THE AS LE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press, Leased Wire Reports. fOh. XXV. NO. 213. AKHKYILLK, N. C, TUESDAY M()IA IN(1, .JlTIA' I'd, l!Ki!. PKK'i: El YE CENTS. HEVIL llTEDAKUUilN III Ai FLOATED IH WATER AS WELL New French Machine Proves Wonder fn Air as Well as In Water AVIATOR COULDN'T KEEP MATCHES DRY Kept His Feet Out of Water. However. And That Made Him Happy (By Ahm. in t Ml I'rcas.) CALAIS, July 19 Herbert Ia tham, the French aviator, made a daring ibut unsuccessful attempt to cross the English channel in his mon oplane this morning. He got away splendidly under perfect conditions, from, tbe top of the chalk cliff a. Sangatte, and had covered over halt the distance at an average height -r five hundred feet when the motor elowed down and he was obliged t descend. I . The air space of the wings, how ever, kept the machine afloat and the monoplane, lying like u wounded bird was stretched out on the water when the French torpedo boat destroyer Harpon, which had been kept abreast throughout the, Journey, came along side and picked up the aviator. M. Latham was not wet and still sat on the saddle ' which Is located above the wlngs.and ' behind the motor, calmly smoking' a cigarette. Macliine Not Hurt. He Immediately announced that he was not discouraged by the failure and would, try again as soon as the machine was repaired. The injuries to the monoplane were slight, the principal damage being caused when It was hauled aboard the torpedo boat destroyer. The motor Is Intact. The watchers' on both shores had an anxious hour after the machine was lost to view behind a thin veil of fog on the French side, and apprehension was not allayed tintil It was reported at : Calal)r; t)tt;nl)e' Harpon was 're turning with M. Latham, uninjured, aboard. On landing the aeronaut was given a frantic reception. llMd Carbureter. The failure of the motor is attrib uted to a bad carbureter on the mon oplane, which when four hundred feet In the air began to descend When the machine was two hundred ( 'onllmied on page four.) HENEY LOSES SEVERAL SHREDS OUT OF MANTLE GLORY INJM DOWN Services He Performed were Nothing for Many Thousands per. ..THEN THEY lll'SHKD. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. July 19.--That Francis J. ileiley special conns. I of the department of justice, and also assistant prosecutor in lie so-called graft eases In San Francisco ived from the ico crn nienl la:! .car $j:l.0U(l for which he performed no s.rvne at j all was the frank admi"-'1"" of Chair man Ta-wney, of the appropriations committee of the house today "How much did H.-ii.-y receive dar ing the year 190K" demanded Mr Murphy, uf Missouri, and what ser vice did he perform V" "He received $33,0(111 and perform ed no services for the government whatever during the irar," replied Air. Tawney. Subsequently, Mr. Tawney said "as a matter of fact Mr. Hemy has not performed any service for the last three years. He was appointed No vember 7, IS03. and his active ser vices continued for about three years and for which he received In all $fi9 000." Mr. Tawney stated, however, that Mr. Heney's salary had nothing to do with the 127,000 deficiency for the department o fjustice of which pro vision Is made in the urgent defi ciency bill. Mann Defend- Him. In Mr. Mann Mr. Heme found a vigorous defender. That gentleman, he said needed no defense The only people opposed to him." he ram-rked "are those who sympathize with some of who have been accused, if not convicted of graft " Mr Burke, of Pennsylvania, called the lllinolsan to order, saying that Mr. Mann's admission. that Mr. Heney needed no defense disposed of the ne cesslty of consuming the time of the house. "I am aiad." said Mr. Mann, "that only one member, and be frorti the areaf and pure statie of Pennsylvania Is oppposefl to Mr. Heney." He then FIRED FIVE SHOTS AT HIS ENEMY THEN KILLED HIMSELF Lieut. Adams Tells Graphic Story of Encounter in Camp at Naval Academy, Several Discrepan cies in Testimony. (IVy Associated Press.) ANNACOIJS, July 19. The open ing session here today of the court of inquiry whlrh Is conducting a sec ond investigation Into the death of Lieutenant Janus Nuttle Sutton, of the Dulled Htales marine corps, was replete with dramatic situations. The tourt assembled In the big au ditorium of the Academic building. The very largeness of the hall added to tho atmosphere jf solemnity. Lieutenant Hubert K. Adams, Hut ton's former classmate at the acad emy and one of the principal actors tn the midnight tight which cost young Mutton his life nearly two years ago occupied the witness stand during the entire session, and told a graphic story of the Incidents lead ing up to Sutton's death. Under the severe cross examination of Henry Iv Davlsi counsel fur Mrs Sutton, the young officer sat facing Sutlon's mother and sister during his examin ation. , ltecnacted Tragedy. His' brother officers. Lieutenants Osterman Hanked by Adams' two I lawyers, sat farther down the in quiry table. Major Henry Lcunard, II. S. M. ('.. the Judge advocate and the three members of the board com pleted the Imprcsslvs- sitting. In their white service uniforms. At one point in his testimony. Lieu tenant Adams and an orderly enacted the struggle with Sutton, in the court room. The w itness chair was removed and they both lay prone upon the floor. The witness was still under cross examination when the Inquiry adjourned until tomorrow morning. Mr. Davis succeeded In bringing out a number of discrepancies in Adams' testimony compared with his version of the tragedy at the former investi gation and when the board of Inquiry round that Sutton died by his own hand. Admit' sy stiiotnV. A' ride to the marine camp In un automobile with Sutton and two oth er ofllcers tf marines. Lieutenants Utley and Osterman. an altercation between Sutton and the witness anu a deferred encounter when the senior officer interfered, as the automobile was stopped short of the camp with the intention of avoiding being caught returning after hours; n late acciden tal meeting of the witness and Sutton DEATH OF MRS. RITES IN ORDERS TO "REBS" , . -j (Sen. Evans Announcesi the Death of Last Daughter of President Davis. TKNU'Ti: TO THE DEAD ll,l Ht. Mm SPItlNOS. July l'.' -The funeral or Mrs .1. Addison Have , daughter ol Jellers.,n Daii-. oii'v president ol the I'onledeia.y will I"' held at Cu- lainil.v b ining at 11 o.b.ek. I!ev. A. II.". V 'l':i It ,,f St. Stephens LP'S .hiliall a. "I '! II. i, iy Rutgers I-" ,. ehlir. Il el mens ol 1 1 1 .o , -1 tii dating the "f Folio lug the '-rv mated lodav Deliver. Wlb i , eiiieli-n the boilv . w he h was c. ,1 K.Vel-ide ,, lie-tell, .. ,,a. e.l Ml Kielg.e ,..iaio Spi ini- -'. where the inn vMh Tin-it the ule - i-.ooa.n .lino i" . ... i ... i , Ki mo urn v lie mer b'..m- "" '"" ' ,, . ,...1.1 if s, I ' . I II 1 Se V I. cS IV HI U " .-hill. h. Mil ' 'l' HI. e l. le an member. ..I the l.inillv "" s ... lie. j h.l- be-'ll b' bl. ( Ifli. i.l I a 1.1. illll -t'l ,.r Mi I Addisd. II. V ll.e ; lie lasi surviving child of I'rcsldclit .1 " If r DaViS Ol the t'olllo.l.'l Alli.Tl. J was tii i . I li Confederate Veteran- ill der issued this ad'orm headuiiat l r a of that le .tut the 1 'Hit. ( e.lietal " ,,,11 . illl Hi' , ,rga in.. it New Orleans. 'li. command of Gnu Kvans, commander ,,f,,r Is- I r1J i i- in- lit A hi cb:.-f. V c lows: "With extreme s. cr...!. 1 i .immanding makes menl of lb- death ..r Ho ber of the Inline. liale h Jefferson Davis, our bclove pre-i.lellt Mrs J. Addis..; inn. ll'e la ! Il ls, hold I " ( M nt f t Dav is) Hayes died at her home Colorado Springs bile yesterday an noon. OIJ) KlltKMAX HK.H. (Ity AssiM-liileil ITe-w.) HAI.TI MoitK. July Id. (borg- W Gail, one df the wealthiest an b. st known citizens of Baltimore, di-d to day following an operation for an In testinal perfotation due to typhoid fever. , I on the border of the woods near the. Iwrraeks and the light between the . two men with Sutton armed with a revolver in either hand and tiring live j shots, the last of which he directed at nis own nemi wnne lying on me ground, these were the points in Lieu tenunts Adams' testimony. Witness I roil) Demi. Tile w itne ss said he bad risen from the prostrate Sutton whom he be lieved to lie exhausted, slid stood a few feet buck of him when he saw Sutlon raise his light baud ami lire a bullet into his own head. Just pre viously ni' of the officers who hail come upon tbe scene had cried that Lieutenant Kdwnrd I. Koelker had been shot and killed, tin- witness said. Adams had made no attempt to take tbe revolver from Sutton's bands when he broke away or was pulled away from hlni, he said, in reply to Lawyer Davis' oft -i epeated question. Sutton had previously threatened to kill, and was generally avoided by the marines because of his wild talk and actions, according to the witness. After the session Mr. Davis said that it was not bis Intention to fasten the responsibility of Sutton's death on anyone but that every effort would be made to discredit and refute the suicide theory. Hoclker Is an Important witness who has not yet been located. Mrs. Sutton's counsel said tonight that Miss Margaret Stewart, of l'itts burg, the young woman who was with Sutlon most of the evening before lie met denth, might be called as u wit ness. HOFLKF.n IN WHKKLlXtl. W11KF.L1NU, W. Va., July 19 Ac cording to a statement made tonight by Harry H. Thomas, of Martln'a Fer ry, Ohio, Kdward P. Koelker, the much wanted witness In the Annapolis inveStlHtnn Into the death of Lleu- i tenant Sutton and for whom a search j nan been mnde nil over file country. I Is ill Wheeling at the present time. I Mrs. Thomas also stated tonight that he was well acquainted with the lute Lieutenant Sutton, V. S M. C. "The night of the tragedy," said ; Thomas tonight. "Adams and Sutton I were In company at the hall In An- ( 'out inned on page four.) E ARE REGISTERED OUT IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY If You Can Say "Wlioa" That, Makes You a ( 'it iell. PI TO CONdKEXS (Ity ss.s-lal-il I'ress.) WASIIINOTi i.N. .lulv 19. Having K.,lell over Its baseball "spree " of last I'riday the leuise to. lav liaiisaeted a general assortment .f business. ll Ih-kmii l.v p.s n.g an I, bill. II. en l.'ieue.l P. an apology by .Mr llobsuii ..f Ai.ibali.a. who. on last I'elu ii.ii v made some ulc olnpli lueiitalv lem.i.lis about A n. b u-..l"l l i linen, at i ..Kio and'her ' "li . red I be in k. i.i -I'-Jo I- v bill. TIllT- V.ele JO.I..I lilts, ..He "I enlininai-. d in an a i. le.u lee -,. i,i Ic Mr. M -f MS-'" I bat he llollld IV -igll hlS -ea if It COIld . p,.ven I.-- wi- l.'Ccl.llive i u. lor 'j'lle ( , ,l r.V el'Sl a till.'.- "n i.d aft. ill in which lot ""I'-' -v' r j,e I ni Mr I; l.-r -f '"b-fiib. and Mr Maim, of lllm-is. w et hi ,ee.l .Mi. I : it. k. r. in -1 ' 1 mi; ' bat he i f ..r Hie ap.t'M'll..ti"l of the ti-a'.ebng exp.-n-id. HI ad'lles-e.l hilli .in in iv I. it w as 'ai p- S.l re.'l si i' III I u lie r. te,l lip.ill tin disellss. isi,,.i et,ntito.- money ;, ihiii pa K.S ,,f til- .M . in Mi 1,. d t.l I M: e then eul. te t a pi oil" f,,, t),e Im.,,,1 .f and tl..i ! M i'" Mar u dor.iiL- wl , ,t lbs lie .U' V i id i n s una i i. . it" . . . I i . M 1 1 w il h M i . I, the lattet said . n ,1 ii ... d for I he ni. e.l paM set,, hill. seel,, r - " or Un- l ar M.-t bom.- M r M e ..11. 1 1 ' -UK "Heiu I , ,. . the . ..!..i .do in- ml . , t ! he l l,a 111 . " I- , . ,V I'" ! I I' aid I a 111. en: ;. 1-iei- iciiiriininc f.-r il,'.-'. it 11 is I "''"! 1 " ' ' .i boa " Mr -tn .11 tl -i - f I bad ..he 1 I' d i" -I"'- thing did so ml' Hit" n"1 A r"; vv In. did "lie riv is. vv is nt a 'eul i 11 . onu'i - vs. b. un-'t lo b. I.l b. sil'd ' 1 lit . Ill , n I ' I V ,'.- th- 'I' don't kn..ii how th 0gniB.1l himself "lo (t'ontinued on pace four.) PRESIDENT WILL FEED THEIR APPETITES AND THEIR AVARICE All Differences May Be Dig ested with the Best Viands of the White House and All Differences May Be Adjusted and Tariff Schedules May Be Arrang ed to Make Country Happy. . ( Ily AriotalP(l rre.. ) WASHINGTON, July IS. --All Ihe republican memliers of the turff con ference hnve been Invited by l'renldent Tuft to tnke dinner with him Wed nesday nt the white hoiwe. It Im assumed that ht expect to be ready to report progress In getting votes for the abolition of duties on raw materlalH. Senator Crane tmlBy endorsed the attitude of the preHldent on the (iiientlon of reducing dutlex n raw material. Speaker Cannon mM that, the ponr ferec muot frame (Ju -proaMm-r I. aHsIng the conference report through the house and the senate, and that the representatives of the two branches would have to assume the nspoiiHl blllty for their This remark was understood to signify thai a bind ing rub- could not be. looked for to carry an imp .pulai report thp.ngh llu- house. Mutter of liiwtoiiti-iif . There was no Indication of a l.'H'K of understanding between the leaders of the senate an.) house. It is belii ved mull, ring of dissatis faction heard ahuut the senate office today may be tak- n ns a criterion the senate ar- confronted with no easy task. Stranu. lv enough many of the protest- against Un. fret raw mali rial program are emu lug from tin- progressive republican fuc- II, ,n which fought hardest for down ward revision. PRIEST DRIVEN FROM HOME BHEBSECUIORS K'liimiuK Newspaper Caused I lis Collin o,i(ion 1 Turn Against llim. (Ily I'ress.) NKW (iltl.i: .ng that he bad i at I 'laii'l' iu "I''. I-i . a , i .-r 1 1. r -ni c I. ; :. n. ... Il. v .1 .1 ohe piiesl. rilll today l-.uh.-r lloltgr -. I r has he. II ' I lolt. r factional ' In 1.I.I111..11 to n also l olidll- led ' I . , w u a lid pll bl e .. . hargi o! en noli He w a " reel nt I small fine was im editorials eharf : Itl I'laipjellllne Father lloltgr that . barges fib '' thoiitles aeain-i bad h.-'li i ru in I- II. Ill ieH He will nival- I I! on. ,,f An hi. i I luly IH.-lie. lar- Mi'll tils pa 1 ' I ale lid left Hint daii- Of pel.-.., Illl lis lt.riev. a i'alh- III New l ol' an- for the pas- two uriii ci-nt. t of a In I'laipe mile istoral w .1 I . I ,v spa per lu th 1 1 therein led 1 ' . be! attatli-l lion uvlcted and i -d on him. His llticalcorrupii .il .leelnred to.1,11 h the church hi Were fills- . r 1 1 . t ;i bv bis ioh'1' .1 the r.-t 11 r Tl from Hl-nk. (FAfR ! at ,1- ..eve. 1 iNKk I mil,.,, h.. ""IVVLH s-HI.VGTON iiiil'.--r"i"''cll '""I 1 ' """ , :,r "' "" I'-'.i'yntlarv i for : N... Ill .Carol,, i. Generally f,.u ("in it lonruic o i -,-....,.,, ami W..!...-lay: Hghl t..,l..ska p. d.-i ,,.,. and breaking mod-rale northean and . a.t winds b.-r a,,,,, wb.le out with Ihe ar. Bronco Busting in Washington. Seiiulor Il4.rah stated today that If the free la w 11111 1 e ilit I program was adopted some of the Western sena tors would be afraid to go home and could 'not expert to continue repre sent Ing Hull' utales In Washington. He Is In sympathy with I'resldent Tuft's attlfiide on the iiuestlon of downward revision, but declares that It should not be (unfilled to raw materials. Dunk on Pri-slik-M. Circulating about the capltol today wa a pi rlstcnt rumor that tha pxtua- tfent wniiM Tint bi- Mflnftcfl wtttf Iron on- nml oil nml r. slue. I duties on coal, hides and lunibi r. .Many senators appeared to believe thla re port and expressed the opinion lliul be would Inslvt upon bides and coal being placed upon Hie fie. list. Sena tors w ho visited the iv bile house did not coiilirin the report upon fludr re turn to the capitol, but at the name time they wen- iiiiahl, to coiitradh I It Among the older members of the house and senate It was predicted that tbe president would demand ev ery eonces.siun possible to obtain with out endangering the adoption of the low1"-' hot May Happen. When tbe conferees iii.-i-i about the white house heard on Wednenday nUbt It Is 1. 1. .liable that the president will be informed Just nhal i oneesslolis i .'III he lll.-lile Without jeopatdillig Hie STATE OFFICERS CINCHING PROHIBITION VOTERS Sh.iw Why If Is so ami Is Not Otlicrwisf as It Milit ll lvH'c1t'(l. i (SM-cilll lo I'll)- ( it .. II I I : A I . I 1 1 ; 1 1 . . ('. Jul. 1'c Imnl 1 on I v in i I k a lid water Th ivl in I ' a 1 1 ' 1J llll.l pre, e.led bl 11 .l.lC lie II' Illll I ' .Vlltskel. Ullie l.e.r. el ill e.l- j ,, (,..,,,. f .itn.i. il hoi , , I,,, ,, pbl I iol-uo. .inl h-.i-l.o. r.i plllnal. glade- Jilt issu. .1 ! ol us. jn Hi. public tcho'.ls b'- III. stale b p ut in. ni ..I . duration. A '. ' . 1 1 1 1 I ll"- u-- -d I .1. i. . .. t h. bu Net in in ph. i . slap oe ills that noil. K -pent t"i It thin ' .r food and that ll i a p. .Ik oi I-. ite sisl.iu. prevents .1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 . '..lth 1 1, I . I . a n I i lies:., w . a k - lis t lo- ie t v . . I -.. I. II.- ..Ppel.l. . II... k.- .1- I throat and lull!.' rrouhles, males, con jiiipllon isi fo eonlla. l ami m ik-s . hllilr. ii and young iron and ,,,,,, M , 1,1,. KfT. cis of alcohol an jeoiili tie- s; line as lol.aceo tl h:.m It I. 1 1 It folSoll. I.' . . lb- . , , an o 1 1 1 loin ditfesl in-, food i . had ;i ne de ic cup of hot 11 a 1 e r 11 III -lo 1 ' id Inore good lhari ivblul.e'. ,,r 1,1 ii. l,, Ii vvi ak.nn one's will and ; , , ,., I ,lo '.vork as be would like to ,1 ., t and In "t len h" comes dei ct ' u 1 -.11-1 'I .1- I ' .I with hllll If The i,ii tai I-. Mi.- nork of All. ii .1. I'.ar- w ! (, ,,! 'in .1. pa l I lil'-lit of e.l.lcal ion, , Oil -Hi. - th'" 1- hole S'op. of pbv S- ! ,,.oi; all I ' . I 1 1 1 it) three dlff' lrit j er ,,,t. .. -.-'.a' t n . .oil lining t h j , i ' , ' ( 1 ' ' nsl r iii t ion by the , ee, I,. I HI Ml. ;'. Idi' sell. nils. .IOV IIIIHII M-ATKXC'KII. j KW YHIlK .lull 19 Kdward Tlio-upson uiii'-t n v.:ils old. a Jv ir.diiig .haiifr-or vv h . pl a. led guilty i i . taking oil h.s , in plov r's motor iar In Hie o.i ihe .,imi,i's ,, was sen. piisaage of tho cunferenie report. To day the conferees devoted their atten tion muiilj to the revised corporation tax provision, which was adopted, and to the removal of a great deal of the chaff left from the formal con sideration of till) bill. An effort waa made today to dispose of I he wood pulp and print paper m nodule. The retaliatory provision conjjernlng pulp wood wan rfi-wrltU-n ami It la. now, believed that It -,wUl prove natlafac Uiry to American mill. Tba.duty un irrmrwr'fti fctllrtn rrtntrnverny. Split on lloMler)'. Disposition of the hosiery sched ule at a eohsldormhle advance In tin- henper griub'S over the Dlngb y rates, is In prospect Kxlstlng rate were lUenily restored by the senate. The cotupromfse iiroposes to ritaln the lions.- rate on selverlged hose and half hose valued at one dollar or lesa per dozen pairs. The house provis ion makes this duty seventy cents per dozen pairs as against lllly (cuts In Ibe existing law. On stockings valued up to fl f, 0 per dozen palls, the new rate proposed is eight v cents. The house rate was elgblv -live i , ills and the senate and IHuglev sixty cents. in storking valued above tl.rdl and ted above -'. the compromise late Is ninety cents, while the lions, rate iv. is fl and the present ral seventy oetihi. LITTLE NEGRO SLASHES WHITE BOY WITH KNIFE Iiilanl Criminal Is liYM t.. Answir I'dliii- .1 iidc's Sent clnf. (S,"-!,,! ' lllen ) 11 l: I .' 1 I I K. .1 uh I'l I or a 11 is ' " ' '" v'" 1,.,.',. muted his'seni.nce lo Im- ' "' "' A'"lp,,s l ..r life :.l l.v I'r.-m- 11" I S illll. lay alcl lo I ..I 'heli 111 I ,' III Tall mil.. I III.- s. lite lice so III. LU- al Hie pull. Sl It loll. HlS' Ml. 'I .1 " lit 'Vplle llllll.l llialell ,. i ,, ,. 1 ...... . 1 d he 111,1. 11 bowed Hodge .1 'll,.- 1,. ,1 pa ,. .le- a ted fi . 1 . lull Id ha . 1I1I- b. . li I 11 I I odie d I 1 ll. .1 lo p I I 'e fioo ,1 1 1 I o , , 1 ,1 as 1 1 ' " 1 o ' h O.I- - ,11 111 1 1 0 1 -ll II. - i 1 . 1 r o, ciiii 1 . a 1 .1 V . 110 II11I u- ... ' ' b. -,. lie. I II ', .oi .-. .11 re on I h ' l I. ni I ' i n have In , oiji I, vinl a it ,-. I . d III 1 , e ,r "Id I ' Will, I ha I 'he ( 'I i r I: in i'l " male liv. .,r hi in nd sin !i i ni- I 1 1 1 '. ll i; 1 1 the lo, k ..f Ins -li it I for ' ' ' a I 1 1 -In I led I o run i i lit the II. I, .... about In'. Ml' In s The wo, in. I 'il' I la ¬ fuse I v and Ihe v ,,u n i: in I'-- r , n r .v . ' I, a lllcl I , ,i poll e .I..-IO.I ', I, 'I I!, corded Si,,, Hi will pa Jo.l.;ru n' on luis infantile criiniiiil l'.f,",n ,' niornliit'. ITo'oi I.l . I h. si, yar 'Id 'li d , the 'ir-t of mm, h tender Veal' I" 1, clianpd with lb.- use ,,r a deSrtt? u,n"n. The 'hild was l '- . i f il I :ir '"aril, so , los. Iy .olllinei ,vihin a ell and the ofll, ials, taking plly on blr-. allowed him In the corridor aft'i lo, king the door. Hut '"lark Is as Miliar! n- be is young, and seeing Un broken bar above the corridor throiiKh which In winter weather the stove pipe goes, proceeded to cllml. through it When caught he wjs within a few feet1 of freedom-la mi, but was again placed lu hi 011. ' SAILER-MILLER T E New round Evldonce Puts Bhimo of Crime on Wife of Murdered Man WIFE'S FATHER IS ALSO IMPLICATED Will of Dead Man nave Sub tantlal Legacy to Mb Wife And Daughter ifSr1 (Ily Ast-ocltitctl I'ri'wi.) WA'I'SKKA, Ills.. July !. At th soli. Hal l.-n of stale's Attorney I'sl bilsaid, Circut Judge Hoover Ibis af leinooii called a special grand Jury to assemble tomorrow morula to liiM-Bllg.ile the murder of J. B. Say-l.-r at Crescent City. The special Jury waa culled in order lo forestall tip- habeas corpu pro ceeding by the attorneys, for Dr. Wil liam It. Miller. Mrs. Sayler and bar father and brother. New evidence in the. cane haa ben found. I'art of the. contents of th sealed packet li-rt by Hayler, Ihe mur dered banker, has been made public by a person who naw It. It la said to have contained an Intercepted let ter from Dr. Miller to Mrs. Hay If r, which It Is mi 1.1 . convinced Maylar. hi wife wan Intimate with Miller. Mr. Hayler Will. Hayler'H will, about which thura ha been so much speculation, wu alau In the packet. It was drawn sum lime ago and left il sultuntliil aum to Mrs. Haylor, her daughter, and Mrs. John Uiuinh'ii, his tnother-ln-law, now deud. However, thl will cannot be probated a It 1 (agnail by only one pemon. The moat aanautinnal evldenra yt found I ! 9. ajtlrt wlat Ualonglugi to Mr. Hayler, found In her bed-room and anld to have 'been, concealed un it, or ttic. carpet. -Thl Khlii walnt oom tulnvil mark frmu a Ulo.idy watch chain and the prosecution claim Mr. Hayler ant on hwr-'liwbnij' Cht during his itylnit mnmetita. A revolver, It la said, waa found on the person of John (Irtiiiden, Mr. Havb-r's father, and the prosecution nllfgj'N ll was a bullet from thta re volver which mudn th dent In th Interior wall of the building cloaa to the place where Hayler wvt Just befora he was killed. PAROON BECAUSE HE W00EDJ0T BE SHOT Dim lined lo Lone His Orip tm Mis Saddle in Spite of I lie Law. (Itv so hilnl n-ss.) WASHINGTON. July I ft. -"I won't allow 1 1 1 1 v d d man to wblllb- me off my sad. II. , " is the ri-mark attributed to c. I,. Addition niter a fuslliide of shots on Ihe A'kaiisas Indian Terri tory I...11I.1 in the hitter nineties., and today A'I.IIukIoii was pardoned after Il lVlllg Hel led ll H' ltlell. e t, UlOr 1 liu 11 a do. 11 of vais liupi isoiiiuenl l.dlowing that rdio.d nig affall'. He vva- tln-n Ii.ilted Willi tbe uiur. ,. 1 of .'' if llo.b:i.s In lied Itlver 1.1. I'll.,. 1:111 11. ilii. 11 Indian Ter- I ',. ii, , llu,.red 1 . . , . ... , .... M. hll'l Illl' .lined lo illl A.ldllo;loil "off his ho and lle-re Wis In. eiidellC d' III"! I . 1 ! I he IIIUI d I'. ilTOOK STRYCHNINE I BY MISTAKE (Shs lal lo I lie ( lllcn ) mil ..--V i l.i. I-., .loi. l.i Mi - J--ii- ,, s I ' , . I l . a hlKblv r e-peet. d a lid ..ll ki n I"!'- In nig ill "late ood 1 tore, ' ,,,''11 '"iin'i died al her I 1 1 . . 1 1 1. Fl nl. in oi n I ng from lbs ef -: a .I,,, I ii vchnine. lo ll.lll 1" le illlll. . I'l of l.i I. Vli,' h ' be '', die s.l.i'. nigiii Mi-i I'ait. r had Ii, , n mm i II lot so, in l ini'- and was c , a ImuicI p. liking quinine for re ;i, i. w. .in. s.l i . nii'lit h. b-ft homo ah, mi .is vv II as in o il t . -.penil tho nigh! Mlth Mi-. G. ii.l! i neighbor, and before going- t""l- 'it contain ioe th. p., i on. kill'I Imi !.. no avail, and she dted is il staled. (tiwieriiiv o ai-i'KAU IMrilMoMi. Ky.. lulv 19 Im pr ,s, ,m a. tit for III- rind t. a years ad , 1 1 1 1 , ,iiii I serv itude w as th- sentenc pronounced today on Ib rry Simpson, Kli ha Slavln and George Stanley, by I 'lilted States District Judge Sned don Tin- three men were convlctad of the murd-r of a federal deputy marshal In u mining riot at Steam, Ky),, on Chrlstmaa, ISO. ,. The addl , tlonal nnu-nca of ten year to , alleged dllHillince of a federal In; Junction In the mining; controversy. ( RAGEDY BECOMES CO FUSED took his seat.