THE "ASH CITIZEN. :- . v., ;;, " ;j Associated Press, Leased Wire Reports. EILLE J'. j V.. n j VOL. XXV. NO. 274. IllOUSEiN ANUGLY i MQODTIGHTEiySUP 1 STRlNeSflFPURSE .. . JfV Gives President Ills $25,000 For Traveling Expen ses. However DENY CLERKS THEIR , EXTRA MONTHS FAY Will be Economical Hereafter in Faying For Bond Of Public Officers ! (By s.s.laU-d Press.) WASHINGTON, July 20. Th ur gent deficiency bill was passed by the house today after four days of tempestuous dn-bate. The amount car ried by tt is J454.809, or I:!u.40K. more than the orlgiiuil sum, ami In cludes 126, 000 travelling expenses for the president. Thle session began calm enough, but as the day wore on, the members got Into a more or less surly mood and this Ifd to a success ion of objections to amendments ami to almost every one. of the remaining paragraphs, some of vvlch were sus tained. After denying the usmeV extra months pay to officers and employes of the capital, thu house threw out of the bill the allowance for extra work to committee stenographers and then turned in and refused to carry out a mandate of the 1'nlted States Supreme court for the payment to J. M. Cellulitis and company of New York of 1205,614. Finally the democrats led by Mr. Bowers, of Mississippi, sought to de feat the proposition for the payment of the president's trave lllng expenses, but tn that they were unsuccessful. Also After Komllng tliiuul"s. Bonding companies must return to he rates of 1 90S If they hope to get any business (rum the officers of the . fouerriment occupying positions of trust; The -urgent deficiency bill con tains l. xpresa prohibition against the payment' "oT'lhe higher premiums deUftiwajMst year .- by the i companlfiS. " ( ; In tb)e course of a discussion of th merits of.the proposition Mr. Tawnoy j gave notice that before the present '.extra session closed he would endeav- lor to haw adopted a resolution nu- (thori'.lng a' commute, to thoroughly (Continued on page four.) WHOLE TOWN MOURNS DEATHOF LASTDAUGHTER OF IDE CONFEDERACY Daughter of Confederate President Was Univer sal! V Beloved. OBSEQUIES SIM PI (Hy Associated Press.) COLOHAUO SPUINdS, Col. July 20 Preparation for paying the last lltes of respect to Mrs. Margaret Howeli Jefferson Davis Hayes, the "Daughter of be Confederacy.." whose funeral will be held here tomorrow morning at It o'clock Is the absorbing topic In the Pike's Peak region today. Mrs Hayes bad a warm place In the hearts of the residents of the region and Its visitors. Her spacious home whs famous for Its himpitallty, both for town folk and those coming her. and her quiet charity made her beloved by the poor. Most of the usual social festivities at Broadmoor Casino were omitted IBt night, there being a comparative ly small number of persons in atten dance. Definite details In regard to the funeral arrangements have not been made except that the services will be held t the residence tomorrow at 11 a. m and will lie private owing to the lack of aerommodai ions for the crowd that otherwise would attend. The pall-bearers have been select ed from among the most intimate friends of the Hayes family here, the funeral tomorrow being of purely lo cal character. The bearers include a number of friends selected from among the younger set to which the Haves children belong. The Hev. Arthur N. Tart, rector of St Stephen s Episcopal churwh, and he Hev. Henry Kutgers Item-ten. ,,. tor of (Jrace Episcopal church, will officiate. The service will be sim ple and it Is probable there will be no music except a song by Mrs John Speer Tui-ker. a friend of the family. Following the services, the ashes which have been placed in a casket of uauaf'slze will be taken to Ever green cemetery here, where they wl!l (Continued on pae four.) DECLARE SUTTON SHOT HIMSELF B UT STORIES DIFFER There Had Been Marine Corps' of Tragedy at The Naval Academy. (By AsMH'latl Press.) ANNAPOLIS, Md.. July 20. The proceedings at today's session of the urt of Inquiry which is investigat ing the death of I.leut. Janu s N Sut ton. U. H. M. C. of Portland. Oregon, took a sensational turn when lirst Lieutenant William V. Hivmi, of Un united Slates marine corps, now at tached to the battleship New Jersey took the witness stand near the ad journment of court and related his part in the tragedy in the early morn ing of October 1 It, l'JOT. when young Sutton met his death. Lieutenant He-van was officer of the guard in the marine camp on that nighi and out' of the first men to reach the scene of Sutton's death. ;laring IHsc rcmni les. Like Lieutenant Adams he testified that Sutton deliberately shot himself, but beyond the cardinal fact his de scription Of Sutton's alleged suicide varied in important details from the story told by Adams, the man who said' he had partieipated in the. life and death struggle with the young Oregon lieutenant just prior to his act of self-destruction. The most glaring disagreement with Adams' story came when Hevan swore that he and two other officers were on top of Sutton trying to hold him down to prevent him from using his revolvers when Sutton freed an arm from under him ami tired a bullet into his own brain alter some one re marked that he (Stilton i had killed Lieutenant -Roclker. Adams testified that he had risen from Lieutenant Sutton's body and that Sutton lay ex hausted and alone on the ground when he saw him raise his right hand and lire the shot that ended his life. Wild Went Mghl. Bevans' testimony also revealed that a situation bordering on a Wild Wist rampage had existed In the ma rine camp just prior to the shoot ing, when Sutton had been trying to make lieutenant Koelkcr dance by leveling two revolvers at his feet and afterwards rushed from the camp, disregarding hi arrest by the officer of the guard, and shouting that he would quit the marines for good and all. The fact that Lieutenant Hevans was on duty and had not been afford ed nn opportunity to join In the "larks" of his brother officers, is bound to attach weight to his version IH DEFENDING HIS WIFE Wife of. Dead Man Declares Hie Killing Was Jus tifiable. RELEASED ON POND (Special to The t ill. H ) Ool.l'SHOIto. July 20. - .Sunday evening about o'clock I'alalown. eight nubs from this city, was tin scene of a terrible tragedy, as a re sult of which I Hit Id l!lv us, Is held under a l-ti.l Juslilied bond for lie August term ol court, charged with the killing of his brother. The two brothers lived within on. 'hundred yards of ,ai li other ami Ho tiagedy occurred In a cotton held nc twien the two homes. James lllvens had just b it his home when he heard his wife screaming Hi the cotton Held and running toward the scene grabbed a hoe at the toba e,, bam. He was startled to fw- bis wife being choked to death by his brother.- David lllvens, and struck his brother on the load, rendering him senseless. lie died lilteeli IlllllUle later. As his brother fell from the blow, James likens carried his wife to her home and by ugoiou-i i-IOrta- saved her. Slue had neen nearly, strangled to death, being black In the face. I'pon his return to lh scene of the attack he found his brother dead. The only wilness to the tragedy was the ibacl man's wife, who as a sister of the won. in attacked. Juiims ISivins surrendered to the authorities lat Sunday night and was given a hearing before Justic e- or the e ninn vextcrclav morning. The wido of David Hivcn t.-stitled that her brother-in-law was justified In killing her husband, and upon this testimony the defendant was released under 1200 bond for his appearanr August term of court. at Hie KIXTKKV K1LLKI) IN MIXK. LAXilKNI'llKKII. Prussia. July 20 Kltte.-n miners wire killed bv Ho explopion of fire damp In a mine at Mansfield today Many other wnrk taken from the mine un conscious and conveyed to a hospital ASHE VILLI-, N. Wild Doings in Camp on Night of the affair. He made a good Im pression on the witness stand and gave testimony without the least com punction or nervousness. Major Iann ard. the judge advocate, had not fin ished his direct examination of Hevan when rourt adjourned for the day. Corroborate Atlanta, The trio of young officers, Adams, Osterman and Hevan, who were all In at the death, so to speak, occupied the time of the court today. Lawyer Davis. Mrs Sutton's coun sel, completed his cross-examination of Lieutenant Adams In quick order after court opened. Osterman, as-a member of Sutton's automobile party on the night of October 12, corroborated Lieutenant Adams' story, except to add that lie believed Sutton was Intoxicated that night. Major Leonard said at the adjourn ment of court today (hut he did not expect the Inquiry to be completed this week. Major Leonard brought out for the llrst time lodav evidence in regard to the Hpace of time between the tir ing of the five shots. Lieutenant Os terman test Hied that the first three shots were tired In rapid succession, with a perceptible Interval between the fourth ami lifth shots. The wit ness said he couhl not say what iut ton's physical condition was after the light with him. Bring In Miss Stewart. Lawyi-r Onvls referred tn Miss Stewart, of I'lttsburg, the young wo man with whom Sutton Is said to have spent the evening prior to the siuiot lug. "When you went to Carvel hall did you see Lieutenant Sutton and a young lady'.'" nskd Mr. Davis. "1 did." answered Osterman. Osterman Insisted that no argument took place in the automobile on the way Hr amp, until Lieutenant Otley iauggeatedr. -that they had better get out and walk to camp. Then Lleu tennnt Sutton said he would not get out, no matter what the others did, and turned to Adams and called him a coward. "Adams Jumped out and unloosen ing his coat, sahl that if Sutton was (Continued on page seven.) ATTEMPT TO ENJOIN ALL PARTIES TD STRIKE IS FOILED Br THE COURT Refusei Filed I to Entertain Suit by Public Defense Association. STRIKE STILE ON (lly Associated Press.) PITTHMl'HU. July 20 - -The flrl effort on record in the United Stales l i stop a strike by enjoining 'both the principals and the commoinvea:! h lulled today when Judges Ford and Crown of the common pleas court su-daliied the demurrer of the Press ed Sleel Car company to the petition I.. i Injunction made by the I'ubll Defense association of Pittsburu against tile company, the sinking employes, and the. sheriff of Alleghe ny county. For !ho strikers, who admitted the conditions as set forth hy the petition ers, and who joined in the demand of the defense association that the court force arbitration upon the com pany ofllilals. It was argued that li was high time for the courts to In terfere. For the defense association it w.t argue. tile atriki: i.-c coat ing- tax payers much mom y and great uneasiness. I-or the coinpanv It wa aigucd that as the petit loners are not injured pKM-sona lly and he i orporat Ion Is not cue of public service, but pri sate, the courts cannot Interfere. The decision of the court estab lishes a precedent anil caused genera comment as the opinion handed do i is far-reaching in effect. Attorn commenting upon the action were un.-M-rsal tonight In their opinion thu' Judges Ford and Hrown were entirely within legal right In their ruling. The decision docs not, houevc r. tend Inward making the situation at the ftchoenWIle plant of the 'Pressed Steel Car company at McKees Itork any better. When th strikers h' aril late toiln' that they had lost their standing In court and again were faring t he com pany only without n arbitration council In sight, ugly rumors wer circulated as to what the car compa ny officials might extneet from no.v on In the nay of rioting and general disorder. C, WEDNESDAY Mo'KNINU, JULY 21. l!Mi. His WRIGHT BREAKS ALL HIS RECORDS FOR AERIAL NAVIGATION AT FT. MYER Remained in Continuous Fli ght for Hour and Twenty Minutes and Travelled Dis tance of Seventy Miles Making Difficult Manoeuvres All the Time Very Enthusiastic. (Hy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, July 20. Estab lishing a new record for aviation In America, Orvlllc Wright In th Wright aeroplane lata today at Fort Myer made a spectacular flight of one hour, twenty mltatcs and forty live seconds duration Ills longest pruvlous light was iH seventy-four minutes made by Mr,( Wright at Fort Myer last fall. t ' During the enUrA flight th machine was under perfect central, but sev eral times, appeared thh' spectators to be on the pln(i ofdivln forward. W ent Kevvttft MOrav '. ... . , - " The machlna trvsiMl ltstHno f about aeventy mile it -was estimate! by Wilbur Wright ah at ona tlmti during the flight 111" height attained, between 260 and 280 feet, exceeded the highest point nor attained by a houvter-than-air machine on Ihls con tinent. The most wonderful part of the flight was hte execution of three. little girl who killed step-faebjs released Will Make I Iit, 1 lonm with tlie Eat her Slew. .f Man She (SMi lal to The I'lllwn.) SMITH KIKLD. N '.. July 2 0 Marie Pulley. 1 'it tie Hi-year nlrl who killed le ' father with Id in axe last Mond.c morning, was p leased from Jail ' 1 'lay morning bond of $1,001' In" Ished by Mr M C Winston and li C W. Iti. liai I son of Salem. ! i' " gentlemen pi cured the ronseni 'f the solicitor I ' accept this bond, and he wrote tin clerk authorized filing of bond in While in tin- ' morning lixini: Winston said ' I permitted to sia and schiwd li"i might us well b Pulley was a in entire continue with the Hub : living live mi ' . r release upon i sum. s office yester.tav the 'bond, Mr. is little girl ' iall, file churi lies In (he ennntv lied down." bail man and I b, n In svtrifi.'it bv A good old I my low here, l a i n -d that the hub sterday moriinc of peaches rind bffen reje.l' e i , and was on her Mrs. .Winston t Is stated thu with Joe Pulley -t censure her in t. Ung of the iiff c girl was in ;c sent her a bo appic-1,, bllt .-le few minutes I' wav tii Kelrn.c ami Itichards" she is going to father who d -the bast for I WAHHINOTI for Js'rlh Car.e an1 Thursday, light to modi-rule 'n)y 20. Forecast Fair Wednesday in ih! tmpfiuture, . jj.ablt? wind. Dream Soon to Be Realized. complete "figure elifhts," which re united careful manoeuvreing in di recting the machine. Difficult Manoeuvre. A thrill passed through the specta tors us the white, flyer, apparently be ginning to dive to the earth, would regain Its equilibrium and sped on ward around the oval above tire pa rade grounds. After rounding the the course half a hundred times the aviator directed the machine around the course In small double circles of a "figure eight." It was the (list tlm i this season and the second time during his career he hat executed this iuhji oeavre. tw Tn the amazement of the itrHf it fWf machine described n second eight and then n third one, after which It wn. guided back to lis former ruilrae of lariic oiils. With tin' ileli rniliuilloti of making a longer Might than heretofore at tempted, the Wrights ordered Hie ae roplane taken from Its shed to Inn PASSES TO THE BEYOND Mix J. C. (licen.- of Old port Daughter of Post master 1 1 vams 1 - ad. (Special to Tin- Clli.' ii.) i il.D I- i I.T. .1 ul 20. I ii the deal ll ol Mrs. .1. u. foineily Miss Maggie 1 1 a ms. wlili h occurred Hun day. .lulv 1Mb. our com in un II v h.i been sudd' to il l I In- loss ., ii wo man whose noble character and gia i ions maimer eli'h.lled h'l I" a 1, 111.0 i it , le ol fii. nds. Ileforc her mar riage she n -.-.istcd h. i fat h-r. post -master i ic II I h am and I h.- Mini!' dispo ilioii 'li'ivin In Ho- 'Hs barge "I le r duties will e . r ! i cue ml" l o b. Hie c. II? of He "fl" ' ' "I' Miming and uni' i in le i bui g c 1 1 1 c I c ml w 1 1 in Ii. ai I' I" I. -ll' V llo ,f ml ill 1 ' . ' ll I" ' . , f,f lb. I'lr.ln ! I in in ell' II i b bin IT' f.itl li, when Monroe 'I h. Ir Id Motel. c, I " ' n .:i 'l iz. d In . hibl. b l!" I I mi. l a I sen Ii en lit! in li! ng al t- n o't I'l. -I. , Tel I I n ' b .In' v . Mr M i. in . d He lior . . .c isoii.i I fie nd "f ' be l.i'oH - . .1 b . I:. Mi M ill. .le c. ..I I to ld. hi . bill, h and If- .. Ml. Sliinii. :.i ).l ii. l . bin. h il i H'l foil. .boil r 1 1 . 1 i 'I iinpr ' sr. el . . i l" ' : I .. Tl ' ' I ' ad ,' l.lghl .111. I Asleep ill .l.'MIH," :i J.I o MHIon of fli.W' I S, tile M . II of 11 Tie I'. in Tie . ,e k. i lie in. Til. li I l..e:l. md I I.. I . d VV il ll M SMI H l.'obbin . r. Sti' lli l l, co m iii on -d f ;l 111 1 1 , II b. . rei s w . l . d l: il I lira. II. v. .l.l.iiic. It! i . It w i bb ' ', -on The i ril ll ' ,1 . to I In b. .-a'. ii'l'i'l'ic i i SECOND DISASTROUS FIRE IN ORANGE i:a.V'I ..t tt.- V i , July L'0. Klrc lh:it t..i-.ti mm tWMrU h to- (I..V . mo 41 (liihuiRfM only i:ir- ti,ill- I.', iiroirano;, TUt ron f);, jr.'4 1 1 -i . the 'it -I (I -1 r 1 1 t i v n- HllM'e l.l l S - loher, hell WO hjor'k1 W ere c.l ill e. to ,Mh'H, hrol' "r r;irl lo.,i in ' ' "k him kmiilMi whop, Hwt aloro )Miiiw;n .iv'riii' and wa fi!iHrly woh-lut-il afl'-r nn wntlrw block AihiI huine.l KailrojiJ enlMiM ami .1 j tM(rj((.t hi mi'h- wrj hrouKht into iluy. starting apparatus shortly nfler flee o'clock. Three lnemlcr of President Taft's cabinet, Herretarv of the Navy Meyer. Attorney tleneral VVIckersham, and Postmaster (leneriil Hitchcock were on hand to witness the expect ed. Can Make Ixuig Flights. In todays flight Mr Wright met every requirement aet forth by the government except that cif currying one pasenger and making the five mile straightaway run; ' ' 1 ' Wilbur Wright, replylnk fr ft' eonJJ metit that the night today would have w rirtte,wfrtth ' of thi " Hnlr111 channel whleh Hubert Ijithani unsuc cessfully attempted to cms yesterday said It would have ibeeii possible for his brother to tune crossed .from Kninco tn KnKland rind to have re turned to li'tiice again without land ing. He also remarked Hiat It would have been easy to have continued tn ilav's Might as far ns llnltlmore. NEGRO RAVISHER WILL BE FIRST INjLECTRIG CHAIR Mnife Who Outraged (,'roa tan Woman Will Suffer Dcafh Sc)tcmbcr 10. KMM-hii d, Tin- ritu. ii ) A:U,i N. c , J,ijy 20 Tl. Uint in.-in win. Ih l'i 1m- I'XM'iib i in (In i HI- th.iir In North t'liullna wn vcNt'i'lxy jil,i i ll in t(w Mtiili prison. Mr In ',itt i Moi rlM'iri, ii iu ro of IJfjlHHon (Mimly. coiiVih iil IiihI wM'K - I ji i i i in in; 1 1 ii.-Huuh ii Mn fi ( roa lit ii v''in;in. The nmii 1 I win t y- h-v, f i I'm f r, Thf ii' Kf M'rrjjrn who w to D h-rtt ik ut-il in thtt kI:iD'h triufi will uv Hi.- pi n.illv ImpoHi-d hy llic l.iu on tin- I 'iit h ..f Ht-picriilif-r ll- oin imiD'l llo- ,i-nulr on the Croiitah wo rn, i n 1 1 1 ill I If r oi In 1 1 .tin mid i . hi ,i l v .Ml'! h'' w:i" rufivlclfil till V.'-rii t I It 1 1 r. im n l iii ! II.- Wii m ( ,uj(h I lie i t Mini lliiV llltT tlH' I till' ,.' i i ,nt in ii t'-'l. Im i ti k fotniil in hi' r.ithfr';' re ar Maxtua. 'I hi- IH lil o ;i i:i -'f 1 1 f 'lino W In n h'' v ii m lift it ' .i I - 1 'hi 1 1 nw . tl ; D rrn tlvi- y -:ti-A for ft I- inj. I at ' fhiilrinl annili, th iiti-iii' hi jiik rnaih- IlL-hl t.. .iiH- .if hi .iit h M' ha . i-ii -hi i h,- chain H VT.ll llllH IM'I A.I ' oil h' . :i '. hoiiu- f r in u i 1 1 1 ;i I ' m h 1 1 thi- l.ivl iilrro- Hi;i( hiint," ihiith I" him w ,i . oin iii it let The w nlM'in A hi i in to i -w . i 1 1 ! t t a i - 1 1 Im r w .i h I ii'i u it h fo r fill en i hi H'?ir hV h ' M . i I I i ' f I i f I i"i -II .'I . pr.nK h"l In r Id I ..hi h r i h l t Im -was ;i man iIvihk "ft ihf -i.. ..f fh. hiM h--. i l.t b.n j r . t- -ii' li th. ' itna n t loin h t j i i . (or h ih harol T.iUnir U r . IhM -n h- ; ,n i:i. -h- i-ii l h ii h ( h'- ii.a'M. t H e x A :i IH O. Th f' i t h Ti t - n- M. :i I :i ! h;tinl. llo fo io i.-.l I to- ' hibl I n I throwinK h Into the bijMh. --, o. 14.0.', ere 1 1 fhe he Jil-Kh W'oini n. I lie:i 1 ' ami W e;i Vc I v -), . w;i ( not a Me l . r -1 hlM allai k. Ifi'. rejiort i,f man -n the ne of the roal w r j rm r-r !v :i rune t,, t j,,,r n ,a i ' llJlehe. r-fifJVMIir'S. ',;i.. .!iil' I'M.- U'li.n hin h'-r-i- il mhed uroler .1 shell, r lo .l.M' at hi home n;r Ltirnrikm. W. .1.' fieml wa jitrtK'k bv a f im-'ri: r.ifl. r atnl hi uhk severe v injur.! A vi' ter Who Wltll'M'H 1 U' H( ( Lieut ilfopiMil (Icfiii ;h fi rt'Mull f th men t il hIi.m k. l'KK'i: E1YE CENTS. PAYNE JEALOUS OF ALORICH LEAVES Discord Prevails In Republh can Gamp Jeopardizing Special Interest TAKK TIIEIK TROUBLES TO PKESIDENT TAPT Look to Him to Get The Votes to Carry Out Ills Pro gram for Revision (lly iVtHm'talctl I'ress.) WASHINTUN, July ao.Th tariff bill ns boldteil Hbov. th blckftrlng at cnniiiuaeliinul eonfirea toduy and transferred bodily from the capUol to the white house, Itand-locked b 1 nunc of the ultitudn nf ltepriHwnt llve Puyne, who pps.rntly has bs i iiriie obsessed Willi thu growing con Urtlcin HitiMie Ih in the minority, the eiinferees iibiiiidonc'd tlw uiiiial after nuon seRHlon. Henutor Aldrlch and Kpeuker Cannon repaired to th Whit hoii'V. iiiihI hiiHt,. to consult With Pres ident Tuft, literally taking th Urlft bill with them. What happened at the Whits nous between th. president and th sen fa slid house lenders la it sealed book. When Messrs. Aldrli It and Cannon rs 1 in ned to th in pi tol. thy mlnlmie4 the dirrevi'iictia that hud) aruusad bit terni'Hs In thu' cnnferMiin room and In nl Html that iinthltiT linusiiat had OA currcr. Nnvertheless, thera haa bn trouble behind thusn closid doom that shut thu public from the room whara the real tariff bill la being construct ed. Home suy that th. difference ta tween Henator Aldrlch and Raira seiitnttva 1'nynii hava taken auch form (hat prugrvaa Is Imimaalbla unless tha pri'sldi'tit haa Intlutmca nougtk) : to l onipei nctl.m. . , ',- Vtum tint Mad. From a t-ruilltubla .auutrca It wa . learned that a drlsht was reached whan : an eljort wns mads lata yenterdayV Votn tin lumbpf, Mr. I'ayna pratasiad v and argued that auch a mova would b unfair to the. uraaldont .aa 4hla was one of Hi a nulijerts practtaall siibmltti'ct ( him for adjualmant, pr vldliitt he could grt Vote vnoughr la the two hoiines to adopt coin promts rates, Mr. I'tiynn la raportad to haV(t shIiI thrit h wijuld not slHti a tionlWr cure I't'iiort merely twcatlsa a majority nf the house republican ennfeners had ami'ed to It. With his emit IHlis furlnd nhniit him, Mr. I'nyno stalked angrily from the rinim. VVhcen asked why an enrly ad Journnie.'H for the day was takan to duy, Mr. A Id rich hrid other confaraea mild it wax to give nil of tham an opportunity to consult wllh their cof leuKiies and ' cunatltiM-nta about pro tuifals for the seltlenietvt. of numar oils lltlieuduients. The Iweiity-thnv republicans of th house who culled upon President Taft recent ly to plead with him to recad (c ' on page six ) T BRINES ABOUT STRIKE SETTLEMENT WHEN OTHERS FAILED llifen clicrt I Jel Ween Staild 11 1-1 1 Sled C.'ii' ;uid Its M.iiiv Minplovcs. 110TH si 1 iks vii:li (lt AhHfM'Inlcil I'lens.) 1:1 "i i, 1: 1:, im . jolt : The airik foi lour .1 ivh In : tied up the Standard SI. -el i Mr company' work ...ii . 111..1 in., to. in in.l Hi.- Ihlrty in. liiui.lie.l' t of Ih. plant ,idi i. mm lo tii.ik 1,. in.. 1 row iiuirn- ili llo m. 1 1 bin. Ill i- .1 lecltlal ll-' ..i , ,, l. .lh pi. 1, . .1. Ii yielding point. 1 .11 III effolt to I. 1. ll 111 undi r- -tali.lllll- .1. '' Tlic nii-ike it ii bi'.iii'hl t.i nn and Ibroiii-li ill.- irtott.'i of Itct l-'ather I''. 1:, , . ' '.Iki of Ho- I'olMll Calhollo . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 h . 1 . I'nll ..ciiik Ibe ll el' Til ll loll of all ul- iiiiiii.,iii l.t ll..- 1 lodav. Attorney l.iti M. IVi-.- and I Hli.r Iteczsew k ., ,t,i,. , ,!!.. I into . ..n.-iilfatnin with . on, pant olii. I II '. ..ho arreed to tak b.c. I; .ill "t lie- tioikmc n and con s null lo a 1.' In. lion "1 the percent .,f rents taken 'from tha pat . rite lop. a .d Ih.- men eac ft We. It. Father Ileczs.tvkl alum far the irlkeri Con ns'ieed to :-.:,amlon tha ib-nt.-i il l for an Increase. In w ages. . otniciitlnK to th- company's tale that it it. "ild follow Its . ii-doin in mii'li math is. At. a gr ce nt ttay drawn up tiliiili a rai I bv the vrikors al a muss meet In Id this evening. ('oll.iwin'g tha nnniin. emelit of the . ttlemeni 01 m rllte it was agreed that the twenty- rn. m.-ii In Jail .In connection with . labor troubles be released Immediate-. ly on a nominal bail. .4 CONFERENCE ID for treatment. f