i f ij ; 59 ; : f I I? "1 5 W SOCIAL L PERSONAL Mr nnd Mm .l.-i. nouuce IIm- engiii-' dauK PPr , M r i- u"i I :i Edwin V. (imvi . Jr. Mis r'efiiPi and Mr know t iiini imp ii.n 11 I'.. vi tii nl i ' l.h.nh. II , .. r t-;t. HI I ill uiii: p' "pP- in hi ii' nu n I e ill tn tliejr in.'il.v Pi III' iiiiIIi Mn, John II , :ii,.l hi. P. ' n Ash. v i!P not com a n 1 I In' ii 1 1 bm a hiii pi pi MPs ('(lulu of Mr. ami N t vv ill P -ii li friends, daughter Ce fill ii, i if u nio-vi i h:ii iniiiir !ih ni I ' r nf lli younger I. hIih u h r iidopti'.n if Ahcv ill'' Iih In r summer 1 1 ' ' i ' Mr lror If III" "illy ""ii ( 'M'. V Orove, of SI. I.uiiIh. a mimii ie.l nl. prominent In bin own coiriiniinli . but well known iih a phil.iiii Inoppit Mini basin man In ot-v i-rul hoiiihein rlllcH. Minx Snrn W'i ft kiiv" nn i'Ti ceillni?!'.' pretty cotillion lant evouinp' Hi li r home on chestnut ilri'i'l, In linimr ' r Mitt Elizabeth ami MIhh Mhiv Hhlppei. ami Mr. John rallnii "f 1:1111. iv. On. wqn are the hnuto; ifiMMis of MImm VA'oid nml her lirolhrr, Mr. N"il Vi M. Tin residence was decorated with wild flowers nml the viTiiinla wan strnnir with Japanese lanUnm. The ,lnr echrme wnn if yellow (ind Kr.-en nml was iiilhiTi'il In, ami In one nf tin flKiires of the rulllll'in the men will' driven with piiiM of urpi-n nml yellow. TUore were a number of pretty favors Iron with nerved nn (lit) veranda. Mi.ni Wpiln' ifueuls were, the MIhwk Kh I p pen, Miss Clara Holme. MIhs Pauline Paquln, Miss Mary Louise Swopo, MIhs Peatimont anil Mln Alice llaxzard, Mis I.ik-1I1i llnstlnirs, MIkh Lytle, Mlsa Lucy Minor, MIhh Hllxnbcth William son, Mlm I'Oiilne Chapman, Minn Jula and Minn Mary Luwi1, MIhs Thercee anil Minn Helen (hiiiinnii, Miss Kvelyn HuUh.MIkh Charlotte llnnnkcl, of Ken. ilersonvlllc, Mr, ami Mm. lOdwanl I. Holmes. Mr. anil Mm. U. C. Miwnn, Mr. IuImiii Keen, Mr. liankH Melmnn, Mr. John I'ntliin, Mr. Wurd flretrn, Mr. Krliljofl Hee. Mr. Ilnrohl Bworx'. Mr John Minor, Mr, llamil, Mr. Cedrlo Itoblnmin, Mr. (lllhert Jordan, Mr. HiMrli Vlncunt. Mr. William I la.unl. Mf. Rnuhnn ArmstronK, Mr. Albert MiiKlln. Mr. William MiilmeK, Mr. Nel non, and Mr. New Wwt. Jl J (TJi announeenient of Hie riinrrlaRn of MIhi Ida M ItoKei'H anil Mr. CbarleH H May, of ANhevllle, wlipii oi'eurred July 4th In lli-nileiHi.nvllpi, wan a plMinanl noiiree of mirprlw to their friend. MIh ItnRora Is 41i daughter of Mr. and Mm. W. II. RoKer of DiIk cUy. Mr. and Mim. May will inuke their hum In AalnvHIe and are nl prent reHldlng at 331 lluywood lret. J Mrs. rhlllji Cooko ent ertalnx tliln murnlnK wllh n brliln parly In honor of Mra, UHymonil N. lockwmiil, at her residence on Hoco jlreet. v J Tht I.lRht Hearnra of (he Methodist ehareli will Rive n lawn parly Thurs day evenliiK. from 7 iinlll I I o'i loi h, on the enriier of laywi"nl and Wiiliint atretn. The publle In enmlpilly ImlP d to attend. The hook ri'i'ltal Willi Ii will be Khetl Thursday eeniiiK at ll"' I 1 1 1 i I'ark hotel by MIhs KPhvih e IIiiIh-i naPI will be of InlereM lo iiiiimIi' luvrr MImh Hnberwald Btiidled under Mine. le la Gi mme In J'ai l.M, an exponent of I he Ga,rcla Hehool, and her video baa Ih-. ii llkjenod to that of Anlulni-tie si. i II UK. MIhn Hut" rwald has miiiniiiiml a profrrain eoiitiiinlnK a number of beautiful komum I'ii hui ntlv 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 I In the programs of renowned Nliifp ih Mevrl Ilabn HimeM 'eiH Avaleut iP-m Ail' s. . . Ilalin Mbtlily Ink a Koie With. nit Thee 1 1 I.'heure d'A.iir lM Hi ll" 'III It'll TAUT II. The Temple 11. IN . . . Ne In Hard, lot . . I I " 1 1 11 1 ' H . . . 1 l.illlles . . . I'lmli n i iiit i-na 1 1 ley liiK. . Ni v I ii . . IP altllis . . . Kneels 'li.iliiin.l'le Hopes r 1 1 ivrr 1- Oh, Thin We Two Were Ma SnpplMehi. ( id,- At 1'artliiK TrahlHuii . I'AKT II I- or Thin . . S'-rt-nata . . (In l..oi l I ahIh i "f i: l'"leer flle C'.'i'l Hv,' Ml-w Mini Ml.v-i iliiP, i 1 1. Km en . Tost! . W Pile . 1 , lies . .Tost I . .'I '.stl llipanj -.hill Hill ROCK BOTTOM SALE LADIES' TUB SUITS t l ;il from if'JO.OO I.i .-r'J.'i.tMl . . . . Suits pri lul's. Whitt i ntlci', U'lll ;iinl ixvrv. '; mi .'nn I l;i. c t ii Sirit riins: llili'll .ill'l I -I i. t i roin I !;,"( 1 1 . i .il lllhil, hip i isc lai'V f riiiiiiiiil. Suits piii i , Col.tl-s: Intc. I Plain T.iiltni ,1. Tiil'SP Mills ami liiiciip. This lo the "Moiuv' M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S SUITS. 11 PATTON AVENUE i.l.l w lo in. I II all- .l.e HP, I Hi I pb I iml ..r i till i M. ii. ,i i.i in. imi.i , I . I III. ll Pllil- ill. il. pl.i id 'I n I I ll tl..' . .11 ll.K. The Kr.ll .11 T'.xaw.ir I earl-. Ii. TiKimii'.'-rii'-nt wh? I In- ' .1-; In I In- In nl a i 1 1 -. 1 1 . i' i' in st a nf I in I . i , I . I i : I I w i-P ' line I. allu: fi.l IIM I n ii m b'-i a- 'iri.H. , Mr W 1 1 Si ii 1 1 him, "f S.i vaiimip, il l., ami Mih. l-iimna Ciiina. Mis.s : i 1 1 1 1 ;i , nml Ml Alfnd fliima. -if New i ii Pa iim. wi' P.-i m i In I r aer un bone. I pli.-i". with other i Ii ii r in I li K llilliil in ? of t he Inn I II b'-r l erelit .n i l alv In. Pop M r nml Mrs. I. t'l.n K.ll mid f.mllv, nl Allanl.'i, M rjn I-: II Al'op. Mr. A. Alsop mid Mr II I'. Al'f.p. ..r WiiMhliiKton. Mr. .1. TiuK. Mi niHsippl. Hr. 1 l I'nilt ami I.iiihIv, of New (H P mis, Mr. ami Mi... .In". Tlionipson, of i 'Pm P-Mt.iri, M (V. Mr. W. I!. I'resiotl. At Inula. Ha.. Mf .1 i'. Moore, the Mls-.es M....I' ..I I : i Ii in. .ml. Mr. and Mrs, W II 'i,ne' 1 1 1 nil I HKha m, Ala , Mrs. A. A Pee I. Wm. i. Texas, Mr mid Mrs II. It I'.itii.ii, M. ii -on, ila., W S. I'opper, M.i.oii. (in., Mrs. ! Tliornlon. A I I.i n In. Mi. H. I'..l.r, Allanta. Mr. and Mm 'I li..s l Ma. Pin. i 'Pari. it H. Mr. I,. I. A i nisi ronif, Savannah, and the Misses I lender-son, of M.-mphlK Anionic recent AshevHIe arrivals are, Mr. ami Mrs Newton M. AnderHoll, Mrs, .1. I-'. llavn. Miss Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. I-'. It. Hewitt and family, the MIhssi-h Mi-mi, Muster I.ynn Mend, MIhh Itrown, Mlsn Kmlly Hoiirn. J TTie annual ine'-tlrt? of the board of illreitors of I he North (arollna Chil dren's Home hoi P-tv was held the latter pari of the wis-k In tlrei iiHboro, and the oflP-erH for Die year elei-ted. Ir. H. Weslray llatlle, fpr mime time a dlrrelor of the Roelely, was eketed presidi-iil nf lh recent meetlnii. r. ftaltle'M electloii has Klvcn rise In gen eral satlsl'iii-Mon and It Is Pit thai his In II i M'Iii-k and Intel-cat will be of un-nt !' Ill In the, work. The vice-presl- denl elected were: II I'. Iilmn, lr l-'rum la 1'. V'etiublu, and Mr. .1. Van l.lndley. Iir J. 8. Hetts, of Ureeiin born. wnii eleiied Hccretary. and Mr. Neal lilinp'tiui Ireasurer. Mr. 10. I,. .Slde wiim elected financial oecielary of the Boclely. Mr William H. Hlrceter the slate Hiiperliilendenl. la n.. nub Jeet to the aiiniinl election, and con tinues Ills lino work In the InlerenU of the society, wllh pn-acnt hcaibiiar ! rs In AshevHIe. The Noclety has recelviil iliiiim; the last five yarn and pi n ed In p.. mes, .'K.ll children. Only I he destitute and homeless children of white paicnl-i are received and Iiihiioh ar e pro PP ii for IP. iii, where thev under the constant supervision of lln- H'icPiy until tin y are of af(e. It Is Hie business of Hie superintendent lo visit ni fii-iucnl Interval.- the. various Inst il ul Ions. Th. foil. .win r.-poii Is lalien from I'll.- t ii-.-eii-di.ii-o I in i I v News In Its Ini tial Is-. lie: "At Hie ni. i IIih; of lln- board of di e. Iocs of the North Carolina CPU ren's lloiiii- society, h. PI lasl Friday xciilnit for the purpose of l i tiun lln- olip-cis .if Hie lorpoiatlon for tint ear. a slrmip' l. tp r linm I'ol. W 11. isP'.i ii, ivlui has been the president from Hie lieKUruliiK, was read, and be in Kini; thai a new man I lected, his reipicst as k ranted, and 1 r, H. Wva- II. IV It.lltle. of AshevHIe. WHS 111111111- ioii.-I chosen Mr. It Ii. liouKbis nl i ii 'iu. ste.l that another be elecled I. epi i sl.l. nt In his Kti-iid, be also Ptivimr served from thti becliinliiff. nml Mi. .1. r ii I, In. II, v was elected. The oliiclal st.ilT ,,f the col'poratlon now stands ns I. .Ilovvs: I'r.-sbl. nl. I r. H. Westrav IPittle. AshevHIe; lc.vpresl- dents, I I-', r I. Ill, II. V . ii. tis. i; 1 1 ii tt "i i . II. I'. IMv.ni. Itiilelub; Dr. en i I.I.-. Chapel Hill; J. Van 0- .-relary. Or. .1. ,s. treasurer. Nell I-:- linancial s.-crc. I nshoro. W. II. as stale Pllpelin ' Ii is assistant - M rs 1- I.I v ol kel s, M l.ss Mis Nannie Wil- L.P recle III til. H i'h'.rn.'i.s.iri Is al I. .1. In Pis r. I 1 1 -1 ... I I ,1-1, Ian 1-: SI I eelcr I. lint;. .111.1 P IS ; and .,s t. ml Sir Sa. el. r. P.- 1PP . u no. us. Willi p... M iss II. II. in Ih. m l. I as $14.95 .illil tl.il' Mile I'inl Ian. iiiuii'il. I t .f lti.. "id . . . . $10.95 iulil .nul ila i k grvy, ( tii I a ii j'liiK. I lam aim i a! l'l'-.m .7. ".ii It. ? HUM) $6.95 Iiip, Ian, pink, lavt'inlcr anil Icatlit r. aif mailt1 in liiii-n. ciasli, import ttl rep sp.'i.m iij's styles. 'I'ailni imr a in I linisli up SI a i it la i i. THE A.SHEV1L Why Darn Stockings By Hand? You Can Git Frit Ltttoni i ... 1 1 p,i ii,. Hiiiil i lint Hi" II . Ill- -'Up- I I 1 1 let. P. id P.-e, I row "Til 1. 1 1 n had In-. Heal ml. .pi" d I I-.. I ! -- l.l.llll ii an. I f . a. h ,. lie i Pe. I i ,r ih. i.:: 1.1. , , , i - .1 Int.. P lal . iisP.il , . '. ' i.il ,lne m .1- . I d. I"' th. I I, , ry will 1,"' "in i.-ip'iilv H soliitlii f IP. problem ..I lie. .1 bud P.. II found Will.--lit l.iklliK actual . Iimi'e Hi,- .liil.Jr.it. 1:1.1 r.iiioli..'- ai l-.. .1 f-.r i InPli en ami I v -' "f l P. - . v. . re v i: .led bv . .ii r i . I . i ' nt.i 1 1 . . , 'J .: 7 v Nil vv i i . i n a . p I.. . In el i - n all' olv 111 hollo ". In III' pi " I ll M o'll .Pp. illio. Ill, !l7 v ' i ' liamll. .1 'lor ini-: IP. liar, XI P'-lnif put liom.M. At this date Ho over ;:r.ft winds thai It Is I. I. I if lie.-, nil hand In - int.. r II. ic iel J . ... I no ill, K ll" lias af none al e more Iril'-l est iiik or 110,1. I" Pe desired Pv einplv hearts than twin hi ow ii-c vi-d uliis, now 1 r, rrioiillis ..11. The socielv desires lo keep I I,. in t . Kitll.T. Ill his Piter llcililit; lo le lire as president, i oloin I i isl,.,i n paid a biKh IrlPnle lo the riobl" wotk ol (he society and In the cffoiiH ,,r Super Intend, nt Slreel. r ami Mis. Sir. el.r. lb- lilt," H llll llll.'.' ll-i lo nive pp. Illllv to I his ileserviii i ha nl v. Mrs. ilium' I lav Ii 'mi will be host i".s at a Pri.lis'i- pmiv this a f I -r run ni Klvcn in honor of Miss Jes-ie lirnl lors of Keriliicky. . Mrs. 1'aul I'miuin plves a small dinner at Overlook park ca-in in honor of Miss West's KU'sl". th -Missi-s Shlppi-n. Mrq Kdwiird While has Issuid In iNatlons to-an Informal enl .i I a In in.-n i which will be Kiven Thursday evwi IriK In hirinr of Miss Annie 'olvlns k'll'Sl, MIhh Jessie Itriithers. . M The Hlrls' Friendly society of Al! Souls' church will shortly "o to Christ school where thev will remain a week, Mrs. Uodney It Svvop will ehapcrono tho followinir yoiimr la dles: Miss Herlba Hainlllnii. Miss rilhel I.ipe, Miss Varolii. VnrliiirnilKh, Mlns Nann l.nllalii. Miss Mary liuls" Hwnpe, Miss Nellie l.Ipe, Miss Kdllh Arthur. Miss Carrie Uoherls and Mi?.M Allen Halt Pin ion. . Miss Annie (lolvln entertained Inst evenlnir for her house KU'st, Miss Jessie Tlrothers. Miss Colvln's guests were Mlsi Itol.ln K.rinell. Miss Myr tle OudRi r, Miss Jessie Wheeler. Miss Itllby Itobertsnli. Miss Kalherllre Hea dles and her Kiiest Miss I'aulln.. fit man nf Kentucky, and Miss IJIIIan Kountaln; Frank (ludgcr, Hubert Wilson, Harry Hchuessler, William liriiiiimornl. James Woodard. Hurt Hiinimy and Hurdle S. Chambers .1 . The f'olnnlal bus been much In ev idence In l,o social fiimilons of Hi" past week, the Rllests havInK enloye 1 onn round of pleasure after another In qiili'K succession. One of the ehb f pleayiires was a roachlng party clven by Mr. ('orncllns I'ovvers of Charles ton, 8. C, In honor or his slsjera, and chaperoned by Mrs. I J. tlrm-v of New Orleans. 1M . and Mrs. H. I. Morrison of Keldsvllle. N. C. Anion,; the KuestB were Miss .lories of lieidn vllle, N. C, nnd Mrs. Vernon and sister of Texas The weather was entirely propitious for such a pleis ure ami well may Mr Powers boast "f havlnn a rharmlnif group of fair women under his escort. He proved himself, verily, a Clu-sleiilel.l In cour tesy and was easily dublied the "How -or of ktilKhlhniiil " The week's pleas uivs i ulinliiale.l tu a cbarnilnn Har den parly on the Colonial gr omnia Klvcn by Its hostess, Mrs. o. 1, Nov -HI'-, who has easy prconUneiice amniiK the bnstessca if which AshevHIe may ..."iibi. i no oarniy roiiatlou served during attractive music by a stringed orchestra, together with the repartee ludulged In by the wit nml humor wllh which the guests are endowed made it at once the most at I r a, t iv . evening of th,, week's pleasures, par ticularly so when the danclne: P.. lawn nnd Ing room lalcr iiPlhe spacious din was Indulged p. unnl s later hour. TPe OoPini;,! e,.sps pMs, of their hostess as the most , harm ing of the city nnd th" compliment Is w.-II deserved arid most worthily iicsiowcil as Is shown l.y her glle returning to her season after Scas st- M r have lines 'ol. -ma n from a mi Soiiiv a ami ipll.li i-it I,, Mi r's l-land I el ill n, , III ('alter Mel Ml -til e Pre VV I" .it I-: Hanks, , I' I 'oil was om-iated ,,, t Hie Mis,,,,, ii. w hi. h w ill p.. main liieml.s. for a, -PH il. w I. .on h ll. ll. Ills i . . ..V .1 inn. itevv s p, p., Mi.-s 11 itiie lp.liius, m1sm " Iti-lhns and Mrs . M. ,. n ' ' "d ni in d Ii .-lii a v. -ii pi M' "I a ' l al PI,,, M,., , K ill,, r I: -ii.ii Mr... I. r Walls. , 'f 1 i I ! I ' VV Pe,', , V alol ale 111, l;u, b ins. 1 1 1 mil" v ill. ' ai..l M t I I. I' ll I. I, 1,1 Mi ll.'il-l, line it P. , -lid Mi ' I " mill I I" mar. re fi.l r... -ni in. "f III,' I '.l'sll' .1 lln. , , hn.iien VI .11 pi Ml- ". li i.i r r ,1 -I I .-I.: ! VV W a- P. Mi . v Oil Oil i 1 1 i i m.-. win,, ' Hi llelid. I- III. ll-. ..f liat o,-k. ear, t lYlllpliian t '. I. U Pi. .11 j Mi and Mi-- W. P Clark", w p., In I" hdii.n the pa--t in. ail li m I nave Rone to Sv la, use. a II i.tiim to Atlantic Cuv lib uf HepU-mber. All I i N' V . ,, t"l the LE 'l TTZEN, TITLSP A Y. ."IT H . t-ittti '-IRNIN5 : iiririajir.9 iNGEnllAnNEff mea on toy Kvlng MachlM. Show toiMtt flngerttara. See It TO-OAV. at W Cloyd rvnnel b.c i--i.. v .IP l-vv.. to altvnd in. i li.i. i national conv i n o n i .ii in that city, VI i Danle Itober I.' "I .'.' w v i; 1 1 1 ii K -VI i . A. H -,,, . i p, residence oi Cuinb. i land av, Mr. .lame McPlo i.-.rr. .f i- in At Ih vllle for u f.-v da . f ..... i - i.-i i.' I... ,11 In Mil '. Henry pow . irieanp, are gu hotel for aey. i ; and al Ih l.ild. I '.all, I .ilk Mr William Orav apolis. Is In the cli . of Indian--Port i-t.iv i"i MJss Maude Cm, . ..f Hn.n Miv r. ml Miss Wllhplmina Tate, ot MoiKali- I ton. nr.- In AshevllP- I'm a Pi i.i' -lav. i and are at the Halter v Park hoi'l. I Mr. J. Duncan '.nnpPeli. "f W.-v ...ith. Nova Kcolla i spendiiiK "v- i I W eeks In Ashe V MP Mr. W. S. Collie, i in I he cltv for a few ,11 I'UMIieSS. Mr i. I!. Y. Oram, d Miss H. Thomas, -i visilor s lii the city, a ml tor'. Park hotel. ild I'.oi. vv York, al IPe ni.i Mr. C. iw n for ".Ige Ijoynl a brief stav a lo, ha" I" p 1 1 Sunday. -n In Miss Mary Keebon, I P.- guest of Mra. .1 V hoii f the latter m Mrs. Frank Fltloan ..f lladdonlleld, N. .1 . ..I Mr. and Mra. Jarii. ..oi Is a brothel of ol Tarboro. is Par ker at the i-oximity Park. and daughter, are the gilsts . II. Wood Mr Mrs. lithian. Mr. William OoP man has gone to Seattle tu attend lln- Alaska-Yukon and l'mille exposition and liel'oni re turning will spend two mouths in Canada. California ami Arkansas. Col Horace lleiiuchamp, of Orlan do, I- la , is ut Hul l Springs for the summer. tP-orge and Huruin Pennel have gone , Louisville and la-xirigliui, Kv , to visit friends and relatives In and Mi's, ST. small mm, of Utile spending the sUtnim-r leys' mother, Mrs. .1 Moiitford avenue. II lleukley Hlld Itock. Ark , are with Mrs. Bcak K . Coleman, on Mr. and Mrs. fit Klmo Massengale of Atlanta, whdihavn been the guests of Mih. Charity' Ttusk Craig, return to their home tpdav. ' Mrs. Junius Adams Is visiting rela tives in Wisconsin. Mrs. J K Colnnan und Miss Mar garet Coleman, Bo have be.-n attend ing a Confederate reunion al Chester, H. C., have relumed lo the illy. Or. J.-re Cm-lie. Mr. Kugeue Cock ', and Mr. II N. I.oc'kw ,,,,.1 have rp Inrneil from a tlshlng Hip to Nanta hala. Miss Kathnrlm ed from a visit Pauline I'll mail. , Miss Pea, lies Oeadlcs Jiaa return to Kentucky Miss f Kentckv , Is v isit lug Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdvvarrt .1. Paciitietto spent the week .ml with Mr. and Mrs Montgomery al Ardeu Park lodge. The Baby Opera FRIDAY NIGHT July 23d nr t lie lu iipHt of i The Asheville Poultry and Pet Stock Association 200 Children in Cast Mirth, Music and Song ADMISSION 25 and 50 cts. Tickets now on sale at SEA WELLS PHARMACY (LONG AND SHORT Hat Pins From 50c to $5.00. I MISS CRUISE 2.S Haywood 8trt 20 PER CENT OFF 11 i a summer luniiniiT ilui illl, t lie llinlltll of Julv. ftFAiiMnivT fiirnitiirf I - m-i IVIIIV11 I H iV 111 S viiw COMPANY 27 S. MAIN ST. W. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importer No. RaiterT rrk Place. Pboaa 1044 TTj-HJ "-.in, i T.n Cirer.nnfi Corsetfl For every type of figure I GREEN a w., 12 Church Street, : i: l-:.M ttl.lt That the prize ad vancement Writing Contet of the Phi.li -"inpanv does on on.- is bound to win. .iiilv HI, ::i. ii-.r The Willis Photo Company, 29 Patton Ave. Cheap Milk I uully heap In Quality as well ru pile, it la danieroua. Our milk It not lr thai rlaaa. It la abaolut ly para, clean, rich and wholstoua. Asheville Pure Milk Co ICsat Walnut Bt. Pbooe 6M Do You Know It Requires 4 to 6 Years .to bir I Id a Stlcff or ftliavv piano, from I Int tlino e place the lumber In our lumber yards until Hi piano Ih liiilslied? We air-dry all our lumber anil Hint Is one reason why our plnnosi art; ho thoroughly good. Xlic Lumber In alsnrt tvvo-tblrils of tire pia nos maile Is In virgin forest less thai- tvtelvc iiioiitlix be fore lliev art- llnlshi l ready to sell. They arc made out. of kiln dried lumber and tills Is the principal reason they will not Htunil and are ho unsatisfactory after a few years. One piano In a lifetime ta enough and If that piano Is STiEI'F It will. WRITE TODAY. Clias. M. Stiell Manufacturer of tha Artistic St led. Shaw, and Sllelf Self-player riaiioa. SOUTHERN WAIIEROOSI 6 Went Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. O. H. WWiMODTH, atanager. (Uentlon thla paper.) QUEEN ZENORA AKIilVldi' AliltlVKD! APKI V lii "'! Till.; PUr IH KTIvV:-'. l-'ees ver y reasonahl. vvi.'. in th" leach of till .KM . K A llli:s Ni IT KKQt'Uti: Yor T.n wuiTK vmi! (iri:s- Tli.N'S. NKIiilKIt l)(ii:s SIIK ASK (Mi'ISiii .NS HI'ltlN'C, Till-: I.KM'.TH ok mat i:adini;s. hit i:i:.ups YiM'li LIKK AS ll- Kill) Pi-aiSO.N-AU.Y KM-:V nU l-'Ko.M 1'IUi'H. .-H oa fcj a remarkable woman I'or twelve years .she llljutllietl th pe,,ple .if New York city (which rlty in her home) with some lernarkabl phenomena. As n clairvoy.-inl and psy chic she stands v Ithout an cpial. Hut Hum Is a side issue with her. Her Ki-eat-est vyork and lb,- kind that Hives p'ood lor thought to all llniiklim men audi women In Hi,, tact mat .she provc-i Unit "thuiiKhts are tliini,"s'' and "vvllat ulie fears ni iii-ralh i niin-s i.i lli.-m." Her- stii.lv In occulliMn has proven in lie a iies.sine; p, i ii , ,,is:i n. I s ol llli-lj and nam ii. II- i p.. a. i- iu Piiuwiiux nalisf.ictory results in business trans actions, love, domestic alTair.s, -ick-ncss and all a flairs ,.f life has caused a sensa I i. .11. Hovv is it dune 7 7,,'n.ir a d.-.-s it by the power of mind. I.i. (her vvii'i 111.' hidden fiir.eS she has made lite mud), of hems developed to a di gree in d muallcd bv any ..tin rs ir. this counlrv. j Ponder on the follow im; ,, ,n,i,e difficult is Hi,- eniisimr ,,f r.-li iciorv 1 husband or vv if t.. re ceive th,- iinpre.s5i.iiis in ih.ir mi tula of those tli.y left behind and pro duce the desired results yj7 a r,.. lilntlliK - than it is to send :l m. s.sane Ip.nisaiids ,.f miles .vvitlv.,111 -,v u - s. This Is an ase of pr.mresi.,n l -erythini; is possible Zennra s , lients are men ami vv-oin.-n In the l st ivalks of lit... and hi. n. li.-, Is owe th.-lr -u--i-e-w, prvsperrtv and happiness to her powers. If you are worried, depressed, m. I ancholy or unsui-o.-ssf nl, call and in tervlew thin w Lilian. Test Hcadliurs, is rents. 21 Asiilajid Avenue. 11 irr- -r: -mmmmmm Special Prices on Summer awns Our luvply linp of thiu sunimei' lawus wiUf i sold this ufpk al piirfs that shoiild make theni go rap idly. The dainty designs whit h these goods are )aW up in ouglit rt iiainly to play an important-part jn ctiin iiifiiig vmi in luy your lawns here. -They. em-. lod- ijtripps, i lit i ks, flora 1 effects and figures of rare beaut v. There is one rule that we insist , on at this store and that is goods shall not he carried over from one season to anol her. Positively all the goods we show each season are new. sometimes we duplicate Imt more often they are something entirely differ ent. v This summer we have a few too many lawns but they should go ouickly at the following prices: l'5c yard colored lawns. 27 in. wide will he sold at 9c Yard 2.V vard colored lawns, 2'i in. wide will be sold at 121-2cYard lHc vard colored lawns, 27 in. wide will he sold at 6c Yard Clearance Me of Ready-to-faear Garments Continues Successfully MANICUIUNQ, Halrdreiisliig, Facial Uaaaagea. Sclp ttjeatment a apeeialty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet artlelea witches, puffs and porapadnuea madn to oruer. Price reasonable, work Urst elasa. 8KINNEH AND HU1VTKR, IjADIEH. I1ENTI.EMEN and 10 Pau-egon liklg. A SQUARE DEAL Ever stop to think of your fuel bill, and how small an item it is eompared with other expenses? COAL is a necessity, and the luxury obtained from using GOOD COAL is worth a considera ble differeuce in price. M k W Indian Coal costs no niort than poor coal and has the QUALITY there tluit makes its use a luxurv. Phone I'AO. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone ISA. Patton Ave, Claudius II. Miller M, T. D. flrafltrate Ancrlcan Col U'Ke Mechnno-'l'hornpy I i North Spruce Street. Lit erature mailed on request. Phone 671. MIX 11 WO-Tlll It v Tu:.Tn:r A SoleiillllY oiiililiuiil,,,, nf I-Vm.iI, t'ln-iiiiivtaiu-es. Idea. Water nml .Moiion for the Stlmiibilioii t Tli v-ioloKlcal Aciiiin dt .Mo ba nl a I and (Hhcr Melius rnr Hie I'ui-him- ol i:tabll-,liln- a ornial t ondillon ,f I be IIihIj. jPEERLESS .CTTta ASHKVILJ.E .. fx OUR SPECIAL SALE OF VAL LACES CONTINUES TODAY If vou , iccd these W ,,,. ,.h,: j11w1 llU4ke vour mic tion from tl.es.- exeellei.t values Lot 1 ;it Ut L ;it Lot :!at Lot 4 .-it . Lt.t : ;it . !! hit of 1.()0 Waists Out- lot of ...,11 Wai.sts Big Reduction on VISITOItS. SAVE MONEY. I.j having your teeth attended to by"i i Always up-to-date. Pain left and IP liable. Crown und Bridge work a specially. Popular prices. lilt M ATTIIKW'S liEStAIi PAH- ..-20 -27 ew MeWee B1( corner ollege and Spruce, opposite 1st. Bap ilsi l.iirch hihI near Court House, Pin. ne 4. Kesidenre Phone tlx. STONK VXEH COOLKR8 Keeps your water clean anil pure. S,c them at The Asheville ckiua Co., 6 North Paek Spuare Watches My Specialty, i It yuu need a watch that will keep' time, we have them, and at prlcat ' ti.at are riKl.t ' Fine Watch Repairing. . J. E. CARPENTER i 32 Patton Ave. Partle contemplating lawn fetea, ';' picnics, camping parties, and la any knd of outlnS, can be auppUml with Japanese napkins at tha ' t,i MOUNTAIN CITY IJ1UNDBT free of cost on applcUon. , dailx 6ta;e lin: To Mars vu& AIVU DEMOCBAT. Beclnnlng April 16th a atara will connect with the 12 45 car on tha Weavervllle Line for Mara Hill o Mondays, Wednesdava anil HV-Muva: nnd for Democrat and Barnardsvl'.a on Tuesdays, ThursUaya and Satur days. CITIZEN WANT. ADS BRING RESULTTS X 3c yard. 5c yard. 8c yard. 10c yard. 12k yard. ;it at 60c 03c All Summer Suits li-aairi,.. ,

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