jiow eliminate all clues leading to purchasers of poi sons." said the coroner, "and will work only bn the theory I have ad vocated right along, and that Ir: El sie Slgel was strangled. The district attorney will make public the report, but It will put an end to all these draughts of drugged tea you may have been reading about." Chliramen Being Watched. Investigation yesterday led to the conclusion that the police had given MANY CHANGES AT V. P INSTITUTE ROANOKE, July 15. The board of directors of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute which has been In session at Blacksburg today announced the most sweeping changes that the college has experienced In fifteen years. The board sustainns Its action of a year ago re queuing the resignation of Dr. J. W. Quick as professor of animal hus bandry and removed Dp. John Spen cer, college veterinarian, and Prof. A P Rnencer. associate professor of animal husbandry. The chairs of ani mal husbandry and veterlary science will henceforth be combined and new professors and assistants provided. President Barringer was given author ity to make further changes In the personnel" of the departments If he sees lit. INVESTIGATION' ARJOlTlTNET. ATLANTA. July IB. The legisla tive Investigation Into the suspension of slate railroad commissioner S. O. McLendon was today adjourned un til Monday. GEORGIA HEADS LIST OF STATES THAT HAVE ILLICinilSTILLEIllES lias More Than Those De stroyed Last Year in Three States Combined. VERY HEAVY DEMAND (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA. July 15. More ill i. It stills were destroyed in the state of Georgia during the fiscal year just terminated than were destroyed In Georgia. Alabama, riorlila and Miss issippi a year ago. These statements are taken from the annual report of revenue agent James II Surber. Du- rlnsjthe year Just closed Surber and his assistants raided and destroyed 61C stills in Georgia. 2111 In Alabama: t!4 In Florida; and 1 in Mississippi, a tubal of STL'. A y.-ar ago the entire numlVr destroyed was only 470. The revenue ofhVer attributes the Increase to the high price and in creased demand for whiskey sim the prohibition laws il.cr.an to be passed in the South. STATE PRINTTING CONTRACT HELD UP RALEIGH, July 1", The matter of awarding the contract for state print ing for a period covering the next two years seems to be Indefinitely held up in spite of thp fact that the state printing commission opened bids something lil" two weeks ago on.i huM two snbsenoent meetings In vain effort to reach a settlement of the matter which imolves the exi n diture of something like ISO. 01)0 of the state's money. OTIS SOLI. CHARLOTTE. N. C. July If,. The Golilsboro club of the Eastern t-aruli-tndav .""Id Pitcher Harrv Otis to the Cleveland Americans for $1,000. The Wilson dub of the san.' leapue was paid l?00 for one week options on Pitcher Anderson and Shortstop Terks by the Boston Americana. up all Ideas of lon's beings made away wlih. Athough one police offi cial hinted that there Is still a possi bility of the cellar to the laundry, at No. 130' West One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street being dug up, he admitted that the department Is con vinced that l.eon J.lng is still alive. This was verind by Information that every Chinaman who was at all friendly toward eon Is under police surveilance. I All news as to the condition of Mrs. Paul Slgel was denied last night at the home of her husband. In Wash ington Heights, but the sister of Mrs. Slgel, Mrs, Kudolf Slgel. was Willing to make' a brief statement. "My slater's health is improved," she said, "and from the reports we had on Monday, it won't be long be fore she 1b In a condition to talk rationally un this sad tragedy. There Is no doubt In my mind that Jeon killed my neice, and what my poor BlBter can tell will be of material aid In hunting him o bis hole. i PLUCKY WOMAN SHOT ASSAILANT LAKE CHARLES, July IB. At lacked by a negro burglar at her home here early today, Mrs. Alice Long finally succeeded in breaking away from her assailant and shooting him. She then fainted. It is believed that the negro received a mortal wound because of the great amount of blood discovered on the floor of the room. A Li OKTH QUITS. LYNCHHUUO, Va., July in. Al Orth. for ten years prominent In the mnlnr hnaohall leaarues. and Who b- eflme-trtnyeiTnarmger of the local Virginia league team nsi Augum nrwm hi eleiMp from the New Yorl Americans, resigned today; selling his stock to the association which own" ihn team. Pitcher Dickinson who coached the Texas university this sinrlnir will succeed Orth OrtlwDrob- nblv will return to one of the big leagues. NEGRO JEFFREYS NOW ON TRIAL AT RALEIGH FOR ASSAULT ON WHITEGIRL Mother and Young Brother of Victim Attend the Court Hearing. CHARTERS (Hi A NT ED (Special to The Cltlwn.) RALEIGH, July If.. The trial of Courtney Jeffries, the young negro chargn d with criminal assault on Mis Mary Curtice, daughter or Dr. Cooper Curtice, began In Wake Superior court this morning, the girl, who ie sixteen years of age and quite at tractive, her mother and eight yeal old brother being pres. nt as witnesses. The negro Is scarcely twenty years old and served one year six yeurs ago for attempted assault, the Identifica tion of Jeffreys being positive. Tin girl was attacked In a foot path nrai the A. and M. college when Hhe wi on her way to the college creamer) for sonfp milk. Jeffreys was dragging her Into the woods when she was res cued. Charter Granted. The Southbound Investment com pany, of l.cxiiigton received a char ter today npr dialing In and devel oping real estate along the proposed line of the New Southbound railroad Winston-Salem to Wadesboro. The capital of the company is l2fi,000 and the principal slock holders are II. E. Fries. Winston-Sab in. II. H. Var ner Lexington. Geo. W. Montcastle and W. F. Shaffner, Lexington. Anoth er charter is to the Hank of Loulston Hertle county, capital IK.niiO by Dr Wa viand Mitchell. A. T. Eason and others for general commercial bank ing business. STATE SENATOR KILLED BY RIVAL MONTGOMERY, July 15. State ! nator Oscar O. Hayle was shot and killed late yesterday by David K. Smith, at Monroeville. their home, as a result of Itayle'a efforts to Becure a pardon for Isaac and Jesse Shirley, who are serving terms for the kill ing of Jltrf Smith, a brother of Kayle'j slayer. The men took several shots at each other on the street. Smith escaped unharmed and was arrested. Just Wait Titl The Police Get Stop M fjjl np lOn n n n fzrr- itLJ rJ fiJUl rrlovy r tr ff jy Lconvh "DOKIES" ARE ABOUT TO TENTS AND SILENTLY STEAL A WA Y Trip to Toxaway Today and Grand Ball at Battery Park Tonight Will Mark Close of Most Successful Convention Delegates Say They Are ',' Loth to Leave This Fair City The Imperial Palaoe of the Dramatic order of the Knights of Khorassan which ha been In session at the Battery Park hotel since last Monday night came (o a clow with memorial service teat night, though the excursion to Lak Toxaway this morning and the Brand hall, at the hotel tonight will be pffltlal events. Yesterday with the Jj. O. K. K.'s was featured by an extended business session In the morninff, drive over the. roads of Blltmor. Mtate In the afternoon with return trip via the well stocked car 4 of h Colombia knights, and file Im-pi-wAre memorial exercises at night. Hundreds of peo ple attended the night meeting rfnd at Its close the waiters gave a cake walk with vaudeville accompaniment which win highly pleasing to the visitors The D. O. K. K.'s leav wilh regret and with the most pleasing recollec tions of their visit here. Imperial I'rince D. F. Summer. Jr., said last night to The Citizen "iha he would state officially that the palace was the best from every stu mliolnt ever held by the order, in alien. lance, iiniiuall lled enjoyment and rovnl treatment by the citiw-na and local l'ytlilans. The treatment afforded by the Hnttcry Park hotel, he said, was the best the delegates had experienced and they were better satisfied they than at any hotel which had entertained them. To the au me effect was the statement of Mr. J. W. Keed, editor of Tlc Rust St. Irfitvis Journal, wio said thai there was a widespread sentiment among th visitors that tfoej? were es teemed by Ashevllle people s per GEORGIA PUIS QUIETUS Oil THE TRADING STAMPi ItiiquitoiiH 'I'l.ule Device SucccHsfullv llaiiinicrtMl ly Solons of (leorpa. (By Ass-lsi.'il I'rcw.) ATLANTA. July 1. Ihe house In lay passed a bill m i " it Illegal 'o trading stamp" ' Mke devices." and making (he pcim 1 for this meth- d of securing trade mWdemeaiinr. The senate alrea.ly I. 1' passed a Mini ilar iblll. The house bill jir . li 'dtlng foreign Insurance companies n 'his state from transferring any la a mi is from slat j to federal courts u is passed by a vote of 104 to 11. Thin measure i intcniled to put slat" mil foreign companies on a pani It provld' t that violation shall I" lUnlshabl.- U the revmcation of He- "'fending com pany's license In Hi 'ate for two years. SHOWER& t . nrtlliui",i, tr ' for North Carolina Local howrs Friday and probably Saturday; light variable Winds. mm sona' friends, members of the house hold, and that the Toledo represen tatives said that they hopeil only to emulate the treatment uceorded here without hope of excelling It. Flue AtmeHibbiKe. on the part of the city It may be said thai no more pleasing assembly of men ever enme here. Of mirth and good spirits there was ahuiidancn but It has been noticed that not an unpleasant Incident has happened and that among the hundreds of U, O. K, K.'a not one has failed to be a gentle-, man la every senatt. ncimto in rmUn. . ; t- Mi The feature of the business session was the debate on I he proposition to aller the -constitution so Hint mem- I bcrshlp In the Knights of I'ythlus j should not be 11 requisite to nicmber- slilp III the l. O. K. K., those favor ling the proposition contending that Ihe Knights of Pythias had not offi cially recognized hi' D O K. K., and i therefore there vas no obligation to limit membership to Pythian. The j resolution was voted down. I The palace decided nut to meet at the same time and place with th Supreme Lodge, Knlgbls of Pythian, I nt the lftll meeting but voted that Jthe Toledo convonilon should con I slder a proposition to have an extra ! meeting in 1 II 1 J at (he same time and place as the Supreme Lulges. The Cirtoinlllis-s. A. MeCauslaiid. of Charlotte, was appointed chairman of the Judi ciary committee, the highest appoin tive unices of the palace, and Hen. Harllcil. of Little Kock, was selected BRISTOL ORYS" WILL CONTESTJTHE ELECT! Cl.iiiii That Noil Resident. N'otcrs Dropped Hal lots in Keccnt liiipior ( 'oiitest. (By A Mils 'la led Pre--.) HIIISTOL. Tenii . -I ill v lr' - I' w:n lb i el-'I al i masi iiieeiing of dry lo.l.c. ,i colileel Hie reient election bv which the wet won l.v a majority of Unity. two. Tin-re in- two ground Upon !ic, Ihe el'illoli will be coll- ie-ii (. The lirst Is the allegation that iimre Hum a IiiiiiiIkiI non -re;-ilcnt' otcil. Tiie sci ii ii il is ilinl ca p II ill . n I i v i n of ;i number of voter ,v re paid not by lln-m lvi " bill Lv ollierM. In Mpile of a ile.-iininat ion lo i oiitei t, whiskey men continue to post iii.ti'i- of Ih'ir Intention to ,ip 1 1 1 V for lo' ll'CS The wet." it- rlialcl owi Ihe situation and bitter-ni-nn of fi i ling (m nianifcMt. Tlo y will uiiii.c prompt answer to Ihe pe tition of the drys with a v.lew to hav ing the matter decided during the Au gunt term of court. NEGRO GETS 15 YEARS FOR ATTEMPTED RAPE (S'iinl lo The Citizen.) ItALKI'ill Julv K,.' Courtney Jef. friei. colored, charged with an at t' inpted crliiiliial iiFuanlt on MIks Ma rie Ci(rtlc, of this city, about month ago. w.iM found guilty and sen en fv d to fifteen years yesterday. Miss Curtice is a daughter of Dr. Cooper Curtice, connected with the t'nlted Stated, department of agrh ulture. He has only been lllug In Halelgih a slioit lime, coming here from the North. Watches, FOLD THEIR as a memlwr of this committee. Wm. Dona hey, of Des Moines, was appoint ed chairman of the llnanue commit tee. It wns decided that a Pythian holding a withdrawal card Is eligible for the membership In the D. O. K. K. Offler Installed. At the night .session preceding: the memorial service the recently elected officers were Installed 'with the ex ception of Imperial Ikltr J. A. Solo mons, 0 Grand Itaplds, who wan In stalled In the afternoon because ha was obliged tu return , home.. Te liijt of officer la ai follows: . 4 ..if-homas IF, Hlnellne, of Minneapo lis, Imperial Ihisba. I'l,,,. I.' III,.,, nl Ihilf.il.i lomerliil IV'llll. II. W. Ileli'llng, of Webster Groves, Missouri, Imperial Sifretary. C. V. Htansbury, of Los Angeles, 1 111 pel In 1 Treasurer. Rev. John II. Dickinson, of Rich mond, Va., Imperial Hbelk. Geo. K. I'lubank, of Atlanta, Im perial Ailonl. J. A. Solomons, of Grand Rapids, Mich, Imperial Ik Mr. R. L. Hnowilen. of Peoria, Illinois, Imperial Azim. Al Rogers, of Chatlanoogu, Imperial True! lie. To retiring Imperial Prince Summey the Jewelled emblem of a past Im perial prince was presented by Frank K. Duncan, of Oklahoma Mituorlal KiTvlces. The memorial service was hciuili fully Impressive. The ritualistic (Continued on page four.) MUCH FOR THE BURGLAR Took Hatchet from Intruder and ( 'hased Him for Sev era! Citv Hloeks. (By Associated I'rcs.) IIOAMIKK, Va., July 16 When I!' i. II II. Joyce, pastor of Trn. iiv .Mcili'i'llrt church, inlilid that eillllce lulls t go llllo Ills lillily he nu t a burglar Svvlio aliacked him with a halchet. The ImiKlar aimed 1 blow al the minister's head In an eff irt to brain him. but Joyce, who Is an athlete of powerful hulhl. waiiK 'I off Ihe blow and In a ibsierole strug gle irot posi"Hlon of the halcii ! The burglar then ilr-w a large knlf but the rn'IniKler force.) him to a door The biii'Klnr drcdie'l i-ito lb Klreei ami Rev .Iocc ba"el him H' Venil 1,1'h ks. The Mcinit man ilr. ped a fHickethiMik coitialuiiig a car i that bore the wirdf ' Dan line, khI I wi-nl v-tv-o -eatA The burglar has not li'en captureil TRUSTED OFFICER NOW IN TOILS NEW OI1LKANS, July 15 Wyatt II. Ingram, Jr., former trust officer of ihe illbernia Hank and Trust company of New Orleans who was arretted lnt night on the i barge of embezzling th funds of that institution, remains in prison tonight. Following his plea of not guilty upon arraignment today. ball bond wanMxt xed at 17.1,000. Y lltAZK. ROMP. July IB The plant of the Rome Brick company was destroy ed by fire thl afternoon. The loss is lf.0.000 with insurance of 130,009. FLASH 0F"GREEN" LED TOTHEBRUTAL When Arrest Facs Murderer ho Dies by His Own Hand SWAMP RUSHES SIGHED REQUIEM Was Coaxed From The Dance by The Promise of Un lawful Pleasures MURDEROPFRiEND (By Asma-late! Pre.) PORT HURON, July 16. Louis Rosen berger, a cigar maker of Cleve land, ., was murdered early this muinlng on a lonely Island In ths 81. Clair Hals just above tha Jo Ba rt ore summer resort. A few hours lat er Frank ttlbera, also of Cleveland, charged with the murder, was also dead from a dose of poison lf-d-mlnlstered when he found arrest wa Imminent. A third Cleveland man, Kam Krlsbee Is held at tha county Jail as an accomplice to th murdsr and lias made a confcimlon to th piosei'utor Htewart of tha details of the cold-blooded killing. t 1he three men were at Bedors's ho tel where they had gun for v vaca tion. Ijut night at a, danc Rosen berg showed a large aunt of money. This morning his body was found lying facte downward In tha rushes on the shore of a lonely UUIe Mel about live hundred feet . from the . dance hull, a deep fash' in (he back of his head. When the officers arrived they found the dead man had been strlppsd nf every fnnt. As Hi officer returned to fhe ho tel with tho body they heard a iqan Inside scream: , ' "I've taken dope, help. , The man, who proved to be Frank Klbera, died In a, few minute. In hi room wa found revolver and aotne bloody clothes,, with nearly t00 In money. , . : j.t ..-, -: ' - . .The officers regardlnff robbery ! 1 the motive t)ok Into cusuidy Elbsre'e . roonV, muttt,, Bam Frkibee, also of Cleveland, .-.- .;-.. vew Flemllsh Murdi-f. Frisbee, who was hurried to tha jail hero and examined by Prosecutor . Sicwart, told a dlckenlng story of tho cold-blooded fashion In Which li bera knocked Rosenberg In tha htad with the butt of hi revolver and tihen tw Id the cigar maker under wat er until he wa drowned. . ' . Fr I sbee aald that race hatred a well as greed seemed to etvler Into Klberu's attack on Rosenberg. , ' "I'll get that Jew yet," lie says Bl liern hud frequently remarked during the several days thn men had bssn together. During tha dance butt night FrUi bee declares that Blbera coaxed Ro senberg out of the hall and over tb Islund on the plea th&t ha would meet so mm girl there. Frlsbee says he accompanied them. At he head of the Island Klbera suddenly attack ed Rosen berg. The clgarmaker scream ed for help mid ran toward the river. Klbera, according to Frlsbee chased him out Into the water, struck him wllh the revolver and then forced hi head under I he surace where he held him uiilll Rosenberg was drowned. (I 'oni Iiiiii iI on page three.) IN CLOSING ROUND OF THE LICE MAKER'S CASE Stain's Attorney Hhort Pokes Holes in Armor of His Leal Opponent. ! TRIAL NKAIi ITS END (It) A-ws'laie,! Ire)i.l f'HK'AOO, July If,. II rame to oratory t'elay in the Klla fHngle trl.il. A"ilt:nit State's Attorney J B. Short led "h. lie altackej opiuily the veracity of the lrlih .lacemakei, and slabbed covertly al Her lawyer Patrick O'Donn.ll. He will ronclhe tomorrow morning and the trial will 'nil with the speeches for the de f. nc jind a brief reply by the pros eculor. "We are trying this girl." said Mr. Short, "for stealing lace from Agnes Harrette, her former employer. The ifensittlonul story that the defendant has told about being mistreated has nothing to do with the larceny esse. "We wanted to learn, however, whether this story was the fabric of Imagination of an hysterical girl, or whether It was a conslracy between the girl and some one else to nuUc a sensational defense to a plain charge of larceny. "The theory of the ' white clave plot is preposterous. Patrick O'Don neil lost a good opportunity to be the Abraham Mncoln of the "whits slaves' when he felled to crone examine Mis Harrette, '' , I win- toss l .Heavy.. . il si i titter' lk. ilk

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